The Lambro rises from the Monte San Primo (1,685 m) near the Ghisallo, in the province of Como, not far from Lake Como. After Magreglio it flows through the Vallassina and the comuni of Asso, Ponte Lambro and Erba, entering Lake Pusiano with the name of Lambrone. Later it passes through Brianza reaching Monza and crossing its famous park (where king Umberto I was assassinated by Gaetano Bresci) in two branches which join again before the river passes through the eastern part of Milan. At Melegnano it receives the waters of the Vettabbia and, at Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, those of its main tributary, the Lambro meridionale ("Southern Lambro"), almost doubling its discharge. The Lambro flows into the Po near Orio Litta.
At 5.8 m³/s the average discharge of the Lambro is relatively small, but it can be occasionally boosted to 40 m³/s or more by the Milanese water drains and dangerous floods are frequent in the rainy seasons. Also a name of Innocenti's popular three-wheeler commercial transport vehicle.
Tavecchio, i compaesani di Ponte Lambro: “E’ colpa dei poteri forti, non è razzista”
Tavecchio, i compaesani di Ponte Lambro: “E’ colpa dei poteri forti, non è razzista”
Tavecchio, i compaesani di Ponte Lambro: “E’ colpa dei poteri forti, non è razzista” di Mario Catania.
streets of ponte lambro
streets of ponte lambro
streets of ponte lambro
ponte lambro, famosa per spaccio, delinquenza, droga, illegalità... ma queste vie hanno forse un'anima che può essere percepita, girando per esse magari con ...
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos & Angapiemage Galiano Persico (violino) 7-6-'14 Terra & Acqua @ Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Il Corpo Musicale si esibisce eseguendo due marce: Bitter di Renato Soglia e Topolina di Fernando Francia
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
La Banda si esibisce suonando la marcia "Over and Out" di R. Beck
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
La Banda di Ponte Lambro, Cav. Pietro Masciadri, si esibisce suonando la marcia Arosa di Oscar Tschuor
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Flash mob realizzato dall' Istituto Superiore Carlo Porta di Erba in occasione della Festa dei Popoli 2015 di Ponte Lambro
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 11 Aprile 2014
La Scuola Calcio Inter e' approdata a Ponte Lambro con una serie di sessioni di allenamento con i ragazzi della Pontelambrese. Un'occasione formativa importante per i giovani campioni locali...
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Il fiume sotto casa
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk a Pontelambro (CO), 23 marzo 2013, in una musica tradizionale della Guascogna, il Congo.
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Situato in zona tranquilla e verde, al confine tra Erba e Pontelambro, in piccolo contesto di sole 5 unita', vendiamo Appartamento al primo piano collegato al piano terreno simile ad una porzione di casa. P. terra: box singolo, ampio ingresso/disimpegno, lavanderia, ripostiglio e cantina- scala interna che collega all'appartamento al primo piano di mq. 126 composto da cucinino con sala da pranzo, soggiorno, 2 camere, 3° camera/salottino, bagno oltre balcone con terrazzo di 45 mq. Annessa piccola area giardino privata di 60 mq. LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 240000 euro - Mq: 126 - Per maggiori informazioni:
ponte lambro bomba in cantiere
ponte lambro bomba in cantiere
ponte lambro bomba in cantiere
Ferito, ma non in pericolo di vita. Può considerarsi fortunato Vischi Qahil, 31 anni, operaio kossovaro al lavoro in un cantiere edile in via Monte Grappa, a...
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot elettorale per le comunali del 2014 - Lista "Insieme Per Ponte Lambro"
Tavecchio, i compaesani di Ponte Lambro: “E’ colpa dei poteri forti, non è razzista”
Tavecchio, i compaesani di Ponte Lambro: “E’ colpa dei poteri forti, non è razzista”
Tavecchio, i compaesani di Ponte Lambro: “E’ colpa dei poteri forti, non è razzista” di Mario Catania.
streets of ponte lambro
streets of ponte lambro
streets of ponte lambro
ponte lambro, famosa per spaccio, delinquenza, droga, illegalità... ma queste vie hanno forse un'anima che può essere percepita, girando per esse magari con ...
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos & Angapiemage Galiano Persico (violino) 7-6-'14 Terra & Acqua @ Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Il Corpo Musicale si esibisce eseguendo due marce: Bitter di Renato Soglia e Topolina di Fernando Francia
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
La Banda si esibisce suonando la marcia "Over and Out" di R. Beck
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
La Banda di Ponte Lambro, Cav. Pietro Masciadri, si esibisce suonando la marcia Arosa di Oscar Tschuor
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Flash mob realizzato dall' Istituto Superiore Carlo Porta di Erba in occasione della Festa dei Popoli 2015 di Ponte Lambro
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 11 Aprile 2014
La Scuola Calcio Inter e' approdata a Ponte Lambro con una serie di sessioni di allenamento con i ragazzi della Pontelambrese. Un'occasione formativa importante per i giovani campioni locali...
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Il fiume sotto casa
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk a Pontelambro (CO), 23 marzo 2013, in una musica tradizionale della Guascogna, il Congo.
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Situato in zona tranquilla e verde, al confine tra Erba e Pontelambro, in piccolo contesto di sole 5 unita', vendiamo Appartamento al primo piano collegato al piano terreno simile ad una porzione di casa. P. terra: box singolo, ampio ingresso/disimpegno, lavanderia, ripostiglio e cantina- scala interna che collega all'appartamento al primo piano di mq. 126 composto da cucinino con sala da pranzo, soggiorno, 2 camere, 3° camera/salottino, bagno oltre balcone con terrazzo di 45 mq. Annessa piccola area giardino privata di 60 mq. LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 240000 euro - Mq: 126 - Per maggiori informazioni:
ponte lambro bomba in cantiere
ponte lambro bomba in cantiere
ponte lambro bomba in cantiere
Ferito, ma non in pericolo di vita. Può considerarsi fortunato Vischi Qahil, 31 anni, operaio kossovaro al lavoro in un cantiere edile in via Monte Grappa, a...
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot elettorale per le comunali del 2014 - Lista "Insieme Per Ponte Lambro"
Ponte Lambro: Negozi Open space in Affitto
Ponte Lambro: Negozi Open space in Affitto
Ponte Lambro: Negozi Open space in Affitto
in centro paese a Ponte Lambro, (Como) in contesto d'epoca locali mq 80 accatastati C/1 adatti uso Bar (possibilità di rilevare licenza), piano terra due ampie sale con 2 bagni uno per disabili, adatto anche altro uso. subito libero € 636,00 spese comprese. COD C0149 - Prezzo: 583 euro - Mq: 80 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
Alzamantes@Prima maratona folk 2013 Ponte Lambro
Alzamantes@Prima maratona folk 2013 Ponte Lambro
Alzamantes@Prima maratona folk 2013 Ponte Lambro
Ponte Lambro Concerto di Natale 2012
Ponte Lambro Concerto di Natale 2012
Ponte Lambro Concerto di Natale 2012
Ponte Lambro (Co) - 22 dicembre 2012 Concerto di Natale 2012 con il Corpo Musicale Cav Masciadri di Ponte Lambro (Co) diretto da Alessandro Pontiggia e con i...
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento Bilocale in Vendita
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento Bilocale in Vendita
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento Bilocale in Vendita
in piccola soluzione grazioso appartamento bilocale di comode dimensioni ristrutturato al terzo ed ultimo piano composto da ingresso, cucina abitabile, soggiorno, disimpegno, camera, bagno, balcone e terrazzino di 6/7 mq oltre a locale solaio e box ampio. Termoautonomo. Spese comuni solo acqua, luce scale e giardino comune) LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 115000 euro - Mq: 60 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
6° raduno trattori Ponte Lambro
6° raduno trattori Ponte Lambro
6° raduno trattori Ponte Lambro
giro della carovana x le città di Ponte Lambro, Erba e Albavilla..
Etg - Incidente a Ponte Lambro, muore ciclista
Etg - Incidente a Ponte Lambro, muore ciclista
Etg - Incidente a Ponte Lambro, muore ciclista
Incendio alla Pontelambro Industrie
Incendio alla Pontelambro Industrie
Incendio alla Pontelambro Industrie
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 22 Aprile 2013 Un incendio ha interessato questa sera intorno alle ore 18 un settore della Pontelambro Industrie di Ponte Lambro (CO). Un...
Palestra New Millenium Pontelambro
Palestra New Millenium Pontelambro
Palestra New Millenium Pontelambro
Ponte Lambro - Guardate a Ponte Lambro che bordello c'è !
Ponte Lambro - Guardate a Ponte Lambro che bordello c'è !
Ponte Lambro - Guardate a Ponte Lambro che bordello c'è !
Video Amatoriale pervenuto alla RedAzione RecSando da un abitante della zona
Tavecchio, i compaesani di Ponte Lambro: “E’ colpa dei poteri forti, non è razzista”
ponte lambro, famosa per spaccio, delinquenza, droga, illegalità... ma queste vie hanno forse un'anima che può essere percepita, girando per esse magari con ...
ponte lambro, famosa per spaccio, delinquenza, droga, illegalità... ma queste vie hanno forse un'anima che può essere percepita, girando per esse magari con ...
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 11 Aprile 2014
La Scuola Calcio Inter e' approdata a Ponte Lambro con una serie di sessioni di allenamento con i ragazzi della Pontelambrese. Un'occasione formativa importante per i giovani campioni locali...
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 11 Aprile 2014
La Scuola Calcio Inter e' approdata a Ponte Lambro con una serie di sessioni di allenamento con i ragazzi della Pontelambrese. Un'occasione formativa importante per i giovani campioni locali...
Situato in zona tranquilla e verde, al confine tra Erba e Pontelambro, in piccolo contesto di sole 5 unita', vendiamo Appartamento al primo piano collegato al piano terreno simile ad una porzione di casa. P. terra: box singolo, ampio ingresso/disimpegno, lavanderia, ripostiglio e cantina- scala interna che collega all'appartamento al primo piano di mq. 126 composto da cucinino con sala da pranzo, soggiorno, 2 camere, 3° camera/salottino, bagno oltre balcone con terrazzo di 45 mq. Annessa piccola area giardino privata di 60 mq. LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 240000 euro - Mq: 126 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
Situato in zona tranquilla e verde, al confine tra Erba e Pontelambro, in piccolo contesto di sole 5 unita', vendiamo Appartamento al primo piano collegato al piano terreno simile ad una porzione di casa. P. terra: box singolo, ampio ingresso/disimpegno, lavanderia, ripostiglio e cantina- scala interna che collega all'appartamento al primo piano di mq. 126 composto da cucinino con sala da pranzo, soggiorno, 2 camere, 3° camera/salottino, bagno oltre balcone con terrazzo di 45 mq. Annessa piccola area giardino privata di 60 mq. LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 240000 euro - Mq: 126 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
Ferito, ma non in pericolo di vita. Può considerarsi fortunato Vischi Qahil, 31 anni, operaio kossovaro al lavoro in un cantiere edile in via Monte Grappa, a...
Ferito, ma non in pericolo di vita. Può considerarsi fortunato Vischi Qahil, 31 anni, operaio kossovaro al lavoro in un cantiere edile in via Monte Grappa, a...
in centro paese a Ponte Lambro, (Como) in contesto d'epoca locali mq 80 accatastati C/1 adatti uso Bar (possibilità di rilevare licenza), piano terra due ampie sale con 2 bagni uno per disabili, adatto anche altro uso. subito libero € 636,00 spese comprese. COD C0149 - Prezzo: 583 euro - Mq: 80 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
in centro paese a Ponte Lambro, (Como) in contesto d'epoca locali mq 80 accatastati C/1 adatti uso Bar (possibilità di rilevare licenza), piano terra due ampie sale con 2 bagni uno per disabili, adatto anche altro uso. subito libero € 636,00 spese comprese. COD C0149 - Prezzo: 583 euro - Mq: 80 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
Ponte Lambro (Co) - 22 dicembre 2012 Concerto di Natale 2012 con il Corpo Musicale Cav Masciadri di Ponte Lambro (Co) diretto da Alessandro Pontiggia e con i...
Ponte Lambro (Co) - 22 dicembre 2012 Concerto di Natale 2012 con il Corpo Musicale Cav Masciadri di Ponte Lambro (Co) diretto da Alessandro Pontiggia e con i...
in piccola soluzione grazioso appartamento bilocale di comode dimensioni ristrutturato al terzo ed ultimo piano composto da ingresso, cucina abitabile, soggiorno, disimpegno, camera, bagno, balcone e terrazzino di 6/7 mq oltre a locale solaio e box ampio. Termoautonomo. Spese comuni solo acqua, luce scale e giardino comune) LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 115000 euro - Mq: 60 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
in piccola soluzione grazioso appartamento bilocale di comode dimensioni ristrutturato al terzo ed ultimo piano composto da ingresso, cucina abitabile, soggiorno, disimpegno, camera, bagno, balcone e terrazzino di 6/7 mq oltre a locale solaio e box ampio. Termoautonomo. Spese comuni solo acqua, luce scale e giardino comune) LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 115000 euro - Mq: 60 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 22 Aprile 2013 Un incendio ha interessato questa sera intorno alle ore 18 un settore della Pontelambro Industrie di Ponte Lambro (CO). Un...
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 22 Aprile 2013 Un incendio ha interessato questa sera intorno alle ore 18 un settore della Pontelambro Industrie di Ponte Lambro (CO). Un...
Come tutti gli anni, a San Colombano al Lambro, si è svolta la tradizionale Festa dell'Uva.
Fuguetta - Lambros George - 2005
Fuguetta - Lambros George - 2005
Fuguetta - Lambros George - 2005
My composition, when I was 16 years old. Please note that in 2005 I did not have Harmony Diploma. As it was composed, nothing changed. Performed by ...Finale. The Organ sound is from Motif XS.
Montana from the Air
Montana from the Air
Montana from the Air Skyworks filmed over 45 hours of Montana aerial video footage 2012. Using a specially equipped helicopter, Skyworks captured the spirit of this truly awesome state in full HD - this aerial footage is available from Skyworks - for more details see
Monza, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Monza, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Monza, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Monza About this sound listen is a city and comune on the River Lambro, a tributary of the Po in the Lombardy region of Italy, about 15 kilometres (9 miles) ...
Lombardy Travel
Lombardy Travel
Lombardy Travel
Lombardy Travel - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20...
Best traveling : Romantic honeymoon to Lake Como Italy-gold honeymoon-Must-See documentary
Best traveling : Romantic honeymoon to Lake Como Italy-gold honeymoon-Must-See documentary
Best traveling : Romantic honeymoon to Lake Como Italy-gold honeymoon-Must-See documentary
Lake Como (Lago di Como in Italian, also known as Lario, after the Latin name of the lake; Lach de Comm in Lombard; Latin: Larius Lacus) is a lake of glacial origin in Lombardy, Italy. It has an area of 146 square kilometres (56 sq mi), making it the third-largest lake in Italy, after Lake Garda and Lake Maggiore. At over 400 metres (1,300 feet) deep, it is one of the deepest lakes in Europe, and the bottom of the lake is more than 200 metres (660 ft) below sea level.
Lake Como has been a popular retreat for aristocrats and wealthy people since Roman times, and a very popular tourist attraction with many artistic and cultural gems. It has man
Watch_Dogs- Easter Egg (Assassin's Creed 3 church viewpoint)
Watch_Dogs- Easter Egg (Assassin's Creed 3 church viewpoint)
Watch_Dogs- Easter Egg (Assassin's Creed 3 church viewpoint)
This church is from a viewpoint in AC3.
Smaragdi Hotel, Sifnos island Greece
Smaragdi Hotel, Sifnos island Greece
Smaragdi Hotel, Sifnos island Greece
In a distance of only 5km from Kamares port and 1km from Apollonia, you can reach the most picturesque and traditional village of the island, Artemonas. Smar...
Explore Sifnos island, Cyclades, Greek islands. Τουριστικός οδηγός Σίφνου.
Explore Sifnos island, Cyclades, Greek islands. Τουριστικός οδηγός Σίφνου.
Explore Sifnos island, Cyclades, Greek islands. Τουριστικός οδηγός Σίφνου.
Sifnos island, Cyclades, Greek islands. Τουριστικός και επιχειρηματικός οδηγός Σίφνου Business and Travel gui...
Video1...220km....13hours eBiking from Reutlingen-Ulm-München 6-7 June 2012.MP4
Video1...220km....13hours eBiking from Reutlingen-Ulm-München 6-7 June 2012.MP4
Video1...220km....13hours eBiking from Reutlingen-Ulm-München 6-7 June 2012.MP4
Ulm Downtown 7 June morning
Pefkohori vila Orosimo, Go-Go Travel, leto 2014
Pefkohori vila Orosimo, Go-Go Travel, leto 2014
Pefkohori vila Orosimo, Go-Go Travel, leto 2014
Pefkohori vila Orosimo se nalazi u samom centru grada, na početku pešačke zone, na 2 minuta hoda do plaže. Poseduje 1/2 i 1/3 studije koji su potpuno renovirani prošle godine i imaju besplatan WiFi internet, TV (satelitski RTS 1), klima uređaj, opremljenu kuhinju i prostranu terasu sa tendom.
Digimon Masters - New Map - "Tropical Jungle"
Digimon Masters - New Map - "Tropical Jungle"
Digimon Masters - New Map - "Tropical Jungle"
Travel memories... La Gomera from the ocean
Travel memories... La Gomera from the ocean
Travel memories... La Gomera from the ocean
Travel memories... La Gomera from the ocean.
Sweet Lombardy - Italy
Sweet Lombardy - Italy
Sweet Lombardy - Italy
Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20 regions of Italy....
Lombardy Tours
Lombardy Tours
Lombardy Tours
Lombardy Tours - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20 ...
Βασίλης Κολτούκης 3 από 6 συνέντευξη στον Δαυίδ Ναχμία
Βασίλης Κολτούκης 3 από 6 συνέντευξη στον Δαυίδ Ναχμία
Βασίλης Κολτούκης 3 από 6 συνέντευξη στον Δαυίδ Ναχμία
Vassilis Koltoukis was born in Arta, Greece. He studied french literature in Paris. His crucial encounter with the french photographer Edouard Boubat led to ...
Monza Cathedral, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Monza Cathedral, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Monza Cathedral, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
The Duomo of Monza often known in English as Monza Cathedral is the main religious building of Monza, near Milan, in northern Italy. Unlike most duomos it is...
George Voukanos "WELCOME-ΚΑΛΩΣΟΡΙΣΑΤΕ" 13 January 2007 Athens Concert Hall - Megaron TV SPOT
George Voukanos "WELCOME-ΚΑΛΩΣΟΡΙΣΑΤΕ" 13 January 2007 Athens Concert Hall - Megaron TV SPOT
George Voukanos "WELCOME-ΚΑΛΩΣΟΡΙΣΑΤΕ" 13 January 2007 Athens Concert Hall - Megaron TV SPOT
"WELCOME" Symphony circle of Songs
Music & Orchestration by George Voukanos
13 January 2007 - Athens Concert Hall Megaron
On 13 January 2007 presented the work of composer George Voukanou titled "Welcome" at the Athens Concert Hall with the participation of famous artists.
In a festive atmosphere in the packed hall of the "Friends of Music" and the hall 'D. Mitropoulos 'opened occasionally because of the large turnout, held at the Athens Concert Hall celebrating "70 years supply in the Church and peoples of the world' organization of the Apostolic Diakonia of the Church of Greece in the presence of 2500 spectators.
Is worth mentioning by nam
Cultural Activities - Rebetiko Night. Conferences in Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014
Cultural Activities - Rebetiko Night. Conferences in Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014
Cultural Activities - Rebetiko Night. Conferences in Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014
How to Read a MRI of a Lumbar Herniated Disc | Lower Back Pain | Colorado Spine Surgeon
How to Read a MRI of a Lumbar Herniated Disc | Lower Back Pain | Colorado Spine Surgeon
How to Read a MRI of a Lumbar Herniated Disc | Lower Back Pain | Colorado Spine Surgeon
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Allegro Apartments Duomo is a popular choice amongst travelers in Milan, whether exploring or just passing through. The property features a wide range of facilities to make your stay a pleasant experience. Service-minded staff will welcome and guide you at the Allegro Apartments Duomo. Designed for comfort, selected guestrooms offer shower, kitchenware, washing machine, ironing facilities, blackout curtains to ensure a restful night. The hotel offers various recreational opportunities. A welcoming atmosphere and excellent service a
My composition, when I was 16 years old. Please note that in 2005 I did not have Harmony Diploma. As it was composed, nothing changed. Performed by ...Finale. The Organ sound is from Motif XS.
My composition, when I was 16 years old. Please note that in 2005 I did not have Harmony Diploma. As it was composed, nothing changed. Performed by ...Finale. The Organ sound is from Motif XS. Skyworks filmed over 45 hours of Montana aerial video footage 2012. Using a specially equipped helicopter, Skyworks captured the spirit of this truly awesome state in full HD - this aerial footage is available from Skyworks - for more details see Skyworks filmed over 45 hours of Montana aerial video footage 2012. Using a specially equipped helicopter, Skyworks captured the spirit of this truly awesome state in full HD - this aerial footage is available from Skyworks - for more details see
Monza About this sound listen is a city and comune on the River Lambro, a tributary of the Po in the Lombardy region of Italy, about 15 kilometres (9 miles) ...
Monza About this sound listen is a city and comune on the River Lambro, a tributary of the Po in the Lombardy region of Italy, about 15 kilometres (9 miles) ...
Lombardy Travel - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20...
Lombardy Travel - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20...
Lake Como (Lago di Como in Italian, also known as Lario, after the Latin name of the lake; Lach de Comm in Lombard; Latin: Larius Lacus) is a lake of glacial origin in Lombardy, Italy. It has an area of 146 square kilometres (56 sq mi), making it the third-largest lake in Italy, after Lake Garda and Lake Maggiore. At over 400 metres (1,300 feet) deep, it is one of the deepest lakes in Europe, and the bottom of the lake is more than 200 metres (660 ft) below sea level.
Lake Como has been a popular retreat for aristocrats and wealthy people since Roman times, and a very popular tourist attraction with many artistic and cultural gems. It has many villas and palaces (such as Villa Olmo, Villa Serbelloni, and Villa Carlotta). Many famous people have or have had homes on the shores of Lake Como, such as Matthew Bellamy, Madonna, George Clooney, Gianni Versace, Ronaldinho, Sylvester Stallone, Julian Lennon, Richard Branson, Ben Spies, and Pierina Legnani. Lake Como is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe.
The lake's name in Latin is Larius, Italianised as Lario, but this name is rarely used; it is usually called Lago di Como (literally ‘lake of Como’). In guidebooks the lake may be variously referred to as Lake Como, Lake of Como, or Como Lake. Its name comes from the city of Como, known to the Romans as Comum.
While the town of Como is referred to as Como, the lake itself is never referred to solely by this name. This is not true of another lake in Italy, Lake Garda, where Garda may refer to either the town fronting the lake, or the lake itself.
The lake is shaped much like the letter "Y". The northern branch begins at the town of Colico, while the towns of Como and Lecco sit at the ends of the southwestern and southeastern branches respectively. The small towns of Bellagio, Menaggio and Lierna are situated at the intersection of the three branches of the lake: a triangular boat service operates between them. The Lierna area is an historical charming site of the lake with a white beach and a famous castle.
Lake Como is fed primarily by the Adda River, which enters the lake near Colico and flows out at Lecco. This geological conformation makes the southwestern branch a dead end, and so Como, unlike Lecco, is often flooded.
The mountainous pre-alpine territory between the two southern arms of the lake (between Como, Bellagio, and Lecco) is known as the Larian Triangle, or Triangolo lariano. The source of the river Lambro is here. At the centre of the triangle, the town of Canzo is the seat of the Comunità montana del Triangolo Lariano, an association of the 31 municipalities that represent the 71,000 inhabitants of the area.
Lake Como weather is generally mild. It is known for its Mediterranean-like climate where tropical and sub-tropical plants can grow year-round.[citation needed] In the winter, the lake helps to maintain a higher temperature in the surrounding region. Average daily temperatures range from about 2 °C (36 °F) in January to 30 °C (86 °F) in July.[citation needed] Water temperatures can reach an average of 24 °C (75 °F) during the month of July. Snowfall is erratic and primarily affects the higher elevations. Rainfall is heaviest in May and lowest during the winter months.
As a tourist destination, Lake Como is popular for its landscapes, wildlife, and spas. It is a venue for sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing. In 1818 Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote to Thomas Love Peacock: "This lake exceeds anything I ever beheld in beauty, with the exception of the arbutus islands of Killarney. It is long and narrow, and has the appearance of a mighty river winding among the mountains and the forests".
The lake is well known for the attractive villas that have been built there since Roman times, when Pliny the Younger built the Comedia and the Tragedia resorts. Many villas on the lake shores have admirable gardens that benefit from the mild climate induced by the stabilising presence of 22.5 km³ of lake water and are fit to host tropical plants.
Villa Carlotta was built for the Milanese Marquis Giorgio Clerici in 1690 and occupies a site of over 70,000m² (17 acres) at Tremezzo, facing the Bellagio peninsula. An Italian garden (with steps, fountains, and sculptures) was laid out at the same time. The villa was later sold to powerful banker and Napoleonic politician Giovanni Battista Sommariva. Stendhal was his guest in 1818, and his visit is recalled at the start of La Chartreuse de Parme. In 1843 it was purchased by Princess Marianne of Nassau as a wedding present for her daughter Carlotta, after whom the villa is now named. The latter, together with her husband Georg II of Saxen-Meiningen, laid out the woodland landscape park in Romantic style. The villa today includes a museum of agricultural implements as well as important works of sculpture by Sommariva’s friend Antonio Canova and by Luigi Acquisti.
Lake Como (Lago di Como in Italian, also known as Lario, after the Latin name of the lake; Lach de Comm in Lombard; Latin: Larius Lacus) is a lake of glacial origin in Lombardy, Italy. It has an area of 146 square kilometres (56 sq mi), making it the third-largest lake in Italy, after Lake Garda and Lake Maggiore. At over 400 metres (1,300 feet) deep, it is one of the deepest lakes in Europe, and the bottom of the lake is more than 200 metres (660 ft) below sea level.
Lake Como has been a popular retreat for aristocrats and wealthy people since Roman times, and a very popular tourist attraction with many artistic and cultural gems. It has many villas and palaces (such as Villa Olmo, Villa Serbelloni, and Villa Carlotta). Many famous people have or have had homes on the shores of Lake Como, such as Matthew Bellamy, Madonna, George Clooney, Gianni Versace, Ronaldinho, Sylvester Stallone, Julian Lennon, Richard Branson, Ben Spies, and Pierina Legnani. Lake Como is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe.
The lake's name in Latin is Larius, Italianised as Lario, but this name is rarely used; it is usually called Lago di Como (literally ‘lake of Como’). In guidebooks the lake may be variously referred to as Lake Como, Lake of Como, or Como Lake. Its name comes from the city of Como, known to the Romans as Comum.
While the town of Como is referred to as Como, the lake itself is never referred to solely by this name. This is not true of another lake in Italy, Lake Garda, where Garda may refer to either the town fronting the lake, or the lake itself.
The lake is shaped much like the letter "Y". The northern branch begins at the town of Colico, while the towns of Como and Lecco sit at the ends of the southwestern and southeastern branches respectively. The small towns of Bellagio, Menaggio and Lierna are situated at the intersection of the three branches of the lake: a triangular boat service operates between them. The Lierna area is an historical charming site of the lake with a white beach and a famous castle.
Lake Como is fed primarily by the Adda River, which enters the lake near Colico and flows out at Lecco. This geological conformation makes the southwestern branch a dead end, and so Como, unlike Lecco, is often flooded.
The mountainous pre-alpine territory between the two southern arms of the lake (between Como, Bellagio, and Lecco) is known as the Larian Triangle, or Triangolo lariano. The source of the river Lambro is here. At the centre of the triangle, the town of Canzo is the seat of the Comunità montana del Triangolo Lariano, an association of the 31 municipalities that represent the 71,000 inhabitants of the area.
Lake Como weather is generally mild. It is known for its Mediterranean-like climate where tropical and sub-tropical plants can grow year-round.[citation needed] In the winter, the lake helps to maintain a higher temperature in the surrounding region. Average daily temperatures range from about 2 °C (36 °F) in January to 30 °C (86 °F) in July.[citation needed] Water temperatures can reach an average of 24 °C (75 °F) during the month of July. Snowfall is erratic and primarily affects the higher elevations. Rainfall is heaviest in May and lowest during the winter months.
As a tourist destination, Lake Como is popular for its landscapes, wildlife, and spas. It is a venue for sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing. In 1818 Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote to Thomas Love Peacock: "This lake exceeds anything I ever beheld in beauty, with the exception of the arbutus islands of Killarney. It is long and narrow, and has the appearance of a mighty river winding among the mountains and the forests".
The lake is well known for the attractive villas that have been built there since Roman times, when Pliny the Younger built the Comedia and the Tragedia resorts. Many villas on the lake shores have admirable gardens that benefit from the mild climate induced by the stabilising presence of 22.5 km³ of lake water and are fit to host tropical plants.
Villa Carlotta was built for the Milanese Marquis Giorgio Clerici in 1690 and occupies a site of over 70,000m² (17 acres) at Tremezzo, facing the Bellagio peninsula. An Italian garden (with steps, fountains, and sculptures) was laid out at the same time. The villa was later sold to powerful banker and Napoleonic politician Giovanni Battista Sommariva. Stendhal was his guest in 1818, and his visit is recalled at the start of La Chartreuse de Parme. In 1843 it was purchased by Princess Marianne of Nassau as a wedding present for her daughter Carlotta, after whom the villa is now named. The latter, together with her husband Georg II of Saxen-Meiningen, laid out the woodland landscape park in Romantic style. The villa today includes a museum of agricultural implements as well as important works of sculpture by Sommariva’s friend Antonio Canova and by Luigi Acquisti.
In a distance of only 5km from Kamares port and 1km from Apollonia, you can reach the most picturesque and traditional village of the island, Artemonas. Smar...
In a distance of only 5km from Kamares port and 1km from Apollonia, you can reach the most picturesque and traditional village of the island, Artemonas. Smar...
Sifnos island, Cyclades, Greek islands. Τουριστικός και επιχειρηματικός οδηγός Σίφνου Business and Travel gui...
Sifnos island, Cyclades, Greek islands. Τουριστικός και επιχειρηματικός οδηγός Σίφνου Business and Travel gui...
Pefkohori vila Orosimo se nalazi u samom centru grada, na početku pešačke zone, na 2 minuta hoda do plaže. Poseduje 1/2 i 1/3 studije koji su potpuno renovirani prošle godine i imaju besplatan WiFi internet, TV (satelitski RTS 1), klima uređaj, opremljenu kuhinju i prostranu terasu sa tendom.
Pefkohori vila Orosimo se nalazi u samom centru grada, na početku pešačke zone, na 2 minuta hoda do plaže. Poseduje 1/2 i 1/3 studije koji su potpuno renovirani prošle godine i imaju besplatan WiFi internet, TV (satelitski RTS 1), klima uređaj, opremljenu kuhinju i prostranu terasu sa tendom.
Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20 regions of Italy....
Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20 regions of Italy....
Lombardy Tours - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20 ...
Lombardy Tours - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20 ...
Vassilis Koltoukis was born in Arta, Greece. He studied french literature in Paris. His crucial encounter with the french photographer Edouard Boubat led to ...
Vassilis Koltoukis was born in Arta, Greece. He studied french literature in Paris. His crucial encounter with the french photographer Edouard Boubat led to ...
The Duomo of Monza often known in English as Monza Cathedral is the main religious building of Monza, near Milan, in northern Italy. Unlike most duomos it is...
The Duomo of Monza often known in English as Monza Cathedral is the main religious building of Monza, near Milan, in northern Italy. Unlike most duomos it is...
"WELCOME" Symphony circle of Songs
Music & Orchestration by George Voukanos
13 January 2007 - Athens Concert Hall Megaron
On 13 January 2007 presented the work of composer George Voukanou titled "Welcome" at the Athens Concert Hall with the participation of famous artists.
In a festive atmosphere in the packed hall of the "Friends of Music" and the hall 'D. Mitropoulos 'opened occasionally because of the large turnout, held at the Athens Concert Hall celebrating "70 years supply in the Church and peoples of the world' organization of the Apostolic Diakonia of the Church of Greece in the presence of 2500 spectators.
Is worth mentioning by name to all those who happily worked selflessly for the realization of the event , the great interpreter of traditional music Chronis Aidonidis , Vassilis Saleas , Kostas Macedonas , Vasilis Lekkas , Nektaria Karantzi , Gerasimos Andreou Nina Lotsari , Kostas Thomaidis , Marita Paparizou , the band "EnCardia" Giannis Georgiadis , Christos Tsiamoulis , the famous Lebanese singer who won applause for its symbolic and artistic presence of Abir Nehme. The director was Barbara Duke , texts Takis Chrysoulis , the scenographic custody Koula Galioni and music by George Voukanos . The Mixed Choir of Athens directed by Stavros Beris , Music Society TOSITSEIA - Arsakeion Ekalis Christina Varsami - Koukni , the Choir of St. Athanasius JN Polydrosou Fr Lambros Andreakis , while the direction of the Symphony Orchestra of Athens and Music Ensembles had Eleftherios Kalkanis . Narrators of the event was Alkis Zervos , and Alice Katsavou while the presentation was made by Gerasimos Dragonas . Sponsors of the event was the TV of ALPHA, the Greek Radio (NET 105,8 FM, SECOND SCHEDULE 103,7 FM), the Tele Lumiere ( Lebanon) , the Radio Station of the Church of Greece , the Athens 9,84 and Bold magazine , while supporters were AKMI , ION SA , the SA Papanikolaou and Ensembles of the Municipality of Athens.
"WELCOME" Symphony circle of Songs
Music & Orchestration by George Voukanos
13 January 2007 - Athens Concert Hall Megaron
On 13 January 2007 presented the work of composer George Voukanou titled "Welcome" at the Athens Concert Hall with the participation of famous artists.
In a festive atmosphere in the packed hall of the "Friends of Music" and the hall 'D. Mitropoulos 'opened occasionally because of the large turnout, held at the Athens Concert Hall celebrating "70 years supply in the Church and peoples of the world' organization of the Apostolic Diakonia of the Church of Greece in the presence of 2500 spectators.
Is worth mentioning by name to all those who happily worked selflessly for the realization of the event , the great interpreter of traditional music Chronis Aidonidis , Vassilis Saleas , Kostas Macedonas , Vasilis Lekkas , Nektaria Karantzi , Gerasimos Andreou Nina Lotsari , Kostas Thomaidis , Marita Paparizou , the band "EnCardia" Giannis Georgiadis , Christos Tsiamoulis , the famous Lebanese singer who won applause for its symbolic and artistic presence of Abir Nehme. The director was Barbara Duke , texts Takis Chrysoulis , the scenographic custody Koula Galioni and music by George Voukanos . The Mixed Choir of Athens directed by Stavros Beris , Music Society TOSITSEIA - Arsakeion Ekalis Christina Varsami - Koukni , the Choir of St. Athanasius JN Polydrosou Fr Lambros Andreakis , while the direction of the Symphony Orchestra of Athens and Music Ensembles had Eleftherios Kalkanis . Narrators of the event was Alkis Zervos , and Alice Katsavou while the presentation was made by Gerasimos Dragonas . Sponsors of the event was the TV of ALPHA, the Greek Radio (NET 105,8 FM, SECOND SCHEDULE 103,7 FM), the Tele Lumiere ( Lebanon) , the Radio Station of the Church of Greece , the Athens 9,84 and Bold magazine , while supporters were AKMI , ION SA , the SA Papanikolaou and Ensembles of the Municipality of Athens.
published:01 Jun 2014
Cultural Activities - Rebetiko Night. Conferences in Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014
➽Info & Cheap Booking:
➽Best Hotels in Milan:
Allegro Apartments Duomo is a popular choice amongst travelers in Milan, whether exploring or just passing through. The property features a wide range of facilities to make your stay a pleasant experience. Service-minded staff will welcome and guide you at the Allegro Apartments Duomo. Designed for comfort, selected guestrooms offer shower, kitchenware, washing machine, ironing facilities, blackout curtains to ensure a restful night. The hotel offers various recreational opportunities. A welcoming atmosphere and excellent service are what you can expect during your stay at Allegro Apartments Duomo.
Via Privata Passarella 4,
Hotel stars: 1
0.4 km from city center
Rating: 80/100
This hotel has a very good TrustScore of 80. Guests recommend it because of its rooms, location and hotel.
Internet: Wi-Fi Available, Internet Access
Activities: Massage, Solarium, Bicycle rental
General: Bar, Washing machine, Wi-Fi in public areas, Restaurant, Multilingual staff, Pets allowed, Elevator
Services: Wake up service, Beauty Salon, Babysitting, Concierge, Breakfast to go, Hotel/airport transfer, Laundry service, Faxing Facilities
Room: Safe, Hairdryer, Bathroom, Kitchenette, Mini bar, Video/DVD Player, Shower, Coffee/tea maker, Air conditioning, Desk, In-room safe, Ironing board, Crib available, Refrigerator, Telephone, TV
Parking: Car parking
㋡ Booking
➽Info & Cheap Booking:
➽Best Hotels in Milan:
Allegro Apartments Duomo is a popular choice amongst travelers in Milan, whether exploring or just passing through. The property features a wide range of facilities to make your stay a pleasant experience. Service-minded staff will welcome and guide you at the Allegro Apartments Duomo. Designed for comfort, selected guestrooms offer shower, kitchenware, washing machine, ironing facilities, blackout curtains to ensure a restful night. The hotel offers various recreational opportunities. A welcoming atmosphere and excellent service are what you can expect during your stay at Allegro Apartments Duomo.
Via Privata Passarella 4,
Hotel stars: 1
0.4 km from city center
Rating: 80/100
This hotel has a very good TrustScore of 80. Guests recommend it because of its rooms, location and hotel.
Internet: Wi-Fi Available, Internet Access
Activities: Massage, Solarium, Bicycle rental
General: Bar, Washing machine, Wi-Fi in public areas, Restaurant, Multilingual staff, Pets allowed, Elevator
Services: Wake up service, Beauty Salon, Babysitting, Concierge, Breakfast to go, Hotel/airport transfer, Laundry service, Faxing Facilities
Room: Safe, Hairdryer, Bathroom, Kitchenette, Mini bar, Video/DVD Player, Shower, Coffee/tea maker, Air conditioning, Desk, In-room safe, Ironing board, Crib available, Refrigerator, Telephone, TV
Parking: Car parking
㋡ Booking
ponte lambro, famosa per spaccio, delinquenza, droga, illegalità... ma queste vie hanno forse un'anima che può essere percepita, girando per esse magari con ...
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos & Angapiemage Galiano Persico (violino) 7-6-'14 Terra & Acqua @ Po...
published:08 Jun 2014
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
Davide Van De Sfroos - Akuaduulza & Il dono del vento @ Ponte Lambro
published:08 Jun 2014
Davide Van De Sfroos & Angapiemage Galiano Persico (violino) 7-6-'14 Terra & Acqua @ Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Il Corpo Musicale si esibisce eseguendo due marce: Bitter di Renato Soglia e Topolina di F...
published:25 Jul 2013
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Bitter e Topolina - Banda di Ponte Lambro
published:25 Jul 2013
Il Corpo Musicale si esibisce eseguendo due marce: Bitter di Renato Soglia e Topolina di Fernando Francia
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
La Banda si esibisce suonando la marcia "Over and Out" di R. Beck...
published:24 Jul 2013
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Over and Out di R. Beck - Banda di Ponte Lambro
published:24 Jul 2013
La Banda si esibisce suonando la marcia "Over and Out" di R. Beck
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
La Banda di Ponte Lambro, Cav. Pietro Masciadri, si esibisce suonando la marcia Arosa di O...
published:25 Jul 2013
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
Arosa Mars di Oscar Tschour - Banda di Ponte Lambro
published:25 Jul 2013
La Banda di Ponte Lambro, Cav. Pietro Masciadri, si esibisce suonando la marcia Arosa di Oscar Tschuor
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Flash mob realizzato dall' Istituto Superiore Carlo Porta di Erba in occasione della Festa...
published:03 Jun 2015
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
Festa dei Popoli 2015 - Ponte Lambro
published:03 Jun 2015
Flash mob realizzato dall' Istituto Superiore Carlo Porta di Erba in occasione della Festa dei Popoli 2015 di Ponte Lambro
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 11 Aprile 2014
La Scuola Calcio Inter e' approdata a Ponte Lambro con...
published:11 Apr 2014
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
Ponte Lambro - Pontelambrese e Scuola Calcio Inter
published:11 Apr 2014
Ponte Lambro (CO) - 11 Aprile 2014
La Scuola Calcio Inter e' approdata a Ponte Lambro con una serie di sessioni di allenamento con i ragazzi della Pontelambrese. Un'occasione formativa importante per i giovani campioni locali...
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Il fiume sotto casa...
published:20 Apr 2013
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
Pontelambro temporale 19.04.2013
published:20 Apr 2013
Il fiume sotto casa
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk a Pontelambro (CO), 23 marzo 2013, in una musica tradizionale della Guascogna,...
published:24 Mar 2013
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
Nocino Folk @ Pontelambro - Congo - 23/03/2013
published:24 Mar 2013
Nocino Folk a Pontelambro (CO), 23 marzo 2013, in una musica tradizionale della Guascogna, il Congo.
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
published:15 Nov 2014
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
Alluvione a Ponte Lambro, Milano
published:15 Nov 2014
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Situato in zona tranquilla e verde, al confine tra Erba e Pontelambro, in piccolo contesto...
published:22 Apr 2015
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
Ponte Lambro: Appartamento 4 Locali in Vendita
published:22 Apr 2015
Situato in zona tranquilla e verde, al confine tra Erba e Pontelambro, in piccolo contesto di sole 5 unita', vendiamo Appartamento al primo piano collegato al piano terreno simile ad una porzione di casa. P. terra: box singolo, ampio ingresso/disimpegno, lavanderia, ripostiglio e cantina- scala interna che collega all'appartamento al primo piano di mq. 126 composto da cucinino con sala da pranzo, soggiorno, 2 camere, 3° camera/salottino, bagno oltre balcone con terrazzo di 45 mq. Annessa piccola area giardino privata di 60 mq. LIBERO SUBITO - Prezzo: 240000 euro - Mq: 126 - Per maggiori informazioni: - Pubblicato con
ponte lambro bomba in cantiere
Ferito, ma non in pericolo di vita. Può considerarsi fortunato Vischi Qahil, 31 anni, oper...
Ferito, ma non in pericolo di vita. Può considerarsi fortunato Vischi Qahil, 31 anni, operaio kossovaro al lavoro in un cantiere edile in via Monte Grappa, a...
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot elettorale per le comunali del 2014 - Lista "Insieme Per Ponte Lambro"...
published:29 Apr 2014
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
Spot Elettorale - Insieme Per Ponte Lambro
published:29 Apr 2014
Spot elettorale per le comunali del 2014 - Lista "Insieme Per Ponte Lambro"
My composition, when I was 16 years old. Please note that in 2005 I did not have Harmony Diploma. As it was composed, nothing changed. Performed by ...Finale. The Organ sound is from Motif XS.
Montana from the Air Skyworks filmed over 45 hours of Montana aerial video footage 20...
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Montana from the Air
Montana from the Air
published:13 Aug 2012
views:220718 Skyworks filmed over 45 hours of Montana aerial video footage 2012. Using a specially equipped helicopter, Skyworks captured the spirit of this truly awesome state in full HD - this aerial footage is available from Skyworks - for more details see
Monza, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Monza About this sound listen is a city and comune on the River Lambro, a tributary of the...
Monza About this sound listen is a city and comune on the River Lambro, a tributary of the Po in the Lombardy region of Italy, about 15 kilometres (9 miles) ...
Lombardy Travel
Lombardy Travel - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Weste...
Lombardy Travel - Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia Italian pronunciation: [lombarˈdiːa], Western Lombard: Lumbardìa, Eastern Lombard: Lombardia) is one of the 20...
Best traveling : Romantic honeymoon to Lake Como Italy-gold honeymoon-Must-See documentary
Lake Como (Lago di Como in Italian, also known as Lario, after the Latin name of the lake;...
published:25 Mar 2015
Best traveling : Romantic honeymoon to Lake Como Italy-gold honeymoon-Must-See documentary
Best traveling : Romantic honeymoon to Lake Como Italy-gold honeymoon-Must-See documentary
published:25 Mar 2015
Lake Como (Lago di Como in Italian, also known as Lario, after the Latin name of the lake; Lach de Comm in Lombard; Latin: Larius Lacus) is a lake of glacial origin in Lombardy, Italy. It has an area of 146 square kilometres (56 sq mi), making it the third-largest lake in Italy, after Lake Garda and Lake Maggiore. At over 400 metres (1,300 feet) deep, it is one of the deepest lakes in Europe, and the bottom of the lake is more than 200 metres (660 ft) below sea level.
Lake Como has been a popular retreat for aristocrats and wealthy people since Roman times, and a very popular tourist attraction with many artistic and cultural gems. It has many villas and palaces (such as Villa Olmo, Villa Serbelloni, and Villa Carlotta). Many famous people have or have had homes on the shores of Lake Como, such as Matthew Bellamy, Madonna, George Clooney, Gianni Versace, Ronaldinho, Sylvester Stallone, Julian Lennon, Richard Branson, Ben Spies, and Pierina Legnani. Lake Como is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe.
The lake's name in Latin is Larius, Italianised as Lario, but this name is rarely used; it is usually called Lago di Como (literally ‘lake of Como’). In guidebooks the lake may be variously referred to as Lake Como, Lake of Como, or Como Lake. Its name comes from the city of Como, known to the Romans as Comum.
While the town of Como is referred to as Como, the lake itself is never referred to solely by this name. This is not true of another lake in Italy, Lake Garda, where Garda may refer to either the town fronting the lake, or the lake itself.
The lake is shaped much like the letter "Y". The northern branch begins at the town of Colico, while the towns of Como and Lecco sit at the ends of the southwestern and southeastern branches respectively. The small towns of Bellagio, Menaggio and Lierna are situated at the intersection of the three branches of the lake: a triangular boat service operates between them. The Lierna area is an historical charming site of the lake with a white beach and a famous castle.
Lake Como is fed primarily by the Adda River, which enters the lake near Colico and flows out at Lecco. This geological conformation makes the southwestern branch a dead end, and so Como, unlike Lecco, is often flooded.
The mountainous pre-alpine territory between the two southern arms of the lake (between Como, Bellagio, and Lecco) is known as the Larian Triangle, or Triangolo lariano. The source of the river Lambro is here. At the centre of the triangle, the town of Canzo is the seat of the Comunità montana del Triangolo Lariano, an association of the 31 municipalities that represent the 71,000 inhabitants of the area.
Lake Como weather is generally mild. It is known for its Mediterranean-like climate where tropical and sub-tropical plants can grow year-round.[citation needed] In the winter, the lake helps to maintain a higher temperature in the surrounding region. Average daily temperatures range from about 2 °C (36 °F) in January to 30 °C (86 °F) in July.[citation needed] Water temperatures can reach an average of 24 °C (75 °F) during the month of July. Snowfall is erratic and primarily affects the higher elevations. Rainfall is heaviest in May and lowest during the winter months.
As a tourist destination, Lake Como is popular for its landscapes, wildlife, and spas. It is a venue for sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing. In 1818 Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote to Thomas Love Peacock: "This lake exceeds anything I ever beheld in beauty, with the exception of the arbutus islands of Killarney. It is long and narrow, and has the appearance of a mighty river winding among the mountains and the forests".
The lake is well known for the attractive villas that have been built there since Roman times, when Pliny the Younger built the Comedia and the Tragedia resorts. Many villas on the lake shores have admirable gardens that benefit from the mild climate induced by the stabilising presence of 22.5 km³ of lake water and are fit to host tropical plants.
Villa Carlotta was built for the Milanese Marquis Giorgio Clerici in 1690 and occupies a site of over 70,000m² (17 acres) at Tremezzo, facing the Bellagio peninsula. An Italian garden (with steps, fountains, and sculptures) was laid out at the same time. The villa was later sold to powerful banker and Napoleonic politician Giovanni Battista Sommariva. Stendhal was his guest in 1818, and his visit is recalled at the start of La Chartreuse de Parme. In 1843 it was purchased by Princess Marianne of Nassau as a wedding present for her daughter Carlotta, after whom the villa is now named. The latter, together with her husband Georg II of Saxen-Meiningen, laid out the woodland landscape park in Romantic style. The villa today includes a museum of agricultural implements as well as important works of sculpture by Sommariva’s friend Antonio Canova and by Luigi Acquisti.
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Video1...220km....13hours eBiking from Reutlingen-Ulm-München 6-7 June 2012.MP4
Video1...220km....13hours eBiking from Reutlingen-Ulm-München 6-7 June 2012.MP4
published:10 Jun 2012
Ulm Downtown 7 June morning
Pefkohori vila Orosimo, Go-Go Travel, leto 2014
Pefkohori vila Orosimo se nalazi u samom centru grada, na početku pešačke zone, na 2 minut...
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Pefkohori vila Orosimo, Go-Go Travel, leto 2014
Pefkohori vila Orosimo, Go-Go Travel, leto 2014
published:23 Oct 2013
Pefkohori vila Orosimo se nalazi u samom centru grada, na početku pešačke zone, na 2 minuta hoda do plaže. Poseduje 1/2 i 1/3 studije koji su potpuno renovirani prošle godine i imaju besplatan WiFi internet, TV (satelitski RTS 1), klima uređaj, opremljenu kuhinju i prostranu terasu sa tendom.
Two topless feminist protesters from Femen have stormed the stage of a conference discussing women in Islam. A video of the incident appears to show one of the activists being kicked by a man as she is hauled off stage at the event in France. The two women are from the Femen activist group, whose members are known for protesting topless with writing across their chest ... The so-far unnamed women are believed to be aged 25 and 31 ... --> ... ....
(CNN)The Russian military appears to be attempting to set up a forward operating base in western Syria, the U.S. government says, deepening concerns about Moscow's intentions in the war-torn nation. "We have seen indication in recent days that Russia has moved people and things into the area around Latakia, and the airbase there," Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said Monday ... Kerry's warning to Lavrov. Last week, U.S ... JUST WATCHED ... U.S ... ....
In the blockbuster dinosaur sequel a mobile phone magically fixes itself and Chris Pratt talks to Bryce Dallas Howard without moving his lips. @BenChildGeek. Dinosaur blockbuster Jurassic World features more errors than any other film released so far in 2015, according to the MovieMistakes website ...FuryRoad, with eight mistakes each ... Twitter ... ....
By Jack Kim and Ju-min Park. SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Tuesday its main nuclear complex was operating and it was working to improve the "quality and quantity" of its weapons which it could use against the United States at "any time". The comments follow a declaration by the North in 2013 vowing to restart all nuclear facilities, including the main nuclear reactor in Yongbyon that had been shuttered....
(Source. UEFA - Union des Associations Européennes de Football). The president of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC), Carlo Tavecchio, has visited the House of European Football in Nyon... After studying to become an accountant, Carlo Tavecchio started working in the banking sector before becoming the mayor of the northern town PonteLambro, near Como, when he was only 33, in 1976 - keeping the role until 1995 ... He said ... distributed by....