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from kersplebedeb.com


Hamilton: A Double Book Launch for “Lumpen: The Autobiography of Ed Mead”, and “Escaping the Prism… Fade to Black: Essays and Poetry” by Jalil Muntaqim

Monday, November 16 at 7:00pm – 9:00pm



Kingston: Book Launch: Lumpen, The Autobiography of Ed Mead

7pm on Tuesday, November 17th
At the AKA Autonomous Social Centre
(Up the ramp at the Red and Black House, Queen and...


Montreal: Forum in Support of Prisoners(‘ Struggles)
November 21st, 9:30 am-5pm, Centre St-Pierre (1212 Panet st), room 205


November is a busy month for Kersplebedeb … what follows is a list of events we will be tabling at, in Montreal, Kingston, Hamilton, and Ottawa:



Montreal: EXPOZINE 2015 !!!
14 – 15 November...

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Writing On The Wall: Selected Prison Writings of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Price: $17.95 (USD)

2016 Slingshot Pocket Organizer

Price: $9.00 (USD)

2016 Slingshot Large-Size Organizer

Price: $14.80 (USD)

Panther Vision

Price: $24.95 (USD)

Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar 2016

Price: $12.00 (USD)

Lumpen: The Autobiography of Ed Mead

Price: $20.00 (USD)

Escaping the Prism... Fade to Black

Price: $20.00 (USD)

Learning To Die In The Anthropocene

Price: $13.95 (USD)

Because We Say So

Price: $15.95 (USD)

Disposable Futures

Price: $17.95 (USD)

Against Apartheid: The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities

Price: $19.95 (USD)

Clara Zetkin

Price: $18.00 (USD)

BRICS: An Anticaptialist Critique

Price: $19.95 (USD)

Boots Riley

Price: $22.95 (USD)

Before the Next Bomb Drops

Price: $16.00 (USD)
