Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Liberal MP: "The prorogation rallies were hijacked by the NDP"

Well, thanks to Liberal MP John Cannis (Scarborough Centre) for confirming today in the House what I'd said quite some time ago... that the "grassroots" anti-prorogation rallies were nothing more than a partisan SHAM.

His quote today, as relayed by a friend on the Hill:
"The prorogation rallies were hijacked by the NDP... the rallies DID NOT represent the will of Canadians."
(exact quote from Hansard to be posted when available)

And the media fell for it... hook, line, and sinker. One of the many reasons Canadians want a new media outlet like SunTVNews!

Looks like today's Opposition Day motion from the Liberals has gone and opened up a whole can of worms for themselves... that's the second Opposition Day in a row that's gone badly for them... I'm sure we all recall their pro-abortion motion fiasco?

Congrats guys... good job on reminding Canadians that you're not even close to being ready for prime time.

UPDATE: Exact quote from Hansard HERE.

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Monday, June 07, 2010

Harper: "Losers don't get to form coalitions"

Finally found the video for the Harper/Cameron press conference where he made that statement, thanks to CPAC. Skip to the 16:23 mark of the video.
"In the end, I think the verdict of public opinion was pretty clear... which is that losers don't get to form coalitions... winners are the ones who get to form governments"

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Official Liberal/NDP Coalition begins in Alberta

Despite how much they try and avoid talking about it, the reality is never far below the surface... if the can't beat us, they'll just join forces.

For now, it's just in Alberta. Not likely going to happen anytime soon in BC. But who knows what might happen nationally if Harper wins another minority after the next election?

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Saturday, May 08, 2010

CBC's Heather Mallick calling for an Opposition coalition

I guess Heather Mallik's ignorance of Canada shows what happens when you spend to many years out of the country...

Hey Heather, Canadians pretty clearly rejected the very idea of a left-wing coalition back in December of 2008, back when the CPC was polling around, oh what was it, about 41%? Oh, right, you weren't here for that... my bad.

You've got to LOVE this left-wing drivil from her poisioned pen...
Canada has a Conservative minority government right now that does have a core belief. It's that Canadians deserve a good stomping, all of them. Conservatives can't stand people, particularly if they're female, or second-generation Canadian, or educated, or principled, or not from Alberta, which is the home of the hard-right belly-bulging middle-aged Tory male. Watch them at the G8, ostensibly fighting for women's health internationally while blocking abortions for raped Congolese.

Harper cannot get a real majority. If the centre-right Liberals and the centre-left New Democrats would form a coalition, Harper would be toast and we'd get started on what we need: national day care, TGV trains, an economic strategy, a green strategy, oh a strategy for anything, a plan is all we seek.

Instead we hang.
Sound familiar? Yep, that pretty much sounds like the "culture war" strategy that the CBC is employing on behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada... as recommended by Frank Graves. No wonder she's still working for the CBC.

UPDATE: Finally settled on my new name for her... "Hate'n Malice", cause that seems to be all that ever comes out of her mouth. Her mouth, and pretty much every mouthpiece of the Left, whenever they're talking about anyone who disagrees with their ideology.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Tories to run on elimination of $30-million dollar policital subsidy in next election

Thanks once again to the "Unthinking Opposition", who have opened the door WIDE OPEN for us to reintroduce this sensible idea.

With the Opposition recently banding together to pass a motion restricting the use of "ten percenters", which they said was an effort to save the taxpayer millions of dollars, the Tories have indicated that they're perfectly willing to go along with the Opposition's idea... IF they're willing to also eliminate the political subsidy.

If you'll recall, this is exactly how I said this one would backfire on the Opposition... another strike for the Liberal Don-OLO.

Just try backing out of that one now guys. I think the Canadian public will support BOTH of these measures, and will link them together as both being "wasteful spending" that should be eliminated. Thanks for your help once again!

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Coalition threat not dead yet

An interesting article from the Globe and Mail about an upcoming book entitled "How We Almost Gave the Tories the Boot", by Brian Topp, one of the coalition "insiders" from the NDP... think I'll have to pick up a copy myself.

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Monday, February 01, 2010

"Liberals, NDP 'testing the ground' on..."

...a new coalition? Who knows, perhaps this is just the first baby-step towards that ultimate goal of the left.
Liberals, NDP 'testing the ground' on joint anti-prorogation legislation
Jane Taber - Monday, February 1, 2010 1:13 PM

1. Plotting prorogation strategy. Liberal House Leader Ralph Goodale and his NDP counterpart Libby Davies met for more than an hour last week. They were trying to determine if they could put together a joint strategy on limiting the Prime Minister’s powers of prorogation.

The meeting was characterized as at the “discussion” phase with no decisions taken. Indeed, whether the parties will be able to agree on a joint proposal to take to the House when it returns in March is not yet clear.

“The idea of a joint bill was not discussed,” a senior Liberal official says. “So in short, [we were] testing the ground to see if they would support us – and the feeling is they might, at least for some elements.”

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Friday, September 11, 2009

You'd think that with all this coalition talk...

...that the Liberals would be a little more eager to try and hide the evidence, instead of leaving it fully accessable on their website. I bring to you, in all it's glory, the signatures of every Liberal Member of Parliament, in support of the undemocratic coalition.

Hey Bob, what was that you were saying about Iggy not having signed the document? I seem to see his signature, right there at the very end of the list.

But here's a new thought, maybe Bob is correct in his assertions that Ignatieff never signed it, which would suggest something even more sinister... maybe the Iggy siggy was forged?

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Iggy CONFIRMS Harper's accusation of needing support from "socialists and separatists" to govern

While the media may currently be reporting "Ignatieff rules out coalition with NDP, Bloc", Iggy's statement today in fact confirms Mr. Harper's initial accusation, it doesn't do anything to refute them!

Let's go over his statements, shall we?

CTV: "He says the party will seek support and consensus of "partners" but will not sign a formal coalition deal. He said he does not believe Canadians are in favour of a coalition government."

CBC: "[Ignatieff] could make Parliament work without such a deal. "I am favourable to compromise. I am favourable to reaching out. I am favourable to consultation."

Catch that? While he "says" he won't sign any such deal to form a "coalition", he still fully intends to govern by buying their support! Allow me to translate for you... "I'm favorable to modifying my agenda such that it's palatable to both the separatists and socialists, so that they will support my Government."


Therefore, Canadians are left with a clear choice, just like Mr. Harper said they were... if they DON'T want the NDP or the Bloc having a major say on the direction of this nation, there's only one option... a Conservative Majority.

I just can't believe that the Liberals are going out of their way to make our case for us...

UPDATE: Watch the video for yourself at CTV, at the 2:10 mark... Iggy sidestepped the question AGAIN. When asked, point blank, why we should believe him when Dion made and broke the very same promise, he gave some rambling answer along the lines of "I'm more credible".

UPDATE II: Looks like Iggy's STILL ducking the tough questions on this one...
When asked by reporters, Ignatieff wouldn't comment on whether the Liberals would reconsider a coalition if Harper ends up the prime minister again after the election.

"I don't like this hypothesis at all," he said in French. "If there is an election, I will seek support of Canadians to form a good Liberal government."

UPDATE III: O-U-C-H... December 10th, 2008...

NOTE: Busy day, so I've turned off comments, so I won't get accused of "censoring" them again. Will be back later or tomorrow. If there's something you really want to say, send it to cc[at]christianconservative[dot]ca

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Iggy "says" he won't form a coalition, but....

...haven't we heard this one before?

Hey, didn't Mr. Harper predict that Iggy would SAY this? Looks like he's right on schedule!


UPDATE: Of course, if you think about it, Iggy's response is even BETTER for us... how many "progressives" do you think are going to be ticked at Iggy for limiting their options should Harper win another minority? I sense another opening for Jack...

UPDATE II: Upon further reflection, Iggy's statement today actually confirms Mr. Harper's accusations, it doesn't do anything to refute them!

Here it is, in Ignatieff's own words... [Ignatieff] could make Parliament work without such a deal. "I am favourable to compromise. I am favourable to reaching out. I am favourable to consultation." Catch that? "I'm favorable to modifying my agenda such that it's palitable to both the seperatists and socialists, so that they will support my Government."


If you DON'T want the NDP or the Bloc having a major say on the direction of this nation, there's only one option... a Conservative Majority. I just can't believe that the Liberals are making our case for us...

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Headline revision - "Statement reveals 'real Ignatieff'"

(previous post title: "The Arrogant Minded Professor?")

The headline of a CBC article is "Video reveals 'real Harper': Ignatieff".

Instead, after reading the Globe & Mail's article, I'm thinking,
"Statement reveals 'real Ignatieff'"
Mr. Ignatieff points to the fact that after he became Liberal Leader he declined to defeat the Tories eight weeks later on their January budget, killing off the coalition.

“I could have been standing here as prime minister of Canada, but I turned it down,” [Ignatieff] said.
Say WHAT? In other words, when translated into Iggy-speak...

"You see, I could have been Prime Minister if I'd wanted to... but you, the little people of Canada, you weren't yet ready for me. Now, perhaps the time has come where you are finally ready...

Therefore, should I decide that you are indeed worthy of my leadership, I shall hereby force an election, in an effort to be magnanamous with my divine power, and bestow upon you the privilage of making me your Presiden... er, Prime Minister.

And then, should you decide to reject my ovatures of peace and enlightened despotism, then I'll just take the reigns of power anyway."

Like I've been saying all along... No coalition? I WANNA SEE IT IN WRITING.

UPDATE: Oops, I guess I'm not getting it in writing... Ignatieff has publicly admitted that he would govern with the assistance of the NDP and the Bloc should he be in a minority situation.

I guess Harper's comments weren't that far off the mark after all, since that very left leaning government would have to select Judges and Senators who are acceptable to the socialists and seperatists...
Asked by reporters point-blank if he rules out forming a governing coalition with the NDP and the Bloc Québécois, Ignatieff said he has already been "very clear" on that.

He said he "already refused a coalition" last January because he didn't think it was "in the national interest," and he does not believe he has to "revisit" that question. He said he will be seeking a mandate for a moderate, progressive, competent Liberal government.

"But to have a minority government work in a situation such as that, I would respect my political opponents and I would try to work with them," Ignatieff.
And before any Liberal supporters sqwak at me saying "That's how a minority Parliament is supposed to work!", I'll save you the trouble of commenting, because I won't post the talking-points anyway... Ignatieff's statement proves Mr. Harper's case that a majority is in Canadian's best interest, if they want to avoid a high-taxing leftist agenda being foisted upon them by an Ignatieff government that will be supported by the NDP and the Bloc.

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Iggy's not backing down on election talk

Straight out of Iggy's mouth today, via a CTV article:
He [Ignatieff] said it's no longer possible to work with a man so contemptuous of basic Canadian values, and reiterated his plan to bring down the Conservative government.

"(Harper's) already lost the confidence of the House once," Ignatieff said, referring to the attempted coalition takedown of the Tories last year. "He's about to lose it a second time."
You catch that? Ignatieff isn't going to back down, and he fully intends to bring down the Government within weeks.

But this is where things get even more interesting... Ignatiff has still refused to refute the Prime Minister's accusation that he would form a coalition in order to govern should he not win the next election outright.
[Harper] "Let me be clear about this: We need to win a majority in the next election campaign," the prime minister said.

"I am not just saying that because we need a few more seats. We saw what happened last year. Do not be fooled for a moment. If we do not get a majority, the Liberals, the NDP, and the Bloc will combine and they will form a government.

"They will deny this 'til they're blue in the face in an election campaign but I guarantee it: If we do not win a majority this country will have a Liberal government propped up by the socialists and the separatists. . .

"This country cannot afford a government like that. If they force us to the polls, if they get together and force us to the polls, we have to teach them a lesson and get back their with a majority to make sure their little coalition never happens."

Ignatieff ducked questions about the substance of Harper's accusation.

When asked about forming a coalition, Ignatieff simply noted that he killed the one the opposition parties had formed last year.

When asked again whether he was amenable to an informal governing arrangement with the other parties, Ignatieff sidestepped the question.

When asked whether he would agree with Harper to kill off public subsidies for political parties -- the issue that triggered the coalition in the first place -- he offered no commitment.
I'll repeat what I said last week... the coalition accord has never been formally recinded. Iggy claims "he killed it", though that has only ever been verbally. His signature is still on the original agreements, and based on the language of the documents themselves, they are still in force. So the Prime Minister is exactly correct when he said, "They will deny this 'til they're blue in the face in an election campaign but I guarantee it: If we do not win a majority this country will have a Liberal government propped up by the socialists and the separatists."

Until we see it in writing from the Liberal leader, the threat of a socialist and seperatist coalition is still there. Since we all know that a Liberal's word is untimately no good when it comes to their promises, until I see it in writing, I simply won't trust them on this one.

UPDATE: Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks there's a hidden coalition agenda out there... Steve Janke chimes in with an Iggy quote from January, supporting the notion of a FUTURE (ie - NOW) coalition...

UPDATE II: How's THIS for arrogance?
“I could have been standing here as prime minister of Canada, but I turned it down,” [Ignatieff] said.
Say WHAT? In other words, translated into Iggy-speak...
"You see, I could have been Prime Minister if I'd wanted to... but you, the little people, you weren't yet ready for me. Now, perhaps the time has come where you are finally ready... therefore, should I decide that you are indeed worthy of my leadership, I shall hereby force an election, in an effort to be magnanamous with my divine power, and bestow upon you the privilage of making me your Presiden... er, Prime Minister.

And then, should you decide to reject my ovatures of peace and enlightened despotism, then I'll take the reigns of power anyway."

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Was the "Coalition Accord" ever rescinded?

Here's a question for you... have the signed accords between the Liberal Party of Canada, the New Democratic Party of Canada, and the Bloc Quebecois ever actualy been rescinded? No, I don't mean verbally, I mean in written, documented fashion, signatures and all? Didn't they say that in essence, they were legally binding documents? Therefore, if they've never been formally withdrawn, wouldn't they then legally still be in force?

Take a look at them and decide for yourselves... the documents do have expiry dates on them, but those dates are still a long way off. And I've not seen any documentation that says, "The accords signed on December 1st 2008 are hereby null and void".

This is the one for the proposed temporary "merger" to form a Liberal/NDP Government...
An Accord on a Cooperative Government to Address the Present Economic Crisis

This document outlines the key understandings between the Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party of Canada regarding a new cooperative government.

[. . .]

6. Term of this Accord

This Accord will expire on June 30, 2011 unless renewed.

Agreed on December 1, 2008.

Hon. Stéphane Dion
Leader, Liberal Party of Canada

Hon. Jack Layton
Leader, New Democratic Party of Canada
And here's the one signed by all three amigos...
A Policy Accord to Address the Present Economic Crisis


The new Government is supported by parties that share a commitment to fiscal responsibility, a progressive agenda and a belief in the role of Government to act as a partner with Canadians and Quebecers. Where appropriate, these goals should be pursued in full partnership and consultation with the provincial and territorial governments.

[. . .]

Terms of this agreement

The Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party of Canada will adhere to this agreement until June 30, 2011 unless renewed.

The Bloc Quebecois will adhere to this agreement until June 30, 2010 unless renewed.

Agreed on December 1, 2008

Hon. Stephane Dion
Leader, the Liberal Party of Canada

Hon. Jack Layton
Leader, the New Democratic Party of Canada

Gilles Duceppe
Leader, le Bloc Quebecois
Could they be counting on them still being there should the Conservatives win the currently impending election?

I guess here's the bottom line question that needs to be asked of His Royal Iggyness... would he be willing to put it in writing that he won't enter into any governing coalition with either the Socialists or the Separatists?

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ELECTION ALERT: Liberals threaten to topple Government

According to the Globe & Mail, Ignatieff may demand changes to the Budget that could topple the Government.

As this is already a fairly "liberal" budget, I hope (obviously depending on what the requests are) that Mr. Harper tells Iggy, "No... we're not prepared to go any further into debt... you either take it or leave it."

Of course, they could always then try to go through with their coup d’état with the Bloc and the NDP.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

REPOST: UoG Campus Conservatives come up with a fun way to say "NO" to the coalition!


Got this sent to me by one of the members of the University of Guelph's Conservative Campus club... and it was just TOO GOOD not to share.

They developed this image into a little postcard to be sent to their local Member of Parliament, Frank Valeriote, regarding the Bloc supported coalition...

(for those who didn't follow the Guelph by-election, "Doing the right thing" was Frank's slogan during the campaign)

They've printed off a whole whack of them, and are passing them out around campus... looks like Guelph's coalition supporting (then non-supporting, and then supporting again) MP might be getting some mail!

So I thought I'd do my part to support these motivated young citizens, by helping to distribute their mass mailing template! (just click on the image below, print it as landscape, fold lengthwise, cut, sign, and send!)

For those who are really eager, all you have to do it print the one side, then insert the same page upside down and rotated 180 degrees, and print the same file again... that will also produce four usable postcards. Cut them appart, pass them around, sign them, and drop them in the nearest mailbox! As it's addressed to his offices on Parliament Hill, postage is free!!!

(just as a suggestion, I recommend that you use some form of cardstock so Canada Post doesn't destroy them enroute)

UPDATE: I've been advised that if anyone wants to help these kids out, they can contact them via e-mail at I'm sure a few bucks thrown their way would surely help them in their efforts to defend democracy here in Canada!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

UoG Campus Conservatives come up with a fun way to say "NO" to the coalition!

Got this sent to me by one of the members of the University of Guelph's Conservative Campus club... and it was just TOO GOOD not to share.

They developed this image into a little postcard to be sent to their local Member of Parliament, Frank Valeriote, regarding the Bloc supported coalition...

(for those who didn't follow the Guelph by-election, "Doing the right thing" was Frank's slogan during the campaign)

They've printed off a whole whack of them, and are passing them out around campus... looks like Guelph's coalition supporting (then non-supporting, and then supporting again) MP might be getting some mail!

So I thought I'd do my part to support these motivated young citizens, by helping to distribute their mass mailing template! (just click on the image below, print it as landscape, fold lengthwise, cut, sign, and send!)

For those who are really eager, all you have to do it print the one side, then insert the same page upside down and rotated 180 degrees, and print the same file again... that will also produce four usable postcards. Cut them appart, pass them around, sign them, and drop them in the nearest mailbox! As it's addressed to his offices on Parliament Hill, postage is free!!!

(just as a suggestion, I recommend that you use some form of cardstock so Canada Post doesn't destroy them enroute)

UPDATE: I've been advised that if anyone wants to help these kids out, they can contact them via e-mail at I'm sure a few bucks thrown their way would surely help them in their efforts to defend democracy here in Canada!

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"Maverick" MP Valeriote flip-flops on Coalition opposition

Decided to do some digging on an old story, as I'm hearing rumblings that the Liberal/NDP/Bloc coalition may be rearing it's ugly head yet again.

Anyway, remember the "maverick" Liberal MP, Frank Valeriote, who bravely took a stand against the coalition idea? And remember all the praise he received from all corners of the political spectrum? Then, of course, there was his near immediate flip-flop on his flip-flop, if you will. At first, he supported it. Then, in the face of all the opposition to the idea, he came out against it. Then he publicly restated his support for the coalition. (it was one of those stories I said I'd get back to, but never did)

Anyway, ran his name through Google looking for any new coalition quotes, and lookie what I found...

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Liberal leader leaves door open to kill coalition

Iggy was pretty clear when asked if he was going to vote against the Budget in January... "I can't say if I'm going to vote against a Budget that I haven't seen yet."

He's also been caught in his first, shall we say, "mistruth" at today's press conference, when asked if he'd sit down with Mr. Harper regarding the Budget. He said he hadn't received any such invitation. Guess he was too busy being crowned to watch yesterday's CBC interview with Harper...

Canadian Press: "I hope the next Liberal leader, the first thing he'll do will be willing to sit down with me and have that kind of (economic) discussion," said Harper.

Ottawa Sun: "I’m optimistic that the next leader of the Opposition may want to look at different kinds of arrangements in the best interest of the country," said Harper.

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Liberal elite's solution for democracy

In yet another backroom deal, the elite in the Liberal Party brain trust have taken care of the issue of "grassroots" democracy, in their typical arrogant fashion. With Bob Rae dropping out, the new Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff, has selected, NOT elected. So much for letting the membership have their say.

They've told the grassroots Liberal membership, "You can have Iggy, or you can have Iggy... your choice"

I guess at least they're being consistent... if they were going to deny the voters a chance to select their government, why should they have to let their own membership have a say on who their leader is?

Well, for those Liberals still interested in the "grassroots" democratic process, I've got your solution right here.

Don't think of it as betraying your party... think of it as a short term investment in democracy. Besides, it's the elite within your party that have betrayed you, right? Our tent is big enough for everyone who cares about democracy. By taking some time to ride out the collapse of Canada's "Natural Governing Party", you'll make some new friends, and who knows... you may even decide to stick around.

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Didn't see this one coming...
Bob Rae to end bid for Liberal leadership: CTV
Updated Tue. Dec. 9 2008 10:45 AM ET News Staff

Bob Rae has told his supporters in a conference call Tuesday that he will end his bid for the Liberal leadership, CTV News has learned.

CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife confirmed Tuesday that Rae will not challenge frontrunner Michael Ignatieff -- virtually ensuring that Ignatieff will become Liberal leader.

"Bob Rae has had a conference call with 12 or 13 of his supporters and he has just informed them that he has no intention of running for the Liberal leadership and that he is going to pull out and that he has no problem supporting Michael Ignatieff as leader of the Liberal Party," Fife told CTV Newsnet Tuesday morning.

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