Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Why leftist ideology will NEVER solve our social problems

It's rather ironic that this post is going up today of all days, the day of Jack Layton's funeral in Toronto. But someone left a comment here on the blog today, once again fundamentally misunderstanding my views on helping the less fortunate in our society, and once again calling into question my faith for being a "Conservative".

Anyway, I responded with pretty much what I'm about to say, but then thought that with what's going on today, I'd post it for my general readership too. (plus, it's been a while since I last posted anything of substance, so I figured it's time to stir the pot again)

For all of you out there, my long time readers, long time haters, and those of who who've just stumbled across the blog for the very first time... Did you know that I acutally SUPPORT INCREASING welfare benefits? And did you know that I STRONGLY SUPPORT a strong social saftey net? And I do so based on my firm convictions as a CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE... as I'm a Christian FIRST, and a Conservative SECOND. And the two, despite what many on the left would have you think, are NOT mutually exclusive.

Where I fundamentally disagree with those who are on the left, like the late Jack Layton for example, is they way that most folks on the left envision the solution to these problems. Most of them (and I recognize that I'm making some significant and non-encompassing generalizations, I know) believe that by simply throwing more money at the issues, we'll be able to solve these significant and long-term issues. A large number of them also incorrectly believe that the way to get this money is to over-tax hard working people, thereby "leveling the playing field" as it were.

Personally, I think this is a REPREHENSIBLE philosophy, and only ENCOURAGES more of the same behaviours that are the root cause of SOME (but obviously not all) of the problems we face. In essence, it's a a fundamentally Communist perspective... take away from those who have, in order to give to those who don't. The problem with that perspective is that there are many of those who don't "have", who in fact COULD "HAVE", if they weren't repeatedly making bad choices.

For example, I've worked in front line healthcare, working daily with folks who are on social assistance. Of course, many of them VERY legitimately, who have conditions that prevent them from being able to provide for themselves. (see related ASIDE below) It's really sad to see the generational welfare families, who've figured out how to "work the system", and have taught their children how to do the same... kids who have now grown up with a "sense of entitlement", and have no desire nor inclination whatsoever to get themselves off the system. They look to the state for EVERYTHING, and blame all their problems on society in general, rather than looking to themselves and learning the benefits of hard work to improve their own lives. It's a desperately sad and vicious cycle, one that will be IMPOSSIBLE to break if we just keep throwing more money into the system.

(RELATED ASIDE: I remember one guy who really WANTED to provide for himself but just couldn't... was in a wheelchair, and had numourous conditions that prevented him from holding a job, because his body wouldn't co-operate with any kind of consistant schedule. So what did he do? When he was in good health, he'd spend a lot of time doing voluntary work, like sorting at the local Food Bank, and in general just trying to give back to the society that was supporting him. Had a GREAT attitude, and didn't convey any sense that he felt "entitled" to Government assistance. Now THAT's someone who more than deserves our support!)

So, I've come to the conclusion, as have many other Conservatives, that it's ONLY when we revamp the entire system, and get the "freeloaders" off the system, that we'll then have more money available to actually increase benefits to those who are genuinely in need. You see, I'm focused on the ROOT CAUSES of the problems we see, not the SYMPTOMS... but I percieve that most folks on the left are focused on the symptoms, not the solutions. Of course, most of them will turn around and say that the REAL root cause of our problems is the dreaded evil of "capitalism"... at which point I just roll my eyes, once again.

You see, I wouldn't call myself a "capitalist"... we just live in a capitalist society. AS HAS MOST OF THE WORLD SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. You know, the general principal of "If a man shall not work, he shall not eat." Which, interestingly enough, is a Biblical principal too.

Now of course if a man CANNOT work, then OBVIOUSLY we need to support him or her in our society. For the record, I want to HELP solve these issues, to "Do unto others as I'd have them do unto you", as the Lord Jesus taught us. But I have a fundamentally different perspective from those on the left as to HOW we need to go about solving them.

That doesn't make me an evil person... it makes me a "Christian Conservative". I'm just someone who wants to see the lives of ALL his fellow countrymen improved, without having to pay too much in taxes, of course.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Canadian Government Funding Blasphemy

UPDATE: The band and the record label have voluntarily withdrawn the album, and have returned the taxpayer funding for the project. They're intending to re-release the album in a non-taxpayer funded format... as is their right. It's still a piece of blasphemy, but now I simply pray for their souls. :END UPDATE

In a word, DISGUSTING... the Canadian Government has (perhaps unwittingly, I'll grant that) provided over $14,000 to fund a punk album that openly mocks Islam, running the risk of riots from coast to coast.

Oh, did I say "Islam"? I meant "Christianity". (now watch how fast the Left goes from righteous anger to excusing religious intolerance... in 3, 2, 1...)

So, now that it's open season for Government funding on faith, does that mean someone can now apply for funding from the Government of Canada to openly mock Islam's "prophet" Muhammad? I think we all know the answer to that... ABSOLUTELY NOT, and that's EXACTLY how it ought to be. Free speech is one thing, but TAXPAYER FUNDING for things that openly mock the faith of others IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE, regardless of who's faith is under attack.

There is only ONE acceptable answer to this... the funding needs to be revoked and/or immediately repaid to the Government, and the bureaucrat who authorized this expenditure MUST BE CLEARLY DEALT WITH, with a clear and public apology for his/her insensitive and idiotic decision. A clear message needs to be sent... RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE IS UNACCEPTABLE IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS NATION. And if they refuse to apologize... FIRE THEM.

AND... I fully expect ALL PARTY SUPPORT FOR THIS. Your first chance to do the right thing, Mr. Opposition Leader.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ZoNation: "Jesus is the Way"

Some of you may recall this guy, Alfonzo Rachel, who's video I posted a few months back. He's a member of PJTV, and has done a whole whack of funny political videos.

Anyway, he claims to be a Born-again Christian, and he's put out a pretty good video on "How to get to Heaven". Controversial, and I don't necessarily agree with his thoughts... but it seems to be a pretty good summation of what I believe.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CBC following Frank Graves advice, seeking to start a "culture war" for the Liberals?

It seems that the CBC has decided to follow EKOS pollster Frank Graves' advice, and has launched a disgusting anti-Charter attack on freedom of religion on behalf of their masters, the Liberal Party of Canada.

In an "in depth" report last night, the CBC went on the attack, attacking members of Parliament for the "thought crime" of being members of their local faith communities!

Funny... I thought we had a Liberal Prime Minister named Trudeau who fought to have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that explicitly protected that right? Must be my mistake.

Here's the irony though... I can name a number of members of the Liberal Party of Canada who are also members of various Evangelical churches... I can think of Dan McTeague, Paul Szabo, and Frank Valeriote right off the top of my head.

And people wonder why there's a large "Shut Down the CBC" contingent within the Conservative Party of Canada... if they keep this garbage up, I might join myself...
CBC Fuels Faith War

Do you recall CBC's claim that it had nothing to do with the advice by CBC pollster Frank Graves, that the Liberal Party should incite a “culture war” to divide Canadians?

Funny, then, that the CBC is using its position as Canada's public broadcaster to foment religious division as the next step in its ongoing campaign against the Conservative Party.

Last night's dominant CBC story -- a full eight minutes in length -- featured an attack on the religious affiliation of some Government members and supporters. . Apparently the CBC thinks it newsworthy that some Conservative Ministers and MPs practise their faith. . Even more scandalous, some members of the Prime Minister's Office go to church!

Is it just coincidence that the CBC news coverage advances the strategy that pollster Frank Graves gave to the Liberal Party? . "I told them [Ignatieff’s Liberals] that they should invoke a culture war... securalism versus moralism," he bragged.

Seems to us that following the Frank Graves strategy was exactly what the CBC was doing last night.

CBC executives have yet to explain why.

Perhaps Canada's tax-funded broadcaster needs a lesson in freedom of religion.

Under the Charter of Rights, neither religious affiliation nor lack of religious affiliation is grounds to deny participation in the democratic life of the country.

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Saturday, March 06, 2010

God's amazing work in New Brunswick

The following is an amazing personal testimony of what God can do through you, if you're one of His children, and you're willing to let Him do His work through your life. Sorry, no politics today folks. ;-)

My wife and I had the blessing of working with Dave Storey and his family during the summer of 2004. If you've ever wondered about my occasional references to having lived in Fredericton a few years back, this guy is pretty much the sole (soul?) reason why we went out there.

To make a long story short, this video on Dave Storey and the work God is doing through him was recently done by the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Take a look at this amazing testimony of God's mighty hand at work.

I had the blessing of crossing Dave's path through Luke, a friend of mine who'd moved to Ontario. Anyway, my wife and I headed out with Luke and his girlfriend to NB for a weekend in March of 2004, and met Dave and his wife Lisa then. We immediately felt right at home with them, and connected on a spiritual level in a way that doesn't happen very often.

Dave is a very Godly man, and when he earnestly prays about something, don't be surprised to see it come to pass. Of course I didn't know him all that well back then, but by the end of the weekend, Dave said to us in all seriousness, "You know what? I'm praying that God would bring you guys out here to Fredericton, to join and help out our church here." My response was, "If that's what the Lord wants to happen, then His will be done."

So you know what happened next, right? If you're a true Bible believing Christian, I'm sure you know there's no such thing as a coincidence. You see, God was already at work, answering Dave's prayer. Within about two weeks, I was informed at work that my position was going to be outsourced at the end of April, and that I'd be given a severance package for several months. And do you happen to know who called us the very same evening that we got the news? (remember... there's no such thing as a coincidence) None other than Dave Storey, who opened the conversation something like this... "You guys know what? We're still praying here that the Lord would bring you guys out to Fredericton." And my wife's response earlier that day to the news of me losing my job had been just three words... "So, New Brunswick?"

So, you guessed it... our U-Haul truck was packed on April 30th, and we were on the road to Fredericton, New Brunswick. Without going into all the details, it was during the time we had out there, through much prayer and seeking of the Lord, that Dave and his family heard the call from God for them to move up to Doaktown. Things worked out perfectly for us, as our landlord had just advised us that they'd sold the house we were living in, and we had to move out by the end of the month! So we moved on back to Ontario, where a little while later, the Lord moved several families from our old church (to which we'd returned) to start a new church in another local city, where we now reside in happy fellowship.

Our God is truly an amazing God. And He can do amazing things through you... if you let Him. The video above is an amazing testimony to that fact. Though our time in New Brunswick was short, and didn't appear from a worldly perspective to have had any significant impact for the Kingdom of God, it turned out to be a small part in an amazing work that God was doing. But you couldn't necessarily see that at first if you weren't looking at it from God's perspective. You see, He had BIGGER things in mind, and an ETERNAL perspective on everything, when He chose to send Dave and his family to Doaktown. And He moved in the lives of various individuals, not just ours, spread out over thousands of kilometres, to set the wheels of His plan in motion months in advance.

It's just an awe inspiring blessing to see what God has done through our finite and seemingly insignificant contributions to His Kingdom. Just do what He's asked you to do... no matter how small it may seem to you. Because you just never know what He has in store.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Newsboys "Born Again" hits stores June 8th!

WARNING - Blatantly religious post follows:

WOO HOO!!! Newsboys first album with new frontman Michael Tait, of dcTalk fame, hits store shelves on June 8th! They've realeased the title track for the album, entitled "Born Again"... give it a look and a listen below!

It looks like they're putting together an incredible works project too with the launch of this album... good on them! They filmed this new video on the Baja penninsula, an area hugely impoverished, and are seeking to put together a team to go down there and undertake a building project. Here's hoping this turns into a longer term effort that keeps working to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus to this needy region of the world... that's right on our doorstep.

It's very clearly got major influences from Michael, who's sound is the one I loved most from the good old dcTalk days. (Toby Mac's solo stuff is okay, but Kevin Max is just loony tunes, I never even bother with his far out there sounds) Yet it still retains something of the classic Newsboys influence, with their solid artistry and sound. With another new guy doing the bassline, it's obviously lost something, as I just LOVED Phil Joel's artistry on that front... though I wasn't a big fan of the hair! ;-) But there's still that same classic guitar work, and incredible drum talent that have helped solidify the Newsboys as a CCM icon for decades.

Looking forward to hearing more as June 8th approaches. I've loved Newsboys for years, and loved dcTalk when they were together, and stuck with Michael Tait during the Tait Band years... I'm looking forward to hearing what this merging of the classic and iconinc styles will end up sounding like!

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

On second thought, I DO believe in "Global Warming"

2 Peter 3:10 - "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up."

Do I believe in man made Global Warming? YES, yes I do. Through man, SIN entered into the world. Therefore, man is responsible for the eventual "warming"... by fire.

A friend of mine made a really good point tonight at prayer meeting. This whole thing in Copenhagen right now? Just another distraction from the real issue at hand... that all the problems of mankind are a direct result of SIN, and that the only answer is for the world to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith.

He made another really good point tonight as well... that mankind is more united today, politically, economically, and socially, due to "Global Warming". Cue the New World Order!

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Saturday, August 08, 2009

This one oughta throw you all for a loop

Many people seem to think they know where I stand on all the issues, based on my blog name...

Took one of those online "Political Spectrum" quizes. Check the results and discuss... (and maybe take the quiz yourself to see where you fall, see if the quiz is just whacked out)

My Political Views
I am a centrist social authoritarian
Right: 0.24, Authoritarian: 6.64

Political Spectrum Quiz

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Warren and Liberal bloggers attack Muslim Canadians

Take their argument to it's logical conclusion... anyone who believes in "the Creation myth", as the majority of the Muslim world does, is ineligable to hold a Cabinet portfolio in Canada, at least according to Warren Kinsella along with many other Liberal bloggers.

They haven't said that in so many words, mind you, but in their attempts to once again attack a Conservative Cabinet Minister, who happens to be a Christian, that's exactly what they've done. If a belief in "Creation" is a litmus test for Cabinet-ineligability here in Canada, then you can pretty much rule out a large chunk of Canada's Muslim population.

From Wikipedia:
Creation Myth - Islam
The creation narrative of Islam is split among many verses in the Qur'an. This narrative is similar to the Judeo-Christian accounts of creation. According to the Qur'an, the skies and the earth were joined together as one "unit of creation", after which they were "cloved asunder".[18]

The Qur'an states that the process of creation took 6 days or epochs (depending on the interpretation).
What's even more sad is that they don't even realize that they're also saying that a good percentage of the Jewish population is also automaticly ineligable to hold public office in this great country of ours.

Hello? What is this, 1930's Germany? And the Liberals claim their "friends" of the Jews? I think not, when they so openly riducule the Jewish Holy Book, the Torah.

Why is it that Liberals seem to so vehemently hate Christians? Or anyone of faith for that matter?

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

CTV pushing Christian station WDCX 99.5 off the radio

Unbelievable. CTV, either knowingly or unknowingly, is seeking a license from the CRTC to move CKKW Kitchener from the AM to the FM band. But in so doing, they're going to push WDCX, the best full time Christian radio station within broadcasting range of the GTA and southern Ontario, off the dial from the 99.5Mhz slot in the FM band here in Ontario.

I flipped on the radio on Tuesday, and pressed the #1 preset for WDCX... which I've had at my #1 slot in all three cars I've owned. And I heard a different style of music, and I thought to myself, "This is a different style for WDCX". Then I heard the dreaded words I'd heard once before... "This is a test signal for blah blah blah..." I actually slammed my steering wheel, and said to myself, "Here we go again".

This happened once before, back in 2003-2004, with "Kicx 96", a country station also based out of Kitchener. They later moved up the dial and became "Kicx 106", and stopped interfering with WDCX 99.5Mhz, to the delight of many believers across the GTA and SW Ontario.

WDCX has been broadcasting since 1963, and has been a mainstay in many Christian households in the area for generations. I remember listening to them on the way to school with my mom for years, and then listening to the likes of Steve Brown and Ravi Zacheriah on my way to work when I commuted to work, just like thousands of other Christians here on this side of the border.

Yes, they are a US broadcaster out of Buffalo, but they carry a whole lot of content for Canadian churches, along with a whole host of advertising for Canadian businesses. Just take a look at their banner from their homepage:

Yea, that's the CN Tower and Toronto City Hall, proudly on display.

Last time this happened, I didn't think there was much I could do to stop them. Since then, I've discovered the power of blogging, and how much people do honestly listen when issues like this are raised. It's my hope that a campaign can be started, petitioning the CRTC to deny CTV's request to broadcast at 99.5Mhz on the FM band... and that the CRTC will finally stop attempting to issue new licenses for this frequency.

Here's the info on the CRTC's approval from October of this year. Wonderful... we don't hear a word about it until it's all over. Except here's the thing... what on earth were they doing holding the "Public Consultation" on this issue IN ALBERTA, and not here in SW Ontario? Anyone else think that kinda stinks? The only folks who were able to show up for the "Public" consultation were the suits from CTV who wanted the license for the Kitchener area!
Application 2007-1504-7, received 22 October 2007
Public Hearing in Edmonton, Alberta
27 May 2008
Stay tuned for more information, I'll be posting more on this story as things develop.

UPDATE: According to an e-mail I just received, this whole issue may simply go away... last time someone took this slot, they went to the CRTC practically begging to move because of the sheer power that WDCX uses... 110kw vs 2.2kw of FM power.

I've also obtained the relevant phone numbers for the CRTC and CKKW. You can call the CRTC at 1.877.249.2782, and the local CKKW station at 519.884.4470. Let them know how you feel about suddenly not being able to hear WDCX anymore. Flood the phones, make sure you're voice is heard.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Christians under attack in India

After Maoists killed (and claimed responsiblity for) a local Hindu leader in August, there has been widespread violence against Christians in the Indian region of Orissa. I'm asking all my Brothers and Sisters who read this blog to pray for the saints in India tonight.
Three More Christians Killed in Orissa; Opposition Reported in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
Courtesy of Gospel for Asia

Three more believers were martyred and twelve others were severely wounded in a fresh wave of violence in Orissa, India, on September 30. The latest attacks occurred in villages near Kandhamal, which has been the epicenter of violence against Christians since August 22.

The violence in Orissa came as attacks in two other Indian states targeted a Christian pastor and a Bridge of Hope center.

An estimated 30 Christians have been killed and thousands of others have lost their homes since Hindu extremists went on a rampage after their leader, Swami Laxmananda Saraswati was murdered. His followers are seeking revenge for his death, for which Christians have been blamed. However, Maoists have claimed responsibility for the murder.

A Gospel for Asia correspondent in Orissa said Tuesday's attacks came at 4:30 a.m. when mobs of as many as 5,000 Hindu extremists attacked three separate villages. The extremists burned down about 150 homes and three churches. The Indian media reports that police opened fire in an attempt to disperse the violent forces.

The mob also reportedly attacked the local police station, demanding that two people arrested in connection with the ongoing riots be released. Media reports from within the country also indicate that the extremists have blocked all roads in and out of the area of the attack with rocks and boulders to prevent police from bringing in additional forces.

Since the violence began August 22, six people who attended GFA-related churches in Orissa have been killed by the Hindu extremists, who have personally attacked more than 2,000 believers from these churches. The extremists have also burned down 630 homes belonging to believers who attend GFA-related churches and destroyed 22 churches where GFA missionaries serve as pastors.

Many Christians are still hiding out in the dense jungles surrounding their villages. They are suffering from the effects of starvation, disease and monsoon flooding that wrecked the state in September.

With the continued violence and the roads blocked, it is impossible for GFA Compassion Services teams to get into Orissa to distribute aid.


Thursday, October 02, 2008

#3 on CBC's "Blog Buzz" for Oct. 2, 08

My post from last week, regarding James Curran's post on Mr. Harper's faith, and the faith of the Guelph Liberal candidate who attends a sister church to my own, came in at #3 on Susan "Blog Buzz" for October 2, 2008.

Right off the bat, I want to correct the statement on Susan's blog... there she says it was James himself made certain claims about Harper's denomonation. As I clarified in my post, it was NOT James who made those statements, but was a direct quote from the article which he reposted on his blog. (it was just the formatting of the post that made it look like those were his own words... that was an error on my part that I fully acknowledge)

I do, however, stand by the original point of my post. If people want to take Mr. Harper to task over his faith, they shouldn't be hypocritical, and should apply the same standard to their local Liberal candidates... of which there are many Evangelicals who share our Most Holy faith.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Gotcha!" politics... I knew this day would come

I personally like Warren's views on times like this ... by all means guys, keep on firing your attacks my way. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, I suggest you take another look at his books... these amatures could learn a few things from him.

Anyway, I guess it's time to answer a few questions that have been hanging out there over the last few days...

Why have I kept my identity under wraps on this blog? Because, and I'll repeat... "All opinions expressed here are solely my own, and not necessarily reflective of the views of the Party, its leadership, its general membership, my EDA, or my local Conservative candidate". So there.

I chose a long time ago that I would not use any position I held for my own purposes or agendas. When I serve the people of Canada, I do so at their pleasure, and as such, I have a responsiblity to ensure that their veiws are reflected properly. On that basis, I've never indicated any position that I've held on this blog. Yes, I have taken on certain responsibilities over the years in an effort to serve my fellow Canadians to the best of my ability, but I've done so in a manner that reflects the general views of the membership of whatever EDA I've been a part of... and there have been several different EDA's over the life of this blog. You can choose to believe me or not, but that's the truth.

You see, the Conservative Party of Canada is indeed a "Big Tent" party.  I've worked with lots of folks in various capacities... some who are Christians, some Muslims, atheists, agnostics, you name it.  Why are we, all people with differing opinions, working together as we do?  In an effort to make a better Canada for everyone... and not just for a select few, like the Liberal Party of Canada seems to do.

As I'm sure you've noticed by now, my views are not exactly "mainstream"... not even within my own party, despite what some of the liars may try to tell you. As such, I've never openly disussed my real identity. My reasoning is somewhat similar to Canadian Cynic's... I'd prefer not to have any nutbars showing up on my front door. But despite my best efforts, and thanks to some help from Liberal bloggers, I've already recieved one piece of hate mail. Not openly identifying myself has also allowed me to express the opinion of the 5%-10% of the Canadian population who describe themselves as "Evangelical"... people who believe the Bible in a more literal manner, and who view the political realm from that worldview. That worldview, of course, not in step with ANY of the major political parties in Canada. As a member of one of the major parties, and as a Bible-believing Christian, I wanted to be able to express my views, and the views of tens of thousands of other Canadians, in an open manner such as this... views that sometimes aren't welcome in any of the parties, and yet are held my members of both the Conservative and Liberal parties.

For the record, I've never "hidden" my identity. I've just never discssed it openly on my blog, and have been "hiding in plain sight", as it were. That's why I've always been comfortable enough to post my photo. In posting my photo, several local Liberals have IDed me, and I've never attempted to hide anything from them. I've also never had a problem revealing my identity to trustworthy people, including several promanent Liberal bloggers... Jason Cherniak, Warren Kinsella, CalgaryGrit, Stephen Taylor, Joanne Tintor, Dr. Roy, David Graham of cdlu and the Liblogs admin, etc. These are respectful individuals, who are able to rise above the "gotcha" smear politics from which I have sought to stay out of by hiding my identity. They're folks who I felt were able to rise above the partisan bickering, and actually dicuss ideas, and even work together towards a common goal. It was my pleasure to work together with Jason Cherniak and David Graham towards defeating MMP during the previous Ontario election. Several of us, I mean myself and several Liberals at a local Liberal event some weeks ago, were having fun talking about that. Wouldn't it be nice to see more of that on the blogs...

But, of course, I knew that one day, one of those "GOTCHA!" types would figure it all out, and would seek to try and stick my views to someone else. Congrats to Jeff Davidson for confirming my cynical outlook of most bloggers, on all ends of the spectrum.

So, thanks to good old gutter politics, here's my two cents to set the record straight, one last time... my views are my own. They do not reflect the views of the Party, my local EDA, nor anyone else in my general vicinity. I never have used any position I've held for my own purposes, or to further my own agendas. Any position I have held has been solely in the interest of serving my fellow Canadians to the best of my ability... and most of it, believe it or not, is about little more than taking care of all the paperwork.

By the way... some have asked why I refer to my location as being in "the GTA". For most Canadians, or my international readers of which I have several regulars, Toronto is the nearest major city. I've pretty much always lived within the sphere (and smog) of Toronto, and when people ask me where I'm from, I pretty much reply with, "I've grown up in and around Toronto". As such, I still consider myself a "GTAer".

Hope that clears a few things up. Now back to real life, where I've been for the past week or so, and from which I've been so rudely awakened...

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Statement of Faith

I know lots of people think that Christians shouldn't have anything to do with politics in Canada, but I disagree. So I thought I'd start another discussion on that topic to see what people think.

For starters, I found this "Statement of Faith" online from a nearby church, and I think it's pretty good... nothing here I'd disagree with. How about you?

What We Believe as a Church

1. About the Bible
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The word "inspired" means that God superintended the writing and the collection of the books of the Bible, allowing the writers to use their own style, reflecting the uniqueness of their readers. We believe the Bible is without error in the original writing and is the final authority for faith and life. No other writings are inspired like the Bible. (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 19:7-11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21)

2. About God
We believe there is one God who exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three persons possess the same nature, qualities and glory but are distinct in their roles. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 48:16, Matthew 28:19, James 2:19)

3. About Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only son of God, he was both fully man and God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was virgin born of Mary, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin, he rose again the third day in bodily form and that the only way to reconnect with God is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He ascended into heaven and sits at the Father's right hand, interceding for us. (I John 5:20, Luke 1:35, Matthew 1:20, I Peter 1:18-19, Romans 4:25, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 4:14-16)

4. About Salvation
We believe that we were all created reflecting God's character but were separated from God because of sin and that salvation is entirely because of God's grace and mercy through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that once you are part of God's family, that you are part of it for all eternity. (Genesis 1:27, Romans 3:23; 5:12, Titus 3:5, I Peter 1:5)

5. About the Holy Spirit
We believe that each believer is indwelt with the Holy Spirit at the time of crossing the line of faith. The work of the Holy Spirit is to help people understand who Jesus Christ is; to convict us when we sin, to guide, instruct and provide the power to become fully devoted followers of Christ. (Ephesians 4:30, Romans 8:9, John 14:16-18; 16:8-14)

6. About the Church
We believe that all followers of Christ are part of the universal church with Jesus Christ as the head of the church. The local church is an expression of God's design for the church and it has the right to decide and rule over its own affairs. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances that are to be observed during this present age. (Matthew 28:19-20, I Corinthians 11:23-28; 12:12-27, Galatians 3:27-28, Ephesians 1:22-23, Acts 2:42-46)

7. About the Return of Christ
We believe that one day Jesus will return from heaven and gather those who are followers back to heaven to spend eternity with him. (John 14:1-6, Acts 1:11, I Thessalonians 4:14-18, Revelation 21:1-4)

8. About the Resurrection
We believe in a bodily resurrection from the dead and that those who are followers of Christ will go to heaven and those who reject the message of the gospel will be separated for eternity from God in a place called hell. (Revelation 20:12-13, Philippians 1:23, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9)

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy October 31st

Halloween? BAH, HUMBUG!

Instead, I'd like to wish every one a Happy Reformation Day!
The 95 Theses

The Ninety-Five Theses on the Power of Indulgences, commonly known as The Ninety-Five Theses, was written by Martin Luther and is widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. Luther used these theses to display his displeasure with the Church's indulgences, and this ultimately gave birth to Protestantism. Luther's popularity encouraged others to share their doubt with the Church and protest its medieval ways; it especially challenged the teachings of the Church on the nature of penance, the authority of the pope and the usefulness of indulgences. They sparked a theological debate that would result in the Reformation and the birth of the Lutheran, Reformed, and Anabaptist traditions within Christianity.

According to a report written by Philipp Melanchthon in 1546, Martin Luther posted the Ninety-five Theses on the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, October 31, 1517.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Mr. Dion, I'm sorry

Okay, deep breath... I was wrong.

Several people, on this blog and privately, have commented on my recent stories regarding Mr. Dion, indicating that some of my posts have been rather "unChrist-like". Upon reflection, I agree.

Mr. Dion is indeed a fine man, I'm sure, and genuinely believes that his veiws are the best for this country. From what little I know of the man, it seems that he honestly wants to improve this country in whatever way he can. While I to a great degree oppose the sort of ideology he proposes, and while I still hope that he never becomes the Prime Minister of this land, it is not my place, nor my desire, to attack him as a person. Some of my posts in recent weeks crossed that line, and for that, I'm genuinely sorry to anyone who took offence.

My primary desire with this blog, and my primary motivation on this earth, is not to attack people, but to proclaim what true and genuine "Leadership" is... and it's not found in any man, not even the likes of Mr. Harper, whom I greatly admire.

No, "Leadership", "Integrity", and all of those things we crave in those who leader us, can be found in one Person alone, the Lord Jesus Christ. We're not going to find what we're looking for until He returns to set up His kingdom here on earth... and I should be encouraging people to look to Him for Leadership and forgiveness from their sins... not wasting my time, or harming Christ's Name, by slinging mud at my fellow man.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

An open letter to Backseat Blogger

Hey there Backseat Blogger,

I've commented before about some of your posts, and I'd just like to ask that you not paint all of us "Christians" with the same brush. Your obvious hatred of all things "Christian" (and I use the term lightly) is clear, and, in my opinion, misguided.

For example, one of your posts today was a direct attack on the Catholic Church, however, you tarred all of us together, once again. Don't forget, there was that rather nasty little incident in 1517 (some obscure guy named Luther) that began a clear division between various branches of the faith, as well as that other split between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches some centruies earlier. Please ensure that you clarify when you direct such attacks. (of course, one of my highschool English teachers couldn't make that distinction either... then again, she was a post-modernist feminist man-hater, so what do you expect?)

As for the church that cancelled the funeral because the veteran was gay, I don't think that was the right decision... though I do understand the delemna that the church officials were going through, as they would not want to appear to support a lifestyle that they viewed as sinful. (for full disclosure, I'm in a similar situation myself presently, as I am not attending a wedding of someone close to me because I do not want to show support of a sinful decision)

Yes, I am a "Christian"... but what does that really mean? It means I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, a believer in His Name, and one who has turned to Him for the salvation of my soul through His shed and precious redeeming blood... blood that was shed for me (and for you too, should you accept His offer of forgiveness) on the cross of Calvary, some 2000 years ago. (actually, it was 1974 years and a couple months ago, if you want to get technical...) What all that means is that I am someone who reads the Bible and takes what it has to say seriously, and try to live my life in accordance with the principles found within its pages. Do I do it well? Not a chance! And there are a great many of us who struggle with the truths contained within its pages, but are seeking to do what is right in His eyes. Please don't just our Master by our mistakes... judge Him for who He is alone! The Lord Jesus is the loving and merciful God who paid such a great price to restore the broken relationship between Himself and His greatest creation... you and I.

Of course, these truths are something that the evil one Satan hates, so obviously he wants to do everything he can to make people like yourself hate all things related to the Lord Jesus Christ. I'd just like to appeal to you today to think twice before making such broad sweeping accusations, and rejecting all things related to Christ because of a few who claim the Lord's Name, and act in ways that don't honour Him as their Lord and Saviour.

Anyway, I won't be able to respond because I'm headed off into the bush for a week... please try to behave everyone, and I look forward to some positive dialouge next week.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Cool Historical Document

It's amazing what interesting pieces of historical documentation you can find in the Vatican archives. Here's one that is of great interest to me linked on their website... the excommunication letter to the radical German friar, Martin Luther.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Funny, I've been saying the opposite for years

Friday, June 08, 2007

John Tory and Faith-based Private Schools

Well, turns out where I'm staying has a wireless connection! I'll be too busy to really make use of it this week, however, I felt I should chime in on John Tory's upcoming campaign proposal regarding faith based education, since I went to a Christian elementary school for five years.

Here's the brief overview that I got from the CBC on the road today... John Tory supports a parent's right to opt for private faith-based education, but rather than doing so via a voucher based tax credit, he favours providing direct funding for these schools, provided that they in some measure come under the authority of their local public school board. At the same time, he favours increasing funding to the public system, not taking from the public system to fund faith-based education.

According to the CBC, Mr. Tory is planning to release more details on this tomorrow. However, based on the details mentioned by the CBC, here's my take on the idea... IT MIGHT JUST COST HIM THE ELECTION. Most of the people I know, who sacrifice to send their kids to private Christian schools, will never support such a plan... and might just be willing to actively campaign against it. (despite the common stereotype that they're rich... trust me, my parents are not) Here's just a few reasons why they'll never support it...

Firstly, people who choose to send their kids, like my parents, often do so to REMOVE their kids from the influence of the public system, and the boards that run them. These boards are the same ones who are implementing immoral sex education programs, and ramming humanistic philosophy down the throats of kids. Parents of faith often remove their kids from the public system in order to protect them from being overtly converted to humanism by the world.

Secondly, in order to receive funding, some degree of the school's autonomy will most certainly have to be given up... there's no way they'll be able to get at this money without the government attaching strings. Most parents greatly value this autonomy, which enables the schools to select the curriculum, the teaching staff, etc. Parents aren't likely to give that up willingly.

Thirdly, and what should be most important to John Tory, for many parents who support faith based education, this idea may just be enough for them to NOT vote for Mr. Tory, and just choose to stay home... or, if they're really bothered by it, as I'm starting to be, may just be enough for them to vote AGAINST Mr. Tory, by supporting Dalton McGuinty.

In an effort to throw a bone to a part of the PC base who support faith based education, he may have inadvertently thrown them a bone of contention instead... and since these parents are willing to sacrifice to send their children to these schools, you can be sure that they're going to do whatever it takes to ensure that the government doesn't get control of their schools.

This is a really bad move that may just be enough to cost him the election.

Tax credits are what these parents want, since they're having to pay TWICE for their children's education, once via property taxes, and once via private tuition fees. Rather than try to put forward an idea like this Mr. Tory, I would have done nothing about the whole private school issue. If I were you, I'd just try to forget this idea and let it quietly die between now and the October election.

Let me be crystal clear... if my local PC candidate supports this idea, I'll likely be staying home come election day. That's how important this issue is... Mr. Tory, you need to drop it NOW, otherwise you put your electoral chances in severe jeopardy.

We'll see what the details of the plan are. Please post links to anything you see in the comments, as I'll have a hard time following this while I'm away.

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