
Need to Unsubscribe?


The FeedBlitz Support Team is here to help

We here at FeedBlitz want to help make your endeavor a success. To accomplish this, we provide support in a variety of formats.

Our knowledge base is available 24/7. Use the search to look for your specific question or browse by topic.

Send your support request to us via email:

Chat support is available Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Eastern.

You can reach us by phone Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Eastern.

Phone +1.978.776.9498
Fax +1.978.776.9490


Knowledge Base Topics

Subscriber Questions
Publisher Questions
FeedBurner Migration
Monetization (FeedBlitz’s Ad Network)
Billing and Credit Card Information
Podcasts (and iTunes)
Subscriber Management
Troubleshooting Guides
FeedBlitz API
Parsers, External Shopping Carts and 3rd Party Subscription Forms

Help Me Now

If you would like one of our trained representatives to handle your set up or migration for you, please check out our Help Me Now Service.


Email Subscriptions

There is no need to log in to unsubscribe. Simply click the “Safely Unsubscribe” text in the mail sent to you and then confirm your request online. You will be unsubscribed from that list immediately. If you’re having trouble finding the unsubscribe link it is usually on the lower left of the email, just after the publisher’s content.

If for some reason the unsubscribe link is missing from a genuine FeedBlitz email, please forward the entire email to FeedBlitz techncial support along with your request to unsubscribe. They will unsubscribe you that business day.

Finally, you can also log in to FeedBlitz if you wish to unsubscribe (and resubscribe too). Click the subscriptions tab and then choose “All Subscriptions” (you will need to log in – FeedBlitz can send you your password if you do not have it; the password link is on the login form). You can then check off the mailings you want to stop as well as checking on ones you want to start up again.


If you are a publisher and want have FeedBlitz tweet posts to your followers, log in to your account at FeedBlitz and go to Newsletters | Mailings | Twitter where you will be able to set it up.

To stop tweets to your followers or direct messages from FeedBlitz to you, click the button below. Sign in with your Twitter account using the button on the form that appears.

If you are already logged in to FeedBlitz you may have to log out and then try again. After you log in you will be shown a list of Twitter updates FeedBlitz is managing for you from which you can then unsubscribe with a couple of clicks. If the subscription you are trying to stop does not appear, it may be using a different Twitter account. Go to and log out, log in to your alternate Twitter account, log out of FeedBlitz and start over.

You can only have FeedBlitz stop what you yourself set up using FeedBlitz in the first place. If you are following someone who tweets using FeedBlitz then you must stop following them altogether (or disable device updates for that Twitter account if applicable) to avoid updates that they have chose to be powered by FeedBlitz.


If you are a publisher and want to change which Pages FeedBlitz posts to, log in to your account at FeedBlitz and go to Newsletters | Mailings | Facebook where you will be able to update which Pages or Walls FeedBlitz should access.

You can also login to manage Facebook updates made by FeedBlitz by clicking the button below. Sign in with your Facebook account using the button below and then verify the connection on the popup form that then appears.

If you are already logged in to FeedBlitz you may have to log out and then try again. After you log in you will be shown a list of Facebook updates FeedBlitz is managing for you which you can then change with a couple of clicks. If the subscription you are trying to stop does not appear, it may be using a different Facebook account. Go to and log out, log in to your alternate Facebook account, log out of FeedBlitz and repeat the process.

You can only have FeedBlitz stop what you yourself set up using FeedBlitz in the first place. You cannot stop Wall or Page posts that appear on your Wall because a friend is using FeedBlitz’s Facebook feature.


If you are a publisher and want to update your professional neywork on LinkedIn, log in to your account at FeedBlitz and go to Newsletters | Mailings | LinkedIn and connect your accounts.

You can also login to manage LinkedIn updates made by FeedBlitz to LinkedIn. Sign in with your LinkedIn account account using the button below and then verify the connection on the popup form that then appears.

If you are already logged in to FeedBlitz you may have to log out and then try again. After you log in you will be shown a list of LinkedIn updates FeedBlitz is managing for you which you can then change with a couple of clicks. If the subscription you are trying to stop does not appear, it may be using a different LinkedIn account. Go to and log out, log in to your alternate LinkedIn account, then log out of FeedBlitz and repeat the process.

You can only have FeedBlitz stop what you yourself set up using FeedBlitz in the first place. You cannot stop updates that appear in your activity stream because a contact in your LinkedIn network is using FeedBlitz’s LinkedIn feature.

If your question still isn’t answered, please feel free to email us at support at; please include the name and (if possible the ID) of the newsletter or account you need help with.