Randal Howard "Rand" Paul (born January 7, 1963) is the junior United States Senator for Kentucky. He is a member of the Republican Party. A member of the Tea Party movement, he describes himself as a "constitutional conservative" and a libertarian. He is the son of Republican Congressman and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas and had never previously held political office. Paul first received national attention in 2008 when making political speeches on behalf of his father. Rand Paul is the first United States Senator in history to serve alongside a parent in the United States House of Representatives.
A graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine, Paul has been a practicing ophthalmologist in Bowling Green, Kentucky, since 1993, and established his own clinic in December 2007. In 1994, he founded Kentucky Taxpayers United, of which he is still the chairman.
In 2010, Paul ran as the Republican candidate for the United States Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky and defeated Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway. As a supporter of the Tea Party movement, Paul has been vocal in advocating for term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and the Read the Bills Act, in addition to the widespread reduction of federal spending and taxation. He has gained prominence for his independent positions on many political issues, often clashing with both Republicans and Democrats.
Senate Hearing on Iran Nuclear Deal
Kerry defends Iran nuclear conclusion in Senate hearing (Highlights)
Secretary Kerry before Senate Iran Nuclear Agreement Review
Dems Slam GOP's Iran Letter on Senate Floor
Sen. Dan Sullivan at Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on Iran Deal
Senate Foreign Relations Iran Nuclear Negotiations
Senate Hearing: Iran Nuclear Agreement & Sanctions Relief
GOP Senator Embarrasses Himself Over Iran
Menendez Asks Questions to Secs. Kerry, Lew, Moniz at Iran Deal Hearing
Iran Hearing, Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Blumenthal, 7-29-2015
Senate Committee Debates Iran Nuclear Framework
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) questions on Iran Nuclear Deal (C-SPAN)
Secretary Kerry on Letter to Iran (C-SPAN)
Iran Nuclear Deal Secured Breaking News by USA Senate Democrats 2 September 2015
Senate Hearing on Iran Nuclear Deal
Kerry defends Iran nuclear conclusion in Senate hearing (Highlights)
Secretary Kerry before Senate Iran Nuclear Agreement Review
Dems Slam GOP's Iran Letter on Senate Floor
Sen. Dan Sullivan at Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on Iran Deal
Senate Foreign Relations Iran Nuclear Negotiations
Senate Hearing: Iran Nuclear Agreement & Sanctions Relief
GOP Senator Embarrasses Himself Over Iran
Menendez Asks Questions to Secs. Kerry, Lew, Moniz at Iran Deal Hearing
Iran Hearing, Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Blumenthal, 7-29-2015
Senate Committee Debates Iran Nuclear Framework
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) questions on Iran Nuclear Deal (C-SPAN)
Secretary Kerry on Letter to Iran (C-SPAN)
Iran Nuclear Deal Secured Breaking News by USA Senate Democrats 2 September 2015
GOP Leaders Write Letter To Iran
Supporting deal, Sen. Casey says Iran is far too close to a nuclear weapon right now
Under Secretary Sherman on the Iran Agreement before Senate Committee
Sen. Rand Paul questions on Iran Deal (C-SPAN)
Terrified Conservatives Furious Over Iran Nuclear Deal
Comment Senate's Iran Hearing Reveals How Bad Senators Are At Hearings
Senate Blocks Iran Vote with Filibuster
Senator Tom Cotton Defends Letter To Iran
Senators Face Backlash Over Letter To Iran
Rand Paul Interview on Donald Trump, Immigration, and Recent Polls | Meet the Press NBC
Rand Paul Interview with Chris Matthews - MSNBC Hardball
Rand Paul Interview On Campaign Issues | New Hampshire
Rand Paul Interview with C-SPAN Talking about 2016
Rand Paul Interview with C-SPAN Talking about 2016
Sen. Rand Paul Full Interview With Glenn Beck (April 10, 2015)
Rand Paul Tears into CNBC Anchor for ‘Misleading’ Questions on Vaccines, Taxes
Rand Paul Interview on Marijuana, Gay Marriage, and Cliven Bundy
Real Time with Bill Maher: Senator Rand Paul - November 14, 2014 (HBO)
Rand Paul: Donald Trump, Chris Christie, GOP Debate, Flat Tax (Fox News)
The Daily Show - Rand Paul Pt. 1
Rand Paul Interview with Morning Joe on MSNBC
World Over - 2015-06-11 - EXCLUSIVE U.S. Senator Rand Paul with Raymond Arroyo
A Conversation with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
Rand Paul Appears on CNN State of the Union- April 12, 2015
Rand Paul Gets Pissy With Female Reporter About Flip-Flops
Rand Paul Interview With CNN - Talks About Patriot Act Filibuster
Rand Paul on Why Hes Running: Sean Hannity Interview
Rand Paul Interview on ISIS - Fox News (Kennedy)
Conversations with Paul Rand (5:43 clip)
Interview with Rand Paul
Sen. Rand Paul on Hillary Clinton
Rand Paul Interview On Meet The Press
Murray, No. 4 Senate Democrat, Backs Iran Deal
Murray, No. 4 Senate Democrat, Backs Iran Deal
Sen. Scott on Obama calling Iran deal opponents 'crazies'
The Daily Wrap | Sen. Schumer Opposes Iran Deal
Sen. Menendez voices opposition to Iran nuclear deal
Top Republican senator calls for rejection of Iran nuclear deal
Top Senate Democrat opposes Iran deal
Sgt. Bartlett calls on Senators to reject the Iran deal
8/8/15 - Sen. Bob Corker Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Pres. Obama's Iran Deal
Sen. Schumer first Democrat to openly oppose Iran nuclear deal
Senate Armed Services Committee Iran Hearing, Senator Richard Blumenthal, 8/4/2015
Kaine Announces Support For Iran Nuclear Deal
Rand Paul: The Iran Deal Will Not Pass the Senate (Daily SIgnal)
Senate panel grills Kerry on proposed Iran deal
John Kerry testifies before Senate on Iran nuclear deal Danielzr news
Joe Discusses Iran Deal & U.S. Senate Race with PHL17's Steve Highsmith
CNN News July 24 2015 Senate panel grills Kerry on proposed Iran deal Danielzr news
Italian Senate conference rips rights abuses in Iran
Italian Senate conference rips rights abuses in Iran
Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) addresses Iran deal on Senate floor
Confidential agreement of Iran with IAEA & Sardar Ghasem Soleimani in US senate hearing
47 Republican Senators Threat Iran By Letter
Senators Compete To Prove Who Want War With Iran The Most! Iran Nuclear Agreement Hearing
Gen Dempsey Makes Clear He Does NOT Like Making Deals With Iran
Hearing On The Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Canadian Senators Call for the Immediate Release of Iranian Political Prisoners
Senator Angus King Holds Public Forum on Iranian Nuclear Deal
Senators Make Clear Iran is "The Enemy" Hearing On Iranian Nuclear Negotiations
Farokh Zandi President of Iranian Canadian Congress testifies in Canadian Senate Re Iran Sanctions
Senator Chris Murphy on the Iran Nuclear Deal
Sen. Chuck Schumer discusses Iran with the Orthodox Union
Secy. Kerry testifies on Iran nuclear deal
Senator Feinstein on Iran Sanctions
Senate Iran Debate, Vote on Johnson Amendment, 04/28/2015
Sen. Mark Kirk on US-Iran Nuclear Negotiations
Sen. Ted Cruz: Congress Must Stop Obama's Bad Iran Deal
A Conversation with Senator Angus King, former Senator George Mitchell, and former Ambassador Nic...