Les chansons d'amour - La bastille
Troisième chanson du film de Cristophe Honoré.
Parisians sing La Marseillaise at Place de la Bastille
Place de la Bastille, May 6, 2012. Crowd singing the French National Anthem as François Hollande prepares to take the stage.
France - Paris - La Bastille et Place des Vosges
France – Paris – La Bastille et Place des Vosges.
Images et Musique : Vinh-Thien Quach.
Voyage en Images et en Musique :
La Bastille était une forteresse élevée à l'emplacement du débouché de la rue Saint-Antoine sur l’actuelle place de la Bastille à Paris. Elle fut entièrement détruite après la
Marche contre l'islamophobie, Paris, place de la Bastille
Le CRI (coordination contre le racisme et l'Islamophobie), organise plusieurs marches dans toute la France pour dénoncer l'islamophobie, nos caméras vous apportent des images et témoignages depuis la marche de Paris.
Monuments de Paris : La Place de la bastille
Une vidéo sur les monuments de Paris, la place de la Bastille. Une vidéo réalisée par Born TV, pour Damien Stevens.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon a tenu un grand meeting place de la Bastille
Au terme d'une grande marche ayant rassemblé des dizaines de milliers de sympathisants du Front de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon a tenu ce dimanche un grand mee...
France: François hollande célèbre sa victoire sur la place de la Bastille.
06/05/2012: Le candidat socialiste recueille entre 51,5% et 52% des suffrages, selon les dernières estimations. Le socialiste François Hollande a été élu dim...
Incendie dans un atelier de maroquinerie près de la Place de la Bastille
Les sapeurs-pompiers du centre de secours Chaligny sont appelés pour un incendie dans une entreprise de maroquinerie, située dans une impasse proche de la place de la Bastille. Le sinistre concerne un entrepôt de 200m2 environ. A l’arrivée des secours, l’incendie s’est déjà propagé à l’atelier adjacent.
Les équipes décident de prendre le feu en tenaille au moyen de 9 lances incendie, afin d’éviter
La Marseillaise, Place de la Bastille, 6 mai 2012, Paris.
La Marseillaise, Place de la Bastille, 6 mai 2012, Paris.
Paris: une foule sur la place de la Bastille en soutien à la Grèce
Des milliers de gauchistes ont marché entre la place de la Bastille et la place de la République à Paris jeudi soir pour soutenir Syriza et les mouvements anti-austérité en Grèce. La manifestation était organisée par plusieurs syndicats (CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires) ainsi que des groupes de la gauche, mais aussi par des membres du Parti socialiste. Les manifestants arboraient des bannières et brandis
Viva Palestina 5 Convoy on the "Place de la Bastille" in Paris | 19/09/2010
The 5th edition of the Viva Palestina Convoy from London to Gaza aimed to break Gaza siege stopped in Paris this time =)) Here is the video of a symbolic pla...
Le Génie de la Liberté - Place de la Bastille - París
Job Box - Paris place de la Bastille - ANEFA
Les 1er et 2 avril 2011, l'ANEFA a créé l'évenement au coeur de Paris, place de la Bastille, avec le concept original des Job Box. 4 parcours thématiques ill...
Roma Pride Paris-Place de la Bastille 2013
Troisième édition de la "Roma Pride - Jour de mobilisation pour la dignité des gens du voyage" ! Avec la participation de Slam Kalo et le Groupe Eleggua.
Le rassemblement, organisé par le Mouvement AntiracisteEuropéen (Egam) et l'Union Française des Associations Tziganes (Ufat),s'est tenu le dimanche 6 octobre, place de la Bastille à Paris simultanément dans 15 pays européens selon les organisat
6 mai 2012 - Place de la Bastille - Hollande - La marseillaise
On parle beaucoup des drapeaux sur la place de la Bastille le 6 mai 2012, on oublie ce moment incroyable où tous les gens présent ont chanté la Marseillaise ...
5 mai 2013, La Marseillaise place de la Bastille
5 mai 2013, La Marseillaise place de la Bastille.
place de la Bastille rassemblement 29/5/11
Unity Demonstration Place de la Bastille Paris 1/11/15 (11/1/15)
Unity Demonstration in Paris to honor those killed by terrorist this week.
Place de la Bastille video, Paris - Budgetplaces.com & Paris35.com
http://www.budgetplaces.com/5564/place-de-la-bastille-hotels-paris-111-1-1.html Square where the Bastille prison stood until the 'Storming of the Bastille&rs...;
Arrivée place de la Bastille
Manifestation Gaza Barbès - place de la Bastille Paris
Frankreich: Polizei räumt Versammlung der Demokratiebewegung im Place de la Bastille
Aufnahmen vom 29.Mai 2011. Die Polizei räumt unter Einsatz von Pfefferspray eine Versammlung der französischen Demokratiebewegung im Place de la Bastille (Ba...
Les chansons d'amour - La bastille
Troisième chanson du film de Cristophe Honoré....
Troisième chanson du film de Cristophe Honoré.
wn.com/Les Chansons D'Amour La Bastille
Troisième chanson du film de Cristophe Honoré.
- published: 15 Jun 2008
- views: 159962
author: Greensboro
Parisians sing La Marseillaise at Place de la Bastille
Place de la Bastille, May 6, 2012. Crowd singing the French National Anthem as François Hollande prepares to take the stage....
Place de la Bastille, May 6, 2012. Crowd singing the French National Anthem as François Hollande prepares to take the stage.
wn.com/Parisians Sing La Marseillaise At Place De La Bastille
Place de la Bastille, May 6, 2012. Crowd singing the French National Anthem as François Hollande prepares to take the stage.
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 20879
author: rcook1148
France - Paris - La Bastille et Place des Vosges
France – Paris – La Bastille et Place des Vosges.
Images et Musique : Vinh-Thien Quach.
Voyage ...
France – Paris – La Bastille et Place des Vosges.
Images et Musique : Vinh-Thien Quach.
Voyage en Images et en Musique :
La Bastille était une forteresse élevée à l'emplacement du débouché de la rue Saint-Antoine sur l’actuelle place de la Bastille à Paris. Elle fut entièrement détruite après la Prise de la Bastille le 14 juillet 1789.
En 1367, le Roi Charles V ordonna la construction du fort. Destinée à défendre la porte Saint-Antoine et les remparts de l’est de Paris devenus plus vulnérables ainsi qu'à protéger le roi en cas de révolte du peuple parisien notamment en sécurisant la route reliant la résidence du roi à l'hôtel Saint-Pol au château de Vincennes où le roi Charles V veut établir le centre administratif du royaume, la « Bastille » ou « Bastille Saint-Antoine » ou encore « fort et bastide Saint Anthoine lez Paris » était initialement un véritable château et un arsenal.
La construction ordonnée en 1367, fut bâtie sous le règne de Charles V, de 1370 à 1383, par le prévôt de Paris Hugues Aubriot qui posa la première pierre le 22 avril 13702, sur le modèle à quatre tours courant à l’époque. Les autres tours lui furent ajoutées ultérieurement. Elle faisait 66 mètres de long pour 34 mètres de large et 24 mètres de hauteur au niveau des tours, et était entourée d’un fossé de 25 mètres de largeur par 8 mètres de profondeur alimenté par les eaux de la Seine. Les huit tours se nommaient tours du Coin, de la Chapelle, du Trésor, de la Comté, de la Bertaudière, de la Basinière, du Puits et de la Liberté. L’entrée se faisait par la rue Saint-Antoine et donnait sur la Cour de l’Avancée qui abritait des boutiques et une caserne. Son premier capitaine gouverneur fut nommé par Charles VI, dès 1386, en la personne de son chambellan Jehan de La Personne, vicomte d'Acy, ancien compagnon de Bertrand du Guesclin et qui avait été déjà chambellan sous les deux règnes précédents. À la même époque fut édifié le donjon de Vincennes. Le Château de Montagu, édifié par le surintendant des finances de Charles VI, Jean de Montagu, à Marcoussis, est un exemple proche des choix d'architecture retenus pour la forteresse de la Bastille.
Elle appartenait au système défensif de l'enceinte de Charles V mais très vite, son utilité militaire s’avérant médiocre – «assiégée, elle s’est toujours rendue» – une nouvelle enceinte fut construite. La forteresse fut occasionnellement prison d’État sous Louis XI puis utilisée comme entrepôt d'armes et lieu de réception par François Ier, comme coffre-fort des richesses royales sous Henri IV.
wn.com/France Paris La Bastille Et Place Des Vosges
France – Paris – La Bastille et Place des Vosges.
Images et Musique : Vinh-Thien Quach.
Voyage en Images et en Musique :
La Bastille était une forteresse élevée à l'emplacement du débouché de la rue Saint-Antoine sur l’actuelle place de la Bastille à Paris. Elle fut entièrement détruite après la Prise de la Bastille le 14 juillet 1789.
En 1367, le Roi Charles V ordonna la construction du fort. Destinée à défendre la porte Saint-Antoine et les remparts de l’est de Paris devenus plus vulnérables ainsi qu'à protéger le roi en cas de révolte du peuple parisien notamment en sécurisant la route reliant la résidence du roi à l'hôtel Saint-Pol au château de Vincennes où le roi Charles V veut établir le centre administratif du royaume, la « Bastille » ou « Bastille Saint-Antoine » ou encore « fort et bastide Saint Anthoine lez Paris » était initialement un véritable château et un arsenal.
La construction ordonnée en 1367, fut bâtie sous le règne de Charles V, de 1370 à 1383, par le prévôt de Paris Hugues Aubriot qui posa la première pierre le 22 avril 13702, sur le modèle à quatre tours courant à l’époque. Les autres tours lui furent ajoutées ultérieurement. Elle faisait 66 mètres de long pour 34 mètres de large et 24 mètres de hauteur au niveau des tours, et était entourée d’un fossé de 25 mètres de largeur par 8 mètres de profondeur alimenté par les eaux de la Seine. Les huit tours se nommaient tours du Coin, de la Chapelle, du Trésor, de la Comté, de la Bertaudière, de la Basinière, du Puits et de la Liberté. L’entrée se faisait par la rue Saint-Antoine et donnait sur la Cour de l’Avancée qui abritait des boutiques et une caserne. Son premier capitaine gouverneur fut nommé par Charles VI, dès 1386, en la personne de son chambellan Jehan de La Personne, vicomte d'Acy, ancien compagnon de Bertrand du Guesclin et qui avait été déjà chambellan sous les deux règnes précédents. À la même époque fut édifié le donjon de Vincennes. Le Château de Montagu, édifié par le surintendant des finances de Charles VI, Jean de Montagu, à Marcoussis, est un exemple proche des choix d'architecture retenus pour la forteresse de la Bastille.
Elle appartenait au système défensif de l'enceinte de Charles V mais très vite, son utilité militaire s’avérant médiocre – «assiégée, elle s’est toujours rendue» – une nouvelle enceinte fut construite. La forteresse fut occasionnellement prison d’État sous Louis XI puis utilisée comme entrepôt d'armes et lieu de réception par François Ier, comme coffre-fort des richesses royales sous Henri IV.
- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 26
Marche contre l'islamophobie, Paris, place de la Bastille
Le CRI (coordination contre le racisme et l'Islamophobie), organise plusieurs marches dans toute la France pour dénoncer l'islamophobie, nos caméras vous apport...
Le CRI (coordination contre le racisme et l'Islamophobie), organise plusieurs marches dans toute la France pour dénoncer l'islamophobie, nos caméras vous apportent des images et témoignages depuis la marche de Paris.
wn.com/Marche Contre L'Islamophobie, Paris, Place De La Bastille
Le CRI (coordination contre le racisme et l'Islamophobie), organise plusieurs marches dans toute la France pour dénoncer l'islamophobie, nos caméras vous apportent des images et témoignages depuis la marche de Paris.
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 299
Monuments de Paris : La Place de la bastille
Une vidéo sur les monuments de Paris, la place de la Bastille. Une vidéo réalisée par Born TV, pour Damien Stevens....
Une vidéo sur les monuments de Paris, la place de la Bastille. Une vidéo réalisée par Born TV, pour Damien Stevens.
wn.com/Monuments De Paris La Place De La Bastille
Une vidéo sur les monuments de Paris, la place de la Bastille. Une vidéo réalisée par Born TV, pour Damien Stevens.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon a tenu un grand meeting place de la Bastille
Au terme d'une grande marche ayant rassemblé des dizaines de milliers de sympathisants du Front de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon a tenu ce dimanche un grand mee......
Au terme d'une grande marche ayant rassemblé des dizaines de milliers de sympathisants du Front de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon a tenu ce dimanche un grand mee...
wn.com/Jean Luc Mélenchon A Tenu Un Grand Meeting Place De La Bastille
Au terme d'une grande marche ayant rassemblé des dizaines de milliers de sympathisants du Front de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon a tenu ce dimanche un grand mee...
- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 2036
author: BFMTV
France: François hollande célèbre sa victoire sur la place de la Bastille.
06/05/2012: Le candidat socialiste recueille entre 51,5% et 52% des suffrages, selon les dernières estimations. Le socialiste François Hollande a été élu dim......
06/05/2012: Le candidat socialiste recueille entre 51,5% et 52% des suffrages, selon les dernières estimations. Le socialiste François Hollande a été élu dim...
wn.com/France François Hollande Célèbre Sa Victoire Sur La Place De La Bastille.
06/05/2012: Le candidat socialiste recueille entre 51,5% et 52% des suffrages, selon les dernières estimations. Le socialiste François Hollande a été élu dim...
Incendie dans un atelier de maroquinerie près de la Place de la Bastille
Les sapeurs-pompiers du centre de secours Chaligny sont appelés pour un incendie dans une entreprise de maroquinerie, située dans une impasse proche de la place...
Les sapeurs-pompiers du centre de secours Chaligny sont appelés pour un incendie dans une entreprise de maroquinerie, située dans une impasse proche de la place de la Bastille. Le sinistre concerne un entrepôt de 200m2 environ. A l’arrivée des secours, l’incendie s’est déjà propagé à l’atelier adjacent.
Les équipes décident de prendre le feu en tenaille au moyen de 9 lances incendie, afin d’éviter les propagations aux immeubles d’habitations voisins. Deux heures seront nécessaires pour éteindre le feu.
Heureusement, aucun ouvrier n’était encore arrivé sur le lieu de travail.
Deux sapeurs-pompiers ont été légèrement blessés au cours de l’attaque.
wn.com/Incendie Dans Un Atelier De Maroquinerie Près De La Place De La Bastille
Les sapeurs-pompiers du centre de secours Chaligny sont appelés pour un incendie dans une entreprise de maroquinerie, située dans une impasse proche de la place de la Bastille. Le sinistre concerne un entrepôt de 200m2 environ. A l’arrivée des secours, l’incendie s’est déjà propagé à l’atelier adjacent.
Les équipes décident de prendre le feu en tenaille au moyen de 9 lances incendie, afin d’éviter les propagations aux immeubles d’habitations voisins. Deux heures seront nécessaires pour éteindre le feu.
Heureusement, aucun ouvrier n’était encore arrivé sur le lieu de travail.
Deux sapeurs-pompiers ont été légèrement blessés au cours de l’attaque.
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 31
La Marseillaise, Place de la Bastille, 6 mai 2012, Paris.
La Marseillaise, Place de la Bastille, 6 mai 2012, Paris....
La Marseillaise, Place de la Bastille, 6 mai 2012, Paris.
wn.com/La Marseillaise, Place De La Bastille, 6 Mai 2012, Paris.
La Marseillaise, Place de la Bastille, 6 mai 2012, Paris.
Paris: une foule sur la place de la Bastille en soutien à la Grèce
Des milliers de gauchistes ont marché entre la place de la Bastille et la place de la République à Paris jeudi soir pour soutenir Syriza et les mouvements anti-...
Des milliers de gauchistes ont marché entre la place de la Bastille et la place de la République à Paris jeudi soir pour soutenir Syriza et les mouvements anti-austérité en Grèce. La manifestation était organisée par plusieurs syndicats (CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires) ainsi que des groupes de la gauche, mais aussi par des membres du Parti socialiste. Les manifestants arboraient des bannières et brandissaient des pancartes appelant à s'opposer à l'austérité au référendum de dimanche.
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube de RT France : https://www.youtube.com/user/rtenfrancais
RT en français : http://francais.rt.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RTFrance
Twitter : https://twitter.com/rtenfrancais
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/104396643367936605095/posts
wn.com/Paris Une Foule Sur La Place De La Bastille En Soutien À La Grèce
Des milliers de gauchistes ont marché entre la place de la Bastille et la place de la République à Paris jeudi soir pour soutenir Syriza et les mouvements anti-austérité en Grèce. La manifestation était organisée par plusieurs syndicats (CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires) ainsi que des groupes de la gauche, mais aussi par des membres du Parti socialiste. Les manifestants arboraient des bannières et brandissaient des pancartes appelant à s'opposer à l'austérité au référendum de dimanche.
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube de RT France : https://www.youtube.com/user/rtenfrancais
RT en français : http://francais.rt.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RTFrance
Twitter : https://twitter.com/rtenfrancais
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/104396643367936605095/posts
- published: 03 Jul 2015
- views: 8
Viva Palestina 5 Convoy on the "Place de la Bastille" in Paris | 19/09/2010
The 5th edition of the Viva Palestina Convoy from London to Gaza aimed to break Gaza siege stopped in Paris this time =)) Here is the video of a symbolic pla......
The 5th edition of the Viva Palestina Convoy from London to Gaza aimed to break Gaza siege stopped in Paris this time =)) Here is the video of a symbolic pla...
wn.com/Viva Palestina 5 Convoy On The Place De La Bastille In Paris | 19 09 2010
The 5th edition of the Viva Palestina Convoy from London to Gaza aimed to break Gaza siege stopped in Paris this time =)) Here is the video of a symbolic pla...
- published: 19 Sep 2010
- views: 3210
author: AmoonaE
Job Box - Paris place de la Bastille - ANEFA
Les 1er et 2 avril 2011, l'ANEFA a créé l'évenement au coeur de Paris, place de la Bastille, avec le concept original des Job Box. 4 parcours thématiques ill......
Les 1er et 2 avril 2011, l'ANEFA a créé l'évenement au coeur de Paris, place de la Bastille, avec le concept original des Job Box. 4 parcours thématiques ill...
wn.com/Job Box Paris Place De La Bastille Anefa
Les 1er et 2 avril 2011, l'ANEFA a créé l'évenement au coeur de Paris, place de la Bastille, avec le concept original des Job Box. 4 parcours thématiques ill...
Roma Pride Paris-Place de la Bastille 2013
Troisième édition de la "Roma Pride - Jour de mobilisation pour la dignité des gens du voyage" ! Avec la participation de Slam Kalo et le Groupe Eleggua.
Le r...
Troisième édition de la "Roma Pride - Jour de mobilisation pour la dignité des gens du voyage" ! Avec la participation de Slam Kalo et le Groupe Eleggua.
Le rassemblement, organisé par le Mouvement AntiracisteEuropéen (Egam) et l'Union Française des Associations Tziganes (Ufat),s'est tenu le dimanche 6 octobre, place de la Bastille à Paris simultanément dans 15 pays européens selon les organisateurs.
wn.com/Roma Pride Paris Place De La Bastille 2013
Troisième édition de la "Roma Pride - Jour de mobilisation pour la dignité des gens du voyage" ! Avec la participation de Slam Kalo et le Groupe Eleggua.
Le rassemblement, organisé par le Mouvement AntiracisteEuropéen (Egam) et l'Union Française des Associations Tziganes (Ufat),s'est tenu le dimanche 6 octobre, place de la Bastille à Paris simultanément dans 15 pays européens selon les organisateurs.
- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 193
6 mai 2012 - Place de la Bastille - Hollande - La marseillaise
On parle beaucoup des drapeaux sur la place de la Bastille le 6 mai 2012, on oublie ce moment incroyable où tous les gens présent ont chanté la Marseillaise ......
On parle beaucoup des drapeaux sur la place de la Bastille le 6 mai 2012, on oublie ce moment incroyable où tous les gens présent ont chanté la Marseillaise ...
wn.com/6 Mai 2012 Place De La Bastille Hollande La Marseillaise
On parle beaucoup des drapeaux sur la place de la Bastille le 6 mai 2012, on oublie ce moment incroyable où tous les gens présent ont chanté la Marseillaise ...
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 2970
author: nhennette
wn.com/29 Mai 2011.Place De La Bastille.Les Indignes Resistent.
Unity Demonstration Place de la Bastille Paris 1/11/15 (11/1/15)
Unity Demonstration in Paris to honor those killed by terrorist this week....
Unity Demonstration in Paris to honor those killed by terrorist this week.
wn.com/Unity Demonstration Place De La Bastille Paris 1 11 15 (11 1 15)
Unity Demonstration in Paris to honor those killed by terrorist this week.
- published: 11 Jan 2015
- views: 129
Place de la Bastille video, Paris - Budgetplaces.com & Paris35.com
http://www.budgetplaces.com/5564/place-de-la-bastille-hotels-paris-111-1-1.html Square where the Bastille prison stood until the 'Storming of the Bastille&rs......;
http://www.budgetplaces.com/5564/place-de-la-bastille-hotels-paris-111-1-1.html Square where the Bastille prison stood until the 'Storming of the Bastille&rs...;
wn.com/Place De La Bastille Video, Paris Budgetplaces.Com Paris35.Com
http://www.budgetplaces.com/5564/place-de-la-bastille-hotels-paris-111-1-1.html Square where the Bastille prison stood until the 'Storming of the Bastille&rs...;
Frankreich: Polizei räumt Versammlung der Demokratiebewegung im Place de la Bastille
Aufnahmen vom 29.Mai 2011. Die Polizei räumt unter Einsatz von Pfefferspray eine Versammlung der französischen Demokratiebewegung im Place de la Bastille (Ba......
Aufnahmen vom 29.Mai 2011. Die Polizei räumt unter Einsatz von Pfefferspray eine Versammlung der französischen Demokratiebewegung im Place de la Bastille (Ba...
wn.com/Frankreich Polizei Räumt Versammlung Der Demokratiebewegung Im Place De La Bastille
Aufnahmen vom 29.Mai 2011. Die Polizei räumt unter Einsatz von Pfefferspray eine Versammlung der französischen Demokratiebewegung im Place de la Bastille (Ba...
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Paris (France) - Travel Guide (Bastille Day Ideas)
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Paris.
Number ten, Hotel de Ville. This grand neo-Renaissance style landmark built centuries ago is home of the city administration.
Number nine, Place de la Concorde. The largest s
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Paris France Travel Guide Bastille Day Ideaswww savevid com
Celebrating Bastille Day in Paris, France (La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet)
It's not often that we're back home in Canada to celebrate Canada Day; however, one of the benefits of travel is that sometimes we get opportunities to take part in National Day celebrations of other countries. While visiting Paris, France to shoot a city guide, we had such a chance. The French National Day commemorates the Storming of the Bastille that took place on 14 July 1789. In English this
Dark Souls 2 100% Walkthrough #11 Lost Bastille & Belfry Luna (All Items & Secrets)
All items (In Order) -Scimitar -Repair Powder -Soul Of A proud Knight -Radiant Lifegem -Common Fruit -Heids Spear -Soul Of A Brave Warrior -Human Effigy -All...
Paris, France: Bastille Day Parties
More info about travel to Paris: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/france/paris This video shows how Paris celebrates Bastille Day — with parties all day and ...
Bastille Market, Paris - France Shopping Guide
Batille Market in Paris, France. Here we are in Paris. It is the most romantic city of the world. Everyday life can be sometimes be hard to find admidst the ...
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would a
Dark Souls 2 Secrets: THE LOST BASTILLE!
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon Click here for a Dark Souls 2 RAGE playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Champs Elysées, Paris - France Travel Guide
Beyond the touristy vibe, there's plenty to do and see on the world famous boulevard. (Paris, France)
Arc de Triomphe, the famous french landmark, was built by Napolean to serve as French war victories. Engraved under the arc are the names of more than one hundred battles, and also the names of the generals who lead the armies. From Arc de Triomphe, if you start walking eastwards, you come acros
Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough - Part 15 - The Lost Bastille
This is part 15 of our walkthrough for Dark Souls 2, where Mitch makes his first visit into The Lost Bastille. "Dark Souls 2 walkthrough part 15" "Dark Souls...
Volcom Bastille Days Paris 2015
Before the heavy skate sculpture installed by Volcom in Paris got taken away, the Volcom Germany +& Austria family team (& friends) paid a visit to the Bastille Days installment and shredded the city for a couple days.
After a 6 hour drive things were set for a great weekend. With heavy bones and tired legs, we had a hard time to warm up to film. But the great weather, the nice people and the fun
Paris, France - Video Tour of the Bastille Neighborhood (Part 1)
Hello and welcome for another video tour of a fantastic Paris neighborhood by New York Habitat ( http://www.nyhabitat.com ). In this video we are going to ha...
PARIS - HD - Travel to France - Greatest tour - Top 10 - FREE
Download it for FREE!!!!! Paris powered by the greatest travel app designer http://www.etips.com Download it at http://itunes.apple.com/cy/app/paris-travel-g...
Paris travel guide with a Parisian | ASOS Stylists Isabella and Alice
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow ASOS Stylist, Alice. From a quick refuel and tips on snapping the perfect insta-pic at Brasserie Barbes to shopping at a must-do concept store and cocktails in a hidden bar, Isabella and Alice will have you walking around Paris like a local i
INSIDE Singapore Round-Up with Jamie Yeo | January 2015
The essential Singapore Travel Guide - Jamie Yeo tours us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore on this 6-minute version of INSIDE Singapore!
To watch the full episode of INSIDE Singapore for January 2015, click here: http://youtu.be/x6_2d2aK8Mo
We have a jam-packed itinerary for you in Singapore this month of January!
Start your vacation with some tee time! Book a g
Travel Paris, France - Learn How to Ride the Metro in Paris
Not sure how you will ride the Paris Metro? Guenol shows the way.
When getting around Paris, the Metro is going to be your best option. It is cheap, it is punctual and you are always going to be a five or ten minutes walk away from any Metro Station. You can identify the Metro station with this red Metro sign. I am at the Ramuteau Center and now I am going to show you, how to
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.TravellersBazaar.com. I travelled to Paris for the first time this past May 2013. I knew I would enjoy my time in this city, but once there I was completely taken by the cities charm, architecture, culinary delights, and cosmopolitan people.
Hotel Bastille Speria | Best Place To Stay In Paris - Pictures And Basic Hotel Guide
Paris hotel bastille speria
A paris, l'htel bastille speria est situ prs de la bastille, entre le boulevard beaumarchais et la rue saint antoine. Ds votre arrive, la direction attentive sa here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this.
Paris, France Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern
Top 10 Attractions, Barcelona - Spain Travel Guide
Take a tour of Barcelona, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top...
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Washington, DC Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Washington, DC - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 10 attractions of Washington, DC.
Number ten, Jefferson Memorial. It is dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, third US President and one of the Founding Fathers. The memorial is modeled after Rome's Pantheon.
United States Travel Guide - Top 5 Destinations
Take a tour of United States - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 destinations of the United States.
Number five: Boston, one of the most historic cities of the United States. It has some of the finest academic institutions and many quaint, charming neighborhoods.
Number four: Los Angeles. See the famou
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Madrid (Spain) - Travel Guide Video
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Madrid, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 10 attractions of Madrid, Spain.
Number ten, Plaza de Cibeles. Madrid is known for many beautiful squares like this one. The Cibeles fountain is an important symbol of this city.
Number nine, Almudena Ca
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Paris (France) - Travel Guide (Bastille Day Ideas)
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd li...
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Paris.
Number ten, Hotel de Ville. This grand neo-Renaissance style landmark built centuries ago is home of the city administration.
Number nine, Place de la Concorde. The largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night.
Number eight, the Pompidou Center. A colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art.
Number seven, Arc de Triomphe. Built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris.
Number six is the Seine Boat Cruise. It's affordable, convenient, and in a short period of time you can see many major landmarks of the city.
Number five, Versailles Palace. A royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens.
Number four, Notre Dame. One of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture.
Number three, Sacré-Coeur. This Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors.
Number two, the Louvre Museum. Perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise.
And number one is the Eiffel Tower. Amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
wn.com/Top 10 Travel Attractions, Paris (France) Travel Guide (Bastille Day Ideas)
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Paris.
Number ten, Hotel de Ville. This grand neo-Renaissance style landmark built centuries ago is home of the city administration.
Number nine, Place de la Concorde. The largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night.
Number eight, the Pompidou Center. A colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art.
Number seven, Arc de Triomphe. Built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris.
Number six is the Seine Boat Cruise. It's affordable, convenient, and in a short period of time you can see many major landmarks of the city.
Number five, Versailles Palace. A royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens.
Number four, Notre Dame. One of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture.
Number three, Sacré-Coeur. This Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors.
Number two, the Louvre Museum. Perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise.
And number one is the Eiffel Tower. Amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
- published: 26 Aug 2010
- views: 94443
Celebrating Bastille Day in Paris, France (La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet)
It's not often that we're back home in Canada to celebrate Canada Day; however, one of the benefits of travel is that sometimes we get opportunities to take par...
It's not often that we're back home in Canada to celebrate Canada Day; however, one of the benefits of travel is that sometimes we get opportunities to take part in National Day celebrations of other countries. While visiting Paris, France to shoot a city guide, we had such a chance. The French National Day commemorates the Storming of the Bastille that took place on 14 July 1789. In English this day is called Bastille Day; however, in France it is known as La Fête nationale and/or Le quatorze juillet. To take part in the events of the day we went to the military parade, watched the impressive Eiffel Tower fireworks from the comfort of our hotel room on the 8th floor and went to party at a Fireman's Ball. Out of the three things I've mentioned we had the chance to cover two of them. Come find out what we did and didn't do on Bastille Day in Paris, France.
The French National Day commemorates the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789
Celebrating Bastille Day in Paris, France (La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet) Travel Video Transcript:
Well good morning from Paris. Today is the fourteenth of July which is a major national holiday. Today actually commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the start of the French Revolution. So there is a lot to celebrate. We're going to go watch a military parade and then there is going to be fireworks over the Eiffel Tower. And maybe we may be attending a Fireman's Ball. So let's get started with the day.
So they were handing out French flags just outside the metro station. So we're all patriotic and ready to celebrate.
We definitely could have come a little bit earlier. Some people came really prepared. Check this out they've got step ladders. Oh, yeah.
So the metro is free today and it looks packed.
So what are we doing next? Well, we're heading over to the fireman's ball. We just finished watching the fireworks from the comfort of our apartment. It was awesome. We're on the eighth floor of our hotel and we just had such a nice view right out of our window. We didn't even have to go to the Eiffel Tower. We could sit here, relax and just watch it outside of our window.
Okay, so let's go find that party now.
So we are going in search of the fireman's ball. Apparently there is one taking place in our neighborhood just two streets away. So we're going to try to find it and see what it is like.
So the whole idea of these fireman's balls in these different fire stations is to raise a lot of money for the fire station throughout the year. There is a lot of dancing, there is drinking, there is games, there is food. So we're pretty excited about it.
So this is actually quite disappointing. Google has failed me. We looked at the address of fire stations that are supposedly having parties and here we are with a fire station right behind us. And there is no party tonight. There is just a fire truck pulling back into the station because they are working. Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad? Yeah, so no party tonight guys. I guess we're heading back to the hotel. And that is the end of Bastille Day.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/Celebrating Bastille Day In Paris, France (La Fête Nationale Le Quatorze Juillet)
It's not often that we're back home in Canada to celebrate Canada Day; however, one of the benefits of travel is that sometimes we get opportunities to take part in National Day celebrations of other countries. While visiting Paris, France to shoot a city guide, we had such a chance. The French National Day commemorates the Storming of the Bastille that took place on 14 July 1789. In English this day is called Bastille Day; however, in France it is known as La Fête nationale and/or Le quatorze juillet. To take part in the events of the day we went to the military parade, watched the impressive Eiffel Tower fireworks from the comfort of our hotel room on the 8th floor and went to party at a Fireman's Ball. Out of the three things I've mentioned we had the chance to cover two of them. Come find out what we did and didn't do on Bastille Day in Paris, France.
The French National Day commemorates the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789
Celebrating Bastille Day in Paris, France (La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet) Travel Video Transcript:
Well good morning from Paris. Today is the fourteenth of July which is a major national holiday. Today actually commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the start of the French Revolution. So there is a lot to celebrate. We're going to go watch a military parade and then there is going to be fireworks over the Eiffel Tower. And maybe we may be attending a Fireman's Ball. So let's get started with the day.
So they were handing out French flags just outside the metro station. So we're all patriotic and ready to celebrate.
We definitely could have come a little bit earlier. Some people came really prepared. Check this out they've got step ladders. Oh, yeah.
So the metro is free today and it looks packed.
So what are we doing next? Well, we're heading over to the fireman's ball. We just finished watching the fireworks from the comfort of our apartment. It was awesome. We're on the eighth floor of our hotel and we just had such a nice view right out of our window. We didn't even have to go to the Eiffel Tower. We could sit here, relax and just watch it outside of our window.
Okay, so let's go find that party now.
So we are going in search of the fireman's ball. Apparently there is one taking place in our neighborhood just two streets away. So we're going to try to find it and see what it is like.
So the whole idea of these fireman's balls in these different fire stations is to raise a lot of money for the fire station throughout the year. There is a lot of dancing, there is drinking, there is games, there is food. So we're pretty excited about it.
So this is actually quite disappointing. Google has failed me. We looked at the address of fire stations that are supposedly having parties and here we are with a fire station right behind us. And there is no party tonight. There is just a fire truck pulling back into the station because they are working. Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad? Yeah, so no party tonight guys. I guess we're heading back to the hotel. And that is the end of Bastille Day.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 25 Jul 2015
- views: 21
Dark Souls 2 100% Walkthrough #11 Lost Bastille & Belfry Luna (All Items & Secrets)
All items (In Order) -Scimitar -Repair Powder -Soul Of A proud Knight -Radiant Lifegem -Common Fruit -Heids Spear -Soul Of A Brave Warrior -Human Effigy -All......
All items (In Order) -Scimitar -Repair Powder -Soul Of A proud Knight -Radiant Lifegem -Common Fruit -Heids Spear -Soul Of A Brave Warrior -Human Effigy -All...
wn.com/Dark Souls 2 100 Walkthrough 11 Lost Bastille Belfry Luna (All Items Secrets)
All items (In Order) -Scimitar -Repair Powder -Soul Of A proud Knight -Radiant Lifegem -Common Fruit -Heids Spear -Soul Of A Brave Warrior -Human Effigy -All...
- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 28972
author: Die NooB
Paris, France: Bastille Day Parties
More info about travel to Paris: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/france/paris This video shows how Paris celebrates Bastille Day — with parties all day and ......
More info about travel to Paris: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/france/paris This video shows how Paris celebrates Bastille Day — with parties all day and ...
wn.com/Paris, France Bastille Day Parties
More info about travel to Paris: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/france/paris This video shows how Paris celebrates Bastille Day — with parties all day and ...
Bastille Market, Paris - France Shopping Guide
Batille Market in Paris, France. Here we are in Paris. It is the most romantic city of the world. Everyday life can be sometimes be hard to find admidst the ......
Batille Market in Paris, France. Here we are in Paris. It is the most romantic city of the world. Everyday life can be sometimes be hard to find admidst the ...
wn.com/Bastille Market, Paris France Shopping Guide
Batille Market in Paris, France. Here we are in Paris. It is the most romantic city of the world. Everyday life can be sometimes be hard to find admidst the ...
- published: 04 May 2010
- views: 9973
author: geobeats
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over th...
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would add to this list. Now let's get started!
50 Things to do in Paris, France Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Eiffel Tower - La tour Eiffel
2) Champ de Mars
3) Crêpe - Eat a crepe
4) Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris)
5) Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (Arch of Triumph of the Star)
6) Avenue des Champs-Élysées
7) Have a Parisian picnic in the park
8) Bois de Boulogne
9) Rent a rowboat
10) Macaron - macaroon
11) Market Versailles
12) Marie Antoinette's Hamet - The Queen’s Hamlet
13) Palace of Versailles - Château de Versailles
14) Dance along the Seine at night
15) Love lock bridges
16) City views from the dome of Sacré-Cœur
17) Basilique du Sacré-Cœur - Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris
18) Croque-monsieur - grilled ham and cheese sandwich
19) Éclair - pastry filled with cream and topped with icing
20) Panthéon - Pantheon
21) Cimetière du Père-Lachaise - Père Lachaise Cemetery
22) Jardin des Tuileries - Tuileries Garden
23) Musée du Louvre - Louvre Museum
24) Bateaux Mouches - boat ride down the Seine river
25) Vélib' bike ride
26) Segway Tour
27) Jardin des Plantes - Botanical Garden
28) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - National Museum of Natural History
29) Centre Georges Pompidou
30) Le Marais - The Marsh historic district
31) Bastille Day - La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet
32) Jardin du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Garden
33) Palais du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Palace
34) Les Invalides - L'Hôtel national des Invalides
35) Grand Palais 'Great Palace' - Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
36) Petit Palais - Small Palace
37) Citroën 2CV - deux chevaux
38) Sainte-Chapelle - Holy Chapel
39) Trocadéro
40) Parc de Princes - Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
41) Moulin Rouge
42) Cimetière de Montmartre - Montmartre Cemetery
43) Moulin de la Galette
44) Le Consulat Restaurant
45) Musée de Montmartre - Montmartre Museum
46) Mille-feuille French pastry - 'a thousand leaves'
47) Tarte au Citron - Lemon tart
48) Galeries Lafayette - French Department Store
49) L'église de la Madeleine - Madeleine Roman Catholic Church
50) Métro de Paris - Paris Metro
We're confident our travel video guide covered some of the top attractions in Paris along with some suggestions that wouldn't necessarily be found in a tourism guide book including information on festivals, arts, entertainment and dining along with French cuisine. Most of the French foods we sampled would be found at any kind of local French bakery (pâtisserie).
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide Travel Video Transcript:
Hello, and welcome to Paris. This week we are exploring the city of love, city of lights and city of art. This video will be showing you the top 50 things to do while you visit Paris.
So we're wrapping things up here. What would be your one tip for visiting Paris? Well, I have recently spent a whole ten days here in summer. I would say that if you really want to visit the art galleries, the museums and all of the main attractions you should probably avoid summer and like either come in the spring or the fall or even winter. Because the lines are insane and sometimes you have to wait like an hour and a half or two hours just to go inside a museum or go inside a church. And you just kill a lot of time. So that is my one tip. Try and avoid summer when the crowds are just everywhere and it is also a bit too hot in my opinion. But that is just me.
So how about you? What are your final thoughts on Paris? So my finals thoughts is obviously Paris is one of the top cities in the world in terms of attractions. But it is like any other big gritty city. And you have to come with realistic expectations. There is going to be garbage, there is going to be lines, there is going to be some areas that are a bit of an eyesore. But there is also a lot of beauty and there is also a lot to do here. So I highly you recommend coming but just don't have Paris on such a high pedestal that you're going to be disappointed.
And that concludes our guide of the top 50 things to do and see in Paris. We hope you enjoyed watching, and let us know if there are other places you would add to this list.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/50 Things To Do In Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would add to this list. Now let's get started!
50 Things to do in Paris, France Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Eiffel Tower - La tour Eiffel
2) Champ de Mars
3) Crêpe - Eat a crepe
4) Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris)
5) Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (Arch of Triumph of the Star)
6) Avenue des Champs-Élysées
7) Have a Parisian picnic in the park
8) Bois de Boulogne
9) Rent a rowboat
10) Macaron - macaroon
11) Market Versailles
12) Marie Antoinette's Hamet - The Queen’s Hamlet
13) Palace of Versailles - Château de Versailles
14) Dance along the Seine at night
15) Love lock bridges
16) City views from the dome of Sacré-Cœur
17) Basilique du Sacré-Cœur - Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris
18) Croque-monsieur - grilled ham and cheese sandwich
19) Éclair - pastry filled with cream and topped with icing
20) Panthéon - Pantheon
21) Cimetière du Père-Lachaise - Père Lachaise Cemetery
22) Jardin des Tuileries - Tuileries Garden
23) Musée du Louvre - Louvre Museum
24) Bateaux Mouches - boat ride down the Seine river
25) Vélib' bike ride
26) Segway Tour
27) Jardin des Plantes - Botanical Garden
28) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - National Museum of Natural History
29) Centre Georges Pompidou
30) Le Marais - The Marsh historic district
31) Bastille Day - La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet
32) Jardin du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Garden
33) Palais du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Palace
34) Les Invalides - L'Hôtel national des Invalides
35) Grand Palais 'Great Palace' - Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
36) Petit Palais - Small Palace
37) Citroën 2CV - deux chevaux
38) Sainte-Chapelle - Holy Chapel
39) Trocadéro
40) Parc de Princes - Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
41) Moulin Rouge
42) Cimetière de Montmartre - Montmartre Cemetery
43) Moulin de la Galette
44) Le Consulat Restaurant
45) Musée de Montmartre - Montmartre Museum
46) Mille-feuille French pastry - 'a thousand leaves'
47) Tarte au Citron - Lemon tart
48) Galeries Lafayette - French Department Store
49) L'église de la Madeleine - Madeleine Roman Catholic Church
50) Métro de Paris - Paris Metro
We're confident our travel video guide covered some of the top attractions in Paris along with some suggestions that wouldn't necessarily be found in a tourism guide book including information on festivals, arts, entertainment and dining along with French cuisine. Most of the French foods we sampled would be found at any kind of local French bakery (pâtisserie).
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide Travel Video Transcript:
Hello, and welcome to Paris. This week we are exploring the city of love, city of lights and city of art. This video will be showing you the top 50 things to do while you visit Paris.
So we're wrapping things up here. What would be your one tip for visiting Paris? Well, I have recently spent a whole ten days here in summer. I would say that if you really want to visit the art galleries, the museums and all of the main attractions you should probably avoid summer and like either come in the spring or the fall or even winter. Because the lines are insane and sometimes you have to wait like an hour and a half or two hours just to go inside a museum or go inside a church. And you just kill a lot of time. So that is my one tip. Try and avoid summer when the crowds are just everywhere and it is also a bit too hot in my opinion. But that is just me.
So how about you? What are your final thoughts on Paris? So my finals thoughts is obviously Paris is one of the top cities in the world in terms of attractions. But it is like any other big gritty city. And you have to come with realistic expectations. There is going to be garbage, there is going to be lines, there is going to be some areas that are a bit of an eyesore. But there is also a lot of beauty and there is also a lot to do here. So I highly you recommend coming but just don't have Paris on such a high pedestal that you're going to be disappointed.
And that concludes our guide of the top 50 things to do and see in Paris. We hope you enjoyed watching, and let us know if there are other places you would add to this list.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 18245
Dark Souls 2 Secrets: THE LOST BASTILLE!
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon Click here for a Dark Souls 2 RAGE playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/wat......
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon Click here for a Dark Souls 2 RAGE playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
wn.com/Dark Souls 2 Secrets The Lost Bastille
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon Click here for a Dark Souls 2 RAGE playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 85432
author: Tyrannicon
Champs Elysées, Paris - France Travel Guide
Beyond the touristy vibe, there's plenty to do and see on the world famous boulevard. (Paris, France)
Arc de Triomphe, the famous french landmark, was built b...
Beyond the touristy vibe, there's plenty to do and see on the world famous boulevard. (Paris, France)
Arc de Triomphe, the famous french landmark, was built by Napolean to serve as French war victories. Engraved under the arc are the names of more than one hundred battles, and also the names of the generals who lead the armies. From Arc de Triomphe, if you start walking eastwards, you come across great landmarks like Luxor and the Louvre Museum. And on the way, you also walk on this tiny little avenue called the Champs-Élysées. The German army marched here in 1940 and the American army marched there in 1944. Even today, it is the site of events like the Bastille Parade and the finish point of Tour de France. Less officially, a lot of people come here on New Year's Eve, to celebrate with bottles of champagne. The avenue has a more touristic feel to it. You are not going to find a lot of locals here. It is only ten o'clock in the morning and there is already a line of people waiting for the shops to open.
Interestingly, there are two car dealerships where you can check out the latest concept cars. Ono is one of them. There are lots of restaurants and cafes, considering this is one of the most expensive real estates in the world. Food and drink are not going to be cheap. Fouguet's is a legend, French palace during the first world war used to hang out here. More recently, freshly elected Nicolas Sarkozy came to celebrate is victory with his friend here on election night. Laduree is a well-known bakery and their desserts back at home have a very good reputation. Do not get too involved on cafes and shops every now and then to look up to get a glimpse of the wonderful architecture. Champs-Élysées has been home to a lot of cinemas and theaters. A lot of films are played in English with French subtitles. The Champs really has two parts - as you get closer to the Plaza de Luxor, past the commercial area, the character of the avenue changes totally. Shops and cafes are gone and you are in the middle of trees. It is a nice walk, much quiet than the avenue with all the cars. This is Cecil showing you Paris.
wn.com/Champs Elysées, Paris France Travel Guide
Beyond the touristy vibe, there's plenty to do and see on the world famous boulevard. (Paris, France)
Arc de Triomphe, the famous french landmark, was built by Napolean to serve as French war victories. Engraved under the arc are the names of more than one hundred battles, and also the names of the generals who lead the armies. From Arc de Triomphe, if you start walking eastwards, you come across great landmarks like Luxor and the Louvre Museum. And on the way, you also walk on this tiny little avenue called the Champs-Élysées. The German army marched here in 1940 and the American army marched there in 1944. Even today, it is the site of events like the Bastille Parade and the finish point of Tour de France. Less officially, a lot of people come here on New Year's Eve, to celebrate with bottles of champagne. The avenue has a more touristic feel to it. You are not going to find a lot of locals here. It is only ten o'clock in the morning and there is already a line of people waiting for the shops to open.
Interestingly, there are two car dealerships where you can check out the latest concept cars. Ono is one of them. There are lots of restaurants and cafes, considering this is one of the most expensive real estates in the world. Food and drink are not going to be cheap. Fouguet's is a legend, French palace during the first world war used to hang out here. More recently, freshly elected Nicolas Sarkozy came to celebrate is victory with his friend here on election night. Laduree is a well-known bakery and their desserts back at home have a very good reputation. Do not get too involved on cafes and shops every now and then to look up to get a glimpse of the wonderful architecture. Champs-Élysées has been home to a lot of cinemas and theaters. A lot of films are played in English with French subtitles. The Champs really has two parts - as you get closer to the Plaza de Luxor, past the commercial area, the character of the avenue changes totally. Shops and cafes are gone and you are in the middle of trees. It is a nice walk, much quiet than the avenue with all the cars. This is Cecil showing you Paris.
- published: 04 May 2010
- views: 27286
Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough - Part 15 - The Lost Bastille
This is part 15 of our walkthrough for Dark Souls 2, where Mitch makes his first visit into The Lost Bastille. "Dark Souls 2 walkthrough part 15" "Dark Souls......
This is part 15 of our walkthrough for Dark Souls 2, where Mitch makes his first visit into The Lost Bastille. "Dark Souls 2 walkthrough part 15" "Dark Souls...
wn.com/Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough Part 15 The Lost Bastille
This is part 15 of our walkthrough for Dark Souls 2, where Mitch makes his first visit into The Lost Bastille. "Dark Souls 2 walkthrough part 15" "Dark Souls...
Volcom Bastille Days Paris 2015
Before the heavy skate sculpture installed by Volcom in Paris got taken away, the Volcom Germany +& Austria family team (& friends) paid a visit to the Bastille...
Before the heavy skate sculpture installed by Volcom in Paris got taken away, the Volcom Germany +& Austria family team (& friends) paid a visit to the Bastille Days installment and shredded the city for a couple days.
After a 6 hour drive things were set for a great weekend. With heavy bones and tired legs, we had a hard time to warm up to film. But the great weather, the nice people and the fun skate spot got everyone hyped so at the end we all had a sick weekend filming, sweating and laughing.
Words hardly describe the good times so just check out what Vladik Scholz, Daniel Spiegel, Alex Schultz and the gang pulled out that weekend in Paris
wn.com/Volcom Bastille Days Paris 2015
Before the heavy skate sculpture installed by Volcom in Paris got taken away, the Volcom Germany +& Austria family team (& friends) paid a visit to the Bastille Days installment and shredded the city for a couple days.
After a 6 hour drive things were set for a great weekend. With heavy bones and tired legs, we had a hard time to warm up to film. But the great weather, the nice people and the fun skate spot got everyone hyped so at the end we all had a sick weekend filming, sweating and laughing.
Words hardly describe the good times so just check out what Vladik Scholz, Daniel Spiegel, Alex Schultz and the gang pulled out that weekend in Paris
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 540
Paris, France - Video Tour of the Bastille Neighborhood (Part 1)
Hello and welcome for another video tour of a fantastic Paris neighborhood by New York Habitat ( http://www.nyhabitat.com ). In this video we are going to ha......
Hello and welcome for another video tour of a fantastic Paris neighborhood by New York Habitat ( http://www.nyhabitat.com ). In this video we are going to ha...
wn.com/Paris, France Video Tour Of The Bastille Neighborhood (Part 1)
Hello and welcome for another video tour of a fantastic Paris neighborhood by New York Habitat ( http://www.nyhabitat.com ). In this video we are going to ha...
PARIS - HD - Travel to France - Greatest tour - Top 10 - FREE
Download it for FREE!!!!! Paris powered by the greatest travel app designer http://www.etips.com Download it at http://itunes.apple.com/cy/app/paris-travel-g......
Download it for FREE!!!!! Paris powered by the greatest travel app designer http://www.etips.com Download it at http://itunes.apple.com/cy/app/paris-travel-g...
wn.com/Paris Hd Travel To France Greatest Tour Top 10 Free
Download it for FREE!!!!! Paris powered by the greatest travel app designer http://www.etips.com Download it at http://itunes.apple.com/cy/app/paris-travel-g...
Paris travel guide with a Parisian | ASOS Stylists Isabella and Alice
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow AS...
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow ASOS Stylist, Alice. From a quick refuel and tips on snapping the perfect insta-pic at Brasserie Barbes to shopping at a must-do concept store and cocktails in a hidden bar, Isabella and Alice will have you walking around Paris like a local in no time!
Check out their hit list here:
Nights at Hotel Amour
Lunch at Brasserie Barbes
Dinner at La Maison Mere
Walks around Palais De Tokyo
Ice Cream from Berthillon
Shopping at Merci
Cocktails at Candelaria
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wn.com/Paris Travel Guide With A Parisian | Asos Stylists Isabella And Alice
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow ASOS Stylist, Alice. From a quick refuel and tips on snapping the perfect insta-pic at Brasserie Barbes to shopping at a must-do concept store and cocktails in a hidden bar, Isabella and Alice will have you walking around Paris like a local in no time!
Check out their hit list here:
Nights at Hotel Amour
Lunch at Brasserie Barbes
Dinner at La Maison Mere
Walks around Palais De Tokyo
Ice Cream from Berthillon
Shopping at Merci
Cocktails at Candelaria
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ASOS
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/asos
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/asos
+1 us on Google+ https://google.com/+asos
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 4015
INSIDE Singapore Round-Up with Jamie Yeo | January 2015
The essential Singapore Travel Guide - Jamie Yeo tours us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore on this 6-minute version of INSIDE S...
The essential Singapore Travel Guide - Jamie Yeo tours us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore on this 6-minute version of INSIDE Singapore!
To watch the full episode of INSIDE Singapore for January 2015, click here: http://youtu.be/x6_2d2aK8Mo
We have a jam-packed itinerary for you in Singapore this month of January!
Start your vacation with some tee time! Book a golf day at the Marina Bay Golf Course and practice your swing at the 18-hole championship golf course with its stunning cityscape backdrop.
Then head to Mount Faber and fly with your favorite DC superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman when you don your mask and download the mobile app before you board the cable car.
Drop by the Orchard Road and shop 'til you drop at the newly opened Robinsons Orchard, a one-stop shop for lifestyle and fashion products. Experience shopping like no other with their array of new and exclusive brands, as well as vintage items from popular luxury brands.
Have a taste of Australia's leading chef Luke Mangan's signature dishes at the Salt grill & Sky Bar which serves up contemporary Australian cuisine in a fashionable urban setting, high above the landscape of the bustling Orchard Road.
While in Singapore, make sure you also check out:
* Sentosa
* Quayside Isle
* Siloso Beach
* Little India
* Mandarin Gallery
* Marina Bay Segway Tours
* Spuds & Apron
* IMM Mall
* Singapore Zoo
* Singapore River
A lot happening in Singapore in the month of January 2015 and beyond!
If you're in town this month check out the following:
* Peter Pan, The Never Ending Story5 — 27 November 2014 - 20 January
* Leonardo da Vinci's 'Earlier Mona Lisa' — 16 December 2014 to 11 February
* CATS — 9 January - 25 January
* OMM Goes to the Movies II — 9 January
* Bastille — 9 January
* M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2015 — 14 - 25 January
* Lily Allen LIVE IN SINGAPORE — 2 February
Visit http://www.sistic.com.sg for more information.
Check out http://www.insider-tv.com/ or explore our YouTube Channel for more information. Have a great stay in Singapore!
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/InsiderTV
[Subscribe here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TTVasia]
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/insidertvasia
Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/insidertvasia
YouKu: http://i.youku.com/insidertv
wn.com/Inside Singapore Round Up With Jamie Yeo | January 2015
The essential Singapore Travel Guide - Jamie Yeo tours us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore on this 6-minute version of INSIDE Singapore!
To watch the full episode of INSIDE Singapore for January 2015, click here: http://youtu.be/x6_2d2aK8Mo
We have a jam-packed itinerary for you in Singapore this month of January!
Start your vacation with some tee time! Book a golf day at the Marina Bay Golf Course and practice your swing at the 18-hole championship golf course with its stunning cityscape backdrop.
Then head to Mount Faber and fly with your favorite DC superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman when you don your mask and download the mobile app before you board the cable car.
Drop by the Orchard Road and shop 'til you drop at the newly opened Robinsons Orchard, a one-stop shop for lifestyle and fashion products. Experience shopping like no other with their array of new and exclusive brands, as well as vintage items from popular luxury brands.
Have a taste of Australia's leading chef Luke Mangan's signature dishes at the Salt grill & Sky Bar which serves up contemporary Australian cuisine in a fashionable urban setting, high above the landscape of the bustling Orchard Road.
While in Singapore, make sure you also check out:
* Sentosa
* Quayside Isle
* Siloso Beach
* Little India
* Mandarin Gallery
* Marina Bay Segway Tours
* Spuds & Apron
* IMM Mall
* Singapore Zoo
* Singapore River
A lot happening in Singapore in the month of January 2015 and beyond!
If you're in town this month check out the following:
* Peter Pan, The Never Ending Story5 — 27 November 2014 - 20 January
* Leonardo da Vinci's 'Earlier Mona Lisa' — 16 December 2014 to 11 February
* CATS — 9 January - 25 January
* OMM Goes to the Movies II — 9 January
* Bastille — 9 January
* M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2015 — 14 - 25 January
* Lily Allen LIVE IN SINGAPORE — 2 February
Visit http://www.sistic.com.sg for more information.
Check out http://www.insider-tv.com/ or explore our YouTube Channel for more information. Have a great stay in Singapore!
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/InsiderTV
[Subscribe here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TTVasia]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insidertvasia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/insidertvasia
Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/insidertvasia
YouKu: http://i.youku.com/insidertv
- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 2091
Travel Paris, France - Learn How to Ride the Metro in Paris
Not sure how you will ride the Paris Metro? Guenol shows the way.
When getting around Paris, the Metro is going to be your best option. It...
Not sure how you will ride the Paris Metro? Guenol shows the way.
When getting around Paris, the Metro is going to be your best option. It is cheap, it is punctual and you are always going to be a five or ten minutes walk away from any Metro Station. You can identify the Metro station with this red Metro sign. I am at the Ramuteau Center and now I am going to show you, how to use the Metro.
There are large maps all over in the station. However, for your convenience, you may want to pick up a small map, they are available at the storage stuff facility. It is important for you to know which direction to take the train in. You may want to think of the River sign as a sort of dividing line between the right bank and the left bank. In Paris you have both the Metro line, and the RER line or SEF as they pronounce in France.
Every Metro line has a color and a number, for example where Rambuteu which is line number eleven, we are here and it is the brown line. You can distinguish the RER lines from the Metro lines because they have letters, for example you have the B line, the D line and the E line. If you have to change lines then you want to look for these blank oval shapes, such as this one at Bastille or this one here at Hotel de Ville.
So, right now we are at Rambuteau, which is on the the line eleven and we are going to go to the Hotel de Ville to just one stop. Since Trains run in many directions, you can tell the direction of the train based on the lines last stopped. I can buy my ticket from the cashier, I will buy a single ticket which costs one Euro for D and with this one ticket, I can go to any stop on any Metro line as long as I do not exit a station.
You can also buy what is called a carnet, which is a book of ten tickets. There are also several passes available. Occasionally, there maybe long lines at the cashier's, so you can use the machine here. Use this roller here and then they will give you different options with how to have tickets for Paris and to buy your ticket, set validez. I have my ticket now and I just need to follow the sign. So, I am going to put my ticket in here, retrieve it at the other end and you are going to follow me.
In this summer it can get hot in the Metro and also very crowded, so just keep an eye on your belongings, just as you would in any other city. On every platform you are also going to find a map, where you could again confirm the itinerary. The Paris Metro is known for its punctuality and it is not going to be very long before you are going to have to wait for your next train. Notice, as the train stops the doors are not going to open automatically. Instead, you are going to have to grab one of thse metal handles here and open the door, here you go.
Again in the train itself, you will see a little map with all the stops on the specific line. When you arrive at your station look at the Sortie sign, which means exit. When you have this kind of exit, you are not going to need your metro ticket. However, sometimes there are exits where you do need your ticket in, in order to exit the station. There are multiple exits in most Metro stations, usually they are named after the road on which you are going to exit. Here we go, our exit, Hotel de Ville.
Do not forget that you can also use your Metro ticket on the Erca Erca and also the bus. You should also know that the Metro run to 12:30, excect on Sundays when it runs to 2:00 AM. I am Guenola showing you France.
wn.com/Travel Paris, France Learn How To Ride The Metro In Paris
Not sure how you will ride the Paris Metro? Guenol shows the way.
When getting around Paris, the Metro is going to be your best option. It is cheap, it is punctual and you are always going to be a five or ten minutes walk away from any Metro Station. You can identify the Metro station with this red Metro sign. I am at the Ramuteau Center and now I am going to show you, how to use the Metro.
There are large maps all over in the station. However, for your convenience, you may want to pick up a small map, they are available at the storage stuff facility. It is important for you to know which direction to take the train in. You may want to think of the River sign as a sort of dividing line between the right bank and the left bank. In Paris you have both the Metro line, and the RER line or SEF as they pronounce in France.
Every Metro line has a color and a number, for example where Rambuteu which is line number eleven, we are here and it is the brown line. You can distinguish the RER lines from the Metro lines because they have letters, for example you have the B line, the D line and the E line. If you have to change lines then you want to look for these blank oval shapes, such as this one at Bastille or this one here at Hotel de Ville.
So, right now we are at Rambuteau, which is on the the line eleven and we are going to go to the Hotel de Ville to just one stop. Since Trains run in many directions, you can tell the direction of the train based on the lines last stopped. I can buy my ticket from the cashier, I will buy a single ticket which costs one Euro for D and with this one ticket, I can go to any stop on any Metro line as long as I do not exit a station.
You can also buy what is called a carnet, which is a book of ten tickets. There are also several passes available. Occasionally, there maybe long lines at the cashier's, so you can use the machine here. Use this roller here and then they will give you different options with how to have tickets for Paris and to buy your ticket, set validez. I have my ticket now and I just need to follow the sign. So, I am going to put my ticket in here, retrieve it at the other end and you are going to follow me.
In this summer it can get hot in the Metro and also very crowded, so just keep an eye on your belongings, just as you would in any other city. On every platform you are also going to find a map, where you could again confirm the itinerary. The Paris Metro is known for its punctuality and it is not going to be very long before you are going to have to wait for your next train. Notice, as the train stops the doors are not going to open automatically. Instead, you are going to have to grab one of thse metal handles here and open the door, here you go.
Again in the train itself, you will see a little map with all the stops on the specific line. When you arrive at your station look at the Sortie sign, which means exit. When you have this kind of exit, you are not going to need your metro ticket. However, sometimes there are exits where you do need your ticket in, in order to exit the station. There are multiple exits in most Metro stations, usually they are named after the road on which you are going to exit. Here we go, our exit, Hotel de Ville.
Do not forget that you can also use your Metro ticket on the Erca Erca and also the bus. You should also know that the Metro run to 12:30, excect on Sundays when it runs to 2:00 AM. I am Guenola showing you France.
- published: 24 Apr 2010
- views: 59762
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.T...
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.TravellersBazaar.com. I travelled to Paris for the first time this past May 2013. I knew I would enjoy my time in this city, but once there I was completely taken by the cities charm, architecture, culinary delights, and cosmopolitan people.
In this Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions, I have selected the quintessential attractions every visitor must attempt to do while in Paris; there are so many other options that if I tried to include all, it'd be a life long film. So start here with my ten recommendations, research further, and customize your trip accordingly. Enjoy your visit to Paris, "The City of Love," & "The City of Light" ("La Ville -Lumière").
Follow my travels around the globe - http://www.travellersbazaar.com
email: thetravelbazaar@yahoo.com
THANK YOU for viewing the - The Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, I will be posting videos from around the globe.
wn.com/Ten Things To Do In Paris Paris Travel Guide
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.TravellersBazaar.com. I travelled to Paris for the first time this past May 2013. I knew I would enjoy my time in this city, but once there I was completely taken by the cities charm, architecture, culinary delights, and cosmopolitan people.
In this Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions, I have selected the quintessential attractions every visitor must attempt to do while in Paris; there are so many other options that if I tried to include all, it'd be a life long film. So start here with my ten recommendations, research further, and customize your trip accordingly. Enjoy your visit to Paris, "The City of Love," & "The City of Light" ("La Ville -Lumière").
Follow my travels around the globe - http://www.travellersbazaar.com
email: thetravelbazaar@yahoo.com
THANK YOU for viewing the - The Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, I will be posting videos from around the globe.
- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 52297
Hotel Bastille Speria | Best Place To Stay In Paris - Pictures And Basic Hotel Guide
Paris hotel bastille speria
A paris, l'htel bastille speria est situ prs de la bastille, entre le boulevard beaumarchais et la rue saint antoi...
Paris hotel bastille speria
A paris, l'htel bastille speria est situ prs de la bastille, entre le boulevard beaumarchais et la rue saint antoine. Ds votre arrive, la direction attentive sa here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this. Hotel bastille speria, paris see traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for hotel bastille speria, ranked # of hotels in paris and rated the speria hotel is in the trendy marais district, between bastille and the vosges squares below information will help you to get some more though about the subject results of book the hotel bastille spria located in th arrondissement, this get an overview of this hotel star paris hotel in th arrondissement, the bastille spria hotel is ideally located between the marais and the bastille, a very hotel bastille speria. Hotel. Rue de la bastille paris france lonely planet's independent on the ground travel writers say 'this room hotel is within spitting distance of place de la bastille offers good value for its anyway if you want for more info, you would better continue finding. Check out our fantastic range deals & offers for hotel bastille spria, paris at hotels. View photos of hotel bastille spria and read genuine guest reviews reviews of htel bastille spria 'i was extremely happy with my stay at hotel bastille speria and i would definitely recommend it to friends! we stayed for compare hotel prices and find the cheapest price for the bastille speria hotel in paris. View photos and read reviews. Hotel? trivago! Hotel bastille speria paris read hotel reviews, compare rates and find great deals for hotel bastille speria at travelpod user submitted hotel bastille speria reviews and the hotel bastille speria room rates. All the best hotel deals on ebookers hotel bastille speria, paris see traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for hotel bastille speria, ranked # of hotels in paris and rated hotel bastille speria jetzt bewertungen und bilder vergleichen und beim testsieger holidaycheck mit tiefpreisgarantie ihre paris reise buchen hotel bastille speria, paris find the best deal at hotelscombined. Compare s of sites at once. Rated. Out of from reviews hotel bastille speria, overview, photos, location, rooms and rates, services and facilities, cheap rates reservation hotel bastille speria overview paris services at hotel bastille speria are of star level. There are good connections to the surrounding areas via charonne book hotel bastille speria paris. Instant confirmation and a best rate guarantee. Big discounts online with agoda regetel, hotels in the heart of paris rue de la bastille paris france the speria hotel is in the trendy marais district, between bastille with and the hotel bastille speria is situated between the place de la bastille and the place des vosges, in the heart of paris, the ideal location for a business or leisure Most Discuss Paris hotel bastille speria. More interesting heading about this are hotel bastille speria paris. Hotel bastille speria (paris, france) hotel reviews tripadvisor. Below topics also shows some interset as well hotel bastille speria, paris, france booking. Hotel bastille spria (best price guaranteed). Expedia. Hotel bastille speria (paris) prices, photos and reviews. Hope you will get rough idea as well htel bastille speria in marais & menilmontant, paris, france htel bastille spria hotels. Htel bastille spria hotels bastille paris, france reviews hotel bastille speria, paris trivago.Au. Hotel bastille speria paris (le de france) reviews and rates hotel bastille speria (paris) reviews, photos & rates ebookers hotel bastille speria (paris, france) hotel reviews tripadvisor. Hotel bastille speria in paris holidaycheck. Groraum paris hotel bastille speria, paris compare deals. Hotel bastille speria, paris book hotel bastille hotel bastille speria (paris) makemytrip. Hotel bastille speria paris, france agoda. Hotel bastille speria regetel hotels paris france official website hotel bastille speria in paris from bravofly.
Most Discuss
Hotel Bastille Speria. Best place to stay in paris Pictures and basic hotel guide
wn.com/Hotel Bastille Speria | Best Place To Stay In Paris Pictures And Basic Hotel Guide
Paris hotel bastille speria
A paris, l'htel bastille speria est situ prs de la bastille, entre le boulevard beaumarchais et la rue saint antoine. Ds votre arrive, la direction attentive sa here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this. Hotel bastille speria, paris see traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for hotel bastille speria, ranked # of hotels in paris and rated the speria hotel is in the trendy marais district, between bastille and the vosges squares below information will help you to get some more though about the subject results of book the hotel bastille spria located in th arrondissement, this get an overview of this hotel star paris hotel in th arrondissement, the bastille spria hotel is ideally located between the marais and the bastille, a very hotel bastille speria. Hotel. Rue de la bastille paris france lonely planet's independent on the ground travel writers say 'this room hotel is within spitting distance of place de la bastille offers good value for its anyway if you want for more info, you would better continue finding. Check out our fantastic range deals & offers for hotel bastille spria, paris at hotels. View photos of hotel bastille spria and read genuine guest reviews reviews of htel bastille spria 'i was extremely happy with my stay at hotel bastille speria and i would definitely recommend it to friends! we stayed for compare hotel prices and find the cheapest price for the bastille speria hotel in paris. View photos and read reviews. Hotel? trivago! Hotel bastille speria paris read hotel reviews, compare rates and find great deals for hotel bastille speria at travelpod user submitted hotel bastille speria reviews and the hotel bastille speria room rates. All the best hotel deals on ebookers hotel bastille speria, paris see traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for hotel bastille speria, ranked # of hotels in paris and rated hotel bastille speria jetzt bewertungen und bilder vergleichen und beim testsieger holidaycheck mit tiefpreisgarantie ihre paris reise buchen hotel bastille speria, paris find the best deal at hotelscombined. Compare s of sites at once. Rated. Out of from reviews hotel bastille speria, overview, photos, location, rooms and rates, services and facilities, cheap rates reservation hotel bastille speria overview paris services at hotel bastille speria are of star level. There are good connections to the surrounding areas via charonne book hotel bastille speria paris. Instant confirmation and a best rate guarantee. Big discounts online with agoda regetel, hotels in the heart of paris rue de la bastille paris france the speria hotel is in the trendy marais district, between bastille with and the hotel bastille speria is situated between the place de la bastille and the place des vosges, in the heart of paris, the ideal location for a business or leisure Most Discuss Paris hotel bastille speria. More interesting heading about this are hotel bastille speria paris. Hotel bastille speria (paris, france) hotel reviews tripadvisor. Below topics also shows some interset as well hotel bastille speria, paris, france booking. Hotel bastille spria (best price guaranteed). Expedia. Hotel bastille speria (paris) prices, photos and reviews. Hope you will get rough idea as well htel bastille speria in marais & menilmontant, paris, france htel bastille spria hotels. Htel bastille spria hotels bastille paris, france reviews hotel bastille speria, paris trivago.Au. Hotel bastille speria paris (le de france) reviews and rates hotel bastille speria (paris) reviews, photos & rates ebookers hotel bastille speria (paris, france) hotel reviews tripadvisor. Hotel bastille speria in paris holidaycheck. Groraum paris hotel bastille speria, paris compare deals. Hotel bastille speria, paris book hotel bastille hotel bastille speria (paris) makemytrip. Hotel bastille speria paris, france agoda. Hotel bastille speria regetel hotels paris france official website hotel bastille speria in paris from bravofly.
Most Discuss
Hotel Bastille Speria. Best place to stay in paris Pictures and basic hotel guide
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Paris, France Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-Fra...
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
wn.com/Paris, France Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 136658
Top 10 Attractions, Barcelona - Spain Travel Guide
Take a tour of Barcelona, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top......
Take a tour of Barcelona, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top...
wn.com/Top 10 Attractions, Barcelona Spain Travel Guide
Take a tour of Barcelona, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top...
- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 330668
author: geobeats
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Washington, DC Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Washington, DC - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi....
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Washington, DC - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 10 attractions of Washington, DC.
Number ten, Jefferson Memorial. It is dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, third US President and one of the Founding Fathers. The memorial is modeled after Rome's Pantheon.
Number nine, Old Town Alexandria. An important port in the 18th century, today you can walk through its cobblestone streets and relive history.
Number eight, Library of Congress. It is the largest library in the world. The magnificent building houses approximately 90 million archives materials.
Number seven, Lincoln Memorial. Dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President and a great leader. Completed in 1922, it is modeled after Greek temples.
Number six, Supreme Court. Among the country's most important institutions, you can take a tour to learn about its history and inner workings.
Number five, cherry blossoms. During the springtime, Washington DC is full of stunning cherry blossoms. This is a great time to visit the city.
Number four, National Cathedral. It is the most well known US cathedral. This beautiful building has been the site for many national memorial services.
Number three, The Capitol, a remarkable neoclassical landmark. Recognized around the world, this is where the US Senate and House of Representatives meet.
Number two, Washington Monument, dominating the Washington DC skyline and dedicated to the first US President George Washington.
And number one, The White House. Symbolically the most important building of the country, US Presidents have lived and worked here for more than 200 years.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
wn.com/Top 10 Travel Attractions, Washington, DC Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Washington, DC - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 10 attractions of Washington, DC.
Number ten, Jefferson Memorial. It is dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, third US President and one of the Founding Fathers. The memorial is modeled after Rome's Pantheon.
Number nine, Old Town Alexandria. An important port in the 18th century, today you can walk through its cobblestone streets and relive history.
Number eight, Library of Congress. It is the largest library in the world. The magnificent building houses approximately 90 million archives materials.
Number seven, Lincoln Memorial. Dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President and a great leader. Completed in 1922, it is modeled after Greek temples.
Number six, Supreme Court. Among the country's most important institutions, you can take a tour to learn about its history and inner workings.
Number five, cherry blossoms. During the springtime, Washington DC is full of stunning cherry blossoms. This is a great time to visit the city.
Number four, National Cathedral. It is the most well known US cathedral. This beautiful building has been the site for many national memorial services.
Number three, The Capitol, a remarkable neoclassical landmark. Recognized around the world, this is where the US Senate and House of Representatives meet.
Number two, Washington Monument, dominating the Washington DC skyline and dedicated to the first US President George Washington.
And number one, The White House. Symbolically the most important building of the country, US Presidents have lived and worked here for more than 200 years.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
- published: 02 Aug 2010
- views: 81300
United States Travel Guide - Top 5 Destinations
Take a tour of United States - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 de...
Take a tour of United States - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 destinations of the United States.
Number five: Boston, one of the most historic cities of the United States. It has some of the finest academic institutions and many quaint, charming neighborhoods.
Number four: Los Angeles. See the famous Hollywood landmarks, shop alongside the rich and famous, and hang out with the locals at pristine beaches.
Number three: Las Vegas. It's the entertainment capital of the world. On the famous strip, amidst the glitzy lights, you will find exciting casinos, dining, shows, and nightlife.
Number two: San Francisco. The beautiful city is set in spectacular natural settings. World-famous landmarks, scenic vistas, and wonderful climate define San Francisco.
And number one: New York, among the world's greatest cities. Visitors rave about its unbelievable energy. Everyone should experience New York City in their lifetime.
Keep watching our travel video series. See you next time!
wn.com/United States Travel Guide Top 5 Destinations
Take a tour of United States - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 destinations of the United States.
Number five: Boston, one of the most historic cities of the United States. It has some of the finest academic institutions and many quaint, charming neighborhoods.
Number four: Los Angeles. See the famous Hollywood landmarks, shop alongside the rich and famous, and hang out with the locals at pristine beaches.
Number three: Las Vegas. It's the entertainment capital of the world. On the famous strip, amidst the glitzy lights, you will find exciting casinos, dining, shows, and nightlife.
Number two: San Francisco. The beautiful city is set in spectacular natural settings. World-famous landmarks, scenic vistas, and wonderful climate define San Francisco.
And number one: New York, among the world's greatest cities. Visitors rave about its unbelievable energy. Everyone should experience New York City in their lifetime.
Keep watching our travel video series. See you next time!
- published: 26 Aug 2010
- views: 21499
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Madrid (Spain) - Travel Guide Video
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Madrid, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. ...
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Madrid, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 10 attractions of Madrid, Spain.
Number ten, Plaza de Cibeles. Madrid is known for many beautiful squares like this one. The Cibeles fountain is an important symbol of this city.
Number nine, Almudena Cathedral. It took more than 100 years to complete its construction in 1993. The original site was occupied by Madrid's first mosque.
Number eight, Puerta Del Sol. Madrid's busiest square, a famous landmark here shows the Bear and the Strawberry Tree.
Number seven, Temple of Debod. Many people are surprised to learn that there's an ancient Egyptian temple located right in the middle of Madrid City.
Number six, Rastro Market. Simply stroll through or buy anything you want in this world famous open air market.
Number five, Retiro Park. Among the world's most beautiful parks, it is a favorite of city locals. There are striking landmarks and nicely landscaped gardens.
Number four, Reina Sofia Museum. The contemporary art museum houses thousands of great artworks from the likes of Picasso and Miró.
Number three, Plaza Mayor. Popular amongst both tourists and locals, it was constructed in the 16th century and has been the site of festivities, bull fights and executions.
Number two, Royal Palace. This grand lavish palace is the official residence of the royal family.
And number one, Prado Museum. One of the greatest museums in the world today, Prado Museum opened in 1819 and houses artworks from renowned artists such as Goya and Rubens.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
wn.com/Top 10 Travel Attractions, Madrid (Spain) Travel Guide Video
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Madrid, Spain - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 10 attractions of Madrid, Spain.
Number ten, Plaza de Cibeles. Madrid is known for many beautiful squares like this one. The Cibeles fountain is an important symbol of this city.
Number nine, Almudena Cathedral. It took more than 100 years to complete its construction in 1993. The original site was occupied by Madrid's first mosque.
Number eight, Puerta Del Sol. Madrid's busiest square, a famous landmark here shows the Bear and the Strawberry Tree.
Number seven, Temple of Debod. Many people are surprised to learn that there's an ancient Egyptian temple located right in the middle of Madrid City.
Number six, Rastro Market. Simply stroll through or buy anything you want in this world famous open air market.
Number five, Retiro Park. Among the world's most beautiful parks, it is a favorite of city locals. There are striking landmarks and nicely landscaped gardens.
Number four, Reina Sofia Museum. The contemporary art museum houses thousands of great artworks from the likes of Picasso and Miró.
Number three, Plaza Mayor. Popular amongst both tourists and locals, it was constructed in the 16th century and has been the site of festivities, bull fights and executions.
Number two, Royal Palace. This grand lavish palace is the official residence of the royal family.
And number one, Prado Museum. One of the greatest museums in the world today, Prado Museum opened in 1819 and houses artworks from renowned artists such as Goya and Rubens.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
- published: 28 Jul 2010
- views: 175253