Apartment boom spotlights law flaws

The country's laws aren't keeping up with the apartment boom that will double the number of strata dwellings by 2030, the peak strata industry body says. 

The C-2U machine at Tri Alpha Energy, a fusion company in Lake Forest, Calif., Oct. 23, 2015. The machine was used to superheat a ball of hydrogen to 10 million degrees Celsius and hold it for five milliseconds, a milestone in fusion technology. A group of start-ups is promising to succeed where government has fallen short, the creation of nuclear fusion, a new and virtually unlimited source of power, one that produces none of the gases scientists say contribute to global warming. (Emily Berl/The New York Times) nuclear fusion

Start-ups eye nuclear fusion

Venture capital is flowing to a group of start-ups that are pursuing the long-sought goal of making fusion power a reality.