Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TorStar BUSTED making "edits" to Rob Ford's Wiki page

What that? The left-wing media getting actively involved in trashing a right-wing candidate? Say it ain't so... oops, looks like it is so.

Someone at The Toronto Star has been busted making a number of edits to Rob Ford's personal Wikipedia page, adding a link to a satirical website that posted obscene content mocking the Toronto mayoral front-runner.

Not that I see this as anything new... they just got caught this time.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Guelph G20 THUG ID'ed by Toronto Police

21 year old Guelph activist/violent thug Kelly Pflug-Back is wanted by the Toronto Police Service, and is to be charged with six counts of mischief over $5,000 upon her arrest.
You might recall her name... she's one of the misfits who assaulted Olympic torch bearer Cortney Hansen back in January.

Guelph residents are asked to encourage Pflug-Back to turn herself in, or contact the G20 Investigative Team at 416-808-0650 with information assisting in her arrest.

UPDATE: She is now thankfully in the custody of police... hopefully for a long time, at least until she realizes how to interact with society in a civil manner.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Maybe Canada needs a face mask law?

In looking at the G20 protests in Toronto today, I've been doing some thinking, and I'm convinced that Canada needs to make it a Criminal Code offence to cover ones face in order to obscure one's identity.

I know this idea has been debated in the context of extremist Islam, where it's been proposed that Canada should ban the burka and any other religious face covering, as has been proposed in other nations. However, I don't think we need to go that far. Of course I firmly believe in religious rights, and think that Muslim women should be allowed the right to wear whatever they want, should they so choose... no matter how wrong I may believe they are in their faith.

However, I do agree that for the purposes of verifying their identitiy in the context of Government interaction, such as voting, getting a drivers license, etc., I believe that it should be mandatory to submit to a visual verification of their identity. Of course, there should be provisions made for this, such as ensuring that it's a woman doing the ID verification, along with privacy to do so, but these are reasonable compromises in my opinion.

Now, on to the other motivation for my proposal... that's right, you guessed it, to ensure that the illegal and criminal activities of protesters can be properly prosecuted. I think we should be making it as difficult as possible for people to be able to break our laws with impunity, simply because they've got a $1.00 piece of cloth in front of their faces. It would also cover the matter of protesters who have gas masks, which are worn for the express purpose of resisting the authority of our police services. Were we to make it illegal to obscure one's face for the purposes of avoiding identification, we can kill both birds with one single stone... the issues surrounding religious veils, AND around illegal protest tactics.

Such a law would easily survive a Charter challenge, as there is nothing within the Charter that guarentees the right to hide one's true identity. Such a law would not deny anyone's freedom of speech, nor their freedom of association, and therefore could not be struck down under those provisions of the Charter. Such a law would, however, give our police the tools they need to guarentee the rights of ALL OF US.

You see, the laws that were written to ensure our rights and freedoms have been blatantly abused by these protesters for too long now. In asserting their "rights", they have in fact denied many of us our own rights. With their blockades, their marches, their outlandish law-breaking tactics, they have many a time impeeded the rest of our rights, such as our own freedom of mobility, our ability to associate with those whom we choose to, and our right to say what we want to say... all in the name of their own "rights". Which, ironicly, is in many case the exact opposite of what they claim they're doing.

So to make a long story short, I think it's time that Canada considered a ban on tactics designed to obscure one's identity. It would serve as a deterance for some, knowing that they will be less likely to avoid the consequences of their actions. It would also ensure that the rights of the rest of us are protected, as those who choose to break the laws of our society will be properly prosecuted. For the vast majority of Candadians, I'd say about 99.9999% of us, such a law would be a WIN-WIN situation.

Plus it would be a thorn in the side of the extremist left... which then makes it a WIN-WIN-WIN situtation in my books.

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Saturday, April 03, 2010

Great expose on the "anti-racism" industry

The NP's Johnathan Kay has a great report on his investigations into the left-wing "anti-racist" industry, entitled "White & Guilty". Just for context, it's far out groups like this that are likely the root cause of the fiasco that occurred in Ottawa at the Ann Coulter event the other week.
In fact, I felt sympathy for just about everyone in that class. In private conversation, they all seemed like good-hearted, intelligent people. But like communist diehards confessing their counter-revolutionary thought-crimes at a Soviet workers' council, or devout Catholics on their knees in the confession booth, they also seemed utterly consumed by their sin, regarding their pallor as a sort of moral leprosy. I came to see them as Lady Macbeths in reverse -- cursing skin with nary a "damn'd spot." Even basic communication with friends and fellow activists, I observed, was a plodding agony of self-censorship, in which every syllable was scrutinized for subconscious racist connotations as it was leaving their mouths.

While politically correct campus activists often come across as smug and single-minded, I realized, their intellectual life might more accurately be described as bipolar-- combining an ecstatic self-conception as high priestesses who pronounce upon the racist sins of our society, alongside extravagant self-mortification in regard to their own fallen state.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

TVO's Steve Paikin to join the pro-Coulter/Free Speech movement?

I dunno, but after another loony leftist plot sought to derail a taping of his show "The Agenda", I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised. From Paiken's blog:
But just a few minutes into my interview with Minister Duncan, all hell broke loose.

At first, one member of the audience rushed the stage where we were located and began shouting questions at Duncan.

At first, I thought this was simply the act of one rude person, so I tried to interrupt her, assure her that there would be time for questions later, but that this was not the way we were going to do business.

Shortly thereafter, another half dozen protesters joined the first, continued to scream at the minister, and it became abundantly clear that this wasn't a case of a few rude audience members, but rather an orchestrated protest.

They'd cleverly entered the hall with their protest signs hidden under their coats, and blended in nicely.

Even though this had never happened before in ten years of doing programs at the Munk Centre, we actually do have a protocol in place in case something like this WERE to happen. We've just never had to roll it out.

When it was obvious the protesters had no plans to stop, I walked off set to Dan Dunsky, our executive producer, asked him what he wanted to do, and he calmly said, let's go to a break and get this back on track. That's the protocol.

And that's what we did.
Hey Steve... now you know how it feels to be a Conservative in Canada!

The extreme left has gotten completely out of control in this country. They know how to play the revolving-door, slap-on-the-wrist legal system, and they know full well that in our modern day of police-non-intervention, they can get away with pretty much anything short of actual murder. They're amoral thugs, goons, and walk amongst us chanting the mantra of "peace and harmony"... while actively seeking to shout down and repress the views of those with whom they disagree.

It's time for the Government, on all levels, to step in and do something about this. They need to give direction to our police services that it's time to ensure that the few do not have the power to repress the rights of other Canadians. It may even be time for new legislation to curb this real and ongoing threat. Strengthening of tresspassing laws, modification of conspiracy laws to include offences relating to the organizing of law breaking protests. Laws to allow for charges to be pressed against those who insite illegal activity via electronic means such as Facebook.

Now, there will be negative press involved, to be sure. The extremist left has gotten very good at "working the system" in terms of garnering media coverage, filing police complaints, etc. Our police need to know that their Government is going to back them up when it comes to enforcing the law of the land.

It's time to ensure that the far out, lawbreaking advocates of "social justice" get a taste of real justice... the kind that ensures that we really are a "free" society. It's time for the mainstream parties, the Tories, Liberals, and NDP, to strike some form of task force to craft legislation that all parties, and all normal Canadians, can support.

I just don't get what these kids are thinking... the more and more they "succeed" with these thuggish tactics, the more they solidify the position of their opponents... and the support for their opponents only increases! Take me, for example... while I opposed such tactics before, I wasn't as vocal in my opposition. Nor was I particularly supportive of the folks who want to scrap the HRC's... but if these sorts of things are allowed to continue unchecked, I think my positions will be in need of further review.

h/t to Russ Campbell for alerting us all to this fiasco.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

CFS losing their grip: UoG has all party support for a Referendum on representation by the CFS

It just shows you what our youth can do when they put their heads together, set aside their differences, and take a stand on an issue... TOGETHER.

In last week's "The Ontarion", the University of Guelph's student newspaper, there was a "Letter to the Editor" signed by the political campus clubs of three of the four major parties, calling in part for a referendum on whether or not the CFS will continue to represent the students at the University of Guelph.

Here's the letter:
We the undersigned, as students of the University of Guelph, support democracy. We believe that Students should be allowed to speak and have their voices heard. As such, we have come together to call for a referendum so Students can choose their representation. We demand, in order to gain the support of Students, that the Canadian Federation of Students:

1. Advocate effectively on the issues that matter to Students.
2. Decentralize power.
3. Demonstrate financial and administrative transparency.
4. Take a non-partisan stance during elections.
5. Acknowledge Students’ right to choose through a referendum.
6. Cease unjust litigation of your own Students.

Let Students choose the movement! Let Students Speak!

Guelph Campus Conservatives
University of Guelph Young Liberals
Guelph Campus Greens
I have it on good authority that the NDP campus club had also signed on to the letter, but withdrew their name and support at the last minute before the paper went to print.* I'm thinking someone from the CFS got wind of the letter and "got to them", pressuring them to withdraw their support, or else. (* NOTE: See UPDATE II below)

Here's hoping that this is a start to a real democratic movement in student politics at the University of Guelph... and that the leftist stranglehold will be broken, so that ALL voices can be genuinely heard, and so that REAL debate of the issues can happen in an unrepressive environment of learning.

UPDATE: Turns out that the CFS is attempting to stonewall this referendum on a technicallity... the required paperwork wasn't sent to the CFS by "Registered Mail", and therefore no referendum will be held.
According to CFS-O bylaws, the federation must receive a petition initiating a referendum process six months in advance of the referendum date.

The Ontarion confirmed in October that a process server delivered a package to CFS Ontario on Sept. 29, including the petition and a letter from the University registrar verifying the signatures of 10 per cent of the undergraduate student body, a CFS-Ontario de-federating requirement.

But CFS-O bylaws stipulate that petitions must be delivered by registered mail.

Shelly Melanson, CFS-O chairperson, told the Ontarion on Tuesday that the Guelph petitions had arrived by registered mail on Nov. 9.

“Any petition that is going to initiate a referendum process must be received six months prior to the date of the referendum. Because this petition failed to meet the notice provision under Article 5 bylaw 2, the petition is not in order,” said Melanson.

Looks like they're seriously worried about losing access to all that funding... they see that their losing their grip on the UofG, and are desperately trying to hold on.

Stay tuned, more info as I get it...

UPDATE II: As for the NDP's support, I've been corrected by a source. It turns out that the UofG's NDP did not in fact withdraw because they didn't support the letter, but because they didn't want an endorsement of the letter to be confused with support for withdrawing from the CFS. While they advocate remaining within the CFS and will campaign to that effect in any refurendum, they DO apparently support the idea of allowing the student body to make their determination for themselves. As such, the letter apparently DOES have all party support within the UofG, while they differ on the merits of membership within the CFS itself.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Liberals and NDP takeover Prorogue rallies

So much for "non-partisan"... the Liberal Party and the NDP managed to takeover much of the agenda of KW's "Rally for Democracy" today, turning it into not much more than a "We Hate Harper" rally. And yes, I was there to see it all for myself.

Why don't we lead off with this little gem...
Yes, that's right, once again we see the left equates our Right Honourable Prime Minister with a mass-murdering Anti-Semite. And they think we're NUTS? And for the record, I didn't see ANYONE even trying to get that offensive sign taken down.

What's that? Accusing our troops of "War Crimes" again? Have you guys been talking to John MacCallum or something?

Notice the logo on her touque? That's right, we've got a Greenie!
An interesting and inadvertent little "poll" they conducted for me with this sign. In the hour or so I was there? Around 15-20 horns honked... TOTAL. And how many hundreds of cars do you figure pass through uptown Waterloo on a given Saturday?

Another "FASCISTS" slur... at least he's somewhat original with his baseless attack.

And we see the Dippers out in full force... there were a dozen or so of these signs floating around the crowd.

While the organizers did a half decent job of at least putting a venere of non-partisanship on the surface of things, it wasn't very thick, and didn't hold for very long. The various speakers were doing their best to attack all things Harper, on just about every issue. Basically, things turned into a partisan "Anyone But Harper" rally... with keynote speakers being none other than former MP's Karen Redman and Andrew Telegdi, of course!!! You'd almost think they were running for their old jobs again... oh wait, THEY ARE!!! Leave it to a Liberal to turn a "non-partisan" rally into a "VOTE FOR ME!!!" pitch. These two never miss an opportunity to get their faces in the media, they're lobbying HARD to get back into Parliament... so of COURSE they're going to jump on the chance to publicly bash the Government! They got their troops well organized for this event, it was interesting to be a "fly on the wall" and watch their interactions with the "grassroots" at the rally. Let's just say there were a LARGE number of card carrying members there.

Then we have the NDP... we had the "official" NDP signs in the crowd, and of course, we had the unions...
Here's your local NDP EDA showing up, banner in hand.

Get'em while they're young... what was it Comrade Lennin said about that? Oh yea, "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever."

The good old UFCW, showed up of course.

And the Postal Workers... all loud and proud lefty-union types. I'm thinking they never were Harper fans in the first place...

The CAW and CUPE also showed up over at the Guelph rally, since we're talking about union involvement. The rally there was fairly small, and all the regulars from in town you'd expect to see were there... but I'd say there was no more than 120 there, which is pretty small considering the massive Liberal, NDP and Green base that you have in that lefty town.

Of course, there was one minor incident in KW where someone was trying to shout down one of the speakers, for something clearly inaccurate that they'd said about Trudeau... the speaker had said something about Trudeau having "respect for Parliament", what a LAUGH that was!!! Anyway, the organizers had him SHUT DOWN PRONTO, a couple of them went up to him right away and tried to get things diffused quickly. Cause you know, when you're at a "Rally for Democracy", you wouldn't want things to go off the pre-approved script or anything. Wanted to get a photo of the situation and some more info, but the gentleman didn't want that, so I'm respecting his wishes.

The organizers had also invited an independent candidate to give a few remarks... remember what I said about a "vener" of non-partisanship? Well his little talk, although intended to make things look non-partisan, actually blew the lid off that little sham. He's standing there making so very accurate remarks about the state of our democracy, taking to task not only the current Harper government, but also PREVIOUS Liberal governments... he took Trudeau to task once or twice as well. Anyway, the best way to describe the crowds reaction to him was... well, subdued. Polite applause here and there when he said something they really couldn't object to, and of course loud applause and cheering when he took a shot at Mr. Harper... but the rest of the time, when he was discussing some of the real issues related to our Parliamentary system, well... you could hear crickets. Guess he didn't know he was supposed to stick to the "All anti-Harper, All the Time" script. While I didn't agree with a lot of things he said, he was BY FAR the most honest and genuine of all the speakers there today. But by being genuinely "non-partisan", he helped expose the partisans for who they really were, and shredded any semblance of credibility the organizers of today's event had. And for that, I tip my hat to you sir! If anyone can get me his name, I'd appreciate it.

On top of the local parties and union support, you have the two Universities, Waterloo and Laurier, just a couple blocks up the road. Kinda makes it easy to boost your numbers when they're around. Overall I'd say there were about 300 some odd people there, but considering that they had weeks to get the word out, the combined resources of three political parties (Liberals, NDP, Greens) from three cities good sized cities (Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge, all 120,000+ EACH), along with the support of at least two unions, plus the student body of two major universities just blocks away, with GORGEOUS sunny weather at +1 degrees, I'd have to say that turnout wasn't all that good.

Compare today's rally with last year's anti-Coalition rally in KW... in a matter of days, they managed to pull out well over 120 people in -20 degree weather!!! Comparing apples to apples, today's rally was pretty much A FLOP.

So there you have it, that was my "non-partisan" take on the KW "Rally for Democracy". Hey, if those Libs, Greenies and Dippers can claim that they were being "non-partisan" today, why can't I?

Of course, I stand by my statement from the other week... it was a big mistake for the Liberals to fan the flames of this one. When they support our Throne Speech and Budget in March, a good number of the folks who attended today's rally are going to find a new scapegoat for their anger.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help Haiti NOW by donating to MAF

For those who want to provide some IMMEDIATE assistance to the people of Haiti, I have an opportunity for you.

There's Canadian missions organization that a friend of mine works for, Mission Aviation Fellowship. They currently has several planes and pilots permanently stationed in Haiti, and have an already established network for getting supplies and medical assistance to less accessible areas of the country. With roads likely blocked and broken, air transport is going to be a PRIORITY over the next several days to get food, water and medical supplies to those who need them. I spoke to their office this morning, and their current priorities are to 1) help re-establish reliable communications within the country to co-ordinate relief efforts, 2) ensure their planes are fully operational, and 3) map out the strategy to get aid out the door ASAP.

If you REALLY want to help RIGHT NOW, donating to MAF is perhaps the quickest and most efficient way to do so.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

YCF efforts ramping up again

Thought we'd heard the last of this... oh well. The YCF is attempting to branch out again, forming an "informal association" of Conservative youth. This time they're targeting individual EDA's, who's leadership might not be as informed about the goals and aims of the YCF's leadership... namely Immanuel. In my opinion, it's just his way of trying to make himself a player, which he's not. (he's actually disliked by many "youth", in part because of some of his antics at the Winnipeg Convention, and in part because many people see his efforts as a veiled attempt to lay the foundation for a "Youth Wing" vote at a future Convention)

And just for the record, so people don't get the impression that I'm just attacking him... he and I have exchanged several messages in the past few months, and during those conversations I advised him on how he could move forward with his ideas, while at the same time ensuring that his efforts weren't construed as an attempt to bring in a "Youth Wing" through the back door. I also clearly advised him that I'd oppose any efforts to continue his campaign in it's current form. Needless to say, he didn't heed my advice. This post is my re-entry into the counter-campaign.

This is the e-mail is currently circulating the around various EDA's. I'd advise all CPC members to ensure that your EDA's Board is warned to ignore it accordingly. I'll definitely be warning all my local boards.
Good day "x",

My name is Immanuel Giulea and I am a young conservative activist from Brossard, QC.

I am writing to you today on behalf of the Young Conservative Forum (YCF). The group was started nearly eight months ago under my leadership. My initiative had the objective to give a voice to young conservatives at the national level. [AH, YOU MEAN LIKE A YOUTH WING?]

The purpose of this letter is to introduce the organization and to explore opportunities for cooperation between your EDA and the Young Conservative Forum.

Today, the YCF has over 500 members on its Facebook group, and with over a dozen MPs, MPPs and other important supporters who are influential conservatives. The YCF aims to fill a void: whereas all provincial conservative like-minded parties have a youth association that allows young people to network, the territories and federal levels do not. [BECAUSE WE CLEARLY SAID WE DON'T WANT OR NEED A YOUTH WING IMMANUEL... YOUTH WINGS ARE JUST SANDBOXES TO KEEP THE KIDS AWAY FROM THE GROWN-UPS TABLE!!!] The current CPC Energy program is only present in about 40 campuses, many of which are not very active, and outside of the campus clubs, no events are organized. This means that over 500 campuses across the country are not represented.

The YCF is built around the concept of a grassroots organization with a bottom-up approach that will empower young conservatives. We are an informal association for young conservatives, not a youth wing. [YEA, RIGHT... SORRY, MOST OF US JUST DON'T BELIEVE YOU WHEN YOU SAY THAT] The mission of the YCF can be defined as to “provide networking, training, political experience, and discussion opportunities for young Canadians interested in advancing the ideals of individual liberty, limited government and free enterprise in Canada”.

More precisely, the YCF has five primary objectives:

- Connect young Canadians aged 30 and under, regardless of their political background (fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, progressive conservatives, small-c conservatives, green conservatives, libertarians, classic liberals and republicans) who want to engage and meet with other like-minded young Canadians.

- Foster involvement of the next generation of conservatives by assisting and facilitating Party/EDA/Campus events;

- Attract and educate young Canadians about conservatism. Train and mobilize those interested in gaining political experience;

- Raise awareness of conservative principles. Counter the left-wing bias on campuses and in the mainstream media by promoting discussions and debate amongst young conservative activists;

- Portray a positive image of the conservative brand:
- friendly of entrepreneurs/businesses, local artists, amateur athletes;
- promote environmental stewardship;
- promote foreign policy based on the belief that Canada has an active role to play in international relations;
- individual liberties and personal responsibilities belong in the hands of individuals, not those of the state.

In closing, we would like to emphasize that the YCF would like to become a partner with the EDA in their role “to encourage the participation and recruitment of youth”. We therefore respectfully ask if your EDA Board would consider and be willing to support the initiatives of the YCF. If you have EDA members under the age of 30 who would like to get more involved in the political process, could you please refer them to the Young Conservative Forum.

[AND CHECK THIS LITTLE BIT OUT...] The YCF is not an affiliated organization of the Conservative Party of Canada because the constitution does not allow for a youth organization, and creating one would require a constitutional amendment. [OH, SO YOU'D SUPPORT THE FORMATION OF A YOUTH WING IF THE CONSTITUTION ALLOWED IT? YEA, I THOUGHT SO...] We do not seek to have such an amendment made.

There are currently two events planned that fit our mission.

- The first one is a panel discussion about the “Future of conservatism in Canada”, this event takes place at Café République in Montreal (1200 Peel St). Similar events will take place in Calgary and Toronto in early 2010, and others will follow in the spring. These events fall under the objective to “raise awareness about conservative principles”.

- The second event hosts Satya Das, awarding-winning journalist and author of “Green Oil” which discusses how the oil sands can become the foundation of a green economy in Canada. This event falls under the objective to “Portray a positive image of the conservative brand”, specifically “promote environmental stewardship”.

If you would like to attend either of these events, please visit or send an email to

I once again wish to thank you for your time and consideration,

Immanuel Giulea
Founder and Contact for Quebec
I'll say it again... NO YOUTH WING. So long as this idea stays in it's little sandbox, it's fine, but I still think it's an undercover effort to lay the foundation for a youth wing.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Iggy negoitating with terrorists?

Well, maybe the Tamils aren't toting guns in Toronto, but using kids as human shields against the police? Come on guys, that one's straight out of the Terrorist Handbook... humm, just like in Sri Lanka, where the Tigers are using human shields against government forces. Well what do you know? Looks like they are indeed playing from the same Handbook.

But the protest itself is actually the SECONDARY issue here, and is NOT my biggest concern. The Tamils do indeed have a right to protest, though not illegally as they have been recently. But the fact that the Tamils are protesting in Toronto, blocking major highways and using human shields ISN'T actually the biggest issue to this story. The biggest, and by far the most disconcerting aspect to this story, is the response by Liberal Opposition Leader Michael "Iggy" Ignatieff.

I'd like to take you on a bit of a mental journey. Try with me, for just a brief nightmarish moment, and imagine that somehow, the Liberals have managed to win the next election. (like I said, it's a nightmarish senario, but bare with me for a moment) Michael Ignatieff is now the Prime Minister, and is safely hunkered down within the PMO. Taking a page from the Toronto Tamil playbook of May 2009, another group of protesters decide that their voice isn't being heard loudly enough, and decide to call up the Prime Minister using their new speed dail option... #401. No answer? Dial a second number... #403. Still no answer? They also decide to dial up #407.

Okay, now snap out of that nightmare. Are you getting the picture yet? By responding to the Tamil protest last night, the man who wants to become Prime Minister of this country just told protesters everywhere that the way into his office is by simply blocking the economic arteries of our nation.

Iggy, that's NOT how a Canadian Prime Minister handles himself. And it's yet another reason you've just proven that you're not up to the big job.

For those of you who are thinking of voting Liberal next time around, be forewarned... Shawn Brant and the boys down in Caledonia just LOVE the idea of Iggy winning the next election.

UPDATE: Before folks get too hot under the collar, let me fill you in a little more on my experience with the Tamil Tigers. (as posted in my comments section) Again, the illegal actions of the Tigers here in Toronto is not the main thrust of my post, my focus is on the inappropriate response from Michael Ignatieff. But as for my views on the Tigers, let me share with you some insight...

While I have no intention of attempting to "justify" the actions of the Sri Lanken government, let me provide all of you with a little more insight into my personal views on the Tamil Tigers.

There's one organization in this world that has better access to what's really going on than even the international media... it's the Church. While media organizations have been complaining of not being able to get their people in, I've heard reports from right there on the ground.

Some time ago, we were getting reports of serious human rights violations that were being perpetrated on innocent civilans, both Christian and non-Christian alike. Reports of hundreds of people seeking food and shelter within churches all along the frontier. But it wasn't the Sri Lanken military that was killing civilians and causing these people to flee their homes... it was the Tamil Tigers.

So you see, I have very little sympathy for their cause. I also have a much greater confidence in the reports coming from the Sri Lanken government, because I know for a fact that the Tigers and their supporters lie. If Sri Lanka's government says their keeping casualties as low as possible, then I rationally assume that any casualties that are occuring are being directly caused by the tactics being employed by the Tamil Tigers. Of course, I know full well that there's a lot of misinformation that occurs within the "fog of war", but due to my past experience with the lies of the Tigers, I don't tend to believe a single word out of their mouths.

So, perhaps now you can see it from my perspective a little better. If I find you've lied to me, I'm not likely to trust you in the future. That's what's happened to the Tamils here in Toronto... the lies of their side have been exposed, and I simply don't believe them anymore.

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

"Free and Fair" OPIRG-Guelph Elections? HA!!!

Humm, I guess to the leftists at the UofG, "Free and Fair" must be code for "Conservative Free" and "Fairly Well Rigged", cause that's what I've been hearing from my sources there all week long! And I've even got "art" this time, exposing the OPIRG's clear bias, and revealing their complete ignorance of the very concept of "Free and Fair" elections! (I'm thinking more like "Fraud and FAIL" elections... seriously, don't ever let any of these folks sign up to be election monitors for the Carter Center!)

You'll recall, several Conservative-leaning students sought the nomination for the OPIRG's Guelph chapter. Anyway, since they didn't have enough left-leaning students on the ballot to stop one or two of these young Tories from getting on the Board, they changed the nomination rules after the fact, using the excuse that they didn't have enough community members to fill the Community Member positions. So they extended the nomination deadline for all their positions, AFTER it had passed. Of course, had they been honest about the whole thing, they could have just extended the nomination period for the Community Members. But no, since we know that their endgame was to block anyone who's Conservative minded from getting on the Board, that was just an excuse. So anyway, in the intervening two weeks, they've managed to recruit 14, I kid you not, 14 left leaning students to run for their elections today. A question... where were all you kids before? And you're telling me this WASN'T rigged?

So naturally, these four kids got killed at the ballot box, thanks to a two week long campaign of typical leftist "Fear & Smear" tactics.

Of course, you're likely asking yourself, "What proof does this guy have that this was rigged?" That's a good question... how about so that "art" for you? (NOTE: credit goes to Greg Taillon [SP of name corrected] for the photos, channeled to me via a source... just making sure he gets his due if these get picked up by other media...)

First of all, I present to you the inside of the OPIRG office on voting day... so you've lined up to go and vote, and what do we see? Oh, the OPIRG's bulletin board, which has a helpful reminder that today is voting day, along with a list of the candidates standing for election. How thoughtful of them to provide me with this information! (both on the right)

But what's this we see? There on the left, right next to the list of candidates? Oh my gosh, it seems there's a "Tory Takeover" afoot, I'm really glad someone warned my by posting that article here in the voting office!

Oh, what's that actually overlapping the list of candidates? Oh no, more warnings of a "Conservative Coup"! Wow, I'm really glad these folks here in the OPIRG office are looking out for my best interests, if they hadn't posted these warnings right here next to the lineup to vote, I might have voted for the wrong people!

Well, since the lineup is taking forever, would you care to sit down here in our office? How about something to read while you wait? Notice that someone, presumably someone from the "Sarah White" team, has already helpfully directed your attention to Page 7...

So you turn to Page 7. Doesn't this look familiar? Oh, that's right, that's the same article that was hanging right next to the list of candidates here in the OPIRG office! How helpful of whoever it was to remind me of who NOT to vote for!

This "Save the OPIRG" campaign was fully waged on Facebook too, a student contact got a screen capture, presumably before they take the group down to try and prevent it being used as evidence...

Then of course there's the eyewitness accounts I got e-mailed during the week... one of the "Save the OPIRG" kids actually came right up to one of my contacts, spreading rumours and telling bold-faced lies about what these "dastardly Conservatives" were trying to do. Not a single word about their clearly stated intentions... bringing some fiscal accountability to the $250,000+ budget of Guelph's OPIRG.

That's right folks, that's what this has been all about... the special interest groups on the far left looking out for their cash flow... nothing more. It's all about MONEY, and wanting to make sure the taps keep on flowing from the student body into their little pet projects.

So, as you can see, the fix was in all along. Of course, with the OPIRG refusing to explain why the nominations for all positions were extended, AFTER the filing deadline, instead of just the Community Member positions, we may never know their real intentions. According to reports, the OPIRG is now refusing to speak with even the media regarding this fiasco... and yes, the media have been looking into this folks. With a budget of over $250,000 involved, and elections seemingly being rigged in favour of those who want to keep things status quo, you better believe that this is not the end of this story.

And the info keeps coming in folks... it's no wonder that Cailey Campbell, Arden Hagedorn, Robyn Letson and Claire Whitehead freaked out when they heard that some "Conservatives" might get onto their precious OPIRG Board.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

OPIRG-UofT loves George Galloway

Wow, the more I find out about these OPIRG guys, the more I want to shine a few million candles worth of daylight on their antics.

First it was the UofG's rigging of the OPIRG-Guelph nominations... then the attempt at Queen's to remove a Tory from their ASM. Now, it's the UofT's turn.

The OPIRG over at the U of T are mounting an effort (including the standard "disinformation", to be polite) to protest the denial of entry to Canada of British MP George "Hamas" Galloway.

Sorry guys, but first of all, it wasn't Kenney who made the call, it was the buracrats. Kenney DOES have to power to overturn that call, but he isn't, and for that I'm glad... because Canada does not support those who support terrorists.

Hamas is a banned organization in Canada, and Galloway is a known supporter and fundraiser for them. Hamas supports the continued use of terror, therefore, if you support Hamas, and are intending to attend fundraisers while here in Canada, why on earth would you think we'd let him in?

I wonder how the student body of U of T feels about their monies being used to support a terrorist supporter... doesn't matter how you feel about Israel, the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and is directly responsible for killing people, is beyond dispute.

Humm, U of T student fees being used to support those who support murderers... wonder how they feel about that. Brought to you by the OPIRG-Toronto.

And when it comes to the OPIRG, I'm just getting warmed up... the e-mails are starting to come in.

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More OPIRG scandals coming to light

It looks like my previous post has lit a match... other stories, this time at Queen's, of underhanded tactics used by left-leaning students are coming to light (and make no mistake, the folks involved are predominantly left-leaning, go ahead and do some research on your own) to protect their own vested intrests in organizations like the OPIRG throughout the province.

A reader passed this one from Queen's on to me early this morning, reporting on yet another instance of students using unethical tactics in an attempt to remove a known Conservative-leaning student from his position on their AMS (Alma Mater Society). (in this case, innappropriately using a listserv to spread rumours about a candidate).

According to last week's issue of "The Journal", the Queen's University paper, an attempt was made to remove First Year ASUS Representative to the AMS Kevin Wiener due to his known ties to the Conservative Party. According to student Nick Day, who moved the motion to remove Wiener, "Day said he asked for Wiener’s removal due to his participation in the Conservative Party." (Long time readers of this blog might recall Kevin's name... he was a candidate for National Council back at the Winnipeg convention)

It seems that Day and Wiener have a bit of a thing going on, as Day attacked the AMS, of which Wiener is a member, for seeking observer status with the less "socially active" (read left-leaning) Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, instead of joining the left-leaning Canadian Federation of Students. You can read Nick Day's letter on that issue, and Kevin Wiener's response (second letter from the top) for yourself.

You see, Wiener raised the ire of many left-leaning students by introducing a motion that would have limited the funding of some of their ideological front organizations, like the OPIRG. From the article: "Wiener proposed a motion at the AMS AGM stipulating that no for-profit organization should be eligible to receive student activity fees. Also, when a written statement about the fee is submitted to the AMS, it must explain how much is spent on salaries, honoraria, and management and consultant fees annually."

Makes perfect sense to me... if you're a "for profit" organization, and you get student funding, you should be required to give an account of how it's being used. Basicly, it's an attempt to ensure that ANY student organization, left right or unaligned, can't run an unaccountable slush-fund to further their own ideological agendas. Unfortunatly, for his efforts to increase accountability with student fees, Kevin almost got voted out of his position with the ASM, by a 90 to 81 vote margin, with 23 abstentions.

From the article:
Wiener said he thinks groups with political purposes should not receive student fees.

“My opinion—and I stand by this—is the primary purpose of student fees is to provide for clubs and collect for charities that provide a great deal of good to the community. OPIRG is neither a club nor a charity. Their sole purpose is to engage in left-wing activism.”

Wiener said his motion was not inspired by his conversation or presence at the conference, but added that he is concerned about OPIRG’s tactics.

“I had no idea I was going to be put on trial for being a Conservative,” he said. “One person forwarded the e-mail to the [engineer] mail list of the University. This is a violation of the IT Services Code of Conduct. An e-mail went out to every engineer at Queen’s saying untrue things about me. It was interesting [the motion] was put forward while there was largely people who had been mobilized by OPIRG.”
Sound familiar? A Conservative tries to bring forward a motion regarding the funding of a known left-wing activist group, making the case that NO political activist groups ought to be getting student funding... charitable organizations SHOULD, but political organizations SHOULDN'T. Makes sense to me, how about you?

So the response from supporters of the OPIRG? Illegitimate use of influence and or resources to spread rumours, as in this case, character assasination. Does this sound at all familiar to you?

I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceburg folks, but I think it's time to shed some light into the dark recesses of leftist activism on our school campuses. Keep the stories coming, I'm sure there's plenty more where this came from.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

University of Guelph's CSA successful in rigging OPIRG Guelph Board elections

Congratulations to the leftists at the University of Guelph's CSA for their successful rigging of the Guelph OPIRG Board elections!

According to their website, the nomination deadline for candidates for the OPIRG Guelph's Board is now TOMORROW... after they were successful in getting the deadline for nominations extended in an effort to ensure that several conservative leaning students are blocked from joining the Board.

Problem is... someone within their own ranks didn't agree with the CSA's dictatorial tactics, and published their panicked e-mail plotting for the whole world to see.

As promised... the evidence of electoral tampering by members of Guelph's CSA!
(NOTE: as I understand, each of the original recipients of this e-mail were contacted, and several indicated they had no part in this scandal... as such, their names have been removed from the offending e-mail to protect their innocence)
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Claire Whitehead" (
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 3:50:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Fwd: URGENT! Conservative Take Over of OPIRG-Guelph


Please read below this really messed up news regarding OPIRG-Guelph, an organization that does amazing work on campus and in the community.

I'm leaving Guelph in May, or else you better believe I'd be trying to get on the board. If it's at all feasible for you, please consider running for the OPIRG board (when word comes that the deadline has been extended, I can pass it along); it's a lot less intimidating than it might sound. Whether or not you'll consider running, please PLEASE pass this message along to folks you think should know.

RL [Robyn Letson]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cailey Campbell (
Date: Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: URGENT! Conservative Take Over of OPIRG-Guelph
To: Robyn Letson (, (NAME REMOVED) , Eduardo Huesca (, Sarah Ayton (, Zoe Barrett-Wood (, Arthur Churchyard (Arthur.Churchyard[at], Scott Gilbert (E-MAIL REMOVED AS PER SCOTT'S REQUEST),, (NAME REMOVED)


So, I'm not sure if many of you have seen this article;=true but what happened in Waterloo is now happening if Guelph. Today 4 members of the Guelph Campus Conservatives submitted nomination forms for the OPIRG Board elections. This is a move to compromise OPIRG and defund the organization. If you know of ANY student who could run in the OPIRG Board election or ANY community member who could fill the two community seats please, please, please send them this email or get them to contact Marnie at The nominations forms were due today, hence the 4 conservatives submitted them today, but the deadline for nomination will hopefully be extended again. I will let you know when the deadline is extended. The nomination forms can be found here.;=1&l;=0&page;=0

If you can help at all please, please do! OPIRG is so important to this campus!


Arden Hagedorn
Local Affairs Commissioner
Central Student Association
UC 274 | University of Guelph
519.824.4120 x 54407
-- ||

Arden Hagedorn
Local Affairs Commissioner
Central Student Association
UC 274 | University of Guelph
519.824.4120 x 54407
-- ||

Cailey Campbell
External Commissioner
Central Student Association
UC 274 | University of Guelph
519.824.4120 x 58328
-- ||

Robyn L.
What's this? Members of the U of Guelph's CSA attempting to interfere in the elections of the OPIRG Board? And using official CSA titles, positions and resources to boot? Surely there's a rule or two against that sort of unethical behaviour, right?

Interestingly enough, it's not the first time one of the aforementioned parties has been linked to underhanded electoral tactics...

Whether or not it's against the rules, it looks like they were successful in rigging the vote by getting the nomination date moved, after it had already passed, in order to allow them to find more left-leaning, or rather, more suitable candidates for their Board... I came into possession of this follow-up e-mail, sent today by someone within the OPIRG...
----- Forwarded Message -----From: "Marnie - OPIRG-Guelph ORC" (
Sent: Monday, 23 March, 2009 12:48:56 GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Notice: Change of Date for elections & Nomination period extended

Hello candidates,

This email is to inform you that the OPIRG Board has made a decision to extend the Board Nomination period to Tuesday March 24th at 5pm and that the elections will now be taking place on Tuesday March 31st. I am in the process of updating our web site and other notices to reflect this.


Marnie Eves
Organization & Research Coordinator
OPIRG Guelph
1 Trent Lane,
University of Guelph
Guelph ON
N1G 2W1
Interesting, don't you think? Several conservative leaning candidates apply for the positions within the previously approved time frame, the CSA panics, and then uses their influence to get the dates moved to allow them to find other "hand picked" candidates... or at least, according to the above panicked e-mails, a couple warm bodies who can fill the chairs, who are more likely to vote in accordance with the CSA's wishes.

Welcome to campus politics folks... leftist style!

Thing is, as I said before, it's not the first time one of these names has been linked to electoral fraud... a sharp eyed source sent me this link from a couple years back, from the U of Guelph's CSA run "The Canon" website no less... "Elections Make Us Crazy"

The highlights...
That was to be the only spell of tranquility in the seven-hour meeting, as tempers immediately flared up when the matter of elections began to be discussed. At the heart of the matter was an e-mail circulated about External Commissioner candidate Romesh Hettiarachchi. While the e-mail did not explicitly call for voting against Hettiarachchi or in favour of Cailey Campbell, his only rival in the race, Hettiarachchi felt that the email was nothing short of character assassination and was severely detrimental to his chances in the election and to his career beyond this university. Campbell was ultimately elected with a 221-vote margin over Hettiarachchi.
Of course, Campbell was never directly implicated in that 2007 scandal, but it certainly doesn't help her image when she's been caught red-handed trying to interfere in this one.

There's likely a whole lot more to come, so stay tuned... I'll post more as my sources gather more information on this growing scandal.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

This might get me on board against the CHRC

I've been one of the bloggers reluctant to get on board against the Canadian Human Rights Commissions, and their out to lunch Ontario counterparts. The reason is that I'm actually more in agreement with Warren Kinsella on this file... yes, they need to be reformed, but way back when they stuck working within their original mandate, it was a useful forum to fight discrimination. For the record, when the vote in Winnipeg took place about striking down Section 13, I intentionally made sure I was out of the room.

However, if this case gets any traction, you better believe that I'll jump on board the bandwagon seeking to kill the Ontario Human Rights Tribunals once and for all.

I'm sorry DUDE but when you applied for membership, you we're a man... or, at least, still a man. We can get into all the symantic debates about attempted gender swapping all you want, but this guy was PRE-OPERATIVE... which means there's absolutely no doubt about what gender he was at the time. And he was trying to get membership to a women's only gym, including the changerooms? How do all you women feel about that? That's right... a guy wanted the right to change with you.

This one better be thrown right out the window, PRONTO. I'll be making a few phone calls about this one.

By the way, if anyone's interested... this one is post #2000 for this wii little blog.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

U of Guelph students continue to attack Gen. Hiller

These photos just in from my contacts at the U of Guelph... even after their vicious article attacking retired Gen. Rick Hiller was removed from the UofG's website (the replacement note from the operating committee is rather interesting, posted below), a small group of extremist students at the University are continuing their personal attacks on Mr. Hiller, subjecting the institution to further shame and criticism, such as David Akin's public and scathing one from late last week.

It seems a group of students have just unfurled this banner in the U of Guelph's student commons...

But I'd like to draw your attention to the following photo, because it appears my contacts have identified one of the other masterminds behind this shameful display... former Guelph Communist candidate Drew Garvie.

My contacts have let me know that instead of just letting this issue go, the group responsible for these disgusting attacks on the General are continuing their vicious attacks by reading their pulled article in public over a megaphone. Guess it's a good thing I posted the original article in full.

Editorial: Rick Hillier Editorial
by The Cannon Operating Committee

Jan 11, 2009 - The Rick Hillier editorial written by Scott Gilbert and posted on The Cannon Friday, January 9 has been removed while The Cannon operating committee investigates its appropriateness. As with other writing that appears on this website, this editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Central Student Association and the Guelph Campus Co-op who jointly administer The Cannon.
UPDATE: Well I've obviously got the attention of the protesters at the UofG... some interesting Google searches wound their way to my blog this afternoon.

Hey guys... sup.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

An appeal to the police... arrest the RACISTS

A request to the RCMP, and the Toronto Police Services... please review all available videos of the various anti-Israel rallies held in Canada over the last few days, like the one posted below, and attempt to find and arrest the individuals who made racially motived statements like, "You're [Israel and all Jews] being wiped off the planet, AND THAT'S A PROMISE". For example, take a good look at this anti-Semitic RACIST...

If anyone can put a name to that face, please contact the Toronto Police Services, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. Seeing as they had an officer standing DIRECTLY in front of the lovely fellow, perhaps we should all demand to know why he wasn't arrested on the spot. If you feel so inclined, you can contact the media relations desk here via their web submission form.

That joker makes his appearance in the video below at the 4:20 mark, and spews his hate filled rhetoric till the 5:00 mark. If I'm correct, I believe the above quote constitutes a racially motivated threat... don't you? (please see the 4:20 mark to see his face, and then listen to his racially motivated off camera statement at the 4:55 mark)

Take a good look at the video, and see what other hate crimes occured right here on Canadian soil last week, under the guise of a "peaceful protest". Gotta love all the Hezbollah flags... personally, since it's a banned terror organization, I say we arrest folks at protests who are carrying them under various terror or organized crime or hate laws, take your pick.

All in all, it was a revolting display of hate, and has no place here in Canadian society. For SHAME.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Pro-Life group tossed by University of Guelph's Student Association... without ANY warning

In a stunning and unannounced attack on freedom of speech, the University of Guelph's Campus Students Association tried to secretly revoke club status last week for Life Choice, the campus pro-life group. Without any prior notification, the CSA brought forward a motion to revoke Life Choice's official club status last week.

Unfortunately for the pro-abortion members of the CSA, their undemocratic actions have not gone unnoticed... and their inappropriate actions have even been called out by the Student paper, the Ontarian.
Regardless of opinion on whether or not Life Choice is in the wrong with the Life Fair or the CSA made the right decision in not approving their club status, the way things were done were out of line.

Members of Life Choice didn't know that any of this was going down. They were not contacted prior to last Wednesday's Board meeting to be made aware that their club status was in question. They were not formally informed that there was an issue to begin with. They were not invited to the meeting to state their case. They were essentially not given an ounce of chance. It wasn't until Friday that CSA Finance and Human Resources Commissioner sent the group an email to tell them they no longer had CSA club status.

While it can be speculated that the CSA was limiting free speech by not accrediting Life Choice, it can definitely be said that the CSA was in fact limiting free speech by not allowing Life Choice to speak prior to this vote. Even if the CSA was not going to give Life Choice the chance to talk, the group should have been informed of the business that questioned the life of their club. This conduct was simply unfair and anti-democratic on the part of the student government.
To read the CSA's letter to the student body, check here.

Anyway, even the Editors of the Guelph Mercury are chiming in on this issue... and it's not in favour of the CSA's decision:
U of G association made a bad choice
October 27, 2008
The Guelph Mercury

For an ostensibly "pro-choice" entity, the Central Student Association at the University of Guelph has made an incredibly ill-advised choice in pulling the accreditation of a campus anti-abortion club.

Life Choice to set to appeal the decision Wednesday before the student association's board of directors. This will provide the association the chance to save face, do the proper thing and return the club's student group status.

The revocation of Life Choice's accreditation flows from a "Life Fair" the club held on campus last spring where anti-abortion -- or as the club would obviously prefer, "pro-life" -- speakers addressed the audience, and signs and images that are all too familiar to those who are acquainted with this particular point of view were displayed.

In the minds of the board of governors of the student association -- the governing body for clubs such as Life Choice -- the presentation evidently conflicted with sections of the association's policy manual, which on the matter of birth control, family planning and abortion is decidedly "pro-choice."

Strangely, in addressing the "fundamental right of all women to control their bodies," the policy maintains that it favours "freedom of choice (in) choosing one's stance in the matter of abortion."

Through its action, the student association's board has signalled that "freedom of choice" in this instance is limited to just one side of the extremely controversial debate about abortion -- and that's not the anti-abortion side.

Another section of the policy that board members may have thought they were protecting is one stating "women have the right to an educational environment free of advertisements, entertainment, programming and/or materials which promote violence against women, sexual stereotyping and discrimination."

Can a presentation that contains graphic imagery in a campaign that in essence is designed to outlaw abortion in this country be construed as "violence against women"?

It only can be so construed by devaluing such reprehensible societal scourges as physical and sexual violence and assaults against women and children.

The decertification of the Life Choice club comes down to another issue of freedom, and that, of course, is freedom of speech.

Universities, of all institutions in society, must be forums for debate and the free flow of ideas, however contentious and controversial. Since the late 1960s, there has been a narrowing of opinions on far too many North American and European campuses, and the narrowing in large part has come from so-called liberal or progressive elements at these institutions.

The most appropriate action for those who oppose a particular point of view is to engage and challenge those who advocate such positions in open dialogue and debate.

Silencing those with whom you disagree, particularly at the university level, is an affront to freedom of expression and academic freedom
A friend of mine will be attending the appeal on Wednesday, so stay tuned for more.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Who says I can't be non-partisan?

Take a look at my new sidebar logo...

Down just a bit further...

Keep going...

Now look to the far right... or should I say, "LEFT" (ha ha)


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InSite users intimidate doctor into not appearing

This is disgusting... apparently, a doctor from B.C. (I was not able to catch his name on the CPAC broadcast) has informed the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Health that he will be unable to appear today as he was scheduled to do.

On Tuesday of this week, his offices were invaded by InSite users and supporters, and he was personally threatened due to his opposition to the program and his intention to testify to that effect before the Standing Committee on Health.

Resorting to threats of violence? I say shut the thing down NOW, as it's obviously not working in reducing crime and violence. I fully expect the local police to press charges in this matter, and arrest the offenders.

I'll post more on this story IF the media can provide more details. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for the transcript.

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