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Cool Stuff You Can Do in British Columbia


If you’ve never been to British Columbia, you’re doing your life wrong. Seriously, BC is such an awesome place to chill out and let the place and culture amuse you. The climate is mild, just right for fun outdoor recreation. If you like the posh life, you can also hop from one high-class restaurant to another. There’s also great wine, too. Whatever it is that you want to do, BC got it for you.

Food and Wine

Did I mention that there are lots of farms, wineries, cideries, and breweries in BC? You bet there are, and this abundance makes BC a go-to place for foodies and dining connoisseurs. The restaurants feature world-class chefs and vintners who use fresh BC ingredients for the mouth-watering cuisine. Whether you like Italian or American cuisine, they got it.

Outdoor Activities

If you’re a hardcore athlete who searches for intense outdoor activities, you can try rock climbing, hiking treks, mountain biking, and more. If these activities seem daunting for you, you can do less intense activities such as canoeing, kayaking, having underground cave tours, go to museums and a lot more. You can immerse yourself to the wilderness or simply hang out in farms and country area. The choices are limitless.


There are beautiful gardens, museums, theatre productions, sports events, and other sorts of entertainment you can watch at any time of the year. Lots of bands and artists hold concert tours in BC. Last February, in fact the band Imagine Dragons performed in Rogers Arena, Vancouver, BC as part of the Imagine Dragons tour 2015 . You can inquire at local Visitor Centre to find out the attractions and entertainments in the area.

Arts, Culture & History

Culture nut? BC got you covered. There are lots of museums and cultural events you can get a good kick out of. BC has 91 National historic Sites, 10 Provincial Historic Sites and 3 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Experience the pleasure of riding a stagecoach at Barkerville Historic Town; find out about fur traders and fishermen at Fort Langley National Historic Site and North Pacific Cannery, respectively. If you like tunnels and trestles, go to The Kettle Valley Rail Trail.

There are literally hundreds of things you can do at British Columbia. This is why it’s one of the most loved regions in Canada.

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Start Your Own Business From the Comfort of Home


Truly there’s a great deal of selection when considering on starting a business. Either you have big capital money, a little capital, or no capital at all. You can start a business! Thanks to the invention of worldwide web, overwhelming opportunities come to the less fortunate aspirers. One opportunity is starting your own website business.

Putting up a website business can be a great way for you to work innovatively in a field that you’re passionate about. For sure, there are millions of different web businesses out there, and the challenge for you is starting one that will resonate to the mass media. Here are tips to help you start your own website business.

Think of prospective business topics. Start by writing down 5-10 topics that you know a lot about and are passionate about. Music may be your passion, why not make a Music website about your favourite artist? Look at this as an example Justin Moore Website.

(If you want to know more about Justin Moore concert tours and tickets click here)

Research those topics. Start by looking for what other sites are out there and also research keyword tools to see what people are usually searching for.

Find which subject/topic has the most potential. This will perhaps be a topic that is in demand but has relatively few sites out there on the internet.

Find related keywords that define the subject/topic

Or, find great value-for-money keywords. Find a subject/topic and research more specific keywords where you can purchase at a low rate.

Consider making an informational website that makes money through advertisements. You can start an informational site and make money thru it by using Google Adsense. It lets you put ads on your pages that are related to your topic. Whenever people click on the ads you’ll get paid.

Or, marketing affiliate programs to your readers. They are made by companies to promote their products. You can sign up and receive a referral fee whenever you promote their products.

Make your business site more effective. Create an informational/content driven website with enhanced keywords to attract search engines and more readers.

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Blake Shelton: King of Country?


Iconic country music artist, Blake Shelton, troops to Orlando on August 30. He will be performing at the Amway Center, the schedule being part of His ‘Ten Times Crazier Tour’. Other performing artists are The Band Perry, Dan + Shay and Neal McCoy. May 2 will be the start of official ticket selling and prices go for $27.75 and $52.75, excluding fees.  Hear Blake sing hits from his current album (platinum certified), ‘Based on a True Story’. Check blake shelton music for other concert details.

Shelton’s official fan club members will enjoy a pre-sale, see for more details. Register now for fan club membership and have a part in “Blake is #TenTimesCrazier!” Thunderclap campaign, a donation drive for the benefit of Lifting Lives Foundation (an Academy of Country Music foundation). All fan club purchases will entitle 1$ donation amount to LLF per each ticket sold.

Performing trio, The Band Perry, has also been going on tour with Canada as one of the concert venues for the group’s ‘We Are Pioneers World Tour’.  Blake himself is scheduled to perform in Canada as well, this July 3. He will sing at the Ottawa Bluesfest, which is to be held at Canada War Muesum, it’s an indoor event at LeBreton Flats. Other performers for the event are Leclaire, Gary Clark Jr., Lady Gaga, Danny Brown, and others. Bassist Christopher Maclean and drummer Michael Hunter join Leclaire. The festival will continue for eleven days. Bluesfest celebrates its 20th anniversary this year; the festival expects to bring in over 250,000 attendees, just like it did last year.

Besides concert touring, Blake Shelton is busy with the hit TV show, “The Voice”. The show is currently running its 6th season. Blake is joined by co-returning judges Adam Levine (his best pal!), Usher, and Columbian superstar Shakira. Recently, Blake collaborated with Shakira for her latest album (self-titled). The two worked on a song together, with Shakira enlisting help from Nashville songwriters. The song was titled ‘Medicine’, with a touch of both country and pop. The duet was performed at the ACM Awards night and on the show ‘The Voice’. The album, Shakira’s only album in the last four years, was released on March 25.

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British Columbia Residents: Healthiest Population in Canada


When talking about which province in Canada has the highest index of healthy living, it is British Columbia. This reputation has remained undisputed to this date as proven by the figures released by the Statistics bureau. In surveys conducted on health state of Canadians, it was shown that British Columbia residents with ages ranging from 12 and above are among the most physically active people at 59.1 % of the population.

Healthy lifestyle

Only 17.8 % of B.C. population is attributed to smokers. Also, many British Columbians advocate fruit and vegetable diet, at a rate of 43% consumption. Moreover, obesity among adults in B.C. is low at 44.4 %, as well as with young people at 17.8 % obesity rate only. As for drinking, a low 15.7 % of B.C. population indulges in alcohol, which is done mostly on occasions.

Public health plan

Perhaps the most important factor that contributes to the overall health condition of the people of British Columbia is the support given by the government. This Canadian province has one of the most efficient health coverage in the world. Taxpayers indeed are getting the most benefit from their taxes through healthcare. Individuals are provided superior healthcare plans, thereby improving the life expectancy of everyone.

Health and success

Because of the excellent health condition of people in B.C., majority of them are successful in life with respect to their careers and families. Many British Columbian families are able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle and engage in fun activities such as travel. They have enough resources to watch plays, operas and stage shows and confirm early booking from Daniel Tosh June gloom tour dates. Indeed, life is good and going better among British Columbian people.

Highest cost in health care

Notably, despite the fact that British Columbia people are the healthiest, there still remains to be a general concern on the minimal percentage of people living unhealthy lifestyle. Accordingly, the highest cost in health care incurred by the government goes to nutrition and public campaign against tobacco use, alcohol and substance abuse. Although British Columbia is not considered a haven for drug use and addiction, the government is willing to pay a price to prevent its incidence.

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A Brief Overview of the British Columbia Politics


Primarily, the British Columbia politics encompasses not only the administration of British Columbia, Canada, as well as different political factions which have chosen or held legislative power. It also involves multiple attempts or experiments at electoral and political reform.

British Columbia’s History of Politics

Before the year 1903, British Columbia doesn’t have any political parties. The initial Premier of British Columbia, Sir Richard McBride, was the very first one to assert a party affiliation, which is Conservative Party. He was also the first one to institute caucus politics or also referred to as conventional party.

From the time party politics were established in British Columbia, several political parties, which controlled the government for over 10 years, emerged, and that includes the 20th century’s Conservative government, Liberal government of the interwar, Social Credit or Socred government of post-war (governed by W.A.C Bennett), followed by a brief reign of NDP or New Democratic Party, and then governance under Social Credit which was led by W.A.C Bennett’s son, Bill Bennett.

By 1990s, the NDP government ruled and by the year 2000, the BC Liberal Party Government governed by Gordon Campbell, followed. In the 1940s, the government of British Columbia was ruled by an alliance of the Conservatives and the Liberals. Neither of the mentioned parties had the electoral power to establish a majority, so an alliance was utilized as a method to avoid the British Columbia Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (NDP’s forerunner) from reigning.

From the year 1972 up to 1975, the New Democratic Party which was then led by Dave Barrett won power; however, he was defeated after he engaged in a showdown with formed labor. Because of this event, Social Credit party regained the power, which was ruled by a new leader, Bill Bennett, the son of the past premier. Bill Bennett had been enlisted by an old guard of the party, but Bill introduced a fresh style of politics.

By the year 1986, Bill Bennett opted to retire from politics. Bill Vander Zalm became his successor. Unlike the other former leaders and parties, Mr. Zalm and his party wasn’t that popular that time. During the realm of several scandals and increasing unpopularity, the party was conquered by the New Democratic Party. Since that time, NDP led the province of British Columbia for over 10 years.

Recall Election and Initiative Legislation

In Canada, BC is the only province that practices recall election and initiative legislation. Both of these political features were showcased after the 1991 referendum. Since the time these actions were introduced, there was only a single successful recall petition, and that is when MLA Paul Reitsma was compelled to give up his position, hours prior to his removal from the office.

British Columbia on Fixed Election Dates

British Columbia is also the first Canadian province to edict Fixed Election Dates. Before, the BC elections were quite similar with majority of parliamentary jurisdictions, whereby it only needs an election within a certain span of time- 5 years in all Canadian jurisdictions.

Listed below are some of the current active political parties in the province of British Columbia. This may serve as a guide in making a sound decision during elections.

1. BC Libertarian Party

This BC political party is guided by the libertarian non-aggression principle, which is: no person or organization should utilize fraud or force against any other. Fraud or force should also not be used to attain social or political goals. BC Libertarian Party advocates the civil liberties, as well as the private property right, which includes ceasing the control of government on the economic activity, drug legalization, as well as ceasing of the coercive taxation.

2. British Columbia Liberal Party

This is the political party that Christy Clark belongs to. Several residents of British Columbia advocate the platform of this political party, which include freeing the province from debt, to secure the economy of the province, and building a stronger and much better society for the younger generation.

3. British Columbia Social Credit Party

This party consider themselves as a grassroots party that is accountable to the British Columbia residents. The members of this British Columbia political party believe that the province needs a responsible open government and that there is no special treatment for anyone. British Columbia Social Credit Party also believes that there should be equal opportunities for everyone.

4. Western Canada Concept Part of BC

The leader of this political party is Dough Christie, who aims to employ the Western Block Party’s foundational strategy in order to secure independence for Western Canadians. Just like other political parties, this party aims to free British Columbia from corruption.

5. British Columbia Marijuana Party

It is a minor political party that strongly supports the cannabis legislation.

Suffice to say, British Columbia has quite an intricate political system. Nevertheless, the residents of this exemplary Canadian province are active partakers in the governance, to ensure that they’ll be ruled by the right people.

The Present

As of today, British Columbia is under the governance of Christy Clark from the British Columbia Liberal Party. In the western part of Canada, aside from Alberta, usually, politics showcased NDP or CCF on the left side, while some other political party on the left side. The current epitome of the BC Liberal Party accomplishes this role in British Columbia. This British Columbia political party is neutral federally and it acquires its associates from the center going to the center right.

From the time it was taken over by Premier Gordon Campbell’s supporters, after Gordon Wilson’s ouster, several people consider this party as an efficient rebirth of the obsolete BC Social Credit Party.

Tips Before Buying a Property in British Columbia for the First Time

Row of upscale brick and stone faced townhomes.If you have decided to move to British Columbia, Canada and invest on a real estate property, then you are doing the right decision. The living condition in the region is great and a lot of people are satisfied of their life. However, you must not rush into that decision. You have to think about it carefully or else you will invest on the wrong item and regret in the end.

Study the area

You need to survey all the possible locations first before closing the deal. Visit open houses or ask questions among real estate developers. You should also find out some details about taxation laws in the region. You should also weigh in between property rental and sale. Either way is fine as long as you can benefit more from it.

Be knowledgeable

It is also great if you enter a transaction and you know exactly what you are going into. Hence, you need to be knowledgeable. Attend a property seminar so you can make smarter decisions. You should also read some more details about buying and selling properties. If you can speak with friends who are in this industry, then it would be more helpful.

Be ready

In the end, if you think you are knowledgeable enough and you have asked the right questions, you have to prepare yourself. If you are planning to move and bring your entire family, you have to ask yourself first if it is the right thing to do. You should also consult with everyone in the family. Being psychologically prepared for the chances is also important. To top it all, you need to understand that you are entering something which is basically a gamble. You will never know if you are getting your investment back in the end or not.

Well, anything comes with a risk. Moving to British Columbia has its ups and downs. However, you are ultimately the one to make the decision. Therefore, you need to be ready about it and you have to stand by the decision that you have made. In the end, you will fear nothing if you have done your part before investing.

Take Your Backpack With You to Enjoy an Outdoorsy Life in British Columbia

british columbia lakeIf you haven’t already heard of this province, which is highly unlikely, British Columbia is the one located on Canada’s west coast. It is part of the Pacific Northwest with the States of Washington and Oregon. In view of its geographical location, the province has become the favorite of many who are into outdoor activities. With its various mountainous terrains, lakes, coasts, rivers and forests, it is now considered as one of the best places to go to for camping, hiking, mountaineering, rock climbing, fishing and hunting.

 Some of the World’s Best Camping

For those who enjoy camping, there are several types of camping areas you can choose from such as provincial and national parks, RV and private campgrounds, and recreation sites. Here, you can get a taste of living in the wilderness along with your family and friends. And since you will be far away from the civilized world, it is best that you bring all your essentials with you, including first aid kits. For this reason, it is imperative that you use a pack that could accommodate such items. One great option would be Pack-it-in Pack-it-out’s military duffle bags. This pack is the perfect choice for outdoorsy activities like camping.

canadian kayakerGet in the Water

During summer season, various water sports can also be enjoyed here aside from the usual camping, hiking and mountaineering extravaganza. Regardless if you are looking for motorized or non-motorized water sport, British Columbia is a perfect destination. BC has some of the world’s best water. Among the various water activities that can be enjoyed here are sailboarding and sailing. On its many inland rivers, you can try kayaking and whitewater rafting. If you are a winter person, that is not a problem. Have you tried ice sailing?

If not, head over to Whistler and enjoy the spectacular experience of sailing on ice! There’s also telemark, downhill and cross-country skiing. Of course, if skiing is available, so is snowboarding. See? As long as you are adventurous enough, you will never run out of activities to try our here in British Columbia. It is really the perfect place to be for those who love to do outdoor activities, whether alone or with family and friends.


Bruno Mars Moonlight Jungle Tour Past Shows


The Moonshine Jungle Tour is the on-going second concert tour by Bruno Mars in support of his second album, Unorthodox Jukebox. The concert tour is initially set to begin on 6.22.2013 up to 3.16.2014. In April 2013 however, Bruno Mars announced that the tour would include Australia in the month of February to March 2014. As of 9.10.2013, the tour has reached engrossment of $40.5 million from the first 42 shows and dragged more than 565,000 fans. The tour was at top 23 among the 25 Tours of 2013 being able to sell out 44 shows among 48, with an engrossment of $46,417,795 in North America shows. Over all in Bruno Mars 2015 concert tours, the 84 shows had given him a total of $72.4 million. In January 2014, Bruno Mars announced the second leg of his North America tour, with additional 35 concerts being scheduled in the US and 6 in Canada with Pharrell Williams and Aloe Blacc as one of the support acts.


Quebec, Canada – July 08, 2013

Columbus, OH – July 10, 2013

Auburn Hills, MI – July 11, 2013

Chicago, IL – July 13, 2013

Saint Paul, MN – July 14, 2013

Edmonton, Canada – July 18, 2013

Vancouver, Canada – July 20, 2013

Seattle, WA – July 21 2013

Portland, OR – July 22, 2013

Sacramento, CA – July 24, 2013

San Jose, CA – July 25, 2013

Los Angeles, CA –July 27, 2013

Los Angeles, CA – July 28, 2013

San Diego, CA – July 30, 2013

Phoenix, AZ – July 31, 2013

Salt Lake City, UT – August 02, 2013

Las Vegas, NV – August 03, 2013

Morrison, CO – August 05, 2013

Morrison, CO – August 06, 2013

Saint Louis, MO – August 08, 2013

Kansas City, MO – August 09, 2013

Oklahoma City, OK – August 10, 2013

Dallas, TX – August 12, 2013

Houston, TX – August 15 2013

Nashville, TN – August 17, 2013

Louisville, KY – August 18/13

Indianapolis, IN – August 19, 2013

Charlotte, NC – August 21, 2013

Atlanta, GA – August 22, 2013

Orlando, FL – August 27, 2013

Tampa, FL – August 28, 2013

Miami, FL – August 30, 2013

Las Vegas, NV – September 21, 2013

Las Vegas, NV – December 29, 2013

Las Vegas, NV – December 31, 2013

Canadian Music Boom


Surprisingly talented and very well-known musicians such as Shania Twain, Alanis Morissette, Avril Lavigne, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, Michael Buble, Nelly Furtado, and bands like The Moffats and Simple Plan had left some undeniable mark in the music industry and their legacy keeps on going until now. But perhaps one of the most surprising thing are their origin. They all  come from Canada– the most staid and safest of nations.

Is Canada now better at producing distinctive musicians than the USA? We will try to weigh them up here. (Note that the above/below lists of musicians are ranked according to their popularity impact worldwide)

Though, California do have a fair share of their own musicians such as Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani of No Doubt, Fergie of The Black-Eyed Peas, Amy Lee of Evanescense, and the only sole singer among the Californian’s well-known is Katy Perry. (Know more about Katy Perry and her concert tickets on sale at

The ranks of Canadian singers and bands making a name worldwide have grown swiftly through the year 2000s. The pacesetter was Nelly Furtado, whose 1st album, “Whoa, Nelly!”, an imaginative mixture of folksy pop and hip-hop, is as invigorating nowadays as it was on its first release. She pursued to be a major R&B star with her sleekly third album, “Loose”.

Ever since then, wave after wave of innovation and excitement took part in the music world—punk, indie, hip-hop, techno, grunge—has streamed back and forth. To name some globally successful and recognizably Canadian musicians like Alanis Morissette, Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne and Nickelback have carried out their blockbusting careers to the highest level.

The rise of Canadian force in pop music coincides with the decline of its domineering neighbor. So dominant American pop has been since the birth of rock’n’roll in the mid-1950s that the term “world music” is applied to anything that can’t trace its roots in the Appalachian mountains or the Mississippi delta. Lately the US mainstream has been changed by the efficiency of “American Idol” contestants. But none of them really stood out. American pop has stealthily slipped into stagnation— struggling to be heard over the babble of mediocre. It would rather be a nice irony if those disparaging jokes about Canadians made by people whose favorite singers are, in fact, Canadians.

The Ice Cream Industry


Ice cream–doesn’t it bring back precious memories of your childhood and those sweltering hot summer days? This well-known tradition continues as according to the International Ice Cream Association, 90% of US households consume ice cream and over 1.4 billion gallons of this sweet chill perfection were produced in 2003. If you try to calculate that out, it translates to 20 quarts of ice cream per each person. Just imagine all the ice cream brain freeze!


It’s the children that drive the ice cream industry in a large scale. You can prove that just by looking how many children runs after an ice cream cart in your neighborhood  However, US Census Bureau estimated that the youth populations in the next few years will decline, thus, forcing all the ice cream manufacturers to develop new products that will be attractive to the growing adult population. Households with children are the leading consumers of ice cream with 34 percent of total consumption compared to the 20 percent of household consumption without children.

The preferences of consumers vary to age and gender. Research shows that children eat more types of ice cream products and also consume more servings during childhood. However, as the children goes to their teenage years, they began to vary their consumption. Teenage girls start to eat healthier and opt for frozen yogurt, while teenage boys still love ice cream. Those habits formed while teenagers stick with them as they mature into adulthood. Majority of the adults prefer the same flavors they’ve eaten their whole life.


To stay trendy in the food industry, you must be prepared to offer “healthy” ice cream. While the majority sales are regular ice cream products, stores are diversifying their lines in order to fit into various lifestyles. Many companies have introduced products that has a lower carbohydrate content to meet the demand for the diet craze. Also, customers are now able to get reduced-fat, zero-fat and no sugar varieties on many local ice cream parlors.

Freshly-made ice cream is an attraction to customers, too. They can taste the difference between old versus new ice cream flavors and have a say on what ingredients that are to be used.

Gardening: Lawn Mowers


A lawn mower is a machine that uses one or more revolving blades to cut down grass into even height. There are manual and electric lawn mowers. For manuals, you have to use your hands to push the mower forward while electric mowers have internal combustion engine to spin blades.  Lawn mowers use two main styles of blades – a single blade that rotates about a single vertical axis called rotary mowers and those that use multiple blades that rotate about a single horizontal axis called cylinder or reel mowers.

Rotary mowers are usually fueled by gasoline. If you are a die-hard environmentalist, these won’t impress you because they emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other inorganic compounds. Riding mowers, on the other hand, also use gasoline as fuel and usually used in wide lawns – commonly in golf clubs. They are also quiet expensive. If you have an average-sized garden, you can use the traditional lawn mowers. There are also lawn mowers that run by set of rechargeable batteries. They are said to be environment-friendly as they don’t emit dangerous gases.

The basic things to consider in buying lawn mowers are: the size of your lawn, your garden preferences and your budget. If you have wide lawn, you can try a riding mower. They are efficient and save you more time mowing, plus you won’t get yourself tired because it’s basically like riding a car. If you have small lawn, you can have a reel mower. It is patterned after a scythe and all you have to do is manually push it to hit the grass. It also promotes clean environment because it does not make use of gasoline.  Repairs are manageable, replacement parts are available. Check for dixie chopper parts here.

When it comes to budget, push mowers are less expensive than electric and gasoline-fueled ones. All you need are your pair of gardening boots, gardening gloves, an overall and wa-la! You are ready as a pro gardener!

Your preference will depend on your gardening needs. Some mowers have designated compartments for collected grass clipping so you don’t have to run a rake after cutting the grass. Since you have been promoting clean environment through gardening, a push mower is definitely suitable for your gardening needs.