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NDP Leader Jack Layton speaks at a stop in in Burnaby, B.C., while Liberal Leader speaks with a supporter in Sidney, B.C., on Monday, Oct. 6, 2008. Both men were on the offensive against Stephen Harper's economic plan during a day of market volatility.

NDP Leader Jack Layton speaks at a stop in in Burnaby, B.C., while Liberal Leader speaks with a supporter in Sidney, B.C., on Monday, Oct. 6, 2008. Both men were on the offensive against Stephen Harper's economic plan during a day of market volatility. (Adrian Wyld and Nathan Denette / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Sydney McCormick, 18 months, plays with some balls while Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper answers reporters' questions at a local daycare in Ottawa on Monday, Oct. 6, 2008. (Tom Hanson / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Sydney McCormick, 18 months, plays with some balls while Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper answers reporters' questions at a local daycare in Ottawa on Monday, Oct. 6, 2008. (Tom Hanson / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

NDP, Liberal leaders blast Harper on economy

Updated Mon. Oct. 6 2008 7:27 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper weathered attacks from the other party leaders on his economic plan Monday, as Canada's top bank economists predicted a coming recession and the TSX took another tumble.

At a Conservative press conference in Ottawa where he announced an increase in childcare spending, Harper restated his optimism when it comes to Canada avoiding the same economic troubles as the U.S. -- despite other European nations announcing their own recessions.

"I remain fundamentally optimistic about the Canadian economy, but optimistic -- as I've said from the beginning -- within the framework that we're now living in, and that is a period of economic uncertainty," Harper said.

"Look, we're not an island. We can't pretend, and we're not pretending, that we will escape effects of world developments."

The continued nose-dive of the markets was fodder for the Liberal and New Democratic leaders who were in British Columbia on Monday. Both slammed Harper's "stay-the-course" message on the economy in an attempt to capitalize with voters worried about their finances.

Layton told supporters in stops in Vancouver and Burnaby that Harper has failed to protect pensions, savings and homes, and has handed out billion-dollar tax cuts to corporations.

"Don't you think it's time we had a prime minister who wasn't a Scrooge to working families and their kids, while being Santa Claus to the banks and the oil companies?" Layton said.

On a campaign stop in Sidney, B.C., Dion said Harper is realizing Canada isn't immune to an economic crisis, but that it's "too little, too late."

Conservative candidate Jim Flaherty told CTV's Mike Duffy Live that his party saw the U.S. credit crisis on the horizon, and took steps during last year's budget to keep Canadian banks in line with capitalization rules.

Flaherty issued a statement on Monday that aimed to reassure panicked investors and Canadians that the country's economy remains in good shape:

"We must be clear that the fundamentals in our economy are very strong -- that includes corporate balance sheets and household savings -- and that our financial system remains very well capitalized," read the statement.

John Curtis of the Centre for International of Governance Innovation told Mike Duffy Live that the statement was an unprecedented step to keep people from panicking.

"It's trying to lubricate the economy to get credit flowing again," Curtis said. "Because if credit doesn't flow the whole system dries up, so that's what they are doing."

Dion, Layton trade shots

Dion and Layton also fired off shots at each other, trying to convince voters they were the only real alternative to a Tory government.

The NDP leader's promise to roll back $50 billion worth of corporate tax cuts is a "job killer," Dion said.

"We need real change, not false hope or misguided economic plans, especially in these times of financial uncertainty," Dion said.

Layton let his newly unveiled television ads do the talking, one of which mocks Dion and declares Layton as the only alternative to Harper.

Meanwhile, Harper continues to urge patience and accuses Dion of "panicking" for his promise to convene a summit of political and economic leaders to deal with the economy within 30 days of taking office.

The Conservatives will unveil their election platform on Tuesday.

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As the doom and gloom scenarios begin to mount up regarding the coming recession, Harper will have to change his message. We need someting better than steady she goes. How about batten down the hatches. At least Dion has come up with an initial strategy should he take office. His consultative approach to get premiers, business leaders, banking sector together is a very preudent strategy and not to be scoffed at as Harper would suggest.

Eric in China
Blaming the conservatives for the mortgage crisis in the US is stupid and insane. Harper IS right, the fundamentals of Canada are strong. In fact, the problems of the US housing crisis simply don't exist in Canada. Anyone who thinks increasing taxes or a government spending splurge will fix the economy are just plain crazy. The "prime the pump" approach has been proven over and over again that its just a way to offload the problem onto our kids through heavy debt.

Lets hope the conservative support continues to bleed. I must say vandalizing homes with liberal signs is a new act of desperation on the part of some individual or group. I hear of scare tactics like this in third world countries but have never heard of it in Canada.

Steve in Fredericton
Being able to hold a healthy lead without even presenting your election platform only proves that most Canadians believe in Stephen Harper's vision and path for the country.

I'm certain that the remaining candidates are well-meaning people of good character and integrity. To come out in a public forum and accuse Mr Harper of being a "a man without morals, a lier, and a cheater" is shameful and Mr Duceppe ought to be called upon to appologize for those slanerous remarks.

Once the Conservative platform is unveilled, it will only serve to strengthen their position in the polls and hopefully it will be enought to demonstrate Canadian's faith in Mr Harper's governance. However, I have no doubt the other parties will use the occassion to manipulate and twist the facts into a very skewed and artificial slant of the Conservative vision for Canada. Say what you will Stephan and Jack, Mr Harper is running a very effective and carefully managed campaign that is succeeding to show the Liberals and NDP for what they really are; neo-socialists bent on government intrusion in our everyday life.

I want a majority stable government
Mr. Harper gives us the best opportunity to hold the line against this US imposed economic slow down. So far so good but we will likely see some difficulties ahead and there is NO WAY for either NDP or liberals with their tax and run programs - that would really smack down our economy.

Mr. Harper is by far the only leader who has demonstrated his policies are prudent and moderate.

I'm impressed to see each week of this campaign Mr. Harper has taken specific time off to spend with his family. Obviously his priorities are in the right place. That speaks to me of a principled man unlike the others who are running around 24/7 spewing spin directed at Mr. Harper.

..."The latest Nanos Research daily tracking poll shows support for the Conservatives slipping to 34% nationally as the Liberals nip four points behind at 30%. Dion expects an already dirty campaign could feature much mud-slinging in the final week before the vote."

It's much closer...Vote wisely.
Vote A B C

The sign problem in Toronto is probably the local liberal youth wing trying to drum up the sympathy support since they are doing so bad in the polls. all the doom and gloomers are now out in droves. doesn't matter who we elect the economy is the economy and NO governement has a control over it. We are the economy, we keep the thing going or slowing. our problem is we live beyond our means. toys,toys, toys....it's the "me" generation. i see it, i want it. time to take the hit and start over only this time let's be a little smarter.

Michael (Ottawa)
I will vote FOR the Prime Minister not against him.

I live my life in a positive way not going around looking for the negatives all the time. There is much I like about how Mr. Harper runs things. He gets my vote.

Negatives are for losers. I trust Harper.

Frank from Scarborough
Stephane Dion is showing the world his desperation and that he's ignorant of economics even for a Liberal. The banking crisis in the U.S. was caused primarily by Socialist-style gov't intervention over the past 2 decades. Canada'a best option is indeed to not panic and not make drastic decisions on the fly. If we don't get a Conservative majority, Stephane Dion and Jack Layton's influence will likely turn a recession into a depression for Canada.

Larry NL
If the Tories are going down in the polls because of not laying out a platform for the election with a lot of big spending like the other parties, then I think he is doing the right thing.
It seems that voters are looking for big promises at a time when restraint is the most responsible way to go at this time, given the global economical outlook.

If the poll results are because of the hand out to the ARTS, then I think he did made a good decision once again. Giving handouts to the people who have already had their chance to make it in the ART world is not right. If these people haven't made it by now, they should go into a different type of work. However, there is a great deal of talent here in Canada that hasn't been tapped into and should be given the chance. And Mr. Harper has already addressed that in the form of $150,000,000 in tax breaks for those just coming into the Arts.

By the way I have been to the art gallery in Ottawa and was not impressed by many of the pieces of art that have been purchased with my tax dollars just because they were done by Canadian artist.

Any responsible PM knows that even speaking of the "R" word could have a serious impact on the markets.

We can thank the media for a large part of the fear mongering that goes on in this country.

It sells newspapers and viewership.

Harper's approach of steady as she goes is good for us right now. Yes we are having a recession but so is the rest of the world and so far we have weathered the storm. We have been having it to good ( living on credit)for a long time and the minute some people have to tighten their belt they whine. Well maybe this will teach us to budget a bit more and live within our means.

I live in northern Ontario town where people making $15/hr are living in $300,000 homes (they are mortgage poor ) and wonder why??? DUH

Wake up people the best thing for us right now is not having a prime minister that panicks at the first sign of distress.

I would not put it past the Liberals to wreck their own signs and casually try and blame it on the conservatives.Sorry but it sounds like something they would do.I know Harper is the best person to lead the country , I just wish other people could see it.I actually can't think of one thing the Liberals have done unless it was six months before an election. They have promised lots though. I talk to people from sask and bc when they had ndp governments and they said it was horrible. There is no other party.Greens don't exist in my mind nor the block.

vince in trenton
Let's have a minority again so we can waste even more money in a year and a half. Complain about the economy and higher taxes, what about the cost of an election every time one party pisses the other off. Enough already, give HARPER a chance he can't screw this country up any worse than DION with his GREEN SHAFT and JACK and all his hand outs. Stick your stupid ABC idea and lets quit whining about everything being HARPER's fault.

Exiled Canadian
Poll conducted between Oct. 1 and Oct. 4 which means much of that data was accumulated before the English debate. Same goes for the Strategic Council's latest poll that saw the Conservatives lose ground even though it was over a week old.

The only poll that matters will be the one taken on election day and it won't be the left-friendly Canadian Press that will determining the results, the people being polled and the margin of error.

Stay the course, Mr. Harper. The left is in full-panic mode.

Carolyn Bennett is just one more Liberal insider who has tried to slander in subtle and not so subtle ways since they don't have a campaign of their own to run.

Liberals have failed to earned the respect of voters because they ran a constantly negative campaign.

I hope fellow Canadians see the need for a strong government led by Mr. Harper without being taken in by the political mud throwing of the liberals and NDP.

Anti-Reform party
GWB appears on tv with flag on lapel and says that the economic fundamentals are sound.
Harper appears on tv with flag on lapel and says stay the course the economic fundamentals are sound.
Meanwhile back on main street jobs are being lost,value of RRSP's are shrinking every day,and home values getting lower....but hey what's to worry about when all it takes is a sweater and a lapel pin to protect us!

Don wrote: "The sign problem in Toronto is probably the local liberal youth wing trying to drum up the sympathy support since they are doing so bad in the polls."

-- Here we have another CON who beleives in consipracy theory (But only if it invloves the oppponents of Steve!)

proud conservative
My husband and I have voted already as he is going to Cambridge for Thanksgiving. Two votes for Harper . I know in my heart I have done the right thing so all I can do is try and convince other people.People seem to take my advice.They like the way I've lived my life and have respect for me.Take care and all con supporters -ignore the hatred.

Vote for stability
We need stability now. This election is one example of the chaos we can expect if we have another minority government. We need a majority to help Harper keep Canada on good footing economically.

In Toronto, let's help keep Canada strong.

Bruce Buruma
With what some are calling an impending global economic crisis, and with Canada's heavy reliance of exports, I just can't understand Harper's 'maintain the course' game plan--things have changed dramatically since the election was called.

Also, with the real possibility of another minority government and Harper calling the election because he could not work with the opposition, is it possible a coalition of the opposition could happen?

The pollsters should get a real job!!!
The "quiet majority" will determine the outcome of this election, not the pollsters.
Polls should be banned and the electorate allowed to determine the Government.
People are deeply concerned about the economy and know we are in for a very rough ride. Pollsters do not need to tell us that.

Johnnie Oil
In times like this the country and businesses need steady leadership, NO NEW taxes no matter how you try to hide them and an assured, reasonable voice. Not the cry wolf of the NDP, Greens and Libs. By comparing bush to harper just shows how desperate these Liberals are and just how sad they are, give us something to work with. the only choice is a vote for the conservatives as now more than ever we need a majority. Without a majority and another useless minority gov't the times ahead will just get worse, nothing will get done and when action is needed it will either be stalled in the house or defeated causing another election full of useless retoric which will make the problems we are facing now even worse. People have to face that reality that we need a majority. If people do vote in a minority it will just show how stupid the general electorate is starting with the Bloc, what a wasted vote and how can they even be a federal party - just plane insane!! How a fringe group of seperatists can ruin a country by interfering with a "national" election, a nation they have no interests in other than what they can get fron the rest of the country by crying wnd whining like a bunch of babies. They should all be in jail for treason! or let them seperate and quit disrupting our country. I know if a minority gov't is the result on Oct. 14 I will joing the cause to have Alberta or even perhaps the western provinces seperate from canada as this exercise in federal politics is becoming a complete waste of time with the addition of the greens and who know what other fringe party next-isane!

Here's a thought..

Why don't we have another live debate, give each of the candidates 60 seconds to convince us of what they will do right for this country. Then we wil really know who to vote for..

A selection of the best sspoken and thought out should grab our attention and trust..right?

If only...
One who really stands out and actually keeps their promises for hope to bring this country back to what it once was..

Or even better?...

Mr. Harper,

I already voted...and you still don't have a plan. I didn't vote for you.

Dear Negative Negative Negative ARGH!!;

The only reason for Canadians' negatvity is because of the fact that nothing seems to be going right at the moment. Everything is one big downfall, and might even end up in a worse crisis than we may ever expect.

Whenever it does come down to the elections, nothing is ever for certain and there are many closed doors on what we know now and what we find out later. Nothing is ever promising. The outcome always sees to sit on the fence, and they it comes down to only effecting the economy negatively.

Point proven? Hmmm..
Ps. You are also being negative for complaining about the endless nagativity..

Reality check.. nothing ig perfect.


To all those who plan to vote conservative, I have the following questions:

1- How many Canadian soldiers would have needlessly lost their lives in the unjust war in Iraq if Mr. Harper was our PM back then?

2- Why is Canada voting in ALL international meetings in support of the grossest of human rights violations as long as they are committed by our allies(mainly US and Israel)?. In one occasion, Canada voted against all European members of a human rights committee that was addressing the human rights violations against Syrians in the Golan heights occupied by Israel.

3- Why are we helping in starving 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza?. Their crime is that they held the ONLY free elections in the middle east. But this elections brought to power someone Israel does not like so we punished them for their democratic choice!. Shamelessly, Mr. Harper will stand up and talk about his support for democracy and human rights!.

I will vote Liberal not out of love for Stephan Dion but out of disgust at the foreign policies of Mr. Harper!. I travel alot and I can tell you that Mr. Harper's foreign policies brought us nothing but disgrace to Canada's image around the world!.

Colin from Ottawa
I am amazed of how many people believe that the so-called economic fundamentals are good in Canada, yet they cannot name any of these so-called fundamentals. How can anyone claim that the economy is fine?

Housing prices are dropping. Millions of us are losing money in our investments. Thousands are losing jobs. What do you think is going to happen next? People are reducing their spending which means that the government will have less tax money. A declining stock market means that government pension funds will take a huge hit. Raising unemployment means more strain on the government coffers during the same time that the government is raising less money through consumption tax because we are spending less. Government goes into deficit territory so programs are cut and personal income taxes rise.

Take your head out of the sand people. Of course a recession will affect us all. Is your memory so short that you cannot remember the last recession, or are you all so smug to think that it won't affect you?

Anyone, and I mean anyone like Stephen Harper who would stand up and say that everything is okay is either completely out of touch with what is going on outside their front door or is a complete idiot. We are in the midst of an economic crisis that we have not seen for decades and I for one will not be voting for someone who cannot even see it.

Why would any one want to go back to the days of handwringing, while the liberals have their hand in your pocket. I am 62 and for the first time I am proud to be a Canadian. Sure Harper is going to make mistakes, we all do, except the people that do nothing but sit on thier behinds, wait for hand outs, and critisize others that do attempt to better our Country.

I am in complete agreemrnt with "MHB" that is a great point in which everyone should think about.


@ Christine
Harper completely humiliated his wife by using her pet charity as an example of government wasting support on the arts. There were dozens of examples he could have used to make his point but he picked the one that would make his wife look foolish.
Yes, he is a model husband.

Johnnie Oil
Hey "MHB" good call commrade - I and many others are very proud of our direction in foriegn policy - we don't support terrorist group - plain and simple and the war in Afghanistan is just, is it just that with the taliban a goat has more value than a women - if you think so please move back! And "Colin from Ottawa" the fundamentals are sound, we do not have a fanny mae and freddie mac here, the main cause of this crisis thanks to Bill Clinton and the dems down south, endoresed by Obama. You can't give mortgages out based on race rather than credit rating - a failed social plan to give all home ownership. We will hurt here in canada no doubt as we will be sending less to our biggest trading partner but we will not be the same, again a reason to elect a majority, believe the fears propagators of the NDP and Libs and media if you want, it will just make matters worse.


Dear Dennis; I am standing proudly on your side of the fence. Your comment made me think. All of us youths are complaining about the troubles, yet when you were younger times were worse for you. I am in agreement with you and you should be proud to be Canadian, we all are. Just because out economy is 2 inches tall doesn't mean that we have to give up.

After all, someone has to look after it all..right? Sort it all out.

Ps. It must be frusterating to even campaign as a candidate. And being under pressure, and being seen from the many different views of many different people can in most cases cause a little rupture.

For all of us Canadians out there: Don't give up..

Don't go against the candidates.. go with them.

If we do think negatively about this process, it will only worsen our will to suceed,


New World Man
...all you Harper supporters
seem to have a classic case of HBSS when it comes to the economy - Head Buried in the Sand Syndrome? You guys would be screaming Armageddon if the Liberals were in power and you KNOW YOU WOULD.

...Have you seen the character bashing ads the NeoCons put out? I guess you prove my theory that NeoCons are hypocrites.

I do wish people would see that Harper's plan has been in effect for a year now. He dropped taxes across the board to keep consumers spending, in turn that keeps the economy going. I can't believe so many people want a tax a spend Liberal gov.. The world is in trouble and Canada, although slowing, is in better shape than all of them. Blaming Harper for a global slow down shows the ignorance of much of the electorate. He is one man in a very small minority parliament. If the Liberals wanted to stop him, they had about 43 chances, but did nothing.
I do hope the Conservatives get a majority. A third minority in a row will be disasterous for Canada.

Mr. Harper, you have my vote!

[X] Conservative Party of Canada

Bob Rae makes such a ridiculous statement by saying the NDP and Green Party are stealing votes from the Liberals.

Those aren't the Liberals votes, those are votes that Canadians are choosing to give to parties that they agree with.

The sheer arrogance showed by the Liberals is mind blowing.

If Canadians elect Harper again then we have no right to look down our noses at the US for electing Bush. Conservative cut backs are responsible for the tainted meat from the Maple Leaf Plant. And what was the Conservative response to this crisis? Cracking jokes.

...Give me a break. There is no way to show that the vandalism was by Conservative supporters. In fact given the groups that support the NDP and Green party I find it more likely that it was one of them.

Further there has been vandalism against Conservative voters in very Liberal and NDP riding's...
This entire idea of anyone but Harper is why Canada was stuck in a slump for 13 years. Canadians should be voting for an idea, not against someone. Perhaps when we realize that we can begin moving forward as a nation again.

Robin the Hood
The Conservative ... have no plan and their do nothing, tax breaks for the wealthy attitude will only worsen a bad situation... ...American style, irresponsible capitalism is finished. Expect success only for countries who embrace social capitalism in the future...

Just like a couple of you said, we are only human and we all make mistakes at some point. I have already voted and I am proud to say I voted Conservative again. Being apart of the military it has been nice to see the new equipment and especially the planes.

Joe Sanity
Re: I want a majority stable government

"Mr. Harper is by far the only leader who has demonstrated his policies are prudent and moderate"

He has demonstrated this under the careful scrutiny of a minority government. No one has ever seen a Reform/Conservative majority in this country yet. To preach the benefits of one is only guess work. Forgive me but the shenanigans south of the border have made me a little gun shy of American style capitalism. In our present economic climate, I'm not in the mood to experiment with it in this country.

Nik Nanos Poll

The most accurate poll in the past 2 elections.
"Nik Nanos spitballed the last two federal elections closer than any other (pollster) company" as reported in the Ottawa Citizen

Has Harper falling more…

C 34, LP 30, NDP 19, BQ 10, GP 7

Colin from Ottawa:
The truth of the matter is that our banks are fairly sound, whereas those in the US are not! Housing prices should drop as they were rising above what they should have been. Pension funds are taking ahit at this time, but will rebound later. This is caused by the stock market and not the government. It is up to the individual to ensure they have made good investments over the long haul and not the government! Do you think that while the government is getting less comsumption taxes that the liberal and NDP plans of spend more will not result in much higher taxation to us? I do remember the last recession - lost just about everything we had, and the liberal party in power at the time did very little except to raise our taxes!!!
It is Harper's job to ensure the public that all is okay so that they do not panic and make things worse. He is well aware of what is going on!! That is why he is being very careful with spending while the other parties are not. Please open your eyes a little more. Just to let you know, I do not always vote for any particular party. I judge the situation at the time of an election and what the parties want to do.

For all for those Tory supporters out there, do you even know what the "fundamentals" are? Harper seems to use that phrase as if it's going out of style, but does he even know what that word means?

Most economists agree that the "fundamentals" are government debt, unemployment, GDP growth, and a few other indicators.

As we are a mainly export-oriented economy, we are at the mercy of other countries' economic vitality. Domestic grow is not enough to keep the Canadian economy strong.

Thus, Bush and the U.S. is to blame for the global collapse because their lack of market control caused this nightmare. Americans are losing their jobs and homes. If they can't afford shelter, how can they buy Canadian goods? Thus, layoffs are happening here and GDP growth is stalled, if not contracting. And since the government would be unable to raise revenues because of the loss of employment (income taxes), the government would go into deficit.

Thus, although the "fundamentals" might be ok (at best) right now, they won't be in the near future and that is why Harper called the election early.

Schnikey in Ottawa
Frank from Scarborugh said: "The banking crisis in the U.S. was caused primarily by Socialist-style gov't intervention over the past 2 decades."

HUH? What sort of la-la land do you live in? The housing crisis was caused primarily because there was no government intervention or regulation of financial markets and investment bankers. It was caused by the greed of investment bankers and a housing market driven by mortgage brokers who didn't even do basic checks on individuals abilities to be responsible for their own debt. Don't get me wrong, I whole heartedly believe that people never should have signed up for 400 K mortgages when they were earning 15K per year - but the fact that they were even able to was exactly becausze there was no regulation or "government intervention" The entire attitude represented by the mess in the US and the subsequent bail out is to "individualize the profits and socialize the losses."

I am quite surprised really at the number of comments here that feel liberals are deliberatly vandalizing their own liberal supporters. how much more screwedup can the neo-cons possibly get. After all it was perfectly ok for a sitting prime minister to take out attack ads against the new leader of the opposition fresh out of the liberal leadership campaign. This was a very clear indication of his mean streak and lack of respect for fellow parliamentarians. Usually attack ads only occur in election campaigns but the conservatives not only used them right after the liberal leadership review but for many months prior to calling the unnecessary election. The things that harper has done that would show leadership one could count on one hand during his term in office.

I beileve that the Liberal has the best plan for this country and also bcz of their good record in managing the economy.

I am voting Liberal.....

Jamie from Ottawa
Don't buy in to the conservative party's last minute attempt to deliver their platform. If they didn't have a hidden agenda they would have announced their platform to Canadians before the national leader's debates. Now they can announce anything they want without fearing scrutiny. There is something wrong with the political process in this country when right wingers and right leaning media outlets do not see the inherent risk in supporting a party that does not want to talk about their intentions. I do not want to see our country's much loved medicare system turned into a two-tier system that only really serves the rich. This is something the reform/conservative faction has been quietly talking about for years. In fact Ralph Klein was the first of the neo-cons to try and bring it in in Alberta. Any party that continually ridicules the opinion and values of a great number of Canadians that do not agree with them cannot be considered a party for all. They would be by definition non-inclusive. My fellow Canadians, please do more than listen to a soundbite when making your choice on October 14th. If you feel so strongly that the secretive elitist agenda is the correct one than vote for Harper. However, if you find that there is merit in the other party's publicly disseminated platforms, than use your head and not your heart on election day.

Al Wood
I love the NDP mantra of "for the working family". Then the very next sentence is "we'll increase the tax on big corporations". This would be the same corporations employing most of the working families. Mr. Layton is not mentioning the connection between the paycheck and the working family. Mr. Layton is playing to the workers natural dislike for "the man". If you swallow it chances are you will be collecting UI eventually once the corporation has moved to less burdensome pastures.

peter in bc
Harper calls an illegal election for fear that he is going to lose ground via the US election or our by-elections, and then he doesn't campaign his platform during this election? Do you really want a PM that lacks conviction towards his cause? And to all those who say he has put our economy on the right track......it takes years to change the direction of the economy and the people within, so to give credit where do, thanks to the Liberals for setting us up well for Harper to ride the coat tails of. He lacks vision and foremost, a plan for our country. I'll call it......another 2 years and we will be right where the slumping US economy is. Don't put all your eggs in the Conservative party just yet. If you honestly think he is doing a great job, you need to see the larger picture. Someone help us if he does get a majority government.

If Prime Minister Harper does not get a Majority, the Block separtist party in Quebec will hold Canada to ransom.
Time to set aside the rhethoric and give Harper the Majority for the Countries sake.

peter in bc
So the global economy is tanking and we have a candidate who is trying to reassure us that we will be fine. His platform has yet to be unveiled and frankly, he has no economic plan other than telling the people "spend spend spend".

Didn't Bush tell the American people the exact same not only 2 years ago? That his country was fine, no recession coming and to keep spending?

Do you really want someone with this economic plan running the country? Let's face it, we are going to enter a recession and it'll all get blamed on the Liberals in the end. I laugh. Our current economic boom was courtesy of the Liberal party as it takes about 3-5 years to change course of a country. Harper lacks any vision and we will all be doomed just like the rest of the world. If you believe in Harper, accept the fall and put blame on him and his party when our economy finally tanks.

Joanna from Quebec
I think people need to educate themselves before they chose a candidate. People see harper cutting taxes and they think he's good for Canada. The amount of times that i heard "well i like harper cuz he cut taxes"! cutting taxes is what helped put us on the verge of a recession. I'm sorry but everyone can afford the extra $2 per $100 purchases, but tax cuts takes BILLIONS outs the economy. BILLIONS we will never get back and BILLIONS that could have prevented this coming recession. We can afford taxes, the government can't. Harper has the same agenda that bush had that FAILED the US economy, yet he wants to do this in Canada. Anyway, i hope if he wins he gets a minority because if he get a majority, unless your rich white man your screwed. SAVE YOUR MONEY KIDS! GO JACK LAYTON!

Mark from Thunder Bay ON
Bob Rae is a non-issue. I have lived through Rae's vision of Ontario and I fear any involvement he could have nationally. Let Stephane Dion stand on his own two feet. What we need is a solid Conservative mandate. Following this the Liberals could retool their machine and take another crack at 2012. Go Harper Go!

Wade E
Dion cannot be trusted he said a Carbon Tax was bad during the leadership and now he says it is the best ever, he said invade Pakistan he cannot be put in a postition of trust.

Greg in the Hammer
Oh my god. This is desperation time isn't it? Just in this thread alone we've seen all of the old Liberal scare tactics trotted out.


Hidden agenda, vote Liberal to stop a majority, neo conservative, conservatives likely vandalizing signs, US style tax breaks for the rich....

the list goes on and its TRULY PATHETIC.

ABC Always Be Conservative

I like what PM Harper has been doing, why is there this sudden need to have another platform, and chuck around a few billion!
keep doing what you are doing Steven

The truth about the Liberals and NDP
My fellow Canadians.
Voting for the Liberals is the biggest mistake this country can make. THEY WILL BRING IN THE CARBON TAX which will destroy the economy and do nothing for the environment. THEY WILL RESURRECT THEIR OLD BUDDY SLUSH FUNDS. THEY WILL AND HAVE SAID THAT THEY WILL RAISE THE GST - further damaging the economy. They have an "leader" who doesn't know how to lead. Also remember he was hand picked by the Grand Poobah of scandals - Jean Chretien and the fact that the majority of his party wants him gone ---true Prime Ministerial material.

The NDP - well you know they are out to get all forms of business including small business. With no economy left the government expenditures will rise and also taxation (yes the NDP will tax the hell out of the jobless).

Friends, this is not the time for petty talk about bad speech writers or if Harper is trying to be like GW Bush (which he isn't - so you can stop). We need a majority government that can lead - not make things up as they go along and not hell bent on taxing the slowing down economy.

[X] Conservatives


Liberal "Kool Aid" is toxic
"Liberals good record of managing the economy"...

That is the Kool Aid the Liberals have been giving to their supporters and Canadians to swallow.

The TRUTH (remember truth?) is that in the Chretien era they gutted military spending, they gutted $23 BILLION of transfer payments to the provinces all in order to "BALANCE THE BUDGET".

Those are FACTS.

The military has been in shambles ever since. Harper began rebuilding it.

Health care was dealt a severe blow by the Liberals and again ever since we have been trying to catch up and gain lost ground.

As for what the Liberals did with other programs and our finances:

They stole $250 million for openers for Adscam and gave it back to their friends & party for which no Liberal politician has had account (how's that for "good stewardship").

Liberals lost or couldn't account for $1 billion of the budget at HRDC. Where did it disappear to? If you or I lost $1 billion would they say we were "good managers"?. Hardly.

The Liberal gun registry was supposed to cost a few million - at last count when they were running the show it was at $1 billion - How's that for "good management"

There are too many other examples to go one with here. Point is - it is simply untrue for the Liberals to go around saying they were "good managers" - they were NOT. That is the truth of it.

Mr. Harper already undertook to evaluate every government ministry and every program to determine its effectiveness and whether or not we need it. THAT IS GOOD MANAGEMENT. Even Jack Layton at the debates said that was a good program! Dion refused to comment.

Harper is a smart and effective manager and our country has benefited already with him at the helm.

[X] Conservative Party of Canada

Don in Edmonton
As usual, the Liberals from Toronto will be the ones to ruin this election for all of Canada as they cannot seem to see beyond their citys' border. To be voting anything but Conservative this election will be a vote to help ruin our economy.Wake up liberals it is you who have your head in the sand....

Steve G
It would appear that it took the credible threat of a Harper majority to get Canadians to sit up and realize what that would entail as Conservative values certainly are not Canadian values.

I am so scratching my head as to why ANYONE woudl buy our current PM's lies, and misguidiance. I can't not beleive that he has the support he does. People check your heads.

Sandy - On my knees begging Ontario
I beg Ontario, please don't screw the whole country again and just vote Conservative and help Canada.

Mark Fort Erie Ont.
Looks like the Media is starting to panic, now that there may be a Conservative majority. There is a full court press by the press to do whatever damage to the Cons as possible. There will be very little negative press about the other parties from this time forth.

George from Winnipeg
Mr. Harper should not have called an election in the first place. Most people were ok with a minority government. Taxpayer's money is being wasted. Mr Harper and his administration do not have the knowledge and wisdom to lead the government in these tough times. This is not a group that cares about the people of this great country. Health and Safety do not matter to them as demonstrated by the agricultural minister with him treating food safety lightly and making a joke of people dying. Agriculture is very important to our economy and Mr. Harper and his government want to dismantle or weaken the Canadian Wheat Board, which is what the U.S. and big agribusiness want. We need leaders that put the well-being of Canadian people first.

I love the picture of Dion looks out over Frobisher Bay. The look on his face is priceless. He is staring out over the water and the is thinking. Wow, this is why Harper came out here, this is beautiful. I wish I followed him out here sooner...

Wow... OK Kirt, where is it you said Harper also went, lets go there next.

I think Harper is the strongest leader to guide us through the bumpy economy over the next year. Big risky changes to our taxes right now is not the way to go. Just think of the administration cost alone. Changes are not free. Dion and Layton will cost Canada a lot of money that could be better spent.

[X] Harper

To Peter in BC, thanks so much for that comment. Maybe the country is waking up a bit, in regards to the polls. God help us if there would be a majority CON party. I have 2 kids in their teens and I am extremely nervous for them. The only party to be socially responsible and fiscally responsible is the Liberals. They have a PROVEN track record and nobody can argue that. Yes, they have had their troubles, put they stand by their principles and I am right there beside them.

Tara-Fort McMurray
Do the Liberal supporters in this country not feel that it would almost be an embarrasment to have Dion lead the Country? I am a Conservative-have been for years and don't mean to sound rude but Dion can't hold his own, he is a really poor speaker, when he seems to get passionate about something it almost looks like he is about cry. Our Country need a strong character in power, yes, Stephen Harper has my vote, if I was a Liberal follower,as my father is-I would be worried about voting him in-not only would be not be able to represent our country well, when the going gets tough throughout the world would he be able to stand up and hold his own-I really don't think so.

I am an undecided voter. For the past few weeks, I have been following the postings found here to gauge what the public is thinking. Watching Mr. Harper commit to being non-commital and reading the republican style rants of the pro-conservative comments has completely turned me away from the conservative party. It is strange how the conservatives and their supporters are the ones turning the undecided vote against them.

Tokyo Ex-Pat
ABC...the lesser of the evils...whichever we vote for we will all still be here after election day screamin' bout why or why not our candidate/party should have won or lost.

But I tell ya, as an ex-pat livin overseas, I sure do a lot of explaining about our backwards PM and how he's wearin' America's Shade of Brown lipstick. We're losing respect overseas people. You're all worryin about how you look in your homes but wait till you travel abroad...the Con's are an embarrassment to our way of life and our reputation in the world.

Vote wisely...

Martin MB
I find it extreemely frustrating how the facts get muddled up when it comes to trying to confuse the electorate. Let's get some facts. Our banks are more secure than any in the US. The current world financial crisis has nothing to do with our management of the Canadian economy. If that were the case, you are giving Harper much more credit that he would even want! On the economy, where would you want your money? In the hands of the spend thrift NDP or Liberals, or would you want the money in YOUR pocket where you are in control of the spending? Unless of course you don't trust your own judgement, and if that is the case, you better not blame anyone but ourselves for our world disaster, or the opposition's doom and gloom predictions. When is "tax free" day in Canada today compared to 3 years ago? Where do you think the Liberals got the surplus revenues from when they took over from the Mulrooney era? The Liberals capitalized on the GST winfall, and the free trade winfall! They took it from a failed government who lost because of the unpopularity of these two policies! When in power they promised to X the GST, even went back to the pools in a bi election and cost the tax payers money because the Liberals had changed their mind. Today it seems to be bad, when the conservatives reduce the GST and flashy Jack O boy thinks he is the new kid on the block who can fix things! What a joke, it is all give give give, but where will he get the money when he bankrupts all the corporations? Which corporations are shutting down in Ontario? The Corps that Jack O and his Union cronies have bled to death!

"Meanwhile, Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe focused his attacks directly at Harper, calling him a man without morals, a liar and a cheater who wants to destroy the environment and trample women's rights. "

So now personall attacks are the order of the da? It's funny but in the real world talking about someone like this gets your teeth knocked out, something I would glady take care of for Mr.Harper...

If I read one more comment on here form some Liberal blowhard telling me to "wake up" or "check my head" I'm going to snap. Just because someone doesn't share your opinion doesn't mean they are stupid or un-informed. I know Liberals think they know eveything but really give me a break. It's just this type of arrogance that is goping to see them trounced once again on election day.

Thanks for the $100+....I use it to donate to the Liberal party (a party with a real childcare plan). Plus I get the income tax benefit from donating it to them.....don't you know how much daycare costs????? ...

al from calgary
To Peter in BC

Since it takes 3-5 years to change the course of the economy why do you keep saying the liberals slew the deficit it must have been Mulroney and the cons who actually did this and it was the liberals who benefited. Thanks for clearing that up for all the liberals who say the liberals cleaned up the con mess.

Jim in Edmonton
The Green Shift is a tax shift from Ab and Sask. to Ont. and Que. If the liberals get in and implement this plan, people in Alberta will vote to seperate, just wait and see.
The Green Shift is just another revamped NEP.

vandalizing houses with lib signs Ottawa
I would like to make a comment on the vandalizing of houses with liberal signs. It is dangerous to blame the Conservatives for that. It could be NDP, anyone, trying to create a rift and cause dissension. It is far too obvious to blame the Conservs for that. It could even be liberals doing it themselves, think about it!

Clearly the Liberal glass is "Half Empty", while the Conservatives have theirs "Half Full". I believe in times like this, a positive attitude is better than one of negativity and defeat. Anyone that blames market collapse on Harper, is just plain ignorant, and needs to get some education in economics.The current selloff today is driven by fear, not fundamentals. Liberals love this, because they feed on fear. GO HARPER, you already received my vote.

"It would appear that it took the credible threat of a Harper majority to get Canadians to sit up and realize what that would entail as Conservative values certainly are not Canadian values."

I must have missed the part where the Liberals were declared the experts on what Canadian values are. I think it's hillarious people assume that someone in B.C. is going to have the same "values" (god I hate that word) as someone in say Thunder Bay. Only the Liberal arrogance machine would have the balls to even float such an inane idea.Hey Libs no one voted for you the last time outside of Toronto so I guess maybe you don't have too good of grip on those canadian "values" eh?

Gail (Hamilton)
I too have already voted for Steven Harper. I don't consider myself a neoCon. Just someone who knows best how to save/spend my own money. Those voting for the opposition love their labelling and name calling which is juvenile at best. It just shows how uncivilized our society is becoming and I hope the police find the culprits that committed the heinous crime of cutting brake lines. Fear mongering only creates a lot of "chicken littles".

Clint on Vancouver Island
robin the hood.

How can you say that the tax breaks are only for the wealty. I am a hard working middle class family that finally gets a break from the government instead of handing over my dollars to be spent on liberal pet projects. As for right now I am tighting my belt and riding out a storm and don't need to be taxed more for a policy that is unproven. (GREEN Shaft)

I can't believe Harper has come out with more money for child care. For God sake, today, people choose to have children. Why should the rest of the country pay for it. Give me a break. Harper is playing the Ozzie and Harriet card. No one helped me when I had my children. It was my choice and I saved for that. I am self employed and didn't get maternity leave either. It wasn't a big issue. I bit my nails at month's end too, but I didn't stand there with my hands open and I have never looked back. Stop wasting taxpayers money by trying to buy votes. Invest in other things such as the environment,so that these kids not only have a job tomorrow but a planet to live on. Wake up people and vote Liberal.

Me and my Family , (all four of us)already went out to vote Sat. We went as a family and beat the crowds.


We all believe Harper is taking us in the right direction.

Do the conservative supporters realize that if Harper had been in power and deregulated the banks as he intended to do, we would be in the same mess as the states. While it may hurt, we must thank the Liberals for their fiscal management.

==>Jamie from Ottawa

Here comes the "hidden agenda" again. Did you ever think that releasing the platform late in race might be a strategy.

Maybe the media will cove the release?

Sounds like a strategy to me.

Today's markets reflect the global concerns initiated by the loss of financial institutions in the US and now Europe. As an economist, I trust Harper when he says that Canada's financial basics are in good shape. Of course the other Party's will have you believe that the sky is falling, as if any Canadian Prime Minister can push back the tide of global economics. Of couse our resource driven economy is hurting, when housing slows down, people stop buying lumber. Many manufacturing jobs have been lost in Ontario to Mexico and China due to the heavy taxes that punish industry here. The opposing parties believe that they can tax Canadians back into the game, another pipe dream. Stay the course Mr. Harper, it's global economics at work and the Conservatives have the only tax free solution to the problem.

Wow the Tory writers are out in full force. They must be seeing the awakening of the Canadian voter as the blue sweater fades.

NO to Stephan Dion
NO to the Green Shift
NO to BILLIONS of dollars in spending. This it NOT the time for that! Harper is right. His promises are modestly priced. Unlike the liberals who are promising to spend, spend, spend and increase our taxes in order to do it!
Stephan Dion is NOT a leader

what more bull from him. why cant the people support their own kids. i have never received any of this and most people who reeive it dont use it on their kids. i know so many people using it to pay car loans and rent to own places. this is just a gimmick to get the poor to re elect him .the amount wasted on child tax credit is stupid and should be abolished. my parents raised their kids 5 of us and my mom got 70 per month not the 1000.00 or so they get now and dont use for the reason it s crock and a waste of money

C in Nova Scotia
Steve in Freddytown has it right on da' money. No one single party has caused more financial stress to Canada then the Liberals (Trudeau/Chretien). Provincially it looks as though NDP follows similarily. Harper majority the only real solution for real problems.

kc in alberta
This benefit should not be taxable... period

People who actually use the benefit for child care because both parents MUST work are still being penalized if the receiving spouse's income is more than the basic exemption. They are penalized by having to plan for how they will pay the taxes on the benefit they receive.

This money really only benefits those who have a stay at home parent with no or very little taxable income and therefore should not be reffered to in any way as helping with child care expenses.

I'm not saying it isn't nice to have the money (albiet in my case it is clearly my own tax dollars that I receive), but stop touting it as something it is not.

Herb from Ontario
It is so refreshing to see the Conservatives down in the polls. I knew that the Canadian electorate had more political savvy than our friends south of the border and the polls are a good indication that rhetoric just doesn't cut the mustard. Some of the comments on this site last week made me question our knowledge and judgement with the apparent support for Harper.

Too bad this Conservative Prime Minister don't make that promise to pensioners. He may score a few points for the party

Dave in downtown Newington
I think that Mr Harper's reluctance to explain to Canadians what his full platform will be once he is elected again with a majority government is costing him votes.
He has spent the last two years or so totally shackled from doing anything by having a minority, but I want to know what he will do if he wakes up on Oct 15th to find he has a majority....
I have yet to meet anyone in management that upon finding themselves as the "Big Boss" doesn't change hats...
What hat are you going to wear,Mr H.
Just my seven cents worth(inflation!)

Geof from the West
Wake Up Canada!!!!

You have seen what a great job Harper has done with a minority government, but you also have seen how handcuffed he is. Let this man lead and watch this country prosper!!! If we elect another minority government, then I know two things. a) the country is being torn apart by regionalism and b) this country is becoming ungovernable. And allow me a third option--we may really need to consider going our separate ways. I'd be sad to see Canada split up, but we are increasingly becoming so disjointed, perhaps it might be time. That large parts of the country would vote ABC just because their noses are a little out of joint over a few policies, makes me sad. Harper and his government, although far from perfect, have done a great job of fulfulling promises and attempted to work with one hand tied behind their backs. They have stood up for Canada on the international stage. They have made us proud to be Canadians. Please have some common sense and let them show us what they can do with both hands free. And hey, if you don't like them, ditch them in four years or so. However, now is not the time to mess with a bunch of misfits who have no ability to govern at this time.

Lefties just keep bashing away.No understanding of economices. Governments only tax, waste, set up a bureaucracy when most matters should be left to individuals to choose and work out there situation for the best results. I known - I lived under Socialism in Sask. and could not find a job in 1954 because there was no growth. Capital left the province due to harsh labour laws. Off to Manitobia I went with 8 of of 11 siblings. Sad because we believed and supported Tommy Douglas. I did finally learn the evil of the left agenda

Pete in Cottam
Mr. Duceppe has the gale to call the PM or any other opposition leader names is appalling. He is a traitor to this Country and would undermine its unity at any moment. There is no room for traitors in our country no less in our government. Him and his supporters should not be permitted in our government as they do not represent our Country, Provincially or Nationally. Yet we allowed him to be present in our Nationally televised debates. Miss May has more right to have been there even though I didn't support her presence there either.

Ottawa South for Elie Salibi
Here in Ottawa South we have seen many Conservative signs vandalized. The Conservative candidate Elie Salibi is giving McGuinty a run so maybe that is the reason.

These things happen in every campaign. ...

Doug BC
The only conclusion I ca draw from most of these posts is that we are likely in for two or three more years of boorish behaviour i parliament as the parties wrestle for advantage in the ext election.Deceit,outright lies,spin,and vitriolic personal attacks are clearly not off the table.
I guess I'm use to some of that from politicians,but those impediments to serious discussion and debate have clearly permeated into the general population.
Regardless,we are not going to see a united Canada for a very long time.We will see regions against regions and provinces against other provinces.
Mabe the lucky leaders will be the ones NOT voted to form a government.With the coming of more difficult economic times,and the clear divisions within Canada,our troubles may just beginning.
I'm in the west,so I can't speak for those who are in Atlantic or Central Canada.I do know,however,that there is NO WAY more socialism and eastern domination of the west will ever be accepted without a HUGE push back and major resistance.
And we cannot put these regional differences to rest until we get a majority in Ottawa.And it will have to be a majority led by a leader with te courage to take on difficult issues.
Socialism vs free enterprise.Big government vs personal choice,right vs left,east vs west,Ontario vs Alberta,N.L.&L; vs Ottawa,and on it goes.A perpetual loop of mindless bickering with no real debate,and no real solutions or progress.
How pathetic is that when compared to the last few years of lower taxes,lower debt,and reasonable growth??
Economy aside,we are likely to return to the days of the west being second class citizens.Harper has run a poor campaign,and the socialist NDP and Liberals (aka NDP Lite) don't give a damm about the west.

Michael in Ottawa:

Your life must be a lie then. What about all the negative ads Mr. Harper has launched against Mr. Dion referrint to him as a weak leader. Sounds like Mr. Harper was describing himself - a weak leader that can't think on his own and denies the economy is in trouble. Hope your bubble doesn't burst.

Liberal hidden agenda
Liberals have tried to hide the truth about their real agenda which is to tax us until we have economic health.

Wow what a great idea ...eh Canada?

Don From Dartmouth
Those of us who have been around for over 60 years like I have, realize that every five to seven years we experience a downturn in the economy here in Canada and around the world. We are in a global downtown now, yet Canada does not appears to be in as serious a problem as other countries, i.e. The United States,Europe & Iceland. I believe Stephen Harper's policies have prepared the Canadian economy very well to weather the storm. Unlike Jack Layton who wants to tax corporations, who drive our economy to the tune of fifty billion dollars, and Dion who would impose the green shift and raise the cost of everything from food, to heating fuel & electricty. It is my observation, that those countries that have embraced the green shift, with the exception of the US, are the very countries that are seeing their economies in the tank with no real reductions in CO2 emissions. Jack Layton talks about the kitchen table verses the board room table. Without the board room table many Canadian would not have a table. I am sure when Jack Layton and Olivia Chow sit around their kitchen table at the end of the month with two MP's salaries, plus a leaders salary, their thoughts turn to their investment dividends in the very corporations he wants to tax, plus the vacations they will be taking. Their thoughts aren't with ordinary Canadians as he would have you believe.

Ray in Sask
At the beginning of this election I was wondering why is Harper calling this election rather than governing, I think he wanted to be booted out of office because he knew that the fire was coming and he can't handle it.

What he is proposing will only increase your tax credit then if you look at inflation at lets go at 4%, $100.00/month times 4% is WOW $104.00/month.... how is that going to help anyone?

I like Dion, at least he had a plan to consult with provinces and the Bank of Canada so that we may act with the crisis that is looming. I mean we are now more then 600+ points down still at 12:00 PM EST Monday Oct 6th, and Harper's stay the course really I don't think will do. VOTE LIBERAL

Gregor - Oakville
Well, well, well, here we are with more conservative hand-wringing and anger. It's what defines you, just accept it. The Bush example has not and will not work here. You are a fool to think that it is not Harper's vision. Read about his political DNA, that's the fallback position. His pandering with ex-Harris PCs and ex-Mulroney soft separatists are his way of selling out to get ahead (and loading his cabinet with PC people that have a modest understanding of how things get done in this country, all failures, but not one Reform in a key post). Don't blame me, I vote Liberal ALWAYS. Why, because they built this country into what it is today: the best in the world. Think before you drink the Koolaid, my fellow Canadians. Vote with your brains and not your fears or risk disappointment again. Explain it to your kids, because if you don't, they'll be as short-sighted and misguided as the conservative base is today.

Don from down on the farm
Once again Harper does what is good for families and the average Canadian. Stability is essential to weather the coming problems that are bound to carry over from the U.S. Wholesale changes to the tax system, penalizing the energy sector is incredibly disasterous during times of uncertainty. As a rural Canadian, who people in cities forget about until their food prices go up, the economic environment has never been better under the conservatives, not only that but I am finally proud to say I am Canadian, instead of being embarrassed.

Gerald McCarthy
If it is a minority government and it very well could be and Steve broke his promise and had an election a year earlier ,,, 'what a waste of money' ,, all because of Steve. ABC for me. Anyone But Conservative.

nc in ablerta
wow... reading some of the comments from Conservative supporters on this list about the vanadlism in Toronto makes me believe that there IS nothing that a true right wing extremist would not do to prevent people from expressing an opposing opinion in part because of this "blame the victim" attitude.

Similar events happened during the same-sex marriage debate. I recall an incident where a Toronto theater owner had his life threatened by a Conservative traditional marrige group for advertising support for equal marriage. He was frightened away from expressing his opinion.

That outcome was not a victory for anyone, nor is the current activity against Liberal supporters.

I agree with cooler heads on both sides that this kind of intimidation has no place in a democracy.

Wise Wajid in ON
Keep plagiarising your opponents' platforms Harpo...you're bound to come up with something to sucker in the voters!!

Amazing how most politicians are only puppets on strings riding the wind where ever it may blow.2 weeks ago, everything was fine, now the banks are certainely less optimistic and economists aren't really sure where this is going to stop and we're now hearing "world economic meltdown" more and more on the 6 O'clock news... The same economists that didn't really see it coming either or basically ignored it. Sounds like a great idea to give another mandate to Steven "the economist"so he can screw up the rest of this country's fundamentals. We might not be the U.S.A but if
our government keeps cutting programs to lowers taxes for corps, stays idle while healthcare slowly goes private, throws around toy plans for the environment while polar caps are melting, keeps our military involved in a conflict the russians turned their back from after 20 years of unsuccessfull occupation and make sure that that side of the muslim world hates us just as much as they hate americans and see where that takes us,also send more "youths" to prison because it works so marvellously as a rehabilitation program, and why not cut the arts program since it seems to be the only "home made" canadian thing that as any value to the rest of the world apart from maple sirup and the canadian arm and most of all, be sure to put forth the self righteous right wing bible belt agenda that seems to prevail in some parts of this country, one we should be so proud to share with our southern friends.Sounds great ! Time to wake up and vote ABC.
A french lefty artist that also as 2 jobs to feed his family and doesn't mind paying taxes to get social programs that make a difference!

Believing a disgruntled liberal did the vandalism, is almost as silly as believing a conservative did it. Or could it have been those violent young offenders who did it?

P.S. Get the facts and don't purport the lies that you accuse the various parties of doing.

Geoff in Lethbridge
I was totally shocked to hear the Liberal signs being the target of vandalism. That's supposed to happen to the right wing, isn't it? My wife and I agree - probably by Liberals who want a sympathy vote.

Liberals and NDP appeal to those who want freedom without responsibility, who were brought up without absolutes of behaviour. The right wing - Conservatives, CHP - are "scary" because they are tougher on lawbreaking and require more personal responsibility.

Schnikey in Ottawa

you stated that lefties have "no understanding of econiomics". I would make the same argument about Conservatives - Harper is a trained economist, yet he insists on cutting consumption taxes instead of income taxes. Poll 100 economists and 99 will tell you that consumption taxes are good and income taxes are bad. If he was a true conservative then he would be doubling or tripling my personal exemption on income taxers, bring in a flat tax after that and tripling the GST. This would dramatically increase savings in canada and lower the future burdens on gevernments. It would also penalize through taxes those who consume recklessly.

True fiscal conservatives would also be screaming to invest more in preventative work with youth to help avoid them going into a criminal lifestyle. The ratio is 50:1 - that is $1 dollar spent in preventative work is like spending $50 after the fact in incarceration and court costs. I would much rather spend $50 million dollars in putting community based initiatives in place to support youth than to spent 2.5 billion in jail and court costs.

And as an fyi - I am not a Liberal or NDP supporter - I am Green supporter as they are the only party who is truly fiscally conservative and realize that government policies cannot exist in a vacuum from one another (economic policies, social policies and environmental policies are all linked). The only reason I could imagine someone wants to support the Conservatives is if they believe in their social policies of division and hate. You can't support them on leadership, environemnt or economy - if you believe that they are truly the best stewards of the economy then I say that you are deluded and have bought their song and dance - hook, line and sinker.

Canada has been predominantly anti-family,its about time something is being done,however one major tax cut for families with children would be a far wiser descision.Families with kids have been penalised long enough.If the liberals get in you can be assured that we will lose our tax cuts and land.The liberals in BC have all but hung a "for sale" sign on the province,they have sold land to foreign countries. The liberals have already proven themselves in BC to be greedy,elitist liars.Now Campbell is fumbling to do nice things right before the election.How convenient.The environment isnt top priority,hungry kids are.The carbon tax is killing BC.The only thing the carbon tax is doing is forcing people to burn wood.Heeeellllooo.If people are so concerned about the environment refuse to buy anything but organic food.That will shut down the major polluters.If the liberals get in the North american union will be a reality sooner than later.

We need a stable majority in the House of Commons so the Prime Minister will not face a deadlocked Parliament and be unable to enact legislation that will be needed to help Canadians through these economic times.

In tough times we need to come together and support a strong leader. We don't want never ending contention from Dion or Layton we want cooperation.

[X} Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Linda in Vancouver
I'm glad we still decide who governs us by using ballots,and not bullets.Now if we could only evolve to politicians who use the truth rather than spin and deceit.
Personally,while I do not much care for Mr.Harper,I think his is the only party fit to govern and capable of addressing some of the provincial squabbles on the table.Liberals have done more to ruin this country since Trudeau transformed the party into a bunch of left wing socialists,and a party who wants to concentrate power in Ottawa.
The real winner OCt.14 may well be Taliban Jack.I another minority he will be able to vitrually force either Dion or Harper into massive spending programs and higher business taxes.I see that as disasterous for any industry struggling to survive in Canada.
Given the likely recession on the horizon,I'm thinking any politicain promising big spending iniatives and social spending should be charged with treason.It is simply inappropriate to pass on massive debt to our children,or to cripple the companies that we want to provide jobs for their futures.
It's time for our so called leaders to stop pandering and deceiving the voters,and start talking reality.There are to many people who actually believe the "spin" of some parties.
I can easily concede that I detest socialism for it's intrusions into our lives,I have a bias that favours a western Canada.However,I still think voters should be very wary of politicians who are making a lot of very expensive promises that they claim the can deliver without tax increases,higher levels of debt,or budget. defecits.There is "no free lunch" anywhere.

Jay, Ottawa
Seeing the latest poll results sure has set a fire under some people today. I've been saying from the start that we'll likely see another minority government with both Harper and Dion replaced as leaders in either 2009 (or possibly 2010). That seems to be falling into place.

What I didn't see coming was the possibility of the Conservatives losing seats. They're polling lower now than they did on the last election day. That's really interesting. They're going to have to pull some surprise out of their hat to even come close to a slim majority now. If you look at the trend lines on all the polling data that almost appears impossible at this point.

ask newfoundland about harper's promises...they know first hand.....don't get your hopes up i am confident bushlite will change his mind after the election

Mark from Halifax NS
I enjoy reading posts from so-called "average” Canadians & have noticed there are 3 categories of people:

a)Undecided voter who wishes to express a view on an issue that is important to them.
b)Decided voter who posts a well thought out idea about their party’s platforms.
b)Partisan voter who posts unacceptable comments that say things like, “Party X has no place in federal politics and Party Y is 'insert negative comment here'” (see PROUD CONSERVATIVE)

For those in ‘a’ and ‘b’, AWESOME! Keep posting, that’s what democracy is all about! For those under category ‘c’, perhaps you should learn to have more respect towards the viewpoints of your fellow Canadians.

For example, I am planning on voting for the Green Party. Presently, the Greens are polling at 13%. As Canada has a population of roughly 33 million, that equates to approximately 4 million Green voters. The ‘c’ people are saying the Greens are a fringe party and that their votes don’t matter. My question is this: Do you honestly feel the opinions of 4 million Canadians do not matter? Is that your idea of democracy?

To all you ‘c’ people, I have been blinded by partisan politics before as well, to the point where I simply cannot understand why anyone would vote for a party other than my own. Then I stepped back, took a deep breath, thought deeply about what a democratic society means, and arrived at a different conclusion, stated as simply as possible; that intolerance is wrong!

Remember, as strongly as you believe your party is the “right” party, every Canadian has a right to participate in the future of this great country of ours. Please take a lesson from this and respect the opinions of others.

Still waiting to hear your platform, Steve...

So far, it looks like all of your perks are for young families. I find it amazing that the largest block of voters, the "Boomers" are being totally ignored in this election. What are you going to do for US??

Charlie-Harper Stong Economy good 4 Social Program
Harpers Stong Economy is good for all social Programs.

Johnnie Oil
right on "Linda in Vancouver" good points and I couldn't agree more, like I have said if it is a minority gov't again Oct 15 is is time for the west to say goodbye as I doubt we will ever see a majority gov't again for a long time, we will have to go to the route coalitions like many european countries which just doesn't. Ban the Bloc from federal politics!

Too late, Stephen. Funny that the "fundamentals of the Canadian economy are strong" yet we need assurance against world wide inflation. If the economy is strong why need for this announcement? McCain said the same thing and then he ran over to help out the "crisis", the likes of which not seen since the Great Depression. So is Harper quoting again without quotation marks? He should figure out what he wants to do: be PM of Australia, Premier of Ontario or Prime Minister of Canada.

No Platform
As a voter, i was looking at the candidates websites to get a good picture of there platformes so i can make an informed decision. yet the conservatives have yet to post there platform. the election is very soon. What are the conservatives waiting for?

Johnnie Oil
Hey "Mark from Halifax NS" are you telling me the Bloc should be allowed in federal politics? Name one other country in the world that allows a seperatist party on a national election? None as they should be banned! Or is this just some misguided politically correct, look at me I am so wonderful and tolerant garbage? This is treasononist party that wants to leave canada so why should be allowed to influence a National Election,?? I have no problem with them just being a provincial party but not federally

Keith In Brampton
Let's see... HARPER is the one who called the election, and a week from polling day we're STILL waiting for his party's platform. They are good at picking holes in everyone else's platforms (and being rather deceitful about it, at times - like using a Dion quote from 2006 to say he will cut the child care benefit when they know full well that Dion has since changed his tune), but so far all they have offered is fearmongering and itty-bitty bribes with no substance. This is but the latest.

It should now be pretty obvious to even the staunchest Con supporter that the REAL reason this election was called is that Harper could see the economic disaster brewing and decided his only shot at retaining the Prime Minister's office would be to get re-elected before the recession hit. He may have waited too late.

Sing along now:

With a small bribe here
and a tax cut there
Here a bribe, there a cut,
Everywhere a bribe/cut...

Stephen Harper sold the farm
ee-ai, ee-ai, ohhh...

Good to see that the people of Canada are waking up to the fact that Harper is a one trick pony, no programs, no people, just the same ol, same ol

This disgust me - political vandalism
Folks, this bit about vandalism is showing that we are turning into barbarians. This is not the Canada that I know. We are turning into some banana republic.
... I've seen Conservative signs knocked over right beside Liberal and Green Signs. ... I've seen in previous elections Conservative signs with a swastika sprayed on them.

Before anybody accuses the Conservative supports of vandalism, please ensure that you get the right man or woman irregardless of political affiliation.

My Dear Mr Harper:

You should keep abreast with the demographics of this country - there are now more single working class than there are families.

How about some tidbits of incentive for those of us who don't have children? Why should I pay for someone elses kids? If you cannot afford to have them then don't have them.

Please do not use any of my hard earned tax money for child care.

Yours truly,

Single and poor

It is hard to believe that so many people in Canada are going to vote against someone. With this day or multi-party politics we need to revamp the system or we will be stuck with inneffectual governments that will cause Canada to fall so far behind the rest of the world we will be a laughing stock of the global community.

That being said we have to think of the future. This day and age it is a global economy and one countries issues and problems will effect the economies of others. But we have to consider who will do the best and vote for that individual/party so that we can at least be proud of our decissions it is time for Canadians to stand up for what they believe in and research for themselves what each party/candiate stands for.

As for the vandalism in Toronto that is disgusting and the perpetrators should be treated as terrorists for committing politically motivated crimes of hate and violence against the victims. I am sure none of the parties support these actions and as a sign of solidarity if the Liberals take down their lawn signs the other parties should remove theirs too.

Response to Donna. don't worry Harper got a plan for seniors in his hidden agenda. if he gets his majority...

proud conservative
hey mark,
I do agree with you,however all the negative comments telling me that I am a redneck,neo con, homophobic person because I am Conservative has really turned me off. Also having other parties call Harper a lier and immoral is telling me that they think I follow the same path.I am sorry that I don't think a person that was born and raised in the states should be Prime Minister .My opinion only. ...

Frank Buchan (Vauxhall, Alberta by way of Ontario)
As someone who pays enormous taxes (and is not rich by any stretch), I much prefer small changes to large, because large ones always put me in a worse position faster, giving me less time to adjust. Slow change is managed, and better for everyone.

To those who claim an extra $4 a month is nothing, ask someone who has almost nothing and they may observe that it adds up to $8 in two months and so forth. To people who need it most, every buck counts. I know if I was $4 short, having someone give it to me would be helpful and appreciated.

I have a daughter who is not yet three, and I get virtually nothing from government for the privilege of raising her. I don't mind sacrificing to do it -- and I don't mind giving money to the less fortunate via tax transfers. But, there is a limit where my tax bills start to erode her standard of living and opportunities, and like many family-focused people, I find it offensive to have people disrespect my right to work first for my family. Society, for most of us, comes second at best.

To those going on about the vandalism in Toronto: regardless of who did it, they are not politically motivated, they are criminally motivated. I don't care if they have a party logo tattooed on their behinds...they are criminals.

To the posters who grumble no one raised their kids and top it by suggesting we vote Liberal, I can suggest "national day care" might be a hell of a lot more expensive than $4 a month. I can perhaps scrape up some arguments to vote Liberal, but child care isn't one of them.

Kim in Ontario
How can we question any of the other leaders policies when they have not had a chance to yet rule. IF Layton or Dion was to be elected it may present a minority in which we could choose to vote again. In unstable times I think we need a minority government so we can vote out a failure or vote in for longer if they do well. I have many years of university behind me in sociology and economics- Harper is not who we want. This country was built on firm social programs and he is tearing everything apart. No leadership- his only vision is for the true elite (ie. the very rich). Children are the future of this country and he invests nothing in them- that is the future doctors (who will look after you when you age), future business people, the future society. Even if you have no children- these are the ones who will assist us and run our economy. I have to laugh at his childcare increase. It is pathetic. I earn a decent wage and yes-tax me to help fund healthcare. I can speak to the use of our system- I had cancer and had to use it. Had I had to pay for that healthcare I would have lost my home. Tax me to help fund childcare- we need it. The failure on the plan though is to give me $100 and then tax me so I actually receive $40 a month of this money while still paying high daycare fees. Under Harpers government six children out of my sons class of twenty lost their funding. Harpers government judged these children to be 'not worthy' thus maybe they will grow up to be the next criminal Mr.Harper.

Paul B.C.
Finally a politician who does care about Canadian families.

I want to say how proud I am of the Conservatives for not sinking so low as the Liberals and the NDP in a dirty smear campaign. Also to the Liberal or NDP members who probably defaced private property in Ontario to make the Conservatives look bad, SHAME ON U.

I want the Conservatives to win, because they show restraint and compassion, not fear mongering.

I don't agree with the gov halping pay for daycare for parents other than single, low income families. (Subsidy would then take over that.) If couples decide to have children, that is an expense they must endure on their own. Parents have been paying the same amount for daycare since the early 90's, if not longer and the daycare workers are definatly under paid for the work/job they do. Licensed home daycares are even more under paid. How about the gov raises the rate or the grants again to keep licensed daycare workers. There is such a shortage of daycare spaces (centre and homes) and we need all we can. I think if they were paid more, there would be more people willing to put forth the time and consider the job if the wage was higher and not such a low income.

Another Harper promise. Given his record, we have a 50/50 chance that he will ever honour it.

Sorry, fooled me once, Steve. Not again.


Denis the frog
Hey Johnny Oil; to bad for you that Quebec represents about the 1/4 of the canadian population of which 85% are french ! I guess that might explain why we have some kind of representation in Ottawa...

I really have to scratch my head at the pettiness of the complaints against the Harper government over the past 3 years. The Liberals brought us Sponsor Gate, Shawinigate, and set us back over 10 Billion to bring in Soviet style equal-pay-for-work-of-equal-value and the Conservatives are condemned for bad jokes... More to the point, even if the Cons are not to be trusted just what do people think the tax and spend Left Lib coalition is going to do for us? Unquestionably we are entering into turbulent waters but be clear; handing over the tiller to Jack Layton will only result in him gunning the engine and directing us directly into the rocks. The Libs admittedly are less dangerous preferring to flounder in shallow water while the Greens would just have us put into dry dock so as not to pollute the air with any exhaust from our engines of economic growth. Evidently, most Canadians prefer the certain promise of ruination rather than the only one with a demonstrated record of keeping us off the rocks. Go Figure.

Johnnie Oil
hey doomsayers, read the news as both the Scotiabank and UBS (one of the most respected banks in the world) agree that we will be going into a recession but it will be shallow and short as the "FUNDAMENTALS ARE SOUND" in Canada and worst thing to do is tax and spend like drunken solders that the NDP and Liberals want. Amd how about for a change, have people accept responsibility for their own actions and quit asking the gov't to do everything for you - look after yourself and let the gov't look after the business of running the country.

The unfortunate part for Canada is we need a majority government so any changes can be made.

This minority government has not worked. We are floundering and unless we gain some stability in this election we will be still floundering 10 years from now.

It does not take a genius to realize that this election is a farce on all sides.

Why is it that neither party had laid out their mandate prior to the start of election. They keep adding and subtracting promises. That is not how good finances and businesses are run. Lets face it, with no clear plan, there is no clear winner.

The only candidate that seems to have any idea what he really wants to do is Dion and his carbon tax idea sucks.

Layton is always the back runner but if he really had a platform that the majority of Canada could count on or trust he probably could have led this election.

Harper is still sitting strong but how good is he really going to be for Canada.

I would like to see the speach writters, directors, consultants and managers let these men make up their own minds. Let their ideas show us what they really are planning on doing to the country.

Neither have really addressed the pressing issues. Healthcare, welfare, child poverty, jobless rate, inflation, real estate, lower dollar, higher oil, recession, military spending, miltary acions, to name a few. They all skirt the issue and try to appease as many as possible. This should be one government for all the people not a government for some of the people.

The debate was a farce, no one got to finish a thought because the mediator allowed all candidates to interrupt each other. I learned nothing from the debate

Good Luck Canada

Keith in Brampton
Geof from the West wrote:

"That large parts of the country would vote ABC just because their noses are a little out of joint over a few policies, makes me sad."

What makes ME sad is that Geof and other Westerners are so self-centered as to think the economic future of a province is so petty. It shows a PROFOUND lack of understanding of Newfoundland's history and its desire to FINALLY be able to step up and become a permanent, net contributor to the country.

I won't go into the full history here, but basically Newfoundland's resources - many of which, by nature of their being offshore, are Fed controlled - have long been traded to benefit other regions while we've been left to live off handouts. Many (like me) had to leave to find work. We didn't have enough votes, so Ottawa ignored us. (Sound familiar, Western separatists?)

Stevie promised us a golden opportunity last time round; taking non-renewable resources off the table when deciding on transfer payments would have given us time to use our oil income to pay down debt (highest per capita in Canada) and figure out how to diversify our economy so we wouldn't be back looking for handouts when the oil runs out.

Harper decided, once elected, that it would be more politically expedient to let NL twist in the wind than to live up to his promise; I'm guessing that it would have hurt his ability to pander to more vote-rich areas were he to have done so.

Nearly sixty years of being promised one thing and given another tends to make one bitter. Stevie is just the latest. But for a fleeting moment, it looked like we might finally have a shot at turning things around.

That kind of betrayal leaves a mark.

"I want a majority stable government"

I want a minority stable government!

Let's send Harper back and let him continue to effect the small, positive changes just as he has been doing.

Let the liberals and the rest moan and groan but, in the end, let him make his small steps.

A strong majpority government in a time of change and flux economically is scarey to me.

I have no objections if a minority forces us to vote again in two years. I think the added cost of electioneering is well worth the cost of more effective and responsive governments as represented by monorities.

LHB in Montreal
Next week we are choosing a Prime Minister - Lets assess the choices offered us.
DION: environmentalist to whom Ignatieff said "YOU DID NOT GET IT DONE" and Dion responded "YOU THINK IT'S EASY TO MAKE PRIORITIES" during the Leadership debates
Seeing every thing in a negative way; Taxing Canadians at a time of an economic slowdown WHAT A HELP FOR OUR ECONOMY

LAYTON: Who would tax the profitable companies right out of the Country, = great for investors who most are the families around the kitchen table he uncessantly says he cares so much about. WHAT A HELP FOR OUR ECONOMY

Can you see Elizabeth May around a discussion table (like in the debate)with her arrogance, insulting the P>M> talking over everybody and never listening to anyone but her own voice. WHAT A HELP FOR OUR ECONOMY.

OR our Prime Minister, an economist, whom, through many well identified and affordable tax cuts, has already put in place a platform to help the canadian families wheather the economic downturn.

A Prime Minister who believes in the resilience of Canadians. A Prime Minister who refuses to be anything but positive knowing fully well that negativity only brings about panic which in turn results in destroying the economy.
A Prime Minister that believes that Canadian families can best decide what is best for their own families.
A Prime Minister that does not believe that Canadian families need a NANY STATES.

Canadian do not need Liberals and NDP Wthat taxes them and their industries in order to decide what his best for them. In other words BUY THEIR VOTES WITH THEIR OWN MONEY.

Personaly I like someone like the Prime Minister who respects me enough to believe that I can manage my own money.

Earl in arnprior
I think that Mr. Harper must be right about our economy being in a better position to deal with the current economic crisis . If this was not the case we would have the same problems and reprocusions here now as the US does .
This in itself is reason to believe that the conservatives have been doing a good job managing the economy .

The old addage (if it ain't broke don't fix it) comes to mind. As for MR. Harpers policies I think we should all be well aware of them as he enacted them every day as PM and they are a matter of record not promises .

MR. Layton would have us believe that all tax breaks to business is a bad thing today . Then tomorrow he wants to stimulate the auto industry . I wonder how he stimulates a major industry without tax breaks or government funding ? Maybe he will get on board with MR. Dion and MS. May and use a carbon tax funded solution where they tax industry for carbon emissions then subsidize them with their own money to prevent them from having to declare bankrutcy .
It is clear to me that a proven record with satifactory results is far better than unproven election platforms and promises with costs far beyond what is fiscally possible .
Obviously Mr. Harpers government has been taking care of business very well when we can weather the economic storms that have hit Europe, Asia and the US without a meltdown of gigantic proportions . We are right to worry about the economic future as we are tied to a global economy that is in turmoil but not to panic as Mr. Layton and Mr.Dion think we should .

bc boy
lowell youve never heard of scare tactics in canada, then youve never learned our history. During both world wars racist scare tactics were used by all the major parties of the time. Moreoever, scare tactics are being used by all major parties in this election.

Mark from Halifax NS
@ Johnnie Oil
First, thanks for proving my point on ‘c' people with your “misguided politically correct, look at me I am so wonderful and tolerant garbage” comment. Sounds pretty intolerant to me... Personally, I believe tolerance towards others’ is a value of the utmost importance to Canadians, considering people obviously have different viewpoints, simply read this page.

Second, I AGREE with you on the Bloc…the fact that the Bloc exists is bad for Canada…period. As an Atlantic Canadian, do you think I want to be physically separated from the rest of Canada?

And as you say about the Bloc, “This is treasononist party that wants to leave canada so why should be allowed to influence a National Election?” Think about this before you respond. Yes, some Quebecers want to separate, that’s a fact and an unfortunate fact at that. However, at least the Bloc (and its supporters) are going about it democratically. Under your “rule”, we would suppress their right to express those opinions at the federal level and what would be the result of that? It may potentially “force” some people who believe in separation to consider alternative measures, i.e. – violent measures. Can you say civil war?

That may be an extreme view, but one thing is for sure, Quebecers would be VERY pissed off about annexing the Bloc. It would convert more Quebecers to separatists. Soooo, to answer your question, NO I cannot think of another country with a federal separatist party but I can think of plenty of countries that have separated by using “alternative measures”…. ...

Steve Harper hopes to win last minute votes with boost to child benefit? He has not once responded to questions asked in regards to single working mothers with low incomes, why would he care now? Aside from the issue of Canadian low income earners, he's done enough damage to our economy. He has a secure income/pension - I fail to see where he's losing sleep.

Hermyle - Campbellton N.B.
...Why another minority Government, for another election in a year or two again. What a lost in money.This time support a Majority Gov, and save us some tax paying. Harper is the strongest and the most Cool for the job.

I predict a Conservative minority and the NDP as the official opposition. I think the Liberals will be decimated. When the first budget is read the NDP and the Conservatives will be at loggerheads because they are completely opposite in their views. The government won't survive the first budget vote. Get ready for another election in a few months.

...Taxes do not put money into the economy. Taxes put money into government hands, and take money out of the economy. Cutting taxes did not cause the recession, the slow down in the USA caused the recesssion in Canada. Even if Paul Martin was still PM, Oil would be dropping, the Auto industry would be selling fewer cars to the USA, and the USA would be buying fewer lumber. Out economy is dependant upon the strenght of the USA. If they go down, so do we. Vote for Jack Layton all you want, but the only thing that will happen is that he will raise corporate taxes and drive more companies out of the country, leaving more people unemployed. ...

M B Ont
...AS for Harper's child care of $100.00, we should feel very fortunate for that. And I agree that people should take responsibilty for their kids. However, that aside, I received and email from a person in the NDP yeam who said that the NDP's want to wipe out child poverty and in doing so their plan is to give a Family Allownace of $400.00 each MONTH PER CHILD. In addition they would give a Child Tax Credit cheque of $5000.00 for each child annually. Now that amounts to a total of $9800.00 per year per child.
I think I will go out and adopt myself a half dozen kids and that would give me $58,800.00 annually. Worth quitting a job for isn't it?? In case you think I am fibbing, I read the email 3 times because I could not believe my eyes !!!!

George from Brampton
Canadians will decide this election each on their own views. They will vote Liberal if they want a carbon tax that will double the cost of Heat and hydro, all consumer good transported will rise. 40B taken from revenue neutral carbon tax for other purposes, Billions spent for day care spaces, GST and Taxes to rise. (In my case my rent will go up 30-50% and I am sure I will not get $5000.00 back in the tax cut.)Bob Rae will probably be Finance Minister.
They will vote NDP if they feel Layton can implement 1/2 his plan they realize it will cost them HEAVY DUTY tax wise, the coprorate tax increase will lead to higher prices or companies will fold leaving massive job losses. Simply put the country will be in a big big deficit, if not bankrupt.
Canadians will decide there own FATE.

Mark from Halifax NS
Hey Proud Conservative, thanks for clarifying. I don’t blame you for being ticked off at all the negative comments. People from ALL parties are just as guilty of “trash-talking” the other parties, not just conservatives. ...
I think partisan politics is destroying our political system. I have looked at all the party platforms in detail. This is not an intentional shot at the Conservatives, but since they have no platform, I did my best to review what they had on their website. After reviewing, I can say this; I doubt that the majority of Canadian voters 100% agree with every single facet of their party’s platform; each platform is not 100% different from another party's. Granted, some policies, depending on which one you look at, are at the opposite ends of the spectrum but there is also some overlap too. That should be a positive thing (i.e. - something to build on).

When I look at climate change, I see four parties that want to implement a REAL carbon emissions control system. The Liberals & Greens want a carbon tax, & the NDP want a cap/trade system (the Bloc too I think). The Conservatives are the only party without a solid plan to address climate change. Since they are presently polling at about 34% (according to recent poll results), that leaves approximately 66% of Canadians who want some REAL action on climate change. After the election, if the new government actually debates if a “carbon tax” versus a “cap/trade” is better or worse (instead the same old argument about if climate change should be addressed at all), I will consider it a positive step in the right direction!

Schnikey in Ottawa
LHB - you wrote: "Personaly I like someone like the Prime Minister who respects me enough to believe that I can manage my own money."

Well why doesn't Harper "the economist" allow me to keep my money. 99 out of 100 economists will tell you that consumption taxes are "good" taxes and income taxes are "bad" taxes. Yet Harper does the politically beneficial thing of cutting the GST when in reality he should be doubling or tripling my personal exemption for income tax and raising the GST. Then you would really have control of your money - don't tax me when I earn money, tax me when I spend it. Harper is no fiscal conservative. The only party out there which has policies in their platform which truly allow me to keep more of my income is the Green Party. You might not like to hear it, but in reality the Green Party is the only truly fiscally conservative party out there.

I would pay 10% gst if that meant getting rid of Harper. GO LIBERALS GO!!!! We are picking up steam and will roll over harper's reform party.

Edd from Alberta
Why is it that the left are wishing for a recession. They must think that this is their only way to panic Canadians to vote for them. Harpers plan to "Stay the Course" is reasonable and changeable as the economy moves on. The sudden change to the TSX is a global issue.

Go Harper go.

Johnnie Oil
Hey "Mark from Halifax NS" valid points and perhaps my comment was a bit harsh but I fail to see any logic for the Bloc being allowed in a national election. They could be a provincial party and lobby for seperation all they want, I have no problem with that but I will never accept the Bloc sitting in the house having input on federal policy and federal elections. What if we had 13 seperatist parties like the bloc included in federal politics, people think our federal gov't is messed up now could you imagine a situation like that? If it is good for Quebec it should be good for every region and each would work on their own self interests and ignore the national good. Besides the people of Quebec are very well represented by the "mainstream" national parties they do not need to have the Bloc as well as it does breed resentmeant amoung other regions and to people who care about Canada. Finally as for comments about carbon and GW, first we need to have a real, open discussion on this, what if Canada went 100% carbon neatral - would it make a difference? There is also the same amount of science that is out there that shows GW may not be manmade. So far the Gore and Suzuki's of the world refuse to have this debate and dismiss this view, why? is the only good science the science that is on GW beleivers? We all need to remember the first rule of science, question all results and theories - once we stop questioning science no longer exists!

Richard L. Provencher
My wife and I carefully read many blogs. It is shameful the way Duceppe, who has done absolutely nothing for Quebec, comes across as a mean-spirited and mean-mouthed politician who is full of air and has nothing positive to add to the debate on who is best to run Canada. Go Harper for a strong majority! Richard & Esther from Truro, NS

We should thank God for having Mr. Harper as the Prime Minister of this country. At least what he promise he delivers like he did since he is in power. The Liberals all their promises where broken. Who is going to believe Dion when Dion says he is going to cut taxes wen his Carbon Tax will 40 Billion + 12 Billion then he is going to cut 26 million. Well, you don't have to be too smart to figure that out that first you going to pay taxes added on your bills & in everything you buy before you get back few pennies back on the end of the year. The NDP with their tax increase they would take the country into Bankrapcy. Also the Bloc want to increase taxes just like NDP. Aren't you tired of 13 years of broken promises of Liberals. In times of incertainty we can't affort to take a chance on Liberals NDP's or the other parties.

So Stevie wanted to send us to Iraq...half the planet thought that was the right call at the time...Yes it would have been wrong...but we only know that with our hindsight. You cannot use hindsight to lead...unless you have a crystal ball!! If they had found and destroyed WMD....the lefties would complain about how the WMD were destroyed!! Easy to make election promises when you are not the PM.

Claude - Gatineau
Stephan Harper continues to tell us that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. Everything is just cool! He would have us believe that, while the rest of the industrialized world is coming apart at the seams, (like the old army joke goes) he is the only one in step. What is he looking at? He needs a reality check. We have had massive jobs losses, investment portfolios (including RRSPs, pension plans)are taking a major beating, unemployment is up, inflation is up, the Cdn dollar is down, many more jobs are being threatened as our exports are about to take a major downturn. Go tell the workers in the forestry sector that everything is cool! Go tell the auto workers in Ontario that everything is cool! Tell the tourism industry workers that everything is cool! Things are NOT cool. Now THAT's the truth. The problem with Mr Harper is that HE CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!! He'd rather put on his nice sweater, sit by the fireplace and tell Canadians that everything is nice and comfy here.

David H
anyone who votes for the Harperites is not a true Canadian. He is a US lapdog who was ashamed of us for not joining the illegal war in Iraq.

Good thing is he has been unable to fool more than 35% of the people into thinking his vision is right for this country.

another proud conservative
I work in an industry that falls under the heading of "financial institutions" and I can tell you that Prime Minister Harper speaks the truth.

Our banks etc. ARE extremely regulated - a fact that we can be thankful for now.

Since Canada is not an island unto ourselves, of course we won't be untouched by this crisis, however, provided we have leader with a sound, stable, REALISTIC approach - which we do...in Stephen Harper...the man with the plan!!!!

(For those who say that he has no plan, you obviously haven't been listening to him...he's be TELLING us part of his plan each day of the campaign).

Finally, I also find it admirable that Mr. Harper takes a day off from campaigning. He's got his priorites STRAIGHT!!!

"To all those who plan to vote conservative, I have the following questions:

1- How many Canadian soldiers would have needlessly lost their lives in the unjust war in Iraq if Mr. Harper was our PM back then?"

The answer of course is none since we barely have enought troops to support the Afganistan mission, which of course began way before the invasion of Iraq. So basically you and Bob Rae are talking talking about non-existent troops. Even if Mr. harper wanted to join the Iraq war he would have had nothing to offer, a fact I'm sure even in the government and opposition was aware of. But hey why let reality stand in the way of a good argument. Basically Bob Rae is misleading people knowingly, which of course ins't all that rare for a liberal.

Taxed Out in Sask
If you are tired of paying more taxes for stupid government programs, then give Mr. Harper a majority...

Fair is Fair
So when the markets bounce back a bit tomorrow....does Harper get the credit??

Paul in BC
The other party leaders have a right to criticize Harper on his lack of policy in respect to the economic downturn. Harper asked for more time during the 2 leaders' debates to discuss the economy and then Harper came to the table not prepared to debate; Harper had no plan, no published platform. How do you debate nothing?

Harper is living in a bubble, a world that doesn't exist for "ordinary" Canadians now struggling under a declining economy. The Conservatives have no direction.

Give me a Break
Stephen Harper shot down the Hindenburg

Stephen Harper kidnapped the Lindbergh baby

Stephen Harper was the guy in the grassy knoll

Stephen Harper invented new Coke

Stephen Harper made the CBC give up the Hockey night in Canada theme

Stephen Harper made the Backstreet Boys re-unite

Stephen Harper caused global warming and made people in the US take out bad mortgages

Steven Harper once left the seat up

Stephen Harper once talked on his cell phone during a movie

Stephen Harper wrote all of Celine Dion's songs

Did I miss anything all you Liberals out there? I tried to be as pathetic as possible, let me know how I did.

I find so many of these posts scary to say the least.....
"Harper has done nothing"...He couldn't do anything as the opposition vetoed virtually every bill the government tried to introduce, and not because the bill may have been bad, but simply out of spite, or to do a little power strutting to prove a point...That's why an election was called...we were going nowhere with stupid bickering.
The coming recession has NOTHING to do with Harper,if anything it has more to do with Canadians that invested heavily in American companies and the fact that Harper claimed we were ok really is true...yes,your house may drop 10% in the coming year, but will go up again later as they always do.(unless you are a short term speculator)
The reason Harper will get back in with maybe a small majority is because no other party has any plans that don't involve tax-grabs and spending to buy votes
It seems only the left wing looking for government handouts are against him, with Layton leading the gravy train and Dion just a joke with his "revenue neutral" green-shift.

Do something, Harper. Show some leadership.
Harper is not capable of courage. Will he even offer a platform on Tuesday, a week before the election?

Or will he dither?

The world is in crisis. Dion, Layton and others are merely beating their drums for no reason. Nothing they do will stop this global meltdown. I think Harper is correct, steady as she goes we will come out of this better than most other countries.

KH from Ontario
In the twenty-first century, I cannot for the life of me understand how 40% of the population can possibly be considered a majority! We call it a landslide victory and a stable majority government when 60% of the voters are completely without representation in our Parliament? Give me a break! Oh, and you can bet it will be a cold day in that warm place before I mark my ballot in favour of a Conservative candidate. Perhaps if those of us who are not a part of the 40% 'majority' were actually represented in Parliament, we could finally have a proper debate about the correct course of action to take on the economy - among other things.

Jay, Ottawa
"There is also the same amount of science that is out there that shows GW may not be manmade."

Talk about an unqualified statement! I agree that rigorous application of the scientific method is necessary, but to suggest that the argument is 50/50 is simply untrue.

Keith in Brampton
To "Johnnie Oil":

I agree with you that there is a fair chance that (a) GW is not man-made and (b) is not within our control.

That said, the burning of carbon-based fuels DOES cause smog, and there are also other pollution issues that need to be addressed as well - for our health, and the health of our children.

And if that isn't a big enough issue to make the Green Shift or some other enviro-friendly plan worth considering there's this: Most of our development, industry and infrastructure over the last century is highly dependent on oil for its existence. Oil is finite; sooner or later, we WILL run out. And as that time approaches, the cost will escalate dramatically.

Countries that begin NOW to wean themselves from their oil dependency will be in a much better position to lead the way as the Oil Age draws to a close.

Do you want Canada to remain strong, and ensure its place among the leaders?

Or do you want us to be among those scrambling to buy the new technologies and desperately trying to catch up?

The Conservatives are alone with their head in the (oil)sand attitude. Their plan is too little too late. Their stance is rather akin to Nero's, fiddling as Rome burns...

A proud Canadian and Conservative Voter
To David H.
I am insulted by your comments.
I have served this country for 8 years proudly. I have lived outside of Canada and proudly told everybody that I am Canadian.
I do support the Conservatives because we do not need a tax and spend government like the Liberals (who are led by a French citizen) or the NDP.

How dare you imply that since I am voting for the Conservatives that I want to be an American.

To those who are undecided, this is your typical "left wing nut" who has nothing better to say

Mark From Sask
I get a kick out of all the people from NF who say ABC.. I dare you to elect all Liberals I'm sure the Green shift will be a positive thing for your Resource Driven Economy... Sheesh!!

Greg in Cambridge
Immaturity is what Dion and Layton are showing. Do they really think PM Harper has any real control on what happens south of the border and on Wall Street? Idiots.Anything to get a headline.
And do you really want Elizabeth May running the Country?Really?

What don't people understand... the government can't control the economy just look the States tried, with that bailout, and look how the markets responded.

Just vote Harper everyone, he won't run the country into a large deficit like dion and the commie jack layton, we give enough to every one who "can't" work

lowell...I have not heard a news report yet that have accused conservative supporters of the vandalism...could have been ndp or anyone...also, Harper is the only leader being realistic about the financial problems of this country...new taxes and spending us into deficit would put Dion and Layton in the same category as Bush as well as our country along with them

Kim in Saskatchewan
Legalize pot for the next 5 years. Tax it like crazy. Problem solved.

DJ in Manitoba
All I have to say to the opposition leader is what is their plan for dealing with this problem. If they have a plan, then please tell us what it is or are they just a pair of blow hearts trying to get attention!

I know Harper is responsible for alot of things, according to the opposition, but how he can do anything about the WORLD ECONOMY is beyond me. Blame the big banks south of the border if you want, but sorry guys,Harper can't take the rap for this one. As usual, Liberal timing is everything, and they are going to use this credit crisis to their advantage. Sure go ahead and vote for Dion and then we'll really see how bad our economy can get. Haven`t Canadians had enough of the Liberal tax grabs over the past 15 years. I guess not!

Some Canadian
A consumption tax like a carbon tax is what is needed in a recession economy. A consumption tax forces individuals to reevaluate their discretionary spending, which will hopefully force them to save instead of spend. Savings, such as RRSPs, are invested in the market, and that investment money is needed to help reinvigorate the economy. Central/Reserve banks tend to raise interest rates to curb inflation during recessionary periods, in the hopes that people will save and invest, as opposed to borrow and spend. Borrowing and spending is partially what got us to where we are right now. People borrowed and spent beyond their means, and then when banks wanted to call in mortgages and loans, no one could pay for them.
A consumption tax will curb needless spending and get people to save, and thus puts more money in the market and will hopefully cause the Bank of Canada to hold the line of interest rates. Government isn't meant to muddle with the monetary policies of the central bank, but they can do what they can to encourage investing instead of borrowing and spending; and cutting income taxes and increasing consumption taxes is the best way to do it.

Doing nothing is the worst thing the government can do. Plus, getting individuals to invest their own savings is better than a government bailout, as the consumer decides which firm or industry should be rewarded, not who has the best lobbyists.

The Lakeman
I will be voting for Harper next week but I must confess he better pull a rabbit out of the hat long before Oct. 14,2008. I am convinced no one can match him for the top job but people want some reassurance and if it is not in his Platform tomorrow he is going to pay big time!

Mark from Halifax NS
@ Johnnie Oil
Johnnie, equally good points by you on the Bloc. You’re right. What if our federal political system consisted entirely of separatist parties? Goodbye Canada, that’s what.

Like I said earlier I agree with you that the Bloc is bad for Canada, but I disagree with you that we should simply banish the party. The outcome of that would NOT be good. We can’t simply “throw away” issues that a significant proportion of the Canadian population are concerned about. Fact is, I don’t know what the answer is. I’m not from Quebec nor do I speak French so I don’t feel as though I am fully able grasp the separatist’s motives. I'm also not a historian so I don't know the complete historical significance of separation either.

All I know is that I wish that the rest of Canada could reasonably identify what is bothering the separatists (without having them separate of course) and come up with a solution to convince them that they are a valued part of this country. I think if we can figure out that solution, we may also be able to apply some of those ideas towards our Aboriginal population as well, who are becoming increasingly isolated. If the Bloc dissolved voluntarily, I think the Canadian poltical climate would change for the better.

Not to get too cheesy on you, but I think Canada is the greatest nation on Earth and I am proud to be Canadian. I just wish ALL Canadians felt the way I do!!

Conservatives are going down!!!!!!!!!!
For the mess they've made.

And Harper does nothing but pose warm and fuzzy.

Do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Conservatives have traditionally put up a strong image in front of the media. But that's it!

David H

Your comments are uncalled for. Despite our different views, we are ALL Canadians.

I wish Harper would win the election already.And stop this nonsence already. HE has talked about his platform.But some of you do not want to listen to realty.

This ABC thing has just gone way too far.

When you find yourself rejoicing in the fact people are voting for a party that wants to break this country apart it's time to give your head a huge shake.

Vote for the party you believe is the best to govern. If you don't you do not deserve a vote.

Rule Number One. VOTE FOR CANADA and the party you think is the best for CANADA!!!

Layton B in Moncton NB
Harper has presented a rose coloured glasses vision of Canada. Our fundamentals are at risk. The plunge in commodity prices will shake our economy to the core. That's right, that's the truth. Something Harper, Bush, et al would never dream of telling you.

Wes Saskatoon
With a possible recession coming, this is not the time to vote in liberal socialists who are promising to hurt the corporations by increasing their tax load. These corporations are the employers of this country. Vote for the government that plans to stay the course rather than the left-leaning radicals who are making wild promises to simply gain votes. If they get in we will likely have a depression.

Curtis - Calgary
From what I have heard the Conservatives are NOT saying that everything is great but they are saying don't panic. We have not seen most of the effects of the US bail out package yet, Canadian banks are making huge profits, the price of oil is still higher than what it has historically been, and house prices in the west have fallen recently but only a small fraction of what they have gained in the past three years.

Like it or not, our economy is strongly tied to the US economy and we will feel the effects in Canada regardless of what we do.

The reduction to GST and income taxes help the average person even more significantly when the economy is slow. I much prefer well thought out policies that help the economy over the long term rather than band-aid solutions made abruptly in response to economists who seem to have a different opinion every week.

Why do all the Liberal writers always say "The conservative writers are out in full force"? They could offer some real viable reasons their party should be elected. This kind of rhetoric makes the Liberal group sound pathetic and desperate.

Dave from Calgary
I'm a very proud conservative, have always voted conservative and will be voting for Harper again in this month's federal election as I believe that a Conservative government here in Canada is the only best answer for this country; at least for the next 10 or so years.
My question or comment is this: Dion and more so Layton have been blasting Harper non-stop about the economy crisis and Harper's platform since an election was announced early last month. What I would like to know is, what is it that Layton and Dion have for an economic platform that they feel is so brilliant where it requires being extremely disrespectful to Mr. Harper not only within the media and their ridiculous TV ads but also in the other night's English language debate? I watched the whole debate and I read the papers and I don't understand Layton or Dion's platforms. I just think it's ridiculous how they blast Harper for his poor economic plans, even still as he is currently heading for a majority government and is in the Prime Minister of Canada's seat.
As I said, Harper is the ONLY answer for Canada; the Liberal government that was in power for 15+ years screwed up a lot of things and those things need to be fixed, which will be a lot easier to do with a Conservative majority government; that includes the economy crisis.

Molly in OTTAWA
News Flash for for Denis the frog

If Quebec has 7,774,530 people and 75 seats in Parliament - why does Alberta, who has 3,512,386 people or about half as many as Quebec only have 28 seats? Half of 75 is (rounded up) 39 seats. How is that fair? Alberta is shortchanged 11 seats. That explains why you have preferential representation.

Blaming Harper on the economy is another sign of the socialists grasping on straws. I guess Dion and Layton have full control of the US economy and policy too. If Canada's economy sinks any further, can we blame the self fulfilled prophecies coming out of the clowns.

Just read some comments on the child credit. Hate to tell you this but I have no children so all the education taxes I have to put forth I have not whined about. I know that is a provincial thing but it accounts for over half of my municiple tax each year. While parents get money from the government each month and get to claim tax deductions each year. I get stuck paying for their little kiddies education such as it is. Glad no one said that tax would be revenue neutral like that Green Shift thing. And let us not forget the lie Chretien placed on all of us at the very beginning when he clearly stated and wrote that he would eliminate the GST. Opps just a little slip up there. We are taxed far to much and both the NDP and Libs would do the same by increasing the taxes. I am sure the greenies would follow suit.

ABC subverts our Democracy
For all of you that say ABC... You are purporting the subversion of our democracy. Shame on you. I really don't care who anyone votes for but our democracy work on the principle of one person one vote.

Vote for whom you think will do the best job.

Well gerry I already voted to and it was for Mr .Harper,so I guess that makes things even...But then if your voting liberals or ndp you want money for free? well the rest of us pay for it Way to go....

To David H

You are obviously left of centre. Calling anyone who is a citizen of this country un-Canadian just because they do not happen to agree with your ideas is in itself un-Canadian. But you are in the same company with the likes of Paul Martin who said the same thing during an election campaign not so many years ago and now look where he is. However David H should the Liberals win this election and since I am not a Liberal supporter and therefore un-Canadian will promise me that Mr. Dion will cancel my tax bill and all those for all the rest of the un-Canadians in this country. David H hate to say this but you seriously need to re-think things.

I guess the NDP and the Liberals are also going to blame Harper for the US mortgage meltdown too. I guess this comes from the same type of Dion-Think that believes that lowering Canada's GHG emissions will have ANY effect on the global picture. China increases their emissions by the ENTIRE TOTAL emitted by Canada every single month. So, if Canada's emissions immediately went to ZERO the global emissions would be exactly the same a month later as China's increased by the same amount. I guess Dion feels that Harper's GST cut caused the failure of Lehman Bros.

Guess who spent $ 12 Billion the liberals saved? The conservatives.

Layton the next prime minister?

WAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's funny

Vote liberal. I don't understand why everyone slams the liberals over an alleged 'financial scandal' that amounts to pocket lint in the grand scheme of things. Liberals know what they're doing far better than the crooked smiled conservatives.

Shane Prpich
GOD help us all if The Conservatives win a Majority!

I don't know who these brainwashed fools are that vote Conservative, but they WILL be the ones that continue to lead Canada and the world to HELL ON EARTH!

What ever happened to World Peace, Social Justice and equality?

All I see is World War III, Social injustice and inequality!

On a different note, it now appears Stephane Dion plagairized much of John McCain's Climate Change speech.

For real.



It is every TRUE CANADIANS right to vote however they want to!!! DO NOT INSULT YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!! It is you who are not being CANADIAN by your sick comments... have some respect!!!!

I have voted both Liberal and Conservative in past elections depending on which local MP,party and leader I thought had better ideas at the time. Right now I think one of the things that Canada has going for it is our fiscal restraint of the last decade. I beleive we would have been caught in the current financial mess no matter who was in power right now. I also think spending $50 billion of taxpayer money right now would be a big mistake that our kids would pay for down the road. I'll be voting Conservative this time.

Brent in Kamloops
Does no one remember Pierre Trudeau's answer to economic issues? Give away the farm to special interest (voting) groups, print money, watch inflation soar to 10% and interest rates to 19%, and then give the country the finger. That is the enduring Liberal philosophy on economic management....and sounds like Jack Layton's and Stephane Dion's government spending answer....

André St-Hilaire, Québec City
Mr. Dion had his chance while in government. He also had a plan for climate change back then, but failed to implement anything.
Mr. Layton has delivered a budget while he was in opposition. Imagine what he can do if elected PM.


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