Wong - Tak Ingin
Wong - Tak Ingin
Wong - Tak Ingin
Wong - Tak Ingin sori kalo suara ma gambar kurang sinkron:D.
Yaki Wong-我帶咩去旅行?
Yaki Wong-我帶咩去旅行?
Yaki Wong-我帶咩去旅行?
Instagram :yakiwong
facebook :www.fb.com/yakidaily
email :yingying295@yahoo.com.hk
My Shop:
canon g7x
final cut pro
Saving Wong Fu - OFFLINE - Finale
Saving Wong Fu - OFFLINE - Finale
Saving Wong Fu - OFFLINE - Finale
Tell us in the COMMENTS which was your FAV episode & if you want us to CONTINUE!
This might be the end of now, but we actually have a lot of new videos coming soon! Stay tuned and follow us on social media!
2nd Channel! http://youtube.com/morewongfu
New Offline episodes every Tues!
Ep1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doVUjUtH9YM
Ep2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXEMxU-cTmc
Ep3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpcYWTuNH34
Ep4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhO0Pypd-vc
Ep5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gYjdSs23Xs
Ep6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qiSVilNE_c
Ep7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9u34PI7H2c
Ep8: https://www.youtub
Yaki Wong-峇里訓練營(EP.1)越野車、激流
Yaki Wong-峇里訓練營(EP.1)越野車、激流
Yaki Wong-峇里訓練營(EP.1)越野車、激流
Instagram :yakiwong
facebook :www.fb.com/yakidaily
email :yingying295@yahoo.com.hk
canon g7x / i phone 6 / gopro hero4 silver / olympus tg850
final cut pro
Yaki Wong-韓國勁掃團(EP.5)明洞掃街、樂天世界
Yaki Wong-韓國勁掃團(EP.5)明洞掃街、樂天世界
Yaki Wong-韓國勁掃團(EP.5)明洞掃街、樂天世界
Instagram :yakiwong
facebook :www.fb.com/yakidaily
email :yingying295@yahoo.com.hk
canon g7x
final cut pro
Yaki Wong-韓國勁掃團(EP.6)弘大紋身、韓妹幫我化妝
Yaki Wong-韓國勁掃團(EP.6)弘大紋身、韓妹幫我化妝
Yaki Wong-韓國勁掃團(EP.6)弘大紋身、韓妹幫我化妝
Instagram :yakiwong
facebook :www.fb.com/yakidaily
email :yingying295@yahoo.com.hk
My Shop:
canon g7x
final cut pro
Wong Fu Presents | Less Than One
Wong Fu Presents | Less Than One
Wong Fu Presents | Less Than One
Calculate your own soulmate http://lessthanone.com
"Wong Fu Presents" is a series where we highlight great work from our friends and peers. There are a lot of amazing films out there that don't really get seen, so we want to share our audience with these talented individuals to show them there's so much talent out there beyond Wong Fu!
We continue with another dramatic short that asks if "finding one's soulmate" can be answered mathematically. Phil and Wes sit down with the writer and director, Arturo Perez Jr, to discuss his vision.
More Arturo Perez Jr.
Master wong challenge any boxers
Master wong challenge any boxers
Master wong challenge any boxers
Another question asked by Reed the animator. In this video He asks if Master Wong would challenge all the instructors who want to prove that wing chun is ineffective with good boxers. Master Wong Put his point across.
Check out reeds Channel where you can see his work: http://www.youtube.com/user/Razntoons
If you like Master Wong to answer your questions contact us.
If you like more info on training go to: http://wingchunmaster.tv/
How Old Is She?!
How Old Is She?!
How Old Is She?!
Some girls, you just can't tell... same with guys.
Get our LIMITED EDITION TSHIRT today before it's GONE! http://bit.ly/crowdmade
Written and Directed by Wong Fu Productions
Produced with Christine Chen http://instagram.com/peachiechristine
Co-Written & Edited by Taylor Chan http://youtube.com/tchanchinaman
Visual FX & Music by Kenson Lee http://youtube.com/rikognition
Julie Zhan http://youtube.com/shutupanddance
Chris Dinh http://instagram.com/chrisdinh
Wesley Chan
Taylor Chan
Special Thanks
Christel Tiu
Bon Appetea Cafe, Alhambra, CA http://bonappeteacafe.com/
● SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/wongfuproductions
Susan Wong - Sometimes When We Touch
Susan Wong - Sometimes When We Touch
Susan Wong - Sometimes When We Touch
Sometimes When We Touch from Susan Wong's album My Live Stories. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/hk/album/my-live-stories/id589330089?uo=4 Susan Wong websit...
[FULL] Ada-Ada Aja Spesial Baim Wong & Pica Priscilla 6 agustus 2015
[FULL] Ada-Ada Aja Spesial Baim Wong & Pica Priscilla 6 agustus 2015
[FULL] Ada-Ada Aja Spesial Baim Wong & Pica Priscilla 6 agustus 2015
[FULL] Ada-Ada Aja Spesial Baim Wong & Pica Priscilla 6 Agustus 2015
Host: Arie Untung, Gilang Dirga, Gracia Indri
Bintang Tamu: Baim Wong, Pica Priscilla
[FULL] Ada-Ada Aja Spesial Baim Wong & Pica Priscilla 6 Agustus 2015
Host: Arie Untung, Gilang Dirga, Gracia Indri
Bintang Tamu: Baim Wong, Pica Priscilla
[FULL] Ada-Ada Aja Spesial Baim Wong & Pica Priscilla 6 Agustus 2015
Host: Arie Untung, Gilang Dirga, Gracia Indri
Bintang Tamu: Baim Wong, Pica Priscilla
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English Subtitles
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English Subtitles
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English Subtitles
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English Subtitles
Hong Kong Action Movies - Sammo Hung 2015 | Wong Fei Hung Dark Power - Martial Arts English Subtitles
SKAK - Jare Wong Biyen
SKAK - Jare Wong Biyen
SKAK - Jare Wong Biyen
Iki video rangkuman tentang yokpo tembung jare iku sangat dipercoyo ndek setiap kehidupan sakbendinone. Jare wong biyen utowo rumor di ringkes lan dikemas dadi komedi. simak iki Rek!!
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/BayuSkak
Ted Wong - a True Guitar Hero... Live! at GameStop
Ted Wong - a True Guitar Hero... Live! at GameStop
Ted Wong - a True Guitar Hero... Live! at GameStop
Ted Wong relives his real life dreams of being a true guitar hero...
All you have to do to enter for a chance to win awesome prizes is take a picture or video of yourself playing Guitar Hero Live at participating GameStop stores between October 3rd and October 20th and post it to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtags #BeAGuitarHero and #Sweepstakes!
More info:
Find your local participating GameStop: http://www.gamestop.com/gs/pages/events/GuitarHeroLiveDemo/
Pre-order Guitar Hero Live at GameStop: http://www.gamestop.com/collection/guitar-hero-live?cid=soc_10006021
Send me things!
Jimmy Wong
PO Box 862272
Los Angeles,
The Wong Factor - Justin Wong's Amazing Marvel Comebacks
The Wong Factor - Justin Wong's Amazing Marvel Comebacks
The Wong Factor - Justin Wong's Amazing Marvel Comebacks
A ridiculous amount of comebacks. I couldn't put them all into one video so I chose some of the best. What's your favourite?
Credit for the footage goes to TeamSp00ky, IplayWinner, youtube.com/evo2k.
Follow me on Twitter @Xuses for instant notifications whenever I upload a new video.
How You Can Help My Channel:
Liking each video helps me a lot! Alternatively you can donate via paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=sherazak88%40gmail%2ecom&lc;=GB&item;_name=XusesGB&item;_number=XusesGB&no;_note=0¤cy;_code=GBP&bn;=PP-DonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest.
All donations are greatly appreciated!
Rumpi No Secret - 29 Juli 2015 - Elly Sugigi dan Rezky, Baim Wong Part 4
Rumpi No Secret - 29 Juli 2015 - Elly Sugigi dan Rezky, Baim Wong Part 4
Rumpi No Secret - 29 Juli 2015 - Elly Sugigi dan Rezky, Baim Wong Part 4
Rumpi No Secret - 29 Juli 2015 - Elly Sugigi dan Rezky, Baim Wong
Rumpi No Secret - 29 Juli 2015 - Elly Sugigi dan Rezky, Baim Wong
Rumpi No Secret - 29 Juli 2015 - Elly Sugigi dan Rezky, Baim Wong
Subscribe for more video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBQGMd_wEf9pf1dEQyvnZwQ?sub_confirmation=1
Rumpi No secret 29 Juli 2015 link:
Part 1.1: https://youtu.be/0nhFCoGimN4
Part 1.2: https://youtu.be/gSZBaubXnh0
Part 2 : https://youtu.be/u_6rjbqIrm8
Part 3 : https://youtu.be/bBSSJ_ClWqg
Part 4 : https://youtu.be/Ef3V1s2sm08
Part 5 : https://youtu.be/ZPm2Yl_2_eY
The End of Wong Fu: A Christmas Story
The End of Wong Fu: A Christmas Story
The End of Wong Fu: A Christmas Story
Outtakes and Alternate Ending: http://wongfuproductions.com/2011/12/new-short-the-end-of-wong-fu-a-christmas-story/ The Ghost of Chris takes Phil on a journe...
Everything Before Us - Official Teaser - Wong Fu Movie
Everything Before Us - Official Teaser - Wong Fu Movie
Everything Before Us - Official Teaser - Wong Fu Movie
Come to the WORLD PREMIERE of our first movie in LOS ANGELES!
Get Tickets here: http://laapff.festpro.com/films/detail/everything_before_us_2015
All tickets include closing reception with open bar and free food.. and US!
We're proud to say our movie is only a few months away! Thank you for all your support throughout this journey! Please follow these links for all updates on the OFFICIAL RELEASE and share the big news with all your friends!
MUSIC by Kina Grannis: http://youtube.com/kinagrannis
"My Dear" https://www.youtube.com
Asmara Baim Wong Dikabarkan Bersemi Kembali Kepada Mantan Pacar Pica Priscilla.
Asmara Baim Wong Dikabarkan Bersemi Kembali Kepada Mantan Pacar Pica Priscilla.
Asmara Baim Wong Dikabarkan Bersemi Kembali Kepada Mantan Pacar Pica Priscilla.
Asmara Baim Wong Dikabarkan Bersemi Kembali Kepada Mantan Pacar Pica Priscilla.
Baim Wong terkejut dengan kedatangan mantan pacarnya Pica Priscilla. Kemesraan masih nampak dari keduanya, sehingga dikabarkan cinta Baim Wong bersemi kembali pada sang mantan.
Joe Wong on being Chinese American | Committee of 100 25th Anniversary Gala
Joe Wong on being Chinese American | Committee of 100 25th Anniversary Gala
Joe Wong on being Chinese American | Committee of 100 25th Anniversary Gala
Joe Wong is a standup comedian and TV talk show host. Born in China, Joe came to the United States in 1994 and earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Rice University in Texas in 1999. He then moved to Boston and started to perform stand up comedy in 2002. In April 2009, Wong made his television debut on “Late Show with David Letterman.” Very impressed by his performance, Letterman offered Joe a sitcom development deal with his production company, Worldwide Pants. In March 2010, Joe headlined the 66th Radio and TV Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington D.C. In 2011, Joe published his autobiography “The Tao of Humor” in China. From 2013 to present, Jo
Joe Wong (MUST SEE ~ SO FUNNY) 😀
Joe Wong (MUST SEE ~ SO FUNNY) 😀
Joe Wong (MUST SEE ~ SO FUNNY) 😀
Joe Wong on Thou Shalt Laugh 4 on Netflix.
All rights to Netflix and Thou Shalt Laugh 4
I own nothing.
Thank you for watching and please subscribe.
Gay marriage debate: Penny Wong vs Cory Bernardi
Gay marriage debate: Penny Wong vs Cory Bernardi
Gay marriage debate: Penny Wong vs Cory Bernardi
Debate between Australian senators Penny Wong & Cory Bernardi at the National Press Club, Canberra, Wednesday 29th July 2015
© Australian Broadcasting Corporation - http://www.abc.net.au/