Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Ibbitson: A Primary system for Liberal Leadership?

John Ibbitson put forward a radical idea today for renewing the Liberal Party in his Globe & Mail article... how about opening up the Liberal Leadership process to an open and national primary system? And you know what? I honestly think that's a GREAT idea!

Most of my readers will know, of course, that I'm a card-carrying Tory, and that I'm committed to the DESTRUCTION of the Liberal Party of Canada... IN IT'S PRESENT INCARNATION, that is. Fundamentally, on a vast majority of the issues, I actually fall more to the left side of the Conservative Party... other than key SoCon issues of course, but I'm actually a lot more "Red Tory" than most people realize. (for example, most long-time readers will recall that I'm not a big fan of "small government"... I'm more a fan of "SMALLER Government", but do think that the Government should indeed be in charge of more sectors than my Libertarian friends do...)

All that being said, I do believe that Canada needs a true "centrist" option, but one that's NOT powerful enough to be able to form a Government on it's own. I think having a smaller rump of a party, say 20-40 seats, that could be a governing partner on either side of the political spectrum, would be a healthy thing for Canada. The problem is that the current LPC doesn't really care about the issues, they care only about POWER... and as such, spends more time trying to score political points with issues, instead of articulating an actual VISION that keeps the Party consistent. (one of the reasons I hate the current LPC so much is that they have the political consistency of JELLO... wobbly, slippery, and impossible to nail to a wall) So an idea that will force the LPC to actually define a more consistent VISION, even one that changes with the changing of it's leadership, (instead of changing on an issue by issue, week to week basis) could be beneficial to Canadians. (And it might help to end the trend of mindless peons who simply vote Liberal because their families have ALWAYS voted Liberal, because people would actually have to start THINKING before they vote for their "default" family option...)

This idea might actually lead to a true "centrist" Canadian party, instead of a leftist/statist conglomerate of special interest groups that Canadian voters soundly rejected in the last election. Imagine... average voters, who want to have a say but don't want to pay a membership or join a Party, being able to pick the "vision" from a field of candidates that most closely aligns to their own. It would result in LESS power for the special interest groups that currently hold the Liberal Party hostage, and create a more "Canadian" centrist party than currently exists. Because you see, right now the Libs think that only what they deem as "Canadian values" are the only values that are legitimate... this would end that notion, because real CANADIANS, and not special interest groups, would be telling the LPC what "Canadian" values really are.

As a result of that, their platform would be RADICALLY different than their most recent offerings. It would be a more realistic reflection on what Canadians are actually thinking, and not what the various LPC Grand Poobahs try to LECTURE Canadians on how they should think. (by the way... how's that strategy working for you guys these days?) Hey, if the regular Joe Canadian was able to have a say like that, they may even come up with a vision that I'd be willing to vote for! (Of course, I'm talking about when Harper retires after his FOURTH CONSECUTIVE MAJORITY MANDATE!

Of course, you all know why I like Harper so much... clearly RIGHT, but pragmatically so, and as such able to make decisions for the good of the WHOLE COUNRTY, not being held captive to the influence of one or two special interest groups. He lines up with my vision of the country perfectly... someone who's clearly "conservative", but can govern a nation filled with people of ALL political stripes. Yea, I'm hoping he sticks around for a few terms.

But back to the Liberal Party... I actually voted for them in 1997. NOT for the LPC of course, but for my LOCAL candidate. I'd met him a number of times, and he more closely aligned with my vision and values than the "used car salesman" that the Reform had put forward, or the "dead man walking" that the PC's had put forward. (plus there was that whole "get your act together before I vote for you guys" attitiue that I had for both parties on the right back in those days...)

So personally, I'm a fan of Ibbitson's idea. Just imagine with me for a few moments... various candidates with truly differing visions, travelling around the country from province to province, with different provinces voting on different days, weeks apart like in the US primaries. Have two "divisions" of provinces, with the smaller ones slated to go first, and the three most populous ones later in the process, to ensure that the Big Three don't get to decide who the leading candidates are before the rest of the country has had their say. Instead of having set dates within each division, have a randomly assigned order every cycle, so that you don't get a PEI or New Brunswick always going first, and thus avoiding a perpetually and overly important New Hampshire or Iowa primary. This would also ensure that no one of the Big Three gets to set the agenda for the other two, which would certainly NOT be helpful to national unity.

By having such a process in place, and allowing ANY Canadian to have their say, it would not only renew the Liberal Party, but it would have a profound impact on the other parties as well... the Conservative Party would thereby define themselves with a truly "RIGHT" vision, and the NDP would more likely define themselves with a truly "LEFT" vision. Once the votes are cast in the General Election, Canadians will have more clearly indicated where they want the country to go, and opening up the potential for true coalition governments that would likely more accurately reflect the political will of the people.

For the record, it would actually be NICE to have a real CHOICE when it comes to voting... because right now, I don't have much choice at all. If I don't want to vote Conservative, I don't have an option... there's no way I'd give the NDP the keys to 24 Sussex (though I do think you're a nice guy and all Jack...) and I know the current Liberal Party would simply continue their pattern of social destruction that started way back in 1968. (fortunately, I've got it easy these days, with Harper in charge... cause I actually WANT him to be leading the country. As for the next leader? Who knows... a Mike Harris or Bernard Lord sure, but a Kim Campbell, a Jean Charest, or maybe a Libertarian? Not a chance!)

And I'm being serious here guys... this isn't some nefarious post, secretly wishing that they take my advice and completely destroy themselves... this is an honest evaluation of the idea. It's an idea that I'd very likely partake in... and if I don't like the result of the Leadership contest, I've still got the Conservatives as an option! But I think such an idea would offer real CHOICE to Canadian voters, and would allow for an open, honest, and regularly renewed Liberal Party of Canada. Which is, if I'm correct, what they're aiming for this time around. Well, at least that's what many Liberal voters are hoping for... but as for the current crop of Party insiders, I'm not holding my breath.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Liberal MP Shawn Murphy to retire

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Liberal Senator retires early, 2 seats now open

Not something you see everyday... a Liberal Senator John Bryden has decided to retire almost three years before the mandatory retirement age of 75 in order to spend more time with his family.

There are currently two Atlantic Canada Senate seats to be filled.

We'll all be able to say "Happy New Year" with a little more gusto this year... as of January 2, 2010, we'll officially be up on the Liberals, at 51 vs 50 in the Senate. (of course, we can still be outgunned if the two remaining PC's vote with the Liberals... we won't have an absolute majority until late 2010)

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Monday, October 05, 2009

Root cause of Ruby's "Nannygate" problems?

The Hill Times released their 17th Annual Sexy Savvy, Best Dressed Survey. The survey deals with a wide range of issues on who's best and worst in various catagories, so I was giving it a read today. About two thirds into it, I came across a really interesting little nugget... perhaps it helps explain for us the ultimate roots of Liberal MP Ruby Dhalla's "Nannygate" problems?

From the survey:

Q: Who is the BIGGEST SCROOGE to work for on the Hill?

A: 1. Lib MP Ruby Dhalla 15%

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Liberal knew about Guelph OPIRG scandal?

More cracks have appeared in the OPIRG scandal in Guelph. But this time, the name of a well known Liberal blogger has been connected to this fiasco.

In all fairness, I'm giving the Liberal blogger in question the benefit of the doubt... people send me junk all the time, and I just delete it. Who knows, they might wholeheartedly disagree with the tactics of the left in rigging the OPIRG vote in Guelph last week. But of this there's no doubt... a well known Liberal blogger was included in the distribution list of the following e-mail, in advance of the OPIRG vote last week. It has been forwarded to me via my sources by another individual who disagrees with what went on during the OPIRG elections... again, another leak from within, from someone who's standing up for democracy.

To the Liberal blogger in question... as you can see by looking at your own e-mail, your name is clearly listed in the e-mail posted below... you know I know who you are. In the spirit of co-operation and in a desire to get to the truth, I'm choosing to keep that information to myself. At this point, I am going on the assumption that you were simply the unwilling recipient of the e-mail in question. I would certainly appreciate your insight as to just what went on in this OPIRG election. A non-partisan venture, if you will. You know how to reach me. I would appreciate your help in tracking down just who the anonymous sender is, and what the results of this e-mail were.

But the bottom line is folks, something really smells here... with a budget of over $260,000+ involved, the folks on the left PANICED when they realized that several Conservatives were going to end up on the Board. From what I've been able to piece together, based on the number of candidates who registered prior to the original deadline, it would appear that at least ONE, if not more of them, were going to end up on the Board of Directors of Guelph's OPIRG. However, due to the extra time afforded them by extending the nomination deadline, they were able to marshal their forces and ensure that all five Conservative candidates were blocked.

My question... of the "winning" candidates, how many of them had applied PRIOR to the original nomination deadline? If none of them... then the OPIRG has some serious explaining to do.

The following e-mail was sent by an anonymous sending to a large list of students at the U of G... Because who knows, it might even be one of the winning OPIRG candidates themselves...
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "V-Day Guelph"
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 7:55:28 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: OPIRG Elections this TUESDAY - VOTE to keep OPIRG alive!!!


OPIRG Voting at 1 Trent Lane from 11am to 4pm Tuesday, March 31st. (Behind Creelman)

The Conservative nominees are bringing in a BUSLOAD OF 70 CONSERVATIVE YOUTH FROM WATERLOO to vote for the Conservative nominees... (FACT - no such "busload" had been arranged, nor even planned... campaigning using "Fear & Smear" tactics, as ususal)

We need ALL THE VOTERS WE CAN GET who are committed to environmental action and social justice and who understand that OPIRG works hard to contribute to these causes.

VOTE on TUESDAY for people who are dedicated to OPIRG's positive work (see names below)... VOTE for OPIRG's CONTINUED PRESENCE ON CAMPUS!!!

If you're unaware of the OPIRG shut-down by Conservatives in Waterloo and what's brewing in Guelph... read on!!! (MYTH DEBUNKING - who ever said ANYTHING about shutting them seeking to shut them down? Their entire campaign has been focused on accountability and value for money... nothing more, nothing less)

(NOTE - Now the following is the interesting part... this text was lifted from the "pro" OPIRG group's Facebook page...)

After a time of initial shock at the sudden interest of Guelph's Conservative Party in OPIRG, the Guelph campus will now experience one of the most controversial elections of the year: over 200 people will likely visit OPIRG this Tuesday, March 31st to vote for the new OPIRG Board.

Eight activists are running, and it's obvious they're serious about winning: Four of them are committed advocates in Guelph's social and environmental justice movements: Ashley Lowenthal, Dominica McPherson, Abigail Wilson and Sara White, among them presenting an array of grassroots work for social and environmental change. The other four activists are Conservatives, running with an organized group of 70 on-campus members; these four are Trent Blanchette, Michael Sona, Ryan Monkman, and Shaun Zanin, among them presenting an impressive dedication to politics and legal volunteerism.

This high-stakes election will depend on whether the hundreds of students who oppose Conservative takeover of OPIRG act on their beliefs and vote next Tuesday, the 31st.

What are the stakes? OPIRG manages $258,000 of grants and student fees to enable social and environmental initiatives on campus that subvert oppressive barriers. OPIRG is the progenitor of many crucial organizations on campus, including Guelph Students for Environmental Change, and hosts dozens of workshops, speakers and new volunteer initiatives every year.

It's easy to see why the four Conservative youth are interested in running for this election - OPIRG would seem to oppose many of the Conservative party's policies. In fact, at a Conservative Youth meeting in February, conservative Campaign Manager Aaron Lee-Wudrick was recorded as saying that 'any Conservative youth that could take over an OPIRG Board would be hailed as a hero in the Conservative party'. Young Waterloo conservatives have already attempted take overs twice in 2002 and 2005.

Despite these facts, caring must go beyond politics - we would be discriminatory to assume that all Conservatives are power hungry and want to destroy the PIRGs. It is possible that these young Conservatives have suddenly shown an impressive amount of commitment to OPIRG because they've realized oppression is real and want to take action for a just world.

OPIRG Voting at 1 Trent Lane from 11am to 4pm Tuesday, March 31st. (Behind Creelman)
There are several questions that arise from all of this...

1) Why was a well known Liberal blogger included in this e-mail? Does this individual support the unethical tactics used by the OPIRG to ensure that Conservative minded students are unable to participate in the decision making process for the OPIRG's $260,000+ budget?

2) If this individual does not support these tactics, will they do the right thing and take a stand in support of a free and fair democratic vote?

3) Will the OPIRG and the Administration of the University of Guelph conduct a serious and legitimate investigation of the decision making process behind why the nomination date for the OPIRG elections was extended?

4) Why did the OPIRG in Guelph extend the nomination deadline for all positions, when there were enough student candidates to fill the student positions? Why did they not simply extend the Community Member nominations? Was it to ensure that Conservative students were blocked from Board membership?

5) Who was involved in the decision to extend the deadline? My sources tell me that the decision may have been made "on the fly", outside of the regular channels... wouldn't such a decision require an official meeting of the OPIRG Guelph Board? If so, will they release the minutes of this meeting? (I mean, with a student funded $260,000 budget, they DO have to keep minutes of their meetings, don't they?)

Will we ever get to the bottom of what happened here? With a few of us bloggers digging deeper, in a non-partisan fashion, maybe... what say you my fellow blogger?

Oh, and by the way... the media would like some answers too...

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Dion's Day One Gaffes

Day One of the campaign, and already we have a couple of gaffes from the Liberal leader. Thanks to Warren Kinsella and CFRB's Bill Caroll for pointing them out!

Early yesterday, Liberal leader Stephane Dion said that Jean Carle of Sponsorship infamy would be a part of the Liberal campaign team. As the Liberal leader, and presumably the leader of the Quebec Liberal caucus, you'd think he'd be a bit more in the know. Anyway, this has been denied by Liberal National Campaign Co-Chair Nancy Girard.

As translated from La Presse by Google:
"Yesterday midday in press conference, the Liberal leader Stéphane Dion said that Mr. Carle would be involved in the campaign. "Carle will have a role. I am not exactly aware of which, but it will have a role," he said.

But this information has been denied a late evening with Nancy Girard, co-chair of the campaign. "The name of Mr. Carle was raised, but it will not post with us," she decided."
Oops... h/t to Warren on that one.

Secondly, from Bill Caroll on CFRB 1010 this morning, on a gaffe that he says the rest of the press missed... here's a rough transcript of what he said was: "Stephen Harper has these commercials about family. So at yesterday's press conference, he gets asked about his thoughts on Dion as a family man. The Prime Minister responds by saying he doesn't know much about Dion's family life, but that he's sure Dion is a good family man too. So the press asks Dion about his family, and Dion replies with, "I'm a Liberal, we don't mix family and politics". Then the camera pans out, and standing right next to him is his own wife... but he's the only politican who brought his wife to his campaign launch! So much for not mixing family and politics!" Oops again...

Then of course, there's the issue of the missing campaign plane... oh, right, they don't need it yet... or so they say. I'm of the opinion that they scripted the campaign based on aircraft availability, and NOT the other way around. Something about being broke and unable to come up with the deposit required to lease one from Air Canada, perhaps?

All in all not a very good day at all for the Liberal leader... if he wasn't attempting to replace the best Prime Minister we've had in my lifetime, I'd be feeling sorry for him right now.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Liberal MP withdraws sexist and ageist remarks

Liberal MP Robert Thibault has withdrawn the sexist and ageist remarks he made to a Hill Times reporter the other day, after some non-partisan women's groups agreed with the Tories that the remarks were inappropriate.
"If anything I said can be interpreted as sexist, I unequivocally and wholeheartedly apologize and withdraw my comments," Thibault said.

"I have always been a strong supporter of women in politics and want to encourage, not hinder, their participation in the public sphere."
On that note, I'd also like to encourage the participation of more women in the public sphere...


Liberal MP to senior female Senator: "Go back to serving tea"

Oh no! You almost feel bad for the guy, but it seems he just can't help himself. Already in trouble for insulting seniors the other day, what does Liberal MP Robert Thibault go an do? He goes and fires off yet another insulting remark, this time insulting women with a sexist one!

In trying to defend himself, Robert Thibault said that Government Senate Leader Marjory LeBreton "should go back to making tea for Brian Mulroney and stay out of serious people's business".

Oh man... he only won the riding with a 500 vote margin last time. After first insulting seniors, and now offending women with his little "Go back to making and serving tea, you little old woman" comment, I'm thinking his margin will have just about evaporated.

Well, that's no problem... we're more than happy to pick up another seat in the Atlantic provinces.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Get Well Soon Mr. Dosanjh

When things like this happen, partisan politics must take a backseat.

Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh suffered a mild heart attack today in Ottawa. He underwent emergency surgery, but his staff has indicated that he is doing fine.

Glad to hear you're okay... get well soon Ujjal.

h/t to Uncommon Truths


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Welcome to the fold Werner

Am I surprised? Not really. Werner Patel, formerly a LPC member and a Liblogger, has "crossed the floor", so to speak... and taken out a CPC membership.

He looked to Kennedy as the man for Liberal renewal... someone who listens to the grassroots. But according to Werner, most Liberals are still stuck in a "victory at any cost" group-think pack mentality... so he decided to bail. He let his 2006 LPC membership lapse... and took out a CPC membership in 2007.

I doesn't really matter what you think of Werner... the fact that he would consider "crossing the floor" of public opinion (or at least the bloggosphere) is a good sign for both Mr. Harper and the Party. It means that it is possible for even partisan Liberals to become convinced that the CPC is really the only party where the voice of the average Canadian can be heard.

Welcome to the Party, Werner... the more the merrier. And I'm not just talking about numbers, I mean opinions too. Looking forward to hearing your views on all the issues.

h/t to 905 Tory

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Garth gave us a GIFT

I got to thinking about it, and you know what? Honestly, Garth Turner just gave us a gift for the next election.

Think about it... Garth Turner, the FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE Garth Turner, has just joined the Big Government, overspending, statist, Liberal Party of Canada.

Just what EXACTLY are they, the new bedfellows Dion and Turner, going to do about the upcoming Budget? You know it's going to be fiscally conservative... probably filled with things that Garth has been calling for for years. What exactly are they going to do? I see three options at the moment...

1) Will Garth vote against it? Against his own stated principles? He'll get reamed out in the media as a hypocrite, and may anger enough people in Halton to get trounced next election.

2) Will he support the budget, and vote against his newfound friends in the Liberal Party? Then Dion is going to have to take his new prize catch out to the woodshed, lest the rest of the Party start stepping out of line.

3) Will Garth's defection cause the Liberals to soften their stance on the Budget, and perhaps even support it to save face? Then the left leaning Liberals are going to accuse Dion of being to right-wing, and go running into the arms of Jack Layton.

Of course, I'm sure they'll be looking for door number 4, something I haven't thought of. But I'm betting that taking on Garth is going to end up being a bigger headache than Dion expected...

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CFRB's Bill Carroll SHREDS Garth

OUCH! I was listening to CFRB 1010's Bill Carroll this morning on my way in to Toronto for a Microsoft event, and Bill had Garth Turner on the phone, discussing his decision to join the Liberal Party of Canada.

BILL ABSOLUTELY SHREDDED HIM. Totally took him to task, got Garth all in a huff, and I think Garth even finally hung up on him! Bill went on all morning about it... not because someone had switched parties, but because GARTH TURNER had switched parties. The same Garth Turner that has been critizing the Liberals for decades, who is so completely opposed to most Liberal policies on so many levels, etc., etc., etc. He even called Garth's journalistic integrity into question, accusing Garth of spinning his refusal to stick to his own principles and resign his seat, to make way for a by-election to be called.

It was a fairly brutal rebuke... not that I disagree with much of what Bill had to say. After finished talking with Garth, Bill was basically saying "Well look at that... Garth can dish it, but he sure can't take it. What did you expect Garth? I'm a journalist... of course I'm going to hold you to the very same set of standards that I've always held everyone else in politics to. And you've been a journalist yourself, you know exactly what standards you're going to get held to. You set some pretty high standards for politicians over the years, so you bet I'm going to be holding you accountable to those very same standards. Can't you all just see the hypocrisy in this? It's not the issue of switching parties here, it's the issue of Garth TurnCOAT (yes, he actually called him 'Garth TURNCOAT') switching parties without submitting himself to a by-election... it's outright hypocrisy".

Wow... I wonder what Bill's going to say on Toronto's Global News tonight... make sure to tune in at 6:00pm EST!!!

Until then, how's that for a new nickname? "Garth TurnCOAT". I thought I was being clever last night when I thought of it... Bill beat me to it, as I didn't have time to post it this morning. Do you think it will stick?

Garth Turncoat. Kinda has a nice ring to it! ;-)

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hypothetical Question for Garth

So, if you do join the Liberal Party of Canada, and the next Federal Budget delivers on Income Splitting for Canadians, how exactly will you vote? For, or against, Income Splitting? Just a question.

On income splitting, I have a thought... maybe I'm just being overly simplistic in my thinking, but couldn't it be done so that only the middle class (and not the upper-middle or upper class) will benefit?

Just make it so that only household incomes below a certain threshold, say $100,000 for example, would qualify. If they want to make it even tighter, make it so that only households that earn a combined $100,000, where the top earner earns a maximum of $80,000, qualify to split their income.

That then rules it out as being a "tax cut for the rich", and targets it to working families. I think the NDP would even have a hard time shooting that one down.

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PM - "A Tax-Back Guarantee"

I'm not normally one to reprint PMO statements verbatum, but this one is just too good not to post. You want to see the next election platform? Here's just a peek...

February 6, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has outlined the government’s agenda for the coming year and pledged to continue to build a stronger, safer, better Canada.

Speaking today to the Canadian Club of Ottawa, the Prime Minister listed the accomplishments of Canada’s New Government over the past year, and pointed to five priority areas that the government will focus on in the months ahead:

Further tax reductions as part of a comprehensive economic agenda;

Continued steps to tackle crime;

Further strengthening Canada’s global image and rebuilding the Canadian Forces;

Strengthening the federation by addressing Senate reform and fiscal balance with the provinces; and

Clear, decisive steps to protect our environment.

During his speech, Prime Minister Harper announced the government’s intention to legislate a ‘tax back’ guarantee. “In the future, as the federal government pays down national debt, it will be required to use the interest savings to cut personal taxes for hardworking Canadians,” he said.

The Prime Minister also told the audience that Canada’s New Government will continue its efforts to develop a pragmatic and effective policy to protect and improve the environment. “The fundamental challenge of our time is to make real progress on environmental protection while preserving jobs and standards of living,” the Prime Minister stated.

The Prime Minister concluded by stating that Canadians have clear choices to make on the direction the country will take in the months ahead, and that the government will continue to build a stronger, safer, and better Canada.
A "Tax-Back Guarantee" sure sounds good to me... as the debt is paid down, we should not have to pay the same level of taxes. Smart move.

And I agree with this statement wholeheartedly...“The fundamental challenge of our time is to make real progress on environmental protection while preserving jobs and standards of living”. HEAR HEAR! Dion's plan (haven't actually SEEN a plan from him yet, but...) will cripple the economy, and result in tens of thousands of people being left without work... especially in the West, and Ontario's industrial heartland, the GTA ridings, commonly known as the "905" and "519". Two of the main areas where the next election will be won or lost.

Looks like it's almost showtime...

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Just for the record, Garth...

"I am a democrat who believes everyone in the House of Commons, including the cabinet members who make up the government, should be elected. They should sit in Parliament as they were elected. If they decide to change parties, they should go and get re-elected."
Now, who said that?

Of course, we're probably going to hear a response like, "We're so close to an election right now that it doesn't matter", or "Hey, my party left me, so I'm free to choose to go whatever way I want to".

Of course, I'll say it once again, I don't care if he makes the jump... floor crossing is a part of our system, and I support keeping it just the way it is. Sure, he'll likely win as a Liberal too, since the vote was so close the last time.

But I just figured I should post this to make sure the record is kept straight.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dion's Little Kyoto Secret

John Ivison asks a question about Kyoto... "Is Mr. Dion prepared to let the Canadian public in on this reality check, OR IS HE DELIBERATELY MISLEADING AN ELECTORATE that polls suggest is in favour of Kyoto, even though two in three acknowledge that don't know anything about it?" I'd like to know the answer to that question, Mr. Dion.

What is the "Reality Check" that Mr. Ivison referring to? This one...
According to Aldyen Donnelly, a B.C.- based emissions management consultant, "Under the Kyoto protocol, even if Canadians agreed to send at least $10-billion offshore to buy 'hot air' credits, it would still mean that every Canadian man, woman, child, building and industrial plant would have to consume at least 20% less energy than they do today, starting next January. Then every time we have a baby, accept a new immigrant, build a new home or buy a new hybrid car, we would have to cut back energy consumption further to fit this new addition under our hard national cap.

"The only way industry can do its 'fair share' under the Kyoto cap is to shut down at least 20% of existing manufacturing capacity and jobs over the next 36 months," she said. Even if a new government closed all of Ontario's coal-fired power stations, shut down all oilsands activity in Alberta and slapped a moratorium on new development, it would address less than one-quarter of Canada's current "Kyoto gap."
(for the record, no, I haven't looked into her background yet)

The title of John's article in today's National Post is a question, posed of Mr. Dion... "Duplicitous or Duped?" I'd like to know the answer to that question too.

According to that article, the Liberals have proposed to send TEN BILLION DOLLARS of our hard earned taxes overseas, to buy credits from other nations in order to "keep our Kyoto commitments". Then on top of that, we'll have to gut our economy by shutting down a huge section of our industry, tossing tens of thousands, mabye hundreds of thousands, of people out of work.

Go ahead Mr. Dion... try selling THAT to the Canadian electorate.

One final quote...
"The Liberals issued a news release yesterday accusing Stephen Harper of being a climate change denier, accompanied by a number of the Prime Minister's own quotes. Many suggest that he was -- and likely still is -- unconvinced about the science of global warming. Yet with one quote, he hit the nail on the head: "As economic policy, the Kyoto accord is a disaster."

Either Mr. Dion knows this and is being duplicitous for political gain or, worse, he doesn't and has been duped by the environmental lobby. Neither explanation inspires much confidence in him as a future prime Minister.
Either we move forward at a reasonable pace, as Mr. Harper is proposing, or we stick to the original timelines... and throw our nation into a MAJOR recession, maybe even full blown depression.

Kyoto, what a noble and inspiring idea... I'm sorry, but soup kitchens don't appeal to me. Nor do I think it appeals to a vast majority of working Canadians.

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