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TashCamUK FotoPage

An ongoing diary of stuff, allsorts, and things wot happen ......

By: Alan Lodge

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Thursday, 7-Jul-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Felling in the woods :: Thieves Wood, Nottinghamshire

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Felling in the woods :: Thieves Wood, Nottinghamshire

A little conifer harvesting going on. An exercise in graphics and shapes

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Wednesday, 6-Jul-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Fields by low light :: Nottinghamshire

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Fields by low light :: Nottinghamshire

Such a magical time of day, when the sun actually comes out.

Summer evening light, low, raking, and warm colour. Lovely .........

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Tuesday, 5-Jul-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Lord Wellington's Cross, and a few clouds

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Lord Wellington's Cross, and a few clouds

Driving through a moor in the Peak District, I'd stopped the car and stepped out a bit from the road. The sun going down, and found this monument. Polarizer and cloud make the picture eh!

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Monday, 4-Jul-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Burnt-out Car in the woods

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Burnt-out Car in the woods

Dumpt at the edge of the Bestwood Park, Nottingham.

Guess they've finished with it then

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Sunday, 3-Jul-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Kayaking's Euro Cup : Holme Pierpoint, Nottingham : Day 3

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Freestyle Kayaking's Euro Cup : Holme Pierpoint, Nottingham : Day 3

Euro Cup 1st - 3rd July 2005

Competitors from over 20 nations will battle it out for whitewater supremacy on our purpose built wave. 45 second rides of non stop vertical and aerial action are judged and paddlers progress through qualifying heats, semis, quarters then on to the weekend¹s highlight, the knockout final. New International variety only rules will be used.


The sport of freestyle kayaking has exploded in popularity over the last ten years. The arrival of flat hulled kayaks and the rapid evolution of boat designs have opened up the possibilities for a wealth of new moves on, under and even in the air above the water! Freestyle kayaking is undoubtedly the most spectacular form of kayaking.

Freestyle can be most likened to the halfpipe discipline of snowboarding. Athletes take 2 rides of 45 seconds in which they perform a choreographed routine on a single river feature.

These runs are undertaken on big river features, large fast waves or holes (a wave which turns back on itself and holds the kayaker in it.)

The bigger the waves or holes the more dynamic the moves that kayakers can perform on them.
Unlike ocean waves, river waves and holes are static this allows all the judges and spectators to surround the chosen spot creating a fantastic atmosphere whilst allowing spectators a great view. Cartwheels, air loops, blunts and more are just a sample of the moves performed.

As the contest progresses those who scored most highly in the preliminary rounds go through quarters, semis and then the top five placed athletes go onto knockout sudden death finals.

These finals are tense and exciting for both competitors and spectators. Each athlete takes a ride on the wave and the lowest scorer drops out. One bad run means elimination so consistency and endurance is paramount for those who want to win. The remaining riders keep going until eventually a winner is crowned

Fri 8-Jul-2005 11:19
Posted by:KNizam  - [Link]
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Friday, 1-Jul-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Kayaking's Euro Cup : Holme Pierpoint, Nottingham : Day 1

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Freestyle Kayaking's Euro Cup : Holme Pierpoint, Nottingham : Day 1

Euro Cup 1st - 3rd July 2005

Competitors from over 20 nations will battle it out for whitewater supremacy on our purpose built wave. 45 second rides of non stop vertical and aerial action are judged and paddlers progress through qualifying heats, semis, quarters then on to the weekend¹s highlight, the knockout final. New International variety only rules will be used.


The sport of freestyle kayaking has exploded in popularity over the last ten years. The arrival of flat hulled kayaks and the rapid evolution of boat designs have opened up the possibilities for a wealth of new moves on, under and even in the air above the water! Freestyle kayaking is undoubtedly the most spectacular form of kayaking.

Freestyle can be most likened to the halfpipe discipline of snowboarding. Athletes take 2 rides of 45 seconds in which they perform a choreographed routine on a single river feature.

These runs are undertaken on big river features, large fast waves or holes (a wave which turns back on itself and holds the kayaker in it.)

The bigger the waves or holes the more dynamic the moves that kayakers can perform on them.
Unlike ocean waves, river waves and holes are static this allows all the judges and spectators to surround the chosen spot creating a fantastic atmosphere whilst allowing spectators a great view. Cartwheels, air loops, blunts and more are just a sample of the moves performed.

As the contest progresses those who scored most highly in the preliminary rounds go through quarters, semis and then the top five placed athletes go onto knockout sudden death finals.

These finals are tense and exciting for both competitors and spectators. Each athlete takes a ride on the wave and the lowest scorer drops out. One bad run means elimination so consistency and endurance is paramount for those who want to win. The remaining riders keep going until eventually a winner is crowned

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Thursday, 30-Jun-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
River Saor ar Sawley, Leicestershire

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River Saor ar Sawley, Leicestershire

Through a polarizer filter

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Wednesday, 29-Jun-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
A tree at sunset


A tree at sunset

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Tuesday, 28-Jun-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Jubilee Campus Nottingham University :: Green Architecture

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Jubilee Campus Nottingham University :: Environmentally aware / green architecture

While at the campus, covering the Christian Conference, I thought I would do this series of photographs, showing the splendid design of the buildings and the layout there.

The Jubilee Campus extension of Nottingham University is a milestone in green architecture. It pioneers an innovative strategy, a combination of mechanical and wind-driven ventilation, as well as bringing together a wide range of other green strategies. Despite starting with an industrial 'brownfield' site, the buildings are now embedded in verdant nature. More than that, the landscaping, the architecture and its environmental systems are intimately fused into a single formal and functional whole.

The landscaping is an intrinsic part of the architectural environmental systems: it filters and cools the air approaching the buildings, and even extends onto the roofs to improve insulation and prevent the build-up of reflected heat. It also purifies the water running off roofs, roads and parking areas. The most conspicuously placed and shaped formal elements of the architecture, which is otherwise low-key and generic (and should prove immensely adaptable in the long term), are those that harness the wind to drive the internal ventilation systems.

The buildings themselves are linked by a lakeside arcade, off which open the atria that connect classroom buildings. In addition to serving energy-saving functions the atria are, with the arcade, the main social spaces of the campus, which is also green in its social conviviality. It is significant that the campus is not out of town but within easy walking distance of the main campus and well served by public transport. In urban terms it defines an edge and buffer between the bigger buildings of the town center and the suburban houses beyond the lake, situating the scheme in place as well as nature.

All the above has been achieved with buildings that cost only $105 per square foot. This proves that even architecture that exemplifies all ten shades of green need cost no more than conventional buildings, yet will bring huge cost savings in the long term. Shades of green: Low energy/high performance; replenishable sources; recycling; embodied energy; long life, loose fit; total life cycle costing; embedded in place; access and urban context; health and happiness; community and connection.
Michael Hopkins and Partners

The brief called for a range of facilities including three faculty buildings, a learning resource centre, teaching and catering facilities and both undergraduate and postgraduate accommodation based on sustainable principles

nice!!! Sat 2-Jul-2005 19:40
Posted by:Wout  - [Link]

Sun 3-Jul-2005 12:49
Posted by:KNizam  - [Link]
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Monday, 27-Jun-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Anglican Church Council in Nottingham :: Catapillar, Zimbabwe,&

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Anglican Church Council in Nottingham :: Catapillar, Zimbabwe,& Gays

Anglican Consultative Council in Nottingham

Attended by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, they have one of these every three years.

This year its been held at the University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus.

Why this is interesting this year is that they're discusing 'ethical Investments'. Most notably, their investment of £2m in Caterpillar. Especially since the armoured version of this kit, is used by the Israeli Army to bulldoze Palestinian homes. Gay issue, attitudes marriage etc and on the last day of its meeting, has called on the Government of Zimbabwe to reverse its policies of destruction and begin to engage in development that eradicates poverty. So, well done guys.

Anglican Consultative Council

Anglican Consultative Council :: Participants

The Anglican Communion

War on Want have been campaigning about the churches investments in Caterpillar.

So, after all, the Bishops disussed the Caterpillar investment and was heartening to discover this piece in the Guardian,


Anglican share vote angers Israelis

Vikram Dodd
Saturday June 25, 2005
The Guardian

Anglicans yesterday voted to urge their member churches to consider disinvesting from companies involved in Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands.
The Anglican consultative council voted unanimously for the measure, which was opposed by the last archbishop of Canterbury and the Chief Rabbi, who fear it will damage Jewish and Christian relations. Among those voting for yesterday's measure was Dr Rowan Williams, the current Archbishop of Canterbury, a council spokesman said.

The vote was prompted by the Anglican Justice and Peace Network, and is being seen as largely symbolic. The resolution was weaker than the one originally proposed, but still calls on the church to pressure firms involved in Israel's activities in the occupied territories. Any company would first be talked to, but ultimately churches could sell their shares in them.
One company that could be affected is the US-based Caterpillar, whose bulldozers are used by the Israeli security forces to demolish the homes of Palestinians as punishment for attacks against Jewish civilians or troops.

The Church of England has £2m invested in the firm, and after the vote a spokesman said the church's ethical investment body would be "looking at whether they should be invested in Caterpillar. Cater pillar currently meets the ethical investment criteria."

The churches' 38 provinces across the world will be asked to implement the measure, but are not obliged to do so.

The former archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, said it would be "disastrous" to vote for the measure, in an interview before yesterday's vote.

The move followed a decision by the church in the US to disinvest. The motion "commends the resolve of the Episcopal Church (USA) to take appropriate action where it finds that its corporate investments support the occupation of Palestinian lands or violence against innocent Israelis".

Critics say the motion fails to take account of developments in the Middle East. The Israeli embassy in London reacted with fury. "If Anglicans are to be relevant to the peace process they should choose to engage rather than boycott one side," it said.

Rabbi Barry Marcus, who holds the Israel portfolio in the cabinet of the Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, said: "Moves toward divestment ... will do nothing to advance the twin causes of security for Israel and statehood for the Palestinians."

Speaking before the vote, the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, the Rt Rev Riah Hanna Abu El-Assal, told the BBC: "This is the time for some sort of action. The root cause [of the violence] is the occupation and when the occupation is no more I believe there will be peace and Israel will enjoy security."



Church, Catapillar, Zimbabwe,& Gays

that should get the trolls going eh .......!

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