Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Stoping the Liberals G20 "Waste Clock"

Oops... the Liberals goofed on their "G8/G20 Waste Clock" on National Newswatch, by putting a "Reset" button on it... which effectively resets AND stops the clock. There... now there's no "waste" at all! It's all money well spent! If you see the clock on any website you're on, just remember to hit the "Reset" button!
You see, the Liberals are trying to tell Canadians that the Government is wasting money on the G8/G20 meetings. They posted a nice this nice pic on loads of websites, but they forgot one thing... they haven't told us what PRECISELY they'd cut if they were in charge.

Well, Mr. Ignatieff? What would you cut if you were in charge? Okay, $57,000 for the lake, that much we know... what else? Well? Why aren't you giving us a clear indication of WHERE you think the waste is?

In today's "anti-everything" protest climate, security is required... the nutbars on the left have already proven that fact loud and clear. Plus the fact that it would be a diplomatic black eye for Canada were, say, President Obama to be assassinated by terrorists here on Canadian soil, so we have to account for that.

So, my dear Liberals, what's it gonna be? What would you cut from the current security budget for the G8/G20? Cue the crickets...



  • At Mon Jun 21, 05:19:00 PM EDT, Blogger CanadianSense said…

    Liberals are familiar with booking smaller and smaller rooms now.

    They may introduce a new policy to further reduce their space bookings this summer. BYOC (Bring Your Own Chair)

    They gave up television spots for radio and internet media buys.

    They are miffed they are not getting free food and booze at the G8/G20 meetings.

  • At Mon Jun 21, 07:11:00 PM EDT, Blogger The_Iceman said…

    How about replacing it with the Liberal fundraising clock? That way you don't even need a program to make it count up. It should stay at zero on its own.

  • At Mon Jun 21, 07:24:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh - that was fun! I reset the one on the Liberal Party website.

  • At Tue Jun 22, 12:23:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Haha Iceman! Yes, and by charging the great Liberal unwashed for events such that they are then told to "shut up"?????

    I hope Iggy goes to Calgary under the bus and charges for pancakes again. If so, he will totally reveal that he will never EVER understand Albertans. He actually should view the series Heartland, which appeals to young people and others who love the scenery, or simpler days, the independence of the characters and the family values and resourcefulness.

  • At Wed Jun 23, 12:10:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Jen said…

    Reset button back to the Trudeau years.

    Iceman, I think think that the LPOC get their fundraising done for free on national media-how 'free' can you get.


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