Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

FUNNY: Iggy's "Old Spice" Ad

LOL... I wish I could pull stuff like this off. A GREAT roast on Iggy that's been put out there, in parody of the "Old Spice Guy" ads!

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Tuesday, April 05, 2011


WOW... just possibly THE BEST political ad I've ever seen!!! Way to go CPC!!!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

PM Stephen Harper performs piano with 10-year old Youtube sensation Maria Aragon

Love his line... "and no religion too... I'm gonna get in trouble for that..."

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ontario's "Working Families Coalition" explained

Everything you need to know about how the "Working Families Coalition" actually works...
More money for unions means more donations to the McGuinty Liberals, and more attack ads from WFC. Which results in getting the McGuinty Liberals re-elected, which means even more money for the unions. Which means more donations to the McGuinty Liberals and more attack ads from WFC... you get the picture.

You know what they say... FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Your money, their friends.

You can break the cycle at October's ballot box.

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Monday, March 07, 2011

Well played, Green Party of Canada

I think this was an excellent strategic move on the part of the Green Party of Canada... also an excellent strategic move to NOT have Lizzy May doing the narration.

With many people's current feelings towards these type of ads, I think this will get them some positive feedback, so long as their TV ad placement is well thought out and in sufficient rotation.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Tory ad blitz underway

Is there any doubt that we're ready to go to the polls if the Opposition forces an election?

And once again, leading off with a GREAT positive ad...

...followed up by a hard hitting ad on the insane tax policy positions of Michael Ignatieff.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ignatieff Rally: Liberal supporter shouts "KILL HIM!" when Iggy mentions John Baird?!?!?

Are you kidding me? At Iggy's first rally of the year, not even a week after the reprehensible shooting of a US Congresswoman, a Liberal supporter shouts "KILL HIM!" when Ignatieff mentions The Hon. John Baird, Member of Parliament for Ottawa West-Nepean.

Don't believe me? SEE IT FOR YOURSELF... start at the 0:30 second mark, and listen for the disgusting comment at 0:46 seconds.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff MUST be called on to distance himself from that reprehensible comment IMMEDIATELY, especially after the shootings in Arizona. While the common barbs and thrusts of politics are to be expected, calls for the death of an opponent ARE BEYOND THE PALE.

UPDATE: Video clip has been downloaded, just in case the Liberals pull the clip down.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Tories launch pre-emtive strike in hopes of avoiding a spring election

Why are we launching ads now? "Spending our money, so THE OPPOSITION won't spend yours" is probably the best way to sum it up for Joe Canadian.

By launching these attack ads now, we're hoping to drive Ignatieff's numbers down a little further, thus giving the Liberals pause before they decide to bring down the House over the next Budget. By spending a little bit of our own Tory war chest now on these ads, I believe the hope is that we'll help taxpayers avoid spending $350+ MILLION dollars on an unwanted and unnecessary premature election this spring.

How's that for a responsible political Party? We're actually spending a little of OUR OWN MONEY, in order to save taxpayers MILLIONS. The Liberals? They want to blow your money on an election that will change nothing (other than their leader), and to hang on to the MILLIONS they're getting in political subsidies, again from the taxpayer's pockets.

So check out the ads for yourself... and I suppose I should say, "You're Welcome Canada!".

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

VIDEO: "Enter the (Political) Matrix"

Got an e-mail from Tyrone, with a heads up on another winner of a spoof... this time with "Joe Canadian" as Neo, and PM Harper as Morpheus from the Matrix. Enjoy!

Also saw this one on his page, pretty funny... I've never been much of a Monty Python fan, but I still enjoyed it. Those of you who are Python fans should enjoy it even more.

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Friday, January 07, 2011

Iffy on the Budget: "You shall not pass!!!"

LOL, another Lord of the Rings adaptation that perfectly captures the Canadian political scene...

I'm keeping a daily eye on this guy's channel now...

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Thursday, January 06, 2011

Iffy channels Gollum?

Anyone know who this Tyrone Fife guy is? He's come up with another brilliant one on YouTube, this time with Ignatieff channelling Tolkin's Gollum, lusting after "The Precious"... 24 Sussex.

Ironically, I just watched the movie the other day, so the timing on this one is pretty funny!

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Monday, January 03, 2011

Texting while driving

Something to think about...


Ignatieff channels Capt. Jean Luc Picard? FAIL

LOL. As a Star Trek fan, I recognized this scene right away... it's from "First Contact", when Picard is railing against the Borg, saying "This far, NO FURTHER!"

So the Tyrone guy has just adapted the scene to Ignatieff and Harper... with a slightly humourous and accurate political adaptation.

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Sunday, January 02, 2011

Our Political Leader's Theme Songs

Buddy of mine sent this my way... pretty fun. If all our political leaders had a theme song, what would it be? Of course, I don't think Harper deserves to get "The Imperial March", but even I had to smile. I think this Tyrone guy's got the other leaders pretty much nailed... and I LOVE Lizzy May's!

Jack Layton


Elizabeth May

Stephen Harper

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Humour: "Breakdancing Cat Kick"

Saw this clip in a video compilation done by a friend, so I found it on it's own and posted it... BECAUSE IT'S THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE SEEN ALL YEAR. My wife said she's NEVER seen me laugh so hard in the 10+ years she's known me. Enjoy!

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ZoNation: "Jesus is the Way"

Some of you may recall this guy, Alfonzo Rachel, who's video I posted a few months back. He's a member of PJTV, and has done a whole whack of funny political videos.

Anyway, he claims to be a Born-again Christian, and he's put out a pretty good video on "How to get to Heaven". Controversial, and I don't necessarily agree with his thoughts... but it seems to be a pretty good summation of what I believe.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

"You don't want to sell me death sticks..."

Don't know why, but I had this scene pop into my head this morning, and it made me laugh all over again...

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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Harper's videos go VIRAL... INTERNATIONALLY

So I'm talking to a Canadian via Skype who lives in Grand Cayman, and she tells me that she walked into a business down there today where the Caymanian owner was, of all things, WATCHING THE YOUTUBE VIDEO OF PRIME MINISTER HARPER SINGING "Sweet Caroline"!


Or, to put it another way, as one great Canadian put it, "Stick that in your pipe, you left-wing kooks!" ;-)

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

YouTube: "The Government Can"

Shown to me by an 11 and 15 year old... even they get it. Maybe you've seen it before, but it's pretty acurate.

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Friday, October 08, 2010

RMR - Whipped Votes

Rick Mercer strikes again...

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