[EN] Lambeth resident facing eviction by Council

 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, English, London, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] Lambeth resident facing eviction by Council
Apr 072014

Maritza Tschepp

[EN] The muesli-maker who began in a squat

 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, English, London, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] The muesli-maker who began in a squat
Apr 072014

Behind the scenes: the cereal maker Alex Smith, who began in a squat

  • The muesli-maker who began in a squat mp4 3mins 30mb
  • Behind the scenes: Alara Cereals started in a squat with two pound notes. But an inauspiscious start has blossomed in to an unlikely success story …
  • I got involved in the squatting movement in the early 1970s. I’d moved to London to study architecture and was living in a building on Tolmers Square, just off Tottenham Court Road. I opposed the philosophy of destroying existing Victorian properties and replacing them with modern blocks solely in the name of making money, so I decided I had to live without it. I didn’t spend money for a year until, in 1975, I found two £1 notes in the street and decided to start a business with it.

    We began what’s now Alara by selling fruit and veg that would otherwise have been thrown out. We bought a sack of flour from a wholefoods wholesaler near the squat and started baking bread. Eventually we squatted in a retail premises and turned it into a wholefoods shop.

    We got evicted from that shop and another, second premises within two years, so, in 1978, we leased a small shop just off the Euston Road. The shop continued to do very well, but the area was being redeveloped and Camden Council allocated our shop as the site office, so we struck a good deal with them to move to a bigger place on Marchmont Street in Bloomsbury.

    We wanted to produce really healthy food, and there were no cereals on the market that had no added sugar, salts or fats at that time, so we started making muesli. With more space in Bloomsbury, we were able to get a muesli mixing machine. It all expanded from that point on, until we had our own factory in Camley Street, King’s Cross. We’ve been embedded in the community for years now – we’ve planted lots of trees near the factory, we have an orchard, and the people who work here live close by, too. Our next mission is to sequester more carbon than the carbon we create in making our products.

    Our focus is on creating a healthy product with high nutritional value. As well as keeping our muesli free from sugar, salt and fat, we use superfoods such as goji berries and linseeds, and we’ve developed a complex database that we use to develop blends with specific requirements – such as high selenium, or vitamin C – that will still taste great.

    Alara was the first cereal company in the world to be certified organic, and now our factory produces about half of all the organic muesli sold in the UK. We are also the first company to be licensed by the Coeliac Society. We’ve come a long way since squatting, but being accessible to everyone remains central to what we do.


[EN] The Birmingham Social Centre Part I – 2.5mins 11mb flv

 2010s, Birmingham, English, Uk  Comments Off on [EN] The Birmingham Social Centre Part I – 2.5mins 11mb flv
Sep 202013

Birmingham Social Centre Part I

Date: 2013, Country: UK, City:Birmingham, Language: Eng, Length: 2.5mins, Size: 11mb Type: flv

On the 8th of November 2011, we left the Whitmarley, which has been the first home of “the Birmingham social centre”. The social centre is much more than the building; it is the concept, community and people that have formed around it.
In easter, months before we started the project we set out these as the reasons “we”, then a bunch of students who had been organising on campus should create a squatted social space.
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[EN] Voices in the Community: Squatting and the Social Centre

 2010s, English  Comments Off on [EN] Voices in the Community: Squatting and the Social Centre
Sep 202013


Voices in the Community: Squatting and the Social Centre

Date: 2013, Country: UK, Language: Eng, Length: 30mins

Voices in the Community tells the story of occupied social centres in the UK and considers their significance in the recent discourse surrounding the criminalisation of squatting.

[EN] Visit Faslane 63mb 10mins mp4

 2010s, Scotland  Comments Off on [EN] Visit Faslane 63mb 10mins mp4
May 152013









Visit Faslane

Date: 2013, Country: Scotland, City: Faslane Language: EN Size: 63mb Length: 10min Type: mp4 Maker:Camcorder Guerillas

For over 30 years Faslane Peace Camp on the west coast of Scotland has been a beacon of anti militarism and anti nuclear action. Now the peace Camp need new supporters form all over the UK and beyond.
Can you help save the Faslane Peace Camp?

[EN] Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police 1min, mp4, 5mb

 2010s, Brasil  Comments Off on [EN] Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police 1min, mp4, 5mb
Apr 092013









Maracana Squatters Clash With Riot Police

Date: 2013, Country: Brasil, City: Rio de Janeiro Language: EN Size: 5mb Length: 1min Type: mp4

Police have surrounded Rio de Janeiro’s Indian Museum complex, next to the legendary Maracana Stadium, and have released tear gas in a bid to expel a group of indigenous people and their supporters on Friday (March 22nd) – riot police clashed with supporters of the group, some of whom have been squatting in the crumbling complex for years.

Ofensiva Horticola a La Llagosta

 2010s  Comments Off on Ofensiva Horticola a La Llagosta
Feb 252013

rtfOfensiva Horticola a La Llagosta

Com a cloenda d’una trobada internacional d’activistes europeus de la xarxa “Reclaim the Fields” realitzada a Can Piella, el passat diumenge s’okupà un solar de La Llagosta per iniciar un hort popular.
En una jornada fresca pero festiva, s’obriren diferents bancals d’enciams i patates, amb la participació motivada dels veïns i d’un nodrit i divers grup d’activistes internacionals reunits a Can Piella per debatre sobre estrategies de lluita per la terra.
Can Piella resisteix ja a una setmana d’amenaça de desallotjament i fan una crida a la solidaritat activa per defensar l’espai i les terres cultivades.vegeu el video:Ofensiva Horticola

[GR] Βίντεο από την εισβολή στη Βίλλα Αμαλίας flv 3mins 15mb

 2010s, Greece  Comments Off on [GR] Βίντεο από την εισβολή στη Βίλλα Αμαλίας flv 3mins 15mb
Jan 092013


Βίντεο από την εισβολή στη Βίλλα Αμαλίας

Date: 2013, Country: Greece, City:Athens, Language: GR, Length: 3mins, Size: 15mb Type: flv

Τραβήχτηκε μέσα από την Βίλλα την ώρα της ανακατάληψης (9-1-2013)

[EN] Video from inside Villa Amalias during its attempted re-occupation

[EN] The Art of Squatting 21mins 116mb mp4

 2010s, English, London  Comments Off on [EN] The Art of Squatting 21mins 116mb mp4
Dec 242012


The Art of Squatting – plus part2

Date: 2012, Country: UK, City:London Language: ENG Length: 21mins, Size: 8mb Type: FLV

This documentary takes a contemporary look at squatting in England. Mostly filmed in South London, it is set against the backdrop of the approaching olympics and the new law (passed today) which makes the practice of living in unused properties illegal. It explores the kinds of people who live in squats and why, and addresses how these places contribute to society. The film takes the view that squatting in itself is an artform.

Part 1 explores an underground punk gig at a squat, and we meet some of the people who help the night happen. We also learn a bit about squatting in the 1970s.

In Part 2 we talk to a band big on the southern squat scene. We visit the oldest squat in England and see how they open their arms to the public. We are introduced to a campaign group opposed to the law criminalising squatting, and we hear from the council and a housing association. We also visit an art exhibition with work from people who have been living homeless.

[GR] Βίντεο από το “ντου” στην κατάληψη” ΔΕΛΤΑ δίνει στη δημοσιότητα η ΕΛ.ΑΣ.! – Cops evicting Delta squat, Thessaloniki 3mins mp4 10mb

 2010s, Greece  Comments Off on [GR] Βίντεο από το “ντου” στην κατάληψη” ΔΕΛΤΑ δίνει στη δημοσιότητα η ΕΛ.ΑΣ.! – Cops evicting Delta squat, Thessaloniki 3mins mp4 10mb
Sep 132012

Delta squat evicted

Βίντεο από την επιχείρηση της αστυνομίας στην κατάληψη ΔΕΛΤΑ στη Θεσσαλονίκη έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα το αρχηγείο της ΕΛ.ΑΣ.

At approximately 7.30am on Wednesday, September 12th, in Thessaloniki, at least five MAT anti-riot police squadrons and two jeeps with EKAM special suppressive antiterrorist units lined up outside the anarchist squat Delta and stormed the building soon thereafter.

Ten people were arrested inside the building and others who arrived in solidarity were detained on the street. Also, more solidaritarians who gathered near the squat were surrounded and cut off by the police.


[EN] First eviction under new squatban 10mins MP4 30mb

 2010s, Brighton, English  Comments Off on [EN] First eviction under new squatban 10mins MP4 30mb
Sep 042012

Brighton First eviction under squatban

Watch police take an amusing TEN MINUTES to break the door on the first squat to raided since the law changed on September 1, criminalising those who live as squatters in residential buildings. No-one was living in this place but unfortunately three visitors were arrested. We love them and all squatters. Squatters Network of Brighton.

Tokludede Düşleri / Dreams of Tokludede [TU] 6mins 29mb MP4

 2010s, Subtitled (English), Türkçe  Comments Off on Tokludede Düşleri / Dreams of Tokludede [TU] 6mins 29mb MP4
Aug 122012

Tokludede Düşleri / Dreams of Tokludede

Istanbul’daki Tokludede mahallesi, şehrin farklı yerlerinde de yürütülen kentsel dönüşüm projeleriyle uğraşıyor. Bölge tarihi ve mimari özellikleriyle şehrin önemli bölgelerinden biri. Yürütülmeye başlanan proje bölgenin tüm değerlerini umarsızca ve saygısızca yok ediyor. Burada yaşayan insanlar zorla göçe itiliyor. Belediye, bölgedeki evlerin elektriklerini ve sularını kesti. Diğer belediye hizmetleri de büyük ölçüde yerine getirilmiyor. Burada yaşayan insanların ise başka bir yere taşınmak için yeterli ekonomik güçleri bulunmuyor. Devlet, ev sahiplerine şehrin çeperlerinde bulunan ve yaşamak için yeterince uygun olmayan TOKİ konutlarında ev satın alma programı sunuyor. Bölgedeki kiracılar için ise herhangi bir ev satın alma programı bulunmuyor. Burada yaşayan insanların büyük bir bölümü şehri terk etmek zorunda kaldı. Diğerleri ise devletin teklifini kabul edip şehrin periferi bölgelerine taşındı. Son olarak burada kalan birkaç aile ise halen bu zorla göç karşısında direniyor. Bu kısa belgesel, Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi’nin ev sahipliği yaptığı Kent Düşleri Atölyesi süresince yapıldı.

With English subtitles.

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Hevige krakersrellen in Peru mp4 1.41min (Dutch)

 2010s, Nederlands, Peru  Comments Off on Hevige krakersrellen in Peru mp4 1.41min (Dutch)
Jul 202012

Heftige krakers rellen in Peru  mp4 1.41min (Dutch)

In Peru zijn duizenden krakers slaags geraakt met de oproerpolitie. Het geweld barstte los toen de politie duizenden krakers wilde verwijderen van een privéterrein in de hoofdstad Lima. De politie zette traangas in tegen de krakers die bewapend waren met stokken en stenen.

[CH] Marche des Habitants mp4 8mins 50mb

 2010s, Switzerland  Comments Off on [CH] Marche des Habitants mp4 8mins 50mb
May 152012


Marche des Habitants

Date: 2012, Country: CH, Language: FR Length: 8mins, Size: 50mb Type: mp4 Film-maker: urbamonde

Marche des Habitants, visite de l’Îlot 13 et intervention de Luca Pattaroni, professeur à l’EPFL et spécialiste des mouvements squat. Genève, 29 septembre 2012

Brasil: Living in the city that hosts the World Cup 8mins 59mb flv

 2010s, Brasil, Español, Subtitled (English)  Comments Off on Brasil: Living in the city that hosts the World Cup 8mins 59mb flv
Mar 122012

Living in the city that hosts the World Cup

The story of indigenous Brazilian Indians living next door to one of the world’s largest football stadiums…

‘We heard the builders say it: “This isn’t a village, go and live in the rainforest”‘, says Carlos Tukano, chief of the Aldeia Maracanã village.

This video is part of the Amnesty International www.SlumStories.org project. An online videochannel about the life in slums in different parts of the world.

All videos can be watched with English, Arab, French, Spanish, German and Dutch subtitles.

Lipdub – Kukutza 10mins 68mb flv

 2010s, Euskal Herria  Comments Off on Lipdub – Kukutza 10mins 68mb flv
Dec 262011

Lipdub – Kukutza

Date: 2011, Country: Euskal Herria, City:Bilbao, Language: EUS, Length: 10mins, Size: 68mb Type: flv

Ikusi duzuena Kukutza III Gaztetxean mugitzen denaren zatitxo bat besterik ez da. 13 urteetan garatutako proiektu partehartzaile eta autogestionatua. Gaur egun, Kukutza desalojo arriskuan dago eta guztion eskuetan dago defendatzea.
Lovely film about a social centre, now sadly evicted and demolished.
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Brighton Squatter Tales #1 (ENG) FLV 7min 58mb

 2010s, Brighton, English  Comments Off on Brighton Squatter Tales #1 (ENG) FLV 7min 58mb
Nov 232011

Brighton Squatter Tales #1

Date: 2011, Country: UK, City:Brighton, Language: Eng, Length: 7mins, Size: 58mb Type: flv Filmaker: SchMovies.

On November 5 2011, Brighton squatters took to the streets in protest against the forthcoming criminalisation of squatting. A move which will only make things worth for the homeless and indeed anyone taking direct action to house themselves. This film includes the last footage of activist Mark Rivers, who died tragically that night.

Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio [EUS/ESP] mpeg 7mins 30mb

 2010s, Euskal Herria  Comments Off on Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio [EUS/ESP] mpeg 7mins 30mb
Sep 232011

Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio

Date: 2011, Country: Euskal Herria, City: Bilbao, Language: EUS/ESP, Length: 7mins, Size: 30mb Type: mpeg
Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/kukutzaIIIgaztetxea

Kukutza: Crónica de 3 días de ocupación de un barrio
Kukutza: auzoaren 3 eguneko okupazioaren kronika

[EN] ACPO Conference – Squatters UK 9mins 40mb mp4

 2010s, Brighton, English, London, Southend, Uncategorized  Comments Off on [EN] ACPO Conference – Squatters UK 9mins 40mb mp4
Sep 202011

ACPO Conference – Squatters UK

Date: 2011, Country: UK, City:Brighton/London/Southend, Language: Eng, Length: 9.5mins, Size: 40mb Type: mp4 Film-maker: Shergroup

Shergroup wankers talk about a few evictions in the UK (Raven’s Ait island, the church in Brighton, Camp Bling in Southend-on-Sea). This film was apparently shown at the 2011 ACPO conference (ACPO = Association of Chief Police Officers). See you next time suckers!!

Mare Street Squatters, London [ENG] 2mins 10mb mp4

 2010s, English, London  Comments Off on Mare Street Squatters, London [ENG] 2mins 10mb mp4
Aug 242010

Bailiffs Attempt to Evict Mare Street Squatters

Date: 2010, Country: UK, City: London, Language: ENG, Length: 2 mins, Size: 10mb Type:

Squatters and their supporters were determined to stop the eviction of an occupied social centre in Hackney, East London. They constructed barricades and declared that they would peacefully resist any attempt to remove them. On the morning of the 17th August High Court bailiffs tried unsuccessfully to remove the squatters.
17-08-10, Hackney, London, UK (the place was later evicted).

[EN] Spike Surplus Scheme Resist 10mins 47mb mp4

 2000s, English, London, Uk, Uncategorized  Comments Off on [EN] Spike Surplus Scheme Resist 10mins 47mb mp4
Sep 202009

Spike Surplus Scheme Resist

Date: 2009, Country: UK, City:London, Language: Eng, Length: 10mins, Size: 47mb Type: mp4

Spike Surplus is a community centre who has helped many artists, musicians and free thinkers to attain their goals. Now after ten years providing beneficial services to the community, Southwark Council are evicting the Scheme and selling of the land. This is a massive injustice! Please help the Spike!

UPDATE the place was evicted :{

[NL] News reports – various 2009

 2000s, Nederlands  Comments Off on [NL] News reports – various 2009
Jan 012009

[NL] News reports – various 2008

 2000s, Nederlands  Comments Off on [NL] News reports – various 2008
Jan 012008