The Last Romans
The Last Romans
The Last Romans
At the beginning of the 5th century, Imperial Rome is dying out but Greco-Roman civilization lives on. In the East, many cities will continue to experience f...
Art of Late Antiquity
Art of Late Antiquity
Art of Late Antiquity
University of Sheffield - The Phoenix City: Rome in Late Antiquity, 300-600 AD
University of Sheffield - The Phoenix City: Rome in Late Antiquity, 300-600 AD
University of Sheffield - The Phoenix City: Rome in Late Antiquity, 300-600 AD
Dr Julia Hillner - The Phoenix City: Rome in Late Antiquity, 300-600 AD.
The Silk Road in Late Antiquity by Peter Brown
The Silk Road in Late Antiquity by Peter Brown
The Silk Road in Late Antiquity by Peter Brown
Peter Brown spoke on the Silk Road in Late Antiquity:: Politics, Trade, and Culture Contact between Rome and China, 300-700 CE at the Silk Road Symposium hel...
After the Fall of the Romans - Documentary
After the Fall of the Romans - Documentary
After the Fall of the Romans - Documentary
The Dark Ages is a historical periodization used for the Middle Ages, which emphasizes the cultural and economic deterioration that supposedly occurred in We...
From Ptolemy to Pilgrimage: Images of Late Antiquity in Geography, Travel & Cartography
From Ptolemy to Pilgrimage: Images of Late Antiquity in Geography, Travel & Cartography
From Ptolemy to Pilgrimage: Images of Late Antiquity in Geography, Travel & Cartography
A survey of Greek and Latin geographical tradition during Late Antiquity (c. 200-600 CE), when various genres of travel narrative rose to prominence. Scott J...
Interpreting Visual Arts in Late Antiquity I The Great Courses
Interpreting Visual Arts in Late Antiquity I The Great Courses
Interpreting Visual Arts in Late Antiquity I The Great Courses
See the entire course available on The Great Courses: Late Antiquity: Crisis and Transformation http://bit.ly/1yinWyP View the latest content from The Great ...
Chapter 1: Art and Religion in Late Antiquity Video Lecture
Chapter 1: Art and Religion in Late Antiquity Video Lecture
Chapter 1: Art and Religion in Late Antiquity Video Lecture
This is the lecture for Chapter 1: Art and Religion in late Antiquity in Snyder's Medieval Art textbook.
The Economic History of European Jews: Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages by Prof. Michael Toch
The Economic History of European Jews: Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages by Prof. Michael Toch
The Economic History of European Jews: Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages by Prof. Michael Toch
An expert panel held on the Occasion of the Publication of Prof. Michael Toch's book: "The Economic History of European Jews: Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages". Panel Chairman: Dr. Yigal Levin of Bar-Ilan University. Panel Members: Prof. Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman (E) of Vanderbilt University and Prof. Michael Toch of the Hebrew University (H). The panel took place during the conference "Economic History of the Jews throughout the Ages: Sources, Methodologies, Narratives", jointly organized by the Department of Economics and the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University, in June 2013.
For All
Christian Thought up to Late Antiquity
Christian Thought up to Late Antiquity
Christian Thought up to Late Antiquity
«Song, Speech and Silence: Jewish and Christian Education in Late Antiquity» (Prof. Marc Hirshman)
«Song, Speech and Silence: Jewish and Christian Education in Late Antiquity» (Prof. Marc Hirshman)
«Song, Speech and Silence: Jewish and Christian Education in Late Antiquity» (Prof. Marc Hirshman)
14th annual Brenninkmejer-Werhahn Lecture
Jewish and Christian Education in Late Antiquity»
by Prof. Marc Hirshman (Mandel Chair in Jewish Education - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. Philipp G. Renczes, S.I. (Director of Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies)
The Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies: http://goo.gl/VXUSKr
Transition to Christianity:Art of Late Antiquity,3rd-7th century AD
Transition to Christianity:Art of Late Antiquity,3rd-7th century AD
Transition to Christianity:Art of Late Antiquity,3rd-7th century AD
This movie was made for the exhibition of Byzantine Museum at A.S.Onassis cultural center N.Y
direction: Veronique Magnes
music : Kostas Dimouleas
editor : Hronis Theoharis
Ora Limor, "Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages"
Ora Limor, "Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages"
Ora Limor, "Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages"
Date:13:00-15:00 | Sat, 29 Oct. 2011 Location:Divinity Hall Chapel, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University Theme:"Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity a...
JnT S02E22 Nov Tom Holland - The history of late antiquity
JnT S02E22 Nov Tom Holland - The history of late antiquity
JnT S02E22 Nov Tom Holland - The history of late antiquity
http://www.tom-holland.org https://twitter.com/holland_tom iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jinn-tonic-show-podcast/id570549606 Facebook: http://w...
The Image of Christ in Late Antiquity
The Image of Christ in Late Antiquity
The Image of Christ in Late Antiquity
How do we know what Jesus Christ looked like? Adam Levine, Ph.D., a Toledo Museum of Art Mellon Fellow and ancient art expert, discusses the evolution of Chr...
Μuseum Of Cycladic Art - Eros: from Hesiods theogony to late Antiquity. PART 1
Μuseum Of Cycladic Art - Eros: from Hesiods theogony to late Antiquity. PART 1
Μuseum Of Cycladic Art - Eros: from Hesiods theogony to late Antiquity. PART 1
Exhibition Video-Part 1 © Museum of Cycladic Art in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Curatorship Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis Yorgos Tassoul...
Μuseum Of Cycladic Art - Eros: from Hesiods theogony to late Antiquity. PART 2
Μuseum Of Cycladic Art - Eros: from Hesiods theogony to late Antiquity. PART 2
Μuseum Of Cycladic Art - Eros: from Hesiods theogony to late Antiquity. PART 2
Exhibition Video-Part 2 © Museum of Cycladic Art in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Curatorship Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis Yorgos Tassoul...
Oldest Church Buildings - Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Oldest Church Buildings - Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Oldest Church Buildings - Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Thanks for watching..... 1) San Giovanni Evangelista, Ravenna (Ravenna) Ravenna,Italy 424 AD 2) Church of Saint Simeon Stylites (Deir Semaan) Aleppo,Syria 47...
Christian Community and Spiritual Authority in Late Antiquity
Christian Community and Spiritual Authority in Late Antiquity
Christian Community and Spiritual Authority in Late Antiquity
Jennifer Hevelone-Harper Gordon College Faculty Forum February 28, 2007.
Oded Ir-Shai - The Jews of Late Antiquity under Christian Rule - History of Patches
Oded Ir-Shai - The Jews of Late Antiquity under Christian Rule - History of Patches
Oded Ir-Shai - The Jews of Late Antiquity under Christian Rule - History of Patches
The Jews of Late Antiquity under Christian Rule - History of Patches Prof. Oded Ir-Shai is the Chair of the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies. Iom Iyun of t...
Retrieving the Past in Late Antiquity
Retrieving the Past in Late Antiquity
Retrieving the Past in Late Antiquity
Prof. Peter Brown, Princeton University
Dr. Angelika Neuwirth, "An Epistemic Revolution in Arab Late Antiquity"
Dr. Angelika Neuwirth, "An Epistemic Revolution in Arab Late Antiquity"
Dr. Angelika Neuwirth, "An Epistemic Revolution in Arab Late Antiquity"
SFU's Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures and World Literature Program present:
Annual Lecture Series 2013-2014
Dr. Angelika Neuwirth, "An Epistemic Revolution in Arab Late Antiquity: The Qur'anic Discovery of Writing"
Dr. Angelika Neuwirth is Professor of Arabic Studies at Freie Universitat in Berlin and the head of the Corpus Coranicum research project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. She is one of the world’s leading scholars of the Qur’an and has an honorary doctorate from Yale University’s Department of Religious Studies. Dr. Neuwirth’s research focuses on classical and modern
Law and Family in Late Antiquity
Law and Family in Late Antiquity
Law and Family in Late Antiquity
Law and Family in Late Antiquity. By Judith Evans Grubbs. This is a new and thought-provoking look at law and marriage...
Author of the book in this video:
Judith Evans Grubbs
The book in this video is published by:
Oxford University Press, USA
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