
In the year 1968: on the nationwide strike and university occupation in Helsinki

Imagine the following situation. Due to a strike, public transportation is paralyzed all over the country. Some restaurants and shops shut their doors and 30,000 people are gathered in Helsinki to oppose the current cabinet’s austerity measures, despite of wind and rain.

Why are junior doctors in the UK so pissed off?

Junior doctors marching in central London last weekend

After marching around the country last weekend, junior doctors in the UK are to be balloted on strike action against changes to their contracts. We interview an anarchist junior doctor about what the changes are, and what workers are doing about it.'s London Anarchist Bookfair pub guide

Pints in Millers

We went on a crawl of pubs near the new London Anarchist Bookfair, taking place this Saturday at Central Saint Martin's from 10am till 7pm.

Those who didn’t give up

The leftist culture center «Rosa» in Russia was closed by phone call from police department three days after the official opening. It is not surprising, repressions against such initiatives, festivals and activists are common occurrence recently.

RIP Ali Kitapci: Turkish anarcho-syndicalist killed in Ankara massacre

We remember Ali Kitapci, the first person to organise for the anarcho-syndicalist cause in modern Turkey. He was one of the 14 members of Independent Transportation Union killed in the Ankara bombing on Saturday.

Notes from the general strike of 100 million euros

We flowed among the water and our co-demonstrators to the mass
demonstration at the central railway station in Helsinki. We were there
to oppose the redistribution of income from the poor and the middle
income workers to the rich, and from employees to corporations planned
by the cabinet of prime-minister Sipilä.

Massacre at the 'Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting' in Ankara

This is a statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action / Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) on today’s bombing attack on the pro-Kurdish peace rally in Ankara, Turkey, which has so far killed more than 80 activists:

Ende Gelände – A Reflection on Mass Action

On the 15th of August, around 1500 people took part in a mass act of civil disobedience by occupying the Garzweiler open cast coal mine in the Rhineland, Germany. The Amongst the Elder collective reflect on their experiences of this action and pose questions about the effectiveness and limits of such mass actions in the future.

Storming of Eurotunnel on 2nd October 2015

Statement by Calais Migrant Solidarity published on October 3rd 2015 in response to migrants and refugees storming the Eurotunel and reports by the media to blame the events on European anarchists.

Cross-border Amazon workers meeting

Rally in Poznan, September 12, 2015

In mid-September, Amazon worker activists from Poland and Germany met in Poznan to further coordinate their workplace struggles. Through earlier meetings links had been established across the border, enabling workers to communicate directly during strikes in German Amazon warehouses throughout the year and a slowdown strike in the Poznan warehouse at the end of June 2015.