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IARC 2013 mission 6 completed - Tsinghua University
IARC-14 champion team (Buet exponential)
Introducing IARC
International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) Mission
IARC 2014 Polytechnique Montreal - 3rd attempt
IARC - Domingo dia 14 de Julho de 2013 - Resumo do Culto
IARC: Das Ende der USK? - Dominic Drückt Daumen - GIGA GAMES
International Agency for Research on Cancer - Classification
Lauren Ornelas: Food Justice, IARC 2013 in Luxembourg
Peter Young: Taking Action / The 7 Laws of Militance at IARC 2014
iARC Kanpur 2014
IARC 2014 Northeastern University (CN) Marvin
IARC - International Age Rating Coalition (Deutsch)
IARC 2014
The 6th Mission of the AUVSI Foundation's International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) Asian/Pacific Venue was held on the campus of Tsinghua University,...
Champion team of IARC 2014 (@IIT kanpur)
IARC is a groundbreaking classification system for digitally-delivered games and apps enabling storefronts to display familiar and trusted age and content rating information reflecting local standards. Developers complete one questionnaire, which immediately assigns ratings for different territories. Parents and other digital consumers benefit from having locally relevant rating information to help choose which games and apps are appropriate for their children and family.
Summary of the 5th Mission of the International Aerial Robotics Competition sponsored by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) a...
After having to take back manual control in our first two runs, we decided to do the bare minimum that we knew worked in our last run. We used the 10 minutes of setup time to gather a bit of data on the arena and did a 5 minute hover at the center of the arena followed by an autonomous landing.
Vídeo da IARC
Google hat sich der IARC angeschlossen: Die neue internationale Jugendschutzplattform hat ihren ersten großen Teilnehmer! Auch die deutsche USK ist Teil davon. Ist das der Anfang eines neuen Jugendschutzes für Deutschland? Abonnieren ► Dominic bei Facebook ► GIGA GAMES - Facebook - Twitter - Google Plus -
At the beginning of June, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC - part of the World Health Organization) announced their classification of wh...
This speech was recorded at the International Animal Rights Conference 2013 in Luxembourg. Lauren Omelas covers various abuses t...
Behind every ALF raid and effective action for animals is not just a skill set, but a mindset. From interviews with ALF activists to nearly 20 years in the movement, Peter Young has observed and reverse-engineered the mindset of the militant, and reveals the 7 laws that drive them. Gefallen dir die Videos? Dann abonniere uns: Besuche uns bei Facebook:
iARC National Round @ TechKriti '14, Kanpur with Durga Prasad, Nikhil Teja and Midhul with guidance from Shashankk Agarwal and Zubin Priyansh. :D
IARC 2014 for Northeastern University (CN) Marvin the third attempt. Our aircraft tried to affect the iRobots by landing.
Die Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) vergibt seit 2014 über das globale IARC-System Alterskennzeichen auch für Online-Spiele und Apps. Mit der Gründung der International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) im Jahr 2013 gelang es erstmals, eine offizielle Zusammenarbeit von zuständigen Stellen weltweit zu etablieren, in der sich diese auf ein gemeinsames Klassifizierungsverfahren einigten. Entwickler können das IARC-System kostenlos auf dafür lizenzierten Vertriebsplattformen nutzen. Nachdem sie den einheitlichen Fragebogen ausgefüllt haben, erhalten sie unmittelbar nach dem Abschluss Alterskennzeichen sowie Inhaltsdeskriptoren für die verschiedenen Territorien auf der Welt. Diese zertifizierten IARC-Einstufungen werden von der Plattform für die jeweilige Region ausgespielt. IARC und die teilnehmenden Institutionen sind für die Kontrolle der Alterseinstufungen zuständig. In Deutschland überwacht die USK die Richtigkeit ihrer Kennzeichen und kann bei Bedarf unmittelbare Korrekturen vornehmen. Das erklärte Ziel von IARC ist es, Nutzern digitaler Inhalte im Allgemeinen aber vor allem auch Eltern die Information über die bewährten und glaubwürdigen Einstufungen zu bieten - unabhängig von dem genutzten Gerät. Die an IARC teilnehmenden Institutionen repräsentieren gemeinsam Länder mit einer Bevölkerung von ca. 1,5 Milliarden Menschen. Dazu gehören: Classificação Indicativa (ClassInd) – Brasilien Classification Board – Australien Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) – Nordamerika Pan European Game Information (PEGI) – Europa Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) – Deutschland Institutionen weiterer Länder planen, sich dem System ebenfalls anzuschließen. Für Regionen ohne eigene Organisation werden zudem generische IARC-Ratings vergeben. In Deutschland ergänzt das IARC-System das bestehende System der USK zur Einstufung von Computer- und Videospielen für den stationären Handel auf Grundlage des Jugendschutzgesetzes.
Gunakanlah intervalometer untuk membuat time lapse untuk hasil lebih baik. IARC 2015 (Industrial Automation and Robotic Competition) adalah kompetisi yang terdiri dari 7 kategori yaitu Line Tracer Analog, Line Tracer Microcontroller, Progammable Logic Control, Lego LabVIEW, Lego NXT, Smart Robotic Car, dan Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Info lebih lanjut mengenai IARC silahkan kunjungi
iARC - International Autonomous Robotics Challenge, Techkriti'14, IIT Kanpur: In its efforts to fulfill the social obligation of serving the society along with technical advancement, IIT Kanpur, one of the premier technical institute of India and Techkriti, the annual technical and entrepreneurial festival of IIT Kanpur presents the International Robotics Competition, with a vision to motivate people all over the world to indulge in their passion for robotics. Objective: The event focuses on solving a line maze via line following, one of the very basic yet extremely important concept of robotics, and calculate the shortest path in the maze. In addition to that bot has to negotiate with an arena full of obstacles in short obstacle avoidance and negotiation with the environment. The event will test your analytical and coding skills, and will bring out the genius in you.
#Lomba Robot #Lomba Line Tracer #Lomba Lego LabView #Lomba PLC #Lomba Lego NXT #Lomba LabView Embedded Supported by : `PERTAMINA `XL `ROBOKIDS `NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS IARC ( Industrial Automation Robotic Competition ) adalah acara tahunan yang di buat oleh D3 TEKNIK ELEKTRO ITS dengan kerja sama dengan S1 TEKNIK ELEKTRO ITS .
sekilas tentang lomba Line Tracer Mikro di IARC ITS 2013.
I am going to talk about how regulationists are attempting to appropriate the term "abolitionist" in exactly the same way that they did with "animal rights" ...
TES played at the IARC 2013 in Luxembourg. Check out her website: Tracklist: 00:52 Billboard Tragedy 04:23 The Mirror 08:55 Wh...
This speech was recorded at the International Animal Rights Conference 2013 in Luxembourg. +++++++++++++++++ Subscribe: http://w...
IARC é um sistema inovador de classificação de jogos e de aplicativos distribuídos por download que permite que as lojas exibam uma classificação familiar e confiável de conteúdo e idade. Os desenvolvedores preenchem um questionário que atribui imediatamente as classificações para cada território. Os pais e outros consumidores digitais beneficiam-se com a informação de classificação pertinente à sua região para ajudá-los a escolher quais os jogos e aplicativos apropriados para sua família e filhos.
The decision was made by IARC, the France-based cancer research arm of the World Health ...
The Malta Independent 2015-04-10(Source: Biohit Oyj ). Biohit Oyj. Press release ... Acetaldehyde is classified as a class 1 carcinogen by IARC (WHO) ... tel ... fi. www.
noodls 2015-04-09The company says the IARC finding contradicts decades of evidence about the chemical ... IARC: "IARC Monographs Volume 112:
WPXI 2015-04-07... for Research on Cancer (IARC) retract their statements about the poisons’s toxicity to human health.
Minds 2015-04-07International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of World Health Organization ...
The Times of India 2015-04-07Levy, M. D ... S ... IARC CancerBase No ... iarc ... 3 WHO, IARC GLOBOCAN, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide in 2008 at http: ... iarc.
Stockhouse 2015-04-06Amgen Logo ... × ... D ... IARC CancerBase No ... iarc ... 3 WHO, IARC GLOBOCAN, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide in 2008 at http: ... iarc.
PR Newswire 2015-04-06(Source: ... D ... S ... com ... IARC CancerBase No ... iarc ... 3 WHO, IARC GLOBOCAN, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide in 2008 at http: ... iarc.
noodls 2015-04-06... women, despite having the top International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) cancer risk rating.
noodls 2015-04-06Recently, a huge amount of attention was given to an IARC report suggesting that glyphosate (brand name:
Business Insider 2015-04-02Three months later, the WHO’s International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) formally classified ...
The Guardian 2015-04-02... or IARC, that [ ] The post Marietta Campus hold drone Olympics appeared first on The Sentinel.
Atlanta Journal 2015-04-01The IARC's findings were welcomed by Professor Andreas Kortenkamp, an expert in human toxicology at Brunel University London.
noodls 2015-03-30Strangers Meeting On The Surface Of The Earth
Communicating Making Trends For What It's Worth
Sacrificial Bleedings From This Wonderful Machine
Frantically Creating Artificial Human Beings
Moving Faster As We Keep Our Hopes Up High
Maybe Someday We Will Know The Reason Why
Only Love Can Bring Us Forward
We Won't Give Up The Fight - We Shine So Bright
'cause We Are Just A Little Crazy
Dance Upon The World - Fly Like A Bird
Touch The Sky And One Day Maybe
Just A Little Crazy
In The Temple Of Missinformation We Are Born
Wars Fought And Created All The Heroes Have Come And Gone
Transcending Signals Outside This Big Balloon
Playing With Needles Under Shadows Of The Moon
Moving Faster And We Keep Our Hopes Up High
Maybe Someday We Will Know The Reason Why
Only Love Can Bring Us Forward
Holding Hands Together
We Won't Give Up The Fight - We Shine So Bright
'cause We Are Just A Little Crazy
Dance Upon The World - Fly Like A Bird
Touch The Sky And One Day Maybe
Just A Little Crazy
Don't Give Up The Fight - You Shine So Bright
'cause You Are Just A Little Crazy
Dance Upon The World - Fly Like A Bird
Touch The Sky And One Day Maybe
Keep Your Head Up High
Don't Give Up The Fight - We Shine So Bright
We Are Just A Little Crazy
We Won't Give Up - Won't Give Up - Won't Give Up
Hey modern days, here we come
But our feet are swollen and we got no place to stay
But we hope it would still be okay
'cos we brought champagne
And we thought that there must be sleeping bags
(in this very modern day)
But we're all very proud to be here today
The first of a thousand million modern days
'Cos it's a scam, it's a royal kind of wham-bam figure
It's abrieved in the sense of being up-john and senseless
It's a see-saw sickness, it's a snake-bite, low-chant jive
On the century's crime
Well, it's a scam, it's a royal kind of wham-bam figure
It's abrieved in the sense of being up-john and senseless
It's a see-saw sickness, it's a snake-bite, low-chant jive
On the century's crime
Hey modern days, we are taken a-back
We're a flame and a-gog, aloof and inhaled
With a don-don briefcase, oh, wait for our call
And I therefore shall declare
That the stores shall be locked no more
(no more), no more, (no more)
Why shall men suffer, why shall there be freaks?
Why am I still rehearsing a song when I oughta sleep?
'Cos it's a scam, it's a royal kind of wham-bam figure
It's abrieved in the sense of being up-john and senseless
It's a see-saw sickness, it's a snake-bite, low-chant jive
On the century's crime
Well, it's a scam, it's a royal kind of wham-bam figure
It's abrieved in the sense of being up-john and senseless
It's a see-saw sickness, it's a snake-bite, low-chant jive
On the century's crime
Oh, chin-batty dour face, why did you go there?
Sitting on a cold stone, waiting for the train home
Hoping it would carry me home
Hoping you would carry me home
Here I Stand
A Heartbroken Man
I Was A Bad Seed In Your Future Plan
When It Rains It Pours
That's When You Hide And Close The Door
I'll Never Be The One You Wanted
I Sent You A Letter
I Thought It'd Be Better Than Calling You
I'm Missing You
I'm The Man You Never Knew
Always Blue.over You
And I Can't Help It
I Can Not Fake It
For I Still Love You
I Don't Know You.anymore
Behind The Shell Lies Something Wounded
Have You Found Your Superman
And Does He Fit Your Master Plan
I Feel It Hard To Search For Something New
I Sent You A Letter
I Thought It Be Better Than Calling You
I'm Missing You
I'm The Man You Never Knew
Always Blue.over You
And I Can't Help It
I Can Not Fake It
For I Still Love You
I Can See The Starts Above
They Watch Us Live
They Shine Upon Our Fragile Lives.and Cry
Can I Ask You Why We Turn Our Heads The Other Way
And Look For Something We Will Never Find
Imaginary Day.when Pain Is Washed Away
Waiting For Freedom
Give Us Reason To Live
Missing You
A Hotel Where Nobody Stays
A Piano That Nobody Plays
Is What My Heart Feels Like
Empty Room Cold Dark Stairway
You Left Me Broken Hearted
All Alone On The Road To Somewhere
I'm Missing You
I'm The Man You Never Knew
Always Blue.over You
And I Can't Help It
I Can Not Fake It
Om man a"r fo"dd bland proleta"rer (Ola)
Och go"r
Och man a"r redan en ga*ng straffad
Sa* a"r
det la"tt att man blir haffad
Till och fra*n
Jag vill
ka"nna mig fri, fri, fri (Martin)
Det a"r min filosofi, fi,
Kolla, kolla att
Jag a"r en reko kille
A"ven om jag
kanske sitter pa* ka*ken idag (Sylvester)
Fa*r ni ha*lla med om
Det var inte det jag ville
Nej, jag tar ett jobb pa*
fo"rsta ba"sta sta"lle (Ola)
La"derfa*to"lj och egen
Na"r jag kommer ha"rifra*n (Ola & Sylvester)
jag mitt dumma fa*n
Och trodde jag var stark
Men jag
hamna i en park
Och levde pa* att sa"lja...
Hadela"tten da" da", umpampa (Leari)
Fa*r man
inte go"ra, inte bra
Hadela"tten da" da", umpampa
Det va det
jag sa, det var inte bra
Vilken idioti, ti, ti
Att sa"lja av ett parti, ti, ti
Kolla, kolla
Jag har mej sja"lv att skylla
A"ven om jag inte gillar
lokalen sa* bra (Martin)
Fa*r vi ha*lla med om att
Den har
en funktion att fylla
Fa*ngva*rden statuerar ett exempel
Kna"cker en kille
Sa"tter sta"mpel pa*'n
na"r jag kommer ha"rifra*n
Va"rker det i hja"rtevra*n
sticker som en dolk
Na"r man tra"ffar lite folk
Och meckar
sig en redig... (Jepson)
Hadela"tten da" da", umpampa
Fa*r man inte go"ra, inte bra
Hadela"tten da" da",
Det va det jag sa, det var inte
Hadela"tten da" da", umpampa (Leari)
man inte go"ra, inte bra
Hadela"tten da" da", umpampa
Det va
det jag sa, det var inte bra
Men a"r man
hederlig ista"llet (Jepson)
Och jobbar pa* i
Och bara a"r tillra"ckligt gniden
Sa* blir
man miljona"r med tiden
I den ma*n...
o"verhuvudtaget kommer ha"rifra*n (Ola)
Bara tar ett
Flytta till Skano"r
Sla* sig fram som
Och leva tills man... (Jepson)
Okej, okej,
kej, kej (Sylvester)
Ta a* titta pa* mej, mej, mej
kolla att
Jag a"r redan ma"rkt fo"r livet
A"ven om jag
kanske kommer i frihet en dag (Ola)
Fa*r ni ha*lla med om
Det a"r inte o"verdrivet
La"tt att va flitig, arbetsam
och pra"ktig
Lika bra jag ko"r direkt i a*n
Sa* na"r jag
kommer ha"rifra*n
I en stulen Amazon
Tar vi fo"rsta
Till att dundra in till stan
Och sla"ppa loss av
Hadela"tten aj, aj, umpampa (Alla)
Fa*r man
inte go"ra, inte bra
Hadela"tten aj, aj, umpampa
Det va
det jag sa, det var inte bra
Hadela"tten aj, aj,
Fa*r man inte go"ra, inte bra
Hadela"tten aj, aj,
Det va det jag sa, det var inte bra
Howling He-men
following the stream and
smelling semen
God, I never wanted
to to become one of them.
I suddenly felt like
were calling me by name:
And so I laid it down for all
to see
And the world was young
and a-waiting for me
I laid it down, I laid it down!
I laid it down for all to see
I laid it down on the dusty
and all I felt was like a great
I laid it down, I laid it down!
She stood there
before me
pure as could to be
I gt down and kissed her
and somehow
I got by
my troubles
down under he waistline
kiss me, couse here, I come.
Walked Through The Crowd
My Head Hung Low
Their Sending An Innocent Soul
As The Angels Circle Dragon Hill
And Satan Sets His Stage
It's A Sacrifice For The People
An Act Of Evil
No One To Hear You Cry
Only There To Watch You Die
Soon You'll Be Breathless
Dealt Is The Card Of The Hangman
I Stared Into The Crystal Full Of Prophecies
Human Characters In The Book Of Change
As The Angels Circle Dragon Hill
And Satan Sets His Stage
A Sacrifice For The People
An Act Of Evil
Pleading To The Stars
Deliver Me From Madness
No One To Hear You Cry
Only There To Watch You Die
Soon You'll Be Breathless
Dealt Is The Card Of The Hangman
We Are Moving Towards Time Untold
In For Infinity
Forever Endlessly
Building The Tower Of Knowledge And Power
No One To Hear Us Cry
There's No Time For You And I
Soon We'll Be Breathless
Dealt Is The Card For The Hangman
No One To Hear You Cry
Only There To Watch You Die
Soon You'll Be Breathless
Dealt Is The Card Of The Hangman
So Much For The Future
Flooded With Sorrow
Will We See Tomorrow
No One Will Hear You Cry
Only There To Watch You Die
Soon You'll Be Breathless
It Was A Night In July
Stormy Weather For You And I
Caught In The Rain
And There Was No One To Blame
We Went Separate Ways
But I Can Still See Your Face
In Every Crowd
And Baby It Drives Me Wild
Never Saw The Sunshine
Till You Turned Your Lovelight On
I Never Saw The Moon So Full Before
Till That Night You Held Me Thight
Across The Ballroom Floor
I Could See You Dancing Slow... Baby
You Angel You
Now You're The Perfect Lover... Wife And Mother
And I Still Know Your Name
Yes I Know Your Game
Yes I Know Your Ways... Woman
Mother Of Love
I'm Under Your Spell
Driving Too Fast Into The Rain
Looking For Something
To Rescue Me
I've Been Waiting My Whole Life
Guess I'll Always Be A Restless Heart... Baby
Stairing Out Of The Window
Precious Time Where Did You Go... Where Didi You Go
All The Years Passing By
And I Can Still Hear Your Sigh... Baby
I Never Ever Saw The Sunshine
Till You Turned Your Lovelight On
I Never Saw The Moon So Full Before
Till That Night You Held Me Thight
Yes A Night In July
Stormy Weather For You And I
Caught In The Rain
And There Was No One To Blame
We Went Separate Ways
But I Can Still See Your Face
In Every Crowd
And Baby It Drives Me Wild
Mother Of Love
I'm Under Your Spell
Driving Too Fast Into The Rain
Looking For Something
To Rescue Me
I've Been Waiting My Whole Life
Guess I'll Always Be A Restless Heart
People Talk But They Just Don't Know
What It's Like To Be Alone
There's A Man Out There
Ain't Got No Home
Hoping Jesus Will Find Him
Wherever He Goes
The Dark Clouds No They Won't Disappear
The Light Is Gone
Now It's Dark Everywhere Baby...
... People Tell Him Keep The Faith
Your Heart Will Tell You
They Got No Reason To Tell Him A Lie
They Don't Care If He Lives Or If He Dies
Fire Burning In Me
Guess We're Too Blind To See
Mother Of Love
I'm Under Your Spell
Driving Too Fast Into The Rain
Looking For Something
To Rescue Me
I've Been Waiting My Whole Life
I know many who are worse of than you
But you stick to you fuck-ups like they're made out of glue
Little Dysfunk you, now what you gonna do?
Your eyes are watery, a mouth made for joy
Always quoting Morrisey but did you ever do it with a boy?
I've got a mouth for joy
And I can take you on, I can take you on
I'll be your next-door neighbour, your mother and your savior
I can take you on, I can take you on
I'll be the murder on the Rue Morgue, you're trying to solve
Oh, I can't wait too long, I can't wait too long,
Hear me calling out for you, calling out for you
Please don't wait too long, please don't wait too long,
Makes me crazy, hearing you go on about the "so much for bleached nostalgia.."
You're not afraid of pain, I know what you did
But now the question is do you really dare to live?
Pretty Dysfunk kid
It's better to be bitter than to seem like a fool,
You say and hide behind your beer-glass
But I'm not so impressed by your dysfunk moves
'Cause I'm a dysfunk too
But I can take you on, I can take you on
I'll be your next-door neighbour, your mother and your savior
I can take you on, I can take you on
I'll be the murder on the Rue Morgue you're trying to solve
Oh, I can't wait too long, I can't wait too long
Hear me calling out for you, calling out for you
Please, don't wait too long
Please, don't wait too long, makes me crazy
I'm afraid
Embarassed to
I have never
Seen anything like you
My God, you're great
Greater than I did expect
And the night
Is silver
'round your neck
And the night
Is silver
'round your neck
Men high and low
Sing hymns to you
Your sons and daughters
Do what you want them to
I want to wear
Your love like a laurel wreath
And the night turns silver
When you breathe
And the night turns silver
When you breathe
I'm out of time
You bring me down
You leave me naked
Standing out of line
'cause you're a soul
On an endless trek
And the night is silver
'round your neck
And the night is silver
I was born to start a revolution
It would be my contribution
To a worldwide resurrection
I was born to start a million fires
The joy of mens' desires
Was laid in my hand
But I was born a weak and worried thinker
With an eagerness to know myself
That throws it all away
'Cause all I can think of is:
And saturday
And how the golden road can seize to glare
Oh, man! What if I just don't give a damn?
-How wonderful!
But after all the worst can't be that bad
Oh, man...What if I knew how to say:
- Stop
- No
- Let go?
- Oh, the angelheaded demons-tongue
Who thought he knew
Why some mirrors crack so easily
- now, he ain't got a clue
And every now and then
It seems to me it's come to this
-that promises and prophecies
Was all i had to give
'Cause all I can think of is:
Oh, Love...
But after all the worst can't be that bad
Oh, man...
Walk with me slowly, let in some air
I know we both have been lonely and I wasn't there
But here's a packet of peanuts and here's a pint of beer,
We both run around in circles when there's nothing to fear
And if I ever did you any wrong
There's a two-headed reason why this can go on
But it's true that I've been away too long
So - I pathologize, I pathologize, I pathologize
Don't know much about love and roses
But I know we got compatible neuroses
Know there's a way to shed your skin
But when we don't know where it ends
how should we dare to begin?
If I ever did you any wrong
There's a two-headed reason why this can go on
But it's true that I've been away too long
So - I pathologize, I pathologize, I pathologize
If I ever did you any wrong
There's a two-headed reason why this can go on
But it's true that I've been away too long
So - I pathologize, I pathologize, I pathologize
If I ever did you any wrong
There's a two-headed reason why this can go on
And it's true that I've been away too long
There's a two-headed reason why I sing this song
And if the key's too high for you to sing along
Don't scratch your arm it'll only get worse
And don't even think
Don't open your purse
I can pay for you
That's the least I can do
You can pay me back in kisses when the month is through
I wont lie to you
There is no end to love like ours
There is no end to a love like ours
There is no end to love like ours
You've got some kind of dirt on your shoulder
Blood in your eyes
No surprises
So tell me again what the future is like
It is me and it's you, a porch and a stool
Let's find out what the state supplies for ageing fools
Would I lie to you?
There is no end to love like ours
There is no end to a love like ours
New York’s a goldmine for Rock City Wankers
Pilgrims of sleaze and of nocturnal pancake
Are you a poet, electrical junkie?
Or are you just a another little rock city wankie?
Saying: ”I’m gonna have a no-life, low-life ’til I get out
Then I get highlife O-o-oh.
Hope they stare at me while the vicodine is kicking in, kicking in…”
Oh no! You put a spike into your vein
Oh no! (Does it make you think you’ve got)
The blood of Thunders in your brain
You ought to know: Just because you’re full of it
It doesn’t mean that you’re the shit
So take a good look at me
Now, Here’s some good advice:
Try some manners, fuck-face!
(I mean it, baby…)
Oh, spare me your sunglass-protected analysis
Elegant vices – midlife crisis
We wanna go wanna see Ligeti-Ligeti, Yeah!
Gonna slip outta here in your limousine-dream, said Yeah!
Oh no! You put a spike into your vein
Oh no! (Does it make you think you’ve got)
The blood of Thunders in your brain
You ought to know: Just because you’re full of it
It doesn’t mean that you’re the shit
So take a good look at me
Now, Here’s some good advice:
Try some manners, fuck-face!
I’m gonna have a no-life-low-life ’til I get out
Then I get Highlife -O-o-oh!
I’m gonna have no-life, ’til I get highlife
High On You
I Feel Love Again
There's No Pretending Here
It's Long Ago Since I've Had A Reason
So Strong And True
It's All Because Of You Girl
I Used To Be A Bird Of Prey
Crying To Be Heard
A Heavy Heart
Carrying The Weight Of Sorrow
Talking About It
You Were There Saving Me From Darkness
Life Has Never Been - Ever Seemed So Bright
Ooh On The Day You Came To Me
The Way That You Paralyze - No Disguise
I Realize The Power
Lost In A Sea Of Love
Don't Wake Me If I'm Dreaming
I Used To Be A Bird Of Prey
Crying To Be Heard
A Heavy Heart
Carrying The Weight Of Sorrow
Solitude And Broken Hearts
Living All Around Us
Centuries Of Asking "why The Wind Blows Here"
Search A Solution To Save Us From Pain
From Falling To Pieces
I Survived A War With Demons
And I've Erased The Past
It's A New Beginning.waking Up
Waking From My Sleep
I Feel Alive.and We're Gonna Dance
You Woke Me From My Sleep
I Feel Alive Baby
And We're Gonna Dance's Alright
I Used To Be A Bird Of Prey
Crying To Be Heard
A Heavy Heart
Carrying The Weight Of Sorrow
And The Piper Plays The Call
I wanna hold you but you're out of reach
Somewhere searching for your inner peace
Im just looking for a little squeeze
Face to face and cheek to cheek
Its in your blood but not in mine
What's in your blood is in my mind
Somethings broken in the way we smile
It is within us all the time
Youre well aquainted with the So- o- o-Ho
And all the Ello and Ow are u?
And we both have to get it on before the summers gone
We gotta hurry in our worry to get done today
Cause one of us is gonna die young
Lets put our money where our mouth is and get out today
Cause one of us is gonna die young
Ooh, Ooh, One of us is gonna die young
Ooh, Ooh, One of us is gonna die young
That's right
Aah, aah, aah, aah
And don't you take this the wrong way
Im not looking for a way to replace what love can give
Cause you can't do that!
Im only saying that where I come from
People find it very fashionable
To burn like a flame
Never get tame Grown-up and lame Yeah! Yeah!
Youre looking beat but you say: no, oh, no, no
Im all messed up and Im ready to go!
We aint gonna go it alone no more So lets get on
With the show
There's a lot to be said and to be done today
Cause one of us is gonna die young
Before they put us in a coffin Ive got things to say
One of us is gonna die young One of us is gonna die young
Ooh, Ooh, One of us is gonna die young
Ooh, Ooh, One of us is gonna die young
And there's a lot to be said and to be done today
Cause one of us is gonna die young
And you're chim-chim-chammy and
Your're wealthy and you're whammy
'Cus one of us is gonna die young
One of us is gonna die young
Who will give a dolla’
For a really lucky fella
Who gets kissed under umbrella?
And who´s got time for fatsos
Who´s a-singing ’bout pajazzos
-Oh, is that art. Oh, is that so?
Maybe what dies aint supposed to live
Maybe you’ve given
What you had to give to me
Why You’re acting so unnaturally,
Is that your only way to be?
Now is it really fun to say
"Lets do it in a modern way"
When the longeurs is the stinkin’ same?
It’s such a massive overload
You don’t have to be wise and old
To see this boat is sinkin, ey?
Maybe what dies aint supposed to live
Maybe you’ve given
What you had to give to me
Why You’re acting so unnaturally,
Is that your only way to be?
Houp, houp, houp-la! Op-op-op-op-opera!
Now look out on the streets
There is energy and heat and
Some friends i’d like you all to meet
It’s a crowd that longs for shows
Overacting, overdoze, Extra-fancy-ganza!
So, maybe you still got some time to live
Maybe you still have got something to give to me
-But i tell You to impress me
You must improve your fantasy
Houp, houp, houp-la! Op-op-op-op-opera!
Night after night I tell myself
That I gotta find a way to escape this void
After all is said and done
My resum?'s gonna be elegant from now on
You put the strap around your neck
Funny that I'm not dangling up there all along
Sickness will kindly talk to the mind when the mind can't take it anymore
Put on your amazing leotard and learn all you should know
Ooh-oh! Gotta make way for the new pollution
Ooh-oh! It's gonna be a hairspray revolution
Ooh-oh, life left you only seconds to play
Life left you only seconds to play
I never knew you, never will
And if we'd meet I'd probably hate you from the very
Start up a fight, I'd fight you right
But by the end of the night we'd be the ones to hang out
Buy you a drink, a smoke, a pint
Saying that it's gonna be elegant from now on
Sickness will kindly talk to the mind, when the minds got nowhere else to go
Put on your amazing leotard and get on with the show
Ooh-oh! Gotta make way for the new pollution
Ooh-oh! It's gonna be a hairspray revolution
Ooh-oh, life left you only seconds to play
Life left you only seconds to play
Looking like a right potato
Never saw a grimmer look
You tell me I'm a masturbator
So you still know some of the french you took!
And they'll beat you to the ground
Treat you like a hound
Cheat away your money turn your best friends around
They'll tell you that you're overrated
But still they'll take a closer look
So come down kid, we are all waiting down here...
Ooh-oh! Gotta make way for the new pollution
Ooh-oh! It's gonna be a hairspray revolution
Ooh-oh! Gotta make way for the new pollution
With a sun-tan
Smoking cigarettes from another land
That look so neat
And smell so sweet
Funny how the kids so dressed up and fine
Are standing in a line
For the homecomer to say
They look so sweet,
Mesasure them from head to feet
The Homecomer
With a strawhat
Showing colour-slides of a viper and a bat
And where to go
And where it's at
Sitting drinking wine with the grown-ups by the fire
Telling all night 'bout the places he's been
And the people there
Oh, the kids would love to hear
So they sneak up near
I'll come home
With a mind of my own
And a rucksack full of secrets I can show
While everyone tries to picture
What the homecomer's eyes have seen
A Homecomer
Is what I always wanted to be
The Homecomer
With a strawhat
Finds his way without a map
On the countryside
Or in London town
Looking at the children
With love in his face
Telling them softly that
When I was your age
I longed to be
Someone like me
The Homecomer
With a sun-tan
Touches his own face
With the hands of a man
Somethings has changed
He's not the same
After an appointment
With a very old friend
All good days must come to an end
So he goes to bed
And he closes his eyes
I'll come home
With a mind of my own
And a rucksack full of secrets I can show
While everyone tries to picture
What the homecomer's eyes have seen
A Homecomer
Cry, O, Does You're done with
Mean deeds did steal Your need
to be free
Dry and close your wandering
and be with me as I slip trough
Your dreams
Think about the Young boy
He's so eager to be loved, to
getting his hair cut like a boy
watching the sun set on his own
Think about the young girl
she's so eager to be loved and
Think about the young boy,
He's becoming a man
Cry, O, Doves You're done with
New dreams did free Your need
to be real
Try, O, Moles in Your sunly
to dream of me as You creep
trough the trees
Think about the Young boy
He's so eager to be loved, to
getting his hair cut like a boy
watching the sun set on his own
Think about the young girl
she?s so eager to be loved and
Think about the young boy,
He's becoming a man
Broken is the wind
Broken is his fellow
his name is Angro-Diti
and his voice is very mellow
/and he sings/
"So twice five miles of fertile
with walls and towers were
girdled `round
and there were gardens
bright with sinous rills
were blossomed many an
incense-bearing tree"
He sings of wuthering wilderness
and how it once was tamed
He sings of God?s boredom
in the days of no names
Cry, O, Doves You're done with
New dreams did free Your need
to be real
Try, O, Moles in Your sunly
to dream of me as You creep
through the trees
Think about the Young boy
He's so eager to be loved, to
getting his hair cut like a boy
watching the sun set on his own
Think about the young girl
she's so eager to be loved and
Think about the Young boy
He's so eager to be loved, to
getting his hair cut like a boy
watching the sun set on his own
Oh, when worlds collide
it's like thunder in the head
and fire in the mind
So, think about the young boy
Staring Down At The Marked Place
From High Up Above
I Ring The Bells In My Tower Cells
I Dream Of Something Peaceful And Worm
A Freak Of Nature I Was Born
Lonly Wind Tell How To Begin
I'm Higher When I'm Dancing In The Moonlight
I Am Bound To Walk The Night
Diving To A Wishing Well
Where Hopes And Dreams Can Break The Spell
A Place Where I Can Fly Towards The Sun... Free
Free Me
In The Name Of Love
Break Down These Walls
I Can Take No More
Made Of Flush And Blood... Oh Dear God
Gotta Get Out Of Here
There's Darkness In My Soul
I Wanna Learn To Live
Live To Learn
Looking Out Over Paris
So Many Things I Could Cherish
Smell The Green Be A Part Of The Scene
Children Play Their Laughing
And I'm Just Another Fairytale
Dreams To Ashes To Dust
I'm Higher When I'm Dancing In The Moonlight
I Am Bound To Walk The Night
Diving To A Wishing Well
Where Hopes And Dreams Can Break The Spell
A Place Where I Can Fly Towards The Sun... Free
Free Me
In The Name Of Love
Break Down These Walls
I Can Take No More
Made Of Flush And Blood... Oh Dear God
Gotta Get Out Of Here
I've Been Waiting For So Long
I'm Trying Hard Not To Loose Control
Welcome To Notre Dame My Friends
Where The Pigeons Fly Again
I'm A Ghost In This Town
A King Without A Crown
I'm A Firestorm
Crazy... May Be
Get Ready To Face The Dawn
Oh You're The Beauty And I Am The Beast
In This Cathedral I Hold The Feast
And I'm In Command
This Is My Land
I'm Crazy May Be
And It's All That I Know
There's Darkness In My Soul
And I'm Trying Hard Not To Loose Control
Come to me so easily
They make me forget what I mean
Seem so very unsound
When I don't want them around
Let your body decide where you want to go
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
I don't know if I'm ready
But everything must be unsteady on the first go-round
-Is it right to feel this way?
-Will I be happy one day?
-Is my posture OK?
-Am I straight or gay?
Let your body decide where you want to go
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow.
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow.
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow.
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow.
I don't know if I'm ready
I'm A Viking
And My Name Is Victory
I'm A Snow Man In A Snow Land
And I Sail The Seven Seas
I Know...
You Know...
We Know...
We've Been Marching On For So Long
Rising... Fighting
Making Love And War
Go For Power Go For Freedom
Who Holds The Key Who Can Open The Door
Go For Journey Go For Reason
Look For The Answer
Will We Ever Know?
Like The Singers At Worlds Dawn
We Keep Singing That Same Old Song
From The East To The West
There's A Sion There's A Quest... Yeah
For The Singers At The World's End
This Is Mine... This Is Yours... This Is Theirs
This Is Ours... This Is Cold... This Is Warm
This Is Life... And Life Is For All
I'm A Warhead
And I Could Be The End Of The World
Like The Singers At Worlds Dawn
We Keep Singing That Song
From The East To The West
There's A Sion There's A Quest... Yeah
For The Singers At The World's End
From The Mountains To The Sea
We'll Be Dancing You And Me
Go For Power Go For Reason Go For Freedom
Look For The Answer
Will We Ever Know
Come and lie beside me now, my love
Come, I've always been too shy in love
My voice is narrow
And a boy ain't supposed to cry
Until tomorrow:
Let me down gently
Let me down gently
Let me down gently
I'm too young, too afraid of heights to make the jump and fly
Knowing you will always be a trial
Knowing that you only stay a while
My deepest horror
And I know I ain't supposed to cry
I'm safe from sorrow
Let me down gently
Let me down gently
Let me down gently
I'm too young, too afraid of heights to make the jump and fly
Let me down gently
Let me down gently
Let me down gently
Why should it be so bad to be bad,
When it's so hard to be anything at all?
And why does everyone seem to forget
What it's like to be all alone
- As soon as they
Have got someone, no it's no fun
It makes me wanna vanish and die
Maybe I'll throw all my clothes
Into a waterfall
And sit and spy while they all cry
- You get so silly when you're lonely
And you think that you're the only
Who say:
I hope that someone's gonna call
And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
Well, I hope that someone's gonna call
And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
Maybe you all would consider it a joke
If I say that I hate myself
But now and then
When I look into the mirror
All I see is a big mistake
-And wouldn't you
Well, I just wanna be fun
Just wanna be the one
Who makes you smile
Well, I just wanna believe
That I could be something to someone
- Am I the only one around here,
Who's not gonna live my life in fear?
Well, I hope that someone's gonna call
And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
Well, I hope that someone's gonna call
And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
(- I don't understand you!)
- And why would you?
(- Can you tell me what is on your mind?)
- I don't have words to say
How much I think I owe you,
- We ain't gonna live our lives in fear...
That I hope that someone's gonna call
And tell me this night is over
`Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older
I hope that someone's gonna call (someone call)
And tell me this night is over (over)
`Cause I wanna start living my life (live my life)
Before I get much older (oh oh)
I hope that someone's gonna call (someone call)
And tell me this night is over (over)
`Cause I wanna start living my life (live my life)
Before I get much older (oh oh)
But I hope that someone's gonna call (someone call)
And tell me this night is over (over)
`Cause I wanna start living my life (live my life)
Before I get much older (oh oh)
[All together]:
I hope that someone's gonna call (someone call)
And tell me this night is over (over)
`Cause I wanna start living my life (live my life)
Before I get much older (oh oh)
I hope that someone's gonna call (someone call)
And tell me this night is over (over)
`Cause I wanna start living my life (live my life)
Whatever happened to the funky race?
A generation lost in pace,
Wasn't life supposed to be more than this?
In this kiss I'll change your bore for my bliss.
But let go of my hand and it will slip out
in the sand if you don't give me the chance
to break down the walls of attitude,
I ask nothing of you,
not even your gratitude.
And if you think I'm corny
then it will not make me sorry,
it's your right to laugh at me
and in turn, that's my oppurtunity
to feel brave.
'Cause it takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, In this world all covered up in shame.
Every morning I would see
her getting off the bus the
picture never drops it's like
a multicoloured snapshot stuck in my brain,
it kept me sane for a couple of years
as it drenched my fears
of becoming like the others
who become unhappy mothers
and fathers of unhappy kids,
And why is this?
'Cause they've forgotten how to play,
or maybe they're afraid to feel ashamed,
to seem strange,
to seem insane,
to gain weight,
to seem gay,
I tell you this:
That it takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, In this world all covered up in shame.
(Oh, take it to the stage!)
So, take it to the stage
in a multicoloured jacket take it jackpot, crackpot,
strutting like a peacock
nailvarnish Arkansas
shimmy-shammy featherboah crackpot haircut dye
your hair in glowing red and blue!
Do, Do, Do! What you wanna do,
Don't think twice, do what you have to do,
Do, Do, Do, let your heart decide
what you have to do that's all there is to find!
'Cause it takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, In this world all covered up in shame
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
Oh, It takes a fool to remain sane,
It took time, took time to develop a concept
A new me
Based upon the traits from which I could not flee
It took time, took time to embrace the nature
All my dreams
All this time just turned into a sad long wait
This sad long tale of moments pass
Must come to an end before it is too late
Wasn't born to hate, I was made to love
But I never knew it was so hard
It took time, took time to accept the fact
That one must lose
Everything except what you do not choose
It's taken time, long time and yet more time
It will take
Before my heart is free and brave enough to break
This sad long tale of moments pass
Must come to an end before it is too late
Wasn't born to hate, I was made to love
But I never knew it was so hard
This sad bouquet of forget-me-not
That I threw away is growing scars and dots
In this weary heart where there's a bird, so shy
I'm getting sick
Of you calling it chic
To describe what is that I am
When I know that I'm damned
Cause I got no own place to go
I'm getting sick and tired
You say you know my kind
But I'm a one of a kind
I'm blind leading blind
Cause we got no own place to go
But we're the pounding of the drums
We're your next-door neighbour
You sure must have known
You got nowhere to go
The Others, O-oh-Oh!
The Others, O-oh-Oh!
The In-Lovers, Oh-oh-Oh!
I'm building an army of misplaced lovers
Known as "the others"
Working under covers of love
Cause we got nowhere else to go
Gonna enlist every baldheaded chick with a dick
Every queer that is here so you stupid gits
Know, you're fucked-up, nowhere to go
Hear the pounding of the drums
From your next-door neighbour
You sure must have known
You got nowhere to go
The Others, O-oh-Oh!
The Others, Oh-oh-Oh!
The In-Lovers, O-oh-Oh!
I'm building an army of misplaced lovers
Known as "the others"
Working under covers
Are you ready, Sylvester? Sure I am
Lasse? Yeah! Jepson? Yeah!
Martin? (vissling)
Alright, fellas, let's go!
Oh it's been getting so hard
Livin' with the things you do to me
Oh my dreams are getting so strange
I'd like to tell you everything I see
Oh, I see a man at the back
As a matter of fact his eyes are as red as the sun
And a girl in the corner let no one ignore her
`Cause she thinks she's the passionate one
Oh, yeah, it was like lightning, everybody was frightening
And the music was soothing, and they all started grooving
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
And the man at the back said
Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz
And the girl in the corner said
Boy, I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz
I'm reaching out for something
Touching nothing's all I ever do
Oh, I softly call you over
When you appear there?s nothing left of you, aha
Now the man in the back
Is ready to crack as he raises his hands to the sky
And the girl in the corner is everyone?s mourner
She could kill you with a wink of an eye
Oh yeah, it was electric, and the music was hectic
And the band started leaving, ?cause they all stopped breathing
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
And the man at the back said
Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz
And the girl in the corner said
Boy, I wanna warn ya, it?ll turn into a ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz
Oh yeah, it was electric, so frightfully hectic
And the band started leaving, 'cause they all stopped breathing
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
And the man at the back said
Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz
And the girl in the corner said
Boy, I wanna warn ya, it?ll turn into a ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz
It?s it?s a ballroom blitz, it?s it?s a ballroom blitz
Silent Is The Rain
Washing Pain Away
Flowers Turning Grey
No More Tears To Cry
Nothing More To Hide
No More Waysting Time
Goodbye To You
Goodbye Everyone
Goodbye Everything
Goodbye Brave New World
Carry The Morning
I'll See You There.somewhere
No More Struck By Words
Or The Sound Of Birds Flying
No Regrets Or Anger
No More Secret Smiles
Nothing More To Bring
No More Songs To Sing
I'll Meet You There.somewhere
Goodbye To You
Goodbye Everyone
Goodbye Everything
Goodbye Brave New World
You Must Carry The Morning
In my dreams I have seen
Tales beyond the extreme,
In the land of the obscene
Some find shelter.
God gave back his sanity clause
- get your friend a dress with claws
And holes to show the flaws
- Oh, he's writing another lovesong.
Pardon me, I don't wanna see,
Siamese centerfold's buzzing me.
Oh no, I don't wanna know
No siamese freakshow, no.
Mummy nun, policeman stunts
Clockwork writing hard-on songs
And curly tales with nothing on,
- Maybe Im getting old.
Don't wanna know where it's done,
Don't wanna know what songs they've sung,
Just wanna wake up and be happy
That I'm still young.
Pardon me, I don't wanna see,
Siamese centerfolds buzzing me.
Oh no, I don't wanna know
What's going on below
Downstairs at the siamese floorshow.
Pardon me, I don't wanna see,
Siamese centerfold's buzzing me.
Oh no, I don't wanna know
No siamese freakshow, no.
I've never felt such great distress
But the lowest crime can become success.
Who else would call them lover, say?
Who else would put their back so straight?
Now I'll Tell You Something Baby
You Shure Know How To Keep A Good Man Down
I Gave You My Heart And Soul
Kept You Warm When The Nights Were Cold
You Say You Need Some Time To Think It Over
But I Can't Wait No More
Down That Long Winding Road I'll Go
Running Fast Ain't Looking Back
Follow A Clear Blue Sky
On All The Dreams I'm Depending
Until The Day That I Die
I'll Be Waiting For Sunrise
Where The Winds Blow
That's Where I Go
Down The River To The Sea
Like A Blind Man
In A Strange Land
Will I Ever See The Day
Will I Ever See The Day... Woman
I Keep On Pushing Harder
Everyday The Song
Remains The Same
And I Never Seem To Learn
Bet My Heart On Love
Now I Got Memories To Burn
Everywhere I Go There Is A Trouble
Always Double... Baby
Spend My Time Drinking Too Much Wine
I Can't Take It No More
Follow A Clear Blue Sky
On All The Dreams You're Depending
Until The Day That I Die
I'll Be Waiting For Sunrise
Where The Winds Blow
That's Where I Go
Down The River To The Sea
Like A Blind Man
In A Strange Land
Will I Ever See The Day
And I'm On The Run...
Where The Winds Blow...
Where The Winds Blow
That's Where I Go
Will I Ever See The Day
Will I Ever See The Day
Will I Ever See The Day
I Keep On Pushing Harder Baby
Where The Winds Blow
That's Where I Go
Down The River To The Sea
Like A Blind Man
In A Strange Land
Will I Ever See The Day
Where The Winds Blow
That's Where I Go
Down The River To The Sea
Like A Blind Man
In A Foreign Land
Will I Ever See The Day
I've got something inside me and I know that is good
and its not about the way I act or the way I look
and its not about the quantity of people who want's to sleep with me
oh no
it's all in the heat that makes me feel good
And you can tell me I'm wrong
but I will still sing this song
cause' I waited so long for the sun to come on in my marrow
And now I'm Glad Yeah
Now I'm glad Yeah
Now I'm Glad and I know that can't be bad
Cause' now I'm glad Yeah
Cause' now I'm Glad Yeah
Now I'm Glad and I know that can't be bad
Well, I look to the left and I look to the right
and then i go straight ahead because neighter seems right
What do they know 'bout the heat?
Cause its a constant struggle to gets things right
While corporate jerks try to steal my shine
So why don't we take it to the street?
And if they tell you you´r wrong, you tell them i cant be wrong
cos im not doing it for you, im doing to be true to my body
And now im glad yeah, now im glad, yeah, now im glad
and i know that cant be bad
Yes now im glad yeah, now im glad, yeah, now im glad
and i know that cant be bad
So God made woman and God made man
and God made them understand.
Nature's law and the good Gods grace
the rest was to unknown remain
You brought the rules just to see for certain what it's like
to be crucify
You bet the apple, you pull out the curse and I hope you whine,
You're racing with the rabbit.
But flesh must follow lusty crew
so how could nature disagree
flesh oh fail and the damage done,
you've start the race that can't be won.
You brought the rules just to see for certain what it's like
to be crucify
You bet the apple, you pull out the curse and I hope you whine,
You're racing with the rabbit...'re racing with the rabbit
you're racing with the raaaabbit
What it's like to be crucify
What it's like, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna.
You brought me just to see what it's like to be,
you wanna know what it's like to be crucify.
You Wanna, you ready just to see what it's like to be, to me I wanna...
god made woman and God made man...
Moves, I like to make them
Grooves, I like to shake them
Shake me from my troublesome mind
Cause sometimes you'll find
that I'm out of my mind
You see baby, I'm the worrying kind
Words, I like to break 'em
Words I'd like to shake 'em
Shake them from my troublesome mind
And you turn up your nose
It's a joke you suppose
But baby, I'm the worrying kind
So if you see me somewhere
With that glassy ol' stare
And the panic and fear in my eyes
Don't call for first aid or the fire brigade
Or the local police cause they wont care
I'm just a silly old boy with my head in the can
I'm just a mortal with potential of a superman
But what sense does it make
When i feel like a fake
When i'm saying to you all be good for goodness sake?
Words, I like to break 'em
Words I'd like to shake 'em
Shake them from my troublesome mind
And why? -Heaven knows, It's a joke I suppose
But baby, I'm the worryin' kind
So if you see me somewhere
With that glassy ol' stare
And the panic and fear in my eyes
Don't call for first aid or the fire brigade
Or the local police cause they wont care
I'm just silly old boy with my head in the can
I'm just a mortal with potential of a superman
But what sense does it make
When i feel like a fake
When i'm saying to you all be good for goodness sake?
Ooh! Words, I like to break 'em
Words I'd like to shake 'em
Shake them from my troublesome mind
And why? Heaven knows,
It's Gods joke I suppose
But baby, I'm the worryin' kind
And You turn up your nose
And you say it's a pose
But Baby, I'm the worryin' kind
Yeah sometimes I'm blind
I'm just out of my mind
I've got sunshine in the palms of my hands
Generating slowly
Into somekind of a wave of a trance
I'm reancting madly
If I was home
I wouldn't be late to tell you
'Cause sure I would like to burn
But if I'm gonna burn
Then it must be fire
But now it burns, burns, burns, burns
So it must be fire
But tell melove
Ain't this desire
I can't tell love from desire
But it sure feels good!
Must be something in the air that I breathe
That affects me wildly
And to put it as it makes my blood seethe
Is to express it mildly
Oh no, oh no!
I wouldn't dream of dreaming that dream....
'Cause sure I would like to burn
But if I'm gonna burn
Then it must be fire
But now it burns, burns, burns, burns
So it must be fire
But tell me love
Ain't this desire
I can'ttell love from desire
Come, baby
It's time to pray
Come it's time to pray for the weekend, babe
Come it's time to jump in at the deep end, babe
It opens up it's jaws panting like a hound
So, we'll pick the fleurs du mal and we'll bind it a crown
Come, let's pray for the weekend, babe
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Come, make your claim for a better day
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Come, let's pray for the weekend, babe
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Come, make you claim for the holiday
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
It hovers like an eagle, it's growling like a beast
Demanding our sacrifice, but offering a feast
It's calling for our blood, we must quench it's thirst
The night is calling all its dusky children back to work
(But first)
Come, let's pray for the weekend, babe
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Come, make your claim for a better day
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Ooh, come, let's pray for the weekend, babe
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Come, make you claim for the holiday
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Ooh, ooh, oooh...
Come, let's pray for the weekend, babe
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Come, make your claim for a better day
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Ooh, come, let's pray for the weekend, babe
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Ooh, come, make you claim for the holiday
(Nanana nana nana nanana)
Let's pray that the weekend will thrill us, babe
Let's pray that the weekend won't kill us, babe
You've been watching over me
Saying you're keeping me company
I should be grateful, I suppose
And compare you to a summer's rose
You've been talking sweet to me
About peace and loving harmony
But I know what you say about me
So now I tell you cause I gotta break free
That I can't give you no false affection
I can do without your phony charm
This train ain't moving in your direction
This piece of poetry is meant to do harm
Please don't give me no warm reception
What you call peace to me is a call to arms
Some are singing to raise affection
But this piece poetry is meant to do harm
So with what shall I compare thee?
Summer's clay or winter's sleet?
You made a non-believer out of me,
Now you ask for my sympathy?
No, take your words and take your vows
Take your flake-fuelled buddhist bows
Let the cool winds roughly shake
Out all darling buds of fake
I can't give you no false affection
I can do without your phony charm
This train ain't moving in your direction
This piece of poetry is meant to do harm
And don't you give me no warm reception
What you call peace to me is a call to arms
I'm not singing to raise affection
For all your life
You've cared about
People you don't really care about
You've heard them shout
And you've heard them out
Now what's that all about?
And all the world's a United Nations
Of faceless scorn and starvation
The friend you need is a friendly invasion
With no "what's in it for me?"
Saturday! And all that is flashing
For the velvet cause of lonely trolls
Getaway! Nobody's asking you to stay put
Still you vapourize and try to hide it
Now I wanna hear you shout it:
I don't want the trust that can be bought
My kind of trust is shareware
I don't want the trust that can be bought
My kind of trust is shareware
My kind of trust is shareware
My kind of trust is shareware, baby!
Now you don't know me but you may have seen
Me rocking the rules of estethic hygiene
My talk is dirty but my boots are clean
Now ain't that worth a scream?
You can leave your money and your telephone
Let's go and see if our friends are home
We'll cast a long shadows from dusk 'til dawn
Until we're all alone...
Saturday! And all that is flashing
For the velvet cause of lonely trolls
Any day, I hear you saying
They've filled us up with
TV-lies and tranquilizers,
Man! I should have realized that
I don't want the trust that can be bought
My kind of trust is shareware
I don't want the trust that can be bought
My kind of trust is shareware
My kind of trust is shareware
Well, it's been half a year
Since my ball was properly stocked
And relations on whole
Haven't quite been, oh, so clock
But though you're not the key
To this emotional lock
Thar still doesn't change
The values of your stocks
Now I hear people
Talking garbage about you
And as goes with such things
The most of it ain't true
So I write this song just to say to you
I believe in you, I do, Vendelay
Now the word is on the street
That your ball gets properly stocked
And by word you consider it being
Oh, so clock
Well I'm not your spokesman
But still a man of words
And no matter how untrue
I know the garbage always hurts
I don´t know nowadays
What it takes to get me bewitched
For a person like me
Who's just starving to get ditched
Let's just hope that our ropes
Ain't so firmly fixed
And if you'd asked me I'd say
Nix, Vendelay
I know that life is very bad
When you're picking up the pieces
Of what you had and people say
I want you, I want you, I want you
Yeah, they want you all right
But just for a while but hang on in there
And you'll pull it through
'Cause I believe in you, I do
Stars Are Resurrected
Shifting Over Desert Skies
Sand Sifting From The Hands Of War
Soldier Is Your Conscience Clean
Can You Feel There's Something Deep Inside
Lay Your Weapons Down
Let The Children Play Here
A Cry From The People
But There's No One There To Hear
And The World Is Watching.silently
We're Halfway There We See It Coming
So In Despair We Must Be Strong
There's A Light On A Shadowed Sky
Hopes And Dreams For You And I
It's Time To Awaken - It's Waking Hour
A New Day Is Breaking - The Future's Now
It's Here And Then It's Gone
Sing A Song For The Broken Ones
And Our Faith Will Reappear
'cause There's Power In The Melody
Power Enough For Changes
If God Is Here
His Tears Are Falling Now
Pouring From The Ceiling Of The Sky
We're Halfway There We See It Coming
So In Despair We Must Be Strong
It's Time To Awaken - It's Waking Hour
A New Day Is Breaking - The Future's Now
It's Here And Then It's Gone
(Maladie de l'amour - Thorazine Corazon)
(Maladie de l'amour - Thorazine Corazon)
This morning as I woke up, as I was lying in my bed
There was a malady, that was a-circling in my head
(Maladie de l'amour - Thorazine Corazon)
(Maladie de l'amour) - Ooh, gimme, gimme - (Thorazine Corazon)
There ain't no doubt about it, and I've been through all this before
I started seeing double, as I was heading for the door
(Maladie de l'amour - Thorazine Corazon)
(Maladie de l'amour) - Ooh, gimme, gimme - (Thorazine Corazon)
Sing me your malady, and I will sing mine
As easy as one, two, three, and we will get by
I've gotta leave the city, I've gotta put my mind at ease
Make this the last time ever, I write a song about disease
Sing me your malady, and I will sing mine
As easy as one, two, three, and we will get by
(Maladie de l'amour) - Sing me your malady
(Thorazine Corazon) - and I will sing mine
(Maladie de l'amour) - As easy as one, two, three
(Thorazine Corazon) - and we will get by
(Maladie de l'amour) - ooh, give me, give me
(Thorazine Corazon) - ooh, give me, give me
(Maladie de l'amour) - ooh, give me, give me
(Thorazine Corazon) - ooh, give me, give me
(Maladie de l'amour) - ooh, give, give me, oh, oooh
(Thorazine Corazon) - ooh, gimme, gimme
(Maladie de l'amour) - oooo-o-oh
(Thorazine Corazon) - oooo-o-oh
And we will get by
And we will get by
And we will get by
Do You Feel The Pressure Overpowering
A Universal Force
Asking You For More
Cutting To The Core
An Unspeakable Surrender
I'm Drifting On A Summer Wind
I Pray To God Here.i Pray To God
In Trance From The Very Beginning
Dancing On A Dream
Asking For More
Eyes Getting Soar
Under The Starlight
I'm Drifting On A Summer Wind
I Pray To God Here
Thrown To The Sun
No Warning Came
Visions Of Light So Clear
But I'm Torn
So Many People Falling Down
Frustrated Masses Crawl
The Blood Of The Earth
A Planted Seed
The Tolling Of Bells Revealed
I'm Drifting On A Summer Wind
I Pray To God Here
Thrown To The Sun
No Warning Came
Visions Of Light So Clear
-Are you tired of being an object?
Or did you never get the chance to be one,
And now you wanna make sure there's no fun
Youve been missing
-Are you tired of being an object?
Or are you just jealous that you aint one,
Now you realized that those objects
Do all the kissing?
Well don't project your spleen
On the girl on the magazine
-you never know,
Maybe she's feeling quite comfortable
The only human right for which im
Gonna fight
Is everybodys right to sometimes feel
-uh-oh, maybe it's you who need
-maybe it's you who need real friends?
Well she dosent need your voice
Cause she's already got one
And though she dosnet push
With as much force
It can even be stronger than yours
When she uses it
In a sensi-sensi-sensual whisper
Well don't project your bore
On the girl on the dance floor
-she dosent at all find
The mens looks abusive
She dosent want your shield
-maybe she's the one whos free
-maybe sometimes getting fucked
Can be amusing...?
Well don't project your bore
On the girl on the dance floor
-don't project your bile
On the girl you can dial
She dosent want your shield
-maybe she's the one whos free
-maybe sometimes getting fucked
hail be man of action
a man who can tell right from wrong
and he brings a brand new song
he makes a joyful sound
blessed is he who gets around
hail be laughing mankind
and the ones who dare to cry loud too
and he knows just what to do
he knows nothing at all
blessed is he who's strong and small
only sin is to say life is not in my hand
who said we cant make all of them understand?
speak it out, speak outloud
cos you know what you want,
what you want is real
dont let anyone put needles on your head
dont let anyone say thats already said
we are young and at last we all know what we want
what we want is
freedom is obeying
- who dictates all your own regimes?
freedom is to trust that you're doing what you must
according to your lust
hail be laughing mankind
and the ones who dare to cry loud too
and he knows just what to do
and he knows nothing at all
blessed is she who's strong and small
only sin is to say life is not in my hand
who said we cant make all of them understand?
speak it out, speak outloud
cos you know what you want,
what you want is real
dont let anyone put needles on you head
dont let anyone say thats already said
we are young and at last we all know what we want
what we want is
oh, freedom is obeying
-who dictates all your own regimes?
freedom is to trust that you're doing what you must
according to your lust, lust, lust
hail be man of action
a man who can tell right from wrong
and he brings a brand new song
he makes a joyful sound
blessed is she who gets around
blessed is she who's strong and small
blessed is she who gets around
dont you know we want to steel?
steel, STEEL, STEEEL...
Uriel laughs, I'm drinking water
Dressed in the clothes that I have bought her
She looks like a lamb, held up for slaughter
She is my solemn skies' daughter
But she's in the water, and I'm gonna find her
Down at the bottom, she is alive
Seagrass and bracken, kissing her wavelet
Down at the bottom, wave their bye-byes
You realize that I need comfort
Words that are spells, laughter that's transport
From day to day, when words are spoken
When she laughs silence is broken
But she's in the water, and I'm gonna find her
Down at the bottom, she is alive
Seagrass and bracken, kissing her wavelet
Down at the bottom, and wave their bye-byes
This one's for you, good friend and brother
If I would slip, if I would kill her
Then take these words, spread them above her
Tell her I never could love her
'Cause she's in the water, and I'm gonna find her
Down at the bottom, she is alive
Seagrass and bracken, kissing her wavelet
Down at the bottom, and wave their bye-byes
Shee, sheee.. in the water, and I'm gonna find her
Down at the bottom, she is alive
Seagrass and bracken, kissing her wavelet
Down at the bottom, wave their bye-byes
I could punch your face
When you say im good
I could dress in lace and paint my face
And go out on a cruise
In the neighbourhood
Become a prostitute
Or become a priest
I could fuck anyone
Every girl, every boy
At least one in every town
That's to say the least
- wouldn't that be radical?
- wouldn't that be radical?
The most radical thing to do
Is to love someone who loves you
Even when the world is seemingly
Telling you not to
I don't know what's wrong or right
But i know what's worth a fight
The most radical thing is to do what
Your heart tells you to
Cause i do assure
You that i do adore you
I could cut myself
And take it to the streets
I could dress like a freak
Leave my blankets in a heap.
Stop brushing my teeth for ninety weeks
Throw down the government
Become the president
I could try every drug
Or give everyone a hug
Set every prisoner free
And claim im Jesus son
- wouldn't that be radical?
- Yes all of that would be radical all right
But the most radical thing to do
Is to love someone who loves you
Even when the world is seemingly
Telling you not to
I don't know what's wrong or right
But i know what's worth a fight
The most radical thing is to do what
Your heart tells you to
Cause i do assure
You that i do adore you
I wish that i could be that radical
That radical
I wish that i could be that radical
You, who stole my solitude
And expelled me into this mood
-Who permitted you to intrude
So unelegant and rude?
You, who haunt me all day long
Who make me write this song
Of how you've done me wrong
You, who stole my solitude
The most precious thing I owned
I never will forgive you
You, who barricade my streets
Who leave me no retreat
Who haunt me in my sleep
And bitter what I eat
-Say what did you expect?
For a person who's infected
My association paths
-Did you expect a lovesong?
You, who stole my solitude
The most precious thing I owned
In my youth I was a loner
Andthe gaudy red persona
Was still hanging on the wall
A-waiting to enthrall
Had no cannabis to sedate us
So we smoked carrots and potatoes
Tea and head-ache pills
But I can't recall the thrills...
So don't talk to me like that
I'm also a cat
Don't know where you've been
But I know where it's at
It's taken me time to work out what to do
What to do with you
Took me all afternoon to think it all through
But now I'm done, dome, done thinkin'
Done, done, done and I'm thinkin':
Oh, Oh No!
Hey Kwanongoma!
You spin me around
My head upside down
I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please
How low can you go?
When we're out on our own
How low can you go?
How low can we go?
Then you came along
My whole world was changed
With fire and song
My old dreams were gone
And I knew that nothing could tear us apart
And nothing did tear
Tear us apart
Now it hurts in my heart
(I'm singing) Na-na-na-now nothing
Na-na-na-nothing is all I got
Hey Kwanongoma!
You spin me around
My head upside down
I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please
How low can we go?
When we're out on our own
How low can we go?