British Culture Tips (What English people are like, etc.)
British Culture Tips (What English people are like, etc.)
British Culture Tips (What English people are like, etc.)
http://preparetoserve.com/ENGLAND British Culture Tips (What English people are like, etc.).
African Americans Vs Black English People
African Americans Vs Black English People
African Americans Vs Black English People
Facebook: http://facebook.com/SkytheLimit Instagram: @jubril | http://instagram.com/p/jubril8/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jubril Youtube: http://youtube.com...
'치맥'을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!! // English people try Korean Chicken and Beer!!
'치맥'을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!! // English people try Korean Chicken and Beer!!
'치맥'을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!! // English people try Korean Chicken and Beer!!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7or1QGxYU0o
안녕하세요~! 저는 전통적인 한국음식 엄청 좋아해도, 영국에있을때 가장 그리워하는 한국음식중에 하나는 한국의 후라이드 치킨이에요. 당연히 영국에도 후라이드 치킨 있긴하지만, 정말 달라요!! 그래서 이번 영상에는 우리 영국친구들한테 한국의 후라이드 치킨과 "치맥"이라는것을 소개해드립니다. 내 사랑 치맥!
그럼 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
This week we introduce our friends to the world of Korean fried chicken and beer. You may think it's just any old fried chicken with beer, but oh no. Welcome to the wonderful world of Chimaek.
그리고 런던에서 어떻게 치맥을 구했는지 궁금하시면, "On the Bab"이라는 한국식당에서 팔아요! 원래 런던에서 못 구했는데 요새 여기서 살수있어서 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
And if you're wondering where we managed to find Korean fried chicken in London, we got it at a Korean restaurant in Centra
One Thing Americans Shouldn’t Say To British People
One Thing Americans Shouldn’t Say To British People
One Thing Americans Shouldn’t Say To British People
American tourists beware.
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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFee
김밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimbab!!
김밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimbab!!
김밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimbab!!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=morR-c8tEeA
안녕하세요~! 이번에 김밥을 처음 먹어보는 영국인들의 반응 영상이에요!! 제가 예전에 친구들한테 김을 줬는데, 한번도 안먹어본걸 먹는 모습이 너무 웃겼어요. 근데 김은 원래 그냥 먹지않으니까 이번에 김이랑 밥이랑, 제가 진짜 좋아하는 김밥을 주면 어떤 반응이 나올지 궁금해서 해봤어요! 정말 맛있는 한국의 김밥을 영국에서 너무 모르는것 같아서 이렇게 우리 친구들 한테 만 이라도 영국인들 한테 김밥을 소개할수있어서 진짜 기쁘네요! 그럼, 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
"AcidJazz" by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com/)
"As I Figure" by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com)
컵라면을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 // English people try Korean Ramyeon for the first time!
컵라면을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 // English people try Korean Ramyeon for the first time!
컵라면을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 // English people try Korean Ramyeon for the first time!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rIXz-W9uz4
안녕하세요~! 여러분중에 우리 친구들한테 한국 라면을 소개하면 좋을것같다고 추천하는 분들 많아서, 이번주에는 런던에있는 한국마트에서 살수있는 한국 컵라면으로 해봤어요!! 좀 다양한 맛 라면들으로 하고싶어서, 클래식한 신라면, 해물맛 나가사끼, 짜파게티, 스파게티, 불닭볶음면을 골라서 친구들 한테 줬는데 반응이 정말 신기했어요!! 대부분 신라면을 아주 잘 먹었고, 해물맛 나는 라면을 싫어했는데, 신기하게, 불닭볶음면이 제일 인기있었던 것같아요!! 특히 애기들 진짜 못 먹을줄 알아서 아주 조심스럽게 줬는데 너무 좋아하더라고요!! ㅋㅋㅋ
다 내가 엄청 좋아하는 라면들이라 별로 안좋아하는 사람 보고 너무 신기하네요… 어떻게 안좋아할수있지?! 사람마다 취향이 진짜 다르구나;;;;
그럼, 한국 라면 세상을 처음 만나는 영국인들의 반응을 재밌게 보세요~ ^^ ㅎㅎ
Hello~! A lot of you have suggested that we give our English friends Korean instant noodles to try, and so this week we chose a few of the Korean Cup Noodles that you
Hilarious argument between two old English people at a bus stop
Hilarious argument between two old English people at a bus stop
Hilarious argument between two old English people at a bus stop
She's not happy with his beliefs about the hanging in the UK (which, as it turns out, are correct!)
한국 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!? [봉봉] // English People Try Korean Drinks! [Fizzy Grape Balls}
한국 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!? [봉봉] // English People Try Korean Drinks! [Fizzy Grape Balls}
한국 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!? [봉봉] // English People Try Korean Drinks! [Fizzy Grape Balls}
이전편: https://youtu.be/c7_xppx5AQg?list=UUg-p3lQIqmhh7gHpyaOmOiQ
제가 한국에 살았을때 영국에서 아예 없는 음료수들을 많이 마셔봤는데, 이 음료수들의 맛은 영국에 있는 음료수 맛과 너무 달라서 엄청 신기했어요! 그래서 한국 음료수 제가 아는 영국인들 한테 한번 먹이면 재밌을것같다고 생각해서, 한국의 전통적인 음료수와 요새 많이 마시는것도 몇개 모아서, 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 영상 찍어 봤어요! 이 영상은 "봉봉"만 나오는 영상 예교편이에요! ㅎㅎ
재밌게 보세요! ^^
When I was living in Korea I tried a lot of Korean drinks that were totally different from anything I had tasted before in the UK. They were so different that we decided to film a video of English people trying Korean drinks, from traditional Korean drinks to drinks that are extremely popular today. This video is a snippet of the reaction to
Easy English 5 - What do you know about Germany?
Easy English 5 - What do you know about Germany?
Easy English 5 - What do you know about Germany?
Ben asks people in York about what they know and think of Germany :) Easy Languages is a non-profit video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to le...
How English sounds to non-English speakers
How English sounds to non-English speakers
How English sounds to non-English speakers
'Skwerl'. A short film in fake English. As seen on QI.
A film by Brian & Karl: http://www.brianandkarl.com
instagram: @karleccleston @brianfairbairn
Screenplay: Karl Eccleston and Brian Fairbairn
Directed by Brian Fairbairn
Starring: Karl Eccleston and Fiona Pepper
Sound and lighting: Thomas Jordan
Brian Fairbairn and Karl Eccleston are a London-based filmmaking duo.
Made for Kino Sydney #47.
June 2011
김치볶음밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimchi Fried Rice?!
김치볶음밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimchi Fried Rice?!
김치볶음밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimchi Fried Rice?!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyMLbu08kwE
안녕하세요~! 저번에 김밥을 줘서 영국인들의 반응 영상 올렸는데, 이번에는 2탄으로 김치볶음밥을 직접 만들어서 줬어요!! 저는 이제 김치 엄청 좋아하고 안먹으면 그리운 음식인데, 처음 먹었을때는 충격 받았고 먹기 힘들었더라고요! 그래서 우리 친구들도 똑같은 반응이 있을지 궁금해서 먼저 김치만 주다가, 밥이랑 김치 주다가, 마지막에는 제가 엄청 좋아하는 김치볶음밥 만들어서 줬어요. ㅎㅎㅎ 반응이 신기하네요!
그럼 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
그리고 다음에 뭐 소개 했으면 좋겠는걸 있으면 코멘트로 알려주세요!! ^^
영국남자 ("영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^)
Durante le nostre 3 settimane di vacanza in Inghilterra abbiamo deciso di girare un video un po' diverso dal solito!
Fateci sapere se vi è piaciuto! ♡
Can French People Speak English? (The Accent TAG)
Can French People Speak English? (The Accent TAG)
Can French People Speak English? (The Accent TAG)
http://www.BonjourLovelies.com Les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/BonjourLovelies Instagram : @BonjourLovelies Facebook : http://www.faceboo...
한국 음료수를 처음 마셔본본 영국인들의 반응!? [풀영상] // English people react to Korean Drinks!
한국 음료수를 처음 마셔본본 영국인들의 반응!? [풀영상] // English people react to Korean Drinks!
한국 음료수를 처음 마셔본본 영국인들의 반응!? [풀영상] // English people react to Korean Drinks!
이전편: https://youtu.be/xwKVuFGOV7c?list=UUg-p3lQIqmhh7gHpyaOmOiQ
안녕하세요~! 저번주에 예고편으로 봉봉을 처음 마셔보는 영국인들의 반응 영상을 올렸는데, 이번주에는 다른 한국 음료들도 처음 먹어보는 영국인들의 반응 풀영상이에요! 최근에 많이 마시는 음료랑 전통적인 한국 음료들을 모아서 영국 친구들 한테 줬는데, 전통적인걸 특히 못 먹네요! 사실 그중에 나도 처음 먹어 봤을때 싫어했던것도 있는데, 이제는 익숙해져서 다 좋아해요! 그래서 여러분들이 좋아하는 음료들을 안좋은 반응 있으면 너무 상처 받지마세요!! 그런 맛/식감에 안 익숙해서 그래요 ㅎㅎ 영국에서 비슷한것도 없거든요! 문화 충격이랄까?!
아무튼, 제가 한국에서 많이 마신 음료들을 영국친구들 한테 줘서 반응 보니까 신기하고 재밌었어요! 또 반응 보고싶은 한국 식품이나 제품이나, 아무거나! 있으면, 코멘트로 알려주세요! ^^
그럼, 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
Hello~! So last week we uploaded a preview video of English people drinking BongBong - a Korean grape soda with grape balls inside! This week’s video is th
If you could click SHARE on this video, you will become EPIC. Had to do my take on this Meme! Hope you guys like it :)
Understand rude English people
Understand rude English people
Understand rude English people
http://www.joddle.co.uk/ Asking for help from rude and scary English people when you're lost in London. Contractions and phrases of real English speech askin...
영국 사람에 대해서 흔한 오해! Common Stereotypes about English People!
영국 사람에 대해서 흔한 오해! Common Stereotypes about English People!
영국 사람에 대해서 흔한 오해! Common Stereotypes about English People!
여러분은 계속 영국에 대해서 알려달라고 했으니까~ 재밌는 문화 가르쳐주고 싶었음 히힣 재밌게 보세용~
글구 구독 해주세요!!
You guys wanted to learn about some English culture, and there is no better place to start than with some funny misunderstandings about us! Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!
Learn English Vocabulary: The people you will meet at UNIVERSITY
Learn English Vocabulary: The people you will meet at UNIVERSITY
Learn English Vocabulary: The people you will meet at UNIVERSITY
Basic English vocabulary class – What is the difference between a "freshman" and a "sophomore"? What exactly is a "dean"? In this lesson, I will teach you words to describe different people you will encounter in college and university. These words are very important to know if you plan to go to university or if you are taking the IELTS or TOEFL. You will learn vocabulary like "junior", "senior", "TA", "RA", "grad", "undergrad", "prof", and many more. After watching the video, come take my quiz to see how much you learned from the lesson at http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabulary-people-at-university/
Hello. My name is Emma, and
Differences Between English and Turkish People
Differences Between English and Turkish People
Differences Between English and Turkish People
I explain the differences between the two cultures... Watch the next Differences Between English and Turkish People 2: http://youtu.be/lrDbofSX6dE P.S. I kno...
Differences Between English and Turkish People 4
Differences Between English and Turkish People 4
Differences Between English and Turkish People 4
No paracetamols were harmed in the making of this video.
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How To Speak English Like Chinese People
How To Speak English Like Chinese People
How To Speak English Like Chinese People
Not trying to be racist here but we really think some Chinese people speak the English language a certain way so we decided to make a short video on the matt...
Angry people wants to play Sheriff...
Hope you enjoy the video!
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0:09 - 1:19 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBNiAYGYtQk
1:20 - 2:16 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr64Mo9p9xI
2:17 - 2:31 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9PZnacmqek
2:33 - 4:46 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMz9R-d0ARY
1. ZealOne1 - Lost
2. StillCutt - das etwas
Describing People - English Vocabulary For Describing People
Describing People - English Vocabulary For Describing People
Describing People - English Vocabulary For Describing People
Describing someone in English can be easy as well as tough. It depends on how detailed is the description you want to give. Describing someone can include talking about their features, characteristics, color, height, weight, etc. You might also describe things like their facial features, hairstyle and body language. No matter how you structure your description, you are going to use a variety of different terms. That's why you should know all about the terminology and have the right vocabulary to correctly describe a person.
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British Culture Tips (What English people are like, etc.)
http://preparetoserve.com/ENGLAND British Culture Tips (What English people are like, etc.).
wn.com/British Culture Tips (What English People Are Like, Etc.)
http://preparetoserve.com/ENGLAND British Culture Tips (What English people are like, etc.).
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 38
African Americans Vs Black English People
Facebook: http://facebook.com/SkytheLimit Instagram: @jubril | http://instagram.com/p/jubril8/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jubril Youtube: http://youtube.com...
wn.com/African Americans Vs Black English People
Facebook: http://facebook.com/SkytheLimit Instagram: @jubril | http://instagram.com/p/jubril8/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jubril Youtube: http://youtube.com...
- published: 11 Jun 2012
- views: 146831
'치맥'을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!! // English people try Korean Chicken and Beer!!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7or1QGxYU0o
안녕하세요~! 저는 전통적인 한국음식 엄청 좋아해도, 영국에있을때 가장 그리워하는 한국음식중에 하나는 한국의 후라이드 치킨이에요. 당연히 영국에도 후라이드 치킨 있긴하지만, 정말 달라요!! 그래서 이번 영상에는 우리 영국친구들한테 한국의 후라이드 치킨과 "치맥"이라는것을 소개해드립니다. 내 사랑 치맥!
그럼 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
This week we introduce our friends to the world of Korean fried chicken and beer. You may think it's just any old fried chicken with beer, but oh no. Welcome to the wonderful world of Chimaek.
그리고 런던에서 어떻게 치맥을 구했는지 궁금하시면, "On the Bab"이라는 한국식당에서 팔아요! 원래 런던에서 못 구했는데 요새 여기서 살수있어서 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
And if you're wondering where we managed to find Korean fried chicken in London, we got it at a Korean restaurant in Central called "On the Bab". Check it out!
영국남자 - "영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^
wn.com/'치맥'을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 English People Try Korean Chicken And Beer
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7or1QGxYU0o
안녕하세요~! 저는 전통적인 한국음식 엄청 좋아해도, 영국에있을때 가장 그리워하는 한국음식중에 하나는 한국의 후라이드 치킨이에요. 당연히 영국에도 후라이드 치킨 있긴하지만, 정말 달라요!! 그래서 이번 영상에는 우리 영국친구들한테 한국의 후라이드 치킨과 "치맥"이라는것을 소개해드립니다. 내 사랑 치맥!
그럼 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
This week we introduce our friends to the world of Korean fried chicken and beer. You may think it's just any old fried chicken with beer, but oh no. Welcome to the wonderful world of Chimaek.
그리고 런던에서 어떻게 치맥을 구했는지 궁금하시면, "On the Bab"이라는 한국식당에서 팔아요! 원래 런던에서 못 구했는데 요새 여기서 살수있어서 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
And if you're wondering where we managed to find Korean fried chicken in London, we got it at a Korean restaurant in Central called "On the Bab". Check it out!
영국남자 - "영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 301
One Thing Americans Shouldn’t Say To British People
American tourists beware.
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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
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wn.com/One Thing Americans Shouldn’T Say To British People
American tourists beware.
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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From hilarious social segments to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Yellow will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more yellow.
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From incredible science facts to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Blue will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Bite-size knowledge for a big world. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more blue.
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From movies to video games and more, BuzzFeed Pop will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the things you're into. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more popping harder.
- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 97736
김밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimbab!!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=morR-c8tEeA
안녕하세요~! 이번에 김밥을 처음 먹어보는 영국인들의 반응 영상이에요!! 제가 예전에 친구들한테 김을 줬는데, 한번도 안먹어본걸 먹는 모습이 너무 웃겼어요. 근데 김은 원래 그냥 먹지않으니까 이번에 김이랑 밥이랑, 제가 진짜 좋아하는 김밥을 주면 어떤 반응이 나올지 궁금해서 해봤어요! 정말 맛있는 한국의 김밥을 영국에서 너무 모르는것 같아서 이렇게 우리 친구들 한테 만 이라도 영국인들 한테 김밥을 소개할수있어서 진짜 기쁘네요! 그럼, 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
"AcidJazz" by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com/)
"As I Figure" by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com)
wn.com/김밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 English People React To Kimbab
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=morR-c8tEeA
안녕하세요~! 이번에 김밥을 처음 먹어보는 영국인들의 반응 영상이에요!! 제가 예전에 친구들한테 김을 줬는데, 한번도 안먹어본걸 먹는 모습이 너무 웃겼어요. 근데 김은 원래 그냥 먹지않으니까 이번에 김이랑 밥이랑, 제가 진짜 좋아하는 김밥을 주면 어떤 반응이 나올지 궁금해서 해봤어요! 정말 맛있는 한국의 김밥을 영국에서 너무 모르는것 같아서 이렇게 우리 친구들 한테 만 이라도 영국인들 한테 김밥을 소개할수있어서 진짜 기쁘네요! 그럼, 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
"AcidJazz" by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com/)
"As I Figure" by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com)
- published: 29 Apr 2015
- views: 136175
컵라면을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 // English people try Korean Ramyeon for the first time!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rIXz-W9uz4
안녕하세요~! 여러분중에 우리 친구들한테 한국 라면을 소개하면 좋을것같다고 추천하는 분들 많아서, 이번주에는 런던에있는 한국마트에서 살수있는 한국 컵라면으로 해봤어요!! 좀 다양한 맛 라면들으로 하고싶어서, 클래식한 신라면, 해물맛 나가사끼, 짜파게티, 스파게티, 불닭볶음면을 골라서 친구들 한테 줬는데 반응이 정말 신기했어요!! 대부분 신라면을 아주 잘 먹었고, 해물맛 나는 라면을 싫어했는데, 신기하게, 불닭볶음면이 제일 인기있었던 것같아요!! 특히 애기들 진짜 못 먹을줄 알아서 아주 조심스럽게 줬는데 너무 좋아하더라고요!! ㅋㅋㅋ
다 내가 엄청 좋아하는 라면들이라 별로 안좋아하는 사람 보고 너무 신기하네요… 어떻게 안좋아할수있지?! 사람마다 취향이 진짜 다르구나;;;;
그럼, 한국 라면 세상을 처음 만나는 영국인들의 반응을 재밌게 보세요~ ^^ ㅎㅎ
Hello~! A lot of you have suggested that we give our English friends Korean instant noodles to try, and so this week we chose a few of the Korean Cup Noodles that you can buy at the Korean Marts in London and gave it a try!! We tried to choose a few different Cup Noodles with a variety of flavours, and the results were really interesting!! People seemed to love the Classic Shin Ramyeon, and not like the seafood flavours, but the most interesting reaction was that people really liked the Fire Noodles!! Especially the kids! I was not sure that they’d be able to handle it, so we were very careful giving it to them, but they loved it!!!!
I hope you enjoy the video!!!
wn.com/컵라면을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 English People Try Korean Ramyeon For The First Time
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rIXz-W9uz4
안녕하세요~! 여러분중에 우리 친구들한테 한국 라면을 소개하면 좋을것같다고 추천하는 분들 많아서, 이번주에는 런던에있는 한국마트에서 살수있는 한국 컵라면으로 해봤어요!! 좀 다양한 맛 라면들으로 하고싶어서, 클래식한 신라면, 해물맛 나가사끼, 짜파게티, 스파게티, 불닭볶음면을 골라서 친구들 한테 줬는데 반응이 정말 신기했어요!! 대부분 신라면을 아주 잘 먹었고, 해물맛 나는 라면을 싫어했는데, 신기하게, 불닭볶음면이 제일 인기있었던 것같아요!! 특히 애기들 진짜 못 먹을줄 알아서 아주 조심스럽게 줬는데 너무 좋아하더라고요!! ㅋㅋㅋ
다 내가 엄청 좋아하는 라면들이라 별로 안좋아하는 사람 보고 너무 신기하네요… 어떻게 안좋아할수있지?! 사람마다 취향이 진짜 다르구나;;;;
그럼, 한국 라면 세상을 처음 만나는 영국인들의 반응을 재밌게 보세요~ ^^ ㅎㅎ
Hello~! A lot of you have suggested that we give our English friends Korean instant noodles to try, and so this week we chose a few of the Korean Cup Noodles that you can buy at the Korean Marts in London and gave it a try!! We tried to choose a few different Cup Noodles with a variety of flavours, and the results were really interesting!! People seemed to love the Classic Shin Ramyeon, and not like the seafood flavours, but the most interesting reaction was that people really liked the Fire Noodles!! Especially the kids! I was not sure that they’d be able to handle it, so we were very careful giving it to them, but they loved it!!!!
I hope you enjoy the video!!!
- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 171542
Hilarious argument between two old English people at a bus stop
She's not happy with his beliefs about the hanging in the UK (which, as it turns out, are correct!)
wn.com/Hilarious Argument Between Two Old English People At A Bus Stop
She's not happy with his beliefs about the hanging in the UK (which, as it turns out, are correct!)
- published: 02 Apr 2014
- views: 2024
한국 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응!? [봉봉] // English People Try Korean Drinks! [Fizzy Grape Balls}
이전편: https://youtu.be/c7_xppx5AQg?list=UUg-p3lQIqmhh7gHpyaOmOiQ
제가 한국에 살았을때 영국에서 아예 없는 음료수들을 많이 마셔봤는데, 이 음료수들의 맛은 영국에 있는 음료수 맛과 너무 달라서 엄청 신기했어요! 그래서 한국 음료수 제가 아는 영국인들 한테 한번 먹이면 재밌을것같다고 생각해서, 한국의 전통적인 음료수와 요새 많이 마시는것도 몇개 모아서, 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 영상 찍어 봤어요! 이 영상은 "봉봉"만 나오는 영상 예교편이에요! ㅎㅎ
재밌게 보세요! ^^
When I was living in Korea I tried a lot of Korean drinks that were totally different from anything I had tasted before in the UK. They were so different that we decided to film a video of English people trying Korean drinks, from traditional Korean drinks to drinks that are extremely popular today. This video is a snippet of the reaction to one of those drinks, as a preview for the full video next week.
Enjoy! ^^
영국남자 ("영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^)
"Warm up suit" by Broke For Free (http://brokeforfree.com/)
wn.com/한국 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 봉봉 English People Try Korean Drinks Fizzy Grape Balls
이전편: https://youtu.be/c7_xppx5AQg?list=UUg-p3lQIqmhh7gHpyaOmOiQ
제가 한국에 살았을때 영국에서 아예 없는 음료수들을 많이 마셔봤는데, 이 음료수들의 맛은 영국에 있는 음료수 맛과 너무 달라서 엄청 신기했어요! 그래서 한국 음료수 제가 아는 영국인들 한테 한번 먹이면 재밌을것같다고 생각해서, 한국의 전통적인 음료수와 요새 많이 마시는것도 몇개 모아서, 음료수를 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 영상 찍어 봤어요! 이 영상은 "봉봉"만 나오는 영상 예교편이에요! ㅎㅎ
재밌게 보세요! ^^
When I was living in Korea I tried a lot of Korean drinks that were totally different from anything I had tasted before in the UK. They were so different that we decided to film a video of English people trying Korean drinks, from traditional Korean drinks to drinks that are extremely popular today. This video is a snippet of the reaction to one of those drinks, as a preview for the full video next week.
Enjoy! ^^
영국남자 ("영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^)
"Warm up suit" by Broke For Free (http://brokeforfree.com/)
- published: 25 Mar 2015
- views: 47353
Easy English 5 - What do you know about Germany?
Ben asks people in York about what they know and think of Germany :) Easy Languages is a non-profit video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to le...
wn.com/Easy English 5 What Do You Know About Germany
Ben asks people in York about what they know and think of Germany :) Easy Languages is a non-profit video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to le...
How English sounds to non-English speakers
'Skwerl'. A short film in fake English. As seen on QI.
A film by Brian & Karl: http://www.brianandkarl.com
instagram: @karleccleston @brianfairbairn
Screenplay: Karl Eccleston and Brian Fairbairn
Directed by Brian Fairbairn
Starring: Karl Eccleston and Fiona Pepper
Sound and lighting: Thomas Jordan
Brian Fairbairn and Karl Eccleston are a London-based filmmaking duo.
Made for Kino Sydney #47.
June 2011
wn.com/How English Sounds To Non English Speakers
'Skwerl'. A short film in fake English. As seen on QI.
A film by Brian & Karl: http://www.brianandkarl.com
instagram: @karleccleston @brianfairbairn
Screenplay: Karl Eccleston and Brian Fairbairn
Directed by Brian Fairbairn
Starring: Karl Eccleston and Fiona Pepper
Sound and lighting: Thomas Jordan
Brian Fairbairn and Karl Eccleston are a London-based filmmaking duo.
Made for Kino Sydney #47.
June 2011
- published: 08 Oct 2011
- views: 12373502
김치볶음밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응?! // English People React to Kimchi Fried Rice?!
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyMLbu08kwE
안녕하세요~! 저번에 김밥을 줘서 영국인들의 반응 영상 올렸는데, 이번에는 2탄으로 김치볶음밥을 직접 만들어서 줬어요!! 저는 이제 김치 엄청 좋아하고 안먹으면 그리운 음식인데, 처음 먹었을때는 충격 받았고 먹기 힘들었더라고요! 그래서 우리 친구들도 똑같은 반응이 있을지 궁금해서 먼저 김치만 주다가, 밥이랑 김치 주다가, 마지막에는 제가 엄청 좋아하는 김치볶음밥 만들어서 줬어요. ㅎㅎㅎ 반응이 신기하네요!
그럼 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
그리고 다음에 뭐 소개 했으면 좋겠는걸 있으면 코멘트로 알려주세요!! ^^
영국남자 ("영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^)
wn.com/김치볶음밥을 처음 먹어본 영국인들의 반응 English People React To Kimchi Fried Rice
이전편: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyMLbu08kwE
안녕하세요~! 저번에 김밥을 줘서 영국인들의 반응 영상 올렸는데, 이번에는 2탄으로 김치볶음밥을 직접 만들어서 줬어요!! 저는 이제 김치 엄청 좋아하고 안먹으면 그리운 음식인데, 처음 먹었을때는 충격 받았고 먹기 힘들었더라고요! 그래서 우리 친구들도 똑같은 반응이 있을지 궁금해서 먼저 김치만 주다가, 밥이랑 김치 주다가, 마지막에는 제가 엄청 좋아하는 김치볶음밥 만들어서 줬어요. ㅎㅎㅎ 반응이 신기하네요!
그럼 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
그리고 다음에 뭐 소개 했으면 좋겠는걸 있으면 코멘트로 알려주세요!! ^^
영국남자 ("영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^)
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 6488
Durante le nostre 3 settimane di vacanza in Inghilterra abbiamo deciso di girare un video un po' diverso dal solito!
Fateci sapere se vi è piaciuto! ♡
wn.com/What Do English People Think About Italian People | M8S
Durante le nostre 3 settimane di vacanza in Inghilterra abbiamo deciso di girare un video un po' diverso dal solito!
Fateci sapere se vi è piaciuto! ♡
- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 1301
Can French People Speak English? (The Accent TAG)
http://www.BonjourLovelies.com Les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/BonjourLovelies Instagram : @BonjourLovelies Facebook : http://www.faceboo...
wn.com/Can French People Speak English (The Accent Tag)
http://www.BonjourLovelies.com Les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/BonjourLovelies Instagram : @BonjourLovelies Facebook : http://www.faceboo...
한국 음료수를 처음 마셔본본 영국인들의 반응!? [풀영상] // English people react to Korean Drinks!
이전편: https://youtu.be/xwKVuFGOV7c?list=UUg-p3lQIqmhh7gHpyaOmOiQ
안녕하세요~! 저번주에 예고편으로 봉봉을 처음 마셔보는 영국인들의 반응 영상을 올렸는데, 이번주에는 다른 한국 음료들도 처음 먹어보는 영국인들의 반응 풀영상이에요! 최근에 많이 마시는 음료랑 전통적인 한국 음료들을 모아서 영국 친구들 한테 줬는데, 전통적인걸 특히 못 먹네요! 사실 그중에 나도 처음 먹어 봤을때 싫어했던것도 있는데, 이제는 익숙해져서 다 좋아해요! 그래서 여러분들이 좋아하는 음료들을 안좋은 반응 있으면 너무 상처 받지마세요!! 그런 맛/식감에 안 익숙해서 그래요 ㅎㅎ 영국에서 비슷한것도 없거든요! 문화 충격이랄까?!
아무튼, 제가 한국에서 많이 마신 음료들을 영국친구들 한테 줘서 반응 보니까 신기하고 재밌었어요! 또 반응 보고싶은 한국 식품이나 제품이나, 아무거나! 있으면, 코멘트로 알려주세요! ^^
그럼, 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
Hello~! So last week we uploaded a preview video of English people drinking BongBong - a Korean grape soda with grape balls inside! This week’s video is the full version video with English people reacting to a wider variety of Korean drinks - from the most popular drinks today to more traditional Korean ones!
If you have anything else that you’d like to see English people reacting to then please let us know in the comments below.
Enjoy~ ^^
P.S. Thanks so much to everyone who was willing to be a bit adventurous and try some Korean drinks in this video, we love you guys!!!
영국남자 ("영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^)
wn.com/한국 음료수를 처음 마셔본본 영국인들의 반응 풀영상 English People React To Korean Drinks
이전편: https://youtu.be/xwKVuFGOV7c?list=UUg-p3lQIqmhh7gHpyaOmOiQ
안녕하세요~! 저번주에 예고편으로 봉봉을 처음 마셔보는 영국인들의 반응 영상을 올렸는데, 이번주에는 다른 한국 음료들도 처음 먹어보는 영국인들의 반응 풀영상이에요! 최근에 많이 마시는 음료랑 전통적인 한국 음료들을 모아서 영국 친구들 한테 줬는데, 전통적인걸 특히 못 먹네요! 사실 그중에 나도 처음 먹어 봤을때 싫어했던것도 있는데, 이제는 익숙해져서 다 좋아해요! 그래서 여러분들이 좋아하는 음료들을 안좋은 반응 있으면 너무 상처 받지마세요!! 그런 맛/식감에 안 익숙해서 그래요 ㅎㅎ 영국에서 비슷한것도 없거든요! 문화 충격이랄까?!
아무튼, 제가 한국에서 많이 마신 음료들을 영국친구들 한테 줘서 반응 보니까 신기하고 재밌었어요! 또 반응 보고싶은 한국 식품이나 제품이나, 아무거나! 있으면, 코멘트로 알려주세요! ^^
그럼, 재밌게 보세요~ ^^
Hello~! So last week we uploaded a preview video of English people drinking BongBong - a Korean grape soda with grape balls inside! This week’s video is the full version video with English people reacting to a wider variety of Korean drinks - from the most popular drinks today to more traditional Korean ones!
If you have anything else that you’d like to see English people reacting to then please let us know in the comments below.
Enjoy~ ^^
P.S. Thanks so much to everyone who was willing to be a bit adventurous and try some Korean drinks in this video, we love you guys!!!
영국남자 ("영국남자" 라고 검색하면 떠요 ^^)
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 9381
If you could click SHARE on this video, you will become EPIC. Had to do my take on this Meme! Hope you guys like it :)
wn.com/Things English People Say
If you could click SHARE on this video, you will become EPIC. Had to do my take on this Meme! Hope you guys like it :)
Understand rude English people
http://www.joddle.co.uk/ Asking for help from rude and scary English people when you're lost in London. Contractions and phrases of real English speech askin...
wn.com/Understand Rude English People
http://www.joddle.co.uk/ Asking for help from rude and scary English people when you're lost in London. Contractions and phrases of real English speech askin...
영국 사람에 대해서 흔한 오해! Common Stereotypes about English People!
여러분은 계속 영국에 대해서 알려달라고 했으니까~ 재밌는 문화 가르쳐주고 싶었음 히힣 재밌게 보세용~
글구 구독 해주세요!!
You guys wanted to learn about some English culture, and there is no better place to start than with some funny misunderstandings about us! Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!
wn.com/영국 사람에 대해서 흔한 오해 Common Stereotypes About English People
여러분은 계속 영국에 대해서 알려달라고 했으니까~ 재밌는 문화 가르쳐주고 싶었음 히힣 재밌게 보세용~
글구 구독 해주세요!!
You guys wanted to learn about some English culture, and there is no better place to start than with some funny misunderstandings about us! Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!
- published: 14 Feb 2015
- views: 3231
Learn English Vocabulary: The people you will meet at UNIVERSITY
Basic English vocabulary class – What is the difference between a "freshman" and a "sophomore"? What exactly is a "dean"? In this lesson, I will teach you words to describe different people you will encounter in college and university. These words are very important to know if you plan to go to university or if you are taking the IELTS or TOEFL. You will learn vocabulary like "junior", "senior", "TA", "RA", "grad", "undergrad", "prof", and many more. After watching the video, come take my quiz to see how much you learned from the lesson at http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabulary-people-at-university/
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you a lot of university language. I'm going to teach you specifically about the people you will see at university. I've used, here, the word "uni", this is very British English. "Uni" means "university". In American English, we would call it "college"; in Canadian English, we would call it "university". Okay? And I don't know about Australian, but I would assume it's probably "uni" also.
So, there are many different words we use when we talk about people at the university. I'm going to tell you what we call students, what we call professors, what we call the boss of the professor. Okay? So you will learn a lot of words today.
So let's get started. I have here a pyramid. This pyramid represents power at the university. Okay? It represents position at the university, and also, the number of positions at a university. So, if you notice... We'll start at the bottom. I have here "freshman". A freshman is a first-year student. Okay? So, when you get to university, you will be a freshman. It means you are in your first year of university. There are a lot of freshman at university.
Then what happens? Second year comes along. When second year happens, you become a "sophomore". This means you are in the second year of your program. We don't say "sophomore". Okay? We don't say "sophomore", no, no, no. "Sophmore", so it's almost like this "o" we spell with, it's silent when we say it. "Sophomore". And you'll notice the "ph" is a "f" sound: "sofmore". So your second year is your sophomore year.
Then, some people will continue on in university, and they'll get to their third year. Okay? In your third year, you will be called "a junior". "Junior". Okay? So I want you to say these words: "freshman", "sophomore", "junior".
If all goes well, after your third year, you're going to be in your last year or your final year, and you will be-so fourth year-a "senior". So this means you are the top of undergrad. You will be a senior in your fourth year. So all of this, these "freshman", "sophomore", "junior", "senior", this all refers to undergrad students or undergraduate. Okay? So for short, we say "undergrad". In the long, we say "undergraduate students". Okay? So when I was an undergrad, I started as a freshman; then my second year of undergrad, sophomore; third year of undergrad, junior; and finally, in my fourth year, I was a senior. Okay? If you finish and you finish your senior year, you get a bachelor's. Okay? So you get a bachelor's degree. You do four years of university, you get a bachelor's degree.
Now, some people, after their fourth year, after they're a senior, they're tired of university, they're so happy they're finished, you know, it's finally over, so they go and they start working, and they forget all about university. Other people want to do more university. They stay in university, and they continue studying. We call these people "master's students". Okay? Usually a master's is a two-year program. It can be a one-year program, but it happens after undergrad. So we call these students "grad students", we can also say "graduate students" or "master's student". Okay? So, again, usually these people are in a program for one or two years, they are grad students, master's students; it means the same thing.
From this point, you'll find that some grad students get a job at the university. Okay? So they're still a grad student, but they get a job. The job they get at the university is a "TA" job or a TA position. A "TA" is a person who is a teaching assistant. So, a TA is the same thing as teaching assistant; it's just the short way to say it. A teaching assistant works for a professor. They help the professor teach freshman, sophomore, junior, and seniors. So, the TA is the assistant to the professor, and they help the professor teach these people. Sometimes they mark. Okay? Essays, they might... If you write a test, it might be a TA who marks your test because the professor is too busy. So it's the professor's assistant.
wn.com/Learn English Vocabulary The People You Will Meet At University
Basic English vocabulary class – What is the difference between a "freshman" and a "sophomore"? What exactly is a "dean"? In this lesson, I will teach you words to describe different people you will encounter in college and university. These words are very important to know if you plan to go to university or if you are taking the IELTS or TOEFL. You will learn vocabulary like "junior", "senior", "TA", "RA", "grad", "undergrad", "prof", and many more. After watching the video, come take my quiz to see how much you learned from the lesson at http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabulary-people-at-university/
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you a lot of university language. I'm going to teach you specifically about the people you will see at university. I've used, here, the word "uni", this is very British English. "Uni" means "university". In American English, we would call it "college"; in Canadian English, we would call it "university". Okay? And I don't know about Australian, but I would assume it's probably "uni" also.
So, there are many different words we use when we talk about people at the university. I'm going to tell you what we call students, what we call professors, what we call the boss of the professor. Okay? So you will learn a lot of words today.
So let's get started. I have here a pyramid. This pyramid represents power at the university. Okay? It represents position at the university, and also, the number of positions at a university. So, if you notice... We'll start at the bottom. I have here "freshman". A freshman is a first-year student. Okay? So, when you get to university, you will be a freshman. It means you are in your first year of university. There are a lot of freshman at university.
Then what happens? Second year comes along. When second year happens, you become a "sophomore". This means you are in the second year of your program. We don't say "sophomore". Okay? We don't say "sophomore", no, no, no. "Sophmore", so it's almost like this "o" we spell with, it's silent when we say it. "Sophomore". And you'll notice the "ph" is a "f" sound: "sofmore". So your second year is your sophomore year.
Then, some people will continue on in university, and they'll get to their third year. Okay? In your third year, you will be called "a junior". "Junior". Okay? So I want you to say these words: "freshman", "sophomore", "junior".
If all goes well, after your third year, you're going to be in your last year or your final year, and you will be-so fourth year-a "senior". So this means you are the top of undergrad. You will be a senior in your fourth year. So all of this, these "freshman", "sophomore", "junior", "senior", this all refers to undergrad students or undergraduate. Okay? So for short, we say "undergrad". In the long, we say "undergraduate students". Okay? So when I was an undergrad, I started as a freshman; then my second year of undergrad, sophomore; third year of undergrad, junior; and finally, in my fourth year, I was a senior. Okay? If you finish and you finish your senior year, you get a bachelor's. Okay? So you get a bachelor's degree. You do four years of university, you get a bachelor's degree.
Now, some people, after their fourth year, after they're a senior, they're tired of university, they're so happy they're finished, you know, it's finally over, so they go and they start working, and they forget all about university. Other people want to do more university. They stay in university, and they continue studying. We call these people "master's students". Okay? Usually a master's is a two-year program. It can be a one-year program, but it happens after undergrad. So we call these students "grad students", we can also say "graduate students" or "master's student". Okay? So, again, usually these people are in a program for one or two years, they are grad students, master's students; it means the same thing.
From this point, you'll find that some grad students get a job at the university. Okay? So they're still a grad student, but they get a job. The job they get at the university is a "TA" job or a TA position. A "TA" is a person who is a teaching assistant. So, a TA is the same thing as teaching assistant; it's just the short way to say it. A teaching assistant works for a professor. They help the professor teach freshman, sophomore, junior, and seniors. So, the TA is the assistant to the professor, and they help the professor teach these people. Sometimes they mark. Okay? Essays, they might... If you write a test, it might be a TA who marks your test because the professor is too busy. So it's the professor's assistant.
- published: 31 Aug 2015
- views: 1005
Differences Between English and Turkish People
I explain the differences between the two cultures... Watch the next Differences Between English and Turkish People 2: http://youtu.be/lrDbofSX6dE P.S. I kno...
wn.com/Differences Between English And Turkish People
I explain the differences between the two cultures... Watch the next Differences Between English and Turkish People 2: http://youtu.be/lrDbofSX6dE P.S. I kno...
Differences Between English and Turkish People 4
No paracetamols were harmed in the making of this video.
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http://www.facebook.com/yusuf.r.tor (follow only)
wn.com/Differences Between English And Turkish People 4
No paracetamols were harmed in the making of this video.
Please subscribe, like, and comment :)
http://www.facebook.com/yusuf.r.tor (follow only)
- published: 17 Jan 2015
- views: 2948
How To Speak English Like Chinese People
Not trying to be racist here but we really think some Chinese people speak the English language a certain way so we decided to make a short video on the matt...
wn.com/How To Speak English Like Chinese People
Not trying to be racist here but we really think some Chinese people speak the English language a certain way so we decided to make a short video on the matt...
- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 201451
Angry people wants to play Sheriff...
Hope you enjoy the video!
Thanks 4 watching...subscribe for more ;)
0:09 - 1:19 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBNiAYGYtQk
1:20 - 2:16 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr64Mo9p9xI
2:17 - 2:31 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9PZnacmqek
2:33 - 4:46 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMz9R-d0ARY
1. ZealOne1 - Lost
2. StillCutt - das etwas
wn.com/Angry People Compilation 2 English Subtitles
Angry people wants to play Sheriff...
Hope you enjoy the video!
Thanks 4 watching...subscribe for more ;)
0:09 - 1:19 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBNiAYGYtQk
1:20 - 2:16 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr64Mo9p9xI
2:17 - 2:31 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9PZnacmqek
2:33 - 4:46 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMz9R-d0ARY
1. ZealOne1 - Lost
2. StillCutt - das etwas
- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 22629
Describing People - English Vocabulary For Describing People
Describing someone in English can be easy as well as tough. It depends on how detailed is the description you want to give. Describing someone can include talking about their features, characteristics, color, height, weight, etc. You might also describe things like their facial features, hairstyle and body language. No matter how you structure your description, you are going to use a variety of different terms. That's why you should know all about the terminology and have the right vocabulary to correctly describe a person.
If you find this lesson useful, please click the Like button and subscribe to us.
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Don't forget to visit our website : http://twominenglish.com
wn.com/Describing People English Vocabulary For Describing People
Describing someone in English can be easy as well as tough. It depends on how detailed is the description you want to give. Describing someone can include talking about their features, characteristics, color, height, weight, etc. You might also describe things like their facial features, hairstyle and body language. No matter how you structure your description, you are going to use a variety of different terms. That's why you should know all about the terminology and have the right vocabulary to correctly describe a person.
If you find this lesson useful, please click the Like button and subscribe to us.
Like our Facebook page for regular updates and tips: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Don't forget to visit our website : http://twominenglish.com
- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 39582
[Re-upload] People Inside - Interview with Gong Yoo (English Subbed)
[Re-upload] People Inside - Interview with Gong Yoo (English Subbed)
[Re-upload] People Inside - Interview with Gong Yoo (English Subbed)
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Real-English-SUBTITLED-The South Beach Clips-4-Describe-self-in-one-sentence
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Real-English-SUBTITLED-The South Beach Clips-4-Describe-self-in-one-sentence
Lesson for this video at http://www.real-english.com/
The 4th clip in the new South Beach series, in 2 versions: with and without English subtitles. This is the version WITHOUT subtitles.
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The LESSONS for ALL of our videos are on the Real English® Site at
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(The part most people end up using starts at 4:20, inb4 weed jokes)
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m(_ _)m
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- What country do you want to visit the most?
- What mistakes do foreigners make in Japan?
- Would you welcome foreigners who visit Japan?
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HD 720p [High Definition] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHkHTpuGaD8
CNN exclusive interview with Cristiano Ronaldo, revealing some things about his life we've rarely heard.
Full show.
Credit to mgeftumblr2 for the original cap.
Re upload People Inside Interview with Gong Yoo English Subbed YouTube 002
Re upload People Inside Interview with Gong Yoo English Subbed YouTube 002
Re upload People Inside Interview with Gong Yoo English Subbed YouTube 002
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Оригинал https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo05bmxjNNQ
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People & Power - Western Jihadis in Syria
People & Power - Western Jihadis in Syria
People & Power - Western Jihadis in Syria
People & Power meets young Muslims who have abandoned the West to fight in Syria.
More on our website: http://aljazeera.com
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[Re-upload] People Inside - Interview with Gong Yoo (English Subbed)
Please take note that the subtitles for this interview has been re-edited due to a number of typos. People Inside with Paik Ji Yeon - Episode 119 Broadca...
wn.com/Re Upload People Inside Interview With Gong Yoo (English Subbed)
Please take note that the subtitles for this interview has been re-edited due to a number of typos. People Inside with Paik Ji Yeon - Episode 119 Broadca...
- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 24463
Out of the Picture (Buitenbeeld) - Thunderdome - Flabber.nl
By: http://www.flabber.nl/ A while ago our reporter went to Thunderdome and had a good time. A lot of people asked for a translation, so we made one! A uniqu...
wn.com/Out Of The Picture (Buitenbeeld) Thunderdome Flabber.Nl
By: http://www.flabber.nl/ A while ago our reporter went to Thunderdome and had a good time. A lot of people asked for a translation, so we made one! A uniqu...
- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 522868
Akon: 'America was never built for black people'
The Senegalese-American recording artist talks frankly about US race relations, "rebranding" Africa, and his music.
Akon talks to Al Jazeera about running his musical career as a business; his projects - both philanthropic and artistic; singing songs for peace and whether he thinks it can really make an impact; and being an African in the US.
wn.com/Akon 'America Was Never Built For Black People'
The Senegalese-American recording artist talks frankly about US race relations, "rebranding" Africa, and his music.
Akon talks to Al Jazeera about running his musical career as a business; his projects - both philanthropic and artistic; singing songs for peace and whether he thinks it can really make an impact; and being an African in the US.
- published: 24 Jan 2015
- views: 152
Real-English-SUBTITLED-The South Beach Clips-4-Describe-self-in-one-sentence
Lesson for this video at http://www.real-english.com/
The 4th clip in the new South Beach series, in 2 versions: with and without English subtitles. This is the version WITHOUT subtitles.
17 people in 14 interviews answer this question: "If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would that be?"
The LESSONS for ALL of our videos are on the Real English® Site at
wn.com/Real English Subtitled The South Beach Clips 4 Describe Self In One Sentence
Lesson for this video at http://www.real-english.com/
The 4th clip in the new South Beach series, in 2 versions: with and without English subtitles. This is the version WITHOUT subtitles.
17 people in 14 interviews answer this question: "If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would that be?"
The LESSONS for ALL of our videos are on the Real English® Site at
- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 1236
Risitas - Las Paelleras (Original video with English Subtitles)
Like what happened with the famous Hitler scene from "Downfall", people are making videos with subtitles using this "interview" aired on Jesus Quintero's show, "Ratones Coloraos".
The interviewee is Juan Joya, commonly known as "Risitas" or "El Risitas", literally meaning "little laughs", due to the way he laughs during his jokes and stories. He became very known in Spain.
(The part most people end up using starts at 4:20, inb4 weed jokes)
Some non-Spanish speakers wanted to know what they originally said, so I made this for them. I tried to make it as faithful as possible, but Risitas speaks with Andalusian accent and sometimes it can be a bit "closed". However, I think I was able to take all the meaning and translate it properly.
I hope you like it. If you have any doubt about what they say or any other question, put it in the comments, I'll reply as soon as possible.
wn.com/Risitas Las Paelleras (Original Video With English Subtitles)
Like what happened with the famous Hitler scene from "Downfall", people are making videos with subtitles using this "interview" aired on Jesus Quintero's show, "Ratones Coloraos".
The interviewee is Juan Joya, commonly known as "Risitas" or "El Risitas", literally meaning "little laughs", due to the way he laughs during his jokes and stories. He became very known in Spain.
(The part most people end up using starts at 4:20, inb4 weed jokes)
Some non-Spanish speakers wanted to know what they originally said, so I made this for them. I tried to make it as faithful as possible, but Risitas speaks with Andalusian accent and sometimes it can be a bit "closed". However, I think I was able to take all the meaning and translate it properly.
I hope you like it. If you have any doubt about what they say or any other question, put it in the comments, I'll reply as soon as possible.
- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 301
[iMarx] English sub - Vo Nguyen Giap in interviewing by French reporter
This is incomplete interviewing of General Vo Nguyen Giap, the man led Vietnam People Army to glorious Dien Bien Phu over French Army in 1954. However, this ...
wn.com/Imarx English Sub Vo Nguyen Giap In Interviewing By French Reporter
This is incomplete interviewing of General Vo Nguyen Giap, the man led Vietnam People Army to glorious Dien Bien Phu over French Army in 1954. However, this ...
Learn English the simple way for Telugu people- ALL INDIA RADIO INTERVIEW
Many people from Andhra Pradesh or from India may feel speaking in English is real difficult thing. The fact is, it is in the way we approach our learning. . This video is to help Telugu speakers understand some strategies to learn quality English. This is an interview conducted by ALL INDIA RADIO. Please feel free to reach us in case if you need any further help. +91 9985906937 www.iela.in
wn.com/Learn English The Simple Way For Telugu People All India Radio Interview
Many people from Andhra Pradesh or from India may feel speaking in English is real difficult thing. The fact is, it is in the way we approach our learning. . This video is to help Telugu speakers understand some strategies to learn quality English. This is an interview conducted by ALL INDIA RADIO. Please feel free to reach us in case if you need any further help. +91 9985906937 www.iela.in
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 1
Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help you fix that. As the sound expert demonstrates some useful vocal exercises and shares tips on how to speak with empathy, he offers his vision for a sonorous world of listening and understanding.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate
Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews
Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED
Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector
wn.com/Julian Treasure How To Speak So That People Want To Listen
Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help you fix that. As the sound expert demonstrates some useful vocal exercises and shares tips on how to speak with empathy, he offers his vision for a sonorous world of listening and understanding.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate
Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tednews
Like TED on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TED
Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector
- published: 27 Jun 2014
- views: 1172683
What Japanese think of foreigners (Their voices) 大学生インタビュー(外国人について)
An interview of Japanese university students on what they think about foreigners and foreign countries. Like our other interviews it's just for fun so don't take it too seriously. :) Sorry it's so windy!
m(_ _)m
- What do you think is the politest country?
- What country has the most attractive people?
- What country do you want to visit the most?
- What mistakes do foreigners make in Japan?
- Would you welcome foreigners who visit Japan?
More interviews:
Dating Japanese women(女子大生インタビュー・デート):
Dating Japanese men(男子大生インタビュー・デート):
German subtitles thanks to: Luca Wester
Want to help subtitle our videos?
【You can also find us:】
×Gaming channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RachelandJunGame
×Extra videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/RachelandJunExtra
×Jun's Kitchen: http://www.youtube.com/user/JunsKitchen
×Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/rachelandjun/profile
×Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelAndJun
×Twitter: https://twitter.com/RachelAndJun
×Instagram: http://instagram.com/rachelandjun
×Our blog: http://rachelandjun.blogspot.com/
The song is Untitled by Josh Woodward and can be found on his website: www.joshwoodward.com
wn.com/What Japanese Think Of Foreigners (Their Voices) 大学生インタビュー(外国人について)
An interview of Japanese university students on what they think about foreigners and foreign countries. Like our other interviews it's just for fun so don't take it too seriously. :) Sorry it's so windy!
m(_ _)m
- What do you think is the politest country?
- What country has the most attractive people?
- What country do you want to visit the most?
- What mistakes do foreigners make in Japan?
- Would you welcome foreigners who visit Japan?
More interviews:
Dating Japanese women(女子大生インタビュー・デート):
Dating Japanese men(男子大生インタビュー・デート):
German subtitles thanks to: Luca Wester
Want to help subtitle our videos?
【You can also find us:】
×Gaming channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RachelandJunGame
×Extra videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/RachelandJunExtra
×Jun's Kitchen: http://www.youtube.com/user/JunsKitchen
×Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/rachelandjun/profile
×Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelAndJun
×Twitter: https://twitter.com/RachelAndJun
×Instagram: http://instagram.com/rachelandjun
×Our blog: http://rachelandjun.blogspot.com/
The song is Untitled by Josh Woodward and can be found on his website: www.joshwoodward.com
- published: 06 Apr 2014
- views: 1753108
Legendary geneticist Jerome Lejeune in a rare interview in English.
Originally aired by the American Life League on their Celebrate Life program, this is a rare opportunity to hear Prof. Jerome Lejeune speak about Down syndro...
wn.com/Legendary Geneticist Jerome Lejeune In A Rare Interview In English.
Originally aired by the American Life League on their Celebrate Life program, this is a rare opportunity to hear Prof. Jerome Lejeune speak about Down syndro...
Afrohits on Bang Radio -Modenine '"you don't need to take shots at people who rap in English"
Legendary African rapper Modenine joined the Afrohits crew Mc Timmy, Adesope (shopsydoo) and Dj Yungmilli on Bang Radio London 103.6 Fm during his recent European trip. The multiple award winning lyricist who recently signed a deal with a German management outfit had a lot to say about the music scene particularly in Nigeria, "beef" between artistes and how he deals with it, being one of the first rappers to experiment with rapping in pidging English in Nigeria , his support for a kidney disease awareness campaign in Nigeria and lots more. Speaking candidly about some of his industry pairs, Modenine showered praise on the likes of Don Jazzy saying "he is the king of making a song a hit" . In criticising the bad writing skills of some Afrobeats artistes, he singled out the likes of Banky W and Sound Sultan for praise saying "Banky W has never written a bad song ever" others that got credit from the great one were the Choc Boyz, Wizkid, Burnaboy, Praiz and Davido. He also touched on the return of South African Hip Hop and his admiration for some of the stars in the south and he addressed recent rumours of rappers Reminisce, Phyno and Olamide throwing subliminal shots at him on their song "Local rappers" for the first time on camera . Rounding off the interview, Modenine answered the famous Afrohits 5 questions naming his current top three African rappers including his current favourite song. Watch and enjoy this interesting interview with one of the finest African entertainers on Bang Radio London 103.6FM.
wn.com/Afrohits On Bang Radio Modenine ' You Don't Need To Take Shots At People Who Rap In English
Legendary African rapper Modenine joined the Afrohits crew Mc Timmy, Adesope (shopsydoo) and Dj Yungmilli on Bang Radio London 103.6 Fm during his recent European trip. The multiple award winning lyricist who recently signed a deal with a German management outfit had a lot to say about the music scene particularly in Nigeria, "beef" between artistes and how he deals with it, being one of the first rappers to experiment with rapping in pidging English in Nigeria , his support for a kidney disease awareness campaign in Nigeria and lots more. Speaking candidly about some of his industry pairs, Modenine showered praise on the likes of Don Jazzy saying "he is the king of making a song a hit" . In criticising the bad writing skills of some Afrobeats artistes, he singled out the likes of Banky W and Sound Sultan for praise saying "Banky W has never written a bad song ever" others that got credit from the great one were the Choc Boyz, Wizkid, Burnaboy, Praiz and Davido. He also touched on the return of South African Hip Hop and his admiration for some of the stars in the south and he addressed recent rumours of rappers Reminisce, Phyno and Olamide throwing subliminal shots at him on their song "Local rappers" for the first time on camera . Rounding off the interview, Modenine answered the famous Afrohits 5 questions naming his current top three African rappers including his current favourite song. Watch and enjoy this interesting interview with one of the finest African entertainers on Bang Radio London 103.6FM.
- published: 19 Apr 2015
- views: 0
Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques
Communication is critical to success in business and life. Concerned about an upcoming interview? Anxious about being asked to give your thoughts during a meeting? Fearful about needing to provide critical feedback in the moment? You are not alone! Learn and practice techniques that will help you speak spontaneously with greater confidence and clarity, regardless of content and context.
Recorded on October 25, 2014, in collaboration with the Stanford Alumni Association as part of Stanford Reunion Homecoming and the Graduate School of Business Fall Reunion/Alumni Weekend.
Speaker: Matt Abrahams, ’91 Matt Abrahams is a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching strategic communication; he also teaches public speaking in Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program.
wn.com/Think Fast, Talk Smart Communication Techniques
Communication is critical to success in business and life. Concerned about an upcoming interview? Anxious about being asked to give your thoughts during a meeting? Fearful about needing to provide critical feedback in the moment? You are not alone! Learn and practice techniques that will help you speak spontaneously with greater confidence and clarity, regardless of content and context.
Recorded on October 25, 2014, in collaboration with the Stanford Alumni Association as part of Stanford Reunion Homecoming and the Graduate School of Business Fall Reunion/Alumni Weekend.
Speaker: Matt Abrahams, ’91 Matt Abrahams is a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching strategic communication; he also teaches public speaking in Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program.
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 2938
Cristiano Ronaldo - All Access - CNN Interview [FULL] [HQ]
HD 720p [High Definition] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHkHTpuGaD8
CNN exclusive interview with Cristiano Ronaldo, revealing some things about his life we've rarely heard.
Full show.
Credit to mgeftumblr2 for the original cap.
wn.com/Cristiano Ronaldo All Access Cnn Interview Full Hq
HD 720p [High Definition] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHkHTpuGaD8
CNN exclusive interview with Cristiano Ronaldo, revealing some things about his life we've rarely heard.
Full show.
Credit to mgeftumblr2 for the original cap.
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 1883861
Funny guy makes Royal Guard Laugh at Buckingham Palace
A tourist making the un-laughable English Royal Guard to burst out Laughing, at Buckingham Palace in London.
wn.com/Funny Guy Makes Royal Guard Laugh At Buckingham Palace
A tourist making the un-laughable English Royal Guard to burst out Laughing, at Buckingham Palace in London.
- published: 06 Mar 2014
- views: 705899
Mas Pak
Scottish Times: English view of Scottish independence
Scottish Times interview with random people in Birmingham on the subject of Scottish independence. scottish news | scottish independence referendum | news in scotland
wn.com/Scottish Times English View Of Scottish Independence
Scottish Times interview with random people in Birmingham on the subject of Scottish independence. scottish news | scottish independence referendum | news in scotland
- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 54182
Lutz Langhoff - Empower People - English - Interview 2010
Portrait about the business speaker Lutz Langhoff in 2010. Videos in english with speeches of him will be added next year. Visit the website www.lutzlanghoff...
wn.com/Lutz Langhoff Empower People English Interview 2010
Portrait about the business speaker Lutz Langhoff in 2010. Videos in english with speeches of him will be added next year. Visit the website www.lutzlanghoff...
VPE | Interview with Alexander Zakharchenko on the Day of the Republic | English Subtitles
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
Оригинал https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo05bmxjNNQ
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Voxpopulievo
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/voxpopulievo
In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are carefuly ground up and digested through modern media machines. On this channel we are gathering a collection of videos about ongoing struggles of peoples against the machine of elitism. Once again my dear audience it is up to you to watch or not to watch. The main thing is to think for yourself.
В мире масс медиа голос народа в большей части остаётся неуслышанным. Все беды, конфликты и заботы народов аккуратно перемалываются и перевариваются современными медиа машинами. На этом канале мы собираем коллекцию видео о насущной борьбе народов против машины элитизма. Как всегда, мои дорогие зрители, вам решать, смотреть или нет. Главное - думайте самостоятельно.
wn.com/Vpe | Interview With Alexander Zakharchenko On The Day Of The Republic | English Subtitles
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
Оригинал https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo05bmxjNNQ
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Voxpopulievo
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/voxpopulievo
In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are carefuly ground up and digested through modern media machines. On this channel we are gathering a collection of videos about ongoing struggles of peoples against the machine of elitism. Once again my dear audience it is up to you to watch or not to watch. The main thing is to think for yourself.
В мире масс медиа голос народа в большей части остаётся неуслышанным. Все беды, конфликты и заботы народов аккуратно перемалываются и перевариваются современными медиа машинами. На этом канале мы собираем коллекцию видео о насущной борьбе народов против машины элитизма. Как всегда, мои дорогие зрители, вам решать, смотреть или нет. Главное - думайте самостоятельно.
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 86
Fifty Accents of Grey with Jamie Dornan
Jimmy and Fifty Shades of Grey star Jamie Dornan take turns reading lines from the novel behind the movie using different accents.
Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: http://bit.ly/1nwT1aN
Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35/10:35c
Get more Jimmy Fallon:
Follow Jimmy: http://Twitter.com/JimmyFallon
Like Jimmy: https://Facebook.com/JimmyFallon
Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon:
Follow The Tonight Show: http://Twitter.com/FallonTonight
Like The Tonight Show: https://Facebook.com/FallonTonight
The Tonight Show Tumblr: http://fallontonight.tumblr.com/
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NBC YouTube: http://bit.ly/1dM1qBH
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NBC Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NBC/posts
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show including: comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives.
Fifty Accents of Grey with Jamie Dornan
wn.com/Fifty Accents Of Grey With Jamie Dornan
Jimmy and Fifty Shades of Grey star Jamie Dornan take turns reading lines from the novel behind the movie using different accents.
Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: http://bit.ly/1nwT1aN
Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35/10:35c
Get more Jimmy Fallon:
Follow Jimmy: http://Twitter.com/JimmyFallon
Like Jimmy: https://Facebook.com/JimmyFallon
Get more The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon:
Follow The Tonight Show: http://Twitter.com/FallonTonight
Like The Tonight Show: https://Facebook.com/FallonTonight
The Tonight Show Tumblr: http://fallontonight.tumblr.com/
Get more NBC:
NBC YouTube: http://bit.ly/1dM1qBH
Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC
Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC
NBC Tumblr: http://nbctv.tumblr.com/
NBC Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NBC/posts
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show including: comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives.
Fifty Accents of Grey with Jamie Dornan
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 8049069
Prabhas - "Two people will impress you in this movie" | Baahubali Team interview - BW
Baahubali (English: The One With Strong Arms) is an upcoming two part Indian epic film written and directed by S. S. Rajamouli. Produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil languages. There will be dubbed versions in Hindi and Malayalam. Baahubali features an ensemble cast of Prabhas Varma, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty and Tamannaah in the lead roles, and Ramya Krishnan, Sathyaraj, Nassar, Adivi Sesh, Tanikella Bharani and Sudeep in crucial roles.
The film is presented by K. Raghavendra Rao, while K.E. Gnanavel Raja (Studio Green) is presenting the Tamil theatrical version and Karan Johar (Dharma Productions) is presenting the Hindi theatrical version.Global United Media is presenting the Malayalamtheatrical version.The soundtrack for the film is composed by M. M. Keeravani. National Award winner Sabu Cyril designed art for the film. while National Award winner V. Srinivas Mohan is the Visual effects supervisor.
Baahubali also one of the few films featured in BBC's documentary on 100 Years of Indian cinema directed by Sanjeev Bhaskar. The film was shot using Arri Alexa XT camera marking Rajamouli's first film using digital camera and the principal photography began at Rock Gardens in Kurnool on 6 July 2013. Before the film proceed to its audio release, a small 20 sec teaser of the movie has been released on 30 May 2015 The trailer of the movie was released in Youtube on June 1st and got over 2 million views within the first two days. The first part of film is expected to be released on 10 July 2015
For more videos, interviews, reviews & news, go to: http://www.behindwoods.com/
Subscribe here - http://goo.gl/AUJGvP
wn.com/Prabhas Two People Will Impress You In This Movie | Baahubali Team Interview Bw
Baahubali (English: The One With Strong Arms) is an upcoming two part Indian epic film written and directed by S. S. Rajamouli. Produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil languages. There will be dubbed versions in Hindi and Malayalam. Baahubali features an ensemble cast of Prabhas Varma, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty and Tamannaah in the lead roles, and Ramya Krishnan, Sathyaraj, Nassar, Adivi Sesh, Tanikella Bharani and Sudeep in crucial roles.
The film is presented by K. Raghavendra Rao, while K.E. Gnanavel Raja (Studio Green) is presenting the Tamil theatrical version and Karan Johar (Dharma Productions) is presenting the Hindi theatrical version.Global United Media is presenting the Malayalamtheatrical version.The soundtrack for the film is composed by M. M. Keeravani. National Award winner Sabu Cyril designed art for the film. while National Award winner V. Srinivas Mohan is the Visual effects supervisor.
Baahubali also one of the few films featured in BBC's documentary on 100 Years of Indian cinema directed by Sanjeev Bhaskar. The film was shot using Arri Alexa XT camera marking Rajamouli's first film using digital camera and the principal photography began at Rock Gardens in Kurnool on 6 July 2013. Before the film proceed to its audio release, a small 20 sec teaser of the movie has been released on 30 May 2015 The trailer of the movie was released in Youtube on June 1st and got over 2 million views within the first two days. The first part of film is expected to be released on 10 July 2015
For more videos, interviews, reviews & news, go to: http://www.behindwoods.com/
Subscribe here - http://goo.gl/AUJGvP
- published: 05 Jun 2015
- views: 1600
Business English - How to talk about your career
http://www.engvid.com/ Have you just been recruited, promoted, or retrenched? I'll teach you 24 essential business English expressions to talk about your wor...
wn.com/Business English How To Talk About Your Career
http://www.engvid.com/ Have you just been recruited, promoted, or retrenched? I'll teach you 24 essential business English expressions to talk about your wor...
People & Power - Western Jihadis in Syria
People & Power meets young Muslims who have abandoned the West to fight in Syria.
More on our website: http://aljazeera.com
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/AJEngligh
Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Find us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/aljazeera
wn.com/People Power Western Jihadis In Syria
People & Power meets young Muslims who have abandoned the West to fight in Syria.
More on our website: http://aljazeera.com
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/AJEngligh
Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Find us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/aljazeera
- published: 04 Mar 2015
- views: 58505