11/13 Atak w Paryżu -11/13 PARIS ATTACK - Max Kolonko MaxTV special edition
LINK NA PETYCJE https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Do_Prezydenta_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej_Andrzeja_Dudy_Referendum_w_sprawie_prawa_do_powszechnego_posiadania_broni/?eJhoVjb
WSPIERAJ MAXTV http://maxkolonko.com/main/mmk/
Un journaliste filme la fuite désespérée des victimes au Bataclan: "Il y avait du sang partout, des cadavres partout"
Les attentats qui ont frappé Paris ce vendredi soir ont fait au moins 128 morts dans six lieux différents. Parmi les endroits ciblés, la salle de concert du Bataclan est celle qui présente le bilan le plus lourd: 82 victimes y sont à déplorer. Les témoignages pleuvent depuis plusi
La femme qui apparait dans chaque attentat Paris 13/11/2015 compris
Petit fait cocasse a propos des attentats du 13 novembre 2015 a Paris. Étrangement une dame a l'air a voir dans le futur, Elle est toujours présente lors d'attentats... Dans ce cas ci, sa présence était a l'attentat de Sandy Hook, A l'attentat d'Aurora, A la tragédie du marathon de Boston ainsi que celui de Paris. Et toujours avec le meme pleurnichage.. Dites moi ce que vous en pensez, a moins qu
Attentats - Fuisillade au Bataclan à Paris (13/11/15)
Attentats - Fuisillade au Bataclan à Paris (13/11/15)
LIVE - Les gens sortent du bataclan à Paris - Attentats (13/11/15)
LIVE - Les gens sortent du bataclan à Paris - Attentats (13/11/15)
Scène horrible, les gens fuient la salle du Bataclan, au moment de l'assaut des assaillants. Certains tentent de s'en sortie comme ils peuvent, blessés, amochés... D'autres n'ont pas cette chance, et nous pouvons y voir des cadavre à même le sol.
*Breaking News* Paris Stadium Explosion 11/13/15
*Breaking News out of Paris, France*
Paris residents ordered to stay home and the President has ordered boarders to be closed immediately. 3 suicide bombers detonated during the soccer game between France and Germany.
At least 129 so far have been killed and 350+ have been wounded, 99 of those in critical condition.
One 23 year old American Exchange Student to Paris has been killed.
Les attentats de Paris du 13/11/2015 Nader Abou Anas
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Infowars Journalists Report From Ground Zero In Paris: 11/15/15 Full Show
Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks. France is now practically under martial law after its open borders policy - and NATO's years-long backing of ISIS - e
11/13 Paris Attack by Israeli Intelligence Services: Ken O'Keefe
U2 - Bullet The Blue Sky - Paris 11/11/15 - HD
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
U2 - With Or Without You - Paris 11/11/15 - HD
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015
Images exclusifs de fusillades à Paris lors de l'attentat du vendredi 13 novembre, filmée dans différents coins de rue et à l'intérieur du Bataclan.
ATTENTION, certaines images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des plus jeunes ainsi que des personnes non averties.
Si vous ne voulez pas voir, passez votre chemin ...
President Obama Statement on Paris Terrorist Attacks 11/13/2015 [FULL SPEECH]
President Obama Speaks on Massive Paris Shootings, Explosives Attacks That Kill Over 100 People November 13, Obama Calls Deadly Paris Attacks ‘Heartbreaking’
President Obama addressed the attacks in Paris on Friday evening, calling the attacks “heartbreaking.”
“This is an attack not just on Paris… It’s an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share,” he said.
At least 60 people
U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name - Paris 11/11/15 - HD
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
LABER#1: Paris 11/13 + KommtKen?! + Stress an US-Botschaft
Im neuen Format L.A.B.E.R. bespreche ich die aktuellen Themen meiner Woche. Diesmal mit den Themen Paris 11/13, KommtKen-Kampagne (Kampagne, um Ken Jebsen ins NuoViso Interview nach Leipzig zu holen), Antwort auf den besorgten Leserbrief einer Dame aus Sachsen, Tipps und Tricks für den Widerstand, mein Superheld der Woche Ingrid Lorenz aus Halle, meine Video-Empfehlungen der Woche mit der JF-TV-Do
La Marseillaise (french anthem) - Scorpions, Paris, 24/11/2015
via YouTube Capture
[13/11/15] ATTENTAT À PARIS !
Le 13 novembre 2015 Attentat en plein Paris près du Stade de France.
Plusieurs fusillades et explosions à Paris, l'état d'urgence décrété !
Au moins trois fusillades dans le 10e arrondissement et des détonations à proximité du Stade de France ont fait au moins 35 morts. François Hollande a décrété l'état d'urgence sur l'ensemble du territoire et annoncé la fermeture des frontières.
Video de la fusillade au Bataclan 13/11/2015 Paris shooting at bataclan Stade de France Paris Bombe
Paris shooting at bataclan , Fussilade
pensé a sweak ,tikoow, benji, reeaz , quentin qui ce trouvé au bataclan et la oration
Infowars Nightly News - World Gov't Being Built in Paris - 11/16/2015
Other Democrat campaigns are complaining that the small number of Democrat debates and the times chosen are designed to make sure Hillary is not vetted and not exposed as a liar. We look at highlights of the 2nd DemDebate and fact check the blatant lies and distortions.
Paris is showing us the blueprint for the destruction of Western nations and Western civilization and it will be site of a new
Attentats à Paris au moins 128 morts et 250 Blesse - 14/11/2015
Attentats à Paris au moins 128 morts et 250 Blesse - 14/11/2015
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/7be9lfBDQ-8
C'est l'attentat le plus meurtrier de l'histoire en France
Série d'attaques terroristes à Paris, au moins 120 morts:
Attaques terroristes : la guerre en plein Paris - Le Fi
Orange House of Death Part 4 - Paris 11 Conspiracy
Orange House of Death Part 4 - Paris 11 Conspiracy
You should watch parts 1-3 first before watching in order to grasp the wisdom!
Truth about the Paris Attacks of 2015.
- Paris False Flag
- November (11) Orange Death (Scorpio)
- Eagle (Scorpio) Sun
- Judas (Scorpio Kiss of death) Sun
- Judas Priest (Orange Sun Eagle)
- 11 (EL Even)
- Charlie Hebdo (orange)
- Jesus (Je Suis) Sacrifice
- Charlie
153 mortos em atentado em Paris (13-11-2015) - Vários ângulos
Ataques terroristas mataram pelo menos 60 pessoas em Paris, na França na noite desta sexta-feira (13/11/2015). Duas explosões foram escutadas nas proximidades do Stade de France, palco da final da Copa do Mundo de 1998, onde a França venceu a Alemanha por 2 a 0 em um amistoso hoje.
Matéria completa: http://www.jacobinanoticia.com.br/atentado-deixa-ao-menos-60-mortos-em-paris-veja-video/
11/13 Atak w Paryżu -11/13 PARIS ATTACK - Max Kolonko MaxTV special edition
LINK NA PETYCJE https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Do_Prezydenta_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej_Andrzeja_Dudy_Referendum_w_sprawie_prawa_do_powszechnego_posiadania...
LINK NA PETYCJE https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Do_Prezydenta_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej_Andrzeja_Dudy_Referendum_w_sprawie_prawa_do_powszechnego_posiadania_broni/?eJhoVjb
WSPIERAJ MAXTV http://maxkolonko.com/main/mmk/
wn.com/11 13 Atak W Paryżu 11 13 Paris Attack Max Kolonko Maxtv Special Edition
LINK NA PETYCJE https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Do_Prezydenta_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej_Andrzeja_Dudy_Referendum_w_sprawie_prawa_do_powszechnego_posiadania_broni/?eJhoVjb
WSPIERAJ MAXTV http://maxkolonko.com/main/mmk/
- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 81795
Un journaliste filme la fuite désespérée des victimes au Bataclan: "Il y avait du sang partout, des cadavres partout"
Les attentats qui ont frappé Paris ce ven...
Un journaliste filme la fuite désespérée des victimes au Bataclan: "Il y avait du sang partout, des cadavres partout"
Les attentats qui ont frappé Paris ce vendredi soir ont fait au moins 128 morts dans six lieux différents. Parmi les endroits ciblés, la salle de concert du Bataclan est celle qui présente le bilan le plus lourd: 82 victimes y sont à déplorer. Les témoignages pleuvent depuis plusieurs heures. Un journaliste du Monde a filmé la fuite des victimes.
Au Bataclan, théâtre de l'attaque la plus sanglante avec un bilan provisoire de 82 morts, "on entendait hurler, tout le monde essayait de fuir, les gens se piétinaient... C'était l'enfer", ont relaté des témoins. Huit terroristes sont entrés dans la salle de spectacle et ont ouvert le feu sur les 1.500 spectateurs présents pour le concert d'un groupe de hard rock. De nombreux témoins racontent l'enfer et l'horreur qu'ils ont vécu dans ce véritable cauchemar.
"Ça faisait un boucan d'enfer. Ils n'arrêtaient pas de tirer"
"J'étais au concert avec ma soeur, des amis. On était installé à l'étage dans les gradins. Cela faisait peut-être une heure que le concert des Eagles of Death Metal avait commencé, on a entendu des coups de feu en bas, dans la fosse. Au début on a pensé que ça faisait partie du show mais on a vite compris", raconte Pierre Janaszak, 35 ans, animateur radio et TV. "Ils étaient trois je pense et ils tiraient juste dans le tas. Ils étaient armés avec de gros fusils, j'imagine que c'est des kalachnikov, ça faisait un boucan d'enfer. Ils n'arrêtaient pas de tirer", poursuit-il, sous le choc. "Il y avait du sang partout, des cadavres partout".
"On se disait que si on nous trouvait, on y passerait tous"
Marielle Timme était présente au Bataclan. Elle a pu sortir de l'attaque saine et sauve, et raconte ce samedi ce qu'elle a vu à nos confrères de la Voix du Nord. "Je me trouvais au balcon, ça m’a sauvé je crois. Dès les premiers coups de feu, ceux qui se trouvaient là ont rampé au sol avant de trouver refuge dans un petit local qui se trouvait derrière", confie-t-elle.
"On entendait les tirs, les hurlements, les gens qui criaient 'Ne tirez pas, ne tirez pas'. On a également entendu des bombes ou des grenades peut-être. On ne voyait rien de là où on était mais on croyait quand même que notre derrière heure allait arriver. À un moment donné, on a perçu des coups de pied dans les portes et des coups de feu juste après. On se disait que si on nous trouvait, on y passerait tous", décrit Marielle.
"Jamais je ne pourrai oublier cette vision d’horreur"
"Il a fallu vingt bonnes minutes de négociations avant que l’on accepte de sortir de notre cachette. On ne savait pas si nous avions des policiers ou des terroristes en face de nous. Quand nous sommes sortis, nous avons commencé par enjamber le corps d’un tireur qui gisait au sol en sang", explique la spectatrice. "Quand nous sommes descendus, nous sommes passés par la scène et là (Marielle ne peut alors retenir ses émotions) nous avons découvert ces dizaines et ces dizaines de corps, peut-être plus, qui jonchaient le sol. Jamais je ne pourrai oublier cette vision d’horreur", ajoute-t-elle.
Une salle très connue
Le Bataclan, où se déroulait vendredi soir une prise d'otages, est une des plus célèbres salles de spectacle parisienne, d'une capacité d'environ 1.500 places, indique le site de la salle. Située 50 boulevard Voltaire (XIe arrondissement), cette vaste salle avec balcon accueillait vendredi soir un concert du groupe Eagles Of Death Metal, un groupe de rock américain.
L'établissement est classé monument historique.
Un journaliste du Monde filme la fuite des victimes du Bataclan
NON CENSURE : Au moment de l’attaque terroriste au Bataclan, Daniel Psenny, journaliste au Monde, a filmé la fuite des spectateurs de la salle de concert parisienne. Il a ensuite été blessé au bras. Ces images peuvent choquer. (C) LeMonde.fr
wn.com/( ) Images Chocantes ( ) Fuite Des Victimes Bataclan Attentats Paris 13 11
Un journaliste filme la fuite désespérée des victimes au Bataclan: "Il y avait du sang partout, des cadavres partout"
Les attentats qui ont frappé Paris ce vendredi soir ont fait au moins 128 morts dans six lieux différents. Parmi les endroits ciblés, la salle de concert du Bataclan est celle qui présente le bilan le plus lourd: 82 victimes y sont à déplorer. Les témoignages pleuvent depuis plusieurs heures. Un journaliste du Monde a filmé la fuite des victimes.
Au Bataclan, théâtre de l'attaque la plus sanglante avec un bilan provisoire de 82 morts, "on entendait hurler, tout le monde essayait de fuir, les gens se piétinaient... C'était l'enfer", ont relaté des témoins. Huit terroristes sont entrés dans la salle de spectacle et ont ouvert le feu sur les 1.500 spectateurs présents pour le concert d'un groupe de hard rock. De nombreux témoins racontent l'enfer et l'horreur qu'ils ont vécu dans ce véritable cauchemar.
"Ça faisait un boucan d'enfer. Ils n'arrêtaient pas de tirer"
"J'étais au concert avec ma soeur, des amis. On était installé à l'étage dans les gradins. Cela faisait peut-être une heure que le concert des Eagles of Death Metal avait commencé, on a entendu des coups de feu en bas, dans la fosse. Au début on a pensé que ça faisait partie du show mais on a vite compris", raconte Pierre Janaszak, 35 ans, animateur radio et TV. "Ils étaient trois je pense et ils tiraient juste dans le tas. Ils étaient armés avec de gros fusils, j'imagine que c'est des kalachnikov, ça faisait un boucan d'enfer. Ils n'arrêtaient pas de tirer", poursuit-il, sous le choc. "Il y avait du sang partout, des cadavres partout".
"On se disait que si on nous trouvait, on y passerait tous"
Marielle Timme était présente au Bataclan. Elle a pu sortir de l'attaque saine et sauve, et raconte ce samedi ce qu'elle a vu à nos confrères de la Voix du Nord. "Je me trouvais au balcon, ça m’a sauvé je crois. Dès les premiers coups de feu, ceux qui se trouvaient là ont rampé au sol avant de trouver refuge dans un petit local qui se trouvait derrière", confie-t-elle.
"On entendait les tirs, les hurlements, les gens qui criaient 'Ne tirez pas, ne tirez pas'. On a également entendu des bombes ou des grenades peut-être. On ne voyait rien de là où on était mais on croyait quand même que notre derrière heure allait arriver. À un moment donné, on a perçu des coups de pied dans les portes et des coups de feu juste après. On se disait que si on nous trouvait, on y passerait tous", décrit Marielle.
"Jamais je ne pourrai oublier cette vision d’horreur"
"Il a fallu vingt bonnes minutes de négociations avant que l’on accepte de sortir de notre cachette. On ne savait pas si nous avions des policiers ou des terroristes en face de nous. Quand nous sommes sortis, nous avons commencé par enjamber le corps d’un tireur qui gisait au sol en sang", explique la spectatrice. "Quand nous sommes descendus, nous sommes passés par la scène et là (Marielle ne peut alors retenir ses émotions) nous avons découvert ces dizaines et ces dizaines de corps, peut-être plus, qui jonchaient le sol. Jamais je ne pourrai oublier cette vision d’horreur", ajoute-t-elle.
Une salle très connue
Le Bataclan, où se déroulait vendredi soir une prise d'otages, est une des plus célèbres salles de spectacle parisienne, d'une capacité d'environ 1.500 places, indique le site de la salle. Située 50 boulevard Voltaire (XIe arrondissement), cette vaste salle avec balcon accueillait vendredi soir un concert du groupe Eagles Of Death Metal, un groupe de rock américain.
L'établissement est classé monument historique.
Un journaliste du Monde filme la fuite des victimes du Bataclan
NON CENSURE : Au moment de l’attaque terroriste au Bataclan, Daniel Psenny, journaliste au Monde, a filmé la fuite des spectateurs de la salle de concert parisienne. Il a ensuite été blessé au bras. Ces images peuvent choquer. (C) LeMonde.fr
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 94956
La femme qui apparait dans chaque attentat Paris 13/11/2015 compris
Petit fait cocasse a propos des attentats du 13 novembre 2015 a Paris. Étrangement une dame a l'air a voir dans le futur, Elle est toujours présente lors d'att...
Petit fait cocasse a propos des attentats du 13 novembre 2015 a Paris. Étrangement une dame a l'air a voir dans le futur, Elle est toujours présente lors d'attentats... Dans ce cas ci, sa présence était a l'attentat de Sandy Hook, A l'attentat d'Aurora, A la tragédie du marathon de Boston ainsi que celui de Paris. Et toujours avec le meme pleurnichage.. Dites moi ce que vous en pensez, a moins que ce soit des adons qu elle soit toujours au mauvais endroit au mauvais moment ! Mais le pourrcentage de chance que cela arrive est tres tres mince. Peut etre une actrice pour rehausser l'émotion des gens. En tout cas, si ce n est pas la meme personne, elles se ressemblent
wn.com/La Femme Qui Apparait Dans Chaque Attentat Paris 13 11 2015 Compris
Petit fait cocasse a propos des attentats du 13 novembre 2015 a Paris. Étrangement une dame a l'air a voir dans le futur, Elle est toujours présente lors d'attentats... Dans ce cas ci, sa présence était a l'attentat de Sandy Hook, A l'attentat d'Aurora, A la tragédie du marathon de Boston ainsi que celui de Paris. Et toujours avec le meme pleurnichage.. Dites moi ce que vous en pensez, a moins que ce soit des adons qu elle soit toujours au mauvais endroit au mauvais moment ! Mais le pourrcentage de chance que cela arrive est tres tres mince. Peut etre une actrice pour rehausser l'émotion des gens. En tout cas, si ce n est pas la meme personne, elles se ressemblent
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 11881
Attentats - Fuisillade au Bataclan à Paris (13/11/15)
Attentats - Fuisillade au Bataclan à Paris (13/11/15)...
Attentats - Fuisillade au Bataclan à Paris (13/11/15)
wn.com/Attentats Fuisillade Au Bataclan À Paris (13 11 15)
Attentats - Fuisillade au Bataclan à Paris (13/11/15)
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 8827
LIVE - Les gens sortent du bataclan à Paris - Attentats (13/11/15)
LIVE - Les gens sortent du bataclan à Paris - Attentats (13/11/15)
Scène horrible, les gens fuient la salle du Bataclan, au moment de l'assaut des assaillants....
LIVE - Les gens sortent du bataclan à Paris - Attentats (13/11/15)
Scène horrible, les gens fuient la salle du Bataclan, au moment de l'assaut des assaillants. Certains tentent de s'en sortie comme ils peuvent, blessés, amochés... D'autres n'ont pas cette chance, et nous pouvons y voir des cadavre à même le sol.
wn.com/Live Les Gens Sortent Du Bataclan À Paris Attentats (13 11 15)
LIVE - Les gens sortent du bataclan à Paris - Attentats (13/11/15)
Scène horrible, les gens fuient la salle du Bataclan, au moment de l'assaut des assaillants. Certains tentent de s'en sortie comme ils peuvent, blessés, amochés... D'autres n'ont pas cette chance, et nous pouvons y voir des cadavre à même le sol.
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 111970
*Breaking News* Paris Stadium Explosion 11/13/15
*Breaking News out of Paris, France*
Paris residents ordered to stay home and the President has ordered boarders to be closed immediately. 3 suicide bombers de...
*Breaking News out of Paris, France*
Paris residents ordered to stay home and the President has ordered boarders to be closed immediately. 3 suicide bombers detonated during the soccer game between France and Germany.
At least 129 so far have been killed and 350+ have been wounded, 99 of those in critical condition.
One 23 year old American Exchange Student to Paris has been killed.
Simultaneously 5 other locations were also attacked by three teams of attackers.
100 hostages were set free from concert where the majority of those victims killed (89) took place.
Eight suspects so far have been killed; one known radicalized French citizen are among those killed. Raids have been executed in Belgium, resulting in arrests connected to the Paris attack.
Police urging residents to stay inside and off the streets.
ISIS supporters are praising on social media while today ISIS has taken responsibility for the attack. They have also stated this is "first of the storm."
U.S is now ramping up security, especially in NYC.
Please continue to follow for more updates as they come.
wn.com/Breaking News Paris Stadium Explosion 11 13 15
*Breaking News out of Paris, France*
Paris residents ordered to stay home and the President has ordered boarders to be closed immediately. 3 suicide bombers detonated during the soccer game between France and Germany.
At least 129 so far have been killed and 350+ have been wounded, 99 of those in critical condition.
One 23 year old American Exchange Student to Paris has been killed.
Simultaneously 5 other locations were also attacked by three teams of attackers.
100 hostages were set free from concert where the majority of those victims killed (89) took place.
Eight suspects so far have been killed; one known radicalized French citizen are among those killed. Raids have been executed in Belgium, resulting in arrests connected to the Paris attack.
Police urging residents to stay inside and off the streets.
ISIS supporters are praising on social media while today ISIS has taken responsibility for the attack. They have also stated this is "first of the storm."
U.S is now ramping up security, especially in NYC.
Please continue to follow for more updates as they come.
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 9949
Les attentats de Paris du 13/11/2015 Nader Abou Anas
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wn.com/Les Attentats De Paris Du 13 11 2015 Nader Abou Anas
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- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 8834
Infowars Journalists Report From Ground Zero In Paris: 11/15/15 Full Show
Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the afte...
Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks. France is now practically under martial law after its open borders policy - and NATO's years-long backing of ISIS - ensured that this tragedy would happen. The government create the conditions for a crisis to happen, then exploits the crisis to offer a pre-planned "solution" to the tragedy which will expand government power one way or another. http://thehayride.com/2015/11/breaking-syrian-refugees-are-arriving-in-new-orleans/
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wn.com/Infowars Journalists Report From Ground Zero In Paris 11 15 15 Full Show
Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks. France is now practically under martial law after its open borders policy - and NATO's years-long backing of ISIS - ensured that this tragedy would happen. The government create the conditions for a crisis to happen, then exploits the crisis to offer a pre-planned "solution" to the tragedy which will expand government power one way or another. http://thehayride.com/2015/11/breaking-syrian-refugees-are-arriving-in-new-orleans/
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
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:Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends:
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[http://bit.ly/1ljfWfJ] Living Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1Iobcj2] Deep Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1DsyQ6i] Knockout™
[http://bit.ly/1Kr1yfz] Brain Force™
[http://bit.ly/1R5gsqk] Liver Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
[http://bit.ly/1mnchEz3] Child Ease™
[http://bit.ly/1xs9F6t] WinterSunD3™
[http://bit.ly/1L3gDSO] Ancient Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1EHbA6E] Secret-12™
[http://bit.ly/1txsOge] Oxy Powder™
[http://bit.ly/1s6cphV] Occu Power™
[http://bit.ly/1rGOLsG] DNA Force™
[http://bit.ly/1nIngBb] X2 Survival Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
All available at - http://www.infowarsshop.com/
Newsletter Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider : http://www.infowars.com/newsletter
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 9605
U2 - Bullet The Blue Sky - Paris 11/11/15 - HD
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour...
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
wn.com/U2 Bullet The Blue Sky Paris 11 11 15 Hd
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 3783
U2 - With Or Without You - Paris 11/11/15 - HD
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour...
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
wn.com/U2 With Or Without You Paris 11 11 15 Hd
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 7980
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015...
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015
wn.com/Message Des Anonymous Suites Aux Attentats De Paris Le 13 Novembre 2015
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 178922
Images exclusifs de fusillades à Paris lors de l'attentat du vendredi 13 novembre, filmée dans différents coins de rue et à l'intérieur du Bataclan.
Images exclusifs de fusillades à Paris lors de l'attentat du vendredi 13 novembre, filmée dans différents coins de rue et à l'intérieur du Bataclan.
ATTENTION, certaines images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des plus jeunes ainsi que des personnes non averties.
Si vous ne voulez pas voir, passez votre chemin ...
wn.com/13 11 15 Images Exclusifs Fusillade Paris 18
Images exclusifs de fusillades à Paris lors de l'attentat du vendredi 13 novembre, filmée dans différents coins de rue et à l'intérieur du Bataclan.
ATTENTION, certaines images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des plus jeunes ainsi que des personnes non averties.
Si vous ne voulez pas voir, passez votre chemin ...
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 35795
President Obama Statement on Paris Terrorist Attacks 11/13/2015 [FULL SPEECH]
President Obama Speaks on Massive Paris Shootings, Explosives Attacks That Kill Over 100 People November 13, Obama Calls Deadly Paris Attacks ‘Heartbreaking’
President Obama Speaks on Massive Paris Shootings, Explosives Attacks That Kill Over 100 People November 13, Obama Calls Deadly Paris Attacks ‘Heartbreaking’
President Obama addressed the attacks in Paris on Friday evening, calling the attacks “heartbreaking.”
“This is an attack not just on Paris… It’s an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share,” he said.
At least 60 people were killed in the coordinated attacks. Obama warned that the situation was ongoing.
“France is our oldest ally,” he said. “The French people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the U.S. time and time again. We want to be very clear that we stand with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism.”
“Once again we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians… Those who think that they can terrorize the people of France or the values that they stand for are wrong.”
He added, “American people can draw strength from the French people’s commitment to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
wn.com/President Obama Statement On Paris Terrorist Attacks 11 13 2015 Full Speech
President Obama Speaks on Massive Paris Shootings, Explosives Attacks That Kill Over 100 People November 13, Obama Calls Deadly Paris Attacks ‘Heartbreaking’
President Obama addressed the attacks in Paris on Friday evening, calling the attacks “heartbreaking.”
“This is an attack not just on Paris… It’s an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share,” he said.
At least 60 people were killed in the coordinated attacks. Obama warned that the situation was ongoing.
“France is our oldest ally,” he said. “The French people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the U.S. time and time again. We want to be very clear that we stand with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism.”
“Once again we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians… Those who think that they can terrorize the people of France or the values that they stand for are wrong.”
He added, “American people can draw strength from the French people’s commitment to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 264491
U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name - Paris 11/11/15 - HD
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour...
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
wn.com/U2 Where The Streets Have No Name Paris 11 11 15 Hd
Pro shot from second Paris show of the Innocence + Experience Tour
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 2472
LABER#1: Paris 11/13 + KommtKen?! + Stress an US-Botschaft
Im neuen Format L.A.B.E.R. bespreche ich die aktuellen Themen meiner Woche. Diesmal mit den Themen Paris 11/13, KommtKen-Kampagne (Kampagne, um Ken Jebsen ins N...
Im neuen Format L.A.B.E.R. bespreche ich die aktuellen Themen meiner Woche. Diesmal mit den Themen Paris 11/13, KommtKen-Kampagne (Kampagne, um Ken Jebsen ins NuoViso Interview nach Leipzig zu holen), Antwort auf den besorgten Leserbrief einer Dame aus Sachsen, Tipps und Tricks für den Widerstand, mein Superheld der Woche Ingrid Lorenz aus Halle, meine Video-Empfehlungen der Woche mit der JF-TV-Doku "Die Flüchtlingslüge" und noch ein paar Anmerkungen in eigener Sache. Viel Spaß!
Quelle Anti-Merkel-Petition: https://goo.gl/4niuQQ
▶ Bitte unterstützen Sie iprotest mit einer Spende, wenn Sie wünschen, dass wir weitermachen. Vielen Dank!
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▶ Abonnieren Sie uns hier:
▷ Hagen Grell: https://www.youtube.com/user/iprotestblog
▷ Daniel Seidel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Filmproduktionen
▷ Peter Immhof: https://www.youtube.com/user/PeterImmhof
▶ iprotest Öffentliches Archiv (Texte, Bilder, Extras zu den Videos):
Schlagwörter: iprotest - LIEBEvolle Revolution, Hagen Grell, Paris 11/13, Ken Jebsen, NuoViso, Webster Tarpley, KommtKen, Leserbrief, Sachsen, Widerstand, Bundesregierung, Superheld der Woche, Die Flüchtlingslüge, Junge Freiheit TV
wn.com/Laber 1 Paris 11 13 Kommtken Stress An US Botschaft
Im neuen Format L.A.B.E.R. bespreche ich die aktuellen Themen meiner Woche. Diesmal mit den Themen Paris 11/13, KommtKen-Kampagne (Kampagne, um Ken Jebsen ins NuoViso Interview nach Leipzig zu holen), Antwort auf den besorgten Leserbrief einer Dame aus Sachsen, Tipps und Tricks für den Widerstand, mein Superheld der Woche Ingrid Lorenz aus Halle, meine Video-Empfehlungen der Woche mit der JF-TV-Doku "Die Flüchtlingslüge" und noch ein paar Anmerkungen in eigener Sache. Viel Spaß!
Quelle Anti-Merkel-Petition: https://goo.gl/4niuQQ
▶ Bitte unterstützen Sie iprotest mit einer Spende, wenn Sie wünschen, dass wir weitermachen. Vielen Dank!
▷ Paypal button: http://www.hagengrell.de/iprotest/spenden
▷ Paypal Konto: hagengrell@web.de
▷ .comdirect Konto: Hagen Grell // IBAN: DE07200411440491542700 // BIC: COBADEHD044 // Bank: .comdirect
▶ Abonnieren Sie uns hier:
▷ Hagen Grell: https://www.youtube.com/user/iprotestblog
▷ Daniel Seidel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Filmproduktionen
▷ Peter Immhof: https://www.youtube.com/user/PeterImmhof
▶ iprotest Öffentliches Archiv (Texte, Bilder, Extras zu den Videos):
Schlagwörter: iprotest - LIEBEvolle Revolution, Hagen Grell, Paris 11/13, Ken Jebsen, NuoViso, Webster Tarpley, KommtKen, Leserbrief, Sachsen, Widerstand, Bundesregierung, Superheld der Woche, Die Flüchtlingslüge, Junge Freiheit TV
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 455
[13/11/15] ATTENTAT À PARIS !
Le 13 novembre 2015 Attentat en plein Paris près du Stade de France.
Plusieurs fusillades et explosions à Paris, l'état d'urgence décrété !
Au moins trois fusil...
Le 13 novembre 2015 Attentat en plein Paris près du Stade de France.
Plusieurs fusillades et explosions à Paris, l'état d'urgence décrété !
Au moins trois fusillades dans le 10e arrondissement et des détonations à proximité du Stade de France ont fait au moins 35 morts. François Hollande a décrété l'état d'urgence sur l'ensemble du territoire et annoncé la fermeture des frontières.
wn.com/13 11 15 Attentat À Paris
Le 13 novembre 2015 Attentat en plein Paris près du Stade de France.
Plusieurs fusillades et explosions à Paris, l'état d'urgence décrété !
Au moins trois fusillades dans le 10e arrondissement et des détonations à proximité du Stade de France ont fait au moins 35 morts. François Hollande a décrété l'état d'urgence sur l'ensemble du territoire et annoncé la fermeture des frontières.
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 1848
Video de la fusillade au Bataclan 13/11/2015 Paris shooting at bataclan Stade de France Paris Bombe
Paris shooting at bataclan , Fussilade
pensé a sweak ,tikoow, benji, reeaz , quentin qui ce trouvé au bataclan et la oration...
Paris shooting at bataclan , Fussilade
pensé a sweak ,tikoow, benji, reeaz , quentin qui ce trouvé au bataclan et la oration
wn.com/Video De La Fusillade Au Bataclan 13 11 2015 Paris Shooting At Bataclan Stade De France Paris Bombe
Paris shooting at bataclan , Fussilade
pensé a sweak ,tikoow, benji, reeaz , quentin qui ce trouvé au bataclan et la oration
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 60469
Infowars Nightly News - World Gov't Being Built in Paris - 11/16/2015
Other Democrat campaigns are complaining that the small number of Democrat debates and the times chosen are designed to make sure Hillary is not vetted and not ...
Other Democrat campaigns are complaining that the small number of Democrat debates and the times chosen are designed to make sure Hillary is not vetted and not exposed as a liar. We look at highlights of the 2nd DemDebate and fact check the blatant lies and distortions.
Paris is showing us the blueprint for the destruction of Western nations and Western civilization and it will be site of a new world government built under the pretense of environmentalism.
What's with all the excitement over the release of Fallout 4? The game is a modern version of the nuclear preparedness propaganda released during the Cold War, and playing the game will indeed up your psychological preparedness for an imminent nuclear threat.
The American Chemical Society has released a video of their own challenging the notion that the human race could survive after sheltering in vaults. Hint: it's much harder than fiction would have us believe.
One need only take a look at the daily headlines to see that the world is facing a growing threat of nuclear war. The time to prepare is now, but in order to truly survive, you'll need these real-world bunker essentials.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
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[http://bit.ly/1ljfWfJ] Living Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1Iobcj2] Deep Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1DsyQ6i] Knockout™
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[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
All available at - http://www.infowarsshop.com/
Newsletter Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider : http://www.infowars.com/newsletter
wn.com/Infowars Nightly News World Gov't Being Built In Paris 11 16 2015
Other Democrat campaigns are complaining that the small number of Democrat debates and the times chosen are designed to make sure Hillary is not vetted and not exposed as a liar. We look at highlights of the 2nd DemDebate and fact check the blatant lies and distortions.
Paris is showing us the blueprint for the destruction of Western nations and Western civilization and it will be site of a new world government built under the pretense of environmentalism.
What's with all the excitement over the release of Fallout 4? The game is a modern version of the nuclear preparedness propaganda released during the Cold War, and playing the game will indeed up your psychological preparedness for an imminent nuclear threat.
The American Chemical Society has released a video of their own challenging the notion that the human race could survive after sheltering in vaults. Hint: it's much harder than fiction would have us believe.
One need only take a look at the daily headlines to see that the world is facing a growing threat of nuclear war. The time to prepare is now, but in order to truly survive, you'll need these real-world bunker essentials.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones
Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/
:Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends:
***Get the Best Patriot Made Firearms on the Market**
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Visit http://www.InfowarsLife.com to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation.
[http://bit.ly/1ljfWfJ] Living Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1Iobcj2] Deep Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1DsyQ6i] Knockout™
[http://bit.ly/1Kr1yfz] Brain Force™
[http://bit.ly/1R5gsqk] Liver Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
[http://bit.ly/1mnchEz3] Child Ease™
[http://bit.ly/1xs9F6t] WinterSunD3™
[http://bit.ly/1L3gDSO] Ancient Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1EHbA6E] Secret-12™
[http://bit.ly/1txsOge] Oxy Powder™
[http://bit.ly/1s6cphV] Occu Power™
[http://bit.ly/1rGOLsG] DNA Force™
[http://bit.ly/1nIngBb] X2 Survival Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
All available at - http://www.infowarsshop.com/
Newsletter Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider : http://www.infowars.com/newsletter
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 3154
Attentats à Paris au moins 128 morts et 250 Blesse - 14/11/2015
Attentats à Paris au moins 128 morts et 250 Blesse - 14/11/2015
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/7be9lfBDQ-8
C'est l'attentat le plus meurtrier de l'histoire en France
Attentats à Paris au moins 128 morts et 250 Blesse - 14/11/2015
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/7be9lfBDQ-8
C'est l'attentat le plus meurtrier de l'histoire en France
Série d'attaques terroristes à Paris, au moins 120 morts:
Attaques terroristes : la guerre en plein Paris - Le Figaro
Cent-vingt huit personnes ont été tuées et quatre-vingt dix neuf autres ont été blessés et se trouvent dans un état critique après la série d'attaques à Paris hier soir, a expliqué ce matin une source judiciaire. Le bilan est par conséquent toujours provisoire, a précisé cette source.
Paris sous le feu de plusieurs attaques concertées
François Hollande a décreté l'état d'urgence sur tout le territoire après des attaques multiples qui ont fait au moins 120 morts, 200 blessés dont 80 dans un état grave. Huit assaillants sont morts. Six lieux différents ont été visés et notamment le Bataclan où une prise d'otages s'est terminée sur un bilan terrible de 100 morts, ainsi que dans le secteur du Stade de France ou rue de Charonne.
Voici ma chaine youtube sur des sujet varies. Je post principalement de videos pour vous informer un peau du tout.
This video is for educational purposes and no copyright infrigiment intended.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use."
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in
favour of fair use."
wn.com/Attentats À Paris Au Moins 128 Morts Et 250 Blesse 14 11 2015
Attentats à Paris au moins 128 morts et 250 Blesse - 14/11/2015
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/7be9lfBDQ-8
C'est l'attentat le plus meurtrier de l'histoire en France
Série d'attaques terroristes à Paris, au moins 120 morts:
Attaques terroristes : la guerre en plein Paris - Le Figaro
Cent-vingt huit personnes ont été tuées et quatre-vingt dix neuf autres ont été blessés et se trouvent dans un état critique après la série d'attaques à Paris hier soir, a expliqué ce matin une source judiciaire. Le bilan est par conséquent toujours provisoire, a précisé cette source.
Paris sous le feu de plusieurs attaques concertées
François Hollande a décreté l'état d'urgence sur tout le territoire après des attaques multiples qui ont fait au moins 120 morts, 200 blessés dont 80 dans un état grave. Huit assaillants sont morts. Six lieux différents ont été visés et notamment le Bataclan où une prise d'otages s'est terminée sur un bilan terrible de 100 morts, ainsi que dans le secteur du Stade de France ou rue de Charonne.
Voici ma chaine youtube sur des sujet varies. Je post principalement de videos pour vous informer un peau du tout.
This video is for educational purposes and no copyright infrigiment intended.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use."
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in
favour of fair use."
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 12447
Orange House of Death Part 4 - Paris 11 Conspiracy
Orange House of Death Part 4 - Paris 11 Conspiracy
You should watch parts 1-3 first before watching in order to grasp the wisdom!
Truth about the Paris Attacks...
Orange House of Death Part 4 - Paris 11 Conspiracy
You should watch parts 1-3 first before watching in order to grasp the wisdom!
Truth about the Paris Attacks of 2015.
- Paris False Flag
- November (11) Orange Death (Scorpio)
- Eagle (Scorpio) Sun
- Judas (Scorpio Kiss of death) Sun
- Judas Priest (Orange Sun Eagle)
- 11 (EL Even)
- Charlie Hebdo (orange)
- Jesus (Je Suis) Sacrifice
- Charlie Brown (orange) Peanuts
- Bataclan (orange)
- Monarch Butterfly (orange, black) Bat
- Monarch Mind Control
- Illuminati Card Game (clock tower) 11:11
- 11th Hour (warning)
- Kiss of Death (Scorpio) Eagle
- Eagles of Death (Kiss the Devil)
- I AM Charlie (I AM) Ehyeh asher Ehyeh (I AM (GOD, EL)
Please help support! PayPal (dawncasting@aol.com)
Aloha! Peace, Love & Wisdom
A Truthiracy Film Production - Educational Research
Truthiracy House of Wisdom
All material is the opinion of Christopher Lord of Truthiracy Films
(for legal reasons)
NOTICE: Fair Use Copyright Law
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Classic Horror 3
Kevin MacLeod
Classic Horror 3 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100469
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Kevin MacLeod
Ambient | Dark
You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Decay by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100512
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Inner Sanctum
Kevin MacLeod
Ambient | Dark
You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Inner Sanctum by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100196
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
wn.com/Orange House Of Death Part 4 Paris 11 Conspiracy
Orange House of Death Part 4 - Paris 11 Conspiracy
You should watch parts 1-3 first before watching in order to grasp the wisdom!
Truth about the Paris Attacks of 2015.
- Paris False Flag
- November (11) Orange Death (Scorpio)
- Eagle (Scorpio) Sun
- Judas (Scorpio Kiss of death) Sun
- Judas Priest (Orange Sun Eagle)
- 11 (EL Even)
- Charlie Hebdo (orange)
- Jesus (Je Suis) Sacrifice
- Charlie Brown (orange) Peanuts
- Bataclan (orange)
- Monarch Butterfly (orange, black) Bat
- Monarch Mind Control
- Illuminati Card Game (clock tower) 11:11
- 11th Hour (warning)
- Kiss of Death (Scorpio) Eagle
- Eagles of Death (Kiss the Devil)
- I AM Charlie (I AM) Ehyeh asher Ehyeh (I AM (GOD, EL)
Please help support! PayPal (dawncasting@aol.com)
Aloha! Peace, Love & Wisdom
A Truthiracy Film Production - Educational Research
Truthiracy House of Wisdom
All material is the opinion of Christopher Lord of Truthiracy Films
(for legal reasons)
NOTICE: Fair Use Copyright Law
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Classic Horror 3
Kevin MacLeod
Classic Horror 3 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100469
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Kevin MacLeod
Ambient | Dark
You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Decay by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100512
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Inner Sanctum
Kevin MacLeod
Ambient | Dark
You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Inner Sanctum by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100196
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 373
153 mortos em atentado em Paris (13-11-2015) - Vários ângulos
Ataques terroristas mataram pelo menos 60 pessoas em Paris, na França na noite desta sexta-feira (13/11/2015). Duas explosões foram escutadas nas proximidades d...
Ataques terroristas mataram pelo menos 60 pessoas em Paris, na França na noite desta sexta-feira (13/11/2015). Duas explosões foram escutadas nas proximidades do Stade de France, palco da final da Copa do Mundo de 1998, onde a França venceu a Alemanha por 2 a 0 em um amistoso hoje.
Matéria completa: http://www.jacobinanoticia.com.br/atentado-deixa-ao-menos-60-mortos-em-paris-veja-video/
wn.com/153 Mortos Em Atentado Em Paris (13 11 2015) Vários Ângulos
Ataques terroristas mataram pelo menos 60 pessoas em Paris, na França na noite desta sexta-feira (13/11/2015). Duas explosões foram escutadas nas proximidades do Stade de France, palco da final da Copa do Mundo de 1998, onde a França venceu a Alemanha por 2 a 0 em um amistoso hoje.
Matéria completa: http://www.jacobinanoticia.com.br/atentado-deixa-ao-menos-60-mortos-em-paris-veja-video/
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 86274
Paris Travel Guide
If you want to arrive in Paris ready to chat then check out our friends over at italki, an online language learning service that connects you with the best language teachers from around the world for 1-on-1 lessons. http://promos.italki.com/attache-paris/
Our Paris travel guide! We kick of Season 2 with our guide to Paris, a fantastic city with incredible food, architecture, culture and more. We
Путеводитель по Парижу / Paris Travel Guide
Путеводитель по Парижу / Paris Travel Guide. Наряду с Нью-Йорком и Миланом является центром мировой моды. Эйфелева башня, Елисейские поля, Триумфальной арки, музея Лувр, собор Парижской Богоматери, знаменитое кабаре Мулен Руж - это те немногие достопримечательности, которыми знаменит Париж. Поиск и сравнение цен на авиабилеты http://inetkassa.ru
Travel Guide - Paris
In this city guide the city of Paris is profiled, including the history and the sites that aren't to be missed.
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would a
Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the
Paris (France) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans, then it served the extravagant lifestyle of the Sun King, Louis XIV until it became a hotbed of Revolution.
Champs-Élysée is surely one of the most bea
Paris Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Paris is the ‘city of light’, the ‘city of love’ the ‘capital of fashion’. The bank of the Seine, the Montmartre and the Quartier Latin tell us of artists: about Dumas, Zola, and Victor Hugo who depicted the city in unforgettable literary pieces and about painters who did the same on canvas. On moonlit nights, and foggy autumn mornings the shadows of Modigliani, Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec appear.
Paris travel guide with a Parisian | ASOS Stylists Isabella and Alice
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow ASOS Stylist, Alice. From a quick refuel and tips on snapping the perfect insta-pic at Brasserie Barbes to shopping at a must-do concept store and cocktails in a hidden bar, Isabella and Alice will have you walking around Paris like a local i
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.TravellersBazaar.com. I travelled to Paris for the first time this past May 2013. I knew I would enjoy my time in this city, but once there I was completely taken by the cities charm, architecture, culinary delights, and cosmopolitan people.
Visit Paris: 5 Things You Will Love & Hate About Paris
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and possibly the most beautiful city in the world. What to see and do while in Paris.
Filmed in Paris, France
Copyright Mark Wolters 2012
Paris city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
The French capital has long been synonymous with romance, fashion and food. Join Lonely Planet's whistlestop tour to get a flavour of what makes Paris such a delectable destination. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris for more information about Paris.
Paris, France Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern
Fall in Paris | Travel Guide
This is how I see fall/autumn in Paris. I hope you liked it!
Click 'SHOW MORE' below
I upload on Sundays at 9.30am (Paris time).
Subscribe to my channel for FREE so you don't miss any future videos! http://bit.ly/1O0IpCS
If you want to discover my French YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1L4IwcR
I am French and I live part time in Paris/Nice.
I have this english
Learn to Speak French - Basic French Phrases - Paris Travel Guide
Learn how to say Bonjour and other common French phrases for your Paris visit.
Other Information
Language - French
Here are the top ten commonly French spoken phrases or words.
Number ten: To confirm whether other person understands English use parlez-vous anglais? Parlez-vous anglais, which means do you speak English?
Number nine: To convey that you do not understand French, you can say "je
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope that this longer, yet 'small scratch of the surface' film of this magnificent city shall convince you to visit for yourselves and experience all that Paris has to offer first hand. Bon Voyage!
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Paris, France Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Paris, France Travel Guide Vacations https://youtu.be/dN1_yqMeHgc travel channel documentary 2015 travel channel world's best
travel channel food paradise
travel channel haunted houses
travel channel shows
travel channel ghost adventures full episodes
travel channel christmas
travel channel thailand
travel channel disney world
travel channel japan
Paris Tourism Video | Travel Guide
Lingering over pain au chocolat in a sidewalk café, relaxing after a day of strolling along the Seine and marveling at icons like the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe... the perfect Paris experience combines leisure and liveliness with enough time to savor both an exquisite meal and exhibits at the Louvre. Awaken your spirit at Notre Dame, bargain hunt at the Marché aux Puces de Montreuil or f
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
"You are a person like travelling, let's Subscribe this channel to learn about the beautiful places in the world. And if you intend to travel in somecountry or someplace and want to get more information of places, please comment in this video, we'll upload as soon as possible. Thank you ^^
Paris travel money tips - Lonely Planet travel video
Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris for more information about Paris. Get tips from the experts on great ways to manage your travel money while visiting the French capital. This video was produced by Lonely Planet for Visa. For more information visit: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/campaigns/visa-travel-companion/
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan are
Paris France travel tips (Aug 10 2015), part 1
Here's some sightseeing tour guide advice when travelling alone (solo).
With four days off from work, I hopped onto the first flight to Paris the next day.
This is the first episode of my attempt to revisit my favorite places in Paris, France in 2 days.
It's amazing how little Paris has changed since my last visit seven years ago.
Some travel tips :
1. Because I'm travelling as a non-revenue pas
Paris Travel Information and Travel Guide
Paris is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, Paris Boat Ride / Tour, Paris Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris Metro and other destinations, structures and landmarks.
Highlights include St Chappelle Church with 13th-century stained glass, La Sainte-Chapelle that once cont
Paris Travel Guide
If you want to arrive in Paris ready to chat then check out our friends over at italki, an online language learning service that connects you with the best lang...
If you want to arrive in Paris ready to chat then check out our friends over at italki, an online language learning service that connects you with the best language teachers from around the world for 1-on-1 lessons. http://promos.italki.com/attache-paris/
Our Paris travel guide! We kick of Season 2 with our guide to Paris, a fantastic city with incredible food, architecture, culture and more. We can share our favourite tips, tricks, eats and drinks for your next visit to Paris! For the best flights to Paris, check out Hipmunk! http://hipmunk.com/flights/?utm_medium=brand&utm;_source=inf&utm;_campaign=ah_yt&utm;_content=paris
Where we stayed - Mandarin Oriental Paris http://www.mandarinoriental.com/Paris/
Apps we mention:
Uber - https://www.uber.com/cities/paris
Le Cab - https://www.lecab.fr/
wn.com/Paris Travel Guide
If you want to arrive in Paris ready to chat then check out our friends over at italki, an online language learning service that connects you with the best language teachers from around the world for 1-on-1 lessons. http://promos.italki.com/attache-paris/
Our Paris travel guide! We kick of Season 2 with our guide to Paris, a fantastic city with incredible food, architecture, culture and more. We can share our favourite tips, tricks, eats and drinks for your next visit to Paris! For the best flights to Paris, check out Hipmunk! http://hipmunk.com/flights/?utm_medium=brand&utm;_source=inf&utm;_campaign=ah_yt&utm;_content=paris
Where we stayed - Mandarin Oriental Paris http://www.mandarinoriental.com/Paris/
Apps we mention:
Uber - https://www.uber.com/cities/paris
Le Cab - https://www.lecab.fr/
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 91874
Путеводитель по Парижу / Paris Travel Guide
Путеводитель по Парижу / Paris Travel Guide. Наряду с Нью-Йорком и Миланом является центром мировой моды. Эйфелева башня, Елисейские поля, Триумфальной арки, му...
Путеводитель по Парижу / Paris Travel Guide. Наряду с Нью-Йорком и Миланом является центром мировой моды. Эйфелева башня, Елисейские поля, Триумфальной арки, музея Лувр, собор Парижской Богоматери, знаменитое кабаре Мулен Руж - это те немногие достопримечательности, которыми знаменит Париж. Поиск и сравнение цен на авиабилеты http://inetkassa.ru
wn.com/Путеводитель По Парижу Paris Travel Guide
Путеводитель по Парижу / Paris Travel Guide. Наряду с Нью-Йорком и Миланом является центром мировой моды. Эйфелева башня, Елисейские поля, Триумфальной арки, музея Лувр, собор Парижской Богоматери, знаменитое кабаре Мулен Руж - это те немногие достопримечательности, которыми знаменит Париж. Поиск и сравнение цен на авиабилеты http://inetkassa.ru
- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 27912
Travel Guide - Paris
In this city guide the city of Paris is profiled, including the history and the sites that aren't to be missed....
In this city guide the city of Paris is profiled, including the history and the sites that aren't to be missed.
wn.com/Travel Guide Paris
In this city guide the city of Paris is profiled, including the history and the sites that aren't to be missed.
- published: 25 Jul 2007
- views: 16993
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over th...
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would add to this list. Now let's get started!
50 Things to do in Paris, France Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Eiffel Tower - La tour Eiffel
2) Champ de Mars
3) Crêpe - Eat a crepe
4) Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris)
5) Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (Arch of Triumph of the Star)
6) Avenue des Champs-Élysées
7) Have a Parisian picnic in the park
8) Bois de Boulogne
9) Rent a rowboat
10) Macaron - macaroon
11) Market Versailles
12) Marie Antoinette's Hamet - The Queen’s Hamlet
13) Palace of Versailles - Château de Versailles
14) Dance along the Seine at night
15) Love lock bridges
16) City views from the dome of Sacré-Cœur
17) Basilique du Sacré-Cœur - Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris
18) Croque-monsieur - grilled ham and cheese sandwich
19) Éclair - pastry filled with cream and topped with icing
20) Panthéon - Pantheon
21) Cimetière du Père-Lachaise - Père Lachaise Cemetery
22) Jardin des Tuileries - Tuileries Garden
23) Musée du Louvre - Louvre Museum
24) Bateaux Mouches - boat ride down the Seine river
25) Vélib' bike ride
26) Segway Tour
27) Jardin des Plantes - Botanical Garden
28) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - National Museum of Natural History
29) Centre Georges Pompidou
30) Le Marais - The Marsh historic district
31) Bastille Day - La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet
32) Jardin du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Garden
33) Palais du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Palace
34) Les Invalides - L'Hôtel national des Invalides
35) Grand Palais 'Great Palace' - Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
36) Petit Palais - Small Palace
37) Citroën 2CV - deux chevaux
38) Sainte-Chapelle - Holy Chapel
39) Trocadéro
40) Parc de Princes - Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
41) Moulin Rouge
42) Cimetière de Montmartre - Montmartre Cemetery
43) Moulin de la Galette
44) Le Consulat Restaurant
45) Musée de Montmartre - Montmartre Museum
46) Mille-feuille French pastry - 'a thousand leaves'
47) Tarte au Citron - Lemon tart
48) Galeries Lafayette - French Department Store
49) L'église de la Madeleine - Madeleine Roman Catholic Church
50) Métro de Paris - Paris Metro
We're confident our travel video guide covered some of the top attractions in Paris along with some suggestions that wouldn't necessarily be found in a tourism guide book including information on festivals, arts, entertainment and dining along with French cuisine. Most of the French foods we sampled would be found at any kind of local French bakery (pâtisserie).
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide Travel Video Transcript:
Hello, and welcome to Paris. This week we are exploring the city of love, city of lights and city of art. This video will be showing you the top 50 things to do while you visit Paris.
So we're wrapping things up here. What would be your one tip for visiting Paris? Well, I have recently spent a whole ten days here in summer. I would say that if you really want to visit the art galleries, the museums and all of the main attractions you should probably avoid summer and like either come in the spring or the fall or even winter. Because the lines are insane and sometimes you have to wait like an hour and a half or two hours just to go inside a museum or go inside a church. And you just kill a lot of time. So that is my one tip. Try and avoid summer when the crowds are just everywhere and it is also a bit too hot in my opinion. But that is just me.
So how about you? What are your final thoughts on Paris? So my finals thoughts is obviously Paris is one of the top cities in the world in terms of attractions. But it is like any other big gritty city. And you have to come with realistic expectations. There is going to be garbage, there is going to be lines, there is going to be some areas that are a bit of an eyesore. But there is also a lot of beauty and there is also a lot to do here. So I highly you recommend coming but just don't have Paris on such a high pedestal that you're going to be disappointed.
And that concludes our guide of the top 50 things to do and see in Paris. We hope you enjoyed watching, and let us know if there are other places you would add to this list.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/50 Things To Do In Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would add to this list. Now let's get started!
50 Things to do in Paris, France Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Eiffel Tower - La tour Eiffel
2) Champ de Mars
3) Crêpe - Eat a crepe
4) Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris)
5) Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (Arch of Triumph of the Star)
6) Avenue des Champs-Élysées
7) Have a Parisian picnic in the park
8) Bois de Boulogne
9) Rent a rowboat
10) Macaron - macaroon
11) Market Versailles
12) Marie Antoinette's Hamet - The Queen’s Hamlet
13) Palace of Versailles - Château de Versailles
14) Dance along the Seine at night
15) Love lock bridges
16) City views from the dome of Sacré-Cœur
17) Basilique du Sacré-Cœur - Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris
18) Croque-monsieur - grilled ham and cheese sandwich
19) Éclair - pastry filled with cream and topped with icing
20) Panthéon - Pantheon
21) Cimetière du Père-Lachaise - Père Lachaise Cemetery
22) Jardin des Tuileries - Tuileries Garden
23) Musée du Louvre - Louvre Museum
24) Bateaux Mouches - boat ride down the Seine river
25) Vélib' bike ride
26) Segway Tour
27) Jardin des Plantes - Botanical Garden
28) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - National Museum of Natural History
29) Centre Georges Pompidou
30) Le Marais - The Marsh historic district
31) Bastille Day - La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet
32) Jardin du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Garden
33) Palais du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Palace
34) Les Invalides - L'Hôtel national des Invalides
35) Grand Palais 'Great Palace' - Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
36) Petit Palais - Small Palace
37) Citroën 2CV - deux chevaux
38) Sainte-Chapelle - Holy Chapel
39) Trocadéro
40) Parc de Princes - Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
41) Moulin Rouge
42) Cimetière de Montmartre - Montmartre Cemetery
43) Moulin de la Galette
44) Le Consulat Restaurant
45) Musée de Montmartre - Montmartre Museum
46) Mille-feuille French pastry - 'a thousand leaves'
47) Tarte au Citron - Lemon tart
48) Galeries Lafayette - French Department Store
49) L'église de la Madeleine - Madeleine Roman Catholic Church
50) Métro de Paris - Paris Metro
We're confident our travel video guide covered some of the top attractions in Paris along with some suggestions that wouldn't necessarily be found in a tourism guide book including information on festivals, arts, entertainment and dining along with French cuisine. Most of the French foods we sampled would be found at any kind of local French bakery (pâtisserie).
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide Travel Video Transcript:
Hello, and welcome to Paris. This week we are exploring the city of love, city of lights and city of art. This video will be showing you the top 50 things to do while you visit Paris.
So we're wrapping things up here. What would be your one tip for visiting Paris? Well, I have recently spent a whole ten days here in summer. I would say that if you really want to visit the art galleries, the museums and all of the main attractions you should probably avoid summer and like either come in the spring or the fall or even winter. Because the lines are insane and sometimes you have to wait like an hour and a half or two hours just to go inside a museum or go inside a church. And you just kill a lot of time. So that is my one tip. Try and avoid summer when the crowds are just everywhere and it is also a bit too hot in my opinion. But that is just me.
So how about you? What are your final thoughts on Paris? So my finals thoughts is obviously Paris is one of the top cities in the world in terms of attractions. But it is like any other big gritty city. And you have to come with realistic expectations. There is going to be garbage, there is going to be lines, there is going to be some areas that are a bit of an eyesore. But there is also a lot of beauty and there is also a lot to do here. So I highly you recommend coming but just don't have Paris on such a high pedestal that you're going to be disappointed.
And that concludes our guide of the top 50 things to do and see in Paris. We hope you enjoyed watching, and let us know if there are other places you would add to this list.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 18245
Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris to...
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris.
If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and other entertaining venues. Learn about culture and creativity at the Louvre, a 14th-century palace turned art museum, and check in on the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Notre Dame Cathedral cannot be missed, as this imposing Gothic structure has stood since 1345.
Speaking of imposing, the Eiffel Tower is most frequently used to represent Paris. Stroll beneath it to get a good idea of its height, or travel to the top for a stunning view of the City of Light.
Visit our Paris travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
wn.com/Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris.
If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and other entertaining venues. Learn about culture and creativity at the Louvre, a 14th-century palace turned art museum, and check in on the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Notre Dame Cathedral cannot be missed, as this imposing Gothic structure has stood since 1345.
Speaking of imposing, the Eiffel Tower is most frequently used to represent Paris. Stroll beneath it to get a good idea of its height, or travel to the top for a stunning view of the City of Light.
Visit our Paris travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 636966
Paris (France) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful citi...
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans, then it served the extravagant lifestyle of the Sun King, Louis XIV until it became a hotbed of Revolution.
Champs-Élysée is surely one of the most beautiful avenues in the world. It has wide boulevards, shady corners, ambient street cafes and classic Parisian buildings that are decorated with flowers.
Since 1873, the Palais de l'Élysée has been the residence of the French President. At the beginning of the 17th century, Madame de Pompadour lived there and during the Revolution the liberated people cavorted in its luxurious rooms.
Through a small triumphal arch decorated with scenes of Napoleon's victorious army, there is the garden created by Leotre, the Jardin des Tuileries. A bridge and fountain are the focal points of this popular park, created in typical French style.
A modern glass pyramid and a fountain decorate the courtyard of the former Louvre Palace, which since the time of the Revolution has been transformed into a museum that contains the famous Louvre art gallery. Its collection of remarkable historic treasures and superb art collection make it one of the world's most famous museums with Leonardo Da Vinci´s masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, taking pride of place.
Situated on a small island on the River Seine is the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the 'Mother Church of the Nation'. Built on the foundations of a Roman temple and commissioned by the bishops Maurice and Eudes de Sully, it took almost 200 years to build this Gothic masterpiece.
Built at the end of the 19th century as a symbol of national revival, Montmartre's Sacre Coeur has the appearance of a white, fairy-tale palace with 237 steps that lead up to the main entrance of this extraordinary structure. Its Byzantine architecture and five cupolas are reminiscent of the Marcus Dome in Venice.
Of course, there are the dizzy heights of the Eiffel Tower and a great deal more. Paris is a wonderful festival of the senses!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
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wn.com/Paris (France) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans, then it served the extravagant lifestyle of the Sun King, Louis XIV until it became a hotbed of Revolution.
Champs-Élysée is surely one of the most beautiful avenues in the world. It has wide boulevards, shady corners, ambient street cafes and classic Parisian buildings that are decorated with flowers.
Since 1873, the Palais de l'Élysée has been the residence of the French President. At the beginning of the 17th century, Madame de Pompadour lived there and during the Revolution the liberated people cavorted in its luxurious rooms.
Through a small triumphal arch decorated with scenes of Napoleon's victorious army, there is the garden created by Leotre, the Jardin des Tuileries. A bridge and fountain are the focal points of this popular park, created in typical French style.
A modern glass pyramid and a fountain decorate the courtyard of the former Louvre Palace, which since the time of the Revolution has been transformed into a museum that contains the famous Louvre art gallery. Its collection of remarkable historic treasures and superb art collection make it one of the world's most famous museums with Leonardo Da Vinci´s masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, taking pride of place.
Situated on a small island on the River Seine is the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the 'Mother Church of the Nation'. Built on the foundations of a Roman temple and commissioned by the bishops Maurice and Eudes de Sully, it took almost 200 years to build this Gothic masterpiece.
Built at the end of the 19th century as a symbol of national revival, Montmartre's Sacre Coeur has the appearance of a white, fairy-tale palace with 237 steps that lead up to the main entrance of this extraordinary structure. Its Byzantine architecture and five cupolas are reminiscent of the Marcus Dome in Venice.
Of course, there are the dizzy heights of the Eiffel Tower and a great deal more. Paris is a wonderful festival of the senses!
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 254970
Paris Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Paris is the ‘city of light’, the ‘city of love’ the ‘capital of fashion’. The bank of the Seine, the Montmartre and the Quartier Latin tell us of artists: abou...
Paris is the ‘city of light’, the ‘city of love’ the ‘capital of fashion’. The bank of the Seine, the Montmartre and the Quartier Latin tell us of artists: about Dumas, Zola, and Victor Hugo who depicted the city in unforgettable literary pieces and about painters who did the same on canvas. On moonlit nights, and foggy autumn mornings the shadows of Modigliani, Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec appear. Every corner is famous from a French movie, and we wait for Jean Gabin and Belmondo to appear on the next street. The streets and squares remind us of the Sun King, the ‘man in the iron mask’ and Napoleon. In the cafes old chansons are sung on the voice of Edith Piaf and Yves Montand. The wheel of the Moulin Rouge is unstoppable, while in the halls of the Louvre Leonardo’s Mona Lisa is smiling enigmatically, on the Pont Neuf lovers are meeting, below the Grand Arche the traffic never slows down, and the iron bars of the Eiffel Tower are looming above the Notre Dame and the Sacre Coeur.
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Paris Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Paris is the ‘city of light’, the ‘city of love’ the ‘capital of fashion’. The bank of the Seine, the Montmartre and the Quartier Latin tell us of artists: about Dumas, Zola, and Victor Hugo who depicted the city in unforgettable literary pieces and about painters who did the same on canvas. On moonlit nights, and foggy autumn mornings the shadows of Modigliani, Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec appear. Every corner is famous from a French movie, and we wait for Jean Gabin and Belmondo to appear on the next street. The streets and squares remind us of the Sun King, the ‘man in the iron mask’ and Napoleon. In the cafes old chansons are sung on the voice of Edith Piaf and Yves Montand. The wheel of the Moulin Rouge is unstoppable, while in the halls of the Louvre Leonardo’s Mona Lisa is smiling enigmatically, on the Pont Neuf lovers are meeting, below the Grand Arche the traffic never slows down, and the iron bars of the Eiffel Tower are looming above the Notre Dame and the Sacre Coeur.
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5
Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 11065
Paris travel guide with a Parisian | ASOS Stylists Isabella and Alice
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow AS...
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow ASOS Stylist, Alice. From a quick refuel and tips on snapping the perfect insta-pic at Brasserie Barbes to shopping at a must-do concept store and cocktails in a hidden bar, Isabella and Alice will have you walking around Paris like a local in no time!
Check out their hit list here:
Nights at Hotel Amour
Lunch at Brasserie Barbes
Dinner at La Maison Mere
Walks around Palais De Tokyo
Ice Cream from Berthillon
Shopping at Merci
Cocktails at Candelaria
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ASOS
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wn.com/Paris Travel Guide With A Parisian | Asos Stylists Isabella And Alice
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/bOYPOW
Follow ASOS Stylist Isabella as she explores some of Paris’ best-kept secrets and coolest “it” spots with the help of fellow ASOS Stylist, Alice. From a quick refuel and tips on snapping the perfect insta-pic at Brasserie Barbes to shopping at a must-do concept store and cocktails in a hidden bar, Isabella and Alice will have you walking around Paris like a local in no time!
Check out their hit list here:
Nights at Hotel Amour
Lunch at Brasserie Barbes
Dinner at La Maison Mere
Walks around Palais De Tokyo
Ice Cream from Berthillon
Shopping at Merci
Cocktails at Candelaria
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ASOS
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/asos
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/asos
+1 us on Google+ https://google.com/+asos
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 4015
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.T...
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.TravellersBazaar.com. I travelled to Paris for the first time this past May 2013. I knew I would enjoy my time in this city, but once there I was completely taken by the cities charm, architecture, culinary delights, and cosmopolitan people.
In this Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions, I have selected the quintessential attractions every visitor must attempt to do while in Paris; there are so many other options that if I tried to include all, it'd be a life long film. So start here with my ten recommendations, research further, and customize your trip accordingly. Enjoy your visit to Paris, "The City of Love," & "The City of Light" ("La Ville -Lumière").
Follow my travels around the globe - http://www.travellersbazaar.com
email: thetravelbazaar@yahoo.com
THANK YOU for viewing the - The Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, I will be posting videos from around the globe.
wn.com/Ten Things To Do In Paris Paris Travel Guide
Ten Things to do in Paris: Paris Travel Guide - *Watch in HD* (http://www.travellersbazaar.com).
My name's Quinn Russell, creator of luxury travel blog, www.TravellersBazaar.com. I travelled to Paris for the first time this past May 2013. I knew I would enjoy my time in this city, but once there I was completely taken by the cities charm, architecture, culinary delights, and cosmopolitan people.
In this Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions, I have selected the quintessential attractions every visitor must attempt to do while in Paris; there are so many other options that if I tried to include all, it'd be a life long film. So start here with my ten recommendations, research further, and customize your trip accordingly. Enjoy your visit to Paris, "The City of Love," & "The City of Light" ("La Ville -Lumière").
Follow my travels around the globe - http://www.travellersbazaar.com
email: thetravelbazaar@yahoo.com
THANK YOU for viewing the - The Paris Travel Guide: Ten Amazing Attractions
Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, I will be posting videos from around the globe.
- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 52297
Visit Paris: 5 Things You Will Love & Hate About Paris
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and ...
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and possibly the most beautiful city in the world. What to see and do while in Paris.
Filmed in Paris, France
Copyright Mark Wolters 2012
wn.com/Visit Paris 5 Things You Will Love Hate About Paris
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and possibly the most beautiful city in the world. What to see and do while in Paris.
Filmed in Paris, France
Copyright Mark Wolters 2012
- published: 29 Sep 2012
- views: 650144
Paris city guide - Lonely Planet travel video
The French capital has long been synonymous with romance, fashion and food. Join Lonely Planet's whistlestop tour to get a flavour of what makes Paris such a de...
The French capital has long been synonymous with romance, fashion and food. Join Lonely Planet's whistlestop tour to get a flavour of what makes Paris such a delectable destination. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris for more information about Paris.
wn.com/Paris City Guide Lonely Planet Travel Video
The French capital has long been synonymous with romance, fashion and food. Join Lonely Planet's whistlestop tour to get a flavour of what makes Paris such a delectable destination. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris for more information about Paris.
- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 75911
Paris, France Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-Fra...
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
wn.com/Paris, France Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 136658
Fall in Paris | Travel Guide
This is how I see fall/autumn in Paris. I hope you liked it!
Click 'SHOW MORE' below
I upload on Sundays at 9.30am (Paris time).
Subscribe to my channel for FR...
This is how I see fall/autumn in Paris. I hope you liked it!
Click 'SHOW MORE' below
I upload on Sundays at 9.30am (Paris time).
Subscribe to my channel for FREE so you don't miss any future videos! http://bit.ly/1O0IpCS
If you want to discover my French YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1L4IwcR
I am French and I live part time in Paris/Nice.
I have this english channel and another one in French. Both of them are beauty/lifestyle oriented. I hope you liked this video, if you did, thumbs up please :)
Places seen:
0:00: Stares of Jeu de Paume
0:05: Patisserie in Rue de Renne
0:08: Notre Dame de Paris
0:11: Pastries from the first patisserie
0:13: Metropolitain Alexandre Dumas station
0:14: Patisserie Angelina Rue de Rivoli
0:16: Floor of Rue de Rivoli
0:20: Rue de Rivoli, Notre Dame de Paris, Pont des Arts, Le Louvre, Meurice's floor, Ile Saint-Louis, Tuilerie Garden, Angelina's pastries, Notre-Dame de Paris, Metropolitain Châtelet station, Hôtel Regina & Jeanne d'Arc, Saint-Michel fountain.
0:54: Tuilerie Garden, Le Louvre, Notre-Dame de Paris door's details, Tuilerie Garden, Le Louvre, Notre-Dame de Paris, Quai de Bourbon on Ile Saint Louis, Rue des Chanoinesses.
1:30: View of Ile Saint Louis from Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame de Paris, La Seine (river)
YouTube Archive
Prelude No. 7 par Chris Zabriskie est distribué sous la licence Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source : http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artiste : __url_artiste__
Subscribe - http://bit.ly/1O0IpCS
Blog - http://www.lesastucesdemargaux.com
Instagram - http://instagram.com/MargauxsTips
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MargauxsTips
Camera: Canon 600D
Lens: Canon 50mm
Editing software: Final Cut Pro X
This video is not an advertisement.
Some of the upper links may be affiliate links.
How to contact me:
wn.com/Fall In Paris | Travel Guide
This is how I see fall/autumn in Paris. I hope you liked it!
Click 'SHOW MORE' below
I upload on Sundays at 9.30am (Paris time).
Subscribe to my channel for FREE so you don't miss any future videos! http://bit.ly/1O0IpCS
If you want to discover my French YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1L4IwcR
I am French and I live part time in Paris/Nice.
I have this english channel and another one in French. Both of them are beauty/lifestyle oriented. I hope you liked this video, if you did, thumbs up please :)
Places seen:
0:00: Stares of Jeu de Paume
0:05: Patisserie in Rue de Renne
0:08: Notre Dame de Paris
0:11: Pastries from the first patisserie
0:13: Metropolitain Alexandre Dumas station
0:14: Patisserie Angelina Rue de Rivoli
0:16: Floor of Rue de Rivoli
0:20: Rue de Rivoli, Notre Dame de Paris, Pont des Arts, Le Louvre, Meurice's floor, Ile Saint-Louis, Tuilerie Garden, Angelina's pastries, Notre-Dame de Paris, Metropolitain Châtelet station, Hôtel Regina & Jeanne d'Arc, Saint-Michel fountain.
0:54: Tuilerie Garden, Le Louvre, Notre-Dame de Paris door's details, Tuilerie Garden, Le Louvre, Notre-Dame de Paris, Quai de Bourbon on Ile Saint Louis, Rue des Chanoinesses.
1:30: View of Ile Saint Louis from Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame de Paris, La Seine (river)
YouTube Archive
Prelude No. 7 par Chris Zabriskie est distribué sous la licence Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source : http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artiste : __url_artiste__
Subscribe - http://bit.ly/1O0IpCS
Blog - http://www.lesastucesdemargaux.com
Instagram - http://instagram.com/MargauxsTips
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MargauxsTips
Camera: Canon 600D
Lens: Canon 50mm
Editing software: Final Cut Pro X
This video is not an advertisement.
Some of the upper links may be affiliate links.
How to contact me:
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 1994
Learn to Speak French - Basic French Phrases - Paris Travel Guide
Learn how to say Bonjour and other common French phrases for your Paris visit.
Other Information
Language - French
Here are the top ten commonly French spoken...
Learn how to say Bonjour and other common French phrases for your Paris visit.
Other Information
Language - French
Here are the top ten commonly French spoken phrases or words.
Number ten: To confirm whether other person understands English use parlez-vous anglais? Parlez-vous anglais, which means do you speak English?
Number nine: To convey that you do not understand French, you can say "je ne comprends pas". "Je ne comprends pas", which means "I do not understand".
Number eight: While you are on shopping spree, Iam sure this would help, "c'est combien?" "C'est combien", which means "how much is it?"
Number seven: When asking the waiter for the check, it would be "l'addition". "L'addition", which literally means "the bill" in English.
Number six: It is common to add sir or madam when addressing someone. Sir in French is "monsieur", and ma'am is "madame". "Monsieur, madame".
Number five: To get directions you can use "ou est". For instance, if you are looking for the River Seine, you can say, "Ou est la Seine?" "Ou est la Seine?"
Number four: Yes is "oui", and no is "non". "Oui", "non".
Number three are greetings. For good evening, it is "bonsoir". "Bonsoir". For good night it is "bonne nuit". "Bonne nuit". And for good bye, it is "au revoir". "Au revoir".
Number two: Thank you is "merci". "Merci". Please is "s'il vous plait". "S'il vous plait". And excuse me is "excusez-moi". "Excusez-moi".
Here is a French word that you would use very often, "bonjour". "Bonjour", which means hello in English. I am Sabine Cormy, showing you Paris.
wn.com/Learn To Speak French Basic French Phrases Paris Travel Guide
Learn how to say Bonjour and other common French phrases for your Paris visit.
Other Information
Language - French
Here are the top ten commonly French spoken phrases or words.
Number ten: To confirm whether other person understands English use parlez-vous anglais? Parlez-vous anglais, which means do you speak English?
Number nine: To convey that you do not understand French, you can say "je ne comprends pas". "Je ne comprends pas", which means "I do not understand".
Number eight: While you are on shopping spree, Iam sure this would help, "c'est combien?" "C'est combien", which means "how much is it?"
Number seven: When asking the waiter for the check, it would be "l'addition". "L'addition", which literally means "the bill" in English.
Number six: It is common to add sir or madam when addressing someone. Sir in French is "monsieur", and ma'am is "madame". "Monsieur, madame".
Number five: To get directions you can use "ou est". For instance, if you are looking for the River Seine, you can say, "Ou est la Seine?" "Ou est la Seine?"
Number four: Yes is "oui", and no is "non". "Oui", "non".
Number three are greetings. For good evening, it is "bonsoir". "Bonsoir". For good night it is "bonne nuit". "Bonne nuit". And for good bye, it is "au revoir". "Au revoir".
Number two: Thank you is "merci". "Merci". Please is "s'il vous plait". "S'il vous plait". And excuse me is "excusez-moi". "Excusez-moi".
Here is a French word that you would use very often, "bonjour". "Bonjour", which means hello in English. I am Sabine Cormy, showing you Paris.
- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 59925
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope tha...
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope that this longer, yet 'small scratch of the surface' film of this magnificent city shall convince you to visit for yourselves and experience all that Paris has to offer first hand. Bon Voyage!
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea of these spots by cross referencing the image description to the map:
I definitely recommend taking a tour with 'Sight Seekers Delight' in Paris. Their various walking tours show you the best of Paris.
The musicians playing in the metro in the film are called "Les Musiciens de Lviv". Some more info on them: http://www.squidoo.com/cabaret-slave
The man doing tricks with the football at Montmartre is Iya Traoré, a professional football player and freestyler. https://www.facebook.com/iyartball
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR-AX2000 HD video camera (night shots and most stationary shots).
- Sony Nex-VG10 HD video camera (walking shots).
Camera Accessories
- Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization.
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
- Manfrotto 701HDV pro fluid video mini head / 055XB tripod legs.
wn.com/Paris , France A Walking Travel Tour Hd 1080P
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope that this longer, yet 'small scratch of the surface' film of this magnificent city shall convince you to visit for yourselves and experience all that Paris has to offer first hand. Bon Voyage!
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea of these spots by cross referencing the image description to the map:
I definitely recommend taking a tour with 'Sight Seekers Delight' in Paris. Their various walking tours show you the best of Paris.
The musicians playing in the metro in the film are called "Les Musiciens de Lviv". Some more info on them: http://www.squidoo.com/cabaret-slave
The man doing tricks with the football at Montmartre is Iya Traoré, a professional football player and freestyler. https://www.facebook.com/iyartball
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR-AX2000 HD video camera (night shots and most stationary shots).
- Sony Nex-VG10 HD video camera (walking shots).
Camera Accessories
- Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization.
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
- Manfrotto 701HDV pro fluid video mini head / 055XB tripod legs.
- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 3193578
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Paris, France Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Paris, France Travel Guide Vacations https://youtu.be/dN1_yqMeHgc travel channel documentary 2015 travel channel world's best ...
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Paris, France Travel Guide Vacations https://youtu.be/dN1_yqMeHgc travel channel documentary 2015 travel channel world's best
travel channel food paradise
travel channel haunted houses
travel channel shows
travel channel ghost adventures full episodes
travel channel christmas
travel channel thailand
travel channel disney world
travel channel japan
wn.com/Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Paris, France Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Paris, France Travel Guide Vacations https://youtu.be/dN1_yqMeHgc travel channel documentary 2015 travel channel world's best
travel channel food paradise
travel channel haunted houses
travel channel shows
travel channel ghost adventures full episodes
travel channel christmas
travel channel thailand
travel channel disney world
travel channel japan
- published: 17 Sep 2015
- views: 205
Paris Tourism Video | Travel Guide
Lingering over pain au chocolat in a sidewalk café, relaxing after a day of strolling along the Seine and marveling at icons like the Eiffel Tower and the Arc d...
Lingering over pain au chocolat in a sidewalk café, relaxing after a day of strolling along the Seine and marveling at icons like the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe... the perfect Paris experience combines leisure and liveliness with enough time to savor both an exquisite meal and exhibits at the Louvre. Awaken your spirit at Notre Dame, bargain hunt at the Marché aux Puces de Montreuil or for goodies at the Marché Biologique Raspail, then cap it all off with a risqué show at the Moulin Rouge.
wn.com/Paris Tourism Video | Travel Guide
Lingering over pain au chocolat in a sidewalk café, relaxing after a day of strolling along the Seine and marveling at icons like the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe... the perfect Paris experience combines leisure and liveliness with enough time to savor both an exquisite meal and exhibits at the Louvre. Awaken your spirit at Notre Dame, bargain hunt at the Marché aux Puces de Montreuil or for goodies at the Marché Biologique Raspail, then cap it all off with a risqué show at the Moulin Rouge.
- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 17730
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
"You are a person like travelling, let's Subscribe this channel to learn about the beautiful pla...
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
"You are a person like travelling, let's Subscribe this channel to learn about the beautiful places in the world. And if you intend to travel in somecountry or someplace and want to get more information of places, please comment in this video, we'll upload as soon as possible. Thank you ^^
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
wn.com/Paris Food Guide – French Food Documentary Travel Documentary
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
"You are a person like travelling, let's Subscribe this channel to learn about the beautiful places in the world. And if you intend to travel in somecountry or someplace and want to get more information of places, please comment in this video, we'll upload as soon as possible. Thank you ^^
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
Paris food guide – French Food Documentary [Travel Documentary]
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 5125
Paris travel money tips - Lonely Planet travel video
Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris for more information about Paris. Get tips from the experts on great ways to manage your travel money while visit...
Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris for more information about Paris. Get tips from the experts on great ways to manage your travel money while visiting the French capital. This video was produced by Lonely Planet for Visa. For more information visit: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/campaigns/visa-travel-companion/
wn.com/Paris Travel Money Tips Lonely Planet Travel Video
Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris for more information about Paris. Get tips from the experts on great ways to manage your travel money while visiting the French capital. This video was produced by Lonely Planet for Visa. For more information visit: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/campaigns/visa-travel-companion/
- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 23512
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area. Located in the north of France on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design. Dubbed the City of Light (la Ville Lumière) and Capital of Fashion, it is home to the world's finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics, such as Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, Guerlain, Lancôme, L'Oréal, Clarins, etc. A large part of the city, including the River Seine, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has the second highest number of Michelin-restaurants in the world (after Tokyo) and contains numerous iconic landmarks, such as the world's most visited tourist site the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Moulin Rouge, Lido etc, making it the most popular tourist destination in the world with 45 million tourists annually.
Landmarks in Paris
Arc de Triomphe (8th)— The Arc de Triomphe exudes grandeur and offers a central view of the city Métro/RER Charles de Gaulle-Etoile
Catacombs (14th)— Used to store the exhumed bones of about 6 million people from the overflowing Paris cemeteries. They fill a section of caverns and tunnels that are the remains of old stone mines underneath the city. (There is a limit to the number of visitors allowed within the Catacombs at one time (200 persons). So, if you arrive just after opening, you must wait until someone exits, approximately 45-60 minutes, before anyone is admitted). Métro Denfert-Rochereau
Château de Versailles (Versailles)— Must be seen. France's most exquisite chateau, on the outskirts of the city, easily visited by train. Once the home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. RER Versailles Rive Gauche
The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) (7th)— No other monument better symbolizes Paris. Métro Bir-Hakeim (6) or RER Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel
Grand Arche de la Défense (La Défense)— A modern office-building variant of the Arc de Triomphe. Métro/RER La Défense
Notre Dame Cathedral (4th)— Impressive Gothic cathedral that was the inspiration for Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Climb to the top! Métro Cité (4) or RER Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Opera Garnier (9th)— Masterpiece of theatre architecture of the 19th century built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875 housing the Paris Opera since it was founded by Louis XIV. Métro Opéra
Pantheon (5th)— Underneath, the final resting place for the great heroes of the French Republic including Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and Marie Curie; above, a marvellous view of the city. Métro Cardinal Lemoine (10) or RER Luxembourg
Père-Lachaise Cemetery (20th)— Unlike any cemetery in the world. Ornate grave stones, monuments set among tree lined lanes. See the graves of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, and Frederic Chopin, amongst many others. Métro Père Lachaise
Sacré Coeur (18th)— A church perched on top of the highest point in Paris. Behind the church is the artists' area, in front are spectacular views of the whole city. Métro Anvers (2) or Abbesses (12), then climb the stairs on Rue Foyatier or take the funicular to the top of the hill.
Sainte Chapelle (1st)— Exquisite stained glass chapel. More beautiful interior than the gloomy Notre Dame Cathedral. Métro Cité
wn.com/Paris Tourism And Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area. Located in the north of France on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design. Dubbed the City of Light (la Ville Lumière) and Capital of Fashion, it is home to the world's finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics, such as Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, Guerlain, Lancôme, L'Oréal, Clarins, etc. A large part of the city, including the River Seine, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has the second highest number of Michelin-restaurants in the world (after Tokyo) and contains numerous iconic landmarks, such as the world's most visited tourist site the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Moulin Rouge, Lido etc, making it the most popular tourist destination in the world with 45 million tourists annually.
Landmarks in Paris
Arc de Triomphe (8th)— The Arc de Triomphe exudes grandeur and offers a central view of the city Métro/RER Charles de Gaulle-Etoile
Catacombs (14th)— Used to store the exhumed bones of about 6 million people from the overflowing Paris cemeteries. They fill a section of caverns and tunnels that are the remains of old stone mines underneath the city. (There is a limit to the number of visitors allowed within the Catacombs at one time (200 persons). So, if you arrive just after opening, you must wait until someone exits, approximately 45-60 minutes, before anyone is admitted). Métro Denfert-Rochereau
Château de Versailles (Versailles)— Must be seen. France's most exquisite chateau, on the outskirts of the city, easily visited by train. Once the home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. RER Versailles Rive Gauche
The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) (7th)— No other monument better symbolizes Paris. Métro Bir-Hakeim (6) or RER Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel
Grand Arche de la Défense (La Défense)— A modern office-building variant of the Arc de Triomphe. Métro/RER La Défense
Notre Dame Cathedral (4th)— Impressive Gothic cathedral that was the inspiration for Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Climb to the top! Métro Cité (4) or RER Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Opera Garnier (9th)— Masterpiece of theatre architecture of the 19th century built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875 housing the Paris Opera since it was founded by Louis XIV. Métro Opéra
Pantheon (5th)— Underneath, the final resting place for the great heroes of the French Republic including Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and Marie Curie; above, a marvellous view of the city. Métro Cardinal Lemoine (10) or RER Luxembourg
Père-Lachaise Cemetery (20th)— Unlike any cemetery in the world. Ornate grave stones, monuments set among tree lined lanes. See the graves of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, and Frederic Chopin, amongst many others. Métro Père Lachaise
Sacré Coeur (18th)— A church perched on top of the highest point in Paris. Behind the church is the artists' area, in front are spectacular views of the whole city. Métro Anvers (2) or Abbesses (12), then climb the stairs on Rue Foyatier or take the funicular to the top of the hill.
Sainte Chapelle (1st)— Exquisite stained glass chapel. More beautiful interior than the gloomy Notre Dame Cathedral. Métro Cité
- published: 22 Dec 2014
- views: 39210
Paris France travel tips (Aug 10 2015), part 1
Here's some sightseeing tour guide advice when travelling alone (solo).
With four days off from work, I hopped onto the first flight to Paris the next day.
Here's some sightseeing tour guide advice when travelling alone (solo).
With four days off from work, I hopped onto the first flight to Paris the next day.
This is the first episode of my attempt to revisit my favorite places in Paris, France in 2 days.
It's amazing how little Paris has changed since my last visit seven years ago.
Some travel tips :
1. Because I'm travelling as a non-revenue passenger, I always wait until I arrive before I book my hotel (using the free airport Wi-Fi).
2. Remember that U.S. credit cards don't always work in Europe, so use cash for daily transactions.
3. To avoid theft, wear a money belt containing your essentials : Passport, credit cards, cash and your return plane ticket home.
4. Use the Tourist Information booth at the airport (terminal 1, usually no lines) !
Buy yourself a Paris Museum Pass to skip the many ticket buying lines in Paris (although the Museum Pass excludes the Eiffel Tower).
5. Buy a Paris Visite day pass for zones 1-3 or buy a 10 ticket "carnet" (which is cheaper) to get around Paris.
6. For transportation, I recommend taking the RER B train into Paris versus the Roissy bus. Trains are almost always faster because they aren't slowed down by traffic and yet have more stops to choose from.
The Roissy bus only makes one stop in the city, at Place de l'Opera.
Au revoir ! See you next week !
wn.com/Paris France Travel Tips (Aug 10 2015), Part 1
Here's some sightseeing tour guide advice when travelling alone (solo).
With four days off from work, I hopped onto the first flight to Paris the next day.
This is the first episode of my attempt to revisit my favorite places in Paris, France in 2 days.
It's amazing how little Paris has changed since my last visit seven years ago.
Some travel tips :
1. Because I'm travelling as a non-revenue passenger, I always wait until I arrive before I book my hotel (using the free airport Wi-Fi).
2. Remember that U.S. credit cards don't always work in Europe, so use cash for daily transactions.
3. To avoid theft, wear a money belt containing your essentials : Passport, credit cards, cash and your return plane ticket home.
4. Use the Tourist Information booth at the airport (terminal 1, usually no lines) !
Buy yourself a Paris Museum Pass to skip the many ticket buying lines in Paris (although the Museum Pass excludes the Eiffel Tower).
5. Buy a Paris Visite day pass for zones 1-3 or buy a 10 ticket "carnet" (which is cheaper) to get around Paris.
6. For transportation, I recommend taking the RER B train into Paris versus the Roissy bus. Trains are almost always faster because they aren't slowed down by traffic and yet have more stops to choose from.
The Roissy bus only makes one stop in the city, at Place de l'Opera.
Au revoir ! See you next week !
- published: 23 Aug 2015
- views: 348
Paris Travel Information and Travel Guide
Paris is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings....
Paris is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
wn.com/Paris Travel Information And Travel Guide
Paris is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
- published: 15 Dec 2010
- views: 2405
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De T...
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, Paris Boat Ride / Tour, Paris Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris Metro and other destinations, structures and landmarks.
Highlights include St Chappelle Church with 13th-century stained glass, La Sainte-Chapelle that once contained Louis IX's relics of Christ, which included the Crown of Thorns, the Image of Edessa and some thirty other items.
Climb the Arc de Triomphe and look down on the historic axis (Axe historique) -- a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route which goes from the courtyard of the Louvre, to the Grande Arche de la Défense. The monument was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806, and its iconographic program pitted heroic French against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone for public monuments, with triumphant patriotic messages.
Video of the Eiffel Tower, a iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world.
Video includes scenes of a Notre Dame Cathedral service with video of the Pieta sculpture by Michelangelo, Rose Window and famous Stained Glass. Notre Dame Cathedral is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture and among the largest and most well-known church buildings in the world. The naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture.
Lunch on Avenue des Champs-Élysées, a street in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafés, luxury specialty shops and clipped horse-chestnut trees, the Champs-Élysées is arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and is one of the most expensive strips of real estate in the world. Several French monuments are also on the street, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. According to a much used description, the Champs-Élysées is la plus belle avenue du monde ("the most beautiful avenue in the world").
Visit Place de la Concorde, designed by Ange-Jacques Gabriel in 1755 as a moat-skirted octagon between the Champs-Élysées to the west and the Tuileries Garden to the east. During the French Revolution the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down and the area renamed "Place de la Révolution". The new revolutionary government erected the guillotine in the square, and it was here that King Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.
Follow along to Luxembourg Park with Sailboats in the Fountain with Street Artists and Street Performers in Paris, France. Stroll on the Seine River, with 37 bridges within Paris and dozens more spanning the river outside the city. Examples in Paris include the Pont Louis-Philippe and Pont Neuf, the latter of which dates back to 1607. Outside the city, examples include the Pont de Normandie, one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, which links Le Havre to Honfleur.
Travel Videos - http://beachsidecrew.com
BSCparis - http://beachsidecrew.com/paris
BSCeurope - http://beachsidecrew.com/europe
Style & Apparel - http://beachsidecrew.com/shop
Paris, France Travel Video - BSC Europe
BSCeurope | Three Friends in Europe with a car for Three Months | Europe Youth Hostel | Backpack Travel | Backpacking | Eurail Tour
BSCtv | Watch Travel Videos | Amazing Sport Video | Live Events | Music Playlists | Current News | Lifestyle @ http://beachsidecrew.com
BSCeurope • BSCtv • BeachSideCrew • BeachSideCrew.com
Music used in Clip, all rights reserved by original copyright holder
01 "The Mad Thinker" (Dr. Frankenstein) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
02 Rossio (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
03 Pigalle (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
04 Lee Maddeford - Embellir with Les Gauchers Quintet
05 French National Anthem
06 Jahzzar - Pagalle
07 Kevin MacLeod - Parisian
08 Jahzzar - Jardins du Luxembourg
09 Kevin Macleod - Song of the Volga Boatmen
10 YACHT - Holy Roller Instrumental
11 Kevin MacLeod - Amazing Grace
12 Jason Shaw - Travel Light
13 Jahzzar - Pontes
wn.com/Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, Paris Boat Ride / Tour, Paris Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris Metro and other destinations, structures and landmarks.
Highlights include St Chappelle Church with 13th-century stained glass, La Sainte-Chapelle that once contained Louis IX's relics of Christ, which included the Crown of Thorns, the Image of Edessa and some thirty other items.
Climb the Arc de Triomphe and look down on the historic axis (Axe historique) -- a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route which goes from the courtyard of the Louvre, to the Grande Arche de la Défense. The monument was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806, and its iconographic program pitted heroic French against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone for public monuments, with triumphant patriotic messages.
Video of the Eiffel Tower, a iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world.
Video includes scenes of a Notre Dame Cathedral service with video of the Pieta sculpture by Michelangelo, Rose Window and famous Stained Glass. Notre Dame Cathedral is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture and among the largest and most well-known church buildings in the world. The naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture.
Lunch on Avenue des Champs-Élysées, a street in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafés, luxury specialty shops and clipped horse-chestnut trees, the Champs-Élysées is arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and is one of the most expensive strips of real estate in the world. Several French monuments are also on the street, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. According to a much used description, the Champs-Élysées is la plus belle avenue du monde ("the most beautiful avenue in the world").
Visit Place de la Concorde, designed by Ange-Jacques Gabriel in 1755 as a moat-skirted octagon between the Champs-Élysées to the west and the Tuileries Garden to the east. During the French Revolution the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down and the area renamed "Place de la Révolution". The new revolutionary government erected the guillotine in the square, and it was here that King Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.
Follow along to Luxembourg Park with Sailboats in the Fountain with Street Artists and Street Performers in Paris, France. Stroll on the Seine River, with 37 bridges within Paris and dozens more spanning the river outside the city. Examples in Paris include the Pont Louis-Philippe and Pont Neuf, the latter of which dates back to 1607. Outside the city, examples include the Pont de Normandie, one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, which links Le Havre to Honfleur.
Travel Videos - http://beachsidecrew.com
BSCparis - http://beachsidecrew.com/paris
BSCeurope - http://beachsidecrew.com/europe
Style & Apparel - http://beachsidecrew.com/shop
Paris, France Travel Video - BSC Europe
BSCeurope | Three Friends in Europe with a car for Three Months | Europe Youth Hostel | Backpack Travel | Backpacking | Eurail Tour
BSCtv | Watch Travel Videos | Amazing Sport Video | Live Events | Music Playlists | Current News | Lifestyle @ http://beachsidecrew.com
BSCeurope • BSCtv • BeachSideCrew • BeachSideCrew.com
Music used in Clip, all rights reserved by original copyright holder
01 "The Mad Thinker" (Dr. Frankenstein) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
02 Rossio (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
03 Pigalle (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
04 Lee Maddeford - Embellir with Les Gauchers Quintet
05 French National Anthem
06 Jahzzar - Pagalle
07 Kevin MacLeod - Parisian
08 Jahzzar - Jardins du Luxembourg
09 Kevin Macleod - Song of the Volga Boatmen
10 YACHT - Holy Roller Instrumental
11 Kevin MacLeod - Amazing Grace
12 Jason Shaw - Travel Light
13 Jahzzar - Pontes
- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 1320
Commémoration à Chazelles sur Lyon des attentats de Paris du 13-11-2015
L'hymne national "la Marseillaise" par la population de Chazelles-sur-Lyon lors de la cérémonie de recueillement du 20-11-2015 en mémoire des victimes des attentats récents dont ceux de Paris le 13-11-2015
Simply Red Say You Love Me Paris 17 -11- 15
Simply Red Say You Love Me Paris 17 /11/ 15
Thank you Mike for your kind words after Terrorist Attacks in Paris ..
love you forever
Love is the Answer
Attentats PARIS le 13/11/2015 c'est de la Kaamelott son explication !!
VIDEO from concert hall Bataclan in Paris, 13 11 2015 TERRORIST ATTACK
France Terror Attacks Channel!
U2 - Even BetterThan The Real Thing - Paris 11/11/15 (HBO) HD
ISIS Paris Attacks 9/11 Who are the Real Terrorist
Shows how mainstream media is double standard, and how Muslims are labelled terrorists.
Paris bombing 11/13/15
Sorry this video was released so late
ANONYMOUS Réaction aux attentats de PARIS 13 11 15
ANONYMOUS -- Réaction aux attentats de PARIS -13/11/15.
The Anonymous collective has also reacted very quickly to the attacks that took place in the French
capital . The next morning , a video was put online, directly declaring ( cyber ) war Daesh and EI . Everything is there, staging worthy of the biggest blockbusters , voice synthesis and especially about very significant. According to their words: ' These attacks can not go unpunished , which is wh
Samedi 21 Novembre 2015
Music For Happy People présente :
"N'oublie pas, Que la Force soit avec Toi !"
Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine...
Les jeunes Padaoines de la capitale sont sur le point de prendre le pouvoir face à l’Empire Galactique.
Le 21.11.2015 l’affrontement "Episode 2" sera inévitable :
Dans un décor de ballons à l’Hélium, munies de Sabres Lasers, e
Park Dedicated to Paris Attacks 11/13/15
Hi guys. Today's video is in honor of the 158 people who died during the recent Paris attacks. Music : Lavender Hills by Brian Crain
Ataque em Paris - attack in Paris dia 13/11/ 2015
Infelismente aonde esse mundo vai chegar, oremos pela frança - attack in Paris
Ataques terroristas em Paris França 13 11 2015 !
vem aii guerra phaa
paris 13 11 2015
ANONYMOUS Réaction aux attentats de PARIS 13 11 15
Commémoration à Chazelles sur Lyon des attentats de Paris du 13-11-2015
L'hymne national "la Marseillaise" par la population de Chazelles-sur-Lyon lors de la cérémonie de recueillement du 20-11-2015 en mémoire des victimes des atten...
L'hymne national "la Marseillaise" par la population de Chazelles-sur-Lyon lors de la cérémonie de recueillement du 20-11-2015 en mémoire des victimes des attentats récents dont ceux de Paris le 13-11-2015
wn.com/Commémoration À Chazelles Sur Lyon Des Attentats De Paris Du 13 11 2015
L'hymne national "la Marseillaise" par la population de Chazelles-sur-Lyon lors de la cérémonie de recueillement du 20-11-2015 en mémoire des victimes des attentats récents dont ceux de Paris le 13-11-2015
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 89
Simply Red Say You Love Me Paris 17 -11- 15
Simply Red Say You Love Me Paris 17 /11/ 15
Thank you Mike for your kind words after Terrorist Attacks in Paris ..
love you forever
Love is the Answer...
Simply Red Say You Love Me Paris 17 /11/ 15
Thank you Mike for your kind words after Terrorist Attacks in Paris ..
love you forever
Love is the Answer
wn.com/Simply Red Say You Love Me Paris 17 11 15
Simply Red Say You Love Me Paris 17 /11/ 15
Thank you Mike for your kind words after Terrorist Attacks in Paris ..
love you forever
Love is the Answer
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 79
ISIS Paris Attacks 9/11 Who are the Real Terrorist
Shows how mainstream media is double standard, and how Muslims are labelled terrorists....
Shows how mainstream media is double standard, and how Muslims are labelled terrorists.
wn.com/Isis Paris Attacks 9 11 Who Are The Real Terrorist
Shows how mainstream media is double standard, and how Muslims are labelled terrorists.
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 27
Paris bombing 11/13/15
Sorry this video was released so late...
Sorry this video was released so late
wn.com/Paris Bombing 11 13 15
Sorry this video was released so late
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 4
ANONYMOUS -- Réaction aux attentats de PARIS -13/11/15.
The Anonymous collective has also reacted very quickly to the attacks that took place in the French
capital . The next morning , a video was put online, direct...
The Anonymous collective has also reacted very quickly to the attacks that took place in the French
capital . The next morning , a video was put online, directly declaring ( cyber ) war Daesh and EI . Everything is there, staging worthy of the biggest blockbusters , voice synthesis and especially about very significant. According to their words: ' These attacks can not go unpunished , which is why the anonymous world will hunt you down ' and the voice goes on to say ' we will launch the biggest operation ever undertaken against you. Expect many, many cyber attacks ' . Anonymous had already reacted following the attacks of January 2015 by publishing some 9200 accounts related Tweeter according Daesh them . A threat to be taken seriously .
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015
"Ces attentats ne peuvent pas rester impunis", déclare l'auteur de la vidéo, qui porte le fameux masque de l'organisation. "C'est pourquoi les Anonymous du monde entier vont vous traquer. Oui, vous les vermines qui tuent les pauvres innocents, nous allons vous traquer, comme nous avons pu le faire depuis les attentats de Charlie Hebdo."
"Attendez-vous donc à une réaction massive d'Anonymous. Sachez que nous vous trouverons et que nous ne lâcherons rien. Nous allons lancer l'opération la plus importante jamais réalisée contre vous, attendez-vous à de très nombreuses cyberattaques. La guerre est déclenchée, préparez-vous. Le peuple français est plus fort que tout et se relèvera de cette atrocité encore plus fort, sachez-le."
En mars dernier, Anonymous avait "livré" à Twitter 9.200 comptes liés au groupe Etat islamique, afin d'alerter sur la présence croissante de Daech sur les réseaux sociaux.
wn.com/Anonymous Réaction Aux Attentats De Paris 13 11 15.
The Anonymous collective has also reacted very quickly to the attacks that took place in the French
capital . The next morning , a video was put online, directly declaring ( cyber ) war Daesh and EI . Everything is there, staging worthy of the biggest blockbusters , voice synthesis and especially about very significant. According to their words: ' These attacks can not go unpunished , which is why the anonymous world will hunt you down ' and the voice goes on to say ' we will launch the biggest operation ever undertaken against you. Expect many, many cyber attacks ' . Anonymous had already reacted following the attacks of January 2015 by publishing some 9200 accounts related Tweeter according Daesh them . A threat to be taken seriously .
Message des Anonymous suites aux attentats de Paris le 13 novembre 2015
"Ces attentats ne peuvent pas rester impunis", déclare l'auteur de la vidéo, qui porte le fameux masque de l'organisation. "C'est pourquoi les Anonymous du monde entier vont vous traquer. Oui, vous les vermines qui tuent les pauvres innocents, nous allons vous traquer, comme nous avons pu le faire depuis les attentats de Charlie Hebdo."
"Attendez-vous donc à une réaction massive d'Anonymous. Sachez que nous vous trouverons et que nous ne lâcherons rien. Nous allons lancer l'opération la plus importante jamais réalisée contre vous, attendez-vous à de très nombreuses cyberattaques. La guerre est déclenchée, préparez-vous. Le peuple français est plus fort que tout et se relèvera de cette atrocité encore plus fort, sachez-le."
En mars dernier, Anonymous avait "livré" à Twitter 9.200 comptes liés au groupe Etat islamique, afin d'alerter sur la présence croissante de Daech sur les réseaux sociaux.
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 13
Samedi 21 Novembre 2015
Music For Happy People présente :
"N'oublie pas, Que la Force soit avec Toi !"
Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie lointaine, très ...
Samedi 21 Novembre 2015
Music For Happy People présente :
"N'oublie pas, Que la Force soit avec Toi !"
Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine...
Les jeunes Padaoines de la capitale sont sur le point de prendre le pouvoir face à l’Empire Galactique.
Le 21.11.2015 l’affrontement "Episode 2" sera inévitable :
Dans un décor de ballons à l’Hélium, munies de Sabres Lasers, et accompagné du dj VINCENT VEGA, il est l’heure d’affronter les Soldats de l’Empire & Maitre Vador...
LE SAMEDI 21 NOVEMBRE, N’oublies pas, que la Force soit avec toi !
3 Rooms & Vibes
Réservation :
06 26 35 36 26
Le Duplex Paris : 2 Bis Avenue Foch, 75116 PARIS
wn.com/Que La Force Soit Avec Toi At Duplex Paris 21 11 2015
Samedi 21 Novembre 2015
Music For Happy People présente :
"N'oublie pas, Que la Force soit avec Toi !"
Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine...
Les jeunes Padaoines de la capitale sont sur le point de prendre le pouvoir face à l’Empire Galactique.
Le 21.11.2015 l’affrontement "Episode 2" sera inévitable :
Dans un décor de ballons à l’Hélium, munies de Sabres Lasers, et accompagné du dj VINCENT VEGA, il est l’heure d’affronter les Soldats de l’Empire & Maitre Vador...
LE SAMEDI 21 NOVEMBRE, N’oublies pas, que la Force soit avec toi !
3 Rooms & Vibes
Réservation :
06 26 35 36 26
Le Duplex Paris : 2 Bis Avenue Foch, 75116 PARIS
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Park Dedicated to Paris Attacks 11/13/15
Hi guys. Today's video is in honor of the 158 people who died during the recent Paris attacks. Music : Lavender Hills by Brian Crain...
Hi guys. Today's video is in honor of the 158 people who died during the recent Paris attacks. Music : Lavender Hills by Brian Crain
wn.com/Park Dedicated To Paris Attacks 11 13 15
Hi guys. Today's video is in honor of the 158 people who died during the recent Paris attacks. Music : Lavender Hills by Brian Crain
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 7
Ataque em Paris - attack in Paris dia 13/11/ 2015
Infelismente aonde esse mundo vai chegar, oremos pela frança - attack in Paris...
Infelismente aonde esse mundo vai chegar, oremos pela frança - attack in Paris
wn.com/Ataque Em Paris Attack In Paris Dia 13 11 2015
Infelismente aonde esse mundo vai chegar, oremos pela frança - attack in Paris
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 12
Full Show - Was Paris Attack a False Flag? - 11/16/2015
On the Monday, November 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 120 people dead, spur several US states to refuse the acceptance of Syrian refugees, as a new ISIS video threatens a direct attack on Washington D.C. Meanwhile, social justice warriors and Black Lives Matter activists in the US grow upset the attacks have overshadowed their movement in t
ORANGE HOUSE OF DEATH Part 3 MonSaturn Paris 11 Bataclan
ORANGE HOUSE OF DEATH Part 3 MonSaturn Paris 11
- Monarch "orange" (Mind control)
- Paris Attacks (November Friday 13th)
- Bataclan Theater (Orange House of Death)
- Monsanto (Mon Saturn) Agent Orange
- Veterans Day (11/11) 911
- 11 11 (EL Even) November
- Dark Knight Rises (Orange)
- Manchurian Candidate (Mind Control) Orange
- Orange Order (House of Orange)
- Orange Warning of Sacrifice! (AMB
#PrayForParis - Messe à Notre-Dame de Paris
Présidée par le cardinal André Vingt-Trois, messe à Notre-Dame de Paris, avec les représentants des autorités politiques et religieuses, suite aux attentats de Paris.
Messe à Notre-Dame de Paris du 15/11/2015.
Paris Synchronizaton Workshop (11/15/15) Audio
This is the audio from Teal Swan's Synchronization Workshop held in Paris only 2 days after the November 13th Paris Terrorist Attacks. It was an incredibly deep workshop and the most "In the Heart Space" that Teal said she's ever felt. During the workshop it became clear why she needed to be there during such a turbulent time.
Help us caption & translate this video!
Infowars Nightly News - Europe in Terror - 11/13/2015
The death toll is currently more than 150 people after a series of terror attacks rocked Paris Friday night. France has declared a state of emergency, the military has been called in, borders have been sealed and the city is under the first curfew since 1944. This is just the beginning of global chaos as countries are flooded with Islamic migrants, some of whom have pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Paris Attack 11/13/2015 Illuminati False Flag Decoded, Prelude to Major False in America?
The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Mon. Nov. 16 2015: Paris Attack Update, Charles Arthur
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-- Date: 11/16/2015 --
Today on the Alex Jones Show
On the Monday, November 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 120 people de
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (11-15-15) Live from Paris
COMMERCIAL FREE VIDEO HERE...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkpPGrnrfw
On this LIVE Sunday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior know
Lady Gaga - artRAVE Live in Paris 11/24/2014 HD 720
Presented by Yahoo!
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Pasteur Patron à Paris 11-12 - Groupe Cinarc - Caleb Bienvenu Tukebana Kanza - THEATRE CONGOLAIS
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Creative Commons Attribution music by Josh Woodward
Music - "She Dreams in Blue" by Josh Woodward. Free download: http://joshwoodward.com/so
Jay-Z and Kanye West - Niggas in Paris 11 times LIVE IN PARIS!!!! HISTORY!
http://22h22.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/22h22Media FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/22h22org/103488469685066.
Lovers in Paris / 파리의 연인 - Esp 11 Engsub
Lovers in Paris / 파리의 연인 - Esp 11 Engsub
Lovers in Paris ep 11,파리의 연인, Lovers in Paris drama korea, watch Lovers in Paris youtube, My Sweetheart In Paris, Pari-ui yeon-in, Lovers in Paris 2004, Romance in Paris, Lovers in Paris full,Lovers in Paris engsub,
The Majority Report 11/16/15 - Terror in Paris & Debate Recap
The Majority Report, live M–F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM
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Special Report: Paris Attacks Aftermath & Manhunt
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Paris France and the 11-11-15 New Moon NM-Ritual Discussion
This ritual code discussion report continues the recent 11-13-15 Paris France ritual discussion, by showing new relevant ritual coded material and by discussing the recent New Moon, that occurred on 11-11-15, which I feel was in fact, the start date of the current ritual phase we are in, and which was begun publicly on the date of 11-13-15, which is today termed and known as the day of the Paris F
The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday November 15 2015: Paris Attack Analysis
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-- Date: 11/15/2015 --
Today on the Alex Jones Show
On this LIVE Sunday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zi
Thúy Nga - Paris by night 11 (1990)
Thúy Nga - Paris by night 11 (1990)
01. Khúc hát ân tình (Công Thành ft Lynn)
02. Chiều trên phá Tam Giang (Lê Uyên)
03. Nỗi niềm (Họa Mi)
04. Cô gái yêu vật chất (Lynda Trang Đài)
05. Chuyện đêm mưa (Hương Lan)
06. Trình diễn bộ sưu tập Thời Trang Lễ 1990 (Hoàng Đình Tuyên)
07. Nhớ chút tình bỏ quên (Huỳnh Thi)
08. Guitar solo “Giọt nước mắt ngà” (Vô Thường)
09. Nỗi buồn (Thúy Vi)
Atentado Paris 13-11, trazando escenario 3ª Guerra Mundial
El atentando falsa bandera en Paris del 13-11-2015 en sala Bataclan es un peldaño más en el diseño de la soñada por las élites, 3ª Guerra Mundial
Full Show - Was Paris Attack a False Flag? - 11/16/2015
On the Monday, November 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 120 people dead, spur several US states to refus...
On the Monday, November 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 120 people dead, spur several US states to refuse the acceptance of Syrian refugees, as a new ISIS video threatens a direct attack on Washington D.C. Meanwhile, social justice warriors and Black Lives Matter activists in the US grow upset the attacks have overshadowed their movement in terms of media coverage. Reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Joe Biggs check in with the latest updates direct from Paris. On today's show, editor and author Charles Arthur breaks down the AI takeover threatening jobs across the globe.
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wn.com/Full Show Was Paris Attack A False Flag 11 16 2015
On the Monday, November 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 120 people dead, spur several US states to refuse the acceptance of Syrian refugees, as a new ISIS video threatens a direct attack on Washington D.C. Meanwhile, social justice warriors and Black Lives Matter activists in the US grow upset the attacks have overshadowed their movement in terms of media coverage. Reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Joe Biggs check in with the latest updates direct from Paris. On today's show, editor and author Charles Arthur breaks down the AI takeover threatening jobs across the globe.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
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[http://bit.ly/1ljfWfJ] Living Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1Iobcj2] Deep Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1DsyQ6i] Knockout™
[http://bit.ly/1Kr1yfz] Brain Force™
[http://bit.ly/1R5gsqk] Liver Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
[http://bit.ly/1mnchEz3] Child Ease™
[http://bit.ly/1xs9F6t] WinterSunD3™
[http://bit.ly/1L3gDSO] Ancient Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1EHbA6E] Secret-12™
[http://bit.ly/1txsOge] Oxy Powder™
[http://bit.ly/1s6cphV] Occu Power™
[http://bit.ly/1rGOLsG] DNA Force™
[http://bit.ly/1nIngBb] X2 Survival Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
All available at - http://www.infowarsshop.com/
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- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 13558
ORANGE HOUSE OF DEATH Part 3 MonSaturn Paris 11 Bataclan
ORANGE HOUSE OF DEATH Part 3 MonSaturn Paris 11
- Monarch "orange" (Mind control)
- Paris Attacks (November Friday 13th)
- Bataclan Theater (Orange House of De...
ORANGE HOUSE OF DEATH Part 3 MonSaturn Paris 11
- Monarch "orange" (Mind control)
- Paris Attacks (November Friday 13th)
- Bataclan Theater (Orange House of Death)
- Monsanto (Mon Saturn) Agent Orange
- Veterans Day (11/11) 911
- 11 11 (EL Even) November
- Dark Knight Rises (Orange)
- Manchurian Candidate (Mind Control) Orange
- Orange Order (House of Orange)
- Orange Warning of Sacrifice! (AMBER)
- ORE = SUN (#126) ORange
- Psyche Olympic Orange & Purple
- Kardashians - Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner (Orange)
- Monarch Butterfly (Mind Control) Transformation
- Etymoloft, Symbology etc
- Apollo 11, Stanley Kubrick and so much more!!
This video is worth $20 a VIEW, but I will pay for this one (again) so that everyone can learn this wisdom for FREE! Thank you for your support, and please donate if you can! Aloha!
Orange House of Death - The EL EVEn of 11 (PART 1) https://youtu.be/qSpCRQS4v_w Orange House of Death ll (Part 2) $.99 cents! (until 11/18) https://youtu.be/jk_JCMiXFgY
A Truthiracy Film Production - Educational Research
Truthiracy House of Wisdom
All material is the opinion of Christopher Lord of Truthiracy Films
(for legal reasons)
NOTICE: Fair Use Copyright Law
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Classic Horror 3
Kevin MacLeod
Classic Horror 3 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100469
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Inner Sanctum
Kevin MacLeod
Ambient | Dark
You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Inner Sanctum by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100196
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
wn.com/Orange House Of Death Part 3 Monsaturn Paris 11 Bataclan
ORANGE HOUSE OF DEATH Part 3 MonSaturn Paris 11
- Monarch "orange" (Mind control)
- Paris Attacks (November Friday 13th)
- Bataclan Theater (Orange House of Death)
- Monsanto (Mon Saturn) Agent Orange
- Veterans Day (11/11) 911
- 11 11 (EL Even) November
- Dark Knight Rises (Orange)
- Manchurian Candidate (Mind Control) Orange
- Orange Order (House of Orange)
- Orange Warning of Sacrifice! (AMBER)
- ORE = SUN (#126) ORange
- Psyche Olympic Orange & Purple
- Kardashians - Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner (Orange)
- Monarch Butterfly (Mind Control) Transformation
- Etymoloft, Symbology etc
- Apollo 11, Stanley Kubrick and so much more!!
This video is worth $20 a VIEW, but I will pay for this one (again) so that everyone can learn this wisdom for FREE! Thank you for your support, and please donate if you can! Aloha!
Orange House of Death - The EL EVEn of 11 (PART 1) https://youtu.be/qSpCRQS4v_w Orange House of Death ll (Part 2) $.99 cents! (until 11/18) https://youtu.be/jk_JCMiXFgY
A Truthiracy Film Production - Educational Research
Truthiracy House of Wisdom
All material is the opinion of Christopher Lord of Truthiracy Films
(for legal reasons)
NOTICE: Fair Use Copyright Law
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Classic Horror 3
Kevin MacLeod
Classic Horror 3 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100469
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Inner Sanctum
Kevin MacLeod
Ambient | Dark
You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Inner Sanctum by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100196
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 833
#PrayForParis - Messe à Notre-Dame de Paris
Présidée par le cardinal André Vingt-Trois, messe à Notre-Dame de Paris, avec les représentants des autorités politiques et religieuses, suite aux attentats de ...
Présidée par le cardinal André Vingt-Trois, messe à Notre-Dame de Paris, avec les représentants des autorités politiques et religieuses, suite aux attentats de Paris.
Messe à Notre-Dame de Paris du 15/11/2015.
wn.com/Prayforparis Messe À Notre Dame De Paris
Présidée par le cardinal André Vingt-Trois, messe à Notre-Dame de Paris, avec les représentants des autorités politiques et religieuses, suite aux attentats de Paris.
Messe à Notre-Dame de Paris du 15/11/2015.
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 24533
Paris Synchronizaton Workshop (11/15/15) Audio
This is the audio from Teal Swan's Synchronization Workshop held in Paris only 2 days after the November 13th Paris Terrorist Attacks. It was an incredibly dee...
This is the audio from Teal Swan's Synchronization Workshop held in Paris only 2 days after the November 13th Paris Terrorist Attacks. It was an incredibly deep workshop and the most "In the Heart Space" that Teal said she's ever felt. During the workshop it became clear why she needed to be there during such a turbulent time.
Help us caption & translate this video!
wn.com/Paris Synchronizaton Workshop (11 15 15) Audio
This is the audio from Teal Swan's Synchronization Workshop held in Paris only 2 days after the November 13th Paris Terrorist Attacks. It was an incredibly deep workshop and the most "In the Heart Space" that Teal said she's ever felt. During the workshop it became clear why she needed to be there during such a turbulent time.
Help us caption & translate this video!
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 1188
Infowars Nightly News - Europe in Terror - 11/13/2015
The death toll is currently more than 150 people after a series of terror attacks rocked Paris Friday night. France has declared a state of emergency, the milit...
The death toll is currently more than 150 people after a series of terror attacks rocked Paris Friday night. France has declared a state of emergency, the military has been called in, borders have been sealed and the city is under the first curfew since 1944. This is just the beginning of global chaos as countries are flooded with Islamic migrants, some of whom have pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
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[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
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[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
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All available at - http://www.infowarsshop.com/
Newsletter Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider : http://www.infowars.com/newsletter
wn.com/Infowars Nightly News Europe In Terror 11 13 2015
The death toll is currently more than 150 people after a series of terror attacks rocked Paris Friday night. France has declared a state of emergency, the military has been called in, borders have been sealed and the city is under the first curfew since 1944. This is just the beginning of global chaos as countries are flooded with Islamic migrants, some of whom have pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones
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:Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends:
***Get the Best Patriot Made Firearms on the Market**
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[http://bit.ly/1ljfWfJ] Living Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1Iobcj2] Deep Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1DsyQ6i] Knockout™
[http://bit.ly/1Kr1yfz] Brain Force™
[http://bit.ly/1R5gsqk] Liver Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
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- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 567
The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Mon. Nov. 16 2015: Paris Attack Update, Charles Arthur
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-- Date: 11/16/2015 --
Today on the Alex Jones Show
On the Monday, November 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 120 people dead, spur several US states to refuse the acceptance of Syrian refugees, as a new ISIS video threatens a direct attack on Washington D.C. Meanwhile, social justice warriors and Black Lives Matter activists in the US grow upset the attacks have overshadowed their movement in terms of media coverage. Reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Joe Biggs check in with the latest updates direct from Paris. On today's show, editor and author Charles Arthur breaks down the AI takeover threatening jobs across the globe. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide broadcast.
Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
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[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
[http://bit.ly/1mnchEz3] Child Ease™
[http://bit.ly/1xs9F6t] WinterSunD3™
[http://bit.ly/1L3gDSO] Ancient Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1EHbA6E] Secret-12™
[http://bit.ly/1txsOge] Oxy Powder™
[http://bit.ly/1s6cphV] Occu Power™
[http://bit.ly/1rGOLsG] DNA Force™
[http://bit.ly/1nIngBb] X2 Survival Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1rUsgkl] Fluoride Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
Ron Gibson (11-16-15)
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF/
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USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli
wn.com/The Alex Jones Show (Video Commercial Free) Mon. Nov. 16 2015 Paris Attack Update, Charles Arthur
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-- Date: 11/16/2015 --
Today on the Alex Jones Show
On the Monday, November 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the terrorist attacks in Paris, which left over 120 people dead, spur several US states to refuse the acceptance of Syrian refugees, as a new ISIS video threatens a direct attack on Washington D.C. Meanwhile, social justice warriors and Black Lives Matter activists in the US grow upset the attacks have overshadowed their movement in terms of media coverage. Reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Joe Biggs check in with the latest updates direct from Paris. On today's show, editor and author Charles Arthur breaks down the AI takeover threatening jobs across the globe. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide broadcast.
Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
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[Limited Edition]
Visit http://www.InfowarsLife.com to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation.
[http://bit.ly/1Iobcj2] Deep Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1DsyQ6i] Knockout™
[http://bit.ly/1Kr1yfz] Brain Force™
[http://bit.ly/1R5gsqk] Liver Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
[http://bit.ly/1mnchEz3] Child Ease™
[http://bit.ly/1xs9F6t] WinterSunD3™
[http://bit.ly/1L3gDSO] Ancient Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1EHbA6E] Secret-12™
[http://bit.ly/1txsOge] Oxy Powder™
[http://bit.ly/1s6cphV] Occu Power™
[http://bit.ly/1rGOLsG] DNA Force™
[http://bit.ly/1nIngBb] X2 Survival Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1rUsgkl] Fluoride Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
Ron Gibson (11-16-15)
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF/
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF?sub_confirmation=1
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RonsNewsFeed/
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Also Try These Shows On My Channel:
INFOWARS Nightly News
What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero)
USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 17053
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (11-15-15) Live from Paris
COMMERCIAL FREE VIDEO HERE...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkpPGrnrfw
On this LIVE Sunday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporters Jo...
COMMERCIAL FREE VIDEO HERE...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkpPGrnrfw
On this LIVE Sunday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks. France is now practically under martial law after its open borders policy - and NATO's years-long backing of ISIS - ensured that this tragedy would happen. The government create the conditions for a crisis to happen, then exploits the crisis to offer a pre-planned "solution" to the tragedy which will expand government power one way or another.
Follow me on TWITTER to get every upload...
wn.com/Alex Jones Show Sunday (11 15 15) Live From Paris
COMMERCIAL FREE VIDEO HERE...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkpPGrnrfw
On this LIVE Sunday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks. France is now practically under martial law after its open borders policy - and NATO's years-long backing of ISIS - ensured that this tragedy would happen. The government create the conditions for a crisis to happen, then exploits the crisis to offer a pre-planned "solution" to the tragedy which will expand government power one way or another.
Follow me on TWITTER to get every upload...
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 223
Lady Gaga - artRAVE Live in Paris 11/24/2014 HD 720
Presented by Yahoo!
Gaga Shop - Одежда Леди Гага (Lady Gaga) по низким ценам!
Presented by Yahoo!
Gaga Shop - Одежда Леди Гага (Lady Gaga) по низким ценам!
wn.com/Lady Gaga Artrave Live In Paris 11 24 2014 Hd 720
Presented by Yahoo!
Gaga Shop - Одежда Леди Гага (Lady Gaga) по низким ценам!
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 191
Pasteur Patron à Paris 11-12 - Groupe Cinarc - Caleb Bienvenu Tukebana Kanza - THEATRE CONGOLAIS
★ S'abonner/Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/esepelisa?sub_confirmation=1
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★ S'abonner/Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/esepelisa?sub_confirmation=1
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Creative Commons Attribution music by Josh Woodward
Music - "She Dreams in Blue" by Josh Woodward. Free download: http://joshwoodward.com/song/SheDreamsinBlue
Link http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11939999&q;=hi&newref;=1
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
You should have received a copy of the license along with this
work. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.
00200 1400
wn.com/Pasteur Patron À Paris 11 12 Groupe Cinarc Caleb Bienvenu Tukebana Kanza Theatre Congolais
★ S'abonner/Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/esepelisa?sub_confirmation=1
★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Esepelisa
★ Site http://www.esepelisa.com ★
★ Youtube videos https://www.youtube.com/esepelisa
Creative Commons Attribution music by Josh Woodward
Music - "She Dreams in Blue" by Josh Woodward. Free download: http://joshwoodward.com/song/SheDreamsinBlue
Link http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11939999&q;=hi&newref;=1
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
You should have received a copy of the license along with this
work. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.
00200 1400
- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 142
Jay-Z and Kanye West - Niggas in Paris 11 times LIVE IN PARIS!!!! HISTORY!
http://22h22.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/22h22Media FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/22h22org/103488469685066....
http://22h22.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/22h22Media FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/22h22org/103488469685066.
wn.com/Jay Z And Kanye West Niggas In Paris 11 Times Live In Paris History
http://22h22.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/22h22Media FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/22h22org/103488469685066.
Lovers in Paris / 파리의 연인 - Esp 11 Engsub
Lovers in Paris / 파리의 연인 - Esp 11 Engsub
Lovers in Paris ep 11,파리의 연인, Lovers in Paris drama korea, watch Lovers in Paris youtube, My Sweetheart In Paris, P...
Lovers in Paris / 파리의 연인 - Esp 11 Engsub
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wn.com/Lovers In Paris 파리의 연인 Esp 11 Engsub
Lovers in Paris / 파리의 연인 - Esp 11 Engsub
Lovers in Paris ep 11,파리의 연인, Lovers in Paris drama korea, watch Lovers in Paris youtube, My Sweetheart In Paris, Pari-ui yeon-in, Lovers in Paris 2004, Romance in Paris, Lovers in Paris full,Lovers in Paris engsub,
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 73
The Majority Report 11/16/15 - Terror in Paris & Debate Recap
The Majority Report, live M–F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM
Download our FREE app: http://majorityapp.com
SUPPORT the show by bec...
The Majority Report, live M–F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM
Download our FREE app: http://majorityapp.com
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wn.com/The Majority Report 11 16 15 Terror In Paris Debate Recap
The Majority Report, live M–F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM
Download our FREE app: http://majorityapp.com
SUPPORT the show by becoming a member: http://jointhemajorityreport.com
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WATCH our LIVE show video stream: http://youtube.com/user/MajorityReportLIVE
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 4556
Special Report: Paris Attacks Aftermath & Manhunt
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wn.com/Special Report Paris Attacks Aftermath Manhunt
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- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 14866
Paris France and the 11-11-15 New Moon NM-Ritual Discussion
This ritual code discussion report continues the recent 11-13-15 Paris France ritual discussion, by showing new relevant ritual coded material and by discussing...
This ritual code discussion report continues the recent 11-13-15 Paris France ritual discussion, by showing new relevant ritual coded material and by discussing the recent New Moon, that occurred on 11-11-15, which I feel was in fact, the start date of the current ritual phase we are in, and which was begun publicly on the date of 11-13-15, which is today termed and known as the day of the Paris France Terror Attacks
These new New Moon findings show that the ritual began on 11-11-15 and was ritually timed to the New Moon, that occurred on that date.
Agenda 21 Information
Music: Fast Talkin by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100590
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners.
I am making such material available in an effort to educate and advance understanding of the content contained in the film selection & musical accompaniment. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. The material in this video is distributed without profit and is for informational, research, and educational purposes only.
For more information go to:
wn.com/Paris France And The 11 11 15 New Moon Nm Ritual Discussion
This ritual code discussion report continues the recent 11-13-15 Paris France ritual discussion, by showing new relevant ritual coded material and by discussing the recent New Moon, that occurred on 11-11-15, which I feel was in fact, the start date of the current ritual phase we are in, and which was begun publicly on the date of 11-13-15, which is today termed and known as the day of the Paris France Terror Attacks
These new New Moon findings show that the ritual began on 11-11-15 and was ritually timed to the New Moon, that occurred on that date.
Agenda 21 Information
Music: Fast Talkin by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100590
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners.
I am making such material available in an effort to educate and advance understanding of the content contained in the film selection & musical accompaniment. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. The material in this video is distributed without profit and is for informational, research, and educational purposes only.
For more information go to:
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 829
The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday November 15 2015: Paris Attack Analysis
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-- Date: 11/15/2015 --
Today on the Alex Jones Show
On this LIVE Sunday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks. France is now practically under martial law after its open borders policy - and NATO's years-long backing of ISIS - ensured that this tragedy would happen. The government create the conditions for a crisis to happen, then exploits the crisis to offer a pre-planned "solution" to the tragedy which will expand government power one way or another. You don't want to miss today's show, so tune in and tell everyone you know about today's broadcast!
Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones
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[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
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[http://bit.ly/1EHbA6E] Secret-12™
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[http://bit.ly/1nIngBb] X2 Survival Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1rUsgkl] Fluoride Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
Ron Gibson (11-15-15)
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF/
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF?sub_confirmation=1
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RonsNewsFeed/
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Also Try These Shows On My Channel:
INFOWARS Nightly News
What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero)
USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli
wn.com/The Alex Jones Show (Video Commercial Free) Sunday November 15 2015 Paris Attack Analysis
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-- http://www.prisonplanet.com/
-- Date: 11/15/2015 --
Today on the Alex Jones Show
On this LIVE Sunday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs, Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Zimmerman are reporting live from ground zero of the Paris, France terror attacks to document the aftermath of the ISIS massacre. Evidence shows that both the CIA and the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks. France is now practically under martial law after its open borders policy - and NATO's years-long backing of ISIS - ensured that this tragedy would happen. The government create the conditions for a crisis to happen, then exploits the crisis to offer a pre-planned "solution" to the tragedy which will expand government power one way or another. You don't want to miss today's show, so tune in and tell everyone you know about today's broadcast!
Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones
Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones
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Let everybody know that Hillary Clinton deserves to be in prison, not president.
[Limited Edition]
Visit http://www.InfowarsLife.com to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation.
[http://bit.ly/1Iobcj2] Deep Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1DsyQ6i] Knockout™
[http://bit.ly/1Kr1yfz] Brain Force™
[http://bit.ly/1R5gsqk] Liver Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1cOwQix] ProstaGuard™
[http://bit.ly/1mnchEz3] Child Ease™
[http://bit.ly/1xs9F6t] WinterSunD3™
[http://bit.ly/1L3gDSO] Ancient Defense™
[http://bit.ly/1EHbA6E] Secret-12™
[http://bit.ly/1txsOge] Oxy Powder™
[http://bit.ly/1s6cphV] Occu Power™
[http://bit.ly/1rGOLsG] DNA Force™
[http://bit.ly/1nIngBb] X2 Survival Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1kaXxKL] Super Female Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1mhAKCO] Lung Cleanse™
[http://bit.ly/1mGbikx] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™
[http://bit.ly/1rUsgkl] Fluoride Shield™
[http://bit.ly/1xcoUfo] Super Male Vitality™
[http://bit.ly/1z5BCP9] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™
[http://bit.ly/1o4sQtc] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™
[http://bit.ly/1iVL6HB] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™
Ron Gibson (11-15-15)
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF/
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/RonGibsonCF?sub_confirmation=1
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RonsNewsFeed/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RonsNewsFeed/
Also Try These Shows On My Channel:
INFOWARS Nightly News
What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero)
USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 675
Thúy Nga - Paris by night 11 (1990)
Thúy Nga - Paris by night 11 (1990)
01. Khúc hát ân tình (Công Thành ft Lynn)
02. Chiều trên phá Tam Giang (Lê Uyên)
03. Nỗi niềm (Họa Mi)
04. Cô gá...
Thúy Nga - Paris by night 11 (1990)
01. Khúc hát ân tình (Công Thành ft Lynn)
02. Chiều trên phá Tam Giang (Lê Uyên)
03. Nỗi niềm (Họa Mi)
04. Cô gái yêu vật chất (Lynda Trang Đài)
05. Chuyện đêm mưa (Hương Lan)
06. Trình diễn bộ sưu tập Thời Trang Lễ 1990 (Hoàng Đình Tuyên)
07. Nhớ chút tình bỏ quên (Huỳnh Thi)
08. Guitar solo “Giọt nước mắt ngà” (Vô Thường)
09. Nỗi buồn (Thúy Vi)
10. Tình yêu trả lại trăng sao (Kim Tuyến)
11. Tình nữ khóc than (Bạch Yến)
12. Không (Công Thành ft Lynn)
wn.com/Thúy Nga Paris By Night 11 (1990)
Thúy Nga - Paris by night 11 (1990)
01. Khúc hát ân tình (Công Thành ft Lynn)
02. Chiều trên phá Tam Giang (Lê Uyên)
03. Nỗi niềm (Họa Mi)
04. Cô gái yêu vật chất (Lynda Trang Đài)
05. Chuyện đêm mưa (Hương Lan)
06. Trình diễn bộ sưu tập Thời Trang Lễ 1990 (Hoàng Đình Tuyên)
07. Nhớ chút tình bỏ quên (Huỳnh Thi)
08. Guitar solo “Giọt nước mắt ngà” (Vô Thường)
09. Nỗi buồn (Thúy Vi)
10. Tình yêu trả lại trăng sao (Kim Tuyến)
11. Tình nữ khóc than (Bạch Yến)
12. Không (Công Thành ft Lynn)
- published: 20 Jul 2015
- views: 42
Atentado Paris 13-11, trazando escenario 3ª Guerra Mundial
El atentando falsa bandera en Paris del 13-11-2015 en sala Bataclan es un peldaño más en el diseño de la soñada por las élites, 3ª Guerra Mundial...
El atentando falsa bandera en Paris del 13-11-2015 en sala Bataclan es un peldaño más en el diseño de la soñada por las élites, 3ª Guerra Mundial
wn.com/Atentado Paris 13 11, Trazando Escenario 3ª Guerra Mundial
El atentando falsa bandera en Paris del 13-11-2015 en sala Bataclan es un peldaño más en el diseño de la soñada por las élites, 3ª Guerra Mundial
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 3883