Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Carbon Tax II suggested at Liberal 150

Remember that pesky Carbon Tax? You know, the one first suggested by Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff in the 2006 Liberal Leadership race, and then put forward as the cornerstone of Dion's disasterous 2008 election campaign? Well, guess what? IT'S BACK!!! The idea has been raised again at the Liberal 150 conference, going on right now in Montreal.
The chill came in the afternoon, when panelists, egged on by former Toronto Star columnist David Crane, told the gathering that the most sensible way to green the Canadian economy was to impose a carbon tax.

It was exactly that proposal that many blame for the defeat of the Liberals in the last election. It would be a courageous party, in the 'Yes Minister' sense of the word (i.e., politically suicidal), to propose it again.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dion's "Green Shift" officially dead

Michael Ignatieff has announced that the Liberal's "Green Shift" Carbon Tax scheme, Stephane Dion's (err, wasn't it Iffy's idea in the first place?) electoral albatros, has now been offically "deep sixed".

(or, electorally speaking, I guess you could say it's been "Deep Twenty-Sixed"... as in 26%, their final numbers from the 2008 election)

It's a real irony though, that the Liberals are announcing a greater and more firm commitment to the Kyoto protocol this week of all weeks. With "Climategate" in full swing, due to the monumental e-mail leak that occured from some of the purpotrators in the climate change fraud, and calls for investigations and resignations in the US, Britain, the EU Parliament and New Zealand.

I mean, even CNN is finally starting to pay attention... and it only took them five days.

Lots of video on Sort of Political.

An INSANELY through summary of some damaging items contained within the leaked e-mails here at Bishop Hill in the UK.

And one final link to , who's posted the most damaging stuff so far from within the e-mail stream... discussions directly related to the intention to delete data should a FOI request be submitted by Drs. Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick. Interestingly enough, when such a request WAS eventually submitted, what did they say? "Oops, looks like we don't have the data anymore." I'm thinking a lawsuit and jailtime would be approriate for those guys at the CRU...

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Iggy - "Okay, so Dion's Carbon Tax sucked big time"

That's pretty much what he said yesterday in Edmonton, according to the Toronto Star.
Dion's carbon tax plan was a vote loser, Ignatieff says
'You've got to work with the grain of Canadians and not against them,' Liberal leader tells Albertans
February 28, 2009 - Les Whittington

OTTAWA – Michael Ignatieff used an appearance in Alberta to slam his predecessor's carbon tax plan as the new Liberal leader opened his party's latest attempt to win back the West.
But what the Star didn't report, however, was that he then quietly whispered, "I just hope no one figures out that he stole the idea from me..."
Ignatieff calls for 'carbon tax' to aid climate
Liberal leadership candidate also eyes cuts to taxes on cleaner fuels to create incentives
Peter O'Neil - Vancouver Sun
Monday, August 21, 2006

OTTAWA -- Canadians are ready for tough measures, including a controversial "carbon tax" to boost the cost of environmentally-unfriendly fuel, in order to deal with the escalating problem of climate change, Liberal leadership candidate Michael Ignatieff said Sunday.

Ignatieff, the race front-runner who will unveil his full plan in Vancouver today, is proposing a boost in the GST and excise taxes for regular gas and a concurrent tax cut for cleaner fuels made from agricultural products, like ethanol.
(sorry to the fellow BTer who I should h/t for this link, but my Internet Explorer crashed while initially posting this, and I don't remember who I got it from!)

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Has Iggy joined Rae in running for the Liberal leadership?

Another day, another frontrunner contradicting the leader... amm, you do know there's another five days to go before the job officially opens up, right guys?

Immediately after Dion's speech at the Empire Club, it was Bob Rae who said the implementation of the "Green Shift", if the Liberals are elected on Tuesday, would likely be delayed. Dion of course corrected that the next day by saying it was the cure-all for our economic woes, and would be implemented immediately. (of course, he's forgetting the fact that it's a global issue) As opposed to mixed messaging from the Liberal leadership, I think it was Rae trying to quietly put some distance between himself and his own leader, prior to his downfall on Tuesday.

So then, what could it possibly mean when Michael Ignatieff again contradicted his own leader yesterday, even as Mr. Dion was saying there would absolutely be no delay on the Green Shift if elected? Was it because he didn't get the memo, or was it because he too was distancing himself from the "Green Shift", and throwing his hat into the ring along with Rae for the impending Liberal leadership race?

How else can you explain these two guys already distancing themselves from Dion's central policy plank, even while their "current" leader is defending it to reporters?

Liberals will go ahead with Green Shift
Globe and Mail Update
October 9, 2008 at 3:36 PM EDT

HALIFAX — Stéphane Dion is refusing to delay his Green Shift plan if he forms a government although his deputy leader, Michael Ignatieff, says he'd consider changes to the scheme because of the difficult economic times.

“I know that the contrary has been said in the papers,” Mr. Dion said in French to reporters Thursday in Halifax.

But he said that Mr. Ignatieff had confirmed a shared view with Mr. Dion that the Green Shift plan would stimulate the economy.

On Wednesday, as Mr. Dion was defending his Green Shift plan to reporters and saying he would not delay it or change it if he became Prime Minister, Mr. Ignatieff was telling a different story to the editorial board of Montreal's La Presse newspaper.

Mr. Ignatieff said “it's possible” that Liberals would consider changing the details of the plan. He said they would hold on to the “essential elements” of the scheme but that “we need to adjust in front of unpredictable (times).”

Mr. Ignatieff cautioned, however, that the party would not abandon the plan because “Mr. Dion has based all of his career on it.”

The deputy leader was Mr. Dion's main rival for the 2006 leadership.
Come on guys, the body isn't even cold yet! The rebellion has begun.

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Just Say "NO" to Carbon Taxes

h/t to SDA

UPDATE: Saw this one in the related videos section... funny.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Is Bob Rae making his leadership bid mid-campaign?

Bob Rae, the Liberal candidate for Toronto Centre, yesterday launched what looks like an attempted leadership bid, undermining Stephane Dion's position on the Green Shift by saying they may delay the implementation of the Green Shift if elected on Oct. 14.

Excuse me? Bob Rae, mid-campaign, is saying that they're not even going to implement the core of their campaign platform, the very core upon which Stephane Dion has built his entire national campaign? Talk about sticking a big freaking knife in your leader's back!

Especially considering that Mr. Dion said today that due to our current economic situation, the Green Shift must be implemented without delay... "no matter how bad the global economy gets"!?!?

So which is it guys? Mr. Rae, I thought it was the very core foundation of your entire platform? Mr. Dion says it's going to bring us, "A fairer, richer, greener Canada". Do you not agree Mr. Rae?

So do the Liberals stand by their "Green Shift", or not? Or has Bob Rae just completely underminded his leader with a week to go in the campaign?

h/t to SDA and Janke.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Bet there are a lot of nervous Liberal backroomers

Nik Nanos just released his new numbers... numbers that suggest that if voters aren't careful, they may inadvertantly allow Dion to implement his economy crippling Carbon Tax.

Prime Minister Dion? Expect more brown envelopes to begin appearing at media outlets in the coming days, as supporters of Liberal leadership hopefuls try to make sure Dion is announcing his resignation on Oct. 14.

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Will Dion withdraw the Green Shift in these uncertain economic times?

Anyone thinking about voting Liberal, in these uncertain economic times, better be thinking twice in light of Dion's Green Shift.

With the recent job losses we've been seeing, what do you think is going to happen when companies have to start paying the massive Carbon Tax? What's the first thing businesses ALWAYS do to try and cut costs? That's right... they cut staff, typically their largest single expense. Just ask Ford and GM. Or the just relocate jobs, as in John Deere's case.

So, here's the big question... with all this uncertaintly in the global markets, will Dion do the right thing and "Shelve the Shift"?

Or, perhaps has he quietly shelved it already? Do you notice how none of them are talking about it much anymore? Bet they were hoping you wouldn't.

And while we're on that note... why isn't Dion trumpeting it as the solution to all our economic woes anymore? Perhaps even he's come to realize that it's not quite the economic salvation it was cracked up to be?

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Where'd the "Green Shift" go Mr. Dion?

According to the Liberal platform, the "Green Shift" is the core of their plan. But according the Mr. Dion last night, it's not their top priority. Excuse me? Isn't the "core" of your platform usually the most important part of it, and therefore your first priority? (and before any Liberal commenters try to say "it's not the core of our plan!", try reading Page 9 of your own platform: "The Liberal green shift plan is at the heart of our commitment to fight the climate change crisis and improve Canada’s environment and economy.")

When asked during the debate last night what Mr. Dion's number one priority would be if he were elected Prime Minister (* - see below) he said (brace yourselves folks) that it wasn't the "Green Shift".

Well, he didn't actually say that... but he certainly didn't say that it was his first priority. He went on about having a series of meetings on the economy.

So, let me get this straight... the "basement" or the "foundation" of your entire platform would NOT be your first priority, Mr. Dion?

Of course, did you notice Mr. Dion never actually referred to the "Green Shift" by name last night? Not even once?

I have also have another theory on that... it's because they're flat broke.

You see, they've reached a "licensing agreement" with Ms. Jennifer Wright of the real "Green Shift". Perhaps there's some sort of "royalties" clause in the contract? You know, an "every time you say 'Green Shift' in print or on TV you owe me five bucks" kinda deal, like most other royalty deals. But he never even referred to it by name... NOT ONCE.

Why is that, Mr. Dion? Is that because you're still trying to run from, instead of on, your platform?

* - (BWAAA HA HA!!! Sorry, had to get that out... okay, I'm okay now...)

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Monday, September 29, 2008

OH SNAP! The "Carbon Map"

You have got to check this one out, it's an authorized clip from the Tories... they've put together a visual map of Canada, and then compiled a significant number of either contradictory or distancing statements from Liberals across the country in regards to the "Green Shift" carbon tax.

One of the best online spots I've ever seen... visual, factual, and direct. It's almost impossible to read the quotes in the YouTube version of it, but you get a good sense of the visual effect. You can download it to read the quotes from Janke's site or my SkyDrive public folder.

h/t to Janke (YouTube clip via Splatto)

Hosted for download on my public SkyDrive here.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is Frank lying about gas prices?

Guelph Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote says that Dion's carbon tax won't affect gas prices. However, that statement is misleading at best, as it is demonstratably false. So the question must be asked, is Frank Valeriote deliberately seeking to decieve voters in Guelph?

During the by-election in Guelph, Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote put out a full page ad on the back of the Guelph Tribune, the local free paper. The bottom half of it has a comparison section, comparing our and their views on Dion's "Green Shift" carbon tax.

Under the Conservative viewpoint section, it says, "Gas Prices - They say will go up". But over on the Liberal's "Green Shift" section of the page, it says, "Gas Prices - Not affected by The Green Shift".

Is that so, Frank? The "Green Shift" isn't going to affect gas prices? Are you sure about that? Because I think I can prove our position pretty conclusively.

The increase in transportation costs alone blow the Liberal's claim right out of the water. In the Green Shift, there is a $0.07 tax on the price of diesel. And how does your gasoline get to your local neighbourhood pump? In trucks... trucks that run on diesel.

According to Petro Canada, the transportation of your gas falls under their "Refining and Marketing Costs". From their website: "This portion of the price covers all costs of operations — such as the costs of refining crude oil into gasoline, transportation, distribution charges, as well as all marketing and operational expenses at the retail level."

Catch that? Transportation and distribution costs... they're going to go up under Dion's carbon tax because of the tax on diesel. So will the cost of refining, despite what some Liberal MP's from the East Coast may say. (you see, they burn some of the stuff to run the process guys... which releases carbon, if I'm not mistaken... which is going to be taxed)

So, we know for a fact that the cost to produce, distribute, and deliver your gasoline is going to go up. By how much, we don't know yet. However, remember what their website said about the profits on each litre of gas they sell? Petro Canada's website says it's just 2%... I've seen some places that put it at around 3%. Anyway, with that slim a profit margin, do you seriously think that the so-called evil "Big Oil" companies are going to let Mr. Dion's plan interfere with their profits? I didn't think so.

Therefore, there's only one logical conclusion... if their costs are going to go up, they're going to pass on the extra "Green Shift" carbon tax expenses on to you... the consumer.

And how will they do that? They'll raise the price at the pump.

Now that we've come to that realization, what exactly does that do to Guelph Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote's pledge that the "Green Shift" won't affect gas prices?

That's right... it's been proven to be factually incorrect.

Gas prices, under Mr. Dion's Green Shift, have nowhere to go BUT UP.

So, that raises an even more important question... when Frank made the pledge, in black and white, that gas prices will not be affected by the "Green Shift", was he misinformed, or was he attempting to misinform?

The citizens of Guelph will have to decide that one for themselves.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

"All the Liberals eggs are in one basket"

I think this sums up what just happened today pretty well.

From the Toronto Star's Chantal Hébert: "Take out the controversial carbon tax and the air goes out of the entire Liberal platform."

What's that hissing sound I hear?
Dion election platform built on carbon
Jun 20, 2008 04:30 AM
Chantal Hébert
National Affairs Writer

OTTAWA – With the Green Shift plan, Stéphane Dion and his party have crossed the Rubicon. As of now, there will be no turning back from a carbon tax scheme. Should it come to that, the Liberal campaign ship will sink with its captain.

Far more than a climate change strategy, the plan unveiled yesterday is really a gutsy, but risky substitute for the old Liberal Red Books. For better or for worse, it is the platform that the party will take into the next campaign.

While other promises will come to the fore between now and the election, Dion's main commitments, including his ambitious anti-poverty agenda, have already been rolled into yesterday's announcement.

The decision to put all the Liberal eggs into the Green Shift basket was largely inspired by necessity. The only way to overcome the negative optics of placing a new tax at the core of an election platform was to make the attendant tax relief significant. That was achieved by placing multi-billion-dollar tax cuts in the Liberal window.

Those cuts serve another, larger purpose. Under the guise of a revenue-neutral proposal, the Liberals have found a scheme to finance their priorities at a time of declining federal surpluses, by promising to shift not only the environmental balance but also significant amounts of tax money to lower-income Canadians and families.

Take out the controversial carbon tax and the air goes out of the entire Liberal platform.

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I guess the Sun Media Editors misunderstood too

They also seemed to be under the impression that Dion's "Green Shift" was going to form the core of his electoral platform...
Dion defends carbon tax
Maintains stance that green plan's tax scheme will be revenue neutral and appealing to Canadians
The Toronto Sun

Stephane Dion's green shift plan will form the core of his party's election platform, but the Liberal Leader can't project what short-term impact a carbon tax would have on cutting emissions.

In a 75-minute session with Sun Media's editorial board in Toronto, Dion predicted his proposed carbon tax will trigger large reductions by 2012, building momentum that he hopes will reach a 20% drop by 2020. But he can't forecast how fast emissions will decrease in the short term.

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Dion's "Tax Trick": Now you see it... you don't!

(sorry, that one was just too good to pass up)

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Not so fast there Mr. Dion!

Today, he's quoted as saying that he never said that the Green Shift was a major part of the Liberal election platform.

Well then, what's this quote mean?

"The Green Shift is at the heart of the Liberal plan to fight climate change and improve Canada’s environment and economy."

The HEART... in other words, the CENTRAL component.

Where's that quote from?

The Liberal's Green Shift Book... Page 39.

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Is John Tory now Dion's new campaign advisor?

A commenter over on Warren's blog has summarized Dion's latest gaffe, distancing himself from his own centrepiece plan, better than anyone else, so far...
Dion continues to follow the John Tory gameplan:

1. Introduce controversial policy that you haven't really thought through
2. Watch as your own supporters disown the policy
3. Run away from said policy as fast as possible

Who wants to be that he'll be giving his MP's a free vote by the end of the week?!
BFH | 09.19.08 - 1:51 pm | #
One word... OUCH.

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Dion tosses "Green Shift" aside!

From the, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!" files... Dion today announced a MAJOR flip-flop on his central campaign theme, the "Green Shift", that it's NOT his main platform plank!

h/t to Warren, who asks the question, "Say goodnight? Fat lady singing? Done like dinner? Over because it's over?"

From the Toronto Star:
"Green Shift not major platform plank, Dion says"
Liberal leader plays down Green Shift policy after pledges $1.2B in green funding to farmers
Sep 19, 2008 12:34 PM
Richard Brennan

WINNIPEG–Liberal Leader Stephane Dion said today that his Green Shift plan featuring a controversial carbon tax is not a major part of his election platform.

"You have said it was but never me," Dion told reporters.

His surprise declaration follows by a day campaign appearances in the Toronto area where he failed to mention it once in his speeches.

Dion released the Green Shift plan in June in Ottawa with great fanfare. It proposes to tax fossil fuels while cutting taxes for lower and middle income Canadians.

"I have always said it was an important policy for Canada. I strongly believe it would be good for Canada," he told reporters.

Dion said: “Okay, maybe I didn’t use the word `green shift’ ” but denied he was downplaying the policy.
Wow... what else can you say? His CENTRAL theme just got jettisoned, just like that. What kind of "leader" is that? Won't even stand by his own platform? YIKES!!!

First, during the Leadership race, he said it was a bad idea. Then after becoming the leader, he flip-flops and says it's a good idea, and builds an entire campaign around it. Now, seeing the polls, he flip-flops AGAIN and thinks it's a bad idea, and throws it out the window!

UPDATE: I figured it wouldn't be long before someone came up with the evidence to contradict Dion's claim that it's NOT their central theme... and Stephen Taylor comes up with the goods (once again), in his post entitled "ABANDON SHIFT!"

Paul Schliesmann: Is the Green Shift the absolute final plan that needs to be in place?

Stephane Dion: It's a good plan, it's the best that has been proposed to Canadians. It's the basement on which we build a good plan.

Dion: “The answer is yes. It [the Green Shift plan] is at the heart of our strategy but it’s not our whole strategy.”

Dion: My three goals are to have a richer, fairer, greener Canada. I think they are linked together. The Green Shift is linking them through the tax system, but we have other tools. In addition to the tax system, we have programs that we will propose to Canadians. These programs will be linked to this overall strategy, to have a richer, fairer, greener Canada playing its role in the world. It will not be a grocery list, it will be a plan for the country.
Today, Mr. Dion is saying it's not "THE" plan. According to the Whig Standard, Dion said, and I quote, "It's the basement [foundation is the word he was looking for, I think] on which we build a good plan".

So then Mr. Dion, is it, or is it not, the foundation of your election platform?

UPDATE II: Jason seems to be questioning Warren's motives on this one... instead of clarifying his leader's remarks.

UPDATE III: Well, we're three plus hours into this MAJOR "shift" from Dion... and nary a PEEP from most of the main players in the MSM. Only the Toronto Star, affectionately known as "The Red Star" has taken note of it, and prominently, on their front page.

Maybe they're saving things for the 6:00 news... but at this rate, I'm not holding my breath. I do tip my hat though to Craig Oliver, who seems to be the only one at CTV who thinks this warrents any attention.

UPDATE IV: Ouch... Janke has dug up an even more harmful quote: "Dion has said The Green Shift will be the centrepiece of the Liberals' platform for the next election campaign."

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gotta watch out for those pesky young Tories

You never know where those fun loving young Tory whiper-snappers are going to turn up... right Mr. Dryden?

Oh, you folks don't even know half of all the fun and games from today... this one's just a tease. I'm waiting for more details on a bit of a party crash that occured today, and I'm REALLY hoping the video turned out...

As they say... "Stay tuned, film at 11".

UPDATE: Welcome Liberals! You know, some guys really need to lighten up... it was a harmless campaign prank guys. Guess I need a disclaimer or something... "No Liberals were harmed in the taking of this photo"

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Did Valeriote pull a "Garth Turner" on CPAC?

UPDATE: There's more at the end of this post...

With all the controversy over Garth Turner's staging of a canvass for the CPAC cameras, it got me wondering... so I reviewed the CPAC footage from Guelph last week, and guess what? It looks like Guelph Liberal candidate Frank Valeriote may have tried to pull the same stunt on CPAC by staging the canvass!

Take a look at the footage and judge for yourself, specifically between the 13:22 and 20:00 minute marks. I've put together some commentary on what I noticed...

13.22 - Frank running between doors on a canvass. What candidate RUNS between doors like that? Not anyone who's experienced, at least from what I've seen... you arrive at the door out of breath, you sweat a lot, and you kill yourself after a short period of time. The experienced ones pace themselves, and while they walk quickly from door to door, they're in it for the long haul. The runners? Rookies, and you know they're only going to do it for a couple minutes. In this case, I'm betting he was out there just as long as the cameras were rolling. Anyway, that's just an aside... on to the real stuff.

13.33 - This encounter is the clearest evidence that this was a "Garth Turner" stunt. Listen to this lady... "Who else would I vote for?" There's definately history between these two, that much is clear. But how about when Frank asks her if she wants a lawn sign? Did you hear what he said? "I see Ronnie's got one on his lawn..." Catch that? Yea... he know's this lady's neighbours BY NAME. How would he know that UNLESS HE KNEW THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD WELL? That's right, looks like another Liberal candidate hand picked a friendly canvass route for the cameras... the very same thing Garth Turner got busted for earlier this week.

16:20 - I guess not everything went according to plan... looks like Frank's having the same problem all Liberal candidates are having, trying to explain the Green Shift. I love the owner's reply to the "you pay less income tax" line... "Do you really believe that?" LOL! Then he goes on about Dion, and she replies, "I believe the honesty, but I don't know how effective he is." ZING! Then we get a clue that she's actually another previously IDed Liberal supporter, because she comes out and states, "I was Ignatieff's...". BUSTED... no way would a non-Liberal come out with a line like that. This once again raises the suspision that this canvass was a pure set-up for the CPAC cameras... they picked a street loaded with previously known Liberal supporters, but one that went horribly wrong for the Guelph Liberal candidate. They thought he was going to get all friendlies at the door, but this lady is someone who's thinking for herself... and has come to the conclusion that she doesn't like Dion, or the Green Shift.

18:10 - Now CPAC asks Frank how the response is at the door regarding her response to Dion and to the Green Shift, the two big albatross that are hanging around every Liberal's neck right now. He clearly indicates that he's having a tough sell, even though he's able to convince some of them at the door to support the plan anyway.

Haven't finshed re-watching the entire video, lunch is over and I have work to do... but if there's anything more, be sure that a followup will be posted.

UPDATE: Did some further digging, and what do I find? Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I've been able to determine the exact street the CPAC video was filmed on. Based on that information, I've also been able to determine the names of several individuals in the video, and that more than one of the individuals filmed is are known Liberal supporters. In fact, one of these individuals has been recently quoted in the local media as a Frank Valeriote supporter.

The evidence keeps piling up... the canvass was STAGED for the folks at CPAC. As to whether or not they were aware of this is yet undetermined. But based on their outrage at being setup by Garth Turner last week, I'm willing to bet they weren't knowing participants.

However, I think this video is a strong indicator that all is not well for the Liberal Party, even in "safe" ridings like Guelph... even on a hand-picked "friendly" street, things went horribly wrong for Frank, with him having to spend time defending his leader, Stephane Dion (which he doesn't mention in his liturature, funny that) and Dion's Carbon Tax Green Shift.

Stay tuned, I think this story is FAR from over...

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Liberal Premiers reluctant to support Dion

Been watching the news over the last few days, and it's not been good news for Dion from the various Liberal Premiers across the country.

Right now, Liberals are running half of Canada's provinces... PEI, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia. Of those provinces, two Premiers have been more or less silent since the campaign started, and the other three have been, shall we say, hesitant at offering their support to the Federal counterparts.

Quebec - Liberal Premier Jean Charest (a former Tory leader, it should be noted) has said he won't be endorsing either the Liberal or the Conservatives in this election.

Ontario - Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty declined to endorse Dion for the Prime Minister's post, instead using the chance to press all parties to clarify how they intend to assist his province.

BC - I don't recall hearing much from him since the campaign started, if anyone could clarify and/or correct that, I'd appreciate it.

New Brunswick - Liberal Premier Shawn Graham offered what has been reported as "qualified support" to Dion and his "Green Shift"(TM)... hardly the kind of ringing endorsement he needs right now.

PEI - Not having a plane until last night, Mr. Dion hasn't made it out that way yet... it will be interesting to see how that goes.

Oh, I nearly forgot... Dion HAS recieved a ringing endorsement from one "Liberal" Premier... Newfoundland's Danny Williams has heartily endorsed the Carbon Taxing "Green Shift"(TM), which stands to drain further millions from his provincial coffers.

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