Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dear SW Ontario Ford Dealers

Just sent this in to Ford Canada. Will post any follow-up I receive.
Good day,

I am seeking to track the owner of a dealer plate that was a member of a Ford F-150 truck convoy travelling westbound on the 401 last night around 9:30pm between Guelph Line and Hwy 6 North. As it was a fleet of 4-5 new F-150's, I am assuming the plate belongs to a Ford dealer in Southwestern Ontario.

The plate number in question was 204 DLE, and though the driver of this plate was not directly involved in my incident last night, he/she was the trailing member of said convoy.

Last night, this convoy was travelling in a tight pack in the far left lane, and was at times impeding the flow of traffic. That is, of course, when they weren't travelling recklessly at over 130kmh.

At one point, due to the other cars around, I was forced to move over into the left lane, at which time the incident I am reporting occurred. It was at this time that your drivers became hostile, for the apparent offence of having briefly disrupted their convoy. They boxed me in, the lead car (a beige Pontiac Transport) kept slamming on their brakes to force me back over to the right, and an F-150 severely tailgated me, flashing his/her high beams at me. It was during this time that the Transport driver flipped me the middle finger. Once I finally got back over, the team ROARED past me at well over 140kmh, potentially even over 150kmh, which as you well know could have resulted in the impounding of these vehicles.

This was some of the most unprofessional driving I have ever seen of a dealer, and I am expecting the team in question to be disciplined for their reckless actions, which endangered not only my safety, but their own, along with all the other drivers on the road last evening.

If these were not Ford dealer employees, then I apologize in advance. If, however, they were employees or contractors for a Ford dealer, then I await your response indicating what action will be take against these individuals.

Thank you for your time.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Canadian Government Funding Blasphemy

UPDATE: The band and the record label have voluntarily withdrawn the album, and have returned the taxpayer funding for the project. They're intending to re-release the album in a non-taxpayer funded format... as is their right. It's still a piece of blasphemy, but now I simply pray for their souls. :END UPDATE

In a word, DISGUSTING... the Canadian Government has (perhaps unwittingly, I'll grant that) provided over $14,000 to fund a punk album that openly mocks Islam, running the risk of riots from coast to coast.

Oh, did I say "Islam"? I meant "Christianity". (now watch how fast the Left goes from righteous anger to excusing religious intolerance... in 3, 2, 1...)

So, now that it's open season for Government funding on faith, does that mean someone can now apply for funding from the Government of Canada to openly mock Islam's "prophet" Muhammad? I think we all know the answer to that... ABSOLUTELY NOT, and that's EXACTLY how it ought to be. Free speech is one thing, but TAXPAYER FUNDING for things that openly mock the faith of others IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE, regardless of who's faith is under attack.

There is only ONE acceptable answer to this... the funding needs to be revoked and/or immediately repaid to the Government, and the bureaucrat who authorized this expenditure MUST BE CLEARLY DEALT WITH, with a clear and public apology for his/her insensitive and idiotic decision. A clear message needs to be sent... RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE IS UNACCEPTABLE IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS NATION. And if they refuse to apologize... FIRE THEM.

AND... I fully expect ALL PARTY SUPPORT FOR THIS. Your first chance to do the right thing, Mr. Opposition Leader.

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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Now accepting applications for my next Internet Provider

With the big players in telco industry seeking to kill the innovative online spirit of the average Canadian customer, I am now currently shopping around for a new ISP. My requirements are as follows:

- At least 80GB of data usage
- 12MB download, 1MB upload speeds
- Reasonable price point, which SHOULD no more than $50 per month

As a Network and Systems Administrator, I have a better idea on what these services ought to REALLY cost... and believe me folks, we're ALL being WAY OVERCHARGED. I've always managed to talk them down in their pricing, or get them to do things like credit my modem rental charge for the year, in order to compensate for their overcharging. But with their recent moves to further REGULATE our Internet usage is unacceptable.

That being said, I do recognize that there are a few ABUSERS of the current systems, who's abusive usage affects the rest of us with slowdowns, etc. The ISP's should be going after them DIRECTLY, instead of punishing the rest of us by forcing us to curb our own usage. Of course, I've never even gone over 75% of my "allowance", but that's beside the point. When I sign up for Internet, I want to be able to USE my Internet. With more and more services becoming available online, ISP's like Bell and Rogers ought to be finding ways to ATTRACT more customers, by offering more COMPETITIVE packages... NOT by seeking to punish smaller ISP's for offering better packages than they're offering. And what's most disturbing is that they're using their lobbying efforts via the CRTC, which is SUPPOSED to serve CANADIANS, to restrict and punish Canadians, instead of fixing their own internal issues and offering Canadians CHOICE.

So, think about supporting the various online initiatives that are taking aim at the CRTC, Bell and Rogers... that is, if you haven't used up your monthly "allowance" already.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ignatieff Rally: Liberal supporter shouts "KILL HIM!" when Iggy mentions John Baird?!?!?

Are you kidding me? At Iggy's first rally of the year, not even a week after the reprehensible shooting of a US Congresswoman, a Liberal supporter shouts "KILL HIM!" when Ignatieff mentions The Hon. John Baird, Member of Parliament for Ottawa West-Nepean.

Don't believe me? SEE IT FOR YOURSELF... start at the 0:30 second mark, and listen for the disgusting comment at 0:46 seconds.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff MUST be called on to distance himself from that reprehensible comment IMMEDIATELY, especially after the shootings in Arizona. While the common barbs and thrusts of politics are to be expected, calls for the death of an opponent ARE BEYOND THE PALE.

UPDATE: Video clip has been downloaded, just in case the Liberals pull the clip down.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Prescription drugs caused possible psychotic break in Col. Williams?

Did you know the Biblical Greek word for "witchcraft" is "Pharmakeia"? It is, of course, where we get the word "Pharmacy". Why is this interesting?

There's some speculation right now that the prescription drug prednisone may have been a contributing factor in causing a psychotic break in former Col. Russell Williams, who's crime spree is believed to have begun out of the blue sometime in 2007... right around the time he was prescribed a series of drugs to deal with chronic pain.

Now of course, it's no excuse for his actions, but it does perhaps shed some light on how he supposedly "fell through the cracks" of the military's psychological screening programs. The side affects of some of these powerful drugs are not even close to being well understood, and in some cases have even been covered up by the big drug companies.

One example that I'm personally somewhat familiar with is the drug Viiox, which is now off the market, but was prescribed to me for a minor but painful injury I had a few years back. (pre-2004) One of the fairly rare side effects of that drug was depression, and I had a pretty weird experience while on it. I had a dream one night while taking it, during which a former classmate of mine died. But for the next two days, I was in a pretty depressed state, having somehow mixed my dream into reality, thinking that my friend had ACTUALLY died. It was difficult to separate the two, but when I finally realized what the drug was doing to my head, I stopped taking the meds right away. It was a pretty scary experience though, realizing that a supposedly "safe" drug had so badly messed with my mind.

But more and more these days, this sort of thing seems to be happening. According to this Toronto Star article, prescription drugs may be considered a contributing factor in some violent crimes. I think it's interesting that this has come to light in the Williams case.

In some ways, it actually makes me feel a little better. Rather than a secret nut-job having been on the loose for decades, having completely fooled the system, his crimes may have instead been more recently initiated by a bi-polar psychotic break, possibly induced by prescription drugs.

"Pharmakeia" ("Witchcraft") indeed... food for thought, at the very least.


Monday, October 04, 2010

Pro-life protesters jailed... Shame on Carleton University

A disgusting display of hypocrisy by Carleton University... a place where thug-like tactics of the left are rewarded, and where peaceful and meek protectors of the unborn are thrown into the back of the paddy wagon.

I am privileged to know Nicholas, one of the young men arrested today.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Guelph G20 THUG ID'ed by Toronto Police

21 year old Guelph activist/violent thug Kelly Pflug-Back is wanted by the Toronto Police Service, and is to be charged with six counts of mischief over $5,000 upon her arrest.
You might recall her name... she's one of the misfits who assaulted Olympic torch bearer Cortney Hansen back in January.

Guelph residents are asked to encourage Pflug-Back to turn herself in, or contact the G20 Investigative Team at 416-808-0650 with information assisting in her arrest.

UPDATE: She is now thankfully in the custody of police... hopefully for a long time, at least until she realizes how to interact with society in a civil manner.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Maybe Canada needs a face mask law?

In looking at the G20 protests in Toronto today, I've been doing some thinking, and I'm convinced that Canada needs to make it a Criminal Code offence to cover ones face in order to obscure one's identity.

I know this idea has been debated in the context of extremist Islam, where it's been proposed that Canada should ban the burka and any other religious face covering, as has been proposed in other nations. However, I don't think we need to go that far. Of course I firmly believe in religious rights, and think that Muslim women should be allowed the right to wear whatever they want, should they so choose... no matter how wrong I may believe they are in their faith.

However, I do agree that for the purposes of verifying their identitiy in the context of Government interaction, such as voting, getting a drivers license, etc., I believe that it should be mandatory to submit to a visual verification of their identity. Of course, there should be provisions made for this, such as ensuring that it's a woman doing the ID verification, along with privacy to do so, but these are reasonable compromises in my opinion.

Now, on to the other motivation for my proposal... that's right, you guessed it, to ensure that the illegal and criminal activities of protesters can be properly prosecuted. I think we should be making it as difficult as possible for people to be able to break our laws with impunity, simply because they've got a $1.00 piece of cloth in front of their faces. It would also cover the matter of protesters who have gas masks, which are worn for the express purpose of resisting the authority of our police services. Were we to make it illegal to obscure one's face for the purposes of avoiding identification, we can kill both birds with one single stone... the issues surrounding religious veils, AND around illegal protest tactics.

Such a law would easily survive a Charter challenge, as there is nothing within the Charter that guarentees the right to hide one's true identity. Such a law would not deny anyone's freedom of speech, nor their freedom of association, and therefore could not be struck down under those provisions of the Charter. Such a law would, however, give our police the tools they need to guarentee the rights of ALL OF US.

You see, the laws that were written to ensure our rights and freedoms have been blatantly abused by these protesters for too long now. In asserting their "rights", they have in fact denied many of us our own rights. With their blockades, their marches, their outlandish law-breaking tactics, they have many a time impeeded the rest of our rights, such as our own freedom of mobility, our ability to associate with those whom we choose to, and our right to say what we want to say... all in the name of their own "rights". Which, ironicly, is in many case the exact opposite of what they claim they're doing.

So to make a long story short, I think it's time that Canada considered a ban on tactics designed to obscure one's identity. It would serve as a deterance for some, knowing that they will be less likely to avoid the consequences of their actions. It would also ensure that the rights of the rest of us are protected, as those who choose to break the laws of our society will be properly prosecuted. For the vast majority of Candadians, I'd say about 99.9999% of us, such a law would be a WIN-WIN situation.

Plus it would be a thorn in the side of the extremist left... which then makes it a WIN-WIN-WIN situtation in my books.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

AdScam back in the news, no election this year

No way are Iffy's Liberals going to pull the plug now, with the RCMP bringing forward new allegations in relationship to well connected Liberals and the Sponsorship Scandal.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Democratic Congressman in serious trouble

Physically assaulting a student on the sidewalk, without provocation? Not cool...

h/t Strictly Right

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Charges against Michael Bryant DROPPED

I didn't post on the story when it broke, and I recall urging my fellow BTers to "wait and see". Sounded to me like it was pretty cut and dry when it happened... it sounded like the cyclist just lost it on Bryant, and his actions were defencive in nature.

The charges against former Liberal Attorney General Michal Bryant have now been dropped, on the advice of the special prosecutor appointed in this case, Vancouver lawyer Richard Peck. (in and effort to avoid any kind of conflict of interest)

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

MSM catches on to Liberal's "Secret Donation" scandal

The Ottawa Sun is reporting on the latest Liberal fund raising scandal, where they were encouraging and advising their members on how they could donate funds to the Party "anonymously".

As reported here yesterday, Liberal Adam Smith sent out an e-mail to hundreds, potentially thousands of supporters, instructing them on how they can skirt around Elections Canada's donation reporting guidelines, without have their identity disclosed to Elections Canada, or to the Canadian public via the donation disclosure database.

The more things change, the more things stay the same. Liberals and "anonymous" donations... will they never learn?

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Criminal defended by Liberals gets 8 years in prison

How SWEET this headline is... "Schreiber gets 8 years for tax evasion". That's right boys and girls... looks like the Liberals went to bat for yet another convicted criminal.

Here's a really interesting quote from the article... "It was notable that the accused sought refuge in red herrings and was consistently silent on the really decisive questions," Judge Rudolph Weigell of the Augsberg state court said in handing down the sentence.

Hummm, you don't say... "red herrings" and "consistently silent on the really decisive questions". Looks like the German courts didn't find him credible either. So one has to wonder, why did the Liberals take his word at face value? Yep, he played them LIKE A FIDDLE.

It's really nice to see the Liberals get what they deserve on this one, after they went to the wall to defend him, advocating the Government halt his extradition to face justice in Germany.

While Conservatives seek to "Stand up for Canadians", it turns out that the Liberals have once again made the decision to stand up for a CRIMINAL.

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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Phillies fan gets Tased

LOL... serves the kid right. Maybe this will provide enough of a disinsentive for crazed fans to run onto the field. Might prove useful for the upcoming World Cup too!

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Liberal MP Frank Valeriote councils Commissioner to break the law?

Another partisan Liberal attack goes horribly wrong. This is not a good move by Valeriote, considering he's supposed to be a lawyer...
Dear Mr. Valeriote,

Your open letter to the Commissioner of Lobbying is most improper. Essentially, you are telling the Commissioner to break the law.

First, I remind you that the Commissioner is an independent Officer of Parliament. She is accountable to all of Parliament and is supposed to discharge her duties independently and without interference. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the Liberal Party or any individual MP can tell her what to do. You are wrong. The Commissioner’s independence must be respected.

Second, you demand that the Commissioner report to you and the Liberal Party on a potential ongoing investigation. Not only is that an outrageous interference with the Commissioner’s independence, it amounts to counselling the Commissioner to break the law. I urge you to read section 10.4 of the Lobbying Act, which requires the Commissioner to conduct any investigations in private and not to disclose information that comes to her knowledge during the course of performing her duties.

By writing an open letter, counselling the Commissioner to break the law, you are showing contempt for the Commissioner of Lobbying and placing her in an impossibly compromising position. How do you justify such conduct?

Kelly Block, MP
Member, Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics

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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

My thoughts on the Jaffer story

With this being the lead story on National Newswatch, I suppose many of you will be curious to hear my thoughts. So here goes...

1) I've said for a long time that I'm a strong supporter of mandatory minimums for violent crimes, not all crimes. (at least not that I can recall offhand)

2) Having said that, I've always felt that there should be room for leniency for first time, non-violent offenders. (Going over my previous posts, however, I can't recall the issue of "first time offenders" having ever come up, so I can't defend this point by simply saying "I've always said that")

3) The folks that are pointing fingers at this "Tory" judge are off base... the charges were withdrawn by the PROVINCE.

4) While I'll grant the fact that the Prosecutor in this case was indeed appointed by the Harris Tories, he's working under the direction of the CURRENT Provincial Government.

5) I'm personally curious as to WHY the drunk driving charge was withdrawn. Of all the charges, that one was to me the most serious. (For reference, I'll refer you to my thoughts from his arrest) Of course, it's easy to armchair quarterback this one, but we weren't there in the courtroom. I would like to hear more about this, because with withdrawal of the drunk driving charge does concern me. Not because of who he is, but because I've always HATED listening to ads on the radio from paralegals who advertise the fact that they'll help you get out of a drunk driving charge. Maybe I'm biased, having lost a friend to a drunk driver when I was a kid. (AC, I still think of you, and can still remember your face even to this day... some 25 years later)

That's all.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Illegally placed Liberal by-election signs

Man, the Ontario Liberals oughta watch what they place online via Facebook... like photos of illegally placed signs, for example.

Yes, those are in fact by-election signs for Stephen Mazurek, the Liberal candidate in tomorrow's by-election. You'll notice that the signs are sitting on MTO property, as that's the 1000 Islands Parkway over by Ganinoque. (I was at that exit just the other week) As regular campaign workers may know, it is illegal to place signs on MTO property, and offenders can be fined.

The photo was posted by a Mazurek supporter on their Facebook... and I will be forwarding it to both Elections Ontario and the Steve Clark campaign.

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Saturday, December 05, 2009

Liberal Senators AGAIN protect drug producers

What is with these guys? Every time we manage to get tougher punishments for criminals through the House of Commons, the Liberals in the Senate defy the will of the people an water them down.

This time, Liberal Senators have watered down the provisions of Bill C-15 which would introduce mandatory minimum sentences for criminals growing fewer than 200 marijuana plants.

H-E-L-L-O?!?! Okay, I could see them wanting reduced sentences for MAYBE up to five or ten plants... that could be argued as being for "personal use". BUT 199?!?!? Pardon the expression, but just what are these guys smoking?

Canadians have been saying loud and clear for some time now that they want action taken on crime. Drugs in our neighbourhoods, in schools, enough it enough! When will the Liberal Senators get the message and stop softening the landing for criminals convicted of these crimes?

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Sweet new cop car!

Nice move by the cops with this one... got this in an e-mail today:
Coming to a city near you

Just your "average Taxi", right... WRONG ! It's intentionally designed to look like a taxi, no special markings, etc.

Note the red lights, front and rear view mirror area.

The roof sign actually says "Police" and the phone number is for the Halton Regional Police Dept.

This is the latest in POLICE RADAR CARS...
Now in use in Guelph, Georgetown, Milton and Orangeville areas...

Soon to come to a city near you.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Near miss with a Greyhound this morning

To the driver of the red Jeep heading west on Hwy. 7 into Kitchener this morning... you're an idiot, and very nearly cost the lives of several people today.

Normally, if it were just me involved, I could just forgive and move on. But today, after you endangered your life, my life, the life of the lady behind me, and the lives of all the folks on the Hwy. 7 westbound Greyhound bus this morning... well, I can still forgive, but I do want to ensure this incident is recorded, in the hopes that it somehow makes it's way back to you.

I had business in Kitchener this morning, and was heading east to Guelph on Hwy. 7 after that at 7:45am. At the junction of Woolwich-Guelph Townline, for some reason, most likely impatience it seems, you decided to make use of that insanely narrow gap in traffic to gun your way onto Hwy. 7 west. You knew what you'd done was wrong by the way you gunned it onto the shoulder, I think intending to use that to gather speed and merge into a gap. (Based on your driving, however, I do wonder if that's your regular route and if that's a regular manouver you pull... and as such, I'd welcome members of the OPP to meet up with you there one morning to identify and charge you one of these days)

What you didn't realize, however, was that you didn't leave enough room for the bus to miss you, and as such, you forced him well into my lane to avoid hitting you. This of course caused a very near miss with me as he tried to get back into his lane, and had I not been able to swerve to miss him (I still wonder how I managed that, there wasn't any concious thought on my part, just reaction) you would have caused a headon collision at a combined speed of somewhere likely in excess of 160kms/h.

Further adding to the potential loss of life was the fact that we were at the top of an embankment, into which the bus would have most likely rolled due to the force of the impact. Then add to this the oncoming traffic that was behind me, who would have been unable to avoid the swirling mess of glass, metal and bodies, and you could well have been responsible for the loss of significant life this morning.

I hope you enjoy your day. I know I will be, with the new-found appreciation of life that I suddenly find myself with this morning.

Shaken, but not stirred,
