A young California surfer, Wayne Montgomery, gets framed on phony drug charges and thrown into a Peruvian political prison for communist dissidents in 1980. Wayne encounters a series of eccentric and dangerous characters in prison who compel him to grow up in a hurry and find a way to escape. Based on a true story.
Keywords: bullying, friendship-between-men, male-nudity, prison, surfer
Higher. Faster. Harder.
Feel the speed.
Live Fast Or Die Trying
: [while jet just sits on a busy downtown street a wise cracking trucker says] "Hope you got Triple A"
Crossing Over is a multi-character canvas about immigrants of different nationalities struggling to achieve legal status in Los Angeles. The film deals with the border, document fraud, the asylum and green card process, work-site enforcement, naturalization, the office of counter terrorism and the clash of cultures.
Keywords: abuse-of-power, adoption, aerial-shot, african, airport, american-citizenship, american-flag, armed-robbery, arrest, asian
Every day thousands of people illegally cross our borders... only one thing stands in their way. America.
Special Agent Howell: You see what's interesting Miss Shepard is we ran a check on your name. A Claire Shepard arrived on a B-2 visitors visa seven months ago and then just two days ago she has her status adjusted to an EB-1 green card for persons of extraordinary ability. According to The Internet Movie Database, the only Claire Shepard that matches your spelling, age and place of birth has two credits on little known Aussie TV shows. Walk on roles. She hasn't won any national or international awards::Special Agent Ludwig: Which is something the adjudicator who handled your case would have to have been aware of and yet he approved you for an EB-1. Miss Shepard we'd like you to tell us about your relationship with center adjudications officer Cole Frankel?
[in order to convince the immigration adjudicator that he is entitled to receive Green Card, Gavin is requested to demonstrate his familiarity with the Jewish religion by reciting "Kaddish" prayer - a Jewish prayer, most of it Aramic. Since the atheist Gavin has little knowledge of Jewish religion, he recites instead a mishmash of prayers, blessings, hymns and non-religious songs in Hebrew]::Gavin Kossef: Baruch ata, Adonay, melech haolam...::[= Blessed are you, Lord, King of the universe]::Gavin Kossef: Hevenu shalom alechem...::[= We brought you peace]::Gavin Kossef: Bore pri hagafen...::[= Who creates the fruit of the vine]::Gavin Kossef: Vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel shabat...::[= And commanded us to light a candle of Sabbath]::Gavin Kossef: Melech haolam...::[= King of the universe]::Gavin Kossef: Hevenu shalom alechem...::[= We brought you peace]::Gavin Kossef: Adon olam asher malach...::[= Eternal Master, who reigned supreme]::Gavin Kossef: A-a-a-men.
A 65 year old lady, attempts to rob a bank.
5 million dollars, a bomb, and a woman on a mission.