Treatment of Inuit in Quebec jails called ‘unacceptable’ by ombudsman (repost)

Quebec’s ombudsman has released a scathing report on the treatment of Inuit in the provincial justice system. She says the detention conditions are “below current standards” and infringe on the constitutional right to human dignity.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Treatment of Inuit in Quebec jails called ‘unacceptable’ by ombudsman ...........READ MORE

The Limits of Language (repost)

The best class I took in college was on the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Until that point, I had avoided philosophy of language as simply being too esoteric and hermetic to be of use. David Pears, a prodigious yet modest and approachable figure visiting from Oxford, changed my mind.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The Limits of Language ...........READ MORE

Antifa International (repost)

So What Happened To Roosh V.’s Misogynist Fanboys On Saturday? You’re probably well-aware that rapist and misogynist “Roosh V.” cancelled his well-publicized global public meetups for sad MRA neckbeards this past Saturday.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Antifa International ...........READ MORE


Mark Cook Speaks, in Buffalo & Brooklyn, Feb. 18 & 20

Mark Cook is a former Black Panther, member of the George Jackson Brigade, and political prisoner. Twenty four years in prison could not break his spirit or commitment to Black liberation and Mark Cook is as active an organizer now as ever. These events will be worth traveling for, as Cook will only be speaking on these two dates while on the east coast, before heading back to the Pacific Northwest.


WHEN: Thursday February 18 at 7pm
WHERE: Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St., Buffalo, New York 14213


WHEN: 7:00pm, Saturday, February 20th, 2016
WHERE: ...........READ MORE


Support Parole for Jalil Muntaqim!

Anthony Bottom (Jalil A. Muntaqim) has been in prison since 1971, one of the longest held political prisoners in the world. Having spent more time in prison than Nelson Mandela, Jalil is scheduled to appear before the parole board again this June, 2016.

Once again, comrades are preparing for Jalil’s upcoming parole hearing in June. Since the PBA, the FOP, and the Correctional Officers union are able to collect thousands of signatures against parole, we must work to gain as many signatures and letters of support for Jalil as possible. In addition to the online petition, there is a ...........READ MORE


February 27 in Buffalo, NY: Escaping the Prism Book Launch!

WHEN: Saturday, February 27at 5:30 PM – 7 PM
WHERE: El Buen Amigo & LACA Non-Profit, 114 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, New York 14201

Come celebrate Black History Month & launch the newly revised edition of Black Panther political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim ‘s Escaping the Prism, with afterword by Ward Churchill.

Jalil Muntaqim is one of the many victims of the notorious COINTELPRO program that targeted, harassed, vilified, falsely imprisoned and outright murdered members of revolutionary groups like the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement and the Chicano Liberation movements. He has spent over 45 years behind bars ...........READ MORE

Racism against aboriginal people in health-care system ‘pervasive’: study (repost)

?Michelle Labrecque pushes herself gingerly in a wheelchair down the hallway of a hotel. The Oneida woman was recently found to have a fractured pelvis, but she says it took three trips to the hospital and increasing pain before she received that diagnosis.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Racism against aboriginal people in health-care system ‘pervasive’: study ...........READ MORE

We are the Russian Maoist Party, the Party of Rednecks, Dirty Migrants, Chicks and Faggots (repost)

We are the Russian Maoist Party, the party of rednecks, dirty migrants, chicks and faggots. That is what the bourgeoisie named us. If only it were not half-blind and could tell us apart – us little, dumb, wicked inbreds.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at We are the Russian Maoist Party, the Party of Rednecks, Dirty Migrants, Chicks and Faggots ...........READ MORE