Final Statement From Lola On The Recent Court Case


Last October, a small group of my brothers and sisters joined the TUC anti-cuts demonstration in London. The protest was good natured with an excellent mixture of people from all walks of life, different ages, genders, races, creeds and “classes.” After speeches were given in Hyde Park, fellow antifascists decided to head to Parliament Square as we had heard the police were blocking a peaceful protest there. However, we encountered little problem and all sat about enjoying the sunshine. Our small group then decided to split off to support “The Poor Doors” action in Aldgate.

We headed into Westminster Tube station where some of the men with us decided to use the facilities. I carried on walking only to see three very obvious fascists, all scared, standing abreast at the top of some steps. I continued to walk towards them as I had thought to myself, “they can fuck off if they think they’re going to intimidate me!” and started to chant “Nazi scum, off our street”. As I reached the top step the men closed around me and the closest snatched my antifascist flag, snapped the pole over his knee and held it aloft like Excalibur! This actually made me laugh, as a month before, we had seen a photo appear on Pie n Mash Squads wall showing a very similar pose, only with what looked like a discarded placard from a demo in Cricklewood. So as I laughed, I said to him, “Are you happy now, you have your wee trophy like you had in Cricklewood?” With that I felt a blow to my shoulder, then one across my back, kicks to my legs, and an almighty shove which resulted in me landing face first at the bottom of the steps. By this time my friends had caught up, but unfortunately for my attacker, so had the police. Meanwhile, my friend had restrained me as I hadn’t realised there was blood pissing out of my head and chin, I was trying to get up to give chase too. Not sure why, but I was fucking angry and wanted to remonstrate some more. She wasn’t letting me and was holding her coat on my injuries to stem the blood flow. By this time a police medic had joined us, and it became clear that at least two of the attackers had been arrested. The medic began to administer first aid, and an ambulance was called. He bandaged my head but the blood kept coming through so he put more dressings on. As this was happening I became aware of a group of people singing “Lola” and laughing, and taking photographs, I went a bit berserk at this stage and my friends ran after them, only to be stopped by more police arriving. (It’s always struck me as sheer lunacy that they should attack someone, in the most cctv’d up square mile in Europe, on a day when tens of thousands of people were there being policed by vast numbers, but that’s fascists for you).

So, London being blocked by thousands, the ambulance could not get through, and I started to pass out. The police eventually decided to take me to the hospital themselves in a van. My friends all piled over to the hospital to make sure I was safe, and whilst I was being treated they checked Facebook, and sure enough the idiots were boasting about having attacked me, including photographs of me in Parliament Square 20 minutes before the attack took place, and of course the one of me bandaged up in the tube station. I was well known to these fascists as I was one of the admins for a Facebook page that mocked them. They hated our page so much they had flags, t-shirts and banners made, and once demo’d a Preston councillor who had commented on the page, who they had decided was also an admin. Over time they found out my identity, after I was betrayed by a so called friend. They posted my identity, my address, photos of me, and where I worked, encouraging people to contact my boss (who’s reply was “we can’t sack her for not being a racist”). They tried intimidation, mockery, bullying and relentless arguing, obviously to no avail. After the attack, it was disclosed that the main attacker was a well known fascist called Jeff Marsh (Real name is Joe Turner) leader of Casuals United, Pie n Mash Squad, South East Alliance, former EDL spokesman, one time Seaside football hooligan (who wrote a couple of shit books).

Back to social media, and whilst his comrades were busy celebrating their major victory over this 5ft 2″ tall woman, we are busy screenshotting everything. Marsh was remanded in custody and the second arrested person was bailed. Marsh was bailed later that week, and suddenly every post and comment relating to me was deleted. This did not curtail the months of intimidation, threats, mockery “Lola, Lola, she fell over”, insinuation that I was a “fat smackhead” (insert oxymoron thoughts here) an alcoholic, who runs an antifascist Facebook page, attends every demo in the country, attacks people violently, riots, attends two demo’s on the same day 70 miles apart, at the same time! Well, yes, ridiculous I know, even I’m not that good, I do all this whilst being a single parent to 4 teenagers, whilst holding down a full time job. I think I deserve a medal!

Last week Marsh was found guilty of Actual Bodily Harm and sentenced to six months in prison. A police witness, cctv and the brave lass that held her coat on my head all disagreed with Marsh’s version of events where he claimed it was self defence and that I had attacked him with my flagpole. Irony is that his “wee trophy” ended up as police evidence, the pole, a good inch thick by the way, condemning him. The flag itself is in my possession. So all he did get was jail time for his “walk amongst us”. (Incidentally, I heard from another comrade that he had been attacked himself by them the same day, and he had whacked one of them on the head with his flag pole… Perhaps this explains their self defence claim?!).

Even now, with all this damning evidence, they still claim I lied. I had stitches in my eye and chin and had had to get it restitched later in the week as it had split. The pain in my hand from the fall proved to be a small broken bone and tendon damage. This was not seen until a further set of x-rays were taken the following week. They are claiming that I made up my injuries, but the fact was that the police never sought the medical evidence from my local hospital, only St Thomas’s In London. Photographic evidence and notes of my bruising were sent by my GP. But all the police showed in court were 7 or 8 badly blurred images of my wounds. I still have the images. I don’t know how the police fucked them up so badly, but then, the officer in charge of my case did say to me “when I see you UAF lot with bottles in your hands, rioting, I surmise you are all as bad as each other”.

Malatesta’s Blog asked me to write this wee piece, they have been massively supportive of me throughout this whole ordeal. Antifa, Class War, and many more, have had my back the whole way through and for that I am eternally grateful. Let’s hope now, that these thugs learn to accept that their hero is a woman beating bully, nothing more, and they start to get on with their lives. As for me, I’ll be opposing fascism until they cart me off in a box.

¡No Pasaran!

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Updated Far Right Sex Offenders

Latest Updates: EDL and BNP supporter sentenced for child murder: 33 years for him, 8 for his accomplice.

21/7/15 Child porn loving Martyn Gilleard of the far right BPP and friend of Kevin Wat-No-Money, and Eddie Morrison is due for release. He has apparently converted to Islam and will no doubt be discussing this in depth with these 2 well known grasses. Michael Kinnear, BNP and EDL supporter, jailed for in 2010 for sexually abusing a 7 year old Featured image

After release done for child pornography. Featured image Elliot Jones, EDL supporter and part of the self-styled ‘pedophile squad’ jailed for, err, pedphophilia 10/7/15:

Bob Ewing, ex-BNP and EDL supporter, found guilty of murdering 17 year old Paige Chivers of Blackpool and had an “inappropriate sexual interest” in her. More to come sadly …

Shaun Jones, Liverpool ‘Scouse Nationalists’ jailed for grooming and raping a 12 year old girl

He is a ‘racial comrade’ of Liam Pinkham who we exposed as a groomer


Robert Ewing, ex-BNP and EDL member charged over missing Blackpool schoolgirl Paige Chivvers and implied sexual activity:

Kane Hutchinson, Newcastle EDL, convicted of serial child abuse

John Broomfield, EDL and British Freedom supporter, ‘making indecent images of children’ and inept mosque attack:

Mervyn Jones, North Wales Alliance/Combined Ex-Forces, remanded in custody awaiting sentence after being found guilty of rape, attempted rape, indecent assault.

cxf pedos

Ryan McGee, EDL sympathiser jailed for 2 years for making nail bombs and being an all round fuckbugle.

Michael McQueenie, EDL Blackburn, pleaded guilty of two counts of rape of a 14-year-old girl and sexual assault.

Mark ‘Archie’ Sleman, EDL : kidnapping and sexually abusing 10-year-old girl.

Michael Coates AKA Micky Blue Eyes NW Infidels: charged with 2 attempted rapes and other sex offences.

Brett Moses EDL Hull: 12-month prison sentence for sexual grooming.

Matthew Woodward, Deeside EDL: charged with child pornography and soliciting a 13 year old for photographs.

Alan Thomas Ellis, Deeside EDL: convicted of sending texts of a sexual nature to a 14 year old girl.

Stephen Payne SDL supporter: convicted of grooming a 13 year old.

Richard Price, former EDL leader: on the sex offenders register. Price admitted four counts of making indecent images of children and two charges of possessing cocaine

Liam Pinkham NWI who condemned himself by admitting to grooming a 15 year old. This was corroborated by a poster called ‘Kim Whitenightshade’ on the Nazi VNNUKforum who confirmed that Pinkham had been having a ‘supervised and non-physical relationship’ with Whitenightshade’s 15 year old daughter but was ‘the perfect gent.’ Isn’t that grooming?

pinocrop And let’s not forget the other far right nonces in the BNP and other spinter groupuscules. Nigel Hesmondalgh, BNP: jailed for possessing a series of degrading photos and videos of children Ian Siree of the BNP:

Darren Francis, BNP, sexual relationship with 13 year old:

Michael Cowen, NF, masses of child porn

Gavin Leist, BNP, child porn:

Roderick Rowley, BNP, child porn, Ian Hindle and Andrew Wells, BNP,  convicted of having sex with a child and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child respectively:

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Fantasy Football Hooligans & Silly Salutes


The continued hilarious infighting fuckbugles of the EDL

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The last week or so has done little to advance the far right and their various pointless agendas. The EDL made total bugles of themselves in Colchester hijacking the death of Lee Rigby whilst trying to lay a wreath in his memory. A group of anti-fascists turned up to oppose them and it wasn’t long before the EDL’s drunkenness and fascist tendnecies were exposed. One hapless charmer couldn’t help himself and had to give a Hitler salute. At a war memorial. This is Lee Coplin, a true patriot:


As usual with the EDL, there is a perfectly plausible explanation for outbursts of violence, racism or bibulous behavior:


His mates were not impressed but the EDL is very short of members so they have to cling to any dregs and scumbuckets they may still attract. This is yet another PR disaster for the EDL coming so close to the Nazi salutes at Walthamstow:


The EDL then did a demo for something or other in Halifax which, as usual, achieved nothing. Here they are drunk outside a pub.


What is interesting about this photo is the absence of Yorkshire RO Gail Speight who has been embroiled in a long row over misappropriated money from EDL collections. The fragrant Ms Speight has created a major schism and Yorkshire EDL are now divided into pro- and anti-Speight camps. Anyway, the Halifax demo was a flop:



flash 2

In London, a dozen or so members of various 1 man/1 flag fascist groups turned up at the US Embassy to protest/commemorate/reassure themselves about something both obscure and pointless. The dwindling Infidels stood alongside White Power mongers and the ageing perverts and criminals of Combat 18 and shit music purveyors Blood & Honour but no one saw them and media coverage was little more than a handful of selfies. Anti-fascists were also in attendance which proved to be a waste of time as the far right were so drunk they could hardly Seig-Heil in a straight line.

Online fantasy football hooligans All Football Firms March Against Muslamificationers are trying to get all the various hooligan mobs to kiss and make-up. Their latest news is that the West Ham ICF and Millwall Bushwackers are going to be holding hands with Leeds yobs and Celtic Casuals in order to end Mosques or something. These Facebook groups are always trying to bilk supporters and this new 1 is no different. After collecting money for t-shirts that were not sent out, they have now blamed ‘technical difficulties’ which means either the iron-on transfers were shit or they spent the cash.

shirt scam

And finally, 2 prominent EDL members have been accused of sexual deviance of some sort which comes as little surprise to the Malatesta’s as we have a long list of such people in their ranks. This is from Paul Prodromomomo the Cy/pat/riot asylum seeker (and he needs to seek out an asylum and check in!) accusing EDL regimental punchbag Dave ‘Made In Britian’ Bolton of dirty deeds.


Some of you may remember Pauly Poos getting an absolute battering by ‘soft, middle class student’ anti-fascists in Essex a bit back and that he was left unconscious in the dirt as his ‘mates’ legged it.  Here he is in action, attacking a woman but hitting his idiot son in the face at a recent MfE. His idiot son also got a telling off last year after which he hid behind his dad who was himself hiding behind some coppers. Pauly Poopoos runs the South East Alliance which has very few members and he cannot milk them of any more money which he needs as he only has 1 coat! Poor Mr Poopoos.

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Mr Poopoos and offspring who Papa sent off for FGM as he couldn’t recognise a cunt if he saw one.

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Walthamstow Weeping & Wailing

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Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The results of the recent election has no doubt cast gloom over our collective futures as the Tories make even more drastic cuts on benefits, encourage more zero-hour contracts and poorly paid jobs, and, along with a skip full of equally dire and decisive policies, have no intention of developing affordable public housing despite an increasing homelessness crisis and dilapidated extant stock. We can however take pleasure in the absolute arsebugling behaviour of the far right over the weekend as it continues to divide and implode. The far right have a habit of calling too many demos as well as calling demos when other groups have called one and this weekend we saw Britain First, the EDL, and the Infidel-boys spread themselves way too thinly despite the endless calls for unity and the expulsion of ‘egotisticals’ and ‘back-stabbers.’ Britain First managed to get 50 marchers each of whom held 1 giant flag each to make it look larger than it really was whilst the Infidel-boys held a tiny demo in Rochdale with the NF but no one noticed.


Here we can see the 2 winners of the Infidels ‘Self-Administered Dirty Sanchez’ competition (the shortarse has form for attacking a pregnant woman in Teeside)

The EDL held another disastrous trip to Walthamstow where they barely managed to get 80 pairs of trainers on the cobbles which has now gone badly wrong over a photo of someone seig-eiling! On VE Day! Crivvens! (See previous blog entry). The EDL divisions have never got on with each other and their calls for unity are frequent and ignored.


The EDL: On The Busses

There has been a North/South divide since the ‘Battle of Blackburn Busses’ and because of infighting with football firms – like when Bolton battered Brum on a service station and did a wee on them – and they differ on degrees of racism as well as issues such as gay rights and Israel. The EDL ‘head steward’ and ornamental punchbag Dave ‘Made In Britian’ Bolton has been getting roasted over tipping the wink to plod at Walthamstow and having an orangu-fash battered and nicked.

fat arse

Dave: He’ll text you nob pix! 

Another rift is based on one Gail Speight, the RO from their Yorkshire Division who has been accused of fiduciary malfeasance (that’s theft for any EDL mumblers reading this): on one side are her supporters and the accusers on the other and the whole spat has been played out between them via abusive and inept Youtube clips which naturally use her gender against her. Such charming behaviour from the gentlemen of the EDL (one of whom took a thorough stooling in a bar brawl with Antifa). Just tap in her name and they will come up.


This is Gail giving a speech completely pissed


The far right has not looked so peely-wally for sometime with the collapse of the BNP, the NF split into 2, and the continuing rivalries between the tiny grupuscules. The EDL has no real leadership, no media links, is riven by scandal (willy pix via text messages, sexual impropriety etc) and infighting. Far be it for Malatesta to don the cassock and quote from the good book but as Proverbs 26:11 says ‘As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly’ which applies to the EDL’s 3rd visit toWalthamstow and their general lack of strategy that sees them going round and round and back again. To quote Bladerunner, EDL – ‘Wake up! Time to die!’

Oh yeah, check out the English Disco lovers Youtube clip if you need cheering up!

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EDL & Nazi Salutes

News just in:  EDL ‘respecting’ Lee Rigby by ignoring his family’s requests to stop using his name for their own racist ends and featuring the traditional Hitler salute:


But of course there is a perfectly plausible explanation …

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And the Rigby family’s request completely ignored by the far right:

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Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! It was bit of a pisser weekend for the collective balloonheads of the far right and are they still smarting over it! The EDL returned to Walthamstow for the 3rd time and, just like their previous visits, it was a total embarrassment as they could hardly get more than 80 drunken violent racists together and they had to be surrounded by 100s of plod for their own protection. They were in turn surrounded by 1,000s of jubilant anti-fascists celebrating what must be the stubborn death throes of an irrelevant organisation staggering about having achieved absolutely nothing since 2009. Like an ageing and not very well liked relative in a crap care home, the EDL have generally been forgotten or ignored, until they yet again make fools of themselves or soil their linen in a fit of pique. And, of course, if the EDL are going to make complete twats out of themselves then the national media is rarely far away. This photo of a seig-heiling racist in front of a placard complaining about ‘Islamo-fascism’ has gone viral and the fact that it was VE Day makes it all the more humiliating for the EDL.


As usual, the EDL deny he is a member, but as they have never had a membership scheme this is irrelevant: he was on an EDL march so is therefore a supporter. Not only that, but it is hardly the 1st time we have seen EDL members Nazi salutin’ like here …

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and here …

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… Oh Poo!

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… and so on. We leave the rest for you to Google. Of course, the EDL will claim the man is a ‘muslamic-searchlight-hope-not-hoola-hoops-cultural-marxist-photoshop effort’ but this is as feasible as their claims that they have any relevance anymore. In an increasingly angry political climate, we are facing the next 5 years of continued austerity measures that attack the poor for being poor and rewards the rich and multinational corporations for being rich. Here’s a clue EDL, it ain’t muslamicisationers that are gonna be causing a lot of misery in the UK. Give it up, it’s embarrassing for you.

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March For England: Blackpool, 2015

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Edit: one fascist wrote on Shirtfront:

“At this point [of the march] the more “patriotardal” of the crowd noticed the good men of the Misanthropic Division walking on the other side of the road and tried to attack them, I tried to explain they were with us but they didn’t seem to notice and tried to attack them, needless to say I was slightly embarrassed at this point and very underwhelmed at the overall planning and execution of the march.” Oh dear.

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Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The March for England jaunt to Blackpool was a complete and utter failure. They had to stop going down to Brighton as local opposition was both fierce and enormous so they thought they would have a better chance in the North but it was not to be.

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The MFE only managed to assemble 150 desperate racists from the EDL, NF and clueless Infidullards despite claiming that thousands would be in attendance. They plotted up in a couple of boozers then this shagpile of simian drunkards set off, with several marchers patriotically seig-heiling along the way, but they only managed a massive 25 yards as antifascists had blocked the route so plod canned it and they had to go home again.

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Pic by Hope Not Hate

One arsebugle on Facebook said that ‘Blackpool was a total fuck up’ and that it was ‘a wasted journey’ and that ‘the organisers couldn’t organise a fuck in a brothel.’ Our old friend Fatty Jeffrey Marshbubbles and his made-up ‘Poo & Mash’ group was also slammed for being a coward as he hid in the pub instead of staggering about in the drizzle.

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Needless to say, the MFE, NF and EDL are all blaming each other for the disaster it so clearly was. The MfE ‘leaders’ have been subject to stern criticism over their continual ineptitude: they couldn’t get the numbers; they liaised with plod who kept them under heavy manners; the weather was appalling; and there were 5 arrests. They claimed to have fought with antifascists but, apart from someone falling backwards, this is their usual fantasy football hooliganism and there is no evidence to show this. They also claimed to have attacked a photographer friend of ours but they actually attacked a journalist by mistake. They also had to flee to Preston to hold a ‘social’ after the march as they feared being attacked, arrested or both. It seems that nothing went right for them on the day. Shame.

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Anti-Fascist Book Out Soon!

At last, AK Press have finally published the Malatesta’s first book and it will be out shortly.

Militant Anti-Fascism: 100 Years of Resistance’

written under the nom-de-biro M. Testa with the help of many anti-fascist comrades who supplied personal accounts, information, and suggestions. So get your credit cards ready and Buy! Buy! Buy! Any profits (!) will go to a good cause which will be decided by you, the readers.

Be Seeing You! Mal.

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