Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Back to normal

Was taking a look at the projected order of business in the House of Commons, and I noticed the first three items listed under "Private Member Motions", from Mr. M. Silva, a Liberal MP from Toronto...
M-1 — Mr. Silva (Davenport) — Civil Marriage Act — Notice — April 4, 2006

M-2 — Mr. Silva (Davenport) — Kyoto Accord — Notice — April 4, 2006

M-3 — Mr. Silva (Davenport) — Child care agreements — Notice — April 4, 2006
Don't know what the contents of those motions are, but it looks like we're back to normal. The Liberals are intentionally bringing up three of the most contentious issues right off the bat, rather than letting the Government get the ball rolling.

Par for the course I'd say.


  • At Wed Apr 05, 01:21:00 PM EDT, Blogger Lord Kitchener's Own said…

    Crazy bastards. Acting like their opposed to things!!!

    Who do the think they are, the Official Opposition?

    Didn't they get the memo that now that Dear Leader is in charge we must all obey?

    The nerve.

    They really should take a page from the CPC playbook and set aside partisanship in favour of getting the people's business done.

    Oh, wait....

  • At Wed Apr 05, 05:22:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks L. Kitchener's.......

    I'm a Tory, admire Stephen Harper, etc. But let us not forget that the opposition does have a role to fulfill and a job to do.

    Also - please, let us not margainalize single-issue MPs lest we find it a petard upon which we would rather not get hoisted.


  • At Sat Jul 08, 07:04:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, these are hardly the actions of a viable Opposition. What are the contents of the motions? Are these the Opposition's leading issues today? Whew.


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