Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Micheal Ignatieff's Contempt of Parliament

In an ironic twist, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has today called on Prime Minister Harper to show contempt for Parliament!

Yes, you heard that correctly... Michael Ignatieff actually WANTS the Prime Minister to do something that would be in contempt of Parliament! First, Iggy falsely accuses the PM of acting in contempt, and with his Opposition allies forces an election over his false accusations. But today, he's flip-flopped on that position, and now wants Mr. Harper to directly interfere with a report from an independent Officer of Parliament, and usurp the prerogative of the House of Commons by making her report public before the House has had the opportunity to see it first.

Which is it, Mr. Ignatieff? You can't have it both ways... you can't falsely accuse him of contempt, and then actively encourage him to do something that would in fact BE an act of contempt. That's what we call "Hypo-Grit-cy".

The ironic thing is, if he hadn't forced this unnecessary election, the AG would today be issuing that report that Mr. Ignatieff so desperately wants to see...

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

YouTube: "The Government Can"

Shown to me by an 11 and 15 year old... even they get it. Maybe you've seen it before, but it's pretty acurate.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

McGuinty Libs attack Hudak, but BACKFIRES HUGE!

Are you kidding me? In an desperate attempt to turn the tables and attack Tim Hudak over the HST, the Ontario Liberals have completely shot themselves in the foot!

In a Press Release entitled "Tim Hudak: HST Here to Stay", they attempted an "GOTCHA!" attack, when Tim Hudak admitted publicly that the Ontario Tories, should they win the next election, will be unable to repeal the HST.

Did you catch that? He didn't say "UNWILLING"... he said "UNABLE". Why is that? Because when the McGuinty Liberals made the switch to the HST, they enshrined within the legislation various clauses that prevent any future government for making any changes to the HST whatsoever for the first number of years. Translation? When the McGuinty Liberals screwed up their implementation of the HST, they ENSURED that Ontarians would be screwed for years to come, and that no one could immediately fix the underlying problems with the HST itself.

As a result, the Hudak Tories won't be able to repeal it, or even reduce the rate, right away. Instead, they're going to have to look for other ways to help Ontario families deal with a horribly implemented tax increase that is hurting their every day lives. While Tim had indeed committed to trying to "stop the HST in it's tracks", as the Liberal Press Release also reports, it was the McGuinty Liberals to used their majority to ram the HST through.

So here we have the Liberals, in what can only be described as total desperation, attempting to attack Tim Hudak for, wait for it... TELLING THE TRUTH. Which, of course, makes perfect sense, if you're a Liberal... BECAUSE TO LIBERALS, TELLING THE TRUTH TO THE VOTERS IS CRIME THAT MUST BE PUNISHED.

Now there's something you don't see everyday... the Liberals are issuing Press Releases on behalf of Tim Hudak, informing the public that Hudak is being honest with Ontarians? Not only that, they're helping to remind the voting public that it's their own Party who screwed the province with the HST.

Okay, it's official... NOW I HAVE seen everything!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Iggy's LiberalExpress bus fixed by... HARPER!!!

Oh how the twists of irony just won't stop for the poor "Just Visiting Express"... it turns out that poor Ignatieff's stricken bus was towed to and repaired by "Harper Diesel" in Cornwall, Ontario.

Yes indeed folks, Iggy's tour is cursed...
Harper saves Liberal bus
By Brian Lilley, Parliamentary Bureau

When Michael Ignatieff’s Liberal Express bus broke down on the first day of his cross-Canada tour, he had to call on Harper for help.

The bus overheated on Hwy. 34 just outside of Hawkesbury, Ont., leaving Ignatieff joking to supporters that “A guy named Stephen Harper was seen running away from the bus with motor oil on his hands.”

While Stephen Harper had no part in the breakdown, a Harper was hired to repair the bus.

Once a second bus arrived to carry passengers, supplies and luggage to Cornwall for a late event Tuesday evening, the Liberal Express was towed to Harper Diesel, a garage specializing in engine parts and repairs for buses and transport trucks.

An employee with Harper Diesel’s Cornwall service centre would only confirm the Liberal Express had been fixed there, adding the irony of Harper fixing Ignatieff’s bus hadn't dawned on him until contacted by QMI Agency.
h/t to Wilson (via the comments)

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ANOTHER delay in Iffy's "Just Visiting Express" tour

Oh man, this tour has GOT to be cursed... according to Ottawa Citizen reporter Matthew Pearson, the OPP have closed the 401 near Brockville, due to truck fire... the Just Visiting Express is facing yet ANOTHER delay.

I've got to admit, following the #lpcx feed is turning out to be MOST entertaining... take this photo, for example, from good old Stephen Taylor... oh how the metaphors write themselves...

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ottawa Earthquake... website down

Oh the irony... the website for Canada's earthquake centre, likely located in Ottawa, is down after a 5.0 quake there.

Felt it all the way out in KW, on the 4th floor at work.  The place shook for about 12 seconds, my boss and I looked at each other, and both said "Earthquake?".  Couple other co-workers felt it, not most though.

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Lucky #13 - Guelph MP Frank Valeriote amongst "Most Absentee Liberal MP's"

Well what do you know... Guelph's Liberal MP Frank Valeriote is the Lucky #13 on the "Most Absent Liberal MP's" list. Guess he's just following in the footsteps of his mentor and predecessor, Brenda Chamberlain... who earned the distinction of being the second most absent MP in her final year in the House, beating only former Prime Minister Paul Martin.
Liberals Skipping Work

Did you know that there are people who count how often parliamentarians actually show up to vote?

In the case of the Liberal Party of Canada, that is quite a lot. This kind of absenteeism generally doesn't make headlines, except that it should when these same Liberal MPs were protesting in the streets of Canada for Parliament to be sitting just a few short months ago.

"Parliament is the sovereign" Ignatieff so solemnly declared.

Prorogation created an alleged grass roots fury that allegedly enraged our Nation. The Liberals quickly jumped on that bandwagon.

Since prorogation, Iggy has missed 29 votes! The Prime Minister, the busiest of all members who has to fly all over the world on a frequent basis missed 16 votes.

13 of the top 16 absentee MPs are from the Liberal Party. 25% of the Conservative caucus has not missed a vote this session, but the same can only be said of 2% of the Liberal caucus (Dryden and Milliken).

So who are those "Lucky 13" Liberals MPs who don't like showing up to cast a vote for their constituents? The following list is in order of the most truant Libs. Marlene Jennings had eye surgery. That is an adequate excuse.

Most Absent Liberal MPs

1. Michael Ignatieff
2. Marlene Jennings (due to eye surgery)
3. Ruby Dhalla
4. Jim Karygiannis
5. Pablo Rodriguez
6. John Cannis
7. Judy Sgro
8. Gerard Kennedy
9. Marc Garneau
10. Kirsty Duncan
11. Mario Silva
12. Stéphane Dion
13. Frank Valeriote
Guess the rookie MP must have gotten lost in the halls or something while the votes were being taken...

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Car crash interrupts (and pretty much summarizes) the UK Labour campaign

Oh my... sometimes, you just can't get away from the symbolism.  Prime Minister Gordon Brown was at an outdoor launch for a new Labour campaign poster, when it was interrupted by a very loud crash... that of a car crashing right in front of the venue.

Poor Gordon Brown... his bad week just won't end.

We all remember when "the wheels fell off" the Martin campaign, right?

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"You think it's easy to cast a vote in the House of Commons?"

LOL... CBC's Rosemary Barton took a shot at the Liberals tonight in her blog post title, spoofing Dion's infamous quote with a post entitled, "You think it's easy to cast a vote in the House of Commons?" You have to read it for yourself... the Liberals started out the day trying to make the Tories look bad, and ended the day looking like "The Gang that Can't Shoot Straight".

Other media outlets are also reporting on the Liberals losing vote tonight, with none of them flattering. The Globe & Mail reports, "Liberals thwart Rae’s reproductive ‘options’ push", while CTV reports it as "Liberals falter as abortion debate flares up".

Kady O'Malley's LiveBlogging report of the vote is none to cheery either... if you're a Liberal.

I just know I'll be falling asleep with a smile on my face tonight.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Political Subsidy issue to return to the House?

Maybe I wasn't so far off the mark after all... Dimitri Soudas has dropped a hint that the Liberals may have opened the door for us to take another stab at the politial subsidy issue.
"But if the opposition parties are so concerned with saving money, Soudas said, they should support the Conservative’s position to end all political party subsidies, which cost about $25 million a year. He said that would “demonstrate a real commitment” to saving money.

In late 2008, the government tried to introduce legislation ending the per-vote-subsidy of political parties, which sparked the coalition crisis that nearly booted the Conservatives from power."
With the Liberals trying to ban 10%ers under the guise of "saving taxpayers millions of dollars", they may have inadvertantly opened the door to a re-introduction of our efforts to save the taxpayers even more money by eliminating the taxpayer funded politial subsidy altogether.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the House's Internal Board of Economy come back to the House with recomendations for a new bill that eliminates funding for BOTH "ten percenters" AND the per-vote political subsidy. Either that, or they end up deadlocked, with the Liberals and the Bloc opposed, with the Tories and the NDP supporting some reform on both these issues. Because, let's face it... the elimination of the subsidy hurts the Liberals WAY MORE than it hurts the NDP.

This one could end up being yet another instance where the Liberals are too clever by half... or where Iffy again tries to put Harper into "CHECK", while Harper responds with a "Check-mate... shall we go again? How about best 5 out of 7? Oh come on, don't give up now... I know you're down 4 to ZIP, but keep playing... you'll get better. Eventually. Maybe."

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Liberals give Harper a HUGE opening with 10%ers

So, the Liberals want to ban 10%ers, eh? I say we amend the motion.

Here's their version:
That, in the opinion of this House, the government should show leadership in reducing government waste by rolling-back its own expenditures on massive amounts of partisan, taxpayer-paid government advertising, ministerial use of government aircraft, the hiring of external “consultants”, and the size of the Cabinet, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Privy Council Office, which together could represent a saving to taxpayers of more than a billion dollars; and to show its own leadership in this regard, the House directs its Board of Internal Economy to take all necessary steps to end immediately the wasteful practice of Members sending mass mailings, known as “ten-percenters”, into ridings other than their own, which could represent another saving to taxpayers of more than $10 million.
In addition, this House is also of the opinion that a further savings of $27 million dollars can be immediately realized through the elimination of the per-vote taxpayer funded political subsidy received by all parties. Therefore, this House also directs its Board of Internal Economy to take all necessary steps to end immediately the wasteful and unnecessary subsidy.
h/t for the idea goes to Hat Rocks Cave.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Prorogue EXTENDED by Ignatieff for 29 MP's

In perhaps the most ironic political twist of the year, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff (despite his demands that MP's be allowed back in the House to "get back to work" during the prorogue) has ORDERED 29 of his Liberal MP's to SKIP WORK INSTEAD, and extend their prorogation by skipping out on any Budget related votes.

UPDATE: Wow, looks like Iffy himself is gonna be skipping out for a few days... remind me again why he wanted back into the House so badly?

Ironic, since he said back when he took over (literally) the Party from Stephane Dion, stating that the Liberals were "done sitting on our hands". (h/t to Alberta Advark for finding this video, see the 1:08 mark) Looks like he's taken a page from the "Not a Leader" playbook, and is ordering 29 of his MP's to sit on their hands by NOT showing up for work.

Even more interesting though, since he had quite the OPPOSITE opinions about "getting to work" on videos like this one here, where he tells reporters at the 0:40 mark, "What I like doing right now is opening the doors of Parliament, continuing to work even if other parties aren't, do our job one step at a time"

Or how about this one, where he says at the 1:59 mark, "and you're here to say, to everyone who has the good fortune to work up there, GET BACK TO WORK!"

Now that he's decided to EXTEND the Prorogue for 29 of his MP's, what's he got to say for himself now?

You might also find the anti-prorogue statments of some of those 29 MP's quite enlightening, now that they've done a 180 degree about face when it comes to "showing up for work", like they accused the Conservatives of not doing back in January.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ignatieff extends Proroguation for 29 Liberal MP's

After yelling, screaming and shouting to be back in the House of Commons, to deal with and vote on "important issues", Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has personally extended the Prorogue for 29 of his Liberal MP's... more than a third of his entire caucus.

"It's the height of hypocrisy I tells ya," said Joe Canadian, who attended his local anti-prorogue rally. "They told us point blank, to our faces that they NEEDED to be back in the House of Commons to 'Hold Harper to account' and deal with important stuff like the economy. Then when Harper finally lets them back in and asks them to vote on the Budget, they don't even have the dignity bother to showing up."

The names of the MP's on Ignatieff's "Post-Prorogue Extended Vacation Tour" are:

Bagnell, Larry
Bennett, Carolyn
Bevilacqua, Maurizio
Byrne, Gerry
Cannis, John
Coderre, Denis
Cotler, Irwin
Dhalla, Ruby
Duncan, Kirsty
Eyking, Mark
Foote, Judy
Fry, Hedy
Garneau, Marc
Kania, Andrew J.
Karygiannis, Jim
LeBlanc, Dominic
MacAulay, Lawrence
Martin, Keith P.
McTeague, Dan
Murphy, Brian
Murphy, Shawn
Murray, Joyce
Pacetti, Massimo
Patry, Bernard
Regan, Geoff
Sgro, Judy
Silva, Mario
Russell, Todd
Trudeau, Justin

And now ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Bonus Round!!! Let's take a look at some quotes from some of these MP's over the last while, shall we? (A mega hat tip goes to anyone who can find other killer hypocritical quotes... or even video footage of their rally speeches where they promise to show up for work)
Carolyn Bennett - "Many on the Hill today we saying that this will keep growing .... wait til the Olympics are over and the CONS are STILL not back to work" ("or til after the Throne Speech and Budget, at which time I'll be the one skipping work... ")

Twitter - lib Carolyn Bennett M.D. - "I am proud to be going to work on Jan25... and every day" ("except Budget Day, of course... "The Boss" wants me to cower in a corner that day instead")

Twitter - lib Hedy Fry - "Lib MPs back to work this week, notwithstanding Harper's lock out." ("But I'll won't be at work for the Budget vote, thanks to the Iffy "Avoid an Election at All Costs" lock out")

lib Hedy Fry - "Stephen Harper has shut down Parliament to avoid accountability, but running away from Canadians just wont work" ("but running away works GREAT to avoid getting thrown out of office in an election!")

lib Hedy Fry - Harper is closing down Parliament for the next 2 months in his desperate bid to hide from the Canadian people. What an insult to democracy!" ("But getting told by my leader to hide from Canadians by skipping the Budget vote to avoid an election, well that's just democracy inaction... err, I meant 'in action', sorry")

Ruby Dhalla - "As many of you know, the Prime Minister made a decision to shut down Parliament until March. However my Liberal colleagues and I have still been hard at work on your behalf." ("until the Budget comes up that is, cause I plan on bailing in order to keep my seat and my pension!")

Justin Trudeau (Twitter) - "Marching against prorogation in Mtl. You know it's a good day when even the Communist Party comes out for democracy." 23 January at 12:06 ("cause you know what fans my fam is of those commies...")

Justin Trudeau (Twitter) - "Back to Ottawa for two days of meetings about how best to serve Canadians when the Liberals get back to work on the Hill next week." 19 January at 08:50

Justin Trudeau (Twitter) - "Looking forward to getting back to work on the 25th, Steven Harper wont keep me from working hard in Ottawa for the people of Papineau." 08 January at 18:44 ("But Iffy will when he asks me to skip the Budget vote")

Dan McTeague
"We're going back to work on Monday with or without the government" ("err, scratch that I guess, cause I won't be there for the Budget vote")

Re: Anti-Spam Bill and Prorogue - "I was a little annoyed when I heard that Parliament was going to be prorogued" (but obviously not enough to bother showing up once the House was back in session)

Keith Martin (Twitter) - let us use todays demonstration as just the start of a citizens movement to take back Parliament with the MPs they have sent to serve them" 10:55 PM Jan 23rd via mobile web ("except, of course, for Budget Day... cause Iggy's gonna get us KILLED at the polls if we bring down the House")

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Liberal attack backfires once again

So, the Liberals want to raise the issue of political donations and appointments, eh? Well, try this one on for size guys.

The article in question gives several examples of people who donated, who then subsequently received judicial appointments. The "big spender" on the list is Yves Poirier, who gave a whopping $1,100 in 2008. I submit to you that the eleven hundred bucks are only relevant for one reason... it serves only as a partial indicator of the guys ideology. Never mind the fact that he's a qualified lawyer and all. Naturally, you'd think that the government would be inclided to appoint judges who are more in line with the ideology of the government of the day, right? Goodness knows the Liberals did, with all the left-leaning judges they appointed. (including, I'll remind you, all the extremist judicial activists that keep getting reported in the news, with their ultra-light sentences for serious crimes... and it's because of these morons that we're forced to pass legislation to force them to give reasonable sentences. But I digress...)

So, if they want to compare apples to apples, let's take a good look at the Liberal's own record... how about the Senate? You see, when the Liberals are in power, you can even buy your very own Senate seat!

That's right, for a mere $12,844.60, you to can have your very own Liberal $enate $eat(TM)! Just ask Denni$ Daw$on... because that's how much he paid!

But what if you're a disgraced former Liberal Cabinet Minister? That's okay, the Liberals even have a discount rate for that! For the low low cost of $9,678.63, you can join the likes of Francai$ Fox, and take your place well deserved place in the "Honourable" Red Chamber!

So now... are you Liberals sure you want to try and keep this story going? Cause I'm sure we bloggers would be MORE than happy to keep on digging.

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Saturday, February 06, 2010

Ignatieff's abortion plank changes the channel, and earns him more critisim

We all are aware of Iggy's crass partisan move(*) this week, a move that was intended to smear Prime Minister Harper and paint him into a box on the divisive issue of abortion.

Well, it looks like this one's really gotten away from him and blown up in his face, first with one of his own MP's rebuking him, and now with several Catholic leaders publicly condemning him for playing politics with the important issue of women's and children's health abroad.

And they don't mince their words either...
Calgary Bishop Fred Henry yesterday called Mr. Ignatieff's proposal "pathetic," while on Thursday Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto labelled the Liberal leader's position on abortion and the developing world "sad."

"In light of the many positive contributions that Canada can make to the improvement of maternal and child health, it is astonishing that the leader of the Opposition has issued an official statement advocating contraception and abortion as fundamental elements in addressing this important issue," said Archbishop Collins. "Even those who think that abortion should be allowed do not, however, propose it as a positive contribution to the good of society."

Bishop Henry was even more blunt.

"I thought it was pathetic for a political leader to suggest that abortion is somehow tied to the health of women and children," said Bishop Henry. "It was a particularly crass remark in light of all the orphaned children we now see in Haiti. It was absolutely incredible that he would say that and he is alienating religious people with these comments. This will not win him votes."
Opening up this "Pandora's Box" has also had the effect of forcing him off message for the last few days, because instead of being able to answer questions about other Liberal issues while on the road, he keeps getting hammered with questions from the media about abortion, and about the fallout he's getting over it. He's been forced to react for two days now, instead of being able to put forward the ideas being generated from the various round tables the Liberals are hosting in various cities.

Rule number one... when your opponent is on the ropes, and you have control of the agenda, you DON'T do anything to change the channel. And that's what Ignatieff has gone and done with this one. In trying to score a political cheap shot on Harper, he cleanly missed, and has ended up taking a few blows himself. What's more, is that he's gone and changed the channel for Harper... without Harper even having to say a word on the issue. His caucus has been smart and not put their foot in their mouth, and left Iggy on the stage all by himself on this one... where he's started a fire that he can't seem to put out.

And on that note, I'll say this... thanks for the helping hand Iggy! Oh, don't worry... we'll be surely making use of your remarks in some of those ridings where we were losing support, and where you were starting to make headway. As this one will fire up some of our base that was starting to become apathetic, you just reminded many Canadians of faith why they DON'T want you to become Prime Minister... with an issue that we could never talk about. But you did that for us, so thanks again!

* So much for not using "the politics of division" there guys... wasn't that supposed to be one of you hallmarks Iggy?

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Ignatieff DEMANDS funding for murdering foreign babies

As a staunchly pro-life individual, there's really no other way I can "spin" Ignatieff's demands. Who knew the Liberals would sink so low as to advocate the murder of innocents to further their own "political ideology"... which is, ironically, exactly what he was accusing Harper of considering.
Include abortion in maternal-health pledge,
Michael Ignatieff tells PM

Jane Taber - Tuesday, February 2, 2010 3:57 PM

Michael Ignatieff warned Stephen Harper today not to play “ideological games” with women’s health, suggesting the Prime Minister’s new commitment should extend to abortion programs.

“Let’s keep the ideology out of this and move forward,” said the Liberal leader at an afternoon press conference.
On an interesting note, Mr. Ignatieff better watch where he steps on this file... as some members of his own Party will break ranks with him if it comes down to a vote, that much is sure.

UPDATE: One commenter had a very good point, mentioning how Iggy never actually uses the "A" word in his statement. Notice that? Looks like he's trying to take a political shot at Harper, while keeping his hands clean.

Which got me to thinking that once again, Iggy may end up with egg on his face with this stunt. By opening this Pandora's Box within his own ranks, some Liberal MP's are already distancing themselves from Ignatieff on this file.

Mr. Harper now has the golden opportunity of coming out with a stellar overall health aid package... one that addresses some of the more immediate needs of children and mothers around the world like food, water, medicine, and access to health care workers. With the massive scope of issues there are to deal with, all Harper has to do is address urgent and real needs, and avoid reproductive issues altogether. How can the Liberals oppose that?

Of course, that will hopefully leave the media to question why Iffy tried to play the old abortion "fear" card to score cheap points. Hopefully, they'll rightly take him to task for trying to play politics and score points with such a serious international health issue. (if they even bother, mind you... though I'm not holding my breath)

Yep, it looks like Iggy tried moving his rook, and left his Queen WIDE OPEN for Prime Minister "Chessmaster".

UPDATE II: My level of respect for Liberal MP Paul Szabo just went up a few notches... (LSN) contacted several pro-life Liberal members for their comments. Liberal MP Paul Szabo says he was caught off guard by the announcement, noting that the subject was not even raised during the caucus meeting

“The full day was on CIDA issues,” he said. “I sat there all day long, the subject wasn’t discussed.”

Disputing Ignatieff’s claim of consensus, Szabo said, “I am a pro-life MP and there are many of my colleagues in the Liberal caucus who will protect the unborn in their decisions as Parliamentarians, and should matters come before the House they will continue to act accordingly.”

Szabo said it was “opportunistic” of the Women’s Caucus of the Liberals to use something as important as maternal health to push their pro-abortion agenda.

“I don’t think this is Liberal Party position,” he concluded, “it was never discussed with the caucus and the caucus never had an opportunity to express its views.”
A memo to the Conservative National Council... our candidate in Missassauga South better be pro-life, cause if you're planning to take this guy out in the next election, I might personally back Szabo. Just food for thought.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

PETA gets what they deserve

Those friendly Newfoundlanders... always willing to share a pie, even with folks who are seeking to kill their livelihoods.

Well deserved after their stunt the other day.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

What does one do after helping to bankrupt a radio station?

Why not help to bankrupt an entire nation? Air America, the radio station that now US Senator Al Franken helped to found, has filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy... which means immediate liquidation of all assets.

Rumour is that he's taken the lessons learned from his stint there to the US Senate, seeking to apply them to Obama's Healthcare reform package...

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obama mirroring Jimmy Carter's numbers?

Now this is an interesting trend line, especially since I predicted he'd end up being "Jimmy Carter the Second"... guess who's Presidential Approval Rating Obama's most closely resembles, from Harry Truman to today? That's right... it looks a whole lot like Jimmy Carter's... except without the upticks.

But don't take my word for it... take a look for yourself. Also interesting is the fact that he's actually polling 8% LOWER than Carter did at the same time in his Presidency, with almost 20% HIGHER disapproval numbers. All the more interesting with the Special Election taking place for Teddy Kennedy's seat tomorrow.

Here's an interesting piece of trivia for all you electoral buffs out there... anyone care to guess what happened during the first Senate Special Election during Carter's Presidency? That's right... the incumbent Democrats lost a Senate seat they'd held for almost 20 years.

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Liberals step in it again! Oh the irony!

Gotta love this blunder... seems the Liberals have launched yet another backfiring "contest" on their website. Remember the last one, the photo challenge? Yea, that one went REAL well.

Anyway, this new one is the Stephen Harper 'Just Vacationing' Out-of-Office Reply Challenge.

Now, for the irony part...

Where exactly is Stephen Harper right now? According to Stephen Taylor, he's at work, IN OTTAWA.

And where might Michael Ignatieff be? ON VACTION, "JUST VISITING" EUROPE!!!

Another contest, and another FAIL from the Liberal Party of Canada!

UPDATE: Taylor caught that too, update is on his post.

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