- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 1457
Blessed Alfonso Maria Fusco (March 23, 1839 - February 6, 1910) was a Roman Catholic priest and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist, commonly known as Baptistine Sisters. Their mission was to evangelize, educate and promote youth, especially those who were most poor, abandoned and at risk.
Don Alfonso Maria Fusco was born to Aniello Fusco, a farmer and his wife Giuseppina Schianova, at Angri, Salerno, Italy, March 23, 1839. Alfonso's birth was attributed to the intercession of St. Alphonsus de Ligouri, whose tomb was visited by the couple. A Redemptorist Father assured them that they would have a son, whom they would call Alfonso. Two months after the infant's birth, Alphonsus de Ligouri was canonized.
Due to the unusual circumstances related to the boy's birth, Aniello and Giuseppina sent him to a church school, trusting him to priests. This made Alfonso dream of becoming a priest. As a child, he played the role of a priest, saying a mass, singing hymns, and building an altar. From his days of childhood, his parents noticed his compassion for needy children, as told in the book Operaio di Dio ('Alfonso Is His Name'), by Monsignor Salvatore Garofalo.
Maria Fusco is a Belfast born writer, lecturer, art critic, and events organiser. She is Director of Art Writing at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her book of short stories The Mechanical Copula was published by Sternberg Press in 2010. Co-edited with Richard Birkett, Fusco's Cosey Complex, is the first major publication to discuss and theorise Cosey Fanni Tutti as methodology (published by Koenig Books in 2012).
Maria Fusco was Writer in Residence at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in 2009/10, and the inaugural Critic-in-Residence at Kadist Art Foundation in Paris (2008/09). Fusco has contributed to Art Monthly, Frieze,Fillip, and Mousse, (as well as many other publications).
Fusco also edited The Happy Hypocrite, a semi-annual journal (currently on hiatus) for and about experimental art writing.
Maria Fusco is currently writing Sailor, a novel about a monkey and a Browning Hi-Power pistol. Her screenplay for GONDA, a film by film-maker Ursula Mayer based around Ayn Rand's 1934 play Ideal, premiered in April 2012, commissioned by Film London.
Giovanni Battista, was a common Italian given name (see Battista for those with the surname) in the 16th-18th centuries, which in English means "John the Baptist". The French variation is "Jean-Baptiste". Common nicknames include Giambattista, Gianbattista, Giovambattista, or Giambo. The Genoese nickname was Baciccio, and a common shortening was Giovan Battista, Giobatta or simply G.B.. The people listed below are Italian unless noted otherwise.
San Giovanni, the Italian form of "Saint John", is a name that may refer to dozens of saints. It may also refer to several places (most of them in Italy) and religious buildings:
San Giovanni Battista is the Italian translation of Saint John the Baptist.
It can refer to several places, including:
Angri cenni di storia Alfonso Maria Fusco (biografia) 1 parte
A scene from the stage play "ALFONSO" by PHILMARTS ARTISTS as tribute to the Father Founder of the Congregation of Sisters of St. John the Baptist, C.S.S.J.B. SM SOUTHMALL CINEMA 9/25/16
Processione con le spoglie del Beato Alfonso Maria Fusco
Ten years after his beatification an Italian blessed is getting closer to becoming a saint. Alfonso Maria Fusco founded the Congregation of the Sisters of San Giovanni Battista. . --------------------- Suscríbete al canal: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports Visita nuestra web: http://www.romereports.com/ ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the nee...
La chiesa ha da oggi sette nuovi santi, tra i quali il salernitano Alnfonso Maria Fusco. La canonizzazione, seguita con attesa ad Angri, sua città natale, è stata celebrata questa mattina a Roma, da Papa Francesco. In Piazza San Pietro anche le reliquie del santo al quale saranno dedicate diverse iniziative religiose e civili nel corso della prossima settimana, dal 19 al 23 ottobre. (161016)
Holy Mass of Thanksgiving for the recent Canonisation of St. Alfonso Maria Fusco, from the Collegiate Church of San Giovanni Battista, Angri, Italy. Presided by Angelo Cardinal Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints ~ Santa Messa di ringraziamento per la recente canonizzazione di S. Alfonso Maria Fusco, dalla Collegiata di San Giovanni Battista, Angri, Italia. Presieduta dal cardinale Angelo Amato, Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi ~ Messe d'action de grâces pour la canonisation récente de St. Alfonso Maria Fusco, de l'église collégiale de San Giovanni Battista, Angri, Italie. Présidée par le Cardinal Angelo Amato, Préfet de la Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints ~ Heilige Messe des Erntedankfestes für die jüngste Heiligsprechung des hl. Alfonso Ma...
I luoghi di Santo Alfonso Maria Fusco, presentati da Mons. Giuseppe Giudice, Vescovo Nocera Inferiore - Sarno
The Baptistines celebrating their 25 years in the Philippine mission in the footsteps of Blessed Alfonso Maria Fusco, a great man of love and our dear Father Founder. We look back with gratitude and look ahead with hope that God in His great mercy will continue to transform the world in His grace. We are but "useless servants", yet useless though we are, we desire just like our Founder that "even our shadows may do good."
Canonizzazione di S. Alfonso Maria Fusco Roma 16/10/2016
Angri cenni di storia Alfonso Maria Fusco (biografia) 1 parte
Holy Mass of Thanksgiving for the recent Canonisation of St. Alfonso Maria Fusco, from the Collegiate Church of San Giovanni Battista, Angri, Italy. Presided by .
Holy Mass of Thanksgiving for the recent Canonisation of St. Alfonso Maria Fusco, from the Collegiate Church of San Giovanni Battista, Angri, Italy. Presided by Angelo Cardinal Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints ~ Santa Messa di ringraziamento per la recente canonizzazione di S. Alfonso Maria Fusco, dalla Collegiata di San Giovanni Battista, Angri, Italia. Presieduta dal cardinale Angelo Amato, Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi ~ Messe d'action de grâces pour la canonisation récente de St. Alfonso Maria Fusco, de l'église collégiale de San Giovanni Battista, Angri, Italie. Présidée par le Cardinal Angelo Amato, Préfet de la Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints ~ Heilige Messe des Erntedankfestes für die jüngste Heiligsprechung des hl. Alfonso Ma...
Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass with canonisation of : Salomon Leclercq, José Sánchez Del Río, Manuel González García, Lodovico Pavoni, Alfonso Maria Fusco, José Gabriel Del Rosario Brochero, Elisabeth Catez.
Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass with canonisation of : Salomon Leclercq, José Sánchez Del Río, Manuel González García, Lodovico Pavoni, Alfonso Maria Fusco, José Gabriel Del Rosario Brochero, Elisabeth Catez.
Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass with canonisation of : Salomon Leclercq, José Sánchez Del Río, Manuel González García, Lodovico Pavoni, Alfonso Maria Fusco, José Gabriel Del Rosario Brochero, Elisabeth Catez.
Santa Misa y canonización de los Beatos: - Salomone Leclercq - José Sanchez del Río - Manuel González García - Lodovico Pavoni - Alfonso Maria Fusco - José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero - Isabel de la Santísima Trinidad
O Papa preside a missa de canonização dos Beatos: Salomon Leclercq, José Sánchez Del Río, Manuel González García, Lodovico Pavoni, Alfonso Maria Fusco, José Gabriel Del Rosario Brochero, Elisabeth Catez.
Le Pape François préside la messe de Canonisation de 7 Bienheureux: Salomon Leclercq, José Sánchez Del Río, Manuel González García, Lodovico Pavoni, Alfonso Maria Fusco, José Gabriel Del Rosario Brochero, Elisabeth Catez.
Papa Francisco preside la misa con el rito de canonización de 7 beatos: Salomon Leclercq, José Sánchez Del Río, Manuel González García, Lodovico Pavoni, Alfonso Maria Fusco, José Gabriel Del Rosario Brochero, Elisabeth Catez.