Valle d'Aosta, terra di castelli - versione completa
Panoramica completa dei castelli visitabili in Valle d'Aosta, completa di alcune spiegazioni storiche.
Pronti Partenza...Via, alla scoperta di AOSTA
In questa puntata di "Pronti Partenza ...Via", rubrica turistica/culturale, viene presentata AOSTA, fiera capitale della regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta e importante città di fondazione romana nel crocevia delle strade che salgono ai valichi del Gran San Bernardo e del Piccolo San Bernardo. Grazie alla sua posizione al centro della valle l'imperatore Augusto volle creare un avamposto che in suo ono
Unti e bisunti-st.3 ep.7-valle d’Aosta. Chef Rubio
Andato in onda il 13 Settembre 2015
Quattro passi per Aosta
http://www.aostaoggi.tv Quattro passi per la città di Aosta.
Jolly Rally Valle d'Aosta 2014 - Big crash
Fortunatamente nessun ferito.
Aosta Valley - Italy
Aosta is the principal city of the bilingual Aosta Valley in the Italian Alps, 110 km (68 mi) north-northwest of Turin. It is situated near the Italian entra...
Blu Notte - Massimo Vichi - Il Professore (Aosta)
Stagione 2 Puntata 9
AOSTA gliding 2015
Many thanks to Paolo, Attilio, Valter and all the rest of the Aeroclub Aosta staff for your assistance, hospitality and the drinks :-)
music: Free as a Bird - The Beatles
camera: Möbius camera
editing software: windows moviemaker
I monumenti romani di Aosta
La città di Aosta fu fondata dai Romani nel 25 a.C.. E' ricca di testimonianze di epoca romana quali la Porta Praetoria, una delle poche del mondo romano anc...
Aosta 12.05.12
Passeio em Aosta cidade do norte da Italia, famoso pelo frio, pela influemcia francesa e pelo artesanto.....
4° Jolly Rally Valle d'Aosta 2015
The Aosta Valley is the most north-western region in Italy, surrounded by peaks exceeding 4000 metres some of the finest ski resorts in Europe incuding Courm...
4° Jolly Rally 2015 [HD] - Valle d'Aosta- Show
Ecco il video del quarto jolly rally svolto nei dintorni di Morgex il 4 ottobre 2015. Complimenti a tutti gli equipaggi!!
Valle d'Aosta, terra di Castelli
I castelli della Valle d'Aosta sono i protagonisti di questo video ricco di spettacolari riprese panoramiche tra le montagne. Sono mostrati il Forte di Bard,...
Aosta Sarre Italy Statale 26 e ferrovia e treno Aosta Pré Saint Didier LiveCam Live Cam Web Cam
http://www.valledaosta.si : Tutto il bello della Valle d'Aosta
Aosta Valle d'Aosta Turismo webcam web cam livecam live cam Via Festaz Aosta Valle d'Aosta
http://www.aostaoggi.tv La prima LiveCam della Valle d'Aosta la più vista e seguita
FILMCARDS - I documentari: Valle d'aosta (1.a parte)
Uno splendido viaggio in una delle regioni più suggestive d'Italia, la Valle d'Aosta. Potrete vedere altre centinaia di video turistici sul nostro sito www.l...
Aosta - Carlisport Cogianco 5 a 6 FINALE SCUDETTO UNDER 21
Una vittoria di un grande gruppo, il PRIMO SCUDETTO non si scorda MAI !!!!! CAMPIONI D'ITALIA
EMOZIONI, arte, storia e paesaggi in Valle d'Aosta
Documentario sui beni artistici e culturali della Valle d'Aosta.
Aosta - Als Region
Das Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste) wird von den gewaltigen Alpen- Bergmassiven des Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Gran Paradiso und Matterhorn umrahmt. Run...
Valle d'Aosta, terra di castelli - versione completa
Panoramica completa dei castelli visitabili in Valle d'Aosta, completa di alcune spiegazioni storiche....
Panoramica completa dei castelli visitabili in Valle d'Aosta, completa di alcune spiegazioni storiche.
wn.com/Valle D'Aosta, Terra Di Castelli Versione Completa
Panoramica completa dei castelli visitabili in Valle d'Aosta, completa di alcune spiegazioni storiche.
- published: 20 Oct 2012
- views: 19810
author: lovevda
Pronti Partenza...Via, alla scoperta di AOSTA
In questa puntata di "Pronti Partenza ...Via", rubrica turistica/culturale, viene presentata AOSTA, fiera capitale della regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta e import...
In questa puntata di "Pronti Partenza ...Via", rubrica turistica/culturale, viene presentata AOSTA, fiera capitale della regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta e importante città di fondazione romana nel crocevia delle strade che salgono ai valichi del Gran San Bernardo e del Piccolo San Bernardo. Grazie alla sua posizione al centro della valle l'imperatore Augusto volle creare un avamposto che in suo onore venne battezzato Augusta Pretoria.
La città romana era compresa entro un rettangolo cinto da mura e da 20 torri quadrangolari in cui si aprivano le quattro porte in corrispondenza dei due assi stradali principali: il Cardo e il Decumano. La Porta Pretoria è ancora visibile in tutta la sua imponenza mentre i resti della altre sono comunque visibili attraverso scavi archeologici. La più eloquente architettura romana è il Teatro con la sua parete di 20 metri, poco invece è rimasto del vicino anfiteatro, inglobato nelle costruzioni medievali. Durante questo periodo la città ebbe un secondo momento di fervore, molte torri furono trasformate in dimore fedudali, vennero erette chiese e monasteri che occuparono i luoghi di precedenti costruzioni. La cattedrale venne edificata a cavallo del maestoso criptoportico forense, mentre la Collegiata di Sant'Orso nei pressi di una Basilica paleocristiana. Altri scavi archeologici hanno poi riportato alla luce la vicina villa romana in Regione Consolata.
L'evento più importante della Valle è la millenaria fiera di San'Orso in cui artigiani, canti, balli e folclore richiamano in città miglia di visitatori sino alla notte della Vaillà il 31 gennaio di ogni anno.
Una realizzazione di Fabrizio Vaghi e Paolo Vaghi
Testi, grafica, montaggio e regia di Fabrizio Vaghi
Una produzione Vaghi per il mondo
Puntata condotta da Fabrizio Vaghi e Melania Pecoraro,
con la partecipazione di Andrea Edoardo Paron (Assessore alla Pubblica istruzione, Cultura, Politiche giovanili, Rapporti con l'Università e Innovazione tecnologica della Città di Aosta).
Si ringrazia la Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta (Assessorato Istruzione e Cultura - Ufficio Promozione per i beni e le attività culturali), il Comune di Aosta (Ufficio Manifestazioni), l'Istituto Musicale Pareggiato della Valle d'Aosta, la Diocesi di Aosta, la Trattoria degli Artisti.
Tutti i diritti riservati, Vaghi per il mondo, 2015.
Vietata la duplicazione e la diffusione non autorizzata al di fuori del canale http://youtube.com/vaghiperilmondo
wn.com/Pronti Partenza...Via, Alla Scoperta Di Aosta
In questa puntata di "Pronti Partenza ...Via", rubrica turistica/culturale, viene presentata AOSTA, fiera capitale della regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta e importante città di fondazione romana nel crocevia delle strade che salgono ai valichi del Gran San Bernardo e del Piccolo San Bernardo. Grazie alla sua posizione al centro della valle l'imperatore Augusto volle creare un avamposto che in suo onore venne battezzato Augusta Pretoria.
La città romana era compresa entro un rettangolo cinto da mura e da 20 torri quadrangolari in cui si aprivano le quattro porte in corrispondenza dei due assi stradali principali: il Cardo e il Decumano. La Porta Pretoria è ancora visibile in tutta la sua imponenza mentre i resti della altre sono comunque visibili attraverso scavi archeologici. La più eloquente architettura romana è il Teatro con la sua parete di 20 metri, poco invece è rimasto del vicino anfiteatro, inglobato nelle costruzioni medievali. Durante questo periodo la città ebbe un secondo momento di fervore, molte torri furono trasformate in dimore fedudali, vennero erette chiese e monasteri che occuparono i luoghi di precedenti costruzioni. La cattedrale venne edificata a cavallo del maestoso criptoportico forense, mentre la Collegiata di Sant'Orso nei pressi di una Basilica paleocristiana. Altri scavi archeologici hanno poi riportato alla luce la vicina villa romana in Regione Consolata.
L'evento più importante della Valle è la millenaria fiera di San'Orso in cui artigiani, canti, balli e folclore richiamano in città miglia di visitatori sino alla notte della Vaillà il 31 gennaio di ogni anno.
Una realizzazione di Fabrizio Vaghi e Paolo Vaghi
Testi, grafica, montaggio e regia di Fabrizio Vaghi
Una produzione Vaghi per il mondo
Puntata condotta da Fabrizio Vaghi e Melania Pecoraro,
con la partecipazione di Andrea Edoardo Paron (Assessore alla Pubblica istruzione, Cultura, Politiche giovanili, Rapporti con l'Università e Innovazione tecnologica della Città di Aosta).
Si ringrazia la Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta (Assessorato Istruzione e Cultura - Ufficio Promozione per i beni e le attività culturali), il Comune di Aosta (Ufficio Manifestazioni), l'Istituto Musicale Pareggiato della Valle d'Aosta, la Diocesi di Aosta, la Trattoria degli Artisti.
Tutti i diritti riservati, Vaghi per il mondo, 2015.
Vietata la duplicazione e la diffusione non autorizzata al di fuori del canale http://youtube.com/vaghiperilmondo
- published: 23 Feb 2015
- views: 102
Quattro passi per Aosta
http://www.aostaoggi.tv Quattro passi per la città di Aosta....
http://www.aostaoggi.tv Quattro passi per la città di Aosta.
wn.com/Quattro Passi Per Aosta
http://www.aostaoggi.tv Quattro passi per la città di Aosta.
Aosta Valley - Italy
Aosta is the principal city of the bilingual Aosta Valley in the Italian Alps, 110 km (68 mi) north-northwest of Turin. It is situated near the Italian entra......
Aosta is the principal city of the bilingual Aosta Valley in the Italian Alps, 110 km (68 mi) north-northwest of Turin. It is situated near the Italian entra...
wn.com/Aosta Valley Italy
Aosta is the principal city of the bilingual Aosta Valley in the Italian Alps, 110 km (68 mi) north-northwest of Turin. It is situated near the Italian entra...
AOSTA gliding 2015
Many thanks to Paolo, Attilio, Valter and all the rest of the Aeroclub Aosta staff for your assistance, hospitality and the drinks :-)
music: Free as a Bird - ...
Many thanks to Paolo, Attilio, Valter and all the rest of the Aeroclub Aosta staff for your assistance, hospitality and the drinks :-)
music: Free as a Bird - The Beatles
camera: Möbius camera
editing software: windows moviemaker
wn.com/Aosta Gliding 2015
Many thanks to Paolo, Attilio, Valter and all the rest of the Aeroclub Aosta staff for your assistance, hospitality and the drinks :-)
music: Free as a Bird - The Beatles
camera: Möbius camera
editing software: windows moviemaker
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 48
I monumenti romani di Aosta
La città di Aosta fu fondata dai Romani nel 25 a.C.. E' ricca di testimonianze di epoca romana quali la Porta Praetoria, una delle poche del mondo romano anc......
La città di Aosta fu fondata dai Romani nel 25 a.C.. E' ricca di testimonianze di epoca romana quali la Porta Praetoria, una delle poche del mondo romano anc...
wn.com/I Monumenti Romani Di Aosta
La città di Aosta fu fondata dai Romani nel 25 a.C.. E' ricca di testimonianze di epoca romana quali la Porta Praetoria, una delle poche del mondo romano anc...
- published: 25 Mar 2011
- views: 2370
author: lovevda
Aosta 12.05.12
Passeio em Aosta cidade do norte da Italia, famoso pelo frio, pela influemcia francesa e pelo artesanto........
Passeio em Aosta cidade do norte da Italia, famoso pelo frio, pela influemcia francesa e pelo artesanto.....
wn.com/Aosta 12.05.12
Passeio em Aosta cidade do norte da Italia, famoso pelo frio, pela influemcia francesa e pelo artesanto.....
wn.com/.. Porcini Aestivalis Boletus Reticolatus Valle D'Aosta 2015 2° Parte
- published: 05 Jul 2015
- views: 379
The Aosta Valley is the most north-western region in Italy, surrounded by peaks exceeding 4000 metres some of the finest ski resorts in Europe incuding Courm......
The Aosta Valley is the most north-western region in Italy, surrounded by peaks exceeding 4000 metres some of the finest ski resorts in Europe incuding Courm...
wn.com/Discover The Stunning Aosta Valley In The Italian Alps
The Aosta Valley is the most north-western region in Italy, surrounded by peaks exceeding 4000 metres some of the finest ski resorts in Europe incuding Courm...
4° Jolly Rally 2015 [HD] - Valle d'Aosta- Show
Ecco il video del quarto jolly rally svolto nei dintorni di Morgex il 4 ottobre 2015. Complimenti a tutti gli equipaggi!!...
Ecco il video del quarto jolly rally svolto nei dintorni di Morgex il 4 ottobre 2015. Complimenti a tutti gli equipaggi!!
wn.com/4° Jolly Rally 2015 Hd Valle D'Aosta Show
Ecco il video del quarto jolly rally svolto nei dintorni di Morgex il 4 ottobre 2015. Complimenti a tutti gli equipaggi!!
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 1202
Valle d'Aosta, terra di Castelli
I castelli della Valle d'Aosta sono i protagonisti di questo video ricco di spettacolari riprese panoramiche tra le montagne. Sono mostrati il Forte di Bard,......
I castelli della Valle d'Aosta sono i protagonisti di questo video ricco di spettacolari riprese panoramiche tra le montagne. Sono mostrati il Forte di Bard,...
wn.com/Valle D'Aosta, Terra Di Castelli
I castelli della Valle d'Aosta sono i protagonisti di questo video ricco di spettacolari riprese panoramiche tra le montagne. Sono mostrati il Forte di Bard,...
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 7393
author: lovevda
FILMCARDS - I documentari: Valle d'aosta (1.a parte)
Uno splendido viaggio in una delle regioni più suggestive d'Italia, la Valle d'Aosta. Potrete vedere altre centinaia di video turistici sul nostro sito www.l......
Uno splendido viaggio in una delle regioni più suggestive d'Italia, la Valle d'Aosta. Potrete vedere altre centinaia di video turistici sul nostro sito www.l...
wn.com/Filmcards I Documentari Valle D'Aosta (1.A Parte)
Uno splendido viaggio in una delle regioni più suggestive d'Italia, la Valle d'Aosta. Potrete vedere altre centinaia di video turistici sul nostro sito www.l...
- published: 28 Mar 2012
- views: 4304
author: iFILMATI
Aosta - Carlisport Cogianco 5 a 6 FINALE SCUDETTO UNDER 21
Una vittoria di un grande gruppo, il PRIMO SCUDETTO non si scorda MAI !!!!! CAMPIONI D'ITALIA...
Una vittoria di un grande gruppo, il PRIMO SCUDETTO non si scorda MAI !!!!! CAMPIONI D'ITALIA
wn.com/Aosta Carlisport Cogianco 5 A 6 Finale Scudetto Under 21
Una vittoria di un grande gruppo, il PRIMO SCUDETTO non si scorda MAI !!!!! CAMPIONI D'ITALIA
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 620
EMOZIONI, arte, storia e paesaggi in Valle d'Aosta
Documentario sui beni artistici e culturali della Valle d'Aosta....
Documentario sui beni artistici e culturali della Valle d'Aosta.
wn.com/Emozioni, Arte, Storia E Paesaggi In Valle D'Aosta
Documentario sui beni artistici e culturali della Valle d'Aosta.
Aosta - Als Region
Das Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste) wird von den gewaltigen Alpen- Bergmassiven des Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Gran Paradiso und Matterhorn umrahmt. Run......
Das Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste) wird von den gewaltigen Alpen- Bergmassiven des Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Gran Paradiso und Matterhorn umrahmt. Run...
wn.com/Aosta Als Region
Das Aostatal (Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste) wird von den gewaltigen Alpen- Bergmassiven des Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Gran Paradiso und Matterhorn umrahmt. Run...
Travel Guide to the Region of the Aosta Valley, Italy
What to see and do in the Aosta valley region of Italy, general travel information on planning a vacation to Italy. For more about outdoor recreation in the ...
Fénis Castle, Aosta, Travel In Northern Italy
The Italian medieval castle at Fénis is one of the most dramatic, and popular, fortresses of the Aosta Valley. Despite the extensive defensive architecture, it was actually built to be an impressive residence.
First documented in the 13th century, it belonged to the Lords of Challant until the 18th century. The castle then fell into a state of neglect and was used by local villagers to store hay.
Aosta Travel
Aosta Travel - Jagged Alpine peaks rise like marble cathedrals above the town of Aosta, a once-important Roman settlement that has sprawled rather untidily across the valley floor since the opening of the Mont Blanc tunnel in the 1960s. Bounced around between Burgundy (France) and Savoy (Italy) in the Middle Ages, the modern town remains bilingual, with a culture that is Valdostan, a factor best r
Valle d'Aosta and Its cities
One city, the legendary Cordelia of the Celtic-Ligurian population, an important Roman settlement: Aosta. Then Saint-Vincent: spa, casino and the tourist resorts in Courmayeur, Cervinia, Cogne.
See more video at http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
Una sola città. E’ stata la mitica Cordelia delle popolazioni celto-liguri e importante centro romano: Aosta. Poi Saint-Vincent, terme e casinò e i centr
Aosta Valley - Italy
The Aosta Valley is a mountainous semi-autonomous region in northwestern Italy. It is bordered by Rhône-Alpes, France to the west, Valais, Switzerland to the north and the region of Piedmont to the south and east.
With an area of 3,263 km2 (1,260 sq mi) and a population of about 126,933, it is the smallest, least populous, and least densely populated region of Italy. It is the only Italian region
Aosta valley Italy 2015
Shopping in Valle d'Aosta
From food and wine to craft products, everything speaks of the mountains. Cheeses from alpine pastures, liqueurs, carved wooden products, woodwork. All excellent products.
See more video at http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
Dall’enogastronomia all’artigianato, tutto parla la lingua della montagna. Formaggi d’alpeggio, liquori, il legno intagliato, la falegnameria. Eccellenze del prodotto alpino.
Summer in the Aosta Vally
The Aosta Valley (Valle d'Aosta in Italian) is not only worth visiting during the winter sports season; Italy's smallest and least populated region has much to offer in summer, including mountain biking, walking, hiking, trekking, rafting, horse-riding, golf, summer skiing and snowboarding, abseiling, via ferrata and many other activities.
Courmayeur Aosta (come mai vista )
Courmayeur is an Italian town and comune in the autonomous region of Aosta Valley in northern Italy. It is located at the foot of Mont Blanc,
Roman Ruins of Aosta, Italy - Walks Traveler
In the sleepy Alpine town of Aosta, far north in Italy almost to Switzerland, you'd be surprised to find such an extensive archaeological area! The ancient R...
Primer día en Aosta ( Italia ) - 18/06/2014
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Rafting Totem Adventure Summer 2014 in Aosta Valley, Italy
We have a lot of fun this summer. Check out our latest summer video. Rafting, Paragliding, Yoga, Kayak and multisport holidays. For Groups, singles, families...
Travel Guide to the Region of Sicily, Italy
What to see and do on the Island of Sicily in Italy, vacation ideas and tips for a great vacation to Italy's Region of Sicily in the south. For more informat...
Corleone, Italy HD
Corleone - Italy Travel Guide, Tours, Vacation, Tourism HD Travel Videos HD World Travel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Corle...
Travel Guide to the Lombardy Region of Italy
What to see and do in Italy's Lombardy Region in northern Italy. Milano, Lake Como and parts of the Italian Alps. For more outdoor recreation information go ...
Alto Adige Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Alto Adige in Italy.
The Strada Delle Dolomiti is a good mountain road that travels through a picturesque nature reserve amidst some of the most beautiful mountains in Europe, an enchanting region in northern Italy, the Alto Adige.The age-old charm of the historical city centre of Cortina d'Ampezzo is captivating, and the facades of its chalets and hotels are richly
Travel Guide to the Molise Region of Italy
What to see and do in the Molise Region of Italy. For more information about outdoor recreation see http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
Travel Guide to the Piedmont Region of Italy
What to see and do in the Piedmont Region. For more information on outdoor activities in the Piedmont Region go to http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
Travel Guide to the Umbria Region of Italy
Vacation ideas and what to see in the Umbria region of Italy. For more outdoor activities to enjoy on your Italian Vacation be sure to visit http://www.itali...
Travel Guide to the Marches Region of Italy
What to see and do in the Marches Region of Italy. More outdoor recreation information at http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
Matterhorn on the border between Switzerland and Italy | Visit Matterhorn Tour | Travel Videos Guide
The Matterhorn (German), Monte Cervino (Italian) or Mont Cervin (French), is a mountain in the Pennine Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy. Its summit is 4,478 metres (14,692 ft) high, making it one of the highest peaks in the Alps.[3] The four steep faces, rising above the surrounding glaciers, face the four compass points. The mountain overlooks the town of Zermatt in the canton of
italian.travel Italy_1st
here are about 40000 hotels in Italy. Every hotel has rates fixed in agreement with the Provincial Tourist Board. Most hotels quote all-inclusive rates, whi...
Cheap Army Hotels, militarytravelzone.com, cheap hotels for military, USMC, Army, Navy
I needed special offers and easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. I'm in the ARMY and need great deals on hotel, resort travel, airfare and rental cars exclusively for military personnel,. The site also provides military news, list of US Military Bases, Upcoming Military Trade Shows, Directory of Military Schools, and a US and Internat
Travel Guide to the Region of the Aosta Valley, Italy
What to see and do in the Aosta valley region of Italy, general travel information on planning a vacation to Italy. For more about outdoor recreation in the ......
What to see and do in the Aosta valley region of Italy, general travel information on planning a vacation to Italy. For more about outdoor recreation in the ...
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Region Of The Aosta Valley, Italy
What to see and do in the Aosta valley region of Italy, general travel information on planning a vacation to Italy. For more about outdoor recreation in the ...
Fénis Castle, Aosta, Travel In Northern Italy
The Italian medieval castle at Fénis is one of the most dramatic, and popular, fortresses of the Aosta Valley. Despite the extensive defensive architecture, it ...
The Italian medieval castle at Fénis is one of the most dramatic, and popular, fortresses of the Aosta Valley. Despite the extensive defensive architecture, it was actually built to be an impressive residence.
First documented in the 13th century, it belonged to the Lords of Challant until the 18th century. The castle then fell into a state of neglect and was used by local villagers to store hay. Two major restoration efforts, in 1895 and 1935, returned the monument to it's current condition.
An inner courtyard, occupies the center of the keep and features wood balconies. Frescoes from the 15th century illustrate Saint George killing the dragon. Surrounding walls are decorated with images of saints, sages and proverbs in old French.
wn.com/Fénis Castle, Aosta, Travel In Northern Italy
The Italian medieval castle at Fénis is one of the most dramatic, and popular, fortresses of the Aosta Valley. Despite the extensive defensive architecture, it was actually built to be an impressive residence.
First documented in the 13th century, it belonged to the Lords of Challant until the 18th century. The castle then fell into a state of neglect and was used by local villagers to store hay. Two major restoration efforts, in 1895 and 1935, returned the monument to it's current condition.
An inner courtyard, occupies the center of the keep and features wood balconies. Frescoes from the 15th century illustrate Saint George killing the dragon. Surrounding walls are decorated with images of saints, sages and proverbs in old French.
- published: 13 Jul 2015
- views: 11
Aosta Travel
Aosta Travel - Jagged Alpine peaks rise like marble cathedrals above the town of Aosta, a once-important Roman settlement that has sprawled rather untidily acro...
Aosta Travel - Jagged Alpine peaks rise like marble cathedrals above the town of Aosta, a once-important Roman settlement that has sprawled rather untidily across the valley floor since the opening of the Mont Blanc tunnel in the 1960s. Bounced around between Burgundy (France) and Savoy (Italy) in the Middle Ages, the modern town remains bilingual, with a culture that is Valdostan, a factor best reflected in its musical local dialect and simple but hearty cuisine.
Enjoy Your Aosta Travel!
wn.com/Aosta Travel
Aosta Travel - Jagged Alpine peaks rise like marble cathedrals above the town of Aosta, a once-important Roman settlement that has sprawled rather untidily across the valley floor since the opening of the Mont Blanc tunnel in the 1960s. Bounced around between Burgundy (France) and Savoy (Italy) in the Middle Ages, the modern town remains bilingual, with a culture that is Valdostan, a factor best reflected in its musical local dialect and simple but hearty cuisine.
Enjoy Your Aosta Travel!
- published: 10 Aug 2014
- views: 301
Valle d'Aosta and Its cities
One city, the legendary Cordelia of the Celtic-Ligurian population, an important Roman settlement: Aosta. Then Saint-Vincent: spa, casino and the tourist resort...
One city, the legendary Cordelia of the Celtic-Ligurian population, an important Roman settlement: Aosta. Then Saint-Vincent: spa, casino and the tourist resorts in Courmayeur, Cervinia, Cogne.
See more video at http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
Una sola città. E’ stata la mitica Cordelia delle popolazioni celto-liguri e importante centro romano: Aosta. Poi Saint-Vincent, terme e casinò e i centri turistici, Courmayeur, Cervinia, Cogne.
Guarda gli altri video su http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
wn.com/Valle D'Aosta And Its Cities
One city, the legendary Cordelia of the Celtic-Ligurian population, an important Roman settlement: Aosta. Then Saint-Vincent: spa, casino and the tourist resorts in Courmayeur, Cervinia, Cogne.
See more video at http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
Una sola città. E’ stata la mitica Cordelia delle popolazioni celto-liguri e importante centro romano: Aosta. Poi Saint-Vincent, terme e casinò e i centri turistici, Courmayeur, Cervinia, Cogne.
Guarda gli altri video su http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 98
Aosta Valley - Italy
The Aosta Valley is a mountainous semi-autonomous region in northwestern Italy. It is bordered by Rhône-Alpes, France to the west, Valais, Switzerland to the no...
The Aosta Valley is a mountainous semi-autonomous region in northwestern Italy. It is bordered by Rhône-Alpes, France to the west, Valais, Switzerland to the north and the region of Piedmont to the south and east.
With an area of 3,263 km2 (1,260 sq mi) and a population of about 126,933, it is the smallest, least populous, and least densely populated region of Italy. It is the only Italian region which has no provinces (the province of Aosta was dissolved in 1945). Provincial administrative functions are provided by the regional government.The region is divided into 74 comuni (communes).
Italian and French are both official, though the native population speaks also Valdôtain, a dialect of Arpitan, as home language. In 2001, 96.01% of the Valdostan population reported knowing Italian, 75.41% French, 55.77% Arpitan, and 50.53% all of them.
The regional capital is Aosta.
Source: Wikipedia
wn.com/Aosta Valley Italy
The Aosta Valley is a mountainous semi-autonomous region in northwestern Italy. It is bordered by Rhône-Alpes, France to the west, Valais, Switzerland to the north and the region of Piedmont to the south and east.
With an area of 3,263 km2 (1,260 sq mi) and a population of about 126,933, it is the smallest, least populous, and least densely populated region of Italy. It is the only Italian region which has no provinces (the province of Aosta was dissolved in 1945). Provincial administrative functions are provided by the regional government.The region is divided into 74 comuni (communes).
Italian and French are both official, though the native population speaks also Valdôtain, a dialect of Arpitan, as home language. In 2001, 96.01% of the Valdostan population reported knowing Italian, 75.41% French, 55.77% Arpitan, and 50.53% all of them.
The regional capital is Aosta.
Source: Wikipedia
- published: 23 Sep 2014
- views: 17
Shopping in Valle d'Aosta
From food and wine to craft products, everything speaks of the mountains. Cheeses from alpine pastures, liqueurs, carved wooden products, woodwork. All excellen...
From food and wine to craft products, everything speaks of the mountains. Cheeses from alpine pastures, liqueurs, carved wooden products, woodwork. All excellent products.
See more video at http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
Dall’enogastronomia all’artigianato, tutto parla la lingua della montagna. Formaggi d’alpeggio, liquori, il legno intagliato, la falegnameria. Eccellenze del prodotto alpino.
Guarda gli altri video su http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
wn.com/Shopping In Valle D'Aosta
From food and wine to craft products, everything speaks of the mountains. Cheeses from alpine pastures, liqueurs, carved wooden products, woodwork. All excellent products.
See more video at http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
Dall’enogastronomia all’artigianato, tutto parla la lingua della montagna. Formaggi d’alpeggio, liquori, il legno intagliato, la falegnameria. Eccellenze del prodotto alpino.
Guarda gli altri video su http://www.expo.rai.it/youritaly
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 90
Summer in the Aosta Vally
The Aosta Valley (Valle d'Aosta in Italian) is not only worth visiting during the winter sports season; Italy's smallest and least populated region has much to ...
The Aosta Valley (Valle d'Aosta in Italian) is not only worth visiting during the winter sports season; Italy's smallest and least populated region has much to offer in summer, including mountain biking, walking, hiking, trekking, rafting, horse-riding, golf, summer skiing and snowboarding, abseiling, via ferrata and many other activities.
wn.com/Summer In The Aosta Vally
The Aosta Valley (Valle d'Aosta in Italian) is not only worth visiting during the winter sports season; Italy's smallest and least populated region has much to offer in summer, including mountain biking, walking, hiking, trekking, rafting, horse-riding, golf, summer skiing and snowboarding, abseiling, via ferrata and many other activities.
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 7
Courmayeur Aosta (come mai vista )
Courmayeur is an Italian town and comune in the autonomous region of Aosta Valley in northern Italy. It is located at the foot of Mont Blanc,...
Courmayeur is an Italian town and comune in the autonomous region of Aosta Valley in northern Italy. It is located at the foot of Mont Blanc,
wn.com/Courmayeur Aosta (Come Mai Vista )
Courmayeur is an Italian town and comune in the autonomous region of Aosta Valley in northern Italy. It is located at the foot of Mont Blanc,
- published: 10 Nov 2013
- views: 107
author: Pino Meola
Roman Ruins of Aosta, Italy - Walks Traveler
In the sleepy Alpine town of Aosta, far north in Italy almost to Switzerland, you'd be surprised to find such an extensive archaeological area! The ancient R......
In the sleepy Alpine town of Aosta, far north in Italy almost to Switzerland, you'd be surprised to find such an extensive archaeological area! The ancient R...
wn.com/Roman Ruins Of Aosta, Italy Walks Traveler
In the sleepy Alpine town of Aosta, far north in Italy almost to Switzerland, you'd be surprised to find such an extensive archaeological area! The ancient R...
Primer día en Aosta ( Italia ) - 18/06/2014
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En Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IvanSolet
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wn.com/Primer Día En Aosta ( Italia ) 18 06 2014
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En Twitter (Personal): http://www.twitter.com/IvanMateu
En Twitter (Vlogger): http://www.twitter.com/IvanSoletVlogs
- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 1314
Rafting Totem Adventure Summer 2014 in Aosta Valley, Italy
We have a lot of fun this summer. Check out our latest summer video. Rafting, Paragliding, Yoga, Kayak and multisport holidays. For Groups, singles, families......
We have a lot of fun this summer. Check out our latest summer video. Rafting, Paragliding, Yoga, Kayak and multisport holidays. For Groups, singles, families...
wn.com/Rafting Totem Adventure Summer 2014 In Aosta Valley, Italy
We have a lot of fun this summer. Check out our latest summer video. Rafting, Paragliding, Yoga, Kayak and multisport holidays. For Groups, singles, families...
Travel Guide to the Region of Sicily, Italy
What to see and do on the Island of Sicily in Italy, vacation ideas and tips for a great vacation to Italy's Region of Sicily in the south. For more informat......
What to see and do on the Island of Sicily in Italy, vacation ideas and tips for a great vacation to Italy's Region of Sicily in the south. For more informat...
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Region Of Sicily, Italy
What to see and do on the Island of Sicily in Italy, vacation ideas and tips for a great vacation to Italy's Region of Sicily in the south. For more informat...
Corleone, Italy HD
Corleone - Italy Travel Guide, Tours, Vacation, Tourism HD Travel Videos HD World Travel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Corle......
Corleone - Italy Travel Guide, Tours, Vacation, Tourism HD Travel Videos HD World Travel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Corle...
wn.com/Corleone, Italy Hd
Corleone - Italy Travel Guide, Tours, Vacation, Tourism HD Travel Videos HD World Travel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Corle...
Travel Guide to the Lombardy Region of Italy
What to see and do in Italy's Lombardy Region in northern Italy. Milano, Lake Como and parts of the Italian Alps. For more outdoor recreation information go ......
What to see and do in Italy's Lombardy Region in northern Italy. Milano, Lake Como and parts of the Italian Alps. For more outdoor recreation information go ...
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Lombardy Region Of Italy
What to see and do in Italy's Lombardy Region in northern Italy. Milano, Lake Como and parts of the Italian Alps. For more outdoor recreation information go ...
Alto Adige Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Alto Adige in Italy.
The Strada Delle Dolomiti is a good mountain road that travels through a picturesque nature reserve amidst s...
Travel video about destination Alto Adige in Italy.
The Strada Delle Dolomiti is a good mountain road that travels through a picturesque nature reserve amidst some of the most beautiful mountains in Europe, an enchanting region in northern Italy, the Alto Adige.The age-old charm of the historical city centre of Cortina d'Ampezzo is captivating, and the facades of its chalets and hotels are richly decorated with frescos. Alpe di Siusi, the Seiser Alm, contains a 50 square kilometer recreation area. In summer, hikers come to this high plateau and in winter, it’s popular with cross-country sportsmen. Europe’s largest alpine meadow is located at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level and horse-drawn sleighs are at the ready for local excursions pulled by tough and hardy Haflinger horses. The region’s metropolis is Bolzano-Bozen, which is situated in a valley basin that opens up to the south. The symbol of the city is its Late Gothic Bishop Church and in the adjoining Baroque chapel, there is a collection of priceless frescos. The stone images and grotesque symbols on its facade indicate the great influence of the basic doctrines of the Church. In the small alleys of the picturesque old town, the houses have arcades that are known as Lauben. Luxurious middle-class houses with artistically painted facades adorn the alleys of the old town that was used by the Romans as a central resting place while traveling to the north. Bruneck-Brunico is the main village of Puster Valley. In 1250, Prince Bishop Bruno von Kirchberg of Bruneck built this strongly fortified city and castle against the monarchs of the Tyrol. The rows of houses in the Stadtgasse date back to the 15th and 16th centuries and make it one of the most beautiful streets in the Tyrol.High on a rock at the entrance to the Valle Aurina-Ahrntal is Taufers Castle, one of the mightiest fortified buildings in the Tyrol.For history combined with fairytale scenery, the Alto Aldige is the place to be!
wn.com/Alto Adige Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Alto Adige in Italy.
The Strada Delle Dolomiti is a good mountain road that travels through a picturesque nature reserve amidst some of the most beautiful mountains in Europe, an enchanting region in northern Italy, the Alto Adige.The age-old charm of the historical city centre of Cortina d'Ampezzo is captivating, and the facades of its chalets and hotels are richly decorated with frescos. Alpe di Siusi, the Seiser Alm, contains a 50 square kilometer recreation area. In summer, hikers come to this high plateau and in winter, it’s popular with cross-country sportsmen. Europe’s largest alpine meadow is located at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level and horse-drawn sleighs are at the ready for local excursions pulled by tough and hardy Haflinger horses. The region’s metropolis is Bolzano-Bozen, which is situated in a valley basin that opens up to the south. The symbol of the city is its Late Gothic Bishop Church and in the adjoining Baroque chapel, there is a collection of priceless frescos. The stone images and grotesque symbols on its facade indicate the great influence of the basic doctrines of the Church. In the small alleys of the picturesque old town, the houses have arcades that are known as Lauben. Luxurious middle-class houses with artistically painted facades adorn the alleys of the old town that was used by the Romans as a central resting place while traveling to the north. Bruneck-Brunico is the main village of Puster Valley. In 1250, Prince Bishop Bruno von Kirchberg of Bruneck built this strongly fortified city and castle against the monarchs of the Tyrol. The rows of houses in the Stadtgasse date back to the 15th and 16th centuries and make it one of the most beautiful streets in the Tyrol.High on a rock at the entrance to the Valle Aurina-Ahrntal is Taufers Castle, one of the mightiest fortified buildings in the Tyrol.For history combined with fairytale scenery, the Alto Aldige is the place to be!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 358
Travel Guide to the Molise Region of Italy
What to see and do in the Molise Region of Italy. For more information about outdoor recreation see http://www.italiaoutdoors.com....
What to see and do in the Molise Region of Italy. For more information about outdoor recreation see http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Molise Region Of Italy
What to see and do in the Molise Region of Italy. For more information about outdoor recreation see http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
Travel Guide to the Piedmont Region of Italy
What to see and do in the Piedmont Region. For more information on outdoor activities in the Piedmont Region go to http://www.italiaoutdoors.com....
What to see and do in the Piedmont Region. For more information on outdoor activities in the Piedmont Region go to http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Piedmont Region Of Italy
What to see and do in the Piedmont Region. For more information on outdoor activities in the Piedmont Region go to http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
Travel Guide to the Umbria Region of Italy
Vacation ideas and what to see in the Umbria region of Italy. For more outdoor activities to enjoy on your Italian Vacation be sure to visit http://www.itali......
Vacation ideas and what to see in the Umbria region of Italy. For more outdoor activities to enjoy on your Italian Vacation be sure to visit http://www.itali...
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Umbria Region Of Italy
Vacation ideas and what to see in the Umbria region of Italy. For more outdoor activities to enjoy on your Italian Vacation be sure to visit http://www.itali...
Travel Guide to the Marches Region of Italy
What to see and do in the Marches Region of Italy. More outdoor recreation information at http://www.italiaoutdoors.com....
What to see and do in the Marches Region of Italy. More outdoor recreation information at http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Marches Region Of Italy
What to see and do in the Marches Region of Italy. More outdoor recreation information at http://www.italiaoutdoors.com.
Matterhorn on the border between Switzerland and Italy | Visit Matterhorn Tour | Travel Videos Guide
The Matterhorn (German), Monte Cervino (Italian) or Mont Cervin (French), is a mountain in the Pennine Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy. Its sum...
The Matterhorn (German), Monte Cervino (Italian) or Mont Cervin (French), is a mountain in the Pennine Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy. Its summit is 4,478 metres (14,692 ft) high, making it one of the highest peaks in the Alps.[3] The four steep faces, rising above the surrounding glaciers, face the four compass points. The mountain overlooks the town of Zermatt in the canton of Valais to the north-east and Breuil-Cervinia in the Aosta Valley to the south. Theodul Pass, located at the eastern base of the peak, is the lowest passage between its north and south side. More info visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matterhorn
Matterhorn on the border between Switzerland and Italy
Visit Matterhorn
Visit Matterhorn Tour
Matterhorn Travel
Matterhorn Travel Videos Guide
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wn.com/Matterhorn On The Border Between Switzerland And Italy | Visit Matterhorn Tour | Travel Videos Guide
The Matterhorn (German), Monte Cervino (Italian) or Mont Cervin (French), is a mountain in the Pennine Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy. Its summit is 4,478 metres (14,692 ft) high, making it one of the highest peaks in the Alps.[3] The four steep faces, rising above the surrounding glaciers, face the four compass points. The mountain overlooks the town of Zermatt in the canton of Valais to the north-east and Breuil-Cervinia in the Aosta Valley to the south. Theodul Pass, located at the eastern base of the peak, is the lowest passage between its north and south side. More info visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matterhorn
Matterhorn on the border between Switzerland and Italy
Visit Matterhorn
Visit Matterhorn Tour
Matterhorn Travel
Matterhorn Travel Videos Guide
Get more Travel Around The World:
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- published: 07 Feb 2015
- views: 0
italian.travel Italy_1st
here are about 40000 hotels in Italy. Every hotel has rates fixed in agreement with the Provincial Tourist Board. Most hotels quote all-inclusive rates, whi......
here are about 40000 hotels in Italy. Every hotel has rates fixed in agreement with the Provincial Tourist Board. Most hotels quote all-inclusive rates, whi...
wn.com/Italian.Travel Italy 1St
here are about 40000 hotels in Italy. Every hotel has rates fixed in agreement with the Provincial Tourist Board. Most hotels quote all-inclusive rates, whi...
Cheap Army Hotels, militarytravelzone.com, cheap hotels for military, USMC, Army, Navy
I needed special offers and easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. I'm in the ARMY and need great d...
I needed special offers and easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. I'm in the ARMY and need great deals on hotel, resort travel, airfare and rental cars exclusively for military personnel,. The site also provides military news, list of US Military Bases, Upcoming Military Trade Shows, Directory of Military Schools, and a US and International Airport Guide. I got the popular "$100 HOTEL REBATES" promotion. After I called 1800-853-0510 for rates.
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Anging, China (AQG)
Angouleme, France (ANG)
Anguilla, Anguilla (AXA)
Aniwa, Vanuatu (AWD)
Ankang, China (AKA)
Ankara, Turkey - Esenboga (ESB)
Ankara, Turkey - Etimesqut (ANK)
Ankavandra, Madagascar (JVA)
Annaba, Algeria (AAE)
Annecy, France (NCY)
Antalaha, Madagascar (ANM)
Antalya, Turkey (AYT)
Antaninvarivo, Madgascar (TNR)
Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda (ANU)
Antofagasta, Chile (ANF)
Antsalova, Madagascar (WAQ)
Antsiranana, Madagascar (DIE)
Antsohihy, Madagascar (WAI)
Antwerp, Belgium - Deurne Airport (ANR)
Antwerp, Belgium - Bus service (ZAY)
Aomori, Japan (AOJ)
Aosta, Italy (AOT)
Apartado, Colombia (APO)
Apia, Western Samoa (APW)
Apia, Western Samoa (FGI)
Aqaba, Jordan (AQJ)
Araca, Brazil (AJU)
Aracatuba, Brazil (ARU)
Arad, Romania (ARW)
Aragip, Papua New Guinea (ARP)
Araguaina, Brazil (AUX)
Arapoti, Brazil (AAG)
Arar, Saudi Arabia (RAE)
Arauca, Colombia (AUC)
Arba Mintch, Ethiopia (AMH)
Ardabil, Iran (ADU)
Arequipa, Peru (AQP)
Argelholm/Helsingborg, Sweden (AGH)
Argyle, Australia (GYL)
Arica, Chile (ARI)
Arkangelsk, Russia (ARH)
Armenia, Colombia (AXM)
Armidale, Australia (ARM)
Arthur's Town, Bahamas (ATC)
Arua, Uganda (RUA)
Aruba, Aruba (AUA)
Arusha, Tanzania (ARK)
Arvidsjaur, Sweden (AJR)
Asahikawa, Japan (AKJ)
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan (ASB)
Asmara, Eritrea (ASM)
Asosa, Ethopia (ASO)
Assiut, Egypt (ATZ)
Astana, Kazakhstan (TSE)
Astrakhan, Russia (ASF)
Asturias, Spain and Canary Islands (OVD)
Asuncion, Paraguay (ASU)
Aswan, Egypt (ASW)
Ataq, Yemen (AXK)
Athens, Greece (ATH)
Atiu Island, Cook Islands (AIU)
Atoifi, Solomon Islands (ATD)
wn.com/Cheap Army Hotels, Militarytravelzone.Com, Cheap Hotels For Military, Usmc, Army, Navy
I needed special offers and easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. I'm in the ARMY and need great deals on hotel, resort travel, airfare and rental cars exclusively for military personnel,. The site also provides military news, list of US Military Bases, Upcoming Military Trade Shows, Directory of Military Schools, and a US and International Airport Guide. I got the popular "$100 HOTEL REBATES" promotion. After I called 1800-853-0510 for rates.
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Anging, China (AQG)
Angouleme, France (ANG)
Anguilla, Anguilla (AXA)
Aniwa, Vanuatu (AWD)
Ankang, China (AKA)
Ankara, Turkey - Esenboga (ESB)
Ankara, Turkey - Etimesqut (ANK)
Ankavandra, Madagascar (JVA)
Annaba, Algeria (AAE)
Annecy, France (NCY)
Antalaha, Madagascar (ANM)
Antalya, Turkey (AYT)
Antaninvarivo, Madgascar (TNR)
Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda (ANU)
Antofagasta, Chile (ANF)
Antsalova, Madagascar (WAQ)
Antsiranana, Madagascar (DIE)
Antsohihy, Madagascar (WAI)
Antwerp, Belgium - Deurne Airport (ANR)
Antwerp, Belgium - Bus service (ZAY)
Aomori, Japan (AOJ)
Aosta, Italy (AOT)
Apartado, Colombia (APO)
Apia, Western Samoa (APW)
Apia, Western Samoa (FGI)
Aqaba, Jordan (AQJ)
Araca, Brazil (AJU)
Aracatuba, Brazil (ARU)
Arad, Romania (ARW)
Aragip, Papua New Guinea (ARP)
Araguaina, Brazil (AUX)
Arapoti, Brazil (AAG)
Arar, Saudi Arabia (RAE)
Arauca, Colombia (AUC)
Arba Mintch, Ethiopia (AMH)
Ardabil, Iran (ADU)
Arequipa, Peru (AQP)
Argelholm/Helsingborg, Sweden (AGH)
Argyle, Australia (GYL)
Arica, Chile (ARI)
Arkangelsk, Russia (ARH)
Armenia, Colombia (AXM)
Armidale, Australia (ARM)
Arthur's Town, Bahamas (ATC)
Arua, Uganda (RUA)
Aruba, Aruba (AUA)
Arusha, Tanzania (ARK)
Arvidsjaur, Sweden (AJR)
Asahikawa, Japan (AKJ)
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan (ASB)
Asmara, Eritrea (ASM)
Asosa, Ethopia (ASO)
Assiut, Egypt (ATZ)
Astana, Kazakhstan (TSE)
Astrakhan, Russia (ASF)
Asturias, Spain and Canary Islands (OVD)
Asuncion, Paraguay (ASU)
Aswan, Egypt (ASW)
Ataq, Yemen (AXK)
Athens, Greece (ATH)
Atiu Island, Cook Islands (AIU)
Atoifi, Solomon Islands (ATD)
- published: 09 Jun 2012
- views: 157