Obama Must Be Impeached And Removed To Stop His “Amnesty” Of Illegals


In an article on WesternJournalism.com they report: “Even though Obama himself has called such executive action illegal 25 times, as documented by Fox News, the president is now planning to issue a unilateral decree that will declare up to 5 million illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty.”


Already, Republicans on Capitol Hill are reacting strongly to the long-expected executive order. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz assails the presidential action as “the tactics of a monarch.”

GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa says, “The president is throwing this nation into a crisis.”

Indeed he is. His actions are unprecedented, unconstitutional, and will cause a firestorm. Even Obama, in previous days, has condemned the same actions he is now taking (rule by Executive Order to circumvent Congress) as “unconstitutional.”

Read the following from Oath Keepers founder and President, Stewart Rhodes:


Obama’s declaration of intent to rule by decree and grant “amnesty” to millions of illegal aliens is an impeachable offense, and Obama should be impeached and removed from office.  This is a good test to see if the Republicans have the courage of their claimed convictions.  If they don’t impeach him for this, then they will lose all credibility, and throw us into a TRUE constitutional crisis, because they will have failed to do their jobs, leaving the people with the necessity of pursuing “other options” to stop him.

And this is not about race.  I am 1/4 Mexican, and come from a family of migrant farm workers in California, on my mother’s side.  My mother and uncle grew up picking grapes, and even while I was in the Army my Grandparents still worked the fields.  My Great Grandparents came here, legally, to have a better life, and they and their decedents worked hard to attain that better life (working their way out of the fields).

And others are welcome to come here and do the same, but they must do so legally, and Congress has ALREADY established the laws and rules for immigration, and until Congress changes those laws and rules, it is the duty of the President to execute them, not obstruct them, or attempt to rule by decree in direct violation of the law.

This is about the preservation of our Republic, and our republican form of government, which the Constitution mandates that the Federal government must guarantee to each state.  And by violating the law of the land, and violating our right to a republican form of government, and by refusing to protect us from illegal invasion, Obama has violated his oath, grossly, and is unfit for office.

In his speech, Obama said:

And to those members of Congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better or question the wisdom of me acting where Congress has failed, I have one answer: Pass a bill. I want to work with both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution. And the day I sign that bill into law, the actions I take will no longer be necessary.

So, Obama’s message is much like an abusive wife-beater who tells his wife, while beating her, “this is your fault, bitch!  I wouldn’t have to do this if you acted right, and if you want it to stop, YOU’D BETTER DO WHAT I WANT, OR I WILL CONTINUE TO BEAT YOU.”   Obama is telling Congress that Congress is his “bitch” to abuse as he sees fit, and they need to shape up and do what he wants.   Pass the legislation he wants, or he will do what he wants anyway, by executive fiat decree, until Congress does pass the legislation he wants.  So much for separation of powers.   So much for the Constitution.  So much for a Republican victory.   He will rule as if his party had won control of both houses of Congress and had actually passed legislation he likes.  He will rule as if Congress doesn’t even exist.   He will rule as if the Constitution doesn’t even exist, and as if he were an absolute and unrestrained dictator.   He thinks that when he opens his mouth, “law” comes out.  That is what a dictatorship is.   Obama condemned just this kind of action by his predecessor, but now the “legal scholar” has conveniently forgotten what he knew about separation of powers and the clear enumerated powers of Congress, or the duties of a president.

To this impeachable high crime can be added the long list of other abuses and violations of his oath, from “Fast and Furious” where the Obama Administration intentionally armed the cartels in Mexico; to his assault on nearly every provision in the Bill of Rights, including the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments (from “First Amendment Areas” at Bundy Ranch, to considering a military strike on the supporters of the Bundy family, to his targeted assassinations of U.S. citizens abroad and his claim that he can do the same here at home, to his ongoing assault on the right to bear arms, etc.); to Benghazi, where Obama sat back and watched as Americans were slaughtered after being deliberately denied assistance, to cover up for Obama’s gun running to our enemies; to his deliberate criminal endangerment of the lives of our people by refusing to stop travel to the US by persons from Ebola infected nations (and refusal to even mandate a 21 day quarantine before they can enter) – essentially playing “Russian roulette” with each flight carrying someone from an infected nation; to his unconstitutional deployment of active duty and reserves to go to Africa to “fight” Ebola – where was there even Congressional authorization of any sort for him to do that, let alone a “declaration of war” on Ebola?

He leaves us vulnerable at home, with our borders wide open, and our skies wide open – and even goes out of his way to spread illegal immigrants, who have not been medically screened or quarantined, all over the nation, in secret locations (which has already lead to the death of American children from an enterovirus strain that first appeared in Central America and spread here after his actions) – while he sends our troops into harms way for his own political and “world citizen” Marxist ideological agenda.

Instead of sending the troops to Africa to expose them to Ebola, why doesn’t he place them on the border with Mexico and secure us from invasion by the violent cartels (who are taking over ranches and entire towns on the U.S. side, just as they have done on the Mexican side), and secure us from documented infiltration by ISIS terrorists who come across freely?   He has intentionally left us vulnerable to those invasions, and to that violence, and he does all in his power to limit, curtail, and suppress our own ability to defend ourselves, while tracking us and using unprecedented surveillance on us, in a clear indication that he considers We the People the future military enemy of he and his fellow oath-breakers (and in particular, us military veterans, who are targeted for disarmament through trumped up “determinations” by the very Veterans Administration that is supposed to help us, not disarm us).

And now he is intent on ruling by decree, again, to “make it legal” for millions of people who illegally entered this nation to remain here, in direct violation of law.  And one obvious reason is that the Democratic Party is hoping that these new “voters” will be grateful and vote Democrat from now on, which is a further violation of our representative form of government.

If we don’t have rule of law that applies to the government, under the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land, then we have a dictatorship, and We the People are absolved of any obligation or obedience to such usurpers and oath-breakers.

Impeach him, and remove him, and if necessary, do the same for Biden, and on down the chain until we get someone who will defend the Constitution and execute the laws of the Union as they swore to do.  Impeach him now.   If Congress does not do its duty, they will have failed to avoid a coming clash between those of us who will not be subjugated under a “King Obama” and the militarized police state Obama and his cronies fully intend to use against us.

Congress, do your duty, under your oaths.  Defend the Constitution.  Impeach Obama.

Stewart Rhodes,

Founder and President of Oath Keepers

About Author


  1. Jody nassour
    Jody nassour 24 November, 2014, 05:57

    I think obama has dirt on all congress (the Chicago thug method). They won’t do anything. It’s up to the military to arrest him and his accomplices. Can you say NSA?

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  2. Ron
    Ron 24 November, 2014, 12:50


    Cal as always you have a civil and intelligent response to all I might direct in your direction. I really think you are a person that would be very interesting to do a face to face, this text think is so misinterpreted and often intellectuals read far to much between the lines. :-)

    I totally disagree on the forming of local CPT or state militias to defend ourselves because of my limited view of history and the current mindset of the people today. Prepared Groups can be likened to Military, people willing to take order under extreme pressure while putting externals out of mind I very much doubt you will find more than a percentage or two of average citizens that could or would perform in this way. I know of two natural and one man made disaster in which both LEO’s and First Responders left the ship to be with and protect the family, totally ignoring what their position was and the demands upon them to set family aside. We are no longer in the 1800’s and have been educated out of the correct mindset to preserve freedom above all else.

    I could go on for hours on this line, but as stated, text is not a way for the communications of meaning and intent for prolonged typing.

    I do have a theory although that I might bring forth fully realizing that it may be out of the framework of the military logician. Just think if each of 10 million dedicated individuals stood alone and removed 10 million oppressors? A one for one trade, would that not change the entire world view? I would think from a logical stand point that say a group of ten or twenty trained common citizens against a trained military contingent would suffer far greater lose than my uninformed idea of an eye for an eye.

    Wonder what would be better, train for individual reaction or group reaction (one way or another some training). I know personally many people that feel far more comfortable as single standers than being in some group and leaving the family to fend for themselves, fully understand what the consequences of such action might be.

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  3. Blue45
    Blue45 25 November, 2014, 03:55

    I agree 100% that Obama’s action here is an impeachable offense (it’s not the first). However, impeachment that would not result in conviction would be a fools errand. There is no way that 2/3 of the senate would convict. No way. The backlash suffered by the GOP after the Clinton impeachment would pale in comparison. Legal process offers the only real chance at recourse in that it’s the only course that wont sink the GOP. This will further embed precedent for future presidents being presidents in name only … in reality, defacto monarchs. Or as our deceiver in chief seems to prefer, emperors. I weep for our once great Republic.

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  4. Remember the Alamo
    Remember the Alamo 26 November, 2014, 11:08

    “Obama Must Be Impeached And Removed To Stop His “Amnesty” Of Illegals”

    How about the Republican leadership of the U.S. Congress which has stood
    by and done nothing as the illegals, alias undocumented workers, cross
    into America. But then as Johnny Boehner says, we have got to try to show
    a little bipartisanship and work with the Democrats and Obama.

    But it isn’t just our southern border. How about those illegals who come
    from every continent on the planet, including those who overstay their visas.

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  5. walt davis
    walt davis 28 November, 2014, 08:45

    As always, education is key. There is still around a 40% unemployment rate in the black intercity community. Also the black inner city community is responsible for voting for some of the most liberal and destructive representatives. They are counted on to keep these people in power.
    Obama and his amnesty really is a slap in the face for the black community. But they don’t know it. They are kept running on fake injustices and faux outrage.

    If, if outreach was done for the community and turn the outrage to where it really belongs, real change can happen. Obama wouldn’t dare pull the things he has. The backlash would be that great.

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  6. Mark
    Mark 1 December, 2014, 18:49

    Great speech, however thinking this dictator and the controlled republican party are going to do nothing to fix this mess. Nott even local judges can stop the United Nations takeover we are being groomed for the anti-Christ.

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