Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Monday, March 28, 2011


According to Liberal MP David McGuinty

Here's the scenario... on Election Day, Mr. Harper wins with the most seats, but falls just shy of a Majority. The Governor General asks him to form a Government, to see if he can maintain "the Confidence of the House".

Considering that the Opposition Parties just voted non-Confidence, the likelihood is VERY HIGH that they will NOT grant Mr. Harper the "Confidence of the House".

So what happens in that result? The Governor General will then, according to Constitutional tradition, approach the Leader of the SECOND PLACE party, and ask him to seek the "Confidence of the House" by forming a Government.

That's right folks... THAT'S how the Opposition parties are planning to make Michael Ignatieff the Prime Minister, even if Stephen Harper wins the election without an outright Majority.

Don't believe me? Then listen to Liberal MP David McGuinty, as he lays out that very scenario for CBC's Evan Solomon...

There you have it folks... if Stephen Harper does not win an outright Majority on May 2, the Opposition Parties will ensure that they wrest power, and anoint their anointed Leader, Michael Igantieff, as Prime Minister.

Because don't forget... THE COALITION DEAL IS STILL IN FORCE!!! This was their plan all along... wait until the Budget came down, drop the Government, fight an election campaign, and then take power by ANY MEANS NECESSARY, since they already had the framework in place.

There's only one way they can disprove my theory... for Michael Igantieff to publicly withdraw his signature on the Coalition Accord.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CBC seeking to protect Ignatieff, files complaint about our ads

If anyone had any doubts about the CBC's loyalties, wonder no longer...
MONTREAL — The CBC is demanding the Conservatives withdraw file footage from the national broadcaster that appears in new Tory ads targeting their political opponents.

The Conservatives did not seek permission to use CBC content in three ads that were posted online and broadcast on TV on Monday, says CBC spokesman Marco Dube.

Three of the ads include footage broadcast on CBC. Two of the English ads feature comments current Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff made in 2001 and 2005, while a French one includes remarks by Justin Trudeau speaking unflatteringly about Ignatieff during the 2006 Liberal leadership race.
That's right... the CBC is seeking to ensure that the Tories can't use the file footage of Ignatieff's quotes, or Trudeau's quotes attacking Ignatieff. Quotes that happen to be embarrasing for the Liberal leader... and the CBC is running interference for him.

I've been publicly opposed to privatizing the CBC... but with partisan moves like this, I'm starting to rethink that position.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010 to stream World Cup games online

WOO HOO!!! Finally getting (some) of our money's worth from the CBC.

Of course, this will likely mean a headache for me and my fellow techies in the local I.T. industry, as we're forced to monitor bandwidth and ensure staff aren't clogging the network at the office...
Soccer fans to get World Cup fix online for free
Toronto — The Canadian Press
Last updated on Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2010 2:54PM EDT

Soccer fanatics who will be away from a TV during World Cup action this summer can stream the games for free online. will stream all the games live, as well as broadcasting them on TV.

Considering the tournament is being played in South Africa, time zone differences will be a factor for some fans, who might try to watch from work on their computers.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Well that was quick... CBC clears itself of bias

Of course, we all knew the outcome was a foregone conclusion... but I thought they'd at least try to make a show of "going through the motions" by taking a bit longer to do their "review".
CBC clears pollster, criticizes 'paranoia-tinged' Tories
Jane Taber - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:33 AM

1. Culture-war report. Stephen Harper’s chief election strategist deliberately used the CBC complaints process and “paranoia-tinged” language to raise money for the Conservatives and to “overwhelm” and “intimidate” the office, the public broadcaster’s ombudsman says in a report that completely exonerates EKOS pollster Frank Graves.

In his seven-page report, released late yesterday, Vince Carlin examines the 800 notes received by his office concerning Mr. Graves, who many Conservatives charge is a Liberal partisan providing tainted polls to the CBC.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CBC following Frank Graves advice, seeking to start a "culture war" for the Liberals?

It seems that the CBC has decided to follow EKOS pollster Frank Graves' advice, and has launched a disgusting anti-Charter attack on freedom of religion on behalf of their masters, the Liberal Party of Canada.

In an "in depth" report last night, the CBC went on the attack, attacking members of Parliament for the "thought crime" of being members of their local faith communities!

Funny... I thought we had a Liberal Prime Minister named Trudeau who fought to have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that explicitly protected that right? Must be my mistake.

Here's the irony though... I can name a number of members of the Liberal Party of Canada who are also members of various Evangelical churches... I can think of Dan McTeague, Paul Szabo, and Frank Valeriote right off the top of my head.

And people wonder why there's a large "Shut Down the CBC" contingent within the Conservative Party of Canada... if they keep this garbage up, I might join myself...
CBC Fuels Faith War

Do you recall CBC's claim that it had nothing to do with the advice by CBC pollster Frank Graves, that the Liberal Party should incite a “culture war” to divide Canadians?

Funny, then, that the CBC is using its position as Canada's public broadcaster to foment religious division as the next step in its ongoing campaign against the Conservative Party.

Last night's dominant CBC story -- a full eight minutes in length -- featured an attack on the religious affiliation of some Government members and supporters. . Apparently the CBC thinks it newsworthy that some Conservative Ministers and MPs practise their faith. . Even more scandalous, some members of the Prime Minister's Office go to church!

Is it just coincidence that the CBC news coverage advances the strategy that pollster Frank Graves gave to the Liberal Party? . "I told them [Ignatieff’s Liberals] that they should invoke a culture war... securalism versus moralism," he bragged.

Seems to us that following the Frank Graves strategy was exactly what the CBC was doing last night.

CBC executives have yet to explain why.

Perhaps Canada's tax-funded broadcaster needs a lesson in freedom of religion.

Under the Charter of Rights, neither religious affiliation nor lack of religious affiliation is grounds to deny participation in the democratic life of the country.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

More Liberal CBC connections EXPOSED

And the plot thickens... will the folks at the CBC just finally admit that they goofed BIG TIME on this one?

h/t to National Newswatch on this one.
On CBC/Pynenburg and her official Liberal ties...

Last week, we pointed out that CBC and Frank Graves (significant Liberal Party donor as well as someone who has been offering "Culture War" political advice to the Liberals) commissioned a poll for CBC based on a supposedly neutral "viewer-inspired" question.

However, the "viewer" in question was one Mary Pynenburg, former two-time federal Liberal Party candidate in British Columbia.

It has now come to our attention that Mrs. Pynenburg is the Vice-President of the National Women's Liberal Commission, and a proud member of Canadians Rallying to Unseat Stephen Harper (CRUSH), a radical anti-Stephen Harper group.

She is also a major donor to the Liberal Party, having donated over $14,000 to the Liberals since 2004.

It is beyond the pale that CBC consistently engages in political information and analysis from a Liberal-backing pollster in response to a Liberal-inspired question with no disclosure and certainly no apologies afterwards.

It would almost be comical if CBC was not the recipient of over one billion dollars per year from Canadian taxpayers.

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Saturday, May 08, 2010

CBC's Heather Mallick calling for an Opposition coalition

I guess Heather Mallik's ignorance of Canada shows what happens when you spend to many years out of the country...

Hey Heather, Canadians pretty clearly rejected the very idea of a left-wing coalition back in December of 2008, back when the CPC was polling around, oh what was it, about 41%? Oh, right, you weren't here for that... my bad.

You've got to LOVE this left-wing drivil from her poisioned pen...
Canada has a Conservative minority government right now that does have a core belief. It's that Canadians deserve a good stomping, all of them. Conservatives can't stand people, particularly if they're female, or second-generation Canadian, or educated, or principled, or not from Alberta, which is the home of the hard-right belly-bulging middle-aged Tory male. Watch them at the G8, ostensibly fighting for women's health internationally while blocking abortions for raped Congolese.

Harper cannot get a real majority. If the centre-right Liberals and the centre-left New Democrats would form a coalition, Harper would be toast and we'd get started on what we need: national day care, TGV trains, an economic strategy, a green strategy, oh a strategy for anything, a plan is all we seek.

Instead we hang.
Sound familiar? Yep, that pretty much sounds like the "culture war" strategy that the CBC is employing on behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada... as recommended by Frank Graves. No wonder she's still working for the CBC.

UPDATE: Finally settled on my new name for her... "Hate'n Malice", cause that seems to be all that ever comes out of her mouth. Her mouth, and pretty much every mouthpiece of the Left, whenever they're talking about anyone who disagrees with their ideology.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why is the CBC the ONLY MSM silent on "Assasin-ate"?

Yes, I dropped the "G"... "Assasin-gate" just doesn't right...

Okay readers, let's review the media coverage of this Liberal photo-fiasco, shall we?

The National Post, MAIN PAGE OF WEBSITE.
United Press International, 2nd story in their International News section.

Our very own, taxpayer funded CBC? CUE THE CRICKETS.

Not even LISTED in their "Politics" section.
You have to know EXACTLY where to go, to Kady's blog, to even find the story. Now why is that, do you think? Perhaps they're not wanting to inform Canadians of anything that makes their dear Liberals look bad? Good thing you've got someone like Kady to give you some credibility... at least she's covering it on her blog.

h/t to Joanne at Blue Like You

UPDATE: Now it's there, but not because the CBC posted it... it's linked in their "More Stories from Canadian Press" section way down at the bottom. It's also now listed as a minor story in their Politics section.

Better late than never, I suppose.

UPDATE II: It's now listed as one of their top stories, updated at literally the same time I posted my initial UPDATE. Guess they realized they couldn't ignore it any longer, with the outcry growing by the hour.

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Heather Mallick "embarrased" to be Canadian

So here's the question... will the "CANADIAN Broadcasting Corp." finally toss this woman who's "embarrassed" to be a "Canadian" out on her rear end?

I wonder how the Canadian people really feel about a CBC "journalist" insulting our nation around the world. It's one thing to say such things here at home... it's another matter entirely when you do it on the world stage... right Iggy?

It's embarrassing to be Canadian now
George Monbiot is right – Canada has become a corrupt petro-state most of us are ashamed of. But all is not lost

Heather Mallick, Wednesday 2 December 2009 13.00 GMT

George Monbiot wrote a real porcupine of a column this week, excoriating Canada on its failure to act on climate change. The headline read, "Canada's image lies in tatters. It is now to climate what Japan is to whaling."

Brilliant! Just what smug Canada needs, a real seeing-to by an environmental wise man. Monbiot, a hero of mine, had earlier written a toned-down piece for the leaden opinion page of Canada's dullest newspaper, the Globe and Mail. I wish he hadn't done that.

The headline was "Please, Canada, clean up your act." Canada was not now the "corrupt petro-state" of the Guardian piece. Monbiot in the local version seemed to treat Canada more like a student who had let not just himself down, but had brought sorrow to the entire school. Monbiot wanted to add his voice to those "pleading" with Canada's hard-right minority government to change its ways.

The fact is, there are many green and hopeful things to be salvaged from Canada's sorry situation and the wise Monbiot knows this.

Out of something as misty as mere indecision, Canadian voters have turned their country into a political freak show. Canada's Conservative government, run by an ideologue named Stephen Harper, does not represent Canadian voters on saving the air we breathe and temperatures we can cope with. When it comes to climate change, Canadians are as earnest and decent as they ever were.

Yes, Canada's record on carbon emissions is disgraceful, shameful, loathsome etc. The tar sands of northern Alberta are an international scandal. But the problem is not in a former Prius of a country turning into a Hummer. Canada's dilemma is much more interesting that that. It is the decline of a democracy (partly as its media died, thank you Conrad Black) and the descent of a nation into a political stasis, and it could happen to any country that doesn't mind the political store. What takes place when a nation can't decide on a government and lets a rightwing minority, quivering with hate, have just enough power?

Catastrophe, that's what.

Countries supposedly get the government they deserve. I'm not sure Canada deserved Harper. Canadians can agree with Judge Monbiot's assessment but ask the court to take into account our previous, as Rumpole would say.

First, no one disagrees more with Harper's refusal to slow climate change than Canadian voters. Indeed, more than three-quarters of Canadians say they are embarrassed that Canada hasn't taken an international lead on the issue, a recent poll revealed.

Even Albertans – home of the tar sands because they need the money and who is to say them nay – agree on this. Quebeckers, the sophisticates of the nation, are 86% in favour of Canada taking action. Toronto, while suffering economically, is maniacally devoted to hemp, bicycling and meticulous recycling rules. We hate green garbage incompetents. We love the Kyoto protocol, we want to prostrate ourselves in Copenhagen next month, but until we make our mind up about whether to make Michael Ignatieff prime minister, we can't.

May I humbly beg for patience with my country, which is stuck like a beaver in a dam of its own making.

Second, Canadians are still smart and decent. Only the government hews to the party line. On every issue, from abortion rights to rendition for torture to fair treatment of non-white citizens who had the temerity to take a holiday and can't come home because they lost weight and don't quite look like their passport photo, Harper is determined to turn Canada into America-lite. He doesn't mean the America of Obama. He means the America of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, with its private affluence and public squalor.

American travellers used to shove a Canadian flag on their backpack for better treatment overseas. I'm sorry that the reverse has happened and Canadians now switch the conversation to Obama as quickly as possibly before the subject of clubbing seals arises.

We have shamed our better natures. But we Canadians will rid ourselves of Harper and rise again to be the decent and intelligent nation you Brits once patronised with such delight.

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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Heard today on the CBC Radio News

On the CBC News today, right after playing an audio news clip reporting the fall of Shanghai 60 years ago today, the CBC newsreader had the audacity to say the following...

"60 years ago today, the people of China ADOPTED COMMUNISM."

EXCUSE ME? ADOPTED COMMUNISM? Talk about taxpayer-funded revisionism... The Communists CONQURED China 60 years ago today. The general populous had little say in the matter, my dear CBC.


Sent from my Blackberry


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - "Puffin Paradise"

Okay, now this is kinda funny... I'm read to look for any info on Layton's meeting with the PM today, and what do I see as a new feature on their front page? A new photo feature entitled "Puffin Paradise".

Which, of course, brought this Iggy blunder back to mind...

Oh the fun one could have with these... a group shot from the most recent Liberal caucus meeting...

High level strategy meeting between Warren and Iggy...
"SQUAK... I say go for it Michael! Who cares what Ipsos-Reid says... JUST PULL THE TRIGGER!"

Perhaps this final photo with it's caption offers a warning to the Puffin Party of Canada...

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Sunday, August 02, 2009

Bye Bye Schreiber

Oh PLEASE say it's so... Karlheinz Schreiber has been issued a surprise deportation order, and may be deported as early as tomorrow.

It's a well deserved ending for the man who tried to falsely smear a former Prime Minister, all to save his own skin. It's also about time that we as a nation said that just because you're rich and have lots of political connections (though his links used to be with the Tories, they seem to be more with the Liberals these days), you shouldn't be allowed to play our justice system like a fiddle with all your fancy lawyers. It's time to show some equality in legal system.

Looks like it's time for some German justice for you, Karlheinz.

UPDATE: Bye, Bye, German Arms Dealer Guy...

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Today's CanCom content - Kate Beneteau

Okay, here's your "CanCom" content for today, courtesy of the CBC of all places! Kate Beneteau had one of her songs played on the CBC the other week, and her work is pretty amazing! (full story below)


So the other week, Sunday morning, the alarm goes off, and we usually doze for a bit before getting up and ready for church. Anyway, we had CBC Radio One on, as usual, and I heard this really amazing soundscape playing. I heard the name, and figured I should look up the artist sometime.

Anyway, finally got around to it, looked up the CBC show to see who it was that they had played that morning. Turns out her name is Kate Beneteau, and she's just a student! She's already put out an album of her soundscapes, which are amazing and just grow on you the more you listen to them. They'd played her best known one called "Crash" on the CBC that Sunday morning, which I love, which was used in a TV documentary in 2007. I've found I also really like her one entitled "Catch & Release", once it gets going that is, around the 1:00 mark. ("TCH", if I know you, I think you'll like that one too, along with "Peace of Mind" and "Future Tense")

Anyway, the reason I'm blogging on it is because as I had it playing at work, a co-worker of mine (a real lefty, we hardly agree on anything!) came into my office, and really wanted to know who/what it was I had playing. So I sent her the link, and figured hey, why not post it and let everyone else give her a listen? So here's my bit to promote an up and coming Canadian artist, Kate Beneteau!


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Time to redefine the role of the CBC

I think this quote in the Toronto Star sums up my core issues with the CBC...
Lacroix's scenarios would jeopardize the CBC's mandate of defining Canada to Canadians and are unlikely to produce more advertising, critics say.
I'm sorry, but I don't want my tax dollars being used to tell me what it means to be a Canadian.

Or, put more realisticly, I don't want our tax dollars to be given to a small group of left-leaning Canadian unbanites and being used to redefine the image of Canada into their own image.

Go ahead and tell us about our current identity, report on what's happening, and even opening our eyes to a part of ourselves we may have missed. But don't you DARE go and try telling me how I ought to think.

Full disclosure... my wife is regularly paid by the CBC, so don't go thinking I support scrapping the public broadcaster. I think it has an important role in this country, but it should be INFORMING us, not dictating to us what to think. Bring to us the world and all that's going on from a Canadian perspective, but don't go trying to determine for us what that perspective ought to be.

Just tell it like it is, not how YOU think it ought to be.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Mallick writes another "winner" of an article

Once again, Heather Mallick successfully symbolizes everything that's wrong with Canadian journalism.

The sheer hatred and distain that this woman has for anyone who thinks differently than her is so reflective of the disgusting attitudes of the "elite" in this country... so many of whom litter the ranks of the CBC and the Liberal Party of Canada.

Perhaps a few refresher courses on "Canadian Politeness" are in order?

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Liberal supporters silencing the media!

What's this? Liberal supporters have been reduced to having to shout down REPORTERS for asking questions of Mr. Dion?

Here's the report from CTV's Robert Fife.

Here's a hint guys... not such a good idea when the media is already turning against you.
Dion grilled over demands for Tory MP's firing
Liberal leader denies double-standard, says own candidate working with Jewish group
Last Updated: Friday, September 26, 2008 | 11:40 AM ET
CBC News

Stéphane Dion repeated his calls on Friday for a Tory MP to be fired for his comments linking immigrants to crime, but refused to discipline a Liberal candidate who suggested Israeli companies were given a heads-up ahead of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Dion's press conference alongside former leadership rival Gerard Kennedy at a Toronto seniors home became heated as journalists questioning the Liberal leader were shouted down by party supporters attending the event, the CBC's Susan Bonner reported from the campaign.

Dion was pitching his party as the best to help seniors and protect Canada's economy in times of economic uncertainty, while Stephen Harper's "right-wing agenda" would hurt the economy.

But his message was quickly sidelined when he was asked about controversial comments by Lesley Hughes, the Liberal candidate in the Winnipeg riding of Kildonan-St. Paul.

Supporters heckle media

At one point during Friday's session, Liberal supporters yelled at a reporter for suggesting Dion was employing a double standard, calling the line of questioning irrelevant.

But Dion raised his hand to silence them, saying the Liberal party believed in freedom of the press and not in "handcuffing reporters" — a likely reference to an incident earlier in the campaign when RCMP agents removed comic Geri Hall of CBC's This Hour Has 22 Minutes from a Harper press event.

The Liberal leader denied it was a double standard to call for Richardson's dismissal, saying the Tories had "no process" to show they were taking the controversy over his statements seriously.

The emotional outcry from the supporters could show the frustration some Liberals are feeling in the campaign as the party is struggling to sell Dion's leadership and his Green Shift carbon tax plan, the CBC's Bonner said.

"We may see more of this," she said.

But Dion himself declined to criticize the media's coverage of his campaign.

"The media cover me, and I don't come at the media," he said.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Preview of CBC's Jeri Hall's arrest segment

A teaser of the clip was broadcast on CBC News, and posted to YouTube.

You gotta LOVE the PM's quick on his feet comment to the next reporter to ask him a question... "Et toi aussi?" (thanks for correcting my French all)... or, "You too?" (as in, "Do you love me too?")

He also clued in that it was the folks at This Hour Has 22 Minutes, you got to give him credit for that. Too bad the RCMP didn't... although, I must say, I think they ended up getting a better segment out of it! (and we got some earned media out of it too)

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Friday, September 12, 2008

"Tim Horton's Girl" crashes PM's event

Looking forward to seeing this clip!

The CBC's Jeri Hall from This Hour Has 22 Minutes (aka "The Tim Horton's Girl" for all the Tim Horton's and other commercials she appeared in over the last three years) caused a bit of a stir at an event with the PM today. (with the RCMP it's safety first, ask questions later, of course) Everyone quickly realized who she was, and the PM ended up meeting with her for a quick interview for the segment.

I'm really hoping they don't make us wait until the new season starts on Sept. 30 to see the clip!

UPDATE: Here's the clip... gotta LOVE the PM's comment to the next reporter to ask him a question... "Et toi oci?"... or, "You too?" (as in, do you love me too?") Now that's what all call being quick on your feet!

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Monday, July 28, 2008

CBC's "Maria"

Janna got robbed!!!  (Hey, my wife's a professional singer... what else did you think was going to be on my TV on Monday nights for the last few weeks?)

UPDATE: Oh, by the way ALW and CBC... I likely won't be getting tickets now, though I had been strongly considering it thinking that Janna, the most popular contestant week after week, was going to win. I mean, come on... it's obvious that all the Jayme fans moved over to Elicia just to make sure Janna didn't win.

That's why democracy doesn't work sometimes... the best person doesn't always win.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kudos to the CBC for balanced reporting

Of all the media outlets, their headline for this is the most fair and balanced.
Mounties search Tory headquarters
Last Updated: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 | 12:09 PM ET
CBC News

RCMP are searching Conservative party headquarters in Ottawa on Tuesday at the request of Elections Canada.

Elections Canada spokesman John Enright confirmed that elections commissioner William Corbett requested the assistance of the Mounties to execute a search warrant, but he wouldn't say why.

At least two RCMP officers were seen in the 12th-floor party offices. One of the officers later moved to the 17th-floor mailroom.

RCMP Cpl. Jean Hainey said the Mounties were merely assisting.

"It is not an RCMP investigation. We're there to assist, but that's it."
Got that, all you foaming-at-the-mouth Libloggers? "THIS IS NOT AN RCMP INVESTIGATION."

My take? Elections Canada is grasping at straws to try and prove their "In and Out" case. It won't work, because we did nothing wrong... and the case will eventually won by our party.

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