
[Please Note: There is a lot of misinformation floating around the Internet. The main website of the Oath keepers, and the website of the Josephine County Oath Keepers are the ONLY places to go for Oath Keeper information on this Security Operation. We will keep you posted with the latest information, as soon as we can.

Oath Keepers is NOT standing down. We are committed to helping the owners of the Sugar Pine Mine secure their mine.  – Shorty Dawkins, Associate Editor]

Josephine County Oregon Oath Keepers Are Calling For Volunteers

Nationwide Oath Keeper call out to Support Josephine County, Oregon Security Operation


This support call out is for Oath Keeper members only. Please do not forward it to non members. Joseph Rice of the Josephine County Oath Keepers chapter was asked by miners to provide security as they faced threats from the BLM. He has done an excellent job of organizing security for the miners and their property, as you will see by reading below. This is not a “standoff” with the BLM or any other agency or department. This is a security operation in defense of property rights and unalienable individual rights. It may grow into more, but at present I repeat — This is NOT a standoff.

Boots on the ground are urgently needed now.

This is a request for assistance for the Josephine County Oath Keepers who are on site at the Sugar Pine Mine located in Josephine Co. Oregon. They are looking for cool, calm, experienced, and qualified Oath Keepers for positions. Quiet PROFESSIONALS. They will vet everyone who applies and only those qualified, vetted persons will be allowed on site. To volunteer one must contact Joseph Rice. (See contact info below please) Also, please do not go to the mine — you will be turned away. All incoming volunteers must report to the staging area after first having given Joseph Rice notice of your impending arrival.

 Josephine County Oath Keepers is requesting that you provide assistance, volunteers and supplies. You can go to their web site at this link:

Josephine County Oath Keepers

…where you can read the necessary skills and resources they need and can respond accordingly. (Or see below)

Please Do Not Try To Apply At Oath Keepers’ National Website.

Make your application at the Josephine County Oath Keepers website only.

If you cannot make it in person you can donate at the Josephine Co. website site to help furnish gas, food, etc. Please Do Not make your donations on the national site for this operation. Click this link to donate:

Josephine County Oath Keepers

Thank you!

Stewart Rhodes



[Editor’s Note:  By phone conference Wednesday, April 15, 2015, various Board members and Stewart Rhodes took reports from Joseph Rice who is the coordinator for Josephine County Oath Keepers in Oregon. Joseph Rice has done an outstanding job in furnishing and organizing security to the mines involved in this most-recent gambit by the BLM.  Joseph Rice has a good working relationship with the Sheriff of Josephine County, and he lamented to the Board that the Sheriff is now reporting “death threats” (plural) are being made against the life of the Deputy mentioned in this article.

Oath Keepers Founder and President, Stewart Rhodes, has asked me to make clear to all Oath Keepers everywhere that Oath Keepers will not tolerate any member who makes death threats. Period. According to Josephine County Sheriff, these threats are being investigated now.

I understand the logic in many reactions to this Deputy having made his now infamous statement, (that he “has a problem with the Constitution”) and it is obvious to me that the SPLC’s training programs for “law-enforcement officers” has its fingerprints all over the poor Deputy’s brain. What he has said is a clear example of the sort of training our cops and Deputies are receiving now that America is being converted into a police state. They are being taught that the Constitution and the people who uphold it are “problems” for law enforcement. While that is in itself a travesty and constitutes what amounts to treason, it is not the mission of Oath Keepers to call for the death of any officer who succumbs to the current training programs and devolves his humanity to the point he allows himself to be a tool of governmental tyranny. Brainwashed cops/Deputies/soldiers are not the problem – they are the symptom of the problem.  Our problem is the mechanism which is doing the brainwashing.

Oath Keepers sets a high bar for standards of deportment in order to qualify for membership in our organization. All Oath Keepers are expected to remain calm and cool in their mind sets.

Thank you,


Elias Alias, editor]


The following is taken from the Josephine County, Oregon, Oath Keepers website:
If you wish to mail a letter of support, gift cards or donations please mail to:

Oath Keepers of Josephine County
PO Box 553
Grants Pass, OR 97528

Thank you for your support!



11 April 2015 (Updated April 17 2015)

At the request of the Sugar Pine Mining Claim owners, the Oath Keepers of Josephine County mission is to ensure the mining claim owners’ 5th Amendment Constitutional Right to Due Process is not violated by the Bureau of Land Management.


This is NOT a standoff with BLM. We are NOT promoting any confrontation with BLM. This is a security operation for the protection of Constitutional Rights. If you have a different agenda outside of the above peaceful mission statement, we don’t need your assistance. Please DO NOT make any type of threatening phone calls to the local BLM or USFS as it undermines our mission, professionalism and is unwarranted. Thank you.

Please do not go directly to the mine. You will be turned back. Report to Staging after first giving advance notice of your impending arrival. Email Joseph Rice First Please: 

Coordinator@OathkeepersJoCo. com

Josephine County Oregon Oath Keepers Officers

Contact Info:

Joseph Rice
Coordinator@OathkeepersJoCo. com
Operation Control of Sugar Pine Mine Security

Bruce McFarland
Assistant Coordinator

Mary Emerick
Public Information Officer
Media Queries

Clinton Chard
Logistics Coordinator
Incoming / Outgoing Personnel

Doug Burrell
Communication Coordinator

If you are offering personnel to support the security operations we are requesting the following be emailed to

Number of Personnel
Skill Set
Date of Arrival
Estimated Time of Arrival
We are requesting a 12 hour and 2 hour notice of your arrival so the staging site will be prepared to receive you and in process you. Please plan your arrival between 0800 to 1900.

Personnel Requested & Requirements

Security / Tactical
This is very rugged, mountainous terrain with 70% slope angles, dense forest cover, temperatures from 31 – 70 degrees, rain & snow. If you are planning to come, please ensure your physical fitness level is appropriate. Assignments many be on the mine site, perimeter roads or Staging Site as needed.

EMT, Paramedic or Combat Medic / Corpsman. Current and recent qualifications. Assignment will be with tactical teams and staging site based on physical ability. We are requesting you bring your own equipment if you are able to.

HAM General & Technician. We have a 24/7 radio overwatch. Programming radios, briefing radio protocol. Assignment may be on the mine, staging or other remote location based on physical ability.

We have substantial resources moving into the area. We will need assistance with processing personnel, assignments, receiving supplies, transportation, roster maintenance and document recording.

Personnel Equipment
It is spring in Oregon with wide temperature swings, rain, snow & high winds. Please come self-contained for the duration of your stay. This is a camping situation, so prepare for that.

Wet Weather Gear
Waterproof Boots
Thermal Underwear
First Aid Kit
HAM Radio
Personal Medicines
Sleeping Bag
Food for the duration of your stay
Supply routes are being established, water is readily available. Showers are limited, but being worked on.

All responders and media personnel are required to check in at the staging area. Nobody is to go directly to the mine. All who do will be denied access.

2491 Camp Joy Road
Grants Pass (Merlin), Oregon, 97526


I5 – Exit 61
West on Merlin / Galice Road – 1.0 mi
Left onto Jaime Ln – 0.2 mi
Right onto Camp Joy Rd – 0.1 mi
Right to stay on Camp Joy Rd – 0.2 mi
Left onto Walden


After staging check-in, those who are approved to transit to the camp site must comply with the following rules:

No Drinking
No Drugs
All Access in and out is controlled by security (Limited Access and Emergency Access)

Establish your own team leader / representative under Oath Keepers

Bring cold weather gear, rain gear, own food and supplies

You are accountable for your personal belongings

Rules of Engagement: Always Self Defense – If a person shows means, opportunity and intent STOP the threat.

We are not allowing trespass, threat to life or damage to property or illegal seizures.

No one talks to the media or to anyone outside the area about the operation. (All media and information comes from Oath Keepers Josephine County leadership)

Reaction team will meet contact.

Bring your own communications. (Preferably Baofeng UV-5R / BF-F8+ to simplify programming and setup.)





Categories: All, Featured, Oath Keepers


  1. Nathan (Ohio)
    Nathan (Ohio) 18 April, 2015, 01:20

    Ohio Oath Keepers are willing and waiting – Email our Reception Battalion for logistical / Supply support. Ohio’s Rock Brigade and all 12 Ohio Battalions are ready and waiting. NOT ON OUR WATCH! email us at, thank you and God Bless – many packages are in route to your PO Box

    Reply this comment
  2. sarge
    sarge 18 April, 2015, 05:23

    I am very proud of all Oath Keepers who are able to answer the call of duty. There is nothing that can measure the feeling one get’s when you know your action is just, the cause is in line with all previous guidelines set forth by the organization, and the Patriotic blood is rushing through the mind and soul.
    I’m impressed by the organization and rules set forth by the upper escalon of Oath Keepers with every contingency looked at and thought at, well in advance. Good job people. The name “Oath Keepers is getting good press, to boot! Even over in dark red midwest, our name is written in a positive light.
    In Liberty msc

    Reply this comment
  3. Cal
    Cal 18 April, 2015, 19:43

    “… the Sheriff is now reporting “death threats” (plural) are being made against the life of the Deputy mentioned in this article.”

    Here is why I do not believe that. How many people have been tracked down for less then that within less then 24 hours? Yet there are no names provided who made the threats, nor any “person/people of interest” mentioned yet we are tracked with all communications we make, plus.

    The rest of it I believe, but they would not let a “death threat” on a law enforcement officer go. I do not believe the death threat was real, manufactured to try and give OK a “black eye” in the public image realm maybe. You know, a “see what this “(NOT) Militia group has caused” type of thing.

    Other then that, great and informative article.

    Molon Labe all! Stay Safe and God Bless!

    If there were never intended to be action to defend the Constitution from those who are domestically attempting to destroy its power and authority, why would each Oath require it of those who take the Oaths?

    Reply this comment
  4. dom
    dom 19 April, 2015, 00:35

    Will be down on Monday to assist with comms.

    Reply this comment
  5. R4PG
    R4PG 13 June, 2015, 11:52

    Too bad we have to return them .

    Reply this comment

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