Liberal Candidate Does Not Support Green Industry in Guelph 

June 18, 2008 - Ottawa, ON – Yesterday in the House of Commons, Harold Albrecht, M.P. for Kitchener-Conestogo asked  why Frank Valeriote the Liberal canidate in Guelph did not agree with investments in green technology.

When interviewed by the Guelph Mercury on March 20, 2007,  Valeriote expressed his disdain for green technology. “Government shouldn’t help industries invest in green technologies”, said Valeriote. “Instead, the government should place a cap on greenhouse gas emissions”.

Precisely what the candidate proposes to do is a mystery. His leader, Stephane Dion, has already rejected cap and trade, in favour of the now famous Tax Trick, and he openly admits that his party has done nothing.  In another interview with the Mercury, published December 28 2006, he clearly states that “I would be more active much sooner on environmental issues, . . . both locally and nationally," he said. "That's something neither the Liberal party nor the Conservative Party have acted on.”

Conversely, the Conservative Candidate for Guelph, Gloria Kovach has already taken action at both a local and a national level as a councillor and as President of the Canadian Federation of Municipalities. Unlike Mr. Valeriote, Conservative candidate Gloria Kovach understands the positive impact that green research and technology can have for Guelph.
“Guelph ECOtricity is a wonderful example of green technology”, said Kovach. ECOTricity uses methane from old dump sites to produce electricity. “I am proud to have been involved in the planning and funding of this project in Guelph”.

For more information, contact Marilyn Shapka at


Contact Gloria:
Office: 61 Victoria Street South
Guelph ON
Mail: P.O. Box 21029
Guelph ON N1G 4T3
Phone: (519) 830-8683
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