Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Well played, Green Party of Canada

I think this was an excellent strategic move on the part of the Green Party of Canada... also an excellent strategic move to NOT have Lizzy May doing the narration.

With many people's current feelings towards these type of ads, I think this will get them some positive feedback, so long as their TV ad placement is well thought out and in sufficient rotation.

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Monday, May 03, 2010

Tories fund raising outpaces Liberals 2.5 to 1

YIKES... $4,023,923.14 vs. $1,589,953.81 raised during the first quarter of 2010.

For the record, the Tories hauled in $1.17 MILLION dollars more than the rest of them COMBINED.

I guess it's no wonder that the likes of even rabid Conservative hater Ralph Goodale is whistling a happy tune about finding a solution to the Speaker's ruling.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

CFS attempting to kill UofG's CFS Referendum

Well, so much for "democracy" from the folks at the CFS. No sooner do I post that previous article about all party support for a referendum on the CFS, do I learn of the CFS-O's attempt to squash it like a bug.

No wonder the UofG's NDP pulled out... the article is reposted here in full...
CFS-O referendum denied to student organizers
Posted by The Ontarion On February - 11 - 2010
Written by Daniel Bitonti

According to the chairperson of the Ontario component of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS-O), there will be no referendum held at the University of Guelph in March on continued membership in the federation.

In September, Guelph student organizers had circulated a petition requesting a referendum to be held on membership in CFS-O on March 29, 30, 31. According to CFS-O bylaws, the federation must receive a petition initiating a referendum process six months in advance of the referendum date.

The Ontarion confirmed in October that a process server delivered a package to CFS Ontario on Sept. 29, including the petition and a letter from the University registrar verifying the signatures of 10 per cent of the undergraduate student body, a CFS-Ontario de-federating requirement.

But CFS-O bylaws stipulate that petitions must be delivered by registered mail.

Shelly Melanson, CFS-O chairperson, told the Ontarion on Tuesday that the Guelph petitions had arrived by registered mail on Nov. 9.

“Any petition that is going to initiate a referendum process must be received six months prior to the date of the referendum. Because this petition failed to meet the notice provision under Article 5 bylaw 2, the petition is not in order,” said Melanson.

Melanson also explained there had been problems verifying signatures and student numbers on the petition, a problem that currently mirrors the situation with the University of Guelph petitions sent to CFS-National.

In October, Gavin Armstrong, the CSA’s communications and corporate affairs commissioner, told the Ontarion, “that it would be very poor of CFS-Ontario to deny the petition based on the fact that it was served by a process server and not registered mail.”

“We are currently looking into our options and into the bylaws,” Armstrong told the Ontarion on Wednesday.
UPDATE: Looks like it's not the first time that the CFS has used dirty tricks to attempt to stifle any sort of democratic review of a school's membership in their organization.

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CFS losing their grip: UoG has all party support for a Referendum on representation by the CFS

It just shows you what our youth can do when they put their heads together, set aside their differences, and take a stand on an issue... TOGETHER.

In last week's "The Ontarion", the University of Guelph's student newspaper, there was a "Letter to the Editor" signed by the political campus clubs of three of the four major parties, calling in part for a referendum on whether or not the CFS will continue to represent the students at the University of Guelph.

Here's the letter:
We the undersigned, as students of the University of Guelph, support democracy. We believe that Students should be allowed to speak and have their voices heard. As such, we have come together to call for a referendum so Students can choose their representation. We demand, in order to gain the support of Students, that the Canadian Federation of Students:

1. Advocate effectively on the issues that matter to Students.
2. Decentralize power.
3. Demonstrate financial and administrative transparency.
4. Take a non-partisan stance during elections.
5. Acknowledge Students’ right to choose through a referendum.
6. Cease unjust litigation of your own Students.

Let Students choose the movement! Let Students Speak!

Guelph Campus Conservatives
University of Guelph Young Liberals
Guelph Campus Greens
I have it on good authority that the NDP campus club had also signed on to the letter, but withdrew their name and support at the last minute before the paper went to print.* I'm thinking someone from the CFS got wind of the letter and "got to them", pressuring them to withdraw their support, or else. (* NOTE: See UPDATE II below)

Here's hoping that this is a start to a real democratic movement in student politics at the University of Guelph... and that the leftist stranglehold will be broken, so that ALL voices can be genuinely heard, and so that REAL debate of the issues can happen in an unrepressive environment of learning.

UPDATE: Turns out that the CFS is attempting to stonewall this referendum on a technicallity... the required paperwork wasn't sent to the CFS by "Registered Mail", and therefore no referendum will be held.
According to CFS-O bylaws, the federation must receive a petition initiating a referendum process six months in advance of the referendum date.

The Ontarion confirmed in October that a process server delivered a package to CFS Ontario on Sept. 29, including the petition and a letter from the University registrar verifying the signatures of 10 per cent of the undergraduate student body, a CFS-Ontario de-federating requirement.

But CFS-O bylaws stipulate that petitions must be delivered by registered mail.

Shelly Melanson, CFS-O chairperson, told the Ontarion on Tuesday that the Guelph petitions had arrived by registered mail on Nov. 9.

“Any petition that is going to initiate a referendum process must be received six months prior to the date of the referendum. Because this petition failed to meet the notice provision under Article 5 bylaw 2, the petition is not in order,” said Melanson.

Looks like they're seriously worried about losing access to all that funding... they see that their losing their grip on the UofG, and are desperately trying to hold on.

Stay tuned, more info as I get it...

UPDATE II: As for the NDP's support, I've been corrected by a source. It turns out that the UofG's NDP did not in fact withdraw because they didn't support the letter, but because they didn't want an endorsement of the letter to be confused with support for withdrawing from the CFS. While they advocate remaining within the CFS and will campaign to that effect in any refurendum, they DO apparently support the idea of allowing the student body to make their determination for themselves. As such, the letter apparently DOES have all party support within the UofG, while they differ on the merits of membership within the CFS itself.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

May tries to solidify her grip on Green Party

You know the general rule... the more you try to tighten your grip on something mushy, the more of it will squirt out from between your fingers. Lizzy May is seeking to defer the Green Party's constitutionally mandated Leadership Review until after the next election.

Funny... aren't these guys the ones demanding "Electoral Reform" because our current system is "undemocratic"? So, how can they justify denying their membership of their democratic and Constitutional right for a Leadership Review? I'll tell you how... because she knows she's FINISHED in any review. With two losses under her belt, if she doesn't get a seat this time around, she's out on her keester.

She's already lost the support of many key players in her Party, and many Green members hold her directly responsible for their loss in Guelph in 2008, the one place they had an actual shot of winning with her last minute call for "strategic voting". Many believe that spooked just enough Liberals and Dippers to the Liberals, thus denying Mike Nagy of his hard fought near victory. Is it any wonder that he's not running again?

And I'll let you in on a little secret, based on rumblings I've heard from my sources over in Guelph... the local Greens told her to get lost when she approached them about running there in the next election. Why's that, you may ask, when Guelph is by far their best shot to win? The "official" reason is because they want a "local candidate", and "unofficially" because they don't want to take out a Liberal. But the REAL reason is because they WANT her to lose. That's right, they WANT to watch her go down in flames.

Now you may ask yourself why I think that, and the answer is simple. They want her to lose because they've got a solid frontrunner for her job waiting in the wings... the very same Mike Nagy. Mike Nagy, who as the next Leader of the Green Party, would have a solid chance of becoming their first elected Member of Parliament. Think about it... Leader of the Green Party, versus some no-name backbencher Liberal? I'd say that works out to an EASY 5,000 vote bloodletting, which could put the Greens well over the top.

Go ahead, quote me on this one... even though I'm not a betting man, I'm almost willing to put money on this one.

Once again, Lizzy May reminds us that she's just a tiny little fish in a very big political pond... and she's in way over her head.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Why Elizabeth May's leadership is finished

Because she can't win in her selected riding of the Saanich-Gulf Islands. She's chosen to make her last stand here against CPC incumbant Gary Lunn, and there's no possible electoral math where she can win this one, unless the Liberals choose not to run a candidate here... which Iggy has already ruled out, and which may not even allow her to win anyway.

Here's the 2008 numbers from Elections Canada:

Lunn (CPC) - 27991
Penn (LPC) - 25366
Leier (GPC) - 6742
West (NDP) - 3667 (he was the naked dude who had to drop out, but his name was still on the ballot)

Any way you crunch the numbers, she loses. For her to win, she'd have to take 80%+ of the Liberal vote. There's just no way that happens. Even if the Liberals don't run a candidate, there's no way that she wins... some disgruntaled Liberals will swing to the CPC just to deny her a seat, and/or the NDP in protest.

There was only ONE riding in the entire country where she had a legitimate shot... Guelph. With the base built by retired candidate Mike Nagy, and with the bleeding she would have inflicted on both the Liberals and the Tories, along with the MASSIVE support she'd draw from the University of Guelph, she'd have been the one to beat. While it would have been a three way battle in some respects, it would have pretty much been a Green lock.

But you see, there's a REASON she didn't run in Guelph. For her, the price of a victory was just too great. That's the reason she's finished as the Green Party leader... she doesn't have the guts required to turn her protest party into a mainstream force to be reckoned with. For her, she's only willing to go so far, and she's unwilling to make the sacrifices required to get into the House. For her, the price of a Liberal Member of Parliament was too high a price to pay.

Her mantra that the "Number One Priority" of the Green Party is to get a seat in the House rings hollow. Her best shot was in Guelph, but she was unwilling to unseat Liberal MP Frank Valeriote in the process. And she would have unseated him, any way you slice it... she would have automaticly been the leading candidate, followed by either the Liberals or the Tories, with it being a real tossup between the two of them.

With the conventional wisdom being that the Greens bleed at least three Liberal votes to every lost Tory vote, her entrance into the Guelph race would have either sown up a victory for her, or maybe, if every single star aligned correctly, allowed the CPC to eke out a 100-ish vote win... but there are almost no permutations possible would have allowed Valeriote to keep his seat. (FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, I did help out in Guelph for the by-election and General Election last time around, but this analysis is strictly by the numbers... various Liberal pundits have already agreed with my analysis that Guelph was her only shot)

And that's why she didn't go for it... forget all the rumours that the local Greens didn't want her, they'd have rallied behind her in a heartbeat, knowing a that victory was almost assured. She chose not to do it because she didn't want to take out a Liberal MP. (Who knows... maybe she didn't want to risk her future chances of a Senate seat?)

Any way you slice it, whenever the next election is called, Elizabeth May is finished... I even predict that calls for her head will sound before the last ballots are counted. And she'll have ultimately failed to accomplish her ultimate goal, to make her Party a mainstream force to be reckoned with... all because she's been too cosy with the Liberal Party of Canada for too long.

So then... let the speculation on their next leader begin. Any names come to mind?

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Red-Green Show alive and well in Guelph

Elizabeth May has ruled out Guelph as a riding to run in for the next election, thus ensuring that they don't take out the sitting Liberal MP. Looks like the "deal" between the Liberals and the Green Party is still alive and well.

Any expert will tell you that of all ridings in the country, Guelph was the only one where Elizabeth May stood a chance of taking a seat. (Scott Tribe and CalgaryGrit, for example) But for the Greens, it looks like the cost of getting their leader to Parliament was just too high. You see, running in Guelph would have meant taking out Liberal MP Frank Valeriote... a price they apparently aren't willing to pay.

When you have Greens actively seeking to protect Liberal MP's, you know something stinks. You've got to ask yourself, are they really looking for a seat?

Of course, there's a lot more to the story than meets the eye. You see, the Greens in Guelph are still really bitter with Elizabeth May, as many of them hold her directly responsible for their loss last year with her last minute call for strategic voting.

According to a Guelph Mercury article yesterday (sorry, they've now stuck it behind a firewall, if anyone can track that down I'd be greatful... an editorial today alludes to it though), the local Greens basicly told her to shove off, telling her that they'd prefer to run a "local candidate". Anyone who's spent time in Guelph, as I have, knows that there's no way the Greens can win without the "star power" of someone like their leader, it's just that simple. They had a phenominal candidate in Mike Nagy, who built up their vote totals over the last three elections, and there's simply no way they can pull that off again now that he's vowed not to run. They do also have a stellar candidate on the provincial level with Ben Polley, but again, having never run nationally before, he's a longshot at best.

Which brings me back to my basic point... the only reason that the local Green organization took a pass on Elizabeth May is because they know that she'd win in Guelph, and they don't want her to win. Rumour is that if Lizzy doesn't get a seat this time, she's gone, and one name that has come up for their next leader is their former Environment Critic... who is none other than Mike Nagy, Guelph's own former Green Party candidate. The feeling is that with the national profile he built up during last year's by-election, he'd be a potential front-runner in any leadership campaign. Also by "walking away" for this election cycle, when Elizabeth loses and moves on, he can basically relaunch his political career with a comeback to "save the Party", then having a legitimate shot at winning in his own home riding of Guelph.

That's my take on the situation, anyway. Comments are always welcome.

Looks like I'm back!

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mike Nagy for Green Party Leader! Part II

What's this? Elizabeth May is calling for a cross-party coalition for the next election between the Greens, the Liberals, the NDP, and even the Bloc.

But recently defeated Guelph Green candidate Mike Nagy disagrees... and even subtly says that some of the blame for his loss on Tuesday was a direct result of May's last minute call for "strategic-voting".
May calls for a cross-party coalition
Leader wants an opposition partnership next time to conquer system in which Harper regained power
Oct 16, 2008 04:30 AM
Sandro Contenta
Staff reporter

NEW GLASGOW, N.S.–Green Leader Elizabeth May has called for a cross-party coalition to stop a Conservative victory when the next election comes around.

May, whose party emerged from the election with a $2 million debt, said a coalition would overcome a "perverse" electoral system that gave the Conservatives a stronger minority government.

At least one leading Green was disappointed. Mike Nagy, who came in third in Guelph, blamed calls for strategic voting for a drop in party support on voting day.

"Elizabeth May called for it on some occasions but the party itself was not calling for strategic voting," Nagy said in an interview.

It's the kind of disgruntlement that could see May facing questions about her leadership.

May once stated she would rather see no Green MPs and the Conservatives out of power than a full caucus with Harper as prime minister.

Nagy, the party's environment critic, also made clear he doesn't back May's call for an anti-Conservative coalition.

"I believe you promote Green values and you get Greens elected to Parliament. It's not about trying to stop one party," he said. "There has to be some serious discussion in the party so that we are not compromising our votes for the sake of other parties."

Greens spent $4 million on the campaign. May said she'll spend the next few months raising donations to reduce the party's debt. And she wants to use the almost $2 per vote the party will receive under federal election laws to build a party "machine" for the next election.

She ended with a rousing defence of Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion.

"I think we may very well in the future describe him as the best prime minister we never had."
I guess the really big question is, when will the Greens finally dump their future Liberal Senator-in-waiting leader, Elizabeth May?

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Mike Nagy for Green Party Leader!

With Green Leader Elizabeth May throwing about 60 of her candidates under the bus yesterday, the knives are sure to come out sometime after election day.

As such, they'll be entering a new leadership race. Let me be the first to endorse Guelph Green candidate Mike Nagy for the Green Party leadership! Since he's going to put in the best result of any Green candidate in the country (placing either a strong second behind winner Gloria Kovach, or a close third behind second place Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote), he'll be ideally positioned as a strong voice to take over from the future Liberal Senator in Green clothing, Elizabeth May.

As for why I think Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote will come in third? Well, in what can only be described as sheer desperation, he's using eleventh hour smear tactics by issuing his fourth press release of the entire campaign in a failed attempt to smear his chief opponent by resurecting the ghost of the FCM's scandal. (by the way, we're still not clear on who in the OLO made that fateful call to the FCM after her meeting with Dion to arrange for Kovach's dismissal). Everyone can see through it, and recognizes that he's simply lashing out, watching his "sure thing" slipping through his fingers.

And when I say "everyone" can see thorough it, I mean everyone... you know how I heard about this? Well, let's just put it this way... members of the local 5th Estate aren't too impressed.

Well done Frank!

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Final Guelph debate analysis

The Guelph Mercury posted a video clip of the four main candidate's closing statements at the debate on Tuesday. You can find the video here. Take a look at it first before reading my synopsis, and let me know if I've got it right.

In order they presented:

1) Frank Valeriote, Liberal
Some folks in Guelph have come up with a nickname for Mr. Valeriote, based on all his debate performances... "Angry Frank". Seriously, in every single debate I attended, virtually every statement or answer he gave was given with a whole lot of anger. In this video, he was significantly more tame than his previous performances... my hunch is his handlers gave him some tips. No more angry pointing at the crowd or his opponents. He also toned down his rhetoric in this final performance, on previous nights he'd been all attack, all the time. In this final clip, he's still on the attack, and still somewhat angry sounding, and doesn't really make much of a case as to why people SHOULD vote for him... only reasons why people SHOULDN'T vote for his rivals. And of course, the obligatory call for "Strategic Voting", which is just code for "Vote for me, we're getting desperate!" The Green Party really has the Liberals worried this time around, their presence is stronger than I've ever seen, and they have a real shot at taking this seat... much I'm sure to the dismay of Frank and his plans for a coronation in Guelph.

2) Tom King, NDP
Likely the most calm and mellow of all the candidates. Tom used his final statement of the campaign to encourage people to not necessarily vote for him, but to "Vote for what you REALLY want". Interesting move. I don't think he really hit home with it, but it was certainly food for thought. He begins his statment essentially mocking the whole political debate process, and of course derides Frank's call for "Strategic Voting". Not his finest debate conclusion, but different.

3) Gloria Kovach, Conserative
Clearly the most energetic of the four closing statments. Now some people are going to say that I'm biased, but I honestly think that Gloria most effectively used her time in making her case as to why people should vote FOR her, instead of using their vote to vote AGAINST someone else. One statement that was sure to rile partisans in the crowd was the line, "Do you want Guelph to be part of the Government?", taking an indirect shot at her Liberal rival, whom even the Mercury has said would likely be destined for the Opposition backbenches if elected. "Conservatives don't just talk about things, we get things done" was another hard hitting line, and well said. A very effective conclusion to the debate for her, presenting a solid and POSTIVE case for electing her, while reminding people of her opponents weaknesses in a non-inflamatory manner.

4) Mike Nagy, Green
Also another solid debate performance from the political veteran, who's on his third campaign. (2004 & 2006) He handled questions from the crowd well, including hitting a homerun on a Liberal planted question that was intended to attack him. (the Liberal questioner even admitted afterward that Mike had "hit it out of the ballpark", his words) He did stumble a number of times through his closing statement, but he was making it without notes... making eye contact with the crowd the whole time, which was quiet effective. He also effectivly used his time to remind the audience that while all the other parties have been talking "green" recently, they're party has been hammering at these issues for 20 years, and he personally for the last five. He also took a dig at Frank's call for "Strategic Voting", obviously because any strategic voting in this town could in fact deny the Greens here their first elected MP in Canada. Despite what the Liberals would have people believe, things really are that close in this riding. It also helps Mike that the Guelph Mercury officially endorsed him in today's paper.

Mike also had the best line of the night, which once again, I was not able to get on video, in response to Frank Valeriote talking about climate change... "While Frank critizies the Tories for "buring down the house", he didn't tell you that it was the Liberals who lit the match."

Feel free to share your thoughts, in case you feel I've missed anything, or got things wrong.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

New Liberal fundraising drive: "Strategic Voting"

We all know the Liberal Party of Canada is flat BROKE... they've even had to borrow to finance this entire campaign.

But people forget that when they vote for a particular party, that party also gets $1.86 PER YEAR in taxpayer funding.

With their current polling numbers, the Liberals know that their annual taxpayer funding is on the way down... and right now, that's their predominant source of funding for the Party. As such, they've pulled out that old canard which they've used so sucessfully on Canadians in the past... "Strategic Voting".

Notice it's ONLY ever the Liberals who use that one? That's because it only ever helps the Liberals.

But what about all those voters who are looking for genuine change? What about all those voters who want to vote Green, but are thinking about switching to the Liberals at the last minute?

But do Canadians realize that by "voting strategicly", they may in fact be only perpetuating the status-quo, and depriving the Green Party of tens of thousands of dollars of future funding? Ottawa Centre Green candidate Jen Hunter pointed that out today in a Globe & Mail article.

Real change is about making choices. I don't personally support the Greens, but I do support their efforts to bring about a real alternative voice to politics as usual. (I'm still very strongly considering supporting the Green Party in the next provincial election, since the PC's haven't made any real effort to fix their problems... sorry Cam)

So, when it's time to vote, all things must be considered... including whether or not you want to stick with the status-quo. And a "Strategic Vote" for a Liberal candidate will do nothing for the cause of "Change".

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Guelph Greens take a shot at Valeriote

Guelph Green Party candidate Mike Nagy took a shot at Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote in today's Guelph Mercury, with the following ad:

Notice that second line...

"One more Liberal backbencher won't change anything"

OUCH, that's gotta hurt!!! Of course, the Greens are playing on the Guelph Mercury's suggestion early in the campaign that if elected, Frank Valeriote was destined for the Opposition backbenches in Ottawa.

The Guelph Greens are seeking to exploit that idea, and encourge voters from all parties, especially the Liberals, to join with them and "change the game" by sending a strong Green voice to Ottawa, instead of the same-old same-old Liberal lawyer, of which we have plenty enough in Ottawa. In my opinion, this was a bang on ad for them to run.

Of course, I still think we could use a nurse up there on the Hill. ;-)

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Elizabeth May: Playing the "Nazi" card since 1978

Came across this one by accident, while looking at old CBC archival footage of Stephen Harper and Stephane Dion.

Apparently, Elizabeth May is really fond of likening her opponents or their methods to the Nazi's. She's been called out twice for it in recent months, but thanks to the CBC Archives, we see it's really just old hat for her. You see, she was interviewed about forestry issues in Nova Scotia way back in 1978... where we have what may be her first recorded use of the "Nazi" card when attacking her opponents.

From the CBC Archives:

Well, it's 30 years later, and she's still sticking to the same game plan. Wonder if she'll play it again on Mr. Harper in the upcoming debates this week.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


In an exclusive, the Green Party's Policy Platform for the 2008 Election has been leaked to this blog...

Still think we're "Dummies", Ms. May? ;-)

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Friday, September 12, 2008

GREENS BACK DOWN on legal action

Good to see... the Green Party has indicated to TVO that they do not intend to pursue legal action against the blogger in question, and will issue an apology over this matter.

Good move Ms. May. Democracy wins again.

From the website for TVO's "The Agenda":
UPDATE: I have spoken with Green Party Press Secretary Camille Labchuk. She says the party intends to issue an apology to the blogger known as Buckdog, who had been threatened with a lawsuit by Green Party communications director John Bennett for posting a link to Stephen Taylor's YouTube video.

Labchuk said the incident "was a misunderstanding on John Bennett's part about the way that YouTube works". The Greens do not intend to pursue any legal actions against any blogger, Labchuk says.

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"Hidden Agenda"? A Grit/Green Deal?

Rumours are swirling that Dion and May have a "hidden agenda" to disenfranchise millions of Canadian voters, by circumventing the popular vote and stealing 24 Sussex from Canadians for Mr. Dion.

Word is that if things look close in the final days of the election, that Ms. May will "release" her voters and candidates to support Liberals in close ridings, thus preventing Mr. Harper from winning the election.

Statisticaly, Mr. Harper could win 41% of the vote, (as he's currently polling in a just released CBC/Harris/Decima poll) but Canadians could still be robbed of their more popular choice for Prime Minister... should such a deal exist and be implemented.

More details on this to come, rest assured...

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back off, Lizzy May... this IS a democracy

UPDATE: The Greens have indicated that they will NOT be pursing further legal action against the blogs, and will issue an apology to the blogger in question. Good move.

The blogosphere, for the most part, supported her "right" to be in the debates.  Now, the Green Party is sicking the lawyers on various bloggers to prevent them from displaying this little YouTube video...

From the "Protectors of Democracy", the Green Party:

From: John Bennett
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:37:56 -0600

Please be informed that the if the video "Canadians Are Stupid!" - Elizabeth May is not removed from your site with the hour the Green Party of Canada will seek means to prevent legal proceedings further slander.

John Bennett
Director of Communications
Green Party of Canada
(613) 562-4916 ext. 230
(Cell: 613) 291 6888
Fax: (613) 482-4632

Just for the record, I already have the video downloaded... you know, for safekeeping... just in case.

h/t to SDA

LEGAL NOTICE: I will, of course, comply with any legal notices submitted to this blog.  The address to use is christian(dot)conservative(dot)2007(at)gmail(dot)com.  Please be advised that legal notices received may be posted on this blog.

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Guelph Liberal Frank says, "Let's unite the left!"

In what was most likely the biggest bombshell of the Guelph by-election, Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote came out and openly advocated for a unification of the political left in Canada.

Frank Valeriote, when asked what he would do if the Liberal Party ceased to exist (which it may well do, with their current financial situation), used his answer to openly advocate for a unification of the political left in Canada... one of the first Liberals to openly take such a position. His shocking statement was quoted in today's Guelph Mercury as having said, "I would work at building bridges with the Greens and the NDP. The right did it; I'm not sure why we can't do it."

But as they say these days... if it didn't happen on YouTube, it didn't happen. Therefore... enjoy!

With other NDP notables like former Ontario NDP Premier Bob Rae (who is also a former NDP MP, I might add... it just took him a very long time to finally cross the floor), and former BC NDP Premier Ujjal Dosanjh now gracing the ranks of the Liberal Party of Canada, one has to wonder about the decidedly leftward shift that the Liberal Party is currently taking. Once the bastion of the "centrist" vote in Canada, the apparent rise of socialist thought within the Liberal Party ought to give the Canadian voter a reason to think twice before voting Liberal.

It also raises a fundamental question of policital realignment in this country... if Mr. Valeriote thinks that the NDP, the Greens and his own party are so close in thought, then why do we still need the Liberal Party of Canada at all, after the years of scandal and broken promises they've subjected the Canadian people to?

Then of course there's the alliance between the Greens and the Liberals in Central Nova, along with the jumping of former Liberal MP Blair Wilson to the Greens... all of which are further signs of the deepening irrelevance of the party once known as "Canada's Natural Governing Party".

Uniting the left... getting rid of the Liberal Party of Canada... sounds like a great idea Frank!

NOTE: I extend my sincere thanks the Liberal blogger Jeff Davidson, who decided to "out" me the other week... but it seems that he's inadvertantly given me a whole new freedom, more of which you'll be hearing about in the coming week. Stay tuned! And thanks Jeff! ;-)

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Elizabeth May pulls the rug out from under Mike Nagy

When you're running on a platform to become "Canada's First Green MP", it doesn't help when your leader gives that honour to a former Liberal...
Green party announces its first member of Parliament
Last Updated: Saturday, August 30, 2008 | 12:30 PM ET
CBC News

The Green party has gained its first ever member of Parliament — Blair Wilson — a Vancouver-area Independent who quit the Liberal party last year.

Green party Leader Elizabeth May introduced Wilson at a news conference Saturday morning in Ottawa.
From Mike Nagy's website...
Farley Mowat, author, former NDP, current Green Party member - "All Canadians will rejoice when Guelph voters elect our first Green MP"
Scratch that angle...

Looks like Mike's going to have to put togther a whole new political strategy for what looks to be an upcoming Federal election.

Sorta like Frank I guess, when he had to change his campaign slogan from "Putting Guelph First", when it was revealed that slogan was already taken.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

First By-election YouTube video

Even I've got to admit, this one's pretty slick. Hits all the "Green" buttons, people arriving via mass transit on trains and busses, car pooling, driving hybrids, or cycling to the Green Party's campaign office.

Nicely done.

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