- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 741
Consensus decision-making is a group decision-making process in which group members develop, and agree to support, a decision in the best interest of the whole. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the "favourite" of each individual. Consensus is defined by Merriam-Webster as, first, general agreement, and second, group solidarity of belief or sentiment. It has its origin in the Latin word cōnsēnsus (agreement), which is from cōnsentiō meaning literally feel together. It is used to describe both the decision and the process of reaching a decision. Consensus decision-making is thus concerned with the process of deliberating and finalizing a decision, and the social and political effects of using this process.
As a decision-making process, consensus decision-making aims to be:
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (born 6 May 1953) is a British Labour Party politician, who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007. He now runs a consultancy business and performs charitable work. Blair was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Sedgefield from 1983 to 2007 and Leader of the Labour Party from 1994 to 2007. Blair led Labour to a landslide victory in the 1997 general election, winning 418 seats, the most the party has ever held. The party went on to win two more elections under his leadership: in 2001, in which it won another landslide victory, and in 2005, with a reduced majority.
Blair was elected Labour Party leader in the leadership election of July 1994, following the sudden death of his predecessor, John Smith. Under Blair's leadership, the party used the phrase "New Labour" to distance it from previous Labour policies and its opposition to the traditional conception of socialism. Blair declared support for a new conception that he referred to as "social-ism", involving politics that recognised individuals as socially interdependent, and advocated social justice, cohesion, equal worth of each citizen, and equal opportunity. Critics of Blair denounced him for having the Labour Party abandon genuine socialism and accepting capitalism. Supporters, including the party's public opinion pollster Philip Gould, stated that after four consecutive general election defeats, Labour had to demonstrate that it had made a decisive break from its left-wing past, in order to win again.
The first-ever public discussion of the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). Slides viewable here: https://www.stellar.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/scp-talk.pdf Stanford Secure Computer Systems Professor David Mazières will give a deep dive into the protocol white paper, followed by Q&A;. The development team that wrote the implementation of SCP in Stellar Core will be on hand to answer questions. Questions? Tweet them to @stellarorg with the hashtag #DevStellar .
International Consensus Conference Mini-Bypass http://wp.me/p2Dmx-o1
At this month’s UBS Investor Forum, participants discussed the biggest consensus trades currently in the markets. The USD was, and still is very consensus despite recent weakness in economic data. Japanese and European equities remain popular, and there was concern that these may be an indirect USD bet. Finally, multiple fund managers mentioned long peripheral bonds as a consensus trade, but most still want to own them. In this monthly forum, the Chief Investment Office (CIO) invites thought leaders to debate the key topics affecting financial markets, and to challenge the UBS House View. Participants are sourced from UBS Investment Bank and Global Asset Management, as well as leading asset managers. By regularly gathering independent insights from its peers, the CIO prevents the risk of ...
There is a blitz of the mind in Britain. Narratives clash and eddy around each other; a million minds judder through time, uncertain, and unhappy.
Interview with Dr. Judith Curry former chair of the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Dept. at The Georgia Institute of Technology. Editing: Rich Clarke Director Photography: Solomon Chase Music: Rich Clarke Audio: Someone who should be fired Content Consultant: Sean Wheeler Sources of Articles in Splash Visuals: http://climate.nasa.gov/news/2361/ http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/weather/climate/2005-09-15-globalwarming-hurricanes_x.htm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4276242.stm http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/15/AR2005091502234.html http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/climate-heretic/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/james-hansen-sea-level-rise_55aecb02e4b0a9b94852e7f5
China & Hong Kong: http://testu.be/1rMbVRb China & Tibet: http://testu.be/1IwXk3N Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Since 1949, both Taiwan's government and Mainland China's government, have claimed validity as the legitimate, and only, "China". So, what's going on? Which is the "real" China, and why do the two countries hate each other? Learn More: Why Is the 1992 Consensus So Important to Beijing and Taipei? http://www.slate.com/blogs/quora/2014/12/26/_1992_consensus_why_is_the_agreement_important_to_beijing_and_taipei.html "The 1992 Consensus is a very important milestone that affects relations between Beijing's People's Republic of China and Taiwan (official name of the government is the Republic of China)." Taiwan's Fading Independence Movement http://peggy.hsieh.free.fr/THESE...
Scientific Consensus. Join me once more in the journey of GMO discovery to find out if GMO's are actually safe. I will be looking at a couple more studies then ask the question "what is the scientific consensus on the safety of GMO's". References: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10533866 http://academicsreview.org/reviewed-content/genetic-roulette/section-1/1-1-pusztais-flawed-claims/ http://www.who.int/foodsafety/publications/food-technology/en/ http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/43195/1/9241593059_eng.pdf https://www.geneticliteracyproject.org/2015/01/29/pewaaas-study-scientific-consensus-on-gmo-safety-stronger-than-for-global-warming/ http://genera.biofortified.org/ http://genera.biofortified.org/wp/genera-announces-beta-test-launch http://www.aaas.org/sites/default/files/A...
NO COPYRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://youtu.be/9fQMmWO-vYg -Natalie is fab,go and sub to her immediately😍😊 "WP:COPY" redirects here. You may be looking for Wikipedia:Copyright Problems (shortcut:WP:CP), Wikipedia:How to copy-edit (shortcut: WP:COPYEDIT) or Wikipedia:Copying within Wikipedia (shortcut: WP:COPYWITHIN). http://www.youtube.com/copynotice?video_id=4LKkdztv5b8 "WP:C" redirects here. You may be looking for Wikipedia:Consensus (shortcut: WP:CON), Wikipedia:Civility (shortcut: WP:CIV), Wikipedia:Categorization (shortcut: WP:CAT), Wikipedia:WikiProject Countries (shortcut: WP:COUNTRIES) or Wikipedia:WikiProject Council (shortcut: WP:COUNCIL) Моя партнерская программа VSP Group. Подключайся! https://youpartnerwsp.com/ru/join?57140
http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/cook-wrong-on-consensus-monckton_1.html http://c3headlines.typepad.com/.a/6a010536b58035970c0120a7895f54970b-pi http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/new-data-falsifies-basis-of-man-made.html http://www.drroyspencer.com/2013/06/still-epic-fail-73-climate-models-vs-measurements-running-5-year-means/ http://www.drroyspencer.com/2013/06/global-microwave-sst-update-for-may-2013-0-01-deg-c/ http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/07/05/wmo-repeats-hottest-decade-ever-mantra/#more-89406 http://www.climate4you.com/images/MSU%20RSS%20GlobalMonthlyTempSince1979%20With37monthRunningAverage.gif http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2355195/Green-taxes-push-energy-bills-2-000-Ministers-urged-lift-dranconian-burden-struggling-families.html http:...
Diversity can bring opportunity, agility and new imaginings; diversity can also accentuate fault-lines and the sense of separateness. How then should we draw strength from our differences and continue in the never-ending task of giving substance to our common dream of becoming "one united people, regardless of..."? Two speakers will debate the motion: "This conference resolves that consensus rather than contest will secure Singapore's future." To read more, please click here: http://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/ips/event/singapore-perspectives-2014-differences
Full Video WP VOX Insanely Good Game MONSTERDFACE HAMMERS ESPORTS Running Some rank games and i have an insanely fun game with vox it was a definite must share for me! Here you go guys a full vainglory game with all that good action , its the original play through commentary from live stream with no fancy edits! so enjoy it - i ran a poll on twitter and this was the consensus full vid with audio - drop your feels if you want a different style. Vainglory , vg Gameplay -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/monsterdface Bio: Monsterdface here with a quick word, if your looking to grow your gameplay through my video / videos i hope my channel provides a fun and clear guide for you. I play mostly mobile games but im not limited to pc gaming - I've recently purged all of my content and i...
(1) 97% consensus a myth http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303480304579578462813553136 (2) Nature article showing the discrepancies of subjective/objective decison making in peer reviews - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v506/n7486/abs/nature12786.html (3) Climate Consensus and ‘Misinformation’: A Rejoinder to Agnotology, Scientific Consensus, and the Teaching and Learning of Climate Change - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11191-013-9647-9#page-1 (4) Polar Bear Population Higher than in 20th Century: Is Something Fishy about Extinction Fears? http://www.ibtimes.com/polar-bear-population-higher-20th-century-something-fishy-about-extinction-fears-821075 (5) Ancient polar bear jawbone found http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7132220.stm (6) Healthy polar bear...
All rights to Schammasch: http://schammasch.com/ Buy the album: http://schammasch.com/store/ Band: Schammasch Album: Triangle Year: 2016 Genre: Avant-Garde/Black Metal Country: Switzerland Tracks: *DISK ONE* 1. Crepusculum 0:00 2. Father's Breath 3:09 3. In Dialogue with Death 7:03 4. Diluculum 13:24 5. Consensus 16:55 6. Awakening from the Dream of Life 25:16 *DISK TWO* 1. The World Destroyed by Water 33:33 2. Satori 38:58 3. Metanoia 47:30 4. Above the Stars of God 55:33 5. Conclusion 1:03:51 *DISK THREE* 1. The Third Ray of Light 1:07:07 2. Cathartic Confession 1:14:22 3. Jacob's Dream 1:19:16 4. Maelstrom 1:24:17 5. The Empyrean 1:32:15
Join Miriam and I as we learn all about phrasal verbs and the best way to conquer them! Don't forget to download the PDF of the phrasal verb study sheet here: http://canguroenglish.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/phrasal_verb_study_sheet.pdf And download a list of the most common phrasal verbs in English here: http://www.norbertschmitt.co.uk/uploads/pdf-(418-kb).pdf ***** What is a phrasal verb? The first problem is that there is no consensus over what exactly a phrasal verb is. Believe it or not. Some linguists make a definition between verb+preposition and between “true” phrasal verbs which are verbs with “particles”. It’s NOT IMPORTANT to know if if it an adverb, a preposition etc. I don’t want to enter this argument and I don’t have any opinion on the matter, but I am going...
Download documentation: http://wp.me/a4JMQ7-lH However conversant a meditator may be with the conventional world, also has to understand and realize this elementary, pre-conceptual world of name-and-form. But if a meditator wants to explore this pre-conceptual name-and-form, he has to return to the state of a child, at least from the point of view of consensus reality. This is why a meditator develops mindfulness and full awareness of feeling, perception, intention, contact and attention — sati-sampajañña — instead of words to understand name-and-form through his practice. Of course for the meditator, the equanimity of innocence is accompanied by knowledge, not by ignorance. Even though he is able to recognize objects by their conventional names, a meditator prefers to develop mindfulnes...
Who planned and conducted the attacks that took place on 9/11? New evidence tells us that the official explanation cannot possibly be true. Unveiling the truth about 9/11 will shatter the pretext that plunged the world into ‘endless war.’ It could be a ‘game changer’ in the fight against existing and future interventions, militarism, and the progressive curtailment of civil and human rights. Establishing the truth about 9/11 will give enormous impetus to the global fight for social, economic and environmental justice for years to come. Speaking the whole truth to power will showcase the work of three key members of the 9/11 Consensus Panel, a 23-person team of science academics, engineers, attorneys, commercial pilots, journalists, and others. In some of its 48 Consensus Points, the Con...
【Subscribe NOW】 Zhejiang TV Running Man China Official YouTube Channel:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina 【Like us】- Running Man China Official Facebook Page-https://www.facebook.com/RunningmanChinaOfficial - ZhejiangTV Official Facebook Page -https://www.facebook.com/ZhejiangTV [ENG SUB FULL] Running Man China S4EP5 “Camping Battle” 20160513【ZhejiangTV HD1080P】Ft. Running Man in Korea Running Man was originally classified as an "urban action variety"; a genre of variety shows in an urban environment. The MCs and guests complete missions at a landmark to win the race. The show has since shifted to a more familiar reality-variety show concept focused on game show games. The format of this show is to complete several missions to win the prizes and avoid punishment. The season 4 original ca...
Money is the language of value and so is Bitcoin. What else can be communicated using the technology behind Bitcoin? This week we take a look at new concepts you may not have considered. What can a token do? What is a Bitshare? What on earth is a 'prediction market'? It’s all possible (and more) when there is a shared ledger Blockchain. Come help us take a look at all the possibilities. For the news this week: We will distill all the week’s happenings and discuss how the technology of the Blockchain effects YOU. Beginners are welcome and experts too. Come join us! Check the links we have discussed on the video! http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/wikipedia-begins-taking-donations-in-bitcoin/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/08/03/everyt...