Sunday, June 28, 2009

The answer is NO

State scroungers want more money

Bloody cheek.

If Liz Windsor wants more money - and darlin' don't we all - she can live within her means, sell some of her assets or approach a commercial lender for credit at commercial rates.

Memo to Government: Tell the greedy inbred morons where to get off.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Looks like it's been confirmed.

Breaking News - Michael Jackon "has died"

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Good Day for Short People

One of our number has been elected Speaker of the House of Commons.

John Bercow is 5ft 5.5 inches.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sign This

Watch This

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SOAS students occupy directorate in protest at deportations of cleaning staff

My friend and honoured Dolphinarium reader, Pat C can be seen speaking up for the cleaners at 1.12.

See also here, here and especially here.

Go on, sign the petition NOW

Immigration Raid at SOAS

Press Release

Without any advance warning from their ISS bosses nor the university management, SOAS cleaning staff were confronted by a hefty team of immigration officers at 6.30am this morning (Friday 12 June). Fearful cleaners were detained on SOAS premises as the officers demanded to see their papers. Some were taken into rooms of the university to be interviewed. A shocked witness said that someone had to intervene when a heavily-pregnant cleaner was being manhandled by immigration officers. Nine cleaners were taken away by Immigration Officers.
SOAS staff and students, many who had been at a protest at the sacking of another cleaner and UNISON Branch Chair, Jose Stalin Bermudez, were shocked and outraged by the raid and fear that the cleaners may be deported very soon.

There has been widespread support amongst lecturers, staff and students for the successful campaign for the living wage and union recognition led by mainly migrant cleaners.

Graham Dyer, SOAS UCU Branch Chair said:

It is no co-incindence that there is an immigration raid at a time when the UCU ,Unison and the NUS are fighting against the victimisation of a migrant worker who has been at the heart of a fight that has improved the pay and conditions of workers here at SOAS. It is also not coincindental that ISS had only just signed a union recognition agreement with UNISON last week Our fight has united lecturers, staff and students and has rocked SOAS management. Those managers are now lashing out. It is a disgrace that SOAS management saw fit to use a seat of learning to intimidate migrant workers. This is their underhand revenge and we will do all we can to stop migrant workers paying the price.

The living wage campaign has had the support of John McDonnell MP , who said:

As living wage campaigns are building in strength, we are increasingly seeing the use of immigration statuses to attack workers fighting against poverty wages and break trade union organising. The message is that they are happy to employ migrant labour on poverty wages, but if you complain they will send you back home. It is absolutely shameful.

Ken Loach, director of the film Looking For Eric, stated:

"This raid is the action of a bully. Migrant workers are amongst the most vulnerable - poorly paid and far from home. Recent action by Unison to secure better wages and conditions at SOAS was good news. Now we wonder if the SOAS cleaners are being targeted because they dared to organise as trade unionists. We should all stand with them in solidarity in the face of this victimisation."

Monday, June 08, 2009

Now BNP MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, this is the Real Andrew Brons

Last night the BNP won two seats in the European Parliament. One of them went to Andrew Brons in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

This is who he is.

If the BNP wanted to distance itself from nazism, the last person it should have chosen as a candidate is Andrew Brons.

Brons, 61, started his nazi career in the National Socialist Movement, an organisation that was deliberately founded on Hitler’s birthday by Colin Jordan, the British nazi leader who died in April aged 85. NSM members were responsible for an arson campaign against Jewish property and synagogues in the 1960s.

Brons appears to have approved. In a letter to Jordan’s wife, Brons reported meeting an NSM member who “mentioned such activities as bombing synagogues”. He declared: “On This subject I have a dual view, in that I realise that he is well intentioned, I feel that our public image may suffer considerable damage as a result of these activities. I am however open to correction on this point.”

He also sent Mrs Jordan money to buy a swastika badge and other Nazi material, explaining he was about the undertake a “crash programme” of publicity for the NSM in Yorkshire by deluging areas with Nazi stickers, posters and slogans.

Brons was a prominent member of the National Front, notorious for its extreme racism and violence, from its early days and was voted onto its national directorate in 1974. Later as the NF’s education officer he hosted seminars on racial nationalism and tried to give its racism a more “scientific” basis.

After the departure of John Tyndall from the NF in March 1980 Brons was promoted to NF chairman. One of his allies during this period was Richard Verrall, the author of Did Six Million Really Die?, with whom he edited the NF journal New Nation. In 1982 Brons led an NF march through Northfield on which marchers chanted: “we’ve got to get rid of the blacks”.

In June 1984 Brons was convicted of behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace following his arrest in Leeds while selling papers in a shopping centre.

He and another NF member were heard shouting slogans such as “Death to Jews”, “White Power” and “National Front”. When approached by PC John Raj, Brons stated: “inferior beings like yourself probably do not understand the principle of free speech”.
Brons resigned as NF chairman in 1984 and later faded from public view. He has been a BNP member for around four years.

Friday, June 05, 2009

The Shock, The Horror