
Whosoever wields this hammer…

I am a big comics fan. I’ve been collecting it since God knows when. I stopped at one point, but resumed collecting and stopped again. Luckily there are downloadable comics in the internet for those who can’t afford anymore. Now with the superhero live action movies a reality nowadays, it’s really awesome to see your favorite superheroes come to life in the big screen. X-Men, Iron man, The Incredible Hulk, etc. The latest installment is The Mighty Thor. One of my all time faves. When news hit the streets that Thor is in the making, i can’t wait to see it. Last week came that moment and honestly, it wasn’t a disappointment. The live action movie was not bad. Although there are only a few action scenes, the portrayal of Thor is in my opinion, done fairly. And watching it in 3D was a plus. Damn, the effects were awesome. Chris Helmsworth maybe a begginner but he did the Norse God of thunder justice in donning the mystic mallet in the movie. Anthony Hopkins did a fine portrayal of Odin too. What am I thinking? It’s Anthony Hopkins for chrissakes, of course he did! Although in my knowledge, he lost that eye when he gave it in return for some knowledge he seek. But that’s just me. The Norse gang were complete too.  Lady Sif, Volstagg, etc (but where is Brave Balder?). Mjolnir was so, so amazing, reading it in the comics doing this and that and finally seeing it on live action is really awesome.  Breathtaking. You might think that i may be overreacting, but ask any comics lover and they’ll tell you the same. Now with the team maybe complete (Hawkeye made a cameo appearance in the movie, and Captain America is soon to hit the stands), the next live action movie from Marvel may very well be The Avengers. Now that’s something to watch. I’m sure it would be one helluva movie. Next stop? Captain America: The First Avenger.

Meat Puppets at the Mardi Gras

When i was looking for my ripped copy of the Gerty Farish/Pissed Officers split, I came across this compressed file of the Meat Puppets Live at the Mardi Gras. I can’t actually remember how i got this one, and frankly forgot all about it already. Pretty fine audio recording for a boot, if this is indeed one. Now, the Meat Puppets need no introductions and I’m somewhat running out of free time already so I guess I must leave you punks to figure it all out for yourselves. Happy weekend to all ye out there.

Meat Puppets at the Mardi Gras

PS. Picture above isn’t really from the Mardi Gras gig (i think). And leave a comment people, it’s my Christmas wish from you. Cheers!

Gerty Farish/Pissed Officers Split

This is a re-post from a previous one. The links from that post are already dead so i decided to re-upload the tracks and this time it’s somewhat convenient because it’s all in a compressed file. Enjoy!

From the same overamplified home electronics realm as Shizuo and Rancid Hell Spawn, Gerty Farish records Casio noises, screamed vocals and three-chord guitar runs through blaring fuzz. Like its peers, Farish knows a sense of humor is the best way to approach this kind of music. The jacket of Save the Ants, a split release with Pissed Officers, is die cut for the purpose urged in the title. Jess Daniels and John Donahue, who emerged from Boston’s WHRB Record Hospital school of obnoxious punk teachings, shoot through eight noise-pop fun songs with delirious glee. –

Gerty Farish/Pissed Officers Split

Bad Burn – Bound by Blood

Good death/thrash metal band from this side of the globe. My apologies, i don’t have that much info on them, shame on me considering that this band is homegrown talent. I can’t even find the image that i got from this CD, jeez. Anyways, this album is highly recommended for download. One of the best locally released metal from the 90’s (?). Not that only a handful of this genre we’re only released commercially on that era that i know of, it’s just that this band rips big time. Fast, aggressive and mind-blowing lyrics. What more could you ask for?

Bad Burn – Bound by Blood

Profanatica / Masacre Split CD

Profanatica is an American Black Metal band formed sometime in 1990. They we’re former members of Incantation. One notable member from this band is vocalist and drummer Paul Ledney, who later on formed his one-man band Havohej. Four tracks of unrelentless, blasphemous, Machiavellian hate. No doubt one of my favorite black metal bands. This “side” of Profanatica is entitled Tormenting Holy Flesh, now if that isn’t unholy enough i don’t know what is. The other band in this split is Colombian Masacre (note the single “s”). Maybe not to be confused with the Floridan Death Metal band. Pretty decent death metal band if i may say so, utilizing the famed twin vocal style, the other somewhat similar to Mitch Harris’ screeching style. Their side is entitled Ola de Violencia which translates to Wave of Violence. Now a track from each Ep was included in the locally released death metal compilation Certified Death, that’s why when i saw this on the rack of a record store i unhesitantly grabbed it, literally. Now enjoy this one my satanic followers and spread the word…

Profanatica / Masacre Split CD

Tillers of the Land…

This beauty arrived just last week at the mail. No other than Paul Curran of Maximum Rock and Roll Radio sent me this piece of vinyl when I requested for a copy of AR’s other segment at their show. He said he had an extra copy and will send it to me if I like. Now who would say no to that? Anyways, I can’t thank Paul enough, his kind are rare nowadays. Cheers and beers to you Paul, thanks so much!

Going to the record, I noticed that the versions here are different than those at the cassette comps. Honestly? I think the ones at the comps are better, quality and version wise. But still this is a good find, I was hunting for this 7inch at eBay but to no avail. I’m just not sure if this is still available at Astral Anarchy’s site. I saw one at an auction from the Netherlands but the shipping is too much. Jeez! Just another cool item to add to my measly collection. Any more info from this band? Anyone?


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