Writing Your Ad Message

Simple, clear words help customers understand what they should do next.

Be short, clear and catchy

Words in your ad are limited, so keep your message simple and let customers know what to do.
For example, your ad may say: “New products just arrived! Click to go to our site and get yours now!” The first sentence tells people why they should care about what you’re offering. The second sentence tells them what to do after seeing your ad.
You can also engage your audience with a question, call to action or a statement. For example, “Do you want beautiful hair?” or “Best shampoo as rated by these magazines.”

Less really is more

When you write the message for your ad you’ll be limited to how much you can write. If your message doesn’t fit, cut some words to make it shorter. When people look at Facebook, a lot of them use smartphones—and shorter messages are easier to read on small screens. And remember, when people read online, they skim—so only use necessary words.

Write for your specific audience

Match your message with the audience you want to reach. If you're trying to reach two different groups of people, create two different ads for each group and customize your messages.
Share special business events or milestones your audience might care about. For example, if you have loyal customers, let them know about special events or deals that reward them. Also, think about how to write for your audience. For example, the language you use will vary between age groups, men or women, or groups that have specific interests, like sports or cooking.

Get familiar with Facebook ad policies

When you run an ad, it goes through a review process to make sure it’s OK with Facebook policies. The review period is usually less than 24 hours. Check out our policy site to make sure you're familiar with what we review and why.