Old Strathcona Farmers' Market
Old Strathcona Farmers' Market
Old Strathcona Farmers' Market, Edmonton Alberta Canada. Open Saturdays year-round from 8 am to 3 pm. "You Make it, You Bake it, You Grow it". Over 130 Vendors, all products locally made, baked or grown by the seller. Fresh locally grown produce, meat and dairy, handmade crafts and art, baking. osfm@shaw.ca
Old Strathcona Farmers' Market, Edmonton Alberta Canada. Open Saturdays year-round from 8 am to 3 pm. "You Make it, You Bake it, You Grow it". Over 130 Vendors, all products locally made, baked or grown by the seller. Fresh locally grown produce, meat and dairy, handmade crafts and art, baking. osfm@shaw.ca
Old Strathcona
Old Strathcona
82 Avenue in Old Strathcona in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. 82 Avenue and 103 Street.
82 Avenue in Old Strathcona in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. 82 Avenue and 103 Street.
- Duration: 1:00
- Published: 2008-02-16
- Uploaded: 2010-08-26
- Author: rollman2008
Old Strathcona and Boney M
Old Strathcona and Boney M
"Malaika" playing while driving through Old Strathcona, Nov 2007.
"Malaika" playing while driving through Old Strathcona, Nov 2007.
- Duration: 0:54
- Published: 2007-12-08
- Uploaded: 2010-08-15
- Author: yetanotherdavid
storm approaches Old Strathcona
storm approaches Old Strathcona
Thunder sets off a car alarm, July 2007.
Thunder sets off a car alarm, July 2007.
- Duration: 0:35
- Published: 2007-10-13
- Uploaded: 2010-08-24
- Author: yetanotherdavid
leaving Old Strathcona
leaving Old Strathcona
Leaving the apartment for the last time, Nov 2007.
Leaving the apartment for the last time, Nov 2007.
- Duration: 0:37
- Published: 2007-12-12
- Uploaded: 2010-01-23
- Author: yetanotherdavid
outside the Farmers' Market in Old Strathcona
outside the Farmers' Market in Old Strathcona
Pointing out a few sites around Gazebo Park, July 2007.
Pointing out a few sites around Gazebo Park, July 2007.
- Duration: 0:35
- Published: 2007-10-12
- Uploaded: 2010-08-14
- Author: yetanotherdavid
sunset over Old Strathcona
sunset over Old Strathcona
Sunset over Mill Creek and Old Strathcona, Sept 2007.
Sunset over Mill Creek and Old Strathcona, Sept 2007.
- Duration: 1:13
- Published: 2007-10-26
- Uploaded: 2010-06-29
- Author: yetanotherdavid
cellolitis: psychedelic waltz (live in edmonton 17.06.2009)
cellolitis: psychedelic waltz (live in edmonton 17.06.2009)
opening night improvganza festival 17.06.2009 @ varscona theatre, old strathcona edmonton
opening night improvganza festival 17.06.2009 @ varscona theatre, old strathcona edmonton
- Duration: 3:38
- Published: 2009-09-25
- Uploaded: 2010-11-01
- Author: Cellolitis
Edmonton 9/11 Truth Actions: Richard Gage & Prorogue of Parliament
Edmonton 9/11 Truth Actions: Richard Gage & Prorogue of Parliament
Emily, Bruce Tony and Kyle take some time out for coffee and conversations after another round of 9/11 Civil Information Actions at the Old Strathcona Farmers Market. Video recorded and produced by media activist Richard D. Brinkman for Civil Information Activism: www.CIActivist.org , Also home to Edmonton911truth.com . 9/11 Truth activism in the city of Edmonton since March 2007. Visit Richard Gage and 1000 plus Architects & Engineers demanding a new 9/11 WTC investigation! www.ae911truth.org
Emily, Bruce Tony and Kyle take some time out for coffee and conversations after another round of 9/11 Civil Information Actions at the Old Strathcona Farmers Market. Video recorded and produced by media activist Richard D. Brinkman for Civil Information Activism: www.CIActivist.org , Also home to Edmonton911truth.com . 9/11 Truth activism in the city of Edmonton since March 2007. Visit Richard Gage and 1000 plus Architects & Engineers demanding a new 9/11 WTC investigation! www.ae911truth.org
- Duration: 10:32
- Published: 2010-02-14
- Uploaded: 2010-10-04
- Author: hawkeyicockburn
Old Strathcona
Old Strathcona
Heather Chotard www.edmontonhomestagers.com Price 419900
Heather Chotard www.edmontonhomestagers.com Price 419900
- Duration: 1:00
- Published: 2008-08-14
- Uploaded: 2009-06-25
- Author: RealEstateShows
Strathcona Tour - Edmonton Fringe
Strathcona Tour - Edmonton Fringe
Go on a tour of Old Strathcona, the Edmonton International Fringe Festival's primary venue. Meet some of the shop owners and proprietors.
Go on a tour of Old Strathcona, the Edmonton International Fringe Festival's primary venue. Meet some of the shop owners and proprietors.
- Duration: 3:50
- Published: 2010-01-29
- Uploaded: 2010-08-24
- Author: ShowYouOurs
2004APR27 Out of the Cold Shelter
2004APR27 Out of the Cold Shelter
Intro to the Old Strathcona "Out of the Cold Shelter" that ran for a couple of years in our community. I felt we should have some record of what happened there and the people who stayed there. A majority were young adults who were struggling and needed to find shelter. It was a seen as a temporary solution for most. Not the usual "guests" and most had pretty commonsense idea's how they were going to get out - and seemed to appreciated the gesture of the community.
Intro to the Old Strathcona "Out of the Cold Shelter" that ran for a couple of years in our community. I felt we should have some record of what happened there and the people who stayed there. A majority were young adults who were struggling and needed to find shelter. It was a seen as a temporary solution for most. Not the usual "guests" and most had pretty commonsense idea's how they were going to get out - and seemed to appreciated the gesture of the community.
- Duration: 9:58
- Published: 2010-06-01
- Uploaded: 2010-06-01
- Author: wap4edmonton
Exploring Edmonton's Festival Scene and Whyte Avenue
Exploring Edmonton's Festival Scene and Whyte Avenue
Insider's guide to the heart of Old Strathcona in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Insider's guide to the heart of Old Strathcona in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Longer version of the torrential rain storm that hit the Old Strathcona area of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on the evening of Friday,July 9, 2010. This has more of the street: Calgary Trail. In front of Accent Restaurant, just north of Whyte Avenue.
Longer version of the torrential rain storm that hit the Old Strathcona area of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on the evening of Friday,July 9, 2010. This has more of the street: Calgary Trail. In front of Accent Restaurant, just north of Whyte Avenue.
- Duration: 0:36
- Published: 2010-07-14
- Uploaded: 2010-08-01
- Author: aarrkk
the edmontonian at SOSFest
the edmontonian at SOSFest
Jeff Samsonow recaps the first ever Sounds of Old Strathcona Festival
Jeff Samsonow recaps the first ever Sounds of Old Strathcona Festival
- Duration: 4:06
- Published: 2010-07-14
- Uploaded: 2010-07-19
- Author: theedmontonian
5 great places to visit at the University of Alberta
5 great places to visit at the University of Alberta
I'm Chaka -- a student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I'm an international student from Zimbabwe and I put this video together to share the 5 places that I enjoy being, eating and just hanging with friends on the U of A main campus. The places range from a variety of different aspects of my life from sport to areas related to my field of study which human geography. I enjoyed putting it together, so I hope you enjoy watching it!www.facebook.com/universityofalberta www.international.ualberta.ca
I'm Chaka -- a student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I'm an international student from Zimbabwe and I put this video together to share the 5 places that I enjoy being, eating and just hanging with friends on the U of A main campus. The places range from a variety of different aspects of my life from sport to areas related to my field of study which human geography. I enjoyed putting it together, so I hope you enjoy watching it!www.facebook.com/universityofalberta www.international.ualberta.ca
- Duration: 2:41
- Published: 2010-08-11
- Uploaded: 2010-11-03
- Author: uofainsideout
Edmonton Opera 2010 - 2011
Edmonton Opera 2010 - 2011
Brian Deedrick, Edmonton Opera's intrepid Artistic Director, walks through the company's 2010-2011 season and through a city that inspires opera.
Brian Deedrick, Edmonton Opera's intrepid Artistic Director, walks through the company's 2010-2011 season and through a city that inspires opera.
- Duration: 4:27
- Published: 2010-03-11
- Uploaded: 2010-08-25
- Author: LaLepper
Echo Cam: Old Strath
Echo Cam: Old Strath
Here is what Echo sees when driving into Old Strathcona, AB via Gateway Blvd.
Here is what Echo sees when driving into Old Strathcona, AB via Gateway Blvd.
- Duration: 4:54
- Published: 2007-05-28
- Uploaded: 2010-09-22
- Author: coastandshore
Edmontonians rally against Stephen Harper's proroguing of Parliament
Edmontonians rally against Stephen Harper's proroguing of Parliament
Edmontonians rally against proroguing Parliament: Close to 300 Edmontonians marched from Corbett Hall to Gazebo Park in Old Strathcona Saturday afternoon. January 23, 2010. Carrying signs that read: "It is our parliament, not theirs" and "Defend Democracy", the protesters gathered and chanted against Prime Minister Stephen Harper's proroguing of Parliament. The rally was organized by ordinary citizens - completely not party oriented. Christopher White, a student at the University of Alberta, started the Facebook group "Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament" shortly after the announcement was made. White, who helped organize Edmonton's protest, says similar rallies were held world-wide - including a one-woman protest in Oman. "This is the start." White says, "I hope that people stay involved and stay committed to this issue of prorogation. If we just forget it, tomorrow it will be brushed under the carpet. We do have to push for some sort of change, either legislation change, or constitutional exchange." "We don't have to do the heavy lifting though, that's why we elect MP's. We give them our suggestions and they work for a solution for us." White wants those involved to keep the momentum going, "Keep at it keep writing letters to the editor. Keep doing small rallies. Keep it local and see what we can do." White says he's proud so many Edmontonians turned up for the protest. Over 212000 people have joined the Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament group on Facebook. www <b>...</b>
Edmontonians rally against proroguing Parliament: Close to 300 Edmontonians marched from Corbett Hall to Gazebo Park in Old Strathcona Saturday afternoon. January 23, 2010. Carrying signs that read: "It is our parliament, not theirs" and "Defend Democracy", the protesters gathered and chanted against Prime Minister Stephen Harper's proroguing of Parliament. The rally was organized by ordinary citizens - completely not party oriented. Christopher White, a student at the University of Alberta, started the Facebook group "Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament" shortly after the announcement was made. White, who helped organize Edmonton's protest, says similar rallies were held world-wide - including a one-woman protest in Oman. "This is the start." White says, "I hope that people stay involved and stay committed to this issue of prorogation. If we just forget it, tomorrow it will be brushed under the carpet. We do have to push for some sort of change, either legislation change, or constitutional exchange." "We don't have to do the heavy lifting though, that's why we elect MP's. We give them our suggestions and they work for a solution for us." White wants those involved to keep the momentum going, "Keep at it keep writing letters to the editor. Keep doing small rallies. Keep it local and see what we can do." White says he's proud so many Edmontonians turned up for the protest. Over 212000 people have joined the Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament group on Facebook. www <b>...</b>
- Duration: 10:05
- Published: 2010-01-24
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: hawkeyicockburn
fully furnished executive apartment, luxury apartment in Edm
fully furnished executive apartment, luxury apartment in Edm
Whyte Orchid, a unique, one-of-a-kind designer executive rental apartment with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, all amenities, fuly equipped kitchen, plasma and LCD televisions, and every imaginable luxury. Just off Whyte Ave in Old Strathcona.
Whyte Orchid, a unique, one-of-a-kind designer executive rental apartment with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, all amenities, fuly equipped kitchen, plasma and LCD televisions, and every imaginable luxury. Just off Whyte Ave in Old Strathcona.
- Duration: 4:48
- Published: 2008-03-13
- Uploaded: 2010-08-26
- Author: FinerSpaces