Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 1)
Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 1)
Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 1)
Gianni Rivera come non lo avete mai visto: dagli esordi nell'Alessandria a Italia-Germania 4-3, dal Milan alla Nazionale di Calcio, dal Pallone d'Oro allo Scudetto della Stella.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 2)
Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 2)
Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 2)
Gianni Rivera visto dagli occhi dei giornalisti sportivi: una lunga carriera fatta di successi personali col Milan e con la Nazionale Italiana.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Rivera,Gianni Rivera
Rivera,Gianni Rivera
Rivera,Gianni Rivera
Life Rivera video compilation, visit please TvFutbol.net,fbtz.com!
Gianni Rivera
Gianni Rivera
Gianni Rivera
Golden boy, one of the better soccers players see more videos on http://www.jacksbacks.altervista.org/calcio.html.
Hall of Fame Milan - I grandi Capitani - Gianni Rivera
Hall of Fame Milan - I grandi Capitani - Gianni Rivera
Hall of Fame Milan - I grandi Capitani - Gianni Rivera
Il Milan lo comprò quando aveva appena 16 anni dall'Alessandria, per una cifra che all'allora presidente rossonero Andrea Rizzoli sembrò eccessiva, ma di cui...
The Duel: Rivera vs Cruyff ~ 1969 EC Final
The Duel: Rivera vs Cruyff ~ 1969 EC Final
The Duel: Rivera vs Cruyff ~ 1969 EC Final
Two great players. One game. Who played better? You decide. Vote here: http://www.4dfoot.com/2011/11/28/the-duel-rivera-vs-cruyff-1969-ec-final-video/ This f...
Sprint: intervista a Gianni Rivera (1973) Parte 1/2
Sprint: intervista a Gianni Rivera (1973) Parte 1/2
Sprint: intervista a Gianni Rivera (1973) Parte 1/2
Il campione è ormai affermato: eccolo intervistato nel 1973 da Sprint prima della spedizione italiana a Londra per l'amichevole con l'Inghilterra. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Gianni Rivera: benvenuti sul mio canale YouTube
Gianni Rivera: benvenuti sul mio canale YouTube
Gianni Rivera: benvenuti sul mio canale YouTube
Uno spazio pensato per chi ama il calcio e non solo. Con Gianni Rivera qui potete rivivere il passato, parlare del presente e scoprire insieme il futuro.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Gianni Rivera in World Cup
Gianni Rivera in World Cup
Gianni Rivera in World Cup
Giovanni Rivera detto Gianni, nasce ad Alessandria il 18 agosto 1943...
Tardelli fouls Rivera after 2 seconds! 1978
Tardelli fouls Rivera after 2 seconds! 1978
Tardelli fouls Rivera after 2 seconds! 1978
This is the famous foul by Marco Tardelli on Gianni Rivera after just 2 seconds into the Juventus-Milan game played in November 1978!! This crazy and dangero...
a TU x TU con - Gianni Rivera
a TU x TU con - Gianni Rivera
a TU x TU con - Gianni Rivera
Puntata dell'8 maggio 2012 con Gianni Rivera.
Gianni Rivera premiato alla Hall of Fame 2013
Gianni Rivera premiato alla Hall of Fame 2013
Gianni Rivera premiato alla Hall of Fame 2013
Pallone d'Oro nel 1969, entra nella storia del calcio italiano nella categoria "Veterano italiano" www.vivoazzurro.it
Gianni Rivera su Bayern Monaco - Barcelona 3-2
Gianni Rivera su Bayern Monaco - Barcelona 3-2
Gianni Rivera su Bayern Monaco - Barcelona 3-2
Gianni Rivera commenta Bayern Monaco - Barcellona 3-2 di Champions del 12 maggio 2015: ecco che cosa ha fatto la differenza per i blaugrana. E su Real Madrid - Juventus dice da che parte sta.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Sfide - Gianni Rivera
Sfide - Gianni Rivera
Sfide - Gianni Rivera
Gianni Rivera su Croazia-Italia 1-1: l'Europeo si avvicina
Gianni Rivera su Croazia-Italia 1-1: l'Europeo si avvicina
Gianni Rivera su Croazia-Italia 1-1: l'Europeo si avvicina
Gianni Rivera commenta il match dell'Italia in Croazia valido per la qualificazione agli Europei. "Un match difficile e ben gestito". Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Gianni Rivera: "Auguri Riva, campione d'altri tempi"
Gianni Rivera: "Auguri Riva, campione d'altri tempi"
Gianni Rivera: "Auguri Riva, campione d'altri tempi"
L'ex golden boy del calcio milanese e italiano, rivolge un pensiero affettuoso a Gigi Riva per il suo settantesimo compleanno e commenta il momento difficile del "suo" Milan: "Inzaghi non ha colpe, in campo ci vanno i giocatori".
Gol Indimenticabili - Gianni Rivera vs. Estudiantes (1-2)
Gol Indimenticabili - Gianni Rivera vs. Estudiantes (1-2)
Gol Indimenticabili - Gianni Rivera vs. Estudiantes (1-2)
Clip from DVD set, 'I 3000 gol del Milan'.
Duelos de Oro - Luis Suárez vs. Gianni Rivera (1/6)
Duelos de Oro - Luis Suárez vs. Gianni Rivera (1/6)
Duelos de Oro - Luis Suárez vs. Gianni Rivera (1/6)
Luis Suárez vs. Giovanni "Gianni" Rivera Ganadores del Balón de Oro en 1960 con el Barcelona y en 1969 con AC Milan, respectivamente.
Gianni Rivera: "Ghiggia un uomo forte, un uomo-spogliatoio"
Gianni Rivera: "Ghiggia un uomo forte, un uomo-spogliatoio"
Gianni Rivera: "Ghiggia un uomo forte, un uomo-spogliatoio"
Gianni Rivera ricorda Alcides Ghiggia e l'anno passato assieme tra le file del Milan. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Gianni Rivera torna a giocare!
Gianni Rivera torna a giocare!
Gianni Rivera torna a giocare!
Gianni Rivera è sempre Gianni Rivera: eccolo alle prese con una palla oggi, mentre scherza con Toto Lopez. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Gianni Rivera spiega la "dura legge del gol"
Gianni Rivera spiega la "dura legge del gol"
Gianni Rivera spiega la "dura legge del gol"
Il gol è lo scopo del calcio: Gianni Rivera non ha mai smesso di segnarne. Il Golden Boy nel 1977 parlava così dell'emozione della rete.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Francesca Calligaro intervista Gianni Rivera | La giostra dei gol - Rai International
Francesca Calligaro intervista Gianni Rivera | La giostra dei gol - Rai International
Francesca Calligaro intervista Gianni Rivera | La giostra dei gol - Rai International
Francesca Calligaro intervista Gianni Rivera | La giostra dei gol - Rai International
Gianni Rivera: "E se la UEFA lasciasse la FIFA?"
Gianni Rivera: "E se la UEFA lasciasse la FIFA?"
Gianni Rivera: "E se la UEFA lasciasse la FIFA?"
Gianni Rivera commenta l’ultima giornata di Serie A e parla di Higuaìn del Napoli, ricordando quando anche lui ha sbagliato un rigore decisivo. Scandalo FIFA: cosa succederebbe se la UEFA di Platini abbandonasse l’organizzazione? Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 1)
Gianni Rivera come non lo avete mai visto: dagli esordi nell'Alessandria a Italia-Germania 4-3, dal Milan alla Nazionale di Calcio, dal Pallone d'Oro allo Scudetto della Stella.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Story Il Mito Del Golden Boy (Parte 1)
Gianni Rivera come non lo avete mai visto: dagli esordi nell'Alessandria a Italia-Germania 4-3, dal Milan alla Nazionale di Calcio, dal Pallone d'Oro allo Scudetto della Stella.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 1142
Gianni Rivera story: il mito del Golden Boy (Parte 2)
Gianni Rivera visto dagli occhi dei giornalisti sportivi: una lunga carriera fatta di successi personali col Milan e con la Nazionale Italiana.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Story Il Mito Del Golden Boy (Parte 2)
Gianni Rivera visto dagli occhi dei giornalisti sportivi: una lunga carriera fatta di successi personali col Milan e con la Nazionale Italiana.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 789
Rivera,Gianni Rivera
Life Rivera video compilation, visit please TvFutbol.net,fbtz.com!
wn.com/Rivera,Gianni Rivera
Life Rivera video compilation, visit please TvFutbol.net,fbtz.com!
Gianni Rivera
Golden boy, one of the better soccers players see more videos on http://www.jacksbacks.altervista.org/calcio.html.
wn.com/Gianni Rivera
Golden boy, one of the better soccers players see more videos on http://www.jacksbacks.altervista.org/calcio.html.
- published: 06 May 2006
- views: 126257
Hall of Fame Milan - I grandi Capitani - Gianni Rivera
Il Milan lo comprò quando aveva appena 16 anni dall'Alessandria, per una cifra che all'allora presidente rossonero Andrea Rizzoli sembrò eccessiva, ma di cui...
wn.com/Hall Of Fame Milan I Grandi Capitani Gianni Rivera
Il Milan lo comprò quando aveva appena 16 anni dall'Alessandria, per una cifra che all'allora presidente rossonero Andrea Rizzoli sembrò eccessiva, ma di cui...
The Duel: Rivera vs Cruyff ~ 1969 EC Final
Two great players. One game. Who played better? You decide. Vote here: http://www.4dfoot.com/2011/11/28/the-duel-rivera-vs-cruyff-1969-ec-final-video/ This f...
wn.com/The Duel Rivera Vs Cruyff ~ 1969 Ec Final
Two great players. One game. Who played better? You decide. Vote here: http://www.4dfoot.com/2011/11/28/the-duel-rivera-vs-cruyff-1969-ec-final-video/ This f...
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 37176
Sprint: intervista a Gianni Rivera (1973) Parte 1/2
Il campione è ormai affermato: eccolo intervistato nel 1973 da Sprint prima della spedizione italiana a Londra per l'amichevole con l'Inghilterra. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Sprint Intervista A Gianni Rivera (1973) Parte 1 2
Il campione è ormai affermato: eccolo intervistato nel 1973 da Sprint prima della spedizione italiana a Londra per l'amichevole con l'Inghilterra. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 20 Aug 2015
- views: 146
Gianni Rivera: benvenuti sul mio canale YouTube
Uno spazio pensato per chi ama il calcio e non solo. Con Gianni Rivera qui potete rivivere il passato, parlare del presente e scoprire insieme il futuro.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Benvenuti Sul Mio Canale Youtube
Uno spazio pensato per chi ama il calcio e non solo. Con Gianni Rivera qui potete rivivere il passato, parlare del presente e scoprire insieme il futuro.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 1880
Gianni Rivera in World Cup
Giovanni Rivera detto Gianni, nasce ad Alessandria il 18 agosto 1943...
wn.com/Gianni Rivera In World Cup
Giovanni Rivera detto Gianni, nasce ad Alessandria il 18 agosto 1943...
- published: 11 Jan 2015
- views: 38
Tardelli fouls Rivera after 2 seconds! 1978
This is the famous foul by Marco Tardelli on Gianni Rivera after just 2 seconds into the Juventus-Milan game played in November 1978!! This crazy and dangero...
wn.com/Tardelli Fouls Rivera After 2 Seconds 1978
This is the famous foul by Marco Tardelli on Gianni Rivera after just 2 seconds into the Juventus-Milan game played in November 1978!! This crazy and dangero...
- published: 28 May 2012
- views: 20633
Gianni Rivera premiato alla Hall of Fame 2013
Pallone d'Oro nel 1969, entra nella storia del calcio italiano nella categoria "Veterano italiano" www.vivoazzurro.it
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Premiato Alla Hall Of Fame 2013
Pallone d'Oro nel 1969, entra nella storia del calcio italiano nella categoria "Veterano italiano" www.vivoazzurro.it
- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 73
Gianni Rivera su Bayern Monaco - Barcelona 3-2
Gianni Rivera commenta Bayern Monaco - Barcellona 3-2 di Champions del 12 maggio 2015: ecco che cosa ha fatto la differenza per i blaugrana. E su Real Madrid - Juventus dice da che parte sta.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Su Bayern Monaco Barcelona 3 2
Gianni Rivera commenta Bayern Monaco - Barcellona 3-2 di Champions del 12 maggio 2015: ecco che cosa ha fatto la differenza per i blaugrana. E su Real Madrid - Juventus dice da che parte sta.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 301
Gianni Rivera su Croazia-Italia 1-1: l'Europeo si avvicina
Gianni Rivera commenta il match dell'Italia in Croazia valido per la qualificazione agli Europei. "Un match difficile e ben gestito". Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Su Croazia Italia 1 1 L'Europeo Si Avvicina
Gianni Rivera commenta il match dell'Italia in Croazia valido per la qualificazione agli Europei. "Un match difficile e ben gestito". Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 13 Jun 2015
- views: 406
Gianni Rivera: "Auguri Riva, campione d'altri tempi"
L'ex golden boy del calcio milanese e italiano, rivolge un pensiero affettuoso a Gigi Riva per il suo settantesimo compleanno e commenta il momento difficile del "suo" Milan: "Inzaghi non ha colpe, in campo ci vanno i giocatori".
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Auguri Riva, Campione D'Altri Tempi
L'ex golden boy del calcio milanese e italiano, rivolge un pensiero affettuoso a Gigi Riva per il suo settantesimo compleanno e commenta il momento difficile del "suo" Milan: "Inzaghi non ha colpe, in campo ci vanno i giocatori".
- published: 06 Nov 2014
- views: 5
Duelos de Oro - Luis Suárez vs. Gianni Rivera (1/6)
Luis Suárez vs. Giovanni "Gianni" Rivera Ganadores del Balón de Oro en 1960 con el Barcelona y en 1969 con AC Milan, respectivamente.
wn.com/Duelos De Oro Luis Suárez Vs. Gianni Rivera (1 6)
Luis Suárez vs. Giovanni "Gianni" Rivera Ganadores del Balón de Oro en 1960 con el Barcelona y en 1969 con AC Milan, respectivamente.
- published: 05 Mar 2010
- views: 30127
Gianni Rivera: "Ghiggia un uomo forte, un uomo-spogliatoio"
Gianni Rivera ricorda Alcides Ghiggia e l'anno passato assieme tra le file del Milan. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Ghiggia Un Uomo Forte, Un Uomo Spogliatoio
Gianni Rivera ricorda Alcides Ghiggia e l'anno passato assieme tra le file del Milan. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 19 Jul 2015
- views: 317
Gianni Rivera torna a giocare!
Gianni Rivera è sempre Gianni Rivera: eccolo alle prese con una palla oggi, mentre scherza con Toto Lopez. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Torna A Giocare
Gianni Rivera è sempre Gianni Rivera: eccolo alle prese con una palla oggi, mentre scherza con Toto Lopez. Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/c/gianniriveraofficial
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 86
Gianni Rivera spiega la "dura legge del gol"
Il gol è lo scopo del calcio: Gianni Rivera non ha mai smesso di segnarne. Il Golden Boy nel 1977 parlava così dell'emozione della rete.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera Spiega La Dura Legge Del Gol
Il gol è lo scopo del calcio: Gianni Rivera non ha mai smesso di segnarne. Il Golden Boy nel 1977 parlava così dell'emozione della rete.
Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 552
Gianni Rivera: "E se la UEFA lasciasse la FIFA?"
Gianni Rivera commenta l’ultima giornata di Serie A e parla di Higuaìn del Napoli, ricordando quando anche lui ha sbagliato un rigore decisivo. Scandalo FIFA: cosa succederebbe se la UEFA di Platini abbandonasse l’organizzazione? Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
wn.com/Gianni Rivera E Se La Uefa Lasciasse La Fifa
Gianni Rivera commenta l’ultima giornata di Serie A e parla di Higuaìn del Napoli, ricordando quando anche lui ha sbagliato un rigore decisivo. Scandalo FIFA: cosa succederebbe se la UEFA di Platini abbandonasse l’organizzazione? Iscriviti al canale ufficiale di Gianni Rivera: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDqaIILjmW7mupBVInDdQw
Metti like su Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gianni10Rivera?fref=ts
Visita il sito ufficiale: http://www.giannirivera.it/
- published: 01 Jun 2015
- views: 281
Viaja Por Colombia Travel Guide - Rivera Huila
Viaja Por Colombia Travel Guide - Rivera Huila
Viaja Por Colombia Travel Guide - Rivera Huila
Viaja por colombia. Guia de turismo de Rivera Huila. Colombia travel guide rivera huila. Adventure travel guide from colombia. Lonely plaet huila.
Diego Rivera and Famous Mexican Painters
Diego Rivera and Famous Mexican Painters
Diego Rivera and Famous Mexican Painters
From the http://www.VideoSource.com Global Village Travel Guide DVD's http://www.LivingLandscapesHD.com (limited quantities) Mexico stock footage: http://www...
Paycation Webinar by Mike Rivera
Paycation Webinar by Mike Rivera
Paycation Webinar by Mike Rivera
Paycation Breakdown of Compensation Plan by my good friend and business partner Mike Rivera
Paycation Travel is the leader in Networking Travel. They have helped thousands travel the world, saving members thousand of dollars along the way. Lead by Travel Industry leaders. We are redefining what it means to travel and put money in your pocket.
Watch the Video presentation of my friend Mike Rivera breakdown the compensation plan of Paycation. You won't find a video more detailed then this one provided in my opinion.
Our team is expanding internationally and we want you to be a part of that. The financial benefits of this opportunity will have
Caly Rivera working / Caly Rivera trabajando, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Caly Rivera working / Caly Rivera trabajando, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Caly Rivera working / Caly Rivera trabajando, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
Final touch to a half moon timbale in Caly Rivera's workshop, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Final touch to a half moon timbale in Caly Rivera's workshop, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Final touch to a half moon timbale in Caly Rivera's workshop, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
Caly Rivera with customer / Caly Rivera con cliente, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Caly Rivera with customer / Caly Rivera con cliente, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Caly Rivera with customer / Caly Rivera con cliente, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
RC Rivera's Fashion Photography Tips & Secrets
RC Rivera's Fashion Photography Tips & Secrets
RC Rivera's Fashion Photography Tips & Secrets
http://www.silberstudios.tv RC Rivera is a very talented San Francisco fashion and advertising photographer. He shares his tips for preparing for a shoot, se...
Diaz-Balart talks US/Cuba travel policy with Geraldo Rivera, 4-13-13
Diaz-Balart talks US/Cuba travel policy with Geraldo Rivera, 4-13-13
Diaz-Balart talks US/Cuba travel policy with Geraldo Rivera, 4-13-13
Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) talks with Geraldo Rivera on FOX News' Geraldo at Large about US/Cuba travel policy, April 13, 2013.
edwin rivera abayon- swinburne university- love of jazz music and travel
edwin rivera abayon- swinburne university- love of jazz music and travel
edwin rivera abayon- swinburne university- love of jazz music and travel
swinburne university, melbourne australia, love of jazz music and travel, 2008.
Mexico - Rivera Mara - Travel Documentary
Mexico - Rivera Mara - Travel Documentary
Mexico - Rivera Mara - Travel Documentary
Mexico is located at about 23° N and 102° W in the southern portion of North America. It is also located in a region known as Middle America. Almost all of M...
VLOG | Puerto Princesa to El Nido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPawSgGcQkYz
VLOG| Tour A, El nido, Palawan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkypt5LCgLA
VLOG| Tour C, El nido, Palawan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVJzLWEYKzg
Palawan 2014 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8QNe3FEKOxSnsSZa8QHxJyaOWJCZLxqB
[Date Filmed] December 2014
Subscribe to my channel for more travel & lifestyle vlogs ❤️
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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave your questions and comments below!❤️
Travel, Philippines, Travel vlog, Travel Vlogger
French Rivera
French Rivera
French Rivera
Go to http://www.jetsetlife.tv follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/jetsetlife This time we head out to the French Rivera!
Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico City
Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico City
Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico City
The Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli or simply Anahuacalli Museum is a museum located in Coyoacán, in the south of Mexico City.
The unique museum was conceived and created by muralist Diego Rivera, who, motivated by his own interest in Mexican culture, collected near 60,000 pre-Hispanic pieces during his life and projected a building to place and exhibit them. It was completed after his death by architects Juan O'Gorman and Heriberto Pagelson and Rivera's own daughter, Ruth. Built of black volcanic stone, it takes the form of a pyramid. The museum articles are collected from almost every indigenous civilisation in Mexico's history.
The buildi
Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila EDSA Roxas Boulevard by HourPhilippines.com
Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila EDSA Roxas Boulevard by HourPhilippines.com
Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila EDSA Roxas Boulevard by HourPhilippines.com
Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila. The Rivera Café is the International Buffet Restaurant of the Heritage Hotel. Not the most lavish of hotel buffets but there are a few signature dishes worth focusing on such as their succulent Hainanese Chicken, cheese selection, Unagi Kobayaki, Lengua Estofado and Chicken Kuh The Soup.
Rivera Cafe
Heritage Hotel Manila
Roxas Boulevard corner Edsa, Pasay,
Tel:(+632) 854 8888
MABUHAY and Welcome to HourPhilippines TV!
Thanks for dropping by. Please subscribe, like, share and comment on our videos! ♥ We upload daily and weekly!
Your essential guide to unforgettable food, travel and nightlife
Artist Diego Rivera in Person
Artist Diego Rivera in Person
Artist Diego Rivera in Person
Art educator Ken Young provides a dramatic depiction of the life and work of Mexican artist Diego Rivera. Presented at the Sunnyvale Public Library, Californ...
Aya(X) Curandero Ronald Rivera talks about his first ayahuasca experience.
Aya(X) Curandero Ronald Rivera talks about his first ayahuasca experience.
Aya(X) Curandero Ronald Rivera talks about his first ayahuasca experience.
Aya(X) presents Ayahuasquero Ronald Rivera talking about his first experience with ayahausca. He describes how he felt and what he learned in subsequent sessions. This clip is an expanded excerpt from Ayahausca Nature's Greatest Gift, part 2 of The Path of The Sun documentary series http://bit.ly/ayamovie about mysticism, consciousness and ayahuasca.
Aya(X) is in depth interviews with thought leaders and shaman about ayahuasca
Aya(X) is an educational and informative program that shares in depth knowledge about ayahuasca via short clips of interviews with thought leaders and shaman.
The interviews are part of The Path of the Sun a document
Petra Mahalimuyak aka Ashley Rivera on The Cave Ep 35: Virgin Chronicles
Petra Mahalimuyak aka Ashley Rivera on The Cave Ep 35: Virgin Chronicles
Petra Mahalimuyak aka Ashley Rivera on The Cave Ep 35: Virgin Chronicles
WARNING: HEADPHONES NECESSARY You never forget your first. The Cavemen and Petra talk about their first times--from the first time they started downloaded po...
"Tzolkin Las 13 Lunas" (Parte 1) en Mexico Travel Channel Rivera Maya
"Tzolkin Las 13 Lunas" (Parte 1) en Mexico Travel Channel Rivera Maya
"Tzolkin Las 13 Lunas" (Parte 1) en Mexico Travel Channel Rivera Maya
Volaris CiruDerm "Katsuya Restaurant Cancun" Toyota "Media Branding" "Promocion Turistica" "Coffe Cafe" "Mexico Travel Channel" "Mario Nucamendi" "BD Couture...
Ang Batang Tourist Guide
Ang Batang Tourist Guide
Ang Batang Tourist Guide
Travel Mexico: Tulum - A Beach Among Ruins
Travel Mexico: Tulum - A Beach Among Ruins
Travel Mexico: Tulum - A Beach Among Ruins
Travel to Mexico with Sonia Gil! Sonia explores one of Mexico's magical beaches and one of the Maya people's most intriguing ancient cities. Her tips prove invaluable for visiting the ever popular Tulum Ruins, located in the Rivera Maya, just few hours drive south of Cancun.
Rising Sun - Shinjuku [HD] A guide to Tokyo's busiest city.
Rising Sun - Shinjuku [HD] A guide to Tokyo's busiest city.
Rising Sun - Shinjuku [HD] A guide to Tokyo's busiest city.
Rising Sun - Shinjuku [HD] A guide to Tokyo's busiest city.
My name is Jovette Rivera. I am professional songwriter and music producer in Tokyo. I write music for many major recording artists in Japan and Korea, such as KAT-TUN, Kis-My-Ft2, Jin Akanishi, Wada Akiko, Lee Joon Gi and more.
Rising Sun is a new series started to introduce foreigners to the more interesting and exotic spots in Tokyo. I'll be taking you from day to night to show you all the cities have to offer.
Please leave a comment, thumb up, and subscribe if you enjoyed the video.
Thank you very much.
© 2014
All footage shot on location by Jovette Rivera.
All music written
Rivera Maya, Mexico 2014
Rivera Maya, Mexico 2014
Rivera Maya, Mexico 2014
Las Vegas Vacation Strip, Rivera casino, Fashion show, The Mirage, Paris ,
Las Vegas Vacation Strip, Rivera casino, Fashion show, The Mirage, Paris ,
Las Vegas Vacation Strip, Rivera casino, Fashion show, The Mirage, Paris ,
Viaja Por Colombia Travel Guide - Rivera Huila
Viaja por colombia. Guia de turismo de Rivera Huila. Colombia travel guide rivera huila. Adventure travel guide from colombia. Lonely plaet huila.
wn.com/Viaja Por Colombia Travel Guide Rivera Huila
Viaja por colombia. Guia de turismo de Rivera Huila. Colombia travel guide rivera huila. Adventure travel guide from colombia. Lonely plaet huila.
- published: 03 Mar 2015
- views: 2
Diego Rivera and Famous Mexican Painters
From the http://www.VideoSource.com Global Village Travel Guide DVD's http://www.LivingLandscapesHD.com (limited quantities) Mexico stock footage: http://www...
wn.com/Diego Rivera And Famous Mexican Painters
From the http://www.VideoSource.com Global Village Travel Guide DVD's http://www.LivingLandscapesHD.com (limited quantities) Mexico stock footage: http://www...
Paycation Webinar by Mike Rivera
Paycation Breakdown of Compensation Plan by my good friend and business partner Mike Rivera
Paycation Travel is the leader in Networking Travel. They have helped thousands travel the world, saving members thousand of dollars along the way. Lead by Travel Industry leaders. We are redefining what it means to travel and put money in your pocket.
Watch the Video presentation of my friend Mike Rivera breakdown the compensation plan of Paycation. You won't find a video more detailed then this one provided in my opinion.
Our team is expanding internationally and we want you to be a part of that. The financial benefits of this opportunity will have you thinking about the possibilities.
Our team is family and we are willing to help out anyone who is willing to join us and put in the work for success.
Our Training Area has helped so many people win.
Richie rich Eveillard- Certified Travel Consultant
813-484-8099-- uoishelp@gmail.com
Join Page- www.tamparich.paycation.com
Paycation Travel
Paycation Review
Does Paycation Work
Paycation Compensation Plan
Is Paycation a scam?
Paycation Videos
Paycation Reviews
Paycation Travel Benefits
Paycation Travel Presentation
Paycation 2015
Paycation Opportunity
Paycation Travel Business
Paycation Travel New Presentation
Does Paycation Work?
Paycation Overview
Paycation Travel Overview
Paycation Travel Review
How to Market Paycation
Paycation Marketing
Paycation History
Paycation Scam or Not
Paycation Travel Scams
Paycation MLM
Paycation Travel Reviews
Paycation Comp Plan
Does Paycation Work?
wn.com/Paycation Webinar By Mike Rivera
Paycation Breakdown of Compensation Plan by my good friend and business partner Mike Rivera
Paycation Travel is the leader in Networking Travel. They have helped thousands travel the world, saving members thousand of dollars along the way. Lead by Travel Industry leaders. We are redefining what it means to travel and put money in your pocket.
Watch the Video presentation of my friend Mike Rivera breakdown the compensation plan of Paycation. You won't find a video more detailed then this one provided in my opinion.
Our team is expanding internationally and we want you to be a part of that. The financial benefits of this opportunity will have you thinking about the possibilities.
Our team is family and we are willing to help out anyone who is willing to join us and put in the work for success.
Our Training Area has helped so many people win.
Richie rich Eveillard- Certified Travel Consultant
813-484-8099-- uoishelp@gmail.com
Join Page- www.tamparich.paycation.com
Paycation Travel
Paycation Review
Does Paycation Work
Paycation Compensation Plan
Is Paycation a scam?
Paycation Videos
Paycation Reviews
Paycation Travel Benefits
Paycation Travel Presentation
Paycation 2015
Paycation Opportunity
Paycation Travel Business
Paycation Travel New Presentation
Does Paycation Work?
Paycation Overview
Paycation Travel Overview
Paycation Travel Review
How to Market Paycation
Paycation Marketing
Paycation History
Paycation Scam or Not
Paycation Travel Scams
Paycation MLM
Paycation Travel Reviews
Paycation Comp Plan
Does Paycation Work?
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 34
Caly Rivera working / Caly Rivera trabajando, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
wn.com/Caly Rivera Working Caly Rivera Trabajando, Bronx, New York Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
- published: 29 Nov 2014
- views: 7
Final touch to a half moon timbale in Caly Rivera's workshop, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
wn.com/Final Touch To A Half Moon Timbale In Caly Rivera's Workshop, Bronx, New York Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
- published: 29 Nov 2014
- views: 4
Caly Rivera with customer / Caly Rivera con cliente, Bronx, New York / Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
wn.com/Caly Rivera With Customer Caly Rivera Con Cliente, Bronx, New York Neava York
Visit http://www.panamadreamtravel.com for Panama and Latin America travel information or Latin-Amerika utazási napló az Amerikai kontinensről és sok minden másról: http://blog.metc.hu. For a South-American travel guide, click http://www.perudreamtravel.com or read http://www.dreamtravelcostarica.com for tips on Central America and Costa Rica. Billige kubanische Zigarren http://www.billigezigarren.com und Olcsó kubai szivarok, szivarbolt, alacsony szivar árak a http://www.olcsoszivar.com címen.
- published: 29 Nov 2014
- views: 4
RC Rivera's Fashion Photography Tips & Secrets
http://www.silberstudios.tv RC Rivera is a very talented San Francisco fashion and advertising photographer. He shares his tips for preparing for a shoot, se...
wn.com/Rc Rivera's Fashion Photography Tips Secrets
http://www.silberstudios.tv RC Rivera is a very talented San Francisco fashion and advertising photographer. He shares his tips for preparing for a shoot, se...
Diaz-Balart talks US/Cuba travel policy with Geraldo Rivera, 4-13-13
Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) talks with Geraldo Rivera on FOX News' Geraldo at Large about US/Cuba travel policy, April 13, 2013.
wn.com/Diaz Balart Talks US Cuba Travel Policy With Geraldo Rivera, 4 13 13
Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) talks with Geraldo Rivera on FOX News' Geraldo at Large about US/Cuba travel policy, April 13, 2013.
Mexico - Rivera Mara - Travel Documentary
Mexico is located at about 23° N and 102° W in the southern portion of North America. It is also located in a region known as Middle America. Almost all of M...
wn.com/Mexico Rivera Mara Travel Documentary
Mexico is located at about 23° N and 102° W in the southern portion of North America. It is also located in a region known as Middle America. Almost all of M...
VLOG | Puerto Princesa to El Nido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPawSgGcQkYz
VLOG| Tour A, El nido, Palawan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkypt5LCgLA
VLOG| Tour C, El nido, Palawan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVJzLWEYKzg
Palawan 2014 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8QNe3FEKOxSnsSZa8QHxJyaOWJCZLxqB
[Date Filmed] December 2014
Subscribe to my channel for more travel & lifestyle vlogs ❤️
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Travel, Philippines, Travel vlog, Travel Vlogger
wn.com/El Nido, Palawan | Travel Tips W English Subtitles
VLOG | Puerto Princesa to El Nido: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPawSgGcQkYz
VLOG| Tour A, El nido, Palawan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkypt5LCgLA
VLOG| Tour C, El nido, Palawan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVJzLWEYKzg
Palawan 2014 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8QNe3FEKOxSnsSZa8QHxJyaOWJCZLxqB
[Date Filmed] December 2014
Subscribe to my channel for more travel & lifestyle vlogs ❤️
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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave your questions and comments below!❤️
Travel, Philippines, Travel vlog, Travel Vlogger
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 17
French Rivera
Go to http://www.jetsetlife.tv follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/jetsetlife This time we head out to the French Rivera!
wn.com/French Rivera
Go to http://www.jetsetlife.tv follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/jetsetlife This time we head out to the French Rivera!
Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico City
The Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli or simply Anahuacalli Museum is a museum located in Coyoacán, in the south of Mexico City.
The unique museum was conceived and created by muralist Diego Rivera, who, motivated by his own interest in Mexican culture, collected near 60,000 pre-Hispanic pieces during his life and projected a building to place and exhibit them. It was completed after his death by architects Juan O'Gorman and Heriberto Pagelson and Rivera's own daughter, Ruth. Built of black volcanic stone, it takes the form of a pyramid. The museum articles are collected from almost every indigenous civilisation in Mexico's history.
The building forms a teocalli with means “sacred house”, its design notably influenced by the Teotihuacan culture as can be appreciated in the building’s boards, recreating the image of the rain god Tlaloc.
Music used in this video is by OBLIQUE QUARTET: You can pick up the CD 'TLALOC BEAT', digital download or just stream the music at bandcamp: https://alphataurimx.bandcamp.com
Mylungpuppy is the channel of musician Ron Anderson.
I have been making avant-music for over forty years in a number of different projects; PAK, The Molecules, RonRuins, numerous collaborations and solo. I combine composition and improvisation exploring the regions where they intersect. Sometimes my music is brutal, but I’m not afraid of melody, in general my work is pretty much "out there".
The main focus of my channel is music, but I also make vlogs on various subjects, cycling, touring and traveling, vegan food, rare vinyl LPs, audio field recordings, etc. Because not everyone is going to be interested in all the subjects covered on this channel, I have made playlists so you do not have to search through videos to find what you are looking for.
I try to answer questions and respond to as many comments as I can, any and all feedback from you is welcome.
I'm trying to make at least one or two new videos a week.
Thanks for watching, subscribe for updates and don’t forget to hit that damn like button.
wn.com/Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, Mexico City
The Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli or simply Anahuacalli Museum is a museum located in Coyoacán, in the south of Mexico City.
The unique museum was conceived and created by muralist Diego Rivera, who, motivated by his own interest in Mexican culture, collected near 60,000 pre-Hispanic pieces during his life and projected a building to place and exhibit them. It was completed after his death by architects Juan O'Gorman and Heriberto Pagelson and Rivera's own daughter, Ruth. Built of black volcanic stone, it takes the form of a pyramid. The museum articles are collected from almost every indigenous civilisation in Mexico's history.
The building forms a teocalli with means “sacred house”, its design notably influenced by the Teotihuacan culture as can be appreciated in the building’s boards, recreating the image of the rain god Tlaloc.
Music used in this video is by OBLIQUE QUARTET: You can pick up the CD 'TLALOC BEAT', digital download or just stream the music at bandcamp: https://alphataurimx.bandcamp.com
Mylungpuppy is the channel of musician Ron Anderson.
I have been making avant-music for over forty years in a number of different projects; PAK, The Molecules, RonRuins, numerous collaborations and solo. I combine composition and improvisation exploring the regions where they intersect. Sometimes my music is brutal, but I’m not afraid of melody, in general my work is pretty much "out there".
The main focus of my channel is music, but I also make vlogs on various subjects, cycling, touring and traveling, vegan food, rare vinyl LPs, audio field recordings, etc. Because not everyone is going to be interested in all the subjects covered on this channel, I have made playlists so you do not have to search through videos to find what you are looking for.
I try to answer questions and respond to as many comments as I can, any and all feedback from you is welcome.
I'm trying to make at least one or two new videos a week.
Thanks for watching, subscribe for updates and don’t forget to hit that damn like button.
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 5
Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila EDSA Roxas Boulevard by HourPhilippines.com
Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila. The Rivera Café is the International Buffet Restaurant of the Heritage Hotel. Not the most lavish of hotel buffets but there are a few signature dishes worth focusing on such as their succulent Hainanese Chicken, cheese selection, Unagi Kobayaki, Lengua Estofado and Chicken Kuh The Soup.
Rivera Cafe
Heritage Hotel Manila
Roxas Boulevard corner Edsa, Pasay,
Tel:(+632) 854 8888
MABUHAY and Welcome to HourPhilippines TV!
Thanks for dropping by. Please subscribe, like, share and comment on our videos! ♥ We upload daily and weekly!
Your essential guide to unforgettable food, travel and nightlife adventures in the Philippines and beyond!
Have a great day and a fantastic life ahead! :-) Cheers, Lord and Aksana
Food | Travel | Lifestyle | Parties | Nightlife | Events
For business inquiries, please send us a message :-)
wn.com/Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila Edsa Roxas Boulevard By Hourphilippines.Com
Rivera Cafe Buffet Heritage Hotel Manila. The Rivera Café is the International Buffet Restaurant of the Heritage Hotel. Not the most lavish of hotel buffets but there are a few signature dishes worth focusing on such as their succulent Hainanese Chicken, cheese selection, Unagi Kobayaki, Lengua Estofado and Chicken Kuh The Soup.
Rivera Cafe
Heritage Hotel Manila
Roxas Boulevard corner Edsa, Pasay,
Tel:(+632) 854 8888
MABUHAY and Welcome to HourPhilippines TV!
Thanks for dropping by. Please subscribe, like, share and comment on our videos! ♥ We upload daily and weekly!
Your essential guide to unforgettable food, travel and nightlife adventures in the Philippines and beyond!
Have a great day and a fantastic life ahead! :-) Cheers, Lord and Aksana
Food | Travel | Lifestyle | Parties | Nightlife | Events
For business inquiries, please send us a message :-)
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 52
Artist Diego Rivera in Person
Art educator Ken Young provides a dramatic depiction of the life and work of Mexican artist Diego Rivera. Presented at the Sunnyvale Public Library, Californ...
wn.com/Artist Diego Rivera In Person
Art educator Ken Young provides a dramatic depiction of the life and work of Mexican artist Diego Rivera. Presented at the Sunnyvale Public Library, Californ...
Aya(X) Curandero Ronald Rivera talks about his first ayahuasca experience.
Aya(X) presents Ayahuasquero Ronald Rivera talking about his first experience with ayahausca. He describes how he felt and what he learned in subsequent sessions. This clip is an expanded excerpt from Ayahausca Nature's Greatest Gift, part 2 of The Path of The Sun documentary series http://bit.ly/ayamovie about mysticism, consciousness and ayahuasca.
Aya(X) is in depth interviews with thought leaders and shaman about ayahuasca
Aya(X) is an educational and informative program that shares in depth knowledge about ayahuasca via short clips of interviews with thought leaders and shaman.
The interviews are part of The Path of the Sun a documentary film series directed by Seti Gershberg who spent two years in Peru studying shamanism and filming the two part documentary series.
The film Ayahuasca Nature's Greatest Gift is part two of The Path of the Sun, and many of the clips featured in Aya(X) appear in the film along with interviews of shaman and other leaders who are experts on the topic of ayahuasca.
Film Synopsis:
Ayahausca Nature's Greatest Gift is a feature length film with a runtime of 1 hour 5 minutes. The film is a comprehensive look at the socio-cultural realities surrounding the burgeoning popularity of the Amazonian sacred, medicinal and hallucinogenic brew called ayahausca. The film has 30 subtopics that answer questions about the tea including its history, usage, rituals, physical and supernatural experience, shaman, songs, special diet and preparation and thoroughly delves into it's potential therapeutic value in terms of personal healing and integration into western medicinal modalities. Particular emphasis is placed on the healing benefits of ayahuasca as it relates to overcoming fears, phobias, depression, anxiety as well as its successful, but controversial use in treating PTSD, alcoholism and drug addiction. Other topics include the realities of the booming ayahuasca tourism industry and associated dangers of its charlatans and the general dangers found in travel to third world countries to work with shaman in often times remote and hard to get to regions. Myth is stripped from new age illusions through a realistic, educational and explanatory telling of the facts and understandings via the voices of several Peruvian mestizo shaman and experts in the field including Ethnopharmacologist Dr. Dennis McKenna and Dr. Steven Beyer author of Singing to the Plants: A Guide to mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon.
The film can be purchase direct from the filmmaker at http://www.thepathofthesun.com
wn.com/Aya(X) Curandero Ronald Rivera Talks About His First Ayahuasca Experience.
Aya(X) presents Ayahuasquero Ronald Rivera talking about his first experience with ayahausca. He describes how he felt and what he learned in subsequent sessions. This clip is an expanded excerpt from Ayahausca Nature's Greatest Gift, part 2 of The Path of The Sun documentary series http://bit.ly/ayamovie about mysticism, consciousness and ayahuasca.
Aya(X) is in depth interviews with thought leaders and shaman about ayahuasca
Aya(X) is an educational and informative program that shares in depth knowledge about ayahuasca via short clips of interviews with thought leaders and shaman.
The interviews are part of The Path of the Sun a documentary film series directed by Seti Gershberg who spent two years in Peru studying shamanism and filming the two part documentary series.
The film Ayahuasca Nature's Greatest Gift is part two of The Path of the Sun, and many of the clips featured in Aya(X) appear in the film along with interviews of shaman and other leaders who are experts on the topic of ayahuasca.
Film Synopsis:
Ayahausca Nature's Greatest Gift is a feature length film with a runtime of 1 hour 5 minutes. The film is a comprehensive look at the socio-cultural realities surrounding the burgeoning popularity of the Amazonian sacred, medicinal and hallucinogenic brew called ayahausca. The film has 30 subtopics that answer questions about the tea including its history, usage, rituals, physical and supernatural experience, shaman, songs, special diet and preparation and thoroughly delves into it's potential therapeutic value in terms of personal healing and integration into western medicinal modalities. Particular emphasis is placed on the healing benefits of ayahuasca as it relates to overcoming fears, phobias, depression, anxiety as well as its successful, but controversial use in treating PTSD, alcoholism and drug addiction. Other topics include the realities of the booming ayahuasca tourism industry and associated dangers of its charlatans and the general dangers found in travel to third world countries to work with shaman in often times remote and hard to get to regions. Myth is stripped from new age illusions through a realistic, educational and explanatory telling of the facts and understandings via the voices of several Peruvian mestizo shaman and experts in the field including Ethnopharmacologist Dr. Dennis McKenna and Dr. Steven Beyer author of Singing to the Plants: A Guide to mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon.
The film can be purchase direct from the filmmaker at http://www.thepathofthesun.com
- published: 18 Oct 2014
- views: 71
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Travel to Mexico with Sonia Gil! Sonia explores one of Mexico's magical beaches and one of the Maya people's most intriguing ancient cities. Her tips prove invaluable for visiting the ever popular Tulum Ruins, located in the Rivera Maya, just few hours drive south of Cancun.
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Rising Sun - Shinjuku [HD] A guide to Tokyo's busiest city.
Rising Sun - Shinjuku [HD] A guide to Tokyo's busiest city.
My name is Jovette Rivera. I am professional songwriter and music producer in Tokyo. I write music for many major recording artists in Japan and Korea, such as KAT-TUN, Kis-My-Ft2, Jin Akanishi, Wada Akiko, Lee Joon Gi and more.
Rising Sun is a new series started to introduce foreigners to the more interesting and exotic spots in Tokyo. I'll be taking you from day to night to show you all the cities have to offer.
Please leave a comment, thumb up, and subscribe if you enjoyed the video.
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© 2014
All footage shot on location by Jovette Rivera.
All music written and produced by Jovette Rivera.
Check out my musical project SFAIRA!
wn.com/Rising Sun Shinjuku Hd A Guide To Tokyo's Busiest City.
Rising Sun - Shinjuku [HD] A guide to Tokyo's busiest city.
My name is Jovette Rivera. I am professional songwriter and music producer in Tokyo. I write music for many major recording artists in Japan and Korea, such as KAT-TUN, Kis-My-Ft2, Jin Akanishi, Wada Akiko, Lee Joon Gi and more.
Rising Sun is a new series started to introduce foreigners to the more interesting and exotic spots in Tokyo. I'll be taking you from day to night to show you all the cities have to offer.
Please leave a comment, thumb up, and subscribe if you enjoyed the video.
Thank you very much.
© 2014
All footage shot on location by Jovette Rivera.
All music written and produced by Jovette Rivera.
Check out my musical project SFAIRA!
- published: 15 Jun 2014
- views: 869
Las Vegas Vacation Strip, Rivera casino, Fashion show, The Mirage, Paris ,
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