Referendum 2015 - IDŹ nawet jeśli MASZ TO W DUPIE - dlaczego? - Analogowy Vlog #189
Referendum 2015 - IDŹ nawet jeśli MASZ TO W DUPIE - dlaczego? - Analogowy Vlog #189
Referendum 2015 - IDŹ nawet jeśli MASZ TO W DUPIE - dlaczego? - Analogowy Vlog #189
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W dzisiejszym Vlogu postaram się nakłonić Ciebie widzu, by mimo tego, że nie masz na kogo głosować, przejść się na referendum.
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Konferencja prasowa - Stanowisko partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum
Konferencja prasowa - Stanowisko partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum
Konferencja prasowa - Stanowisko partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum
Janusz Korwin-Mikke (poseł do PE) i Agata Banasik (szefowa kampanii referendalnej, prezes regionu małopolskiego partii KORWiN) na konferencji prasowej w sejmie 02.07.2015
JKM, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, KORWiN, Koalicja Odnowy Rzeczypospolitej Wolność i Nadzieja, Agata Banasik, konferencja prasowa, referendum, podatki, PIT, CIT, ZUS, finansowanie partii, Bronisław Komorowski, Paweł Kukiz,
Stanowisko Partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum - konferencja prasowa 07.09.2015
Stanowisko Partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum - konferencja prasowa 07.09.2015
Stanowisko Partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum - konferencja prasowa 07.09.2015
Janusz Korwin-Mikke i Agata Banasik na konferencji prasowej w sejmie 07.09.2015
Paweł Kukiz o niskiej frekfencji w referendum
Paweł Kukiz o niskiej frekfencji w referendum
Paweł Kukiz o niskiej frekfencji w referendum
Scottish independence referendum 2014 explained | Guardian Animations
Scottish independence referendum 2014 explained | Guardian Animations
Scottish independence referendum 2014 explained | Guardian Animations
The Scottish independence referendum is a confusing matter. So here's an animated explanation of some fundamental questions on the Scottish independence debate.
Subscribe to The Guardian ► http://bit.ly/subscribegdn
Where is Scotland? What is Scotland and what does it mean to be Scottish? And what is the history of Scotland’s relationship with England? But the real question is, will Scotland be better off as an independent country?
Get the whole picture ► http://bit.ly/guardianhome
Better Together by Luke Wright ► http://bit.ly/lukewright
Nato vs Russia explained ► http://bit.ly/natovsrussia
Guardian Inv
1995 Quebec Referendum FULL CBC Coverage C-SPAN Simulcast
1995 Quebec Referendum FULL CBC Coverage C-SPAN Simulcast
1995 Quebec Referendum FULL CBC Coverage C-SPAN Simulcast
FULL coverage of the Quebec sovereignty referendum held on October 30, 1995 on CBC, simulcast on C-SPAN, where the NO option won by 50.6% to 49.4%.
Dopisanie do referendum pytania o przywrócenie kary śmierci - konferencja prasowa Partii KORWiN
Dopisanie do referendum pytania o przywrócenie kary śmierci - konferencja prasowa Partii KORWiN
Dopisanie do referendum pytania o przywrócenie kary śmierci - konferencja prasowa Partii KORWiN
Robią nas w konia: REFERENDUM Komorowskiego - odwracacz uwagi od istoty sprawy #118
Robią nas w konia: REFERENDUM Komorowskiego - odwracacz uwagi od istoty sprawy #118
Robią nas w konia: REFERENDUM Komorowskiego - odwracacz uwagi od istoty sprawy #118
Manipulacja, hipokryzja i obłuda są w mediach wszechobecne. Czas zacząć się przed tym bronić... Wyłącz tv - włącz myślenie. WSPARCIE dla PodziemnaTV - http://podziemnatv.pl/
PodziemnaTV odc. 118
Częstochowa z Podziemną TV - relacja plus wywiad dla B&M; Grupa Patriotyczna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtIZq0duCKc
Konrad Daniel - Nowa Polska - Nowa Częstochowa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLUgSbF24-s
Konferencja Nowa Polska - Nowa Częstochowa 17.06.2015r. - całość:
Nagrania z mojego kanału, dzięki uprzejmości jednego z widzów, można pobrać w wersji audio (mp3) lub wideo (3gp) na urządze
Martin's Life - referendum
Martin's Life - referendum
Martin's Life - referendum
Martin debates the same-sex referendum with his parents
To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, please email Viral Spiral: contact@viralspiralgroup.com
Sobiś Tomasz - Referendum ChuJOWowe 2015
Sobiś Tomasz - Referendum ChuJOWowe 2015
Sobiś Tomasz - Referendum ChuJOWowe 2015
6 września mamy Referendum.
Polityka to nie rurki z kremem.
Albo MY przejdziemy po trupach politycznych macherów, albo ONI odtańczą taniec zwycięstwa nad naszymi grobami.
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Realizacja teledysku: http://www.bartzmuda.com/
PS. Podziękowania dla Patryka Pierzchały ze Świebodzic
Ireland: Same-sex marriage referendum - BBC News
Ireland: Same-sex marriage referendum - BBC News
Ireland: Same-sex marriage referendum - BBC News
This Friday, Ireland will hold the world's first referendum on whether to legalise same sex marriage. All the main political parties are urging a YES vote, but social conservatives and the Catholic Church -which has traditionally had a strong influence on Irish society want a NO result. James Longman has been to Dublin to meet campaigners from both sides.
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Scottish Independence Referendum Explained
Scottish Independence Referendum Explained
Scottish Independence Referendum Explained
Last month, Scotland faced the most important decision of the country's history: Should Scotland be an independent country?
In this video, I briefly explain the situation, as well as touching on some of the key issues that were discussed by the Yes and No supporters.
Referendum, Civati: "Non è stato un flop, i renziani non festeggino. Abbiamo avuto i media contro"
Referendum, Civati: "Non è stato un flop, i renziani non festeggino. Abbiamo avuto i media contro"
Referendum, Civati: "Non è stato un flop, i renziani non festeggino. Abbiamo avuto i media contro"
www.ilfattoquotidiano.it di Irene Buscemi
Startling details of the Quebec Referendum
Startling details of the Quebec Referendum
Startling details of the Quebec Referendum
In 1995, millions of Quebecers cast their ballots in a referendum, ultimately rejecting separation. Now, in their new book, Chantal Hebert and Jean Lapierre ...
Greek referendum: 'people power has happened' - Paul Mason (Episode 10)
Greek referendum: 'people power has happened' - Paul Mason (Episode 10)
Greek referendum: 'people power has happened' - Paul Mason (Episode 10)
As the referendum results come in, Paul Mason with an update on the very latest from Athens.
Catalonia election seen as referendum on independence
Catalonia election seen as referendum on independence
Catalonia election seen as referendum on independence
Spain's richest region Catalonia is preparing for its election on Sunday. The vote is widely seen as a referendum on independence.
Catalonia's president says he's planning a formal split from Spain if pro-independence parties win enough seats, but the government, backed by European institutions, has warned of dire economic consequences if Catalonia decides to split.
Jonah Hull reports from the regional capital, Barcelona.
Anonymous GREEK REFERENDUM 2015 Greek subtitles
Anonymous GREEK REFERENDUM 2015 Greek subtitles
Anonymous GREEK REFERENDUM 2015 Greek subtitles
Wrześniowe referendum pokazało pogardę jaką żywią politykierzy do obywatela. i wcale nie chodzi mi o te 100 milionów
Kevin Bridges 'Live At The Referendum'
Kevin Bridges 'Live At The Referendum'
Kevin Bridges 'Live At The Referendum'
Gay referendum vote: will it really be a resounding Yes for Ireland?
Gay referendum vote: will it really be a resounding Yes for Ireland?
Gay referendum vote: will it really be a resounding Yes for Ireland?
Ireland is just days away from the world's first referendum on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. We meet the Yes votes in the capital cities and the No voters in the country towns.
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Przemysław Wipler o referendum (rozmowa z Superstacją 08.09.2015)
Przemysław Wipler o referendum (rozmowa z Superstacją 08.09.2015)
Przemysław Wipler o referendum (rozmowa z Superstacją 08.09.2015)
obraz - https://www.facebook.com/GrzegorzGarbulapl
'Greek referendum results may cause domino effect in other European countries'
'Greek referendum results may cause domino effect in other European countries'
'Greek referendum results may cause domino effect in other European countries'
Greek voters say a resounding 'NO' to the bailout terms demanded by international creditors with most ballots counted from Sunday's referendum. Former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament, Lode Vanoost, told RT why other European politicians are so concerned about the outcome of the referendum in Greece.
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Irish vote in gay marriage referendum - BBC News
Irish vote in gay marriage referendum - BBC News
Irish vote in gay marriage referendum - BBC News
Voters in the Republic of Ireland can take part in a referendum next Friday on whether or not to legalise gay marriage. In a Politics Europe film from Galway, Adam Fleming hears how the debate has become heated in a country where religion still has a big part in public life.
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Referendum 2015 - IDŹ nawet jeśli MASZ TO W DUPIE - dlaczego? - Analogowy Vlog #189
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W dzisiejszym Vlogu postaram się nakłonić Ciebie widzu, by mimo tego, że nie masz na kogo głosować, przejść się na referendum.
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6. Zgredów rozmowy o życiu: http://bit.ly/18IamNo
7. Porozmawiajmy w grze: http://bit.ly/1GXPPzv
8. O kulisach dziennikarstwa i branży gier komputerowej w polsce: http://bit.ly/1y0DniI
9. Nocne gadanie na trudne tematy: http://bit.ly/1Ctmaze
10. Analogowym okiem (prosto z mostu o trudnych sprawach): http://bit.ly/1H2bWsb
Wiadomość dla telewizji: Proszę nie kradnijcie naszego materiału. Spytajcie o zgodę! Wiemy na co pozwala prawo cytatu, a na co nie. Wiemy też, że napis: Źródło: Youtube - to nie wskazanie autora. A Wy?
wn.com/Referendum 2015 Idź Nawet Jeśli Masz To W Dupie Dlaczego Analogowy Vlog 189
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W dzisiejszym Vlogu postaram się nakłonić Ciebie widzu, by mimo tego, że nie masz na kogo głosować, przejść się na referendum.
Chcesz wiedzieć więcej?
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Kontakt biznesowy: firma@goldenbox.pl
Nasze KOSZULKI: http://wideoprezentacje.cupsell.pl/
Polecane serie:
1. Relacja z IEM 2015 - http://bit.ly/IEM_2015
2. Analogowym okiem - czyli niezależnie o tematach, które w main streamie są przedstawiane jednostronnie lub nie są przedstawiane wcale - http://bit.ly/1H2bWsb
3. Analogowy vlog - czyli vlog dający do myślenia - http://bit.ly/1y885jT
4. Na Temat - rozmowa na ciekawe tematy - http://bit.ly/1BV97FY
5. Relacja z PGA 2013: http://bit.ly/19zSncU
6. Zgredów rozmowy o życiu: http://bit.ly/18IamNo
7. Porozmawiajmy w grze: http://bit.ly/1GXPPzv
8. O kulisach dziennikarstwa i branży gier komputerowej w polsce: http://bit.ly/1y0DniI
9. Nocne gadanie na trudne tematy: http://bit.ly/1Ctmaze
10. Analogowym okiem (prosto z mostu o trudnych sprawach): http://bit.ly/1H2bWsb
Wiadomość dla telewizji: Proszę nie kradnijcie naszego materiału. Spytajcie o zgodę! Wiemy na co pozwala prawo cytatu, a na co nie. Wiemy też, że napis: Źródło: Youtube - to nie wskazanie autora. A Wy?
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 10734
Konferencja prasowa - Stanowisko partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum
Janusz Korwin-Mikke (poseł do PE) i Agata Banasik (szefowa kampanii referendalnej, prezes regionu małopolskiego partii KORWiN) na konferencji prasowej w sejmie 02.07.2015
JKM, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, KORWiN, Koalicja Odnowy Rzeczypospolitej Wolność i Nadzieja, Agata Banasik, konferencja prasowa, referendum, podatki, PIT, CIT, ZUS, finansowanie partii, Bronisław Komorowski, Paweł Kukiz,
wn.com/Konferencja Prasowa Stanowisko Partii Korwin W Sprawie Referendum
Janusz Korwin-Mikke (poseł do PE) i Agata Banasik (szefowa kampanii referendalnej, prezes regionu małopolskiego partii KORWiN) na konferencji prasowej w sejmie 02.07.2015
JKM, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, KORWiN, Koalicja Odnowy Rzeczypospolitej Wolność i Nadzieja, Agata Banasik, konferencja prasowa, referendum, podatki, PIT, CIT, ZUS, finansowanie partii, Bronisław Komorowski, Paweł Kukiz,
- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 6778
Stanowisko Partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum - konferencja prasowa 07.09.2015
Janusz Korwin-Mikke i Agata Banasik na konferencji prasowej w sejmie 07.09.2015
wn.com/Stanowisko Partii Korwin W Sprawie Referendum Konferencja Prasowa 07.09.2015
Janusz Korwin-Mikke i Agata Banasik na konferencji prasowej w sejmie 07.09.2015
- published: 07 Sep 2015
- views: 18013
Scottish independence referendum 2014 explained | Guardian Animations
The Scottish independence referendum is a confusing matter. So here's an animated explanation of some fundamental questions on the Scottish independence debate.
Subscribe to The Guardian ► http://bit.ly/subscribegdn
Where is Scotland? What is Scotland and what does it mean to be Scottish? And what is the history of Scotland’s relationship with England? But the real question is, will Scotland be better off as an independent country?
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Bangladeshi Sex Workers take steroids ► http://bit.ly/1mqf3fA
North Korean military parade in slow-mo ► http://bit.ly/TTEAGk
Police assault on Ian Tomlinson at G20 ► http://bit.ly/1rgq6Pg
Manny Pacquiao fight highlights ► http://bit.ly/RBczBp
Brick-by-brick women's fencing protest ► http://bit.ly/RBcEFc
Trouserless on the Tube ► http://bit.ly/SPWOrv
Jesus "would have been an atheist" ► http://bit.ly/1kfrKqP
Open Heart Surgery ► http://bit.ly/1tPaGQ2
Brick-by-Brick Usain Bolt 2012 Olympic gold ► http://bit.ly/1pxQqQv
wn.com/Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 Explained | Guardian Animations
The Scottish independence referendum is a confusing matter. So here's an animated explanation of some fundamental questions on the Scottish independence debate.
Subscribe to The Guardian ► http://bit.ly/subscribegdn
Where is Scotland? What is Scotland and what does it mean to be Scottish? And what is the history of Scotland’s relationship with England? But the real question is, will Scotland be better off as an independent country?
Get the whole picture ► http://bit.ly/guardianhome
Better Together by Luke Wright ► http://bit.ly/lukewright
Nato vs Russia explained ► http://bit.ly/natovsrussia
Guardian Investigations ► http://bit.ly/gdninvestigations
Comment is Free ► http://bit.ly/CIFplaylist
Guardian Docs ► http://bit.ly/gdndocs
Guardian Animations & Explanations ► http://bit.ly/aninandex
Mos Def force fed in Gitmo procedure ► http://bit.ly/1hdvoqM
Bangladeshi Sex Workers take steroids ► http://bit.ly/1mqf3fA
North Korean military parade in slow-mo ► http://bit.ly/TTEAGk
Police assault on Ian Tomlinson at G20 ► http://bit.ly/1rgq6Pg
Manny Pacquiao fight highlights ► http://bit.ly/RBczBp
Brick-by-brick women's fencing protest ► http://bit.ly/RBcEFc
Trouserless on the Tube ► http://bit.ly/SPWOrv
Jesus "would have been an atheist" ► http://bit.ly/1kfrKqP
Open Heart Surgery ► http://bit.ly/1tPaGQ2
Brick-by-Brick Usain Bolt 2012 Olympic gold ► http://bit.ly/1pxQqQv
- published: 17 Sep 2014
- views: 301
1995 Quebec Referendum FULL CBC Coverage C-SPAN Simulcast
FULL coverage of the Quebec sovereignty referendum held on October 30, 1995 on CBC, simulcast on C-SPAN, where the NO option won by 50.6% to 49.4%.
wn.com/1995 Quebec Referendum Full Cbc Coverage C Span Simulcast
FULL coverage of the Quebec sovereignty referendum held on October 30, 1995 on CBC, simulcast on C-SPAN, where the NO option won by 50.6% to 49.4%.
- published: 22 Mar 2015
- views: 7
Dopisanie do referendum pytania o przywrócenie kary śmierci - konferencja prasowa Partii KORWiN
wn.com/Dopisanie Do Referendum Pytania O Przywrócenie Kary Śmierci Konferencja Prasowa Partii Korwin
- published: 20 Aug 2015
- views: 14395
Robią nas w konia: REFERENDUM Komorowskiego - odwracacz uwagi od istoty sprawy #118
Manipulacja, hipokryzja i obłuda są w mediach wszechobecne. Czas zacząć się przed tym bronić... Wyłącz tv - włącz myślenie. WSPARCIE dla PodziemnaTV - http://podziemnatv.pl/
PodziemnaTV odc. 118
Częstochowa z Podziemną TV - relacja plus wywiad dla B&M; Grupa Patriotyczna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtIZq0duCKc
Konrad Daniel - Nowa Polska - Nowa Częstochowa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLUgSbF24-s
Konferencja Nowa Polska - Nowa Częstochowa 17.06.2015r. - całość:
Nagrania z mojego kanału, dzięki uprzejmości jednego z widzów, można pobrać w wersji audio (mp3) lub wideo (3gp) na urządzenia mobilne na stronie: http://podziemnatv.pl/pliki/
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wn.com/Robią Nas W Konia Referendum Komorowskiego Odwracacz Uwagi Od Istoty Sprawy 118
Manipulacja, hipokryzja i obłuda są w mediach wszechobecne. Czas zacząć się przed tym bronić... Wyłącz tv - włącz myślenie. WSPARCIE dla PodziemnaTV - http://podziemnatv.pl/
PodziemnaTV odc. 118
Częstochowa z Podziemną TV - relacja plus wywiad dla B&M; Grupa Patriotyczna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtIZq0duCKc
Konrad Daniel - Nowa Polska - Nowa Częstochowa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLUgSbF24-s
Konferencja Nowa Polska - Nowa Częstochowa 17.06.2015r. - całość:
Nagrania z mojego kanału, dzięki uprzejmości jednego z widzów, można pobrać w wersji audio (mp3) lub wideo (3gp) na urządzenia mobilne na stronie: http://podziemnatv.pl/pliki/
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Zachęcam do like'owania, share'owania, udostęniania i subskrybowania tego nagrania. Pomóżcie mi w walce z medialnym matrixem - bo tylko razem możemy coś osiągnąć! Dzięki!
DANE KONTA bankowego dla osób, które chcą mi przekazać dobrowolną darowiznę:
Konrad Daniel
86 1440 0003 0000 0000 1684 2125
tytułem: "Darowizna dla PodziemnaTV".
Darowizna przez PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=8Q7XEWHJLLACG
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- published: 22 Jun 2015
- views: 20052
Martin's Life - referendum
Martin debates the same-sex referendum with his parents
To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, please email Viral Spiral: contact@viralspiralgroup.com
wn.com/Martin's Life Referendum
Martin debates the same-sex referendum with his parents
To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, please email Viral Spiral: contact@viralspiralgroup.com
- published: 15 May 2015
- views: 131015
Sobiś Tomasz - Referendum ChuJOWowe 2015
6 września mamy Referendum.
Polityka to nie rurki z kremem.
Albo MY przejdziemy po trupach politycznych macherów, albo ONI odtańczą taniec zwycięstwa nad naszymi grobami.
FB : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009930968498
Twitter : https://twitter.com/TomaszSobis
Realizacja dźwięku: Pug Music - studio nagrań, mix, mastering
Realizacja teledysku: http://www.bartzmuda.com/
PS. Podziękowania dla Patryka Pierzchały ze Świebodzic
wn.com/Sobiś Tomasz Referendum Chujowowe 2015
6 września mamy Referendum.
Polityka to nie rurki z kremem.
Albo MY przejdziemy po trupach politycznych macherów, albo ONI odtańczą taniec zwycięstwa nad naszymi grobami.
FB : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009930968498
Twitter : https://twitter.com/TomaszSobis
Realizacja dźwięku: Pug Music - studio nagrań, mix, mastering
Realizacja teledysku: http://www.bartzmuda.com/
PS. Podziękowania dla Patryka Pierzchały ze Świebodzic
- published: 09 Aug 2015
- views: 6585
Ireland: Same-sex marriage referendum - BBC News
This Friday, Ireland will hold the world's first referendum on whether to legalise same sex marriage. All the main political parties are urging a YES vote, but social conservatives and the Catholic Church -which has traditionally had a strong influence on Irish society want a NO result. James Longman has been to Dublin to meet campaigners from both sides.
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wn.com/Ireland Same Sex Marriage Referendum BBC News
This Friday, Ireland will hold the world's first referendum on whether to legalise same sex marriage. All the main political parties are urging a YES vote, but social conservatives and the Catholic Church -which has traditionally had a strong influence on Irish society want a NO result. James Longman has been to Dublin to meet campaigners from both sides.
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- published: 22 May 2015
- views: 17121
Scottish Independence Referendum Explained
Last month, Scotland faced the most important decision of the country's history: Should Scotland be an independent country?
In this video, I briefly explain the situation, as well as touching on some of the key issues that were discussed by the Yes and No supporters.
wn.com/Scottish Independence Referendum Explained
Last month, Scotland faced the most important decision of the country's history: Should Scotland be an independent country?
In this video, I briefly explain the situation, as well as touching on some of the key issues that were discussed by the Yes and No supporters.
- published: 17 Oct 2014
- views: 10907
Startling details of the Quebec Referendum
In 1995, millions of Quebecers cast their ballots in a referendum, ultimately rejecting separation. Now, in their new book, Chantal Hebert and Jean Lapierre ...
wn.com/Startling Details Of The Quebec Referendum
In 1995, millions of Quebecers cast their ballots in a referendum, ultimately rejecting separation. Now, in their new book, Chantal Hebert and Jean Lapierre ...
Catalonia election seen as referendum on independence
Spain's richest region Catalonia is preparing for its election on Sunday. The vote is widely seen as a referendum on independence.
Catalonia's president says he's planning a formal split from Spain if pro-independence parties win enough seats, but the government, backed by European institutions, has warned of dire economic consequences if Catalonia decides to split.
Jonah Hull reports from the regional capital, Barcelona.
wn.com/Catalonia Election Seen As Referendum On Independence
Spain's richest region Catalonia is preparing for its election on Sunday. The vote is widely seen as a referendum on independence.
Catalonia's president says he's planning a formal split from Spain if pro-independence parties win enough seats, but the government, backed by European institutions, has warned of dire economic consequences if Catalonia decides to split.
Jonah Hull reports from the regional capital, Barcelona.
- published: 27 Sep 2015
- views: 456
Wrześniowe referendum pokazało pogardę jaką żywią politykierzy do obywatela. i wcale nie chodzi mi o te 100 milionów
wn.com/Kac Po Referendum
Wrześniowe referendum pokazało pogardę jaką żywią politykierzy do obywatela. i wcale nie chodzi mi o te 100 milionów
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 4216
Gay referendum vote: will it really be a resounding Yes for Ireland?
Ireland is just days away from the world's first referendum on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. We meet the Yes votes in the capital cities and the No voters in the country towns.
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wn.com/Gay Referendum Vote Will It Really Be A Resounding Yes For Ireland
Ireland is just days away from the world's first referendum on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. We meet the Yes votes in the capital cities and the No voters in the country towns.
Sign up for Snowmail, your daily preview of what is on Channel 4 News, sent straight to your inbox, here: http://mailing.channel4.com/public/snowmail/remotebox.jsp
Missed Channel 4 News? Catch up on the last seven days here: http://www.channel4.com/news/catch-up/
Channel 4 News weather forecast, with Liam Dutton: http://www.channel4.com/weather/
All the latest blog posts from the Channel 4 News on-screen talent: http://blogs.channel4.com/news/
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 236
Przemysław Wipler o referendum (rozmowa z Superstacją 08.09.2015)
obraz - https://www.facebook.com/GrzegorzGarbulapl
wn.com/Przemysław Wipler O Referendum (Rozmowa Z Superstacją 08.09.2015)
obraz - https://www.facebook.com/GrzegorzGarbulapl
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 2925
'Greek referendum results may cause domino effect in other European countries'
Greek voters say a resounding 'NO' to the bailout terms demanded by international creditors with most ballots counted from Sunday's referendum. Former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament, Lode Vanoost, told RT why other European politicians are so concerned about the outcome of the referendum in Greece.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
wn.com/'Greek Referendum Results May Cause Domino Effect In Other European Countries'
Greek voters say a resounding 'NO' to the bailout terms demanded by international creditors with most ballots counted from Sunday's referendum. Former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament, Lode Vanoost, told RT why other European politicians are so concerned about the outcome of the referendum in Greece.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 301
Irish vote in gay marriage referendum - BBC News
Voters in the Republic of Ireland can take part in a referendum next Friday on whether or not to legalise gay marriage. In a Politics Europe film from Galway, Adam Fleming hears how the debate has become heated in a country where religion still has a big part in public life.
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wn.com/Irish Vote In Gay Marriage Referendum BBC News
Voters in the Republic of Ireland can take part in a referendum next Friday on whether or not to legalise gay marriage. In a Politics Europe film from Galway, Adam Fleming hears how the debate has become heated in a country where religion still has a big part in public life.
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- published: 16 May 2015
- views: 301
parti Socialiste referendum à Bordères/Echez
parti Socialiste referendum à Bordères/Echez
parti Socialiste referendum à Bordères/Echez
Vendredi soir la section PS de Bordères a organisé le référendum du oui à l’unité de la gauche et des écologistes aux élections Régionales de 2015, pour le canton de Borderes sur L’Echez. Nous avons eu le plaisir d’avoir la visite de Charles Habas maire d’Orleix et Président du Grand Tarbes- La soirée s’est terminée par le punch de l’amitié.
Gela Consorzio - 2014/05/29 - 01 Stabilita la data del referendum al 13 luglio 2014
Gela Consorzio - 2014/05/29 - 01 Stabilita la data del referendum al 13 luglio 2014
Gela Consorzio - 2014/05/29 - 01 Stabilita la data del referendum al 13 luglio 2014
Il consiglio comunale di Gela approva il passaggio verso il libero consorzio di Catania stabilendo la data del referendum confermativo.
Stanowisko Partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum konferencja prasowa 07 09 2015
Stanowisko Partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum konferencja prasowa 07 09 2015
Stanowisko Partii KORWiN w sprawie referendum konferencja prasowa 07 09 2015
Please like, share, comment and subcribe to watch more :https://goo.gl/go3gkv
9N, votarem i guanyarem - Call for a referendum on Catalonia independence
9N, votarem i guanyarem - Call for a referendum on Catalonia independence
9N, votarem i guanyarem - Call for a referendum on Catalonia independence
9N - This is why the catalan president, Mr. Artur Mas, is being prosecuted by the spanish powers.
Stefano bruno Galli - Capogruppo Regione Lombardia Lista Maroni Presidente
Massimiliano Romeo - Capogruppo Regione Lombardia Lega Nord
Andrea Monti - Capogruppo Consiglio provinciale MB Lega Nord
Reforma ne drejtesi, Nishani: Për disa ndryshime kushtetuese mund të shkohet në referendum
Reforma ne drejtesi, Nishani: Për disa ndryshime kushtetuese mund të shkohet në referendum
Reforma ne drejtesi, Nishani: Për disa ndryshime kushtetuese mund të shkohet në referendum
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT
Presidenti i Republikës, Bujar Nishani, nuk përjashtoi mundësinë e mbajtjes së një referendumi për ndryshuimet kushtetuese të reformës në drejtësi. Kreu i Shtetit në një takim në auditoret e fakultetit të drejtësisë kritikoi edhe një herë reformën në drejtësi si jo transparente, ndërsa apeloi që ndryshimet të konsultohen edhe me botën akademike.
Për më shumë klikoni në http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/nishani-per-disa-ndryshime-kushtetuese-mund-te-shkohet-ne-referendum/
Civati: 'Sui referendum ero solo ma ci riproverò'
Civati: 'Sui referendum ero solo ma ci riproverò'
Civati: 'Sui referendum ero solo ma ci riproverò'
La storia dei referendum promossi da Possibile.it che non hanno raggiunto il quorum di richieste, tra 'pallottole spuntate' (sfiducia dei cittadini) e mancato appoggio politico sui temi concreti
Britain's EU Referendum - What Cameron wants from his EU renegotiation, Daily Politics, 15 Oct 2015
Britain's EU Referendum - What Cameron wants from his EU renegotiation, Daily Politics, 15 Oct 2015
Britain's EU Referendum - What Cameron wants from his EU renegotiation, Daily Politics, 15 Oct 2015
Andrew Neil and Chris Morris, of the BBC's Daily Politics, and Iain Martin, Editor of CapX, ask whether Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, really said that Europe needs Britain more than Britain needs Europe, and discuss what the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, really wants from his EU renegotiation, and when we're likely to know, The Daily Politics, 15 October 2015.
Britain's EU Referendum - The current state of the In and Out Campaigns, Daily Politics, 9 Oct 2015
Britain's EU Referendum - The current state of the In and Out Campaigns, Daily Politics, 9 Oct 2015
Britain's EU Referendum - The current state of the In and Out Campaigns, Daily Politics, 9 Oct 2015
Jo Coburn, of the BBC's Daily Politics, discusses the current state of the In and the Out Campaigns for Britain's forthcoming referendum on its membership of the European Union, with Robert Oxley of Vote Leave, Lucy Thomas, Deputy Director of The In Campaign, and Hugo Rifkind of The Times, The Daily Politics, 9 October 2015.
Referendum, la partita decisiva
Referendum, la partita decisiva
Referendum, la partita decisiva
Renzi intende spazzare le critiche di autoritarismo ricorrendo alla consultazione popolare, prevista per le riforme costituzionali (Marzia Amico)
ARCHIVIO STORICO LUCE: i risultati del referendum
ARCHIVIO STORICO LUCE: i risultati del referendum
ARCHIVIO STORICO LUCE: i risultati del referendum
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: dichiarazioni di alcuni leader
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: dichiarazioni di alcuni leader
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: dichiarazioni di alcuni leader
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: testimonianze dalla giornata
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: testimonianze dalla giornata
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: testimonianze dalla giornata
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: il contesto istituzionale, sociale e politico
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: il contesto istituzionale, sociale e politico
IL TEMPO E LA STORIA - LA VIA VERSO IL REFERENDUM: il contesto istituzionale, sociale e politico
Il tempo e la storia - La via verso il referendum: il contesto
Il tempo e la storia - La via verso il referendum: il contesto
Il tempo e la storia - La via verso il referendum: il contesto
✔ Janusz Korwin Mikke o Pawle Kukizie i bojkocie referendum!
✔ Janusz Korwin Mikke o Pawle Kukizie i bojkocie referendum!
✔ Janusz Korwin Mikke o Pawle Kukizie i bojkocie referendum!
Please like, share, comment and subcribe to watch more :https://goo.gl/BRStLo
EU referendum Lord Rose urges 'pragmatism not patriotism' mp4
EU referendum Lord Rose urges 'pragmatism not patriotism' mp4
EU referendum Lord Rose urges 'pragmatism not patriotism' mp4
parti Socialiste referendum à Bordères/Echez
Vendredi soir la section PS de Bordères a organisé le référendum du oui à l’unité de la gauche et des écologistes aux élections Régionales de 2015, pour le canton de Borderes sur L’Echez. Nous avons eu le plaisir d’avoir la visite de Charles Habas maire d’Orleix et Président du Grand Tarbes- La soirée s’est terminée par le punch de l’amitié.
wn.com/Parti Socialiste Referendum À Bordères Echez
Vendredi soir la section PS de Bordères a organisé le référendum du oui à l’unité de la gauche et des écologistes aux élections Régionales de 2015, pour le canton de Borderes sur L’Echez. Nous avons eu le plaisir d’avoir la visite de Charles Habas maire d’Orleix et Président du Grand Tarbes- La soirée s’est terminée par le punch de l’amitié.
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 17
Gela Consorzio - 2014/05/29 - 01 Stabilita la data del referendum al 13 luglio 2014
Il consiglio comunale di Gela approva il passaggio verso il libero consorzio di Catania stabilendo la data del referendum confermativo.
wn.com/Gela Consorzio 2014 05 29 01 Stabilita La Data Del Referendum Al 13 Luglio 2014
Il consiglio comunale di Gela approva il passaggio verso il libero consorzio di Catania stabilendo la data del referendum confermativo.
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 4
Stefano bruno Galli - Capogruppo Regione Lombardia Lista Maroni Presidente
Massimiliano Romeo - Capogruppo Regione Lombardia Lega Nord
Andrea Monti - Capogruppo Consiglio provinciale MB Lega Nord
wn.com/Referendum Per La Lombardia Autonoma Incontro Pubblico
Stefano bruno Galli - Capogruppo Regione Lombardia Lista Maroni Presidente
Massimiliano Romeo - Capogruppo Regione Lombardia Lega Nord
Andrea Monti - Capogruppo Consiglio provinciale MB Lega Nord
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 61
Reforma ne drejtesi, Nishani: Për disa ndryshime kushtetuese mund të shkohet në referendum
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT
Presidenti i Republikës, Bujar Nishani, nuk përjashtoi mundësinë e mbajtjes së një referendumi për ndryshuimet kushtetuese të reformës në drejtësi. Kreu i Shtetit në një takim në auditoret e fakultetit të drejtësisë kritikoi edhe një herë reformën në drejtësi si jo transparente, ndërsa apeloi që ndryshimet të konsultohen edhe me botën akademike.
Për më shumë klikoni në http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/nishani-per-disa-ndryshime-kushtetuese-mund-te-shkohet-ne-referendum/
wn.com/Reforma Ne Drejtesi, Nishani Për Disa Ndryshime Kushtetuese Mund Të Shkohet Në Referendum
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT
Presidenti i Republikës, Bujar Nishani, nuk përjashtoi mundësinë e mbajtjes së një referendumi për ndryshuimet kushtetuese të reformës në drejtësi. Kreu i Shtetit në një takim në auditoret e fakultetit të drejtësisë kritikoi edhe një herë reformën në drejtësi si jo transparente, ndërsa apeloi që ndryshimet të konsultohen edhe me botën akademike.
Për më shumë klikoni në http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/nishani-per-disa-ndryshime-kushtetuese-mund-te-shkohet-ne-referendum/
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 117
Civati: 'Sui referendum ero solo ma ci riproverò'
La storia dei referendum promossi da Possibile.it che non hanno raggiunto il quorum di richieste, tra 'pallottole spuntate' (sfiducia dei cittadini) e mancato appoggio politico sui temi concreti
wn.com/Civati 'Sui Referendum Ero Solo Ma Ci Riproverò'
La storia dei referendum promossi da Possibile.it che non hanno raggiunto il quorum di richieste, tra 'pallottole spuntate' (sfiducia dei cittadini) e mancato appoggio politico sui temi concreti
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 267
Britain's EU Referendum - What Cameron wants from his EU renegotiation, Daily Politics, 15 Oct 2015
Andrew Neil and Chris Morris, of the BBC's Daily Politics, and Iain Martin, Editor of CapX, ask whether Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, really said that Europe needs Britain more than Britain needs Europe, and discuss what the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, really wants from his EU renegotiation, and when we're likely to know, The Daily Politics, 15 October 2015.
wn.com/Britain's Eu Referendum What Cameron Wants From His Eu Renegotiation, Daily Politics, 15 Oct 2015
Andrew Neil and Chris Morris, of the BBC's Daily Politics, and Iain Martin, Editor of CapX, ask whether Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, really said that Europe needs Britain more than Britain needs Europe, and discuss what the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, really wants from his EU renegotiation, and when we're likely to know, The Daily Politics, 15 October 2015.
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 13
Britain's EU Referendum - The current state of the In and Out Campaigns, Daily Politics, 9 Oct 2015
Jo Coburn, of the BBC's Daily Politics, discusses the current state of the In and the Out Campaigns for Britain's forthcoming referendum on its membership of the European Union, with Robert Oxley of Vote Leave, Lucy Thomas, Deputy Director of The In Campaign, and Hugo Rifkind of The Times, The Daily Politics, 9 October 2015.
wn.com/Britain's Eu Referendum The Current State Of The In And Out Campaigns, Daily Politics, 9 Oct 2015
Jo Coburn, of the BBC's Daily Politics, discusses the current state of the In and the Out Campaigns for Britain's forthcoming referendum on its membership of the European Union, with Robert Oxley of Vote Leave, Lucy Thomas, Deputy Director of The In Campaign, and Hugo Rifkind of The Times, The Daily Politics, 9 October 2015.
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Referendum, la partita decisiva
Renzi intende spazzare le critiche di autoritarismo ricorrendo alla consultazione popolare, prevista per le riforme costituzionali (Marzia Amico)
wn.com/Referendum, La Partita Decisiva
Renzi intende spazzare le critiche di autoritarismo ricorrendo alla consultazione popolare, prevista per le riforme costituzionali (Marzia Amico)
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 0
frankie boyle's referendum autopsy
frankie boyle's referendum autopsy
frankie boyle's referendum autopsy
Katherine Ryan Sara Pascoe and Frankie Boyle shoot the shit about the Scottish independence thing.
Fort Apache - Referéndum en Grecia
Fort Apache - Referéndum en Grecia
Fort Apache - Referéndum en Grecia
Al filo de la media noche del 26 de junio, en una intervención televisada a todo el país, Alexis Tsipras anunciaba la convocatoria de un referéndum para decidir si se firmaba el acuerdo con la Troika.
Los representantes de Syriza, Anel y Amanecer Dorado, votaron sí a dicho referéndum, obteniendo la mayoría de la cámara con 179 votos a favor y 120 en contra. Se opusieron a la propuesta del Gobierno heleno Nueva Democracia, el PASOK, To Potami y el Partido Comunista.
La votación se celebraba mientras en Bruselas los ministros de Finanzas de la eurozona decidían no conceder a Grecia la prórroga del rescate por unas semanas, solicitada por Tsip
LIVE: Athenians react to Greek bailout referendum results - Start time tbc
LIVE: Athenians react to Greek bailout referendum results - Start time tbc
LIVE: Athenians react to Greek bailout referendum results - Start time tbc
Athenians are set to take to the streets on Sunday to celebrate the results of the referendum that has given them the right to choose whether to accept the bailout conditions of the institutions. The people of Greece submitted their ‘yes’ or ‘no’ votes between 04:00 and 16:00 GMT.
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Dodik: Referendum - jedna od najvažnijih istorijskih odluka
Dodik: Referendum - jedna od najvažnijih istorijskih odluka
Dodik: Referendum - jedna od najvažnijih istorijskih odluka
Predsjednik Republike Srpske Milorad Dodik izjavio je da je ustavno pravo Republike Srpske i njene Narodne skupštine da raspravlja i odlučuje o referendumu kao izrazu narodne volje, poručivši da Srpska samo traži da se poštuje dejtonski Ustav BiH i razgraničenje nadležnosti između entiteta i BiH.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti
Label and copyright : RTRS
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Québec Referendum 1995 LIVE broadcast
Québec Referendum 1995 LIVE broadcast
Québec Referendum 1995 LIVE broadcast
"Until next time!" ("À la prochaine fois!") promised René Lévesque when separationists lost the 1980 Quebec referendum on secession from Canada... The "next ...
Piazzapulita - Il referendum (Puntata 25/05/2015)
Piazzapulita - Il referendum (Puntata 25/05/2015)
Piazzapulita - Il referendum (Puntata 25/05/2015)
Ospiti di Corrado Formigli: il segretario della Fiom Maurizio Landini, il sottosegretario all'Economia Paola De Micheli (PD), l'ad di McDonald's Italia Roberto Masi, Peter Gomez, il direttore de Il Foglio Claudio Cerasa, Elly Schlein, Massimiliano Fedriga (Lega Nord) e Tommaso Zanello in arte Piotta. In puntata, torna l'appuntamento con Il Terzo Segreto di Satira.
Référendum sur la Souveraineté du Québec de 1995 - Point de Rupture (1/2)
Référendum sur la Souveraineté du Québec de 1995 - Point de Rupture (1/2)
Référendum sur la Souveraineté du Québec de 1995 - Point de Rupture (1/2)
Documentaire québécois. La campagne référendaire de 1995 au Québec est un des moments les plus dramatiques et les plus palpitants de l'histoire politique du ...
Paweł Kukiz: Nie biorę pieniędzy za koncerty! REFERENDUM promuję z własnych środków! WRG!
Paweł Kukiz: Nie biorę pieniędzy za koncerty! REFERENDUM promuję z własnych środków! WRG!
Paweł Kukiz: Nie biorę pieniędzy za koncerty! REFERENDUM promuję z własnych środków! WRG!
Paweł Kukiz w szczerej rozmowie z Marcinem Rolą: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marcin-Rola-MIKROBLOG/563477963699889
Paweł Kukiz dementuje plotki o zarabianiu pieniędzy na akcjach referendalnych.
Dlaczego warto iść na REFERENDUM 6 września, 2015 roku? Czy w Polsce mamy do czynienia z polityczną Targowicą? Czy JOW-Y dadzą realną szanse na zmianę systemu w Polsce? Jak powinna wyglądać nowa konstytucja? Andrzej Duda, jakim będzie prezydentem? Ruch społeczny Kukiz' 15, czy to realna szansa na zmiany w Polsce?
Scotland Decides - Part 1
Scotland Decides - Part 1
Scotland Decides - Part 1
Uploaded for educational and research purposes.
BBC TV Coverage of the Scottish Independence Referendum Results Night.
аутор и извођач Радован Шојић Петар Петровић Његош, Никац од Ровина, Марко Миљанов, Србска Црна Гора ГОРСКИ ВИЈЕНАЦ.
LIVE: Athenians call for ‘no’ vote two days ahead of referendum
LIVE: Athenians call for ‘no’ vote two days ahead of referendum
LIVE: Athenians call for ‘no’ vote two days ahead of referendum
Tens of thousands of people are set to descend on Syntagma Square in Athens on July 3, to protest against further austerity measures and to encourage people to vote 'no' in the upcoming referendum on Sunday - which gives the Greek people the right to choose whether to accept to bailout conditions of the institutions.
From around 16:30 GMT at the Panathenaic Stadium - just a 1.2km (0.75 mi) walk away from Syntagma Square - tens of thousands of people rallying under the slogan ‘Yes to the euro – we live in Europe’ are holding a demonstration to encourage people to vote ‘yes’.
The government's current bailout expired on Tuesday when the country
EU REFERENDUM TOUR. Nigel Farage UKIP, Belfast Northern Ireland UK 14/9/15. EFD2 - UKIP
Pečat RTCG - Referendum u Crnoj Gori (dokumentarac)
Pečat RTCG - Referendum u Crnoj Gori (dokumentarac)
Pečat RTCG - Referendum u Crnoj Gori (dokumentarac)
Molimo Vas da se prijavite za praćenje (subscribe) našeg kanala, kako ne biste propustili neke od najboljih dokumentarnih emisija i filmova: http://www.youtube.com/user/dokumentarcibalkan
Najveća baza besplatnih online sinhronizovanih i titlovanih dokumentarnih emisija i filmova! Samo za vas!
Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/dokumentarcibalkan
- Pečat RTCG - Referendum u Crnoj Gori -
Referendum o nezavisnosti Crne Gore održan je 21. maja 2006. godine i na njemu se 55,5 % izašlih opredelilo za proglašenje neza
Stop Mandatory Vaccination: SB277 Referendum Training Video With Tim Donnelly and Brittney Kara 2
Stop Mandatory Vaccination: SB277 Referendum Training Video With Tim Donnelly and Brittney Kara 2
Stop Mandatory Vaccination: SB277 Referendum Training Video With Tim Donnelly and Brittney Kara 2
http://sb277referendum.com - This is a training video for the SB277 Referendum and how to gather signatures. This referendum against SB277 is important to SO many parents of children who would otherwise hit the vaccine mandate at the start of the 2016 school year, because SB277 is slated to go into effect July 2016, right before the school year. The SB277 referendum will immediately put a stop to that.
If we get the signatures in the next couple of months, this will go to a November 2016 vote. This means that ALL parents will be able to enroll their children in school even if they are in kindergarten or 7th grade in August/September 2016.
Radu Banciu - Referendum 2012
Radu Banciu - Referendum 2012
Radu Banciu - Referendum 2012
Cel mai tare show.
Banciu ii face praf pe Ponta, Antonescu si Voiculescu.
Cea mai buna emisiune ''Lumea lui Banciu''.
NTV Montena: Ulična anketa pred referendum 21. maja 2006.
NTV Montena: Ulična anketa pred referendum 21. maja 2006.
NTV Montena: Ulična anketa pred referendum 21. maja 2006.
Urednik emisije Marko Novaković.
Britain's EU referendum - BBC Newsnight 12/05/2015
Britain's EU referendum - BBC Newsnight 12/05/2015
Britain's EU referendum - BBC Newsnight 12/05/2015
Roland Rudd, Chairman of Business for New Europe, talks about Britain's EU referendum
Referendum sulla democrazia - Beppe Grillo
Referendum sulla democrazia - Beppe Grillo
Referendum sulla democrazia - Beppe Grillo
Intervento integrale di Beppe Grillo a Anno Zero di giovedì 28 aprile 2011.Intervistatrice - Berlusconi ha confessato, la moratoria è stata solo un modo per ...
Scottish Independence Referendum Debate Edinburgh
Scottish Independence Referendum Debate Edinburgh
Scottish Independence Referendum Debate Edinburgh
BBC Scotland's independence referendum debate from 3 September 2014, as filmed at the Music Hall in Aberdeen.
The debate was hosted by the BBC's James Cook, and featured
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP (SNP), former Secretary of State for Scotland Jim Murphy MP (Labour), former Scottish Conservatives leader Annabel Goldie MSP and businessman and philantropist Brian Souter.
The next and final debate will take place on 14 September in Stirling.
The video is copyrighted by BBC Scotland, and is presented to YouTube audience for educational purposes under the US fair use doctrine.
Week in Politics: Gay Marriage Referendum
Week in Politics: Gay Marriage Referendum
Week in Politics: Gay Marriage Referendum
Sharon Ní Bheoláin on "The Week in Politics" hosts a debate on the upcoming gay marriage referendum to be held on the 22nd May.
On the panel:
Senator Katherine Zappone
John Lonergan, Social Justice Campaigner
Senator Ronán Mullen
Dr.John Murray, Iona Institute
Débat très poussé sur le départ de Moise Katumbi , Referendum et le calendrier éléctoral
Débat très poussé sur le départ de Moise Katumbi , Referendum et le calendrier éléctoral
Débat très poussé sur le départ de Moise Katumbi , Referendum et le calendrier éléctoral
Débat très poussé sur le départ de Moise Katumbi , le referendum en RDC et le calendrier éléctoral ( vidéo)
frankie boyle's referendum autopsy
Katherine Ryan Sara Pascoe and Frankie Boyle shoot the shit about the Scottish independence thing.
wn.com/Frankie Boyle's Referendum Autopsy
Katherine Ryan Sara Pascoe and Frankie Boyle shoot the shit about the Scottish independence thing.
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 727
Fort Apache - Referéndum en Grecia
Al filo de la media noche del 26 de junio, en una intervención televisada a todo el país, Alexis Tsipras anunciaba la convocatoria de un referéndum para decidir si se firmaba el acuerdo con la Troika.
Los representantes de Syriza, Anel y Amanecer Dorado, votaron sí a dicho referéndum, obteniendo la mayoría de la cámara con 179 votos a favor y 120 en contra. Se opusieron a la propuesta del Gobierno heleno Nueva Democracia, el PASOK, To Potami y el Partido Comunista.
La votación se celebraba mientras en Bruselas los ministros de Finanzas de la eurozona decidían no conceder a Grecia la prórroga del rescate por unas semanas, solicitada por Tsipras para permitir a los ciudadanos votar sin presiones.
El resultado de esta votación decidirá el futuro económico de Grecia durante las próximas décadas y quizás también el de la Unión Europea. En Fort Apache, con una mesa de nivel, analizamos el significado político del referéndum del 5 de julio convocado por el Gobierno griego.
¡Suscríbete a HispanTV!
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que han bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta en YouTube. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
wn.com/Fort Apache Referéndum En Grecia
Al filo de la media noche del 26 de junio, en una intervención televisada a todo el país, Alexis Tsipras anunciaba la convocatoria de un referéndum para decidir si se firmaba el acuerdo con la Troika.
Los representantes de Syriza, Anel y Amanecer Dorado, votaron sí a dicho referéndum, obteniendo la mayoría de la cámara con 179 votos a favor y 120 en contra. Se opusieron a la propuesta del Gobierno heleno Nueva Democracia, el PASOK, To Potami y el Partido Comunista.
La votación se celebraba mientras en Bruselas los ministros de Finanzas de la eurozona decidían no conceder a Grecia la prórroga del rescate por unas semanas, solicitada por Tsipras para permitir a los ciudadanos votar sin presiones.
El resultado de esta votación decidirá el futuro económico de Grecia durante las próximas décadas y quizás también el de la Unión Europea. En Fort Apache, con una mesa de nivel, analizamos el significado político del referéndum del 5 de julio convocado por el Gobierno griego.
¡Suscríbete a HispanTV!
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que han bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta en YouTube. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
- published: 04 Jul 2015
- views: 301
LIVE: Athenians react to Greek bailout referendum results - Start time tbc
Athenians are set to take to the streets on Sunday to celebrate the results of the referendum that has given them the right to choose whether to accept the bailout conditions of the institutions. The people of Greece submitted their ‘yes’ or ‘no’ votes between 04:00 and 16:00 GMT.
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Live Athenians React To Greek Bailout Referendum Results Start Time Tbc
Athenians are set to take to the streets on Sunday to celebrate the results of the referendum that has given them the right to choose whether to accept the bailout conditions of the institutions. The people of Greece submitted their ‘yes’ or ‘no’ votes between 04:00 and 16:00 GMT.
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 05 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Dodik: Referendum - jedna od najvažnijih istorijskih odluka
Predsjednik Republike Srpske Milorad Dodik izjavio je da je ustavno pravo Republike Srpske i njene Narodne skupštine da raspravlja i odlučuje o referendumu kao izrazu narodne volje, poručivši da Srpska samo traži da se poštuje dejtonski Ustav BiH i razgraničenje nadležnosti između entiteta i BiH.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti
Label and copyright : RTRS
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
wn.com/Dodik Referendum Jedna Od Najvažnijih Istorijskih Odluka
Predsjednik Republike Srpske Milorad Dodik izjavio je da je ustavno pravo Republike Srpske i njene Narodne skupštine da raspravlja i odlučuje o referendumu kao izrazu narodne volje, poručivši da Srpska samo traži da se poštuje dejtonski Ustav BiH i razgraničenje nadležnosti između entiteta i BiH.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rtrs.vijesti
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTRSvijesti
Label and copyright : RTRS
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 563
Québec Referendum 1995 LIVE broadcast
"Until next time!" ("À la prochaine fois!") promised René Lévesque when separationists lost the 1980 Quebec referendum on secession from Canada... The "next ...
wn.com/Québec Referendum 1995 Live Broadcast
"Until next time!" ("À la prochaine fois!") promised René Lévesque when separationists lost the 1980 Quebec referendum on secession from Canada... The "next ...
Piazzapulita - Il referendum (Puntata 25/05/2015)
Ospiti di Corrado Formigli: il segretario della Fiom Maurizio Landini, il sottosegretario all'Economia Paola De Micheli (PD), l'ad di McDonald's Italia Roberto Masi, Peter Gomez, il direttore de Il Foglio Claudio Cerasa, Elly Schlein, Massimiliano Fedriga (Lega Nord) e Tommaso Zanello in arte Piotta. In puntata, torna l'appuntamento con Il Terzo Segreto di Satira.
wn.com/Piazzapulita Il Referendum (Puntata 25 05 2015)
Ospiti di Corrado Formigli: il segretario della Fiom Maurizio Landini, il sottosegretario all'Economia Paola De Micheli (PD), l'ad di McDonald's Italia Roberto Masi, Peter Gomez, il direttore de Il Foglio Claudio Cerasa, Elly Schlein, Massimiliano Fedriga (Lega Nord) e Tommaso Zanello in arte Piotta. In puntata, torna l'appuntamento con Il Terzo Segreto di Satira.
- published: 26 May 2015
- views: 3311
Référendum sur la Souveraineté du Québec de 1995 - Point de Rupture (1/2)
Documentaire québécois. La campagne référendaire de 1995 au Québec est un des moments les plus dramatiques et les plus palpitants de l'histoire politique du ...
wn.com/Référendum Sur La Souveraineté Du Québec De 1995 Point De Rupture (1 2)
Documentaire québécois. La campagne référendaire de 1995 au Québec est un des moments les plus dramatiques et les plus palpitants de l'histoire politique du ...
Paweł Kukiz: Nie biorę pieniędzy za koncerty! REFERENDUM promuję z własnych środków! WRG!
Paweł Kukiz w szczerej rozmowie z Marcinem Rolą: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marcin-Rola-MIKROBLOG/563477963699889
Paweł Kukiz dementuje plotki o zarabianiu pieniędzy na akcjach referendalnych.
Dlaczego warto iść na REFERENDUM 6 września, 2015 roku? Czy w Polsce mamy do czynienia z polityczną Targowicą? Czy JOW-Y dadzą realną szanse na zmianę systemu w Polsce? Jak powinna wyglądać nowa konstytucja? Andrzej Duda, jakim będzie prezydentem? Ruch społeczny Kukiz' 15, czy to realna szansa na zmiany w Polsce?
wn.com/Paweł Kukiz Nie Biorę Pieniędzy Za Koncerty Referendum Promuję Z Własnych Środków Wrg
Paweł Kukiz w szczerej rozmowie z Marcinem Rolą: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marcin-Rola-MIKROBLOG/563477963699889
Paweł Kukiz dementuje plotki o zarabianiu pieniędzy na akcjach referendalnych.
Dlaczego warto iść na REFERENDUM 6 września, 2015 roku? Czy w Polsce mamy do czynienia z polityczną Targowicą? Czy JOW-Y dadzą realną szanse na zmianę systemu w Polsce? Jak powinna wyglądać nowa konstytucja? Andrzej Duda, jakim będzie prezydentem? Ruch społeczny Kukiz' 15, czy to realna szansa na zmiany w Polsce?
- published: 15 Aug 2015
- views: 3243
Scotland Decides - Part 1
Uploaded for educational and research purposes.
BBC TV Coverage of the Scottish Independence Referendum Results Night.
wn.com/Scotland Decides Part 1
Uploaded for educational and research purposes.
BBC TV Coverage of the Scottish Independence Referendum Results Night.
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 273
аутор и извођач Радован Шојић Петар Петровић Његош, Никац од Ровина, Марко Миљанов, Србска Црна Гора ГОРСКИ ВИЈЕНАЦ.
wn.com/Referendum U Crnoj Gori (Gusle)
аутор и извођач Радован Шојић Петар Петровић Његош, Никац од Ровина, Марко Миљанов, Србска Црна Гора ГОРСКИ ВИЈЕНАЦ.
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 31491
LIVE: Athenians call for ‘no’ vote two days ahead of referendum
Tens of thousands of people are set to descend on Syntagma Square in Athens on July 3, to protest against further austerity measures and to encourage people to vote 'no' in the upcoming referendum on Sunday - which gives the Greek people the right to choose whether to accept to bailout conditions of the institutions.
From around 16:30 GMT at the Panathenaic Stadium - just a 1.2km (0.75 mi) walk away from Syntagma Square - tens of thousands of people rallying under the slogan ‘Yes to the euro – we live in Europe’ are holding a demonstration to encourage people to vote ‘yes’.
The government's current bailout expired on Tuesday when the country was due to pay the IMF €1.6bn (£1.1bn), a payment they failed to meet.
A 'no' vote by the Greek people would reject new austerity measures that are demanded by Greece's creditors – the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) - while a 'yes' would accept the institutions' course for a new Greek bailout package.
The Greek government closed the country's banks and imposed capital controls on withdrawals until July 6, the day after Greeks are due to vote in the referendum.
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Live Athenians Call For ‘No’ Vote Two Days Ahead Of Referendum
Tens of thousands of people are set to descend on Syntagma Square in Athens on July 3, to protest against further austerity measures and to encourage people to vote 'no' in the upcoming referendum on Sunday - which gives the Greek people the right to choose whether to accept to bailout conditions of the institutions.
From around 16:30 GMT at the Panathenaic Stadium - just a 1.2km (0.75 mi) walk away from Syntagma Square - tens of thousands of people rallying under the slogan ‘Yes to the euro – we live in Europe’ are holding a demonstration to encourage people to vote ‘yes’.
The government's current bailout expired on Tuesday when the country was due to pay the IMF €1.6bn (£1.1bn), a payment they failed to meet.
A 'no' vote by the Greek people would reject new austerity measures that are demanded by Greece's creditors – the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) - while a 'yes' would accept the institutions' course for a new Greek bailout package.
The Greek government closed the country's banks and imposed capital controls on withdrawals until July 6, the day after Greeks are due to vote in the referendum.
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 03 Jul 2015
- views: 63194
EU REFERENDUM TOUR. Nigel Farage UKIP, Belfast Northern Ireland UK 14/9/15. EFD2 - UKIP
wn.com/Eu Referendum Tour. Efd2 Nigel Farage Ukip, Belfast
EU REFERENDUM TOUR. Nigel Farage UKIP, Belfast Northern Ireland UK 14/9/15. EFD2 - UKIP
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 3
Pečat RTCG - Referendum u Crnoj Gori (dokumentarac)
Molimo Vas da se prijavite za praćenje (subscribe) našeg kanala, kako ne biste propustili neke od najboljih dokumentarnih emisija i filmova: http://www.youtube.com/user/dokumentarcibalkan
Najveća baza besplatnih online sinhronizovanih i titlovanih dokumentarnih emisija i filmova! Samo za vas!
Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/dokumentarcibalkan
- Pečat RTCG - Referendum u Crnoj Gori -
Referendum o nezavisnosti Crne Gore održan je 21. maja 2006. godine i na njemu se 55,5 % izašlih opredelilo za proglašenje nezavisnosti Crne Gore i ona je tako postala samostalna država. Referendunsko pitanje je glasilo: „Želite li da Republika Crna Gora bude nezavisna država sa punim međunarodno-pravnim subjektivitetom?“. Ponuđeni odgovori su bili DA (propagirao „Blok za nezavisnu Crnu Goru“ sa liderom Milom Đukanovićem) i NE (propagirao „Blok za očuvanje Državne Zajednice Srbije i Crne Gore“ sa liderom Predragom Bulatovićem).
Da bi referendum bio legitiman, bila je potrebna izlaznost od preko 50% upisanih birača, a da bi bila doneta odluka o nezavisnosti, za nju se moralo opredeliti preko 55% izašlih. Izlaznost je bila daleko iznad 50%. Evropska unija je jasno stavila do znanja da će Crna Gora postati nezavisna država, samo onda ako ta opcija bude izglasana od strane 55% i više birača.
Prema zvaničnim rezultatima Referendumske komisije, Crna Gora je postala nezavisna i suverena država.
wn.com/Pečat Rtcg Referendum U Crnoj Gori (Dokumentarac)
Molimo Vas da se prijavite za praćenje (subscribe) našeg kanala, kako ne biste propustili neke od najboljih dokumentarnih emisija i filmova: http://www.youtube.com/user/dokumentarcibalkan
Najveća baza besplatnih online sinhronizovanih i titlovanih dokumentarnih emisija i filmova! Samo za vas!
Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/dokumentarcibalkan
- Pečat RTCG - Referendum u Crnoj Gori -
Referendum o nezavisnosti Crne Gore održan je 21. maja 2006. godine i na njemu se 55,5 % izašlih opredelilo za proglašenje nezavisnosti Crne Gore i ona je tako postala samostalna država. Referendunsko pitanje je glasilo: „Želite li da Republika Crna Gora bude nezavisna država sa punim međunarodno-pravnim subjektivitetom?“. Ponuđeni odgovori su bili DA (propagirao „Blok za nezavisnu Crnu Goru“ sa liderom Milom Đukanovićem) i NE (propagirao „Blok za očuvanje Državne Zajednice Srbije i Crne Gore“ sa liderom Predragom Bulatovićem).
Da bi referendum bio legitiman, bila je potrebna izlaznost od preko 50% upisanih birača, a da bi bila doneta odluka o nezavisnosti, za nju se moralo opredeliti preko 55% izašlih. Izlaznost je bila daleko iznad 50%. Evropska unija je jasno stavila do znanja da će Crna Gora postati nezavisna država, samo onda ako ta opcija bude izglasana od strane 55% i više birača.
Prema zvaničnim rezultatima Referendumske komisije, Crna Gora je postala nezavisna i suverena država.
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 9
Stop Mandatory Vaccination: SB277 Referendum Training Video With Tim Donnelly and Brittney Kara 2
http://sb277referendum.com - This is a training video for the SB277 Referendum and how to gather signatures. This referendum against SB277 is important to SO many parents of children who would otherwise hit the vaccine mandate at the start of the 2016 school year, because SB277 is slated to go into effect July 2016, right before the school year. The SB277 referendum will immediately put a stop to that.
If we get the signatures in the next couple of months, this will go to a November 2016 vote. This means that ALL parents will be able to enroll their children in school even if they are in kindergarten or 7th grade in August/September 2016.
So, pass or fail, the referendum effort WILL mean that thousands and thousands of kids will not have to be kicked out of school!
We need thousands of volunteers to get the referendum petitions circulated (gathering signatures) as soon as it is made available to us. You must be 18 or older and be in California. You do not need to be a registered voter to get signatures.
We will have less than 90 days from start to finish to collect over 400,000 signatures!
Once you have signed up here to volunteer, you will be invited to join your local referendum group on Facebook!
Thank you so much! WE CAN DO THIS!!
Produced by Larry Cook
Stop Mandatory Vaccination
wn.com/Stop Mandatory Vaccination Sb277 Referendum Training Video With Tim Donnelly And Brittney Kara 2
http://sb277referendum.com - This is a training video for the SB277 Referendum and how to gather signatures. This referendum against SB277 is important to SO many parents of children who would otherwise hit the vaccine mandate at the start of the 2016 school year, because SB277 is slated to go into effect July 2016, right before the school year. The SB277 referendum will immediately put a stop to that.
If we get the signatures in the next couple of months, this will go to a November 2016 vote. This means that ALL parents will be able to enroll their children in school even if they are in kindergarten or 7th grade in August/September 2016.
So, pass or fail, the referendum effort WILL mean that thousands and thousands of kids will not have to be kicked out of school!
We need thousands of volunteers to get the referendum petitions circulated (gathering signatures) as soon as it is made available to us. You must be 18 or older and be in California. You do not need to be a registered voter to get signatures.
We will have less than 90 days from start to finish to collect over 400,000 signatures!
Once you have signed up here to volunteer, you will be invited to join your local referendum group on Facebook!
Thank you so much! WE CAN DO THIS!!
Produced by Larry Cook
Stop Mandatory Vaccination
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 368
Radu Banciu - Referendum 2012
Cel mai tare show.
Banciu ii face praf pe Ponta, Antonescu si Voiculescu.
Cea mai buna emisiune ''Lumea lui Banciu''.
wn.com/Radu Banciu Referendum 2012
Cel mai tare show.
Banciu ii face praf pe Ponta, Antonescu si Voiculescu.
Cea mai buna emisiune ''Lumea lui Banciu''.
- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 337
Britain's EU referendum - BBC Newsnight 12/05/2015
Roland Rudd, Chairman of Business for New Europe, talks about Britain's EU referendum
wn.com/Britain's Eu Referendum BBC Newsnight 12 05 2015
Roland Rudd, Chairman of Business for New Europe, talks about Britain's EU referendum
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 66
Referendum sulla democrazia - Beppe Grillo
Intervento integrale di Beppe Grillo a Anno Zero di giovedì 28 aprile 2011.Intervistatrice - Berlusconi ha confessato, la moratoria è stata solo un modo per ...
wn.com/Referendum Sulla Democrazia Beppe Grillo
Intervento integrale di Beppe Grillo a Anno Zero di giovedì 28 aprile 2011.Intervistatrice - Berlusconi ha confessato, la moratoria è stata solo un modo per ...
Scottish Independence Referendum Debate Edinburgh
BBC Scotland's independence referendum debate from 3 September 2014, as filmed at the Music Hall in Aberdeen.
The debate was hosted by the BBC's James Cook, and featured
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP (SNP), former Secretary of State for Scotland Jim Murphy MP (Labour), former Scottish Conservatives leader Annabel Goldie MSP and businessman and philantropist Brian Souter.
The next and final debate will take place on 14 September in Stirling.
The video is copyrighted by BBC Scotland, and is presented to YouTube audience for educational purposes under the US fair use doctrine.
wn.com/Scottish Independence Referendum Debate Edinburgh
BBC Scotland's independence referendum debate from 3 September 2014, as filmed at the Music Hall in Aberdeen.
The debate was hosted by the BBC's James Cook, and featured
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP (SNP), former Secretary of State for Scotland Jim Murphy MP (Labour), former Scottish Conservatives leader Annabel Goldie MSP and businessman and philantropist Brian Souter.
The next and final debate will take place on 14 September in Stirling.
The video is copyrighted by BBC Scotland, and is presented to YouTube audience for educational purposes under the US fair use doctrine.
- published: 04 Sep 2014
- views: 16810
Week in Politics: Gay Marriage Referendum
Sharon Ní Bheoláin on "The Week in Politics" hosts a debate on the upcoming gay marriage referendum to be held on the 22nd May.
On the panel:
Senator Katherine Zappone
John Lonergan, Social Justice Campaigner
Senator Ronán Mullen
Dr.John Murray, Iona Institute
wn.com/Week In Politics Gay Marriage Referendum
Sharon Ní Bheoláin on "The Week in Politics" hosts a debate on the upcoming gay marriage referendum to be held on the 22nd May.
On the panel:
Senator Katherine Zappone
John Lonergan, Social Justice Campaigner
Senator Ronán Mullen
Dr.John Murray, Iona Institute
- published: 24 Apr 2015
- views: 12