Welcome to the CPEP website!

Started in 2012, The Criminalization and Punishment Education Project brings together students and researchers from Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, community members, frontline workers, and those affected by criminalization and punishment, to work for social change.

Please head to our Facebook page for frequent news updates and if you want to join in discussion.This website is a place for finding info on us, past and upcoming events, and ongoing campaigns. To contact us, please e-mail cpep.action@gmail.com.



Facebook www.facebook.com/CPEPgroup Twitter www.twitter.com/CPEPgroup

Vision Statement


1) Make visible the harms of criminalization and punishment as responses to social conflicts and harms by privileging and establishing a dialogue between persons affected by state repression and researchers.

2) Pursue research that informs political and social action to resist the punitive status quo.

3) Challenge inequality, privilege and dominant social structures (e.g. capitalism, colonialism, racism, patriarchy, heteronormativity and ableism) that have a particularly negative impact on marginalized persons and groups.

4) Reject efforts to further expand and entrench state repression and promote policy alternatives that are appropriate, effective, just, humane, and non-violent to this end.

5) Build capacity and solidarity among CPEP members and allies in a manner that values contributions, challenges difference, and offers mutual support.

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