On the 2015 Canadian General Elections: Bourgeois Legality and the NDP’s Proposed Reforms

In the next two posts, I want to return to the five questions that underpin the use of the boycott tactic: a) whether or not boycotting elections actually constitutes a break from bourgeois legality; b) whether or not the reforms being proposed by the New Democratic Party (NDP) are as inconsequential as suggested by boycott advocates; c) what are… More On the 2015 Canadian General Elections: Bourgeois Legality and the NDP’s Proposed Reforms

Book Review: Stanley B. Ryerson – The Founding of Canada

Stanley B. Ryerson’s The Founding of Canada: Beginnings to 1815 is a book that, despite its flaws, I wish I had read 15 years ago when I first became an activist in Canada. The book should be regarded as necessary reading for anyone interested in having a concrete grasp of Canadian history and how that history… More Book Review: Stanley B. Ryerson – The Founding of Canada

On the 2015 Canadian General Elections: Left Approaches toward the NDP

Every Provincial or Federal Election in Canada the Left is posed with the same question: how should we relate to the New Democratic Party (NDP)? And should we vote NDP despite the fact that year after year the NDP has moved more and more to the Centre and abandoned its historical democratic socialist and social… More On the 2015 Canadian General Elections: Left Approaches toward the NDP

In Memoriam: Salvador Allende (26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) and the thousands of Chileans who were killed and tortured by the US-backed Military Junta

Today, September 11th, marks the 42nd anniversary of the US-backed military coup that removed Salvador Allende, the democratically-elected president of Chile, and his Unidad Popular government from power. Unidad Popular or Popular Unity was a coalition of parties of the Center-Left and the Left (the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and the Radical Party) that won the… More In Memoriam: Salvador Allende (26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) and the thousands of Chileans who were killed and tortured by the US-backed Military Junta

Book Review: Santiago Carrillo’s “Eurocommunism and the State”

Santiago Carrillo, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Spain, articulates in Eurocommunism and the State (1977) the reasoning behind the Eurocommunist strategy for communist parties in advanced imperialist countries (it ought to be noted from the outset that the “Euro” in Eurocommunism unnecessarily narrowed its geographic and political scope and did not reflective its popularity amongst non-European parties like the Japanese… More Book Review: Santiago Carrillo’s “Eurocommunism and the State”

Historical Fragment: “Minutes of Mao’s Conversation with a Yugoslavian Communist Union Delegation, Beijing”

The “non-revisionist” comrades of the Internet e-journal, The Other Aspect, published by some Indian comrades, have recently posted an interesting transcript of a presentation given by Mao to a Yugoslavian Communist Union delegation about the Comintern, Titoism and Stalin. Although the transcript is undated, it is surmised that this meeting occurred 15 and 28 September, 1956. Mao… More Historical Fragment: “Minutes of Mao’s Conversation with a Yugoslavian Communist Union Delegation, Beijing”