- published: 16 Apr 2011
- views: 21798
Hanau is a town in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, in Hessen, Germany. It is located 25 km east of Frankfurt am Main. Its station is a major railway junction. Hanau is famous for being the birthplace of Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. In 1963, the town hosted the third Hessentag state festival. Until 2005, Hanau was the administrative centre of the Main-Kinzig-Kreis.
The historic core of Hanau is situated within a semicircle of the river Kinzig which flows into the river Main just west of the town. Today, after a substantial expansion during the 19th and 20th centuries it also extends to the river Main and after a restructuring of municipal borders within Hessen in the 1970s a couple of nearby villages and towns were incorporated. After this change, Hanau for the first time also extended to the south bank of the Main river.
The name is derived of "Hagenowe" which is a composition out of "Haag" (wood) and "Aue" (open land by the side of a river).
As a place of settlement Hanau was first mentioned in 1143. Then it was the site of a castle which used the waters of the river Kinzig as a defense. The castle belonged to a noble family, calling themselves "of Hanau" since the 13th century. Starting from this castle a village developed and became a town in 1303. As a result of this history, the main church of Hanau stood outside its walls in the village of Kinzdorf. The villagers moved into the town, Kinzdorf became an abandoned village leaving only the church. Only in the 15th century was the status of the Hanau parish church transferred to the church of Mary Magdalene within the town walls.
Destination: Hanau
Hanau. Entwickelt. 7 Jahre Stadtumbau. Die Dokumentation.
Hanau V-Log 2016 Timo Ekwe & Jimmy Etidoo
Hanau in 4k [Germanyinhd.de]
Döner essen gehen | City Döner Hanau | Episode 75
2/4 Zerstörung und Wiederaufbau von Hanau - Bürgerfestausstellung 2015
Messerstecherei SKINHEAD VS DEUTSCHER in Hanau k-town Teil 1
S9 Hanau - Wiesbaden
SC 1960 Hanau - 1. Hanauer FC 1893 (Gruppenliga Frankfurt, Gruppe Ost) - Spielbericht | MAINKICK.TV
Hanau: 30-jährige Frau ermordet
The city of Hanau, the birthplace of the brothers Grimm, is not the most beautiful place in Germany. It does, however, have a fascinating history. All historical images and maps used in this videos are in the public domain and available from Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org Music: "Wheels" by Jason Shaw http://audionautix.com
Sieben Jahre bestimmte das Motto „Hanau baut um“ unseren Alltag, seit September 2015 heißt es endlich „Hanau neu erleben“. ---- Der Dokumentarfilm „Hanau. Entwickelt.“ beschreibt den eindrucksvollen Weg des Stadtumbaus - seine Herausforderungen, seine Hürden und seine Höhepunkte. ---- http://www.hanauentwickelt.de http://www.facebook.com/hanauerleben http://www.hanauerleben.de ---- Produziert im Auftrag von: Stadt Hanau Hanau Marketing GmbH Hanseatische Betreuungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (HBB) Eine Co-Produktion von: http://www.digitalnaturals.de http://www.2erdmann.com Buch: http://www.dienstagmorgen.de
FACEBOOK ►https://www.facebook.com/JimmyEtidoo ►https://www.facebook.com/Timo-Ekwe-224895231226148/?fref=ts
Hanau in 4k Ein kleiner Rundgang durch die Brüder-Grimm-Stadt Hanau im Main-Kinzig-Kreis: Schloss Philippsruhe, Wallonisch-Niederländische Kirche, Brüder Grimm-Nationaldenkmal, Marienkirche, Kuranlage Wilhemsbad, Altstadt Steinheim, Gedächniskirche, Schloss Steinheim, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus ... Aufgenommen und Bearbeitet von Thorsten Fleck Technik: - Sony FDR-AX100E - TARION OS03555 Schwebestativ Music lizensiert bei www.audiojungle.net Soundtrack: "Cinematic Trailer" von AudioPizza
Episode 75 | Döner essen gehen | City Döner Hanau | Daily Vlog Deutsch | FMA. Nach der Arbeit geht es direkt nach Hause. Leider wird es immer früher dunkel. Draußen Sport machen fällt aus. Also mache ich zuhause Sport. Hantel ausgepackt und ein bisschen Arme und Schultern trainiert. Im Kühlschrank spricht uns heute nichts an. Also fahren wir spontan zum City Döner in Hanau und schnappen uns den massiven Dönerteller mit extra Fleisch und extra Soße. --------------------------- Mein Equipment --------------------------- Yuneec Elektro-Skateboard E-GO Cruiser http://amzn.to/2cQUaxc Actioncam: Sony HDR-AS200v http://amzn.to/29WJd9Z Geonox Handy: Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) http://amzn.to/2anPtOg Kati's Handy: Cubot Dinosaur http://amzn.to/2aW6f47 Powerbank EasyAcc Monster 26000mAh http://...
Kurz vor Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs am 19. März 1945 wurde Hanau durch ein Flächenbomardement zerstört. Bereits im August 1945 begann die Trümmerbeseitigung und der Wiederaufbau der Brüder-Grimm-Stadt durch den sog. "Ehrendienst". Mitte der 195er Jahre beschlossen die Stadtväter und -mütter um Oberbürgermeister Heinrich Fischer als Dank an die Bevölkerung für die geleistete Arbeit ein "Bürgerfest" im Schlosspark Philippsruhe zu feiern. Es fand im August 1958 statt. Die Verlegung in den September, die Wandlung der Festkultur im Laufe der Jahrzehnte, die Verlagerung des Festes vom Schlosspark auf die Mainwiesen und auch drei ausgefallene Veranstaltungen in den Jahren 1994, 2002 und 2003 konnten am wesentlichen Merkmal des Bürgerfestes nichts ändern: es ist und bleibt ein Volksfest "von Ha...
Besorgs mir mit ein Messer !!!!!Teil 2 und danach wieder da!!!!!
Führerstandsmitfahrt in einem ET420-Vollzug von Hanau nach Wiesbaden, über Offenbach Ost, Frankfurt (City), Frankfurt Hbf (Tief), F-Flughafen und Mainz-Kastel. Automatisches Ansagesystem 'SFIS' von mir selbst erstellt (Fahrzeuge waren mit Anschlüssen für PDA-Systeme ausgestattet seit 2006). Aufgenommen im April 2010
13. Spieltag (Gruppenliga Frankfurt, Gruppe Ost - 10.10.15) SC 1960 Hanau - 1. Hanauer FC 1893 Endergebnis: 1:1 (0:1) Tore: 0:1 Marcello Fiorentini 1:1 Benjamin Braus Aufstellung SC 1960 Hanau: 1 Abdulsamed Ersoez, 5 Serhat Kurt, 6 Ervis Shima, 7 Diyar Yildiz, 8 Ali Osman Kurt, 11 Jonatan Tesfaldet, 15 Paa Kofi Boateng, 17 Benjamin Braus, 18 Cem Uensal, 20 Kaan Koeksal, 62 Güney Günel Einwechselspieler: 19 Zabih Saighani, 10 Mohamad Gassem, 14 Volkan Sungun Trainer: Savas Yasaroglu Aufstellung 1. Hanauer FC 1893: 1 Savas Oeztuerk, 4 Sascha Ries, 5 Adrian Bothor, 6 Christoph Pruemm, 8 Larry Ransom, 9 Christian Fischer, 11 Tim Kraus, 12 Daniyel Cimen, 14 Tolga Talha Uenal, 15 Andreas Rimpler, 17 Marcello Fiorentini Einwechselspieler: 7 Ahmad Raafat, 2 Burim Gashi Trainer: Antonio A...
Die Tanzschule Bernbe stellt sich vor - Gesellschaftstanz für Jugendliche und Erwachsene, Videoclipdancing, JumpStyle, Tanzparty, Jugendparty, Evenst
grabbing some bread bowls with chili at the Christmas Market in Hanau
christmas market
Don't know what kind of train to get to go from Hanau to Gelnhausen? Can't tell your RB from your ICE? This might help. IMPORTANT: FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, DO NOT TRESPASS ON RAILWAY LINES. All the shots in this video were filmed from station platforms and adjoining streets. The article from The Onion: http://www.theonion.com/articles/german-team-hoping-to-lift-nations-spirit-followin,36416/ Music: "Hot Swing" by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com --------- Send letters and postcards to: Rewboss Postfach 10 06 29 63704 Aschaffenburg Germany Please don't send parcels or packages, or anything that has to be signed for. --------- My website: http://www.rewboss.com/ My blog: http://rewboss.blogspot.com/ My Twitter feed: http://www.twitter.com/rewboss My Google+ page: https://google.c...
This 35mm color archival film reel has never been shown to the public yet. Cameramen of the US Airforce shot the footage about the visit of President John F. Kennedy in Hanau and Wiesbaden, June 25th and 26th 1963. It was the first visit of an American President in Germany after World War II. President Kennedy was welcomed by the German people with abounding enthusiasm. Hundred of thousands lined the streets to welcome the young and charismatic American leader. His visit is one of the profound marks in the collective memory of the post war generation. You can guess that 14 years after the foundation of the democratic state in West Germany the visits marks the shift to identification with the values of freedom and democracy of the young post war generation. Their emotions took those elder G...
Facilities at the Hotel Residence Hanau include an express check-in and check-out feature, a 24 hour reception and meeting rooms. The hotel also offers laundry facilities, a safe and honeymoon suites. Rooms at the Hotel Residence Hanau are equipped with TVs, showers and telephones. BOOK YOUR HOTEL TODAY! BEST RATES AVAILABLE! http://proxume.co.uk/city/hanau/food-nightlife/hotel-residence-hanau/
bugünki kasifin ilk duragi münih. tarihi carsisini gezerken türkce konusabilen hans amcayla tanisiyor. hans amca bizi evine davet ediyor. bayveranin örf adet ve elbiseleriyle tanistiryor. ikinci duragimiz. hanau boya pompayla bir savas alanina gidiyouz ve bir hayli egleniyoruz. ücüncü duragimiz hollanda amsterdam hollandanin tahta ayakkabisiyla tanisiyor ve nasil yapildigini ögreniyor. adi klompon. frankfurta gezerken bi türk balon saticisina rastliyoruz ve onun cocuk sevgisine hayran kaliyoruz. son duragimiz bad nauheim .mehmet amca atilan cam agaclari nasil degelendiriyor.
Wiesbaden's wine queen Stephanie Kopietz takes us on a tour of the city with stops at the Kurhaus, the Bäckerbrunnen fountain, and the Neroberg estate. More Germany to discover on: http://www.dw.de/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
ilk duragimiz belcika brüksel sehri. orda bir bayanla tanistik. hilde hanim. kendisi iyi türkce biliyor. türk enstrumanlari calabiliyor. onun haricinde baska enstrumanlar calabiliyor. ikinci duragimiz frankfurt. frankfurtda türk usulü pazarcilik yapan bir aileyle tanisiyoruz. hos sohbetimiz oluyor. ücüncü duragimiz hanau gokart pistine iniyoruz ve yarisdan cok zevk aliyoruz. dördüncü duragimiz gelnhausen. gelnahsende kücük bir resamla tanisiyoruz. adi beül. betül bir pofessionel gibi manga ciziyor. besinci duagimiz ispanya madrid sehrindeyiz. tarihi yerleri gezmekden ziyade ispanyanin en merkezi yerine gidiyoruz adi günesin kapisi. ve bugüki son duragimiz hollanda amsterdam. kasif son durak olarak goudanin ana vatanini secmis hollanda. kasif gouda nasil yapildigini ögereniyor.
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