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Avicenna (ibn Sina) the Great Persian Philosopher & Physician
Ibn Sina
27 Ibn Sina Part 1
Science and Islam, Jim Al-Khalili - BBC Documentary
Ibn Sina (performed by Roger Worrod)
Magnificent Islamic Scholars - Avicenna - Ibn Sina
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) The Father of Modern Medicine.wmv
Der Medicus | Weisheit des Orients - Ibn Sina
Lycee ibn sina kermesse
Lycee ibn sina kermesse
Was Imam Ghazali right in charging Ibn Sina and Farabi as heretics?
İki Müslüman Bilim Adamı: İbn-i Sina ve İbn-i Rüşd
Lycee ibn sina kermesse (c'est quoi ça 1)
Ibn Sina - First Arabic-Speaking Humanoid Robot, IRML UAEU 2009
Actors Nico Hofmann (producer), Stellan Skarsgård (actor), Stanley Townsend (actor), Ben Kingsley (actor), Ingo Frenzel (composer), Fahri Yardim (actor), Sören von der Heyde (miscellaneous crew), Thomas Oláh (costume designer), Makram Khoury (actor), Christian Serritiello (actor), Olivier Martinez (actor), Franz Dinda (actor), Mourad Zaoui (actor), Wolf Bauer (producer), Todd M. Hofacker (miscellaneous crew),
Avicenna, was a Persian polymath, who wrote almost 450 treatises on a wide range of subjects, of which around 240 have survived. In particular, 150 of his su...
Tidbits on Ibn Sina's contributions. Info's gathered from : Pic's taken from: Google Images. P.S...
An episode from the television series "Al Mubdioon (The Innovators)" by Dr Tariq Al Suwaidan with English subtitles. The programme gives biographies of some ...
Science and Islam, Jim Al-Khalili. BBC Documentary Science and Islam is a three-part BBC documentary about the history of science in medieval Islamic civilization presented by Jim Al-Khalili. The series is accompanied by the book Science and Islam: A History written by Ehsan Masood. Episodes: Part 1: The Language of Science Part 2: The Empire of Reason Part 3: The Power of Doubt Part 1: The Language of Science: Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali all being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science - there would be no modern mathematics or physics without algebra, no computers without algorithms and no chemistry without alkalis. For Baghdad-born Al-Khalili this is also a personal journey and on his travels he uncovers a diverse and outward-looking culture, fascinated by learning and obsessed with science. From the great mathematician Al-Khwarizmi, who did much to establish the mathematical tradition we now know as algebra, to Ibn Sina, a pioneer of early medicine whose Canon of Medicine was still in use as recently as the 19th century, he pieces together a remarkable story of the often-overlooked achievements of the early medieval Islamic scientists. Part 2: The Empire of Reason: Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Al-Khalili travels to northern Syria to discover how, a thousand years ago, the great astronomer and mathematician Al-Biruni estimated the size of the earth to within a few hundred miles of the correct figure. He discovers how medieval Islamic scholars helped turn the magical and occult practice of alchemy into modern chemistry. In Cairo, he tells the story of the extraordinary physicist Ibn al-Haytham, who helped establish the modern science of optics and proved one of the most fundamental principles in physics - that light travels in straight lines. Prof Al-Khalili argues that these scholars are among the first people to insist that all scientific theories are backed up by careful experimental observation, bringing a rigour to science that didn't really exist before. Part 3: The Power of Doubt: Physicist Jim Al-Khalili tells the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Al-Khalili turns detective, hunting for clues that show how the scientific revolution that took place in the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe had its roots in the earlier world of medieval Islam. He travels across Iran, Syria and Egypt to discover the huge astronomical advances made by Islamic scholars through their obsession with accurate measurement and coherent and rigorous mathematics. He then visits Italy to see how those Islamic ideas permeated into the West and ultimately helped shape the works of the great European astronomer Copernicus, and investigates why science in the Islamic world appeared to go into decline after the 16th and 17th centuries, only for it to re-emerge in the present day. Al-Khalili ends his journey in the Royan Institute in the Iranian capital Tehran, looking at how science is now regarded in the Islamic world.
An interview with Avicenna (Ibn Sina), a thousand years ago. 5 questions, 5 answers. GB Studions, Switzerland. Actor: Roger Worrod.
son of Sina"; August c. 980 -- June 1037), commonly known as Ibn Sīnā, or in Arabic writing Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sīnā (...
A video project in partial fulfillment for the Islamic Knowledge and Sciences course, done by students from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. Narrator: Ixat Ske...
Universal Pictures International Germany 2013.
Cette vid�o a �t� envoy�e � partir d'un t�l�phone Android.
Cette vid�o a �t� envoy�e � partir d'un t�l�phone Android.
Responding to some questions. Ibn Rushd's book My blog posts that are relevant to this topic: http://www.faceboo...
Cette vid�o a �t� envoy�e � partir d'un t�l�phone Android.
IbnSina is the first Arabic-speaking humanoid robot, created at IRML (Interactive Robots and Media Lab, UAEU). It can understand Arabic words, and perform an...
Download: Mostanad Ebne Sina - BBC Persian.
Ibn Sina o Avicena (por su nombre latinizado) es el nombre por el que se conoce en la tradición occidental a Abū ‘Alī al-Husayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Sīnā (en persa: ابو علی الحسین ابن عبدالله ابن سینا; en árabe: أبو علي الحسین بن عبدالله بن سینا; Bujará, Gran Jorasán, c. 980 – Hamadán, 1037) fue un médico, filósofo, científico y polímata persa.1 Escribió cerca de trescientos libros sobre diferentes temas, predominantemente de filosofía y medicina. Sus textos más famosos son El libro de la curación y El canon de medicina, también conocido como Canon de Avicena. Sus discípulos le llamaban Cheikh el-Raïs, es decir 'príncipe de los sabios', o el más grande de los médicos, el Maestro por excelencia, o en fin el tercer Maestro (después de Aristóteles y Al-Farabi). Es asimismo uno de los principales médicos de todos los tiempos.
Kermesse fin année école Ibn Sina Rabat, 2013 Hiba et sa classe dansent Say Chava Chava
The Ibn Sina Robot on Dubai One TV, live show, February 2011.
This video was used as a brief hospital presentation during the Accreditation Visit( 20-24 April 2014 ). I apologize if some of the department were not given...
Jeunesse et Citoyenneté lycée Ibn Sina ;)
Salaheddine is op het avicenna college. Hij bezoekt de leerlingen die eerste zijn geworden in een debatcompetitie.
Salaheddine is op het Avicenna College in Rotterdam. Hij test de concentratie van de leerlingen met het ja en nee spel.
Salaheddine is op de islamitische middelbare school Avicenna College in Rotterdam en hij bezoekt de godsdienstles.
Peter Adamson discusses the philosophy of Avicenna. Melvyn Bragg discusses the Persian Islamic philosopher Avicenna. With Peter Adamson, Nader El-Bizri and A...
Interview with Ostad. Houshang Seyhoun استاد هوشنگ سیحون Hooshang Seyhoon (b. 1920 ) is a prominent Iranian architect. He was born in 1920, in Tehran, Iran, ...
RoboFlex Avicenna is the first Robot for Retrograde Intrarenal Laser Lithotripsy with flexible ureterorenoscope in the World. The video was presented in the ...
Für besonders begabte muslimische Studenten gibt es ein neues Förderwerk. Das Avicenna-Studienwerk, benannt nach dem Arzt und Universalgelehrten Avicenna, de...
One of the OLDEST Medical School in Caribbean (established on January 7, 1980) and FIRST CAAM-HP ACCREDITED Medical School in St. Lucia. Throughout its 34 ye...
Habib Salim Al-Shatiri bercerita tentang Habib Abu Bakar bin Abdullah Al-Attas bersama Avicenna Al-Attas
One of the OLDEST Medical School in Caribbean (established on January 7, 1980) and FIRST CAAM-HP ACCREDITED Medical School in St. Lucia. Throughout its 34 years of existence, the campus has continuously evolved into a modern multimillion dollar medical school complex. With an excellent track record of providing quality education for over 34 years, Spartan is committed to developing highly skilled and knowledgeable healthcare professionals. The Government of St. Lucia chartered and licensed Spartan Health Sciences University and provided accreditation by the St. Lucian Government Monitoring Committee appointed to oversee the school's academic, fiscal and management standards. The monitoring committee ensures that Spartan's standards are comparable to those set by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education as required by the Department of Education in the United States. The University is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (now called Avicenna Directories), published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Spartan is also in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED), maintained by the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (PALMER) of Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) of U.S.A. Over 2000 Graduates are practicing all over the world including the United States and Canada. Spartan Health Sciences University, School of Medicine offers a four-year (40 calendar months) academic program leading to the Doctor of Medicine degree (M.D.), and is taught on a trimester (four months) schedule. The curriculum of the University's Doctor of Medicine degree program encompasses a comprehensive course of Basic Sciences, Pre-clinical, bridging curriculum and Clinical Sciences that is four (4) academic years. The trimester period commences in January, May, and September of each year. A student may elect to enter in any one of the three (3) trimesters. High school graduates may enroll to Pre-Med program of the university. To know about the program, fee structure, Dean's Scholarship and more...... visit us -- e. mail us --
One of the OLDEST Medical School in Caribbean (established on January 7, 1980) and FIRST CAAM-HP ACCREDITED Medical School in St. Lucia. Throughout its 34 ye...
One of the OLDEST Medical School in Caribbean (established on January 7, 1980) and FIRST CAAM-HP ACCREDITED Medical School in St. Lucia. Throughout its 34 ye...
A walk through the campus of Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan :: Call us in +91-85 88 85 53 58 for Admission assistance from India. Free music provided by Meejah,
The Avicenna Project is a collaborative project involving medical students, officers and personnel all around the world to promote the virtue in dealing with...
International University School of Medicine (IUSOM) is currently accepting applications from national and international students for Admissions for the Docto...
we just passed the final examination. goodbye revordiezz :( i love you all. hope we'll meet again. song : fix you. don't forget to subs, like, and comment ;)
Er trägt den Namen eines berühmten muslimischen Weisen aus dem 11. Jahrhundert und er ist der erste menschenähnliche Roboter, der Arabisch spricht. AFPTV hat...
Call 949-552-2213 to schedule your appointment. Over 2900 recently published articles in medical journals support use of the Avicenna Class IV Laser for the...
TV commerical for emerging laser therapy center located in greater washington dc area.
Release: 25 December 2013 (Germany) IMDB: Director: Philipp Stölzl Writers: Jan Berger, Noah Gordon (novel) Stars: Emma Rigby, Ben Kingsley, Stellan Skarsgård
International University School of Medicine (IUSOM) is currently accepting applications from national and international students for Admissions for the Docto...
Selahattin KOCAARSLAN'ın sunumuyla iz bırakan şahsiyetlerin incelendiği belgesel tadında bir program...
Prvo predavanje: Znanje je svjetlo koje dohvaća i osvjetljuje sami smisao života Prof. dr. Rešid Hafizović 29.10.2014. Naučnoistraživački institut "Ibn Sina"
Drugo predavanje: - "Kako čitati Kur'an?", Prof. Mehmedalija Hadžić - "Od pasivne imitativnosti ka duhovnoj osviještenosti", Dr. Mubina Moker
DOHA, Qatar - Avicenna, billed as the first opera written and produced by Arabs, had its premiere in Qatar last Sunday. Written by poet, author and dramatist Ahmed al-Dosari, Avicenna tells the story of 10th century writer Ibn Sina. An international orchestra and choir were assembled to interpret the work, which was composed by Michiel Borstlap of the Netherlands, directed by Italy's Atilio de Colonello and produced by Ahmed Rabeeh of Egypt. The invitation-only premiere took place before approximately 1,000 wealthy patrons, including the emir of Qatar, on a massive stage featuring a gold and silver set. "Opera has no nationality, no country," al-Dosari told Agence France-Presse. "We hope that opera will one day be part of our musical tradition here in Doha." Avicenna was a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age. Of the 450 works he is known to have written, around 240 have survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine. Wikipedia
TVNET İlmi Hayat Programı Vecdi Aküz'ün İlhan Kutluer ile İslam Düşüncesi ve İbn Sina üzerine sohbeti. Detaylı Bilgi İçin: Tarih:...
Zlatko Dizdarević Dešavanja na Bliskom istoku i međunarodna sigurnost 01.10.2014, Naučnoistraživački instititut "Ibn Sina"
Zlatko Dizdarević Dešavanja na Bliskom istoku i međunarodna sigurnost 01.10.2014. Naučnoistraživački institut "Ibn Sina"
Zlatko Dizdarević Dešavanja na Bliskom istoku i međunarodna sigurnost 01.10.2014. Naučnoistraživački institut "Ibn Sina"
Avicenna (Persian: پور سینا) (c. 980 – June 1037), is the Latinate form of Ibn-Sīnā (Arabic: ابن سینا), full name Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Al-...
chaymaa sidqi + akallal zineb + badr sraj + omaima lasri + iman lasri + sara zinbi.
ابن سينا هو أبو علي الحسين بن عبد الله بن الحسن بن علي بن سينا، عالم وطبيب مسلم من بخارى، اشتهر بالطب والفلسفة واشتغل بهما. ولد في قرية أفشنة بالقرب من بخارى (في أوزبكستان حالياً) من أب من مدينة بلخ (في أفغانستان حالياً) وأم قروية. ولد سنة 370 هـ (980م) وتوفي في مدينة همدان (في إيران حاليا) سنة 427 هـ (1037م). عُرف باسم الشيخ الرئيس وسماه الغربيون بأمير الأطباء وأبو الطب الحديث في العصور الوسطى. وقد ألّف 200 كتاب في مواضيع مختلفة، العديد منها يركّز على الفلسفة والطب. ويعد ابن سينا من أول من كتب عن الطبّ في العالم ولقد اتبع نهج أو أسلوب أبقراط وجالينوس. وأشهر أعماله كتاب القانون في الطب الذي ظل لسبعة قرون متوالية المرجع الرئيسي في علم الطب، وبقي كتابه (القانون في الطب) العمدة في تعليم هذا الفنِّ حتى أواسط القرن السابع عشر في جامعات أوربا ويُعد ابن سينا أوَّل من وصف التهاب السَّحايا الأوَّليِّ وصفًا صحيحًا، ووصف أسباب اليرقان ، ووصف أعراض حصى المثانة، وانتبه إلى أثر المعالجة النفسانية في الشفاء . وكتاب كتاب الشفاء.
Regie: Cherry Duyns Qatar, een van de rijkste oliestaatjes van het Midden Oosten beleefde op 12 oktober de première van de 'eerste Arabische opera' Ibn Sina,...
[038A] Trasmissione Radio Gamma 5 del 7 agosto 1997 . [00:32] Avevo il fiatone. [01:18] In Russia i cattolici cercano di aumentare il proprio gregge. [05:29]...
Naučnoistraživački institut "Ibn Sina", Sarajevo, 23.10.2013.
Naučnoistraživački institut "Ibn Sina" 25.02.2015. godine
تاريخ العالم الجليل ابن سينا رحمة الله.
Prvo predavanje: Znanje je svjetlo koje dohvaća i osvjetljuje sami smisao života - TREĆI DIO Prof. dr. Rešid Hafizović 29.10.2014. Naučnoistraživački institut "Ibn Sina"
Na Inglaterra do século XI, o jovem aprendiz Rob Cole decide embarcar na maior aventura de sua vida e parte para a exótica Pérsia, onde pretende encontrar e estudar com o lendário médico, cientista e filósofo Ibn Sina. Em busca de respostas aos seus questionamentos, ele descobre o poder do amor e de antigas tradições da era de ouro do mundo árabe.
جامع عمر بن الخطاب
الشيخ د. مختار الجبالي رياض الصالحين للنووي جامع عمر بن الخطاب
--= Sinopses dos seus Livros Favoritos =--- ISBN: 9788525049445 Sinopse do livro LIVRO DA ALMA do autor(a) IBN SINA (AVICENA) Se você quer adicionar um lugar onde este livro pode ser comprado, por favor, use o link: Se você é um author, editora ou parceiro e deseja adicionar ou alterar informações, por favor, use o link: Para mostrar um erro: ------- + Compartilhe o livro do seu Autor Favorito + ------- Veja mais em Inscreva-se em nosso canal. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Review, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By 01. AlsMacNihon* ID: LC42719301-1575523
Major Achievements by Muslim Scholars-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
İlim ve Bilim adına herşey kanalımızda lütfen abone oluz...
une vidéo de grève a ibn sina de bejaia
Ibn Sina Foundation Houston, Texas Community Medical Center provides low cost medical and dental care to uninsured and indigent patients in Southwest Houston. Currently, the clinic is open for medical and dental services, check hours of operation before visiting Ibn Sina Clinics. The clinic currently employs primary care physicians, who volunteer their time for clinical services. Paid and voluntary dentists also provide dental services. CONTACT US: 11226 S. Wilcrest Dr. Houston, TX 77099 Phone: 281-977-7462 Fax: 281-977-7473 EMAIL:
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
Driving in Morocco trough Ibn Khaldoun Avenue, United Nations Avenue and Abderrahim Bouabid Avenue in a sunny evening starting in Bab Rouah Gate and ending at the entry of Rabat’s south bypass. Traffic was fluid than usual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 04/03/2015 Time: 4:30 p.m Distance: 16 km Temperature: 19 °C Average speed: 50 km/h ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review: 0:15 – Starting in Bab Rouah Gate. 0:56 – Ibn Khaldoun Avenue. 1:40 – National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco at the left. ( 1:47 – Speed Camera at the right. 3:17 – United Nations Avenue. 4:10 – Mohamed V University Agdal at the left. ( 7:40 – Ibn Sina’s Hospital at the left. 7:50 – Abderrahim Bouabid Avenue. 8:49 – Speed camera at the right. 11:42 – Military Hospital of Rabat at the right. 13:10 – Maroc Telecom’s skyscraper at the left. ( 16:45 – Southern part of Rabat’s green belt at the left. 17:45 – Ending at theentry of Rabat’s south bypass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soundtrack: 1 .Cold Funk 2. Fork and Spoon 3. Montauk Point 4. Your Call 5. Son of a Rocket By Kevin MacLeod – ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I advise you to watch it in HD 1080p. Enjoy !
Projet BD le rêve d’Ibn Sina en arabe à l’occasion du cinquantenaire de l’hôpital Ibn Sina à Rabat 2004 The dream of Ibn Sina comic story for the fiftieth celebration of Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat
نحت سن mandibular first premolar
Ibn Sina - Mjeku i mjekëveᴴᴰ Lexoni të plotë shkrimin në word:
Within 10 minutes the thieves struck ... "I have been to so many places ... Charity runs out ... 'Best friend' ... According to Sina.
CNN 2015-04-10S ... But Muhammad saw an opportunity ... ’" ... Dr ... S ... This is the treaty of peace between Muhammad Ibn Abdullah and Suhayl ibn Amr ... ) ... '.
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-10CHICAGO, April 9, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- InvestorsObserver issues critical PriceWatch Alerts for BABA, MYL, YY, SINA and PBPB.
PR Newswire 2015-04-09Making the official announcement on Sina Weibo (the "twitter" Chinese) he said he "had no .
Big News Network 2015-04-09million mobile phones in 24 hours," chief executive Lei Jun posted on Sina Weibo - the Chinese ...
The Times of India 2015-04-09The al-Qaeda-linked Oqba ibn Nafaa Brigade is also based in the same troubled region ... MFB/KA/SS.
Press TV 2015-04-09... Internet Technology Co and social network platform Sina Weibo all gained more than 13 percent.
China Daily 2015-04-09to 38.8 ... to 49.8 ... Users on Sina Weibo, China’s largest social network, said that iPhone 6's 4.7
South China Morning Post 2015-04-09million mobile phones in 24 hours," chief executive Lei Jun posted on Sina Weibo - the Chinese ...
Deccan Herald 2015-04-09The social media platform Sina Weibo has attracted over 190,000 comments discussing Liu’s case, with ...
South China Morning Post 2015-04-09Mustafa Demirci; "Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Khwarizmi and his Work Entitled Mafatih al-Ulum" by Prof.
noodls 2015-04-09The iOS 8.3 ... "It looks like the yellow people have jaundice," one Chinese commenter wrote on Sina Weibo, according to Quartz.
South China Morning Post 2015-04-09(Source: Delta Electronics Inc ) Taipei, Taiwan, March 26th, 2015 ... Mr ... million tonnes ... Yancey Hai, Delta-IBN Lab Director Mr.
noodls 2015-04-09Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā (Persian پورسينا Pur Sina [ˈpuːr ˈsiːnɑː] "son of Sina"; c. 980, Afshana near Bukhara– 1037, Hamadan, Iran), commonly known as Ibn Sīnā or by his Latinized name Avicenna, was a Persianpolymath, who wrote almost 450 treatises on a wide range of subjects, of which around 240 have survived. In particular, 150 of his surviving treatises concentrate on philosophy and 40 of them concentrate on medicine.
His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a vast philosophical and scientific encyclopaedia, and The Canon of Medicine, which was a standard medical text at many medieval universities. The Canon of Medicine was used as a text-book in the universities of Montpellier and Leuven as late as 1650. Ibn Sīnā's Canon of Medicine provides a complete system of medicine according to the principles of Galen (and Hippocrates).
His corpus also includes writing on philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, geology, psychology, Islamic theology, logic, mathematics, physics, as well as poetry. He is regarded as the most famous and influential polymath of the Islamic Golden Age.
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore....
I was walking up Broadway you know
and there's this incredible looking Swedish girl having
Cappuccino across the street from Lincoln Center, I
talking to her you know - She said her name was Lola,
Her English wasn't too good you know - but we wound up
about 5 hours together just hanging out you know.
So We go back to my place - we get high - we get really
into each other man.
It was love about to happen...I'm serious.
And then all of a sudden she gets up and she says, she
says "Hey, I really gotta leave"
A E I O U Sometimes Y
There are 178 parent languages on our planet with over
1000 dialects...
It's amazing we communicate at all.
Languages and dialects - with this one thing in common:
A E I O U Sometimes Y
Sometimes Y!!
But you know I was really flipped out you know and she
asked me
if I'm angry or something I said of course I'm angry
man this
isn't high school or anything you know so I'm feeling
cavalier and I say me if you want to...
huh, me if you want to
So she rang me up and she says, "Hey! Do you wanna go
Huh, Do I wanna go out
A E I O U Sometimes Y
A E I O U Sometimes Y
Operator! Operator! What's happening operator?!
Mommy? Mommy Mommy!! Where are you
Mommy? I can't see you
I can't see you Mommy!
All artists, potentially, are the victims of their
desire to be unique
Just observe it
Don't fight it
Work it. Work it. Work it. Work it. Work it.
Yeah she took me home man she threw me all
around the room man
I mean this chick was really hot she was nice
to me you know
She let me keep on my cowboy boots and everything...she
Allright... oh! oh! yeah! oh! oh! oh! oh! ohhhhhh!!!
I dare you to play this record
A E I O U Sometimes Y
A E I O U Sometimes Y
Anyway so she took me home and she
splattered my brains
Yeah there I am there I am what happened what happened
Where was I oh here I am
I told her I wouldn't sleep with her friends - she
Doesn't sleep with my friends Anything else you do
You know...Don't you tell me
T.V. Guide
T.V. Guide
T.V. - Q
T.V. - Q
T.V. T.V.
Oh... T.V.
Oh... T.V.
Mommy! I wanna watch