Ma and Chu’s Taiwanese auction

Edit Taipei Times 13 Dec 2015
This is the first economic plan that he has presented the public with since he was nominated as presidential candidate ... That results in a high quality travel experience ... It seems, this year, it would be difficult to achieve an economic growth of 1 percent, but this is in line with Ma’s desire to bring about the complete restoration of Zhonghua minzu (中華民族) — the Chinese nation ... It is now targeting Taiwan. ....

Chu calls on Taiwan’s ‘silent strength’

Edit Taipei Times 05 Dec 2015
Chu appealed to the nation’s “mainstream” public, who he said are “moderate, rational and appreciate the ‘middle way.’” ... 16 elections ... However, Hung’s stumping yesterday was not the first public meeting between Chu and Hung since her replacement, as they both on Friday night appeared at an event organized by the Association for Chinese Unity, a group that touts “unity for the Zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族].” ... ....

‘Kinship’ a non-starter for young Taiwanese

Edit Taipei Times 14 Nov 2015
We should cooperate together and rejuvenate the Zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族].” ... Resorting to the notion of Zhonghua minzu and applying a Sino-centric perspective of history fails to take into account, and hence ignores, Taiwan’s unique and diverse history, which is also the reason that we protested against the revision of high-school ......

No such thing as ‘Chinese people’

Edit Taipei Times 14 Nov 2015
If democratic Taiwan and authoritarian China were united, Taiwan’s democracy would disappear, which would make it more difficult for authoritarian China to become a democratic nation ... Of course their — the same applies to the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) — talk about belonging to “the same people” means belonging to the Zhonghua minzu (Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族) ... That would really be the most idiotic decision imaginable....

MAC releases Ma-Xi meeting transcript

Edit Taipei Times 09 Nov 2015
Ma delivered a 20-minute speech that addressed five areas. creating sustainable cross-strait peace and prosperity based on the so-called “1992 consensus”; reducing hostility and tackling disputes peacefully; expanding cross-strait exchanges to create win-win scenarios; establishing a cross-strait hotline for urgent issues; and reinvigorating the Zhonghua minzu (Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族) through cross-strait cooperation ... “On Aug ... ....

MA-XI MEETING: Reporter’s Notebook: Ma sells out Taiwanese to secure his place in history

Edit Taipei Times 08 Nov 2015
While the Ma-Xi meeting has Ma basking in the global limelight, Ma’s attendance at the summit brought no benefits for Taiwan or Taiwanese ... Ma failed to offer any opposition to this ... Xi also repeatedly said that “people on both sides of the Strait are Zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族] and are all yan huang zisun [炎黃子孫 or descendants of emperors Yan and Huang], who should join hands to reinvigorate the Chinese [community].”....

Ma trumpets ‘one China,’ peace

Edit Taipei Times 07 Nov 2015
Xi said ... “I hope that compatriots on both sides of the Strait can jointly uphold the [so-called] ‘1992 consensus,’ consolidate common political foundations, maintain the correct cross-strait development direction and jointly seek great invigoration of the Zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族],” Xi added ... Former Mainland Affairs Council chairman Su Chi (蘇起) in 2000 admitted that he had made up the term “1992 consensus.”....

War of resistance against Japan not over, general says

Edit Taipei Times 26 Oct 2015
The Republic of China’s (ROC) war of resistance against Japan is not over and efforts are still needed to protect the nation from the polarization and havoc caused by pro-independence individuals cultivated by Japan, a retired army general said yesterday ... 25, 1945 ... “We must make a collective effort to save the ROC and the Zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族],” he added ... This is a historical fact that cannot be ignored,” he said. ....

KMT heavyweights support Chu bid

Edit Taipei Times 07 Oct 2015
Several senior Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) members yesterday threw their support behind KMT Chairman Eric Chu’s (朱立倫) reported plan to enter January’s presidential race. “The KMT is in chaos... “As the head of the party, Chu has a strong sense of mission. I believe any arrangements or decisions he has made were for the sake of party solidarity and the future development of the zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族],” Wu said ... ....

Taiwan, China and the Han race

Edit Taipei Times 13 Sep 2015
The confusion is particularly apparent in the re-emergence and increased use of zhonghua minzu (中華民族) in public discourse ... Zhonghua minzu has always been terminologically chaotic ... Liang Qichao (梁啟超), a Chinese scholar and journalist, coined zhonghua minzu in 1902, when Taiwan was ruled by Japan, because he wanted to rally an increasingly fragmented empire around an emerging nation-state ruled by the Han-Chinese majority....

President, Lien Chan avoid meeting at book launch

Edit Taipei Times 09 Sep 2015
However, they avoided a meeting each other, with Lien arriving after Ma had left ... In a speech at the book launch, Lien said the war against Japan was “fought by the people of zhonghua minzu (中華民族, Chinese ethnic group) and yan huang zisun (炎黃子孫, descendants of emperors Yan and Huang) against foreign aggression and led by the Chinese Nationalist Party government of the ROC.” ... ....

Lien flies to China amid controversy

Edit Taipei Times 30 Aug 2015
“The primary appeal of Lien’s visit is to garner reciprocity and dignity ... Chang said the series of commemorations were “a major event for the zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族]” and that Lien would “make appropriate statements” regarding who should take credit for the 1945 victory over the Japanese at Beijing’s internationally oriented commemorative events ... ....

PFP presidential candidate Soong takes aim at KMT

Edit Taipei Times 07 Aug 2015
Chiang’s spirit contained two parts. cross-strait policies and domestic policies. The former emphasized that he was both a Chinese and a Taiwanese, and that he would not turn his back on the Zhonghua minzu [Chinese ethnic group, 中華民族], nor walk away from his responsibility to Taiwanese,” Soong said ... “I want to ask ... “Do these actions conform to the ideologies of Sun? Who is the one that has drifted away from public opinion?” he added ... ....