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Brent Patterson's picture
What will Trudeau's promised Canada Health Accord look like? | Oct 29 2015 | Brent Patterson | It would appear that a Canada Health Accord is back on the table with incoming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. But what will it look like under Canada's new prime minister?
Behind The Numbers's picture
Reviewing the TPP: Trudeau's best-case scenario | Oct 29 2015 | Scott Sinclair, Stuart Trew | During the election, one question dogged Trudeau to the end: what was his position on the recently completed Trans-Pacific Partnership? We still don't quite know the answer, though we may soon enough.
Feminist Current's picture
Porn is a privilege, not a right | Oct 28 2015 | Meghan Murphy | Once again the issue of prisoners' right to pornography is up for debate; this time in Canada.
Nora Loreto's picture
Untangling the #hashtagfail-lings of the NDP campaign | Oct 28 2015 | Nora Loreto | What is left to be said about the NDPs election performance? Lots, but we need to start answering the right questions.
Oct 29 2015
Rita Wong's poetry collection 'undercurrent' describes the power and sacredness of water and cracks into the language of colonialism and capitalism and offers alternative narratives.
Oct 22 2015
How has the gun culture in North America shifted into one advocating against safety and gun laws? A.J. Somerset examines this shift and how the gun control movement came to exist in Canada.
Oct 15 2015
Many, many people have warned Canada that Harper's time in power has been awful. But what happens when a non-partisan observer starts saying the same thing?

Current rabble poll

What should Trudeau do about the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) secret negotiations were concluded in the final days of the federal election by a "caretaker" government. During the campaign, Justin Trudeau was vague on his party's position on the TPP and only promised to hold an open public debate in Parliament.

What do you think Trudeau should do about the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

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