Wednesday, May 6, 2015


In this blog you will find reviews/videos of the recent reunions, pressing information, pictures of known versions, flyer archive, and anything else i come across. Discography links on the right side. This is probably as close as this band will ever come to having an actual website.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Damaged city fest Apr 11-13th.

 Cool show at a classic venue in DC, St. Stephens Church. Lots of cool bands.

 Sat Night

Sunday Early

Pretty crazy this didn't sell out. 140 people, Infest, No stage...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3 Shows LA / SD w/ Los Crudos 2/8 & 2/9/2014

3 shows in two days (5 for Crudos in just over 24 hours) Pretty solid lineup at the Echo Sat night. Entire early set played with clean guitar(?!?!) at the che, and then a pretty sick show sunday evening. Sucks the capacity of the Che just got lowered because it feels empty in there for sold out shows.

Echo 2/8/2014

CHE 2/9/2014 early

CHE 2/9/2014 late

Cant get this one to show up here VIDEO

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baltimore 1/17/2014

Show was decent, sound was pretty good, but there was no energy in the room when Infest played. If you don't know the lyrics maybe you shouldn't just scream into the mic, eh? Whats up with the dude just screaming stage left (with white plugs) the whole set, then trying to scream into a mic thats turned off at the end? You alright bro?

More photos from the weekend here Josh Sisk Flickr

Infest (Full Set) from hate5six on Vimeo.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Infest / Los Crudos 9/14/13 4pm & 8pm

Pretty cool show, excellent bands, nice venue, good turnout for both shows.

Early Show

Late Show

You couldn't leave....In Los Angeles.

Destroy LA July 2013

This show was pretty bogus. 15 band shows with no in's and out sucks. Some decent sets, some interesting cover songs, overall this was too long. Sound was pretty so so. Was half the PA off for most of the weekend?!?!?

Excellent multi cam of the entire set someone put up recently...

Standard single shot cam...

Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm gonna tell ya what it's all about...


(If anyone has the full video from this set upload it to youtube and let me know about it)

One of my favorite weekends of the year (minus the heat) Tons of sick bands, great people, always a fuckin party. This year was no exception, spent a few extra days in austin, swam, skated, & chilled with new and old friends. The merch lines for Infest were nuts, maybe the craziest i have seen (next to sleep at mdf). This was possibly the craziest response yet. People had been waiting all weekend and Infest were one of the last bands of the entire fest sunday night.

Killer shot by photographer extraordinaire Steven Michael Rudd